How To Make Money Fast With PPR & PPV Micro Products

I’ve just put together a little list of what I want incorporated in my next PPR/V micro product.

For those that don’t know what a PPR/V micro product is, it is an article or video that is published online that is hidden behind a Paywall.

The PPR/V stands for Pay Per Read or Pay Per View.

Putting it simply, people pay to read an article or watch a video.

Think of the special Pay Per View boxing matches that Sky Sports do… I assume they are still doing it.

It always amused me that people would pay to access a television channel dedicated to sports, only to have to pay more to watch the sports they really wanted to see.

Interestingly, a hell of a lot of people would pay the extra.

What is even more impressive is that people would pay more to watch two men have a scrap.

If you pop to your local at closing time, it is highly likely that you will get to watch an even more entertaining brawl for free.

Anyway, I digress…

PPR/V micro products are digital products that people can instantly access online for a price.

These products are educational and tutorial in nature.

But considering that people pay to watch two grown men beat each other around the head with padded gloves, and other dubious content such as videos of women’s feet… you could quite easily do this with entertainment too.

I think they are a great way for people to get started online.

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I recently ran a test and sold access to a product that I had Andi, our techy guy, put together.

The brief was simple… to create something simple.

It had to be easy and quick to create, people needed to learn something that could make them more money, something that most people could do, and something that people would pay to learn.

Have a look HERE!

The price was kept low on purpose for the experiment but it could have been more considering what people learned when they watched the video.

My next PPR/V micro product will cost more… but again, it will be worth the price people pay. I’m thinking of pricing the next one between £10 and £20.

This is probably the quickest and easiest way to create a product to sell… and that is what the next product will be about.

A micro product can be created in less than a day. You could create several in a week. I dare say that you could create several in a day if you planned your day well.

Knowing how simple this is, I fear that I could lose staff. They may go and set up their own profitable website selling micro products.

And who could blame them?

It really is that simple to do.

Combine that with building up an email list and you are putting yourself into an incredibly profitable position.

A large email list and the ability to create stacks of digital micro products quickly means that you can make money on demand.

Create a quick product, send an email to your list, and make sales.

Sounds like the perfect system to me.

The Email Secret

Kind regards.

John Harrison

PS… Once up and running, it can take as little as ten minutes to write a money-making email that you can send to your email list.

Plus, this is away to make money that you can take anywhere in the world and you can work on it at any time of the day or night… whichever suits you best.

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret