You’ll be pleased to know that I haven’t been far this week and so I don’t have any new ‘overheard’ stories to share with you.
I’ve not seen anything interesting online or on television that I can talk about either, so because of that…I’m going to do something a little different today.
I am going to share with you a 40+ page eBook that outlines everything you need to know on how you can successfully build a profitable email marketing business.
I’ve talked many times before about how powerful it is to have your own email list.
An email list that is used regularly can make you a lot of money… as long as the people on that email list are actually interested in what it is that you are promoting.
At the start of the Covid lockdown in 2020, I made £4,000 one weekend promoting just an idea for a product. Once people showed an interest and sales started coming in, I made the product.
That product made tens of thousands of pounds over the course of a year.
That’s one of the great things about an active email list, you can test product ideas and see if people are interested in buying them before you make them.
An email list should be built around a specific niche or industry.
That is how you grow an email list of people who are interested in what you have to offer.
If you wanted to sell products that help people to earn money as a writer, you would give away a free report, eBook or video – known as a lead magnet – on the subject of writing.
The lead magnet could be something like ‘How To Land Your First £1,000 Paying Writing Client’, or ‘How To Land And Manage 10 Or More £1,000 Per Month Writing Clients’.
That way, you will get the right people on your list.
Those who sign up for the free product have shown a strong interest in becoming a writer, or is a writer who wants to improve their chances of making money with their craft.
To show you the whole process, I have left the opt-in form on the page so you will need to sign up to receive your FREE copy of the eBook.
scroll down to carry on reading…
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You will go through the process of signing up, confirming the opt-in, receiving the eBook automatically via email… and you will see how email marketers make money during a sign-up by sending new subscribers to a Segue Page (sometimes called a Bridging Page) which leads them onto a paid product offer.
Once these systems are built and live online, you need not do anything to them other than send people to them and write new emails to send to the growing list… emails which can take as little as five minutes.
In the eBook I show you several powerful methods of getting people to your website and opt-in form so that they can sign-up for your lead magnet.
With email marketing, you can promote your own products, or you can promote other people’s products and get paid a commission whenever a sale is made.
There are thousands of products that you can promote to your email list; some of them pay several thousand pounds per sale.
Imagine that you currently earn £2,000 per month doing a 40 hour a week job, and in your spare time you started to build your own email business and as it grew, you begin to make one sale a month of a product which pays you a £2,000 commission.
Firstly, you double your monthly income, and secondly, you could leave your job and replace your wage and regain your freedom with an income that you can keep growing.
One sale a month of a product that pays you a £2,000 commission could grow to two sales per month, or three sales per month… or more.
Not only could you have more free time to do more of the things you enjoy, you’ll also have more time available to grow your email business to the point that you are making more sales per month earning you far more money.
Obviously, how much you make depends on many factors such as what niche you choose to work in, what your lead magnet is like, how responsive the people on your list are, how many emails you send, and what products you offer them.
If you regularly emailed an incredibly active list and offered them products priced at £197 or more, you will make more money than if you sent one email a month to a list that wasn’t responsive and you only promoted products under £25.
Makes sense, doesn’t it?
But all of that is under your control.
You choose the industry, you choose the products to sell, and you choose how many times you email the list and what you write about in each email.
Anyway, go and get your FREE eBook about email marketing before I decide to remove the page.
You can get it here:
Free Email Marketing EBook
Kind regards.
John Harrison.
PS… I talk a lot about making money using email, and there’s a reason for that… it works!
It is how we make a lot of our money. Please note: I could easily sell this eBook for £47… but it’s yours free if you act quickly.
Get your copy here: