I recently spoke with a close friend about the various ways to make extra money online.
We were discussing simple ways to make money which didn’t require too much work both physically or mentally.
The average person is looking for a way to make ‘extra’ money on top of what they already have coming in. they don’t want to do something which takes up a lot of time or requires a lot of work.
My friend, also called John, told me about a friend of his who made £7,000 buying and selling golf clubs using Facebook Marketplace.
He obviously knew a thing about golf clubs because he would buy them when he saw them listed on Facebook Marketplace, get them home, give them a polish then relist them back on Marketplace for more than what he paid for them.
Basically he was flipping them for a profit.
He was buying them cheap and selling them on for a profit.
He had to do a bit of driving about fetching golf clubs and possibly delivering them but that little side hustle of his made £7,000 over a year.
That’s not bad is it really?
Where most people do nothing once the day job has finished, this chap was flipping golf clubs earning him enough to pay for several decent holidays, or pay a large chunk of his rent or mortgage for the year.
What struck me about this idea is that he focused on just one item.
Golf clubs.
By sticking to one item, it kept things simple for him.
Golf is a popular sport and I guess a lot of people are buying and selling clubs so this guy was able to slip between the two sets of people and make a profit.
You may not find a product where you can focus on one specific item like golf clubs, but you may find items in one specific niche or industry such as power tools, or footwear.
Focusing on just the one or few items in a specific niche or industry means that you can learn more about those products and understand better how much you need to buy for and how much you can ask for when selling them on to other people.
There are people who go to charity shops and buy just shoes and sell them online for a profit.
I’m not going to suggest that you do that because there is a lot of time and effort involved with sourcing items from charity shops, selling them and posting them to people.
Unless you’re looking for expensive fashion brands going cheap, the profit you get back from them will be small.
Golf clubs are often sold by people who want to clear out or swap their old set for a new set and often want them gone so they may be sold off cheap.
I imagine that it is easier to add a nice profit on golf clubs than it is to a pair of cheap shoes.
The main point is that this guy made £7,000 in a year specifically selling one item on a free social media platform.
If he can do it, so can many others, including you…. If you want to that is.
The only problem I see with this method to make money is your present location.
The guy selling golf clubs lived somewhere around Southampton which has a population of over 254,000 and that probably doesn’t include all of the large towns and villages close by.
There were a lot of people with access to Facebook Marketplace to which he could buy from and sell to.
This may not work so well if you live in a quiet village in the middle of nowhere.
The question is… what did he do with his £7,000?
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With it being an extra income, I hope he used it as leverage and tried to double it.
Unfortunately, he might be forced to use it on gas and electricity with the way the world is at the moment.
Hopefully not though.
If he can buy more golf clubs with that £7,000 and sell them to make £14,000, that would be great, but he can only buy second hand golf clubs when they come up for sale.
He could always buy more directly from a supplier to sell but the market he is covering is second hand used golf clubs so people may not buy new clubs from a guy who cannot offer next day delivery or a refund guarantee like retailers do unless he offers a ridiculous discount which will eat into any potential profits.
He could use the money to buy direct from a supplier and set up a website to sell the new clubs from, but that is a whole new ball game with a lot of extra work to consider.
Could he buy a few items that are not golf clubs which cost £1,000 each and sell them for £2,000 each?
If he could do that, it would take seven sales to turn £7,000 into £14,000.
Focusing on one item is a great place to start and if there is enough demand and product available you can carry on growing your income.
But if supply and demand is low, then it may be worth looking for other items to sell.
£7,000 extra income flipping used golf clubs on a free social media platform is impressive.
I believe that there are items which you can buy cheaply and flip for a profit using the same platform or utilise several other platforms.
You could buy from Facebook Marketplace and then list them on Gumtree or vice versa… or on both.
When people make some extra money, they automatically use it on ‘life stuff’, which is understandable. A lot of people need extra money and that is why they look for a way to make it.
But if they could just hold back and use the money they make to make more by investing it in other products or projects; that money could soon amplify into a whole lot more.
Starting with just £100, it takes only 14 doublings to make £1.6 million.
Using a plan and the correct approach, anyone can turn £100 into £1.6 million.
The reason a lot of people don’t try to turn £100 into £1.6 million is that they don’t understand that it is possible or how to actually do it.
It is a simple process… but without a plan or the correct guidance, most people don’t know where to start or how to go about it right.
But… as I say, it is doable.
People can take £100 and turn it into £1.6 million.
Obviously, each person’s time frame will be different.
Some people may choose to stop doubling when they hit £500,000.
For others, it may be less. It depends on what people are happy with.
What results you achieve will be down to your efforts, choices and circumstance… but the plan is still the same and workable for everyone.
Start with £100 and keep doubling it until you hit £1.6 million… or whatever figure you are happy with.
We know it works because several people have done it including our good friend Barry Tyler.
If you would like to know what Barry did to double his way to over a million, he will show you here:
Double Your Way To A Million
Kind Regards.
John Harrison
- Barry gives you both the PLAN and the GUIDANCE that you need to double your way from £100 to £1.6 million.