How Do You Find An Extra £300 To Pay The Sudden Increase In Rent?

This week I read on the BBC website, a couple in their 30s have had to postpone their plans to have a family because their rent was suddenly increased by £300 per month.

Their rent for their two-bedroom property in Surrey went up from £1,200 to £1,500 overnight.

The rent increase was too much for them and forced them to downsize and move into a one-bedroom property.

Aimee, 32, told the BBC:

“I’m at the age where I want to have children, but because we had to downsize, we are just unable to.”

She says she and her husband won’t now try to start a family until they are able to move again.

“I now pretty much live out of one room. I pretty much work, sleep and everything from my bedroom.”

Aimee has had bad experiences in the past renting property that was mouldy, damp, and with water dripping down the walls, which affected her health.

“There was a period when I had a lot of difficulty with anxiety and stress. I caught shingles nearly a year ago due to stress issues I had either with money or housing.”

Fearing that she could be a perpetual renter, Aimee and her husband have considered relocating to the North of England as a chance to get a foot on the property ladder.

That would mean leaving behind her extended family, friends, and support network, something she and her husband do not want to do.

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We can argue the rights and wrongs of the rental markets until the cows come home, but that won’t change the fact that rents have and will continue go up, and many people will struggle to afford them.

We will not change that by debating between ourselves, and I cannot see the government stepping in to help renters or change the laws to prevent rents going up.

So the only options left to people is to either downsize and put up with more affordable smaller and inadequate properties, or make more money to pay for the rent increases.

The good news is that there are countless new ways to make more money thanks to the internet and modern technology.

The bad news is that a lot of people do not have a lot of spare time and do not necessarily want to spend all of their time earning money simply to live.

Working all the time so you can pay the bills is no life at all.

What is needed is something that is easy to do, is simple to learn, and doesn’t take a lot of time.

Ideally, you want something that works its magic while you are doing other things.

Our good friend Kate Davis makes extra money each morning using a system that allows her to work out in her home gym while she does it.

Kate trades the markets using just her smartphone. She monitors the markets while on the treadmill, or between exercises.

She does have a day job that she enjoys, but she doesn’t need to work because she makes between £750 and £1,725 every month doing this.

She often banks more than a day’s wage before she leaves the house for work.

This is just a hobby to Kate, a hobby which can make her more money in half an hour than what most people earn working a full day.

Kate wanted to share her success with others and so she approached us here at Streetwise and asked if we could publish her manual which outlines in great detail everything she does each morning that bags her an extra £750£1,725 each month.

Remember, she makes that money in the morning before going to work!

That is £750£1,725 EXTRA each and every month which is also TAX FREE!

If you would like Kate to show you everything she does leaving no stone unturned, click the link below:

Kate Davis’ Treadmill Trader

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… This really is one of those ‘teaching a man to fish’ systems. Once you know what to do, you can pull money out of the markets each and every month for years to come.

And remember, it’s TAX FREE!

Here’s that link again:

Kate Davis’ Treadmill Trader