It has been reported that 60% of the UK households can only survive for two months without a wage and 40% of working households have practically no savings whatsoever.
That is shocking!
Although I am not surprised really.
I am fully aware that living costs are rocketing as I am also victim to those increasing costs, but that cannot be blamed fully for why people have no savings and cannot survive for more than two months without a wage.
The truth is… we live in a society where people choose to spend their money as soon as they get it.
Maybe not so much now… but when times were good, they did.
It is a bad habit formed over many years… generations even.
It’s not their fault either.
For years companies have been running adverts on television, on radio, in cinemas and online seducing people into ‘buying’ products, enjoyable experiences and lifestyles.
People buy stuff that they ‘want’ but can’t actually afford.
Or should that be ‘made to think they want’?
Very few people actually want something until they are exposed to the idea.
No one has gone on holiday to a place they didn’t know about until they saw it on television, in a film, in a brochure or on social media.
Credit card companies have pushed people into a habit of enjoying life now and paying for it later.
And they certainly are paying for it now!
Far too many people have spent the money they earn on enjoyment and ‘trinkets’ instead of using it for their future.
I am not talking about simply putting it in the bank and saving it. That might have helped a few people manage bills better today if they had, but other than it building up, it wouldn’t change your life for the better.
Money – and time – really needs to be used more productively if you want to change your life or circumstancies.
The more time and money you use in the early stages will result in you having more time and money spare later on. You will most definitely have more money and time than most people.
A prime example of this is Chris Martin from the band Coldplay.
In an interview he said that he was the geeky nerd who was learning to play the piano while the rest of the teenagers in his class were ‘hanging out’ and having fun in the evenings.
By spending time during his early years learning to play the piano, he is now a very wealthy man who doesn’t need to work a traditional ‘day job’.
It was the same for David Beckham who spent his weekends and evenings going to football practice while his friends spent their time doing the same thing as Chris Martin’s friends… ‘hanging out’ and having fun.
Sheridan Smith spent a lot of her evenings and weekends going to acting classes and performing in the clubs in and around North Lincolnshire. Today she is one of the highest rated and most popular British actresses who is constantly working.
The US hip hop legend Dr Dre, who is now a billionaire, is another prime example of someone spending their time productively and reaping the rewards of his efforts.
It helped that all four of those I have used as examples knew what they wanted from life and enjoyed doing what they were doing.
But so did many others who never found success and wealth.
The big noticeable difference is that unlike the four people I used as examples, a lot of people stop when it requires doing a lot of work which is not quickly rewarded.
When the fun stops… they stop.
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They become seduced by advertising and close friends and end up chasing an easier life of quick giggles and spending money.
Wealth and success is a combination of spending time and money doing something specific and sticking with it no matter how hard it can be at times.
While your neighbour is enjoying himself watching the big game, drinking a few beers and ordering a pizza to be delivered, you could be sat writing an eBook and spending money on having a cover made for it.
Once your eBook is finished and live online, people can buy it, and you could easily be earning ‘pizza money’ regularly without having to work for it.
That one eBook could have taken 50 hours to write, and cost £250 to get online (building the website* to sell it from and having a cover made for it) but it now has the potential to make you thousands of pounds.
*The cost of building a website diminishes for every eBook or product you add to it. One simple website can cost £80 for two years. For one eBook it will be an £80 expense, but for 10 eBooks it becomes an £8 expense.
That investment of 50 hours and £250 is going to give you back more than simply sitting and watching the big game, drinking beers and eating takeaway pizza.
That one eBook could be sold for many years if the information is forever relevant.
You only have to look at the popular book The Secret as an example. Since it was written in 2006, it has sold truck loads of copies each year.
I’m not saying that it is a good subject to write about, but people love it and the information inside it is ‘timeless’.
The ancient teachings revealed in the book, which were suppressed and kept secret for thousands of years, are just as relevant today as they were back then… so I am told.
That book will still be selling in another 20 years. It may not sell as many copies as it did in its first year or two, but it will still be earning the author and publisher a decent amount of money.
Not bad for something that was written once, 17 years ago!
Going back to the start of this article, the reason so many people here in the UK don’t have any savings and wouldn’t survive longer than two months without a wage is that they have set themselves up to be reliant on their wage only… or pension.
They haven’t put their time and money to work for them.
They haven’t put the work in to generate other income streams that can protect them when times are hard and pay for the little treats that make life more enjoyable.
All is not lost though, today is a new day.
Today is a new blank page and you can write a new story… a story which incorporates a passive income of your own.
Discover more here:
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… EBooks are not hard to create and there are no limits to how many you can create (have created) and sell.
The more eBooks you have listed on your website means you have a greater opportunity to earn more.
Here’s that link again: