I’m going to be honest, I’m not sure where I am going with this article, I shall allow it to unfold from the fingers as I type.
I wanted to share with you the intriguing story of Charles James Hall, a 78-year-old author from America who has published at least 6 books about his time working in a weather station near the fabled ‘Dreamland’ Area 51 military complex in the Nevada desert.
Charles James Hall was given the position when he came back from the Vietnam War in the 1960s.
Why am I telling you this?
Well, Charles’ books talk of the time he spent two years working close to Area 51… and the alien base that was there in that area… yep, you read that right!
He claims to have spent two years communicating with and having regular contact with three different alien races.
There were the ‘tall whites’ (about 2.5 metres tall), ‘greys’ (with yellow/orange skin) and the ‘Norwegians with 24 teeth’, who look like humans and speak English.
Apparently the ‘tall whites’ liked to dress like humans and go to watch shows at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas… I kid you not!
The reason the aliens were coming to Earth was mainly to help us and to share technology with the US military.
He claims that during that time he observed many alien space craft coming and going bringing ‘families’ of aliens.
I guess Earth is a regular hot spot for intergalactic holidaymakers!
Apparently he stood back on numerous occasions while alien children curiously took a look around the weather station he worked at.
I cannot verify whether his claims are true, he says that he was given permission by the US military and the government to share his stories with the world. Apparently a General told him that he had impunity and nothing would happen to him.
But what is interesting… is that when I put his name into Google I cannot find any information about him other than his books and documentaries.
Maybe I am not looking properly, but I cannot find many articles or a Wikipedia page about him.
Charles James Hall is not just some alcoholic (well I don’t think he is) spinning a yard for attention, he is a nuclear physicist and weather specialist who attends church regularly.
He first published his memoirs in a book that he originally classed as ‘fiction’ so as to not ruffle too many feathers, but he since claims that everything in that book, and the others that followed, are true.
Normally, military personnel would be imprisoned or punished if they release classified information; nothing has happened to Charles that I am aware of.
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The military also don’t get involved with proving or disproving whether someone is telling the truth or not.
If someone pretends to have been a serving in a specific place which is deemed classified and not actually a ‘real’ place, as with the case of Area 51, they are not going to waste resources trying to prove that what he said is a load of old baloney as it would draw unnecessary attention to that area and subject.
Somewhere there would be evidence that Charles James Hall worked in the military during that specific period. But if he was actually serving in a place that didn’t ‘exist’, that specific information may not be available.
For all we know, the weather station may be classified, but the rest is untrue and cannot be proven or disproven in anyway.
Who would want to waste time trying to argue with a guy who made up stories of aliens?
Anyway, the point of this is that whether Charles James Hall is telling the truth and has actually spent time in and around aliens in the heart of the US desert, he has carved himself a nice career as an author and speaker.
People pay him to talk about his time around those aliens.
There are documentaries about him which interview him and sometimes his wife. Millions of people have read his books and watched those documentaries.
It’s safe to safe, whether they exist or not, the aliens he writes about have paid him well.
The Charles James Hall story is a fascinating – albeit a bizarre – one.
So, the question is this… could you (and do you have the gall or balls) to fabricate an alien story similar to this?
It could easily make you a lot of money.
You just need to look at the success of Ray Santilli and Gary Shoefield who in 1993 released the ‘alien autopsy’ video they ‘recreated’ based on actual footage they ‘say’ they were given while buying rare Elvis Presley footage from an American camera man, (who apparently worked for the US Army at Roswell, New Mexico, the scene of an alleged crashed UFO) for a documentary they were supposedly making.
They claim that while watching the ‘real’ footage of the alien autopsy that was filmed after the Roswell incident, the film began to degrade as it went through the projector due to it being exposed to light and air for the first time in 40 odd years… yeah, right!
Because the film was damaged, they set about recreating what they saw for posterity and to show the world what ‘really’ happened.
Their story was made into a comedy film, Alien Autopsy, starring Ant McPartlin and Declan Donnelly – best known as the gruesome twosome, And & Dec.
When sharing stories of alien involvement, you could come under a lot of scrutiny from Ufolgists, the media and possibly the authorities, but you can also make good money.
People today, still talk about Travis Walton who was allegedly abducted by aliens in 1975 and disappeared for five days before mysteriously reappearing. Travis’ story was made into the 1993 film Fire In The Sky. Incidentally, Travis made a cameo appearance in the film.
The alleged UFO crash at Roswell in 1947 is still talked about in documentaries and books.
People love this stuff… and when a large number of people love something, there is money to be made.
It’s something to think about.
Kind regards.
John Harrison.
PS… To learn how to create and sell your own ‘alien’ based eBooks and digital products from your own fully automated passive income system click the link below: