How Long Before You Are Replaced By A Robot?

While doing a quick scan of the BBC website this morning I saw an article with the headline ‘How long until a robot is doing your chores?’

A quick read of the article revealed that there are several companies that are a busy working on creating AI robots and tools specifically to do the household chores everyone hates.

Even Elon Musk has a company working on creating a home-help robot which he believes will be on the market in just a few years.

Technology is moving fast and technology will evolve and develop fast in the next ten years.

I don’t know whether there will be any robots helping around the home in the next ten years or not, but it is interesting that there are so many companies spending a lot of money on developing them.

They say the market is going to be huge, and if the film iRobot is anything to go by, it could be.

There are billions of people on the planet with most of them hating doing chores such as washing pots and cleaning.

The question is this… will there be many people that will be able to afford to buy a home-help robot?

I personally doubt it.

With AI set to put millions of people in the creative industries out of work, labour focused robots that do the house hold chores would also put a lot of cleaners and home-helps out of work too.

With so many people going to be out of work and not earning a wage, there will be less and less people who could afford to buy a home-help robot.

Will the governments step in and start paying people a living wage and pay for people to have home-help robots?

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I somehow doubt that.

Governments and politicians have been more interested in self-serving power than working for the greater good of society.

Who knows, the home-help robot could have the complete opposite effect and create a booming industry for human cleaners and home-helps.

I can’t imagine that a robot that is capable of looking after the household chores, similar to those seen in the excellent Channel 4 series Humans, would cost anything less than £10,000.

They could be a lot more.

At that price, you could pay to have a real human cleaner come and work for you for several years. You could possibly get ten years of service for the price of a home-help robot.

Ok, they may not come and clean your pots every day, but dishwashing machines do that anyway.

It takes a few minutes to load and unload a dishwasher and I cannot imagine that a home-help robot is going to stand at a sink washing the pots for you; they will simply load the dishwasher and leave the machine to do the work.

£10,000 is a lot to pay out for a robot just to load and unload a dishwasher and do a few other simple jobs such as vacuum the carpets.

Plus, if there is a fault and your robot breaks down, new parts may be quite costly and I imagine that for safety reasons, robots may require a yearly check-up similar to a car MOT, and I doubt that will be done for free.

I understand that robots could be incredibly useful when exploring space, studying inhospitable planets, and doing jobs that are extremely dangerous to humans… but washing pots, making beds, and hoovering the lounge?

It seems an unnecessary and expensive extravagance to me.

I’m all for outsourcing the cheap work so that you have more time to focus on the work which makes you the most money, and washing pots and hovering are low costing tasks… but I don’t think spending tens of thousands of pounds on a home-help robot is a good use of your money.

That money could be invested elsewhere, or used in a way that would generate tens of thousands of pounds more.

In fact, I would rather wash the pots and pay someone a few hundred pounds to do a specific task for me that could generate a return of thousands of pounds.

There is an art to using your ‘time and money’ and if you use it wisely and efficiently, it will give you a lot more time and money back.

The future is going to be interesting to say the least.

I cannot say whether home-help robots will soon become the norm, but I don’t think they are going to be a good investment.

At least, not for the majority of the people at the moment, once they become as common as a vacuum cleaner then they may be worth it… but I wouldn’t bank on it.

What I do bank on is that in the future people will still enjoy sports and they will still enjoy betting on sporting outcomes.

The world around us changing fast, but one thing I don’t imagine is going to disappear anytime soon, is gambling.

It’s the oldest hobby in all of history and is likely to have preceded the invention of money itself.

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Kind regards.

John Harrison.

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