I read a rather interesting story the other day about the popular and super successful singer and song writer, Billie Eilish.
One of Billie Eilish’s songs apparently helped U2’s singer, Bono, through a rather rough period.
I don’t know any more details than that other than he wanted to thank her and so when she was staying at his hotel in Dublin, Bono had a bouquet of flowers sent to her room with a note that included the sentence:
‘Welcome to my home town.’
This confused Eilish.
She started to ask people what it meant.
She sent messages to friends and family asking why Bono was saying ‘welcome to my home town’ when he was from Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA.
When people told her that Bono was actually Irish and came from Dublin, she was doubly confused.
You see, Eilish believed that Bono and his band, U2, were from Scranton, Pennsylvania because of something that she had seen on television.
It’s not often British sitcoms are embraced by our friends over the pond, but The Office by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant was one that had such a cult following it lead to an American version, starring Steve Carell, being made for a larger American audience.
For those who don’t know, The Office is set in a regional office of a nationwide company, which is managed by what can only be described as a ‘right wally’.
In the American version, Steve Carell plays Michael Scott, the annoying manager who believes he knows more than he actually does about everything.
It became so popular that many Brits prefer it over the original British version.
Billie Eilish is a huge fan of the show and she started watching it at a young age. Billie is 21 and show first aired in the US 18 years ago, so you can see how young she was.
Billie says that she has seen each series roughly 30 times and that will include the scene – I’ve not seen it myself – where Michael is trying to organise a party of some kind and is looking for a band to play at it.
While talking to one of the other workers in the office, Michael says something along the lines of, ‘What’s that local band? U2, they’re from Scranton, aren’t they?’
The other person replied with… ‘yes’.
A young Billie unaware that that was the actual joke… took that as fact.
Because Michael believes he knows more than most people, his staff don’t correct him when he says something so obviously wrong so that he can ‘hang himself’ later.
His idiocy is the overall joke of the show.
As far as Billie Eilish was concerned, Michael had asked for confirmation that U2 were from Scranton, Pennsylvania, and he got it.
From that point on, in her head, it was a clear fact that U2 were from Scranton, Pennsylvania. A fact she had believed for many years.
Because she was young and knew very little of the world, she couldn’t get the joke and could only take it as a fact.
So…. the point of today’s article is to remind you that you need to be aware that what you hear can very often be wrong.
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When you hear anything important you should always check your sources… or at least find additional information and see whether it backs-up the claim or not.
Not only is it possible that people sharing specific information have it wrong to start with and so they are unaware that what they are telling you is wrong, they may also be intentionally lying.
It’s a sad fact of life that a lot of people will lie to get what they want.
Whether it is to gain money, attract a partner, land a job, for political gain, or to get out of trouble, people will happily lie through their teeth.
They will say what you want to hear… or what they want you to hear.
Some people take great pleasure out of ‘pulling the wool over people’s eyes’, conmen and scammers especially.
With the Billie Eilish example, it shows how you can easily ‘believe’ something when you have nothing else to work with.
And that unfortunately, is what is wrong with the world today. Far too many people are taking what they are told at face value without doing any checks.
Like Eilish, they believe what they are told from a point of not knowing any other corresponding or contradictory information… and that is how conmen, governments and organisations get their claws into you.
The less you know, the more they can manipulate you into believing what they want you to believe.
One thing that the government want you to believe is that to make money, you must go to work and tie your time up to a job… and that is simply not true.
That is just one way of making money. There are others.
One way to make money is to back ‘no hope’ football teams on Betfair.
Our good friend Stephen Lewis bags himself between £380 and £725 each week betting on specific football games.
For those living here in the UK, those earnings are TAX FREE.
All he needs is a smartphone or a tablet.
Here’s why he wins more money than most people… he picks teams that are not considered to be the favourites by most people… but are highly likely to win.
To pick his winning selections, Stephen visits a free website, looks at 3 tables and compares 4 numbers.
That’s it!
Some quick and basic arithmetic using a calculator gives Stephen a list of teams that he can back… at higher odds than those given to the favourites that the majority back.
Which means one thing… you win more money.
In one example Stephen made £141.32 backing teams everyone else expected to lose.
Out of a selection of 9 teams, he had a 56% win rate… but because of the HIGHER odds, he was able to make a £141.32 profit on the day… that is after any losses had been accounted for.
Had he traded those same games betting on the strong favourites, Stephen would have just broke even… but he didn’t, he won £141.32 because he chose to back the expected losers… although he expected them to win… which they did.
If you would like to know more about Stephen’s incredibly simple system where he makes guaranteed profits by simply taking a quick look at 3 tables and comparing 4 numbers, go to:
The Kamikaze System
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Stephen also uses a little known button in Betfair which locks in profit taking away any need to sit and monitor the game he is trading.
This is a safety switch which means that should the team that everyone expects to lose, does actually lose, Stephen still walks away with a profit.
Very few people know about or use this button. I didn’t know about it until I was told.
When he clicks the button and sets up his profit lock, he is free to completely forget about the game.
Thanks to that button, his trading becomes a SET and FORGET system.
Here is that link again: