How To Get Paid Multiple Times For Writing One Article

I read an interesting article this morning which reinforced an idea I talked about previously.

The article was titled something like ‘2 Income Streams From One Article’, and it talked about how the author used to write articles for his website – which generated money by promoting products – and then print them off and sell them individually as small booklets at seminars or via his website for one or two pounds.

He says that at one speaking gig, he sold out and the staff rushed to have more printed and that he made around £700 that day selling those booklets.

Originally, he printed the articles onto nice decorative paper he bought from Amazon costing as little as 7 pence per sheet but when he sold out, the staff had the venue print extras using just the normal ‘white’ printer paper that was available… and people were still happy to buy them.

Obviously, it helped that he had been on stage speaking and so he had pre-warmed the audience and so when they saw the ‘important’ information they needed to remember broken down and printed onto sheets that were selling for a couple of pounds, they were happy to buy.

I have talked about this before.

Turning articles into short eBooks, guides, blueprints and cheat sheets to sell is a great idea.

Over the period of a year, you can have many digital products published online that could be making you a passive income.

Covers can be made quite easily using the online design tool, Canva, or you can pay someone on to make them for you.

You don’t want to be spending too much on having covers made for short eBooks that you intend to sell for a few pounds.

These eBooks, guides, blueprints and cheat sheets can be sold on platforms such as Gumroad, Payhip, and possibly Etsy. They can definitely be sold on your own website too.

As mentioned in a previous article, if you become a ‘face that is known by people, they may search for your website and it is always good to have products online that they can buy directly from your website.

I recommend having these types of products on multiple platforms so that you can find more buyers. Think of it as having your books stocked in book shops across the world instead of just selling them from your front room.

The point is this… writing a ‘big’ book is time consuming and requires a lot of work, whereas writing articles is easier and a good quality article that is full of useful advice can easily be converted into a cheap eBook or guide.

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I have previously shared the story with you of Emanuel Haldeman-Julius.

Emanuel Haldeman-Julius was one of the biggest publishers in the USA during the 1920s, and a millionaire several times over.

He published a series of little books and had around 2,000 titles in circulation during his publishing career selling over 100 million books.

The books cost $0.10 which was considered cheap at that time. I’m not sure what the price would be today, but you get the idea… they were small handbooks sold at a reasonable cheap price.

Imagine that you had 2,000 short eBooks for sale online priced at just £2… I’m pretty sure that you would make plenty of sales each and every month.

I’m not saying that you need to have that many or that you could indeed write that many books, but you know what I am saying, I’m making a modern day comparison to Emanuel Haldeman-Julius’ Empire.

In fact, it would be a lot easier to do as there are no printing and distribution/postal costs to consider, plus, advertising online can be incredibly cheap.

In fact, if you use social media correctly, you can get your products out in front of people for free. Emanuel Haldeman-Julius never had that luxury.

The good thing about articles is that they take a lot less work putting together and if you plan a series of articles for your website, that series can become a decent sized eBook that you can charge that little more for.

Here’s a prime example of short eBook that is at a price that won’t break the bank:

Earn More, Live More, Work Less

That eBook was written as a case study and example as to how easy it can be to create and publish your own eBooks from your own website as part of The 30 Day To £30K Challenge.

To learn more, go to:

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… You will discover how to create a product fast (even faster if you are simply creating short books from articles), publish them online, and set up a payment processor so that people can buy your books at any time of the day or night generating you a passive income.

Don’t forget, if the content is life changing and transformational…you can charge a heck of a lot more than just £2 for your short eBook.

Here’s that link again: