How To 12 Times Your Profit From 1 Book

I have talked a few times about how profitable it can be writing and publishing a book.

A non-fiction book that teaches people something specific can be incredibly profitable.

Even a book priced at just £9.99 can make a person a lot of money if enough people buy it.

5,000 people buying a £9.99 book will generate £49,950.

Some books sell millions of copies.

If you self-publish the book yourself and sell it as a digital download, then you get to keep most of that money.

There is little cost to selling eBooks from your own website.

If you sell it via a publishing house, then you will earn a percentage after their costs are taken out.

Whichever way you publish a book, you can make a decent amount of money from them.

I want to share with you a way to make more money from a book than just the price you sell it for.

In fact, you can make 12 times more… possibly more than that.

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Books have chapters and if your book has 12 or more, you can create a yearlong course/newsletter that has 12 (or more) modules which you release each month.

Let’s say that you have written a book that you sell for £9.99 that teaches people how to build an online business focusing on using free social media platforms only.

You could take each chapter and turn it into a monthly module where you expand on it more by showing examples or case studies.

This module could be released as a simple PDF that is delivered via an email or added to a specific member’s area where people subscribing to your course can access all of the modules.

You can even read the chapter out into a video and expand on a few points by sharing a few examples and stories. This is an incredibly simple way of turning a book into another larger product.

You could charge somewhere between £5 and £25 per month to access this ‘extra’ content. Obviously, price depends on what you teach and what you deliver.

If one person subscribes at £5 per month for the full 12 months, you have made £60 for basically the same content that you were selling in a book for £9.99.

Remember, price is determined by the transformation it can have on a person or their life.

For information that entertains or simply informs, you can only really charge £5 or £10, but if you what you share can change people’s lives in ways they thought not possible, then it is worth a lot more.

If you show people how to earn an extra £50,000 a year in passive income, then £97 a month isn’t too much to ask, but if what you teach can only make them an extra £1,000 a year, then a £97 per month is a little excessive.

What you deliver has to give at least 10 times in value what people pay you for it.

Whether they actually do what you show them, or make it work is irrelevant, that is on them.

Price accordingly and you should be able to find a decent amount of people who are willing to pay you for your information.

There are over 5.47 billion unique daily internet users. That is approximately 67% of the entire global population which currently stands somewhere around 8 billion people.

I’d be surprised if you were unable find a few thousand people who are willing to pay you each month to learn something new out of that amount of people.

So, if you have written a book, or are planning on writing a book that has 12 or more chapters, you should also consider creating a monthly/yearlong course with each chapter being a monthly module for which you can charge more for.

There is no reason as to why you cannot do both.

If you do publish your work as a book and as a monthly course/newsletter, add a little extra content to the monthly version so that it is slightly different and no one is going to accuse you of overcharging for your book.

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

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