We humans are incredibly clever and adaptive.
We are the only creature on the planet which can change the environment around it to suit us… not always for the better mind.
We can invent new materials and we can build vast civilisations.
As a species, we are ingenious and innovative… but we are best when we work with natures own creative systems.
Nature has created a world of potential around us which just needs a little human innovation to put two different things together to create something which is new – to us – but works brilliantly well just as nature intended.
Let me share with you the story of PermaFungi, a Belgium company who are growing oyster mushrooms in bags filled with coffee grounds and straw.
Coffee grounds is the waste left over from coffee beans when they have been ground down and made into fresh hot delicious coffee.
The problem with coffee grounds is that it is a waste material and waste material has to go somewhere. It is being dumped into landfill along with other waste material.
15,000 tons of coffee grounds is binned each year in Belgium. I imagine that figure is far higher here in the UK when you consider the size of our population and the amount of coffee people drink.
You are hard pushed to walk into any town or city centre in the UK and find a street without a coffee shop.
PermaFungi collect 5.5 tons of coffee grounds each month from partner coffee shops across the country and use it to grow oyster mushrooms which are sold in organic focused food shops.
It takes only 15 days for the mushrooms to grow until they are ready to be harvested.
When a bag of mushrooms is harvested, it is replaced with a new bag and so everyday there is a harvest of a profitable product.
The coffee grounds is perfect for growing oyster mushrooms, the straw which is added prevents the grounds becoming too compacted.
This is a perfect example of one natural waste product being used to create another natural product.
Its nature’s own perfect cycle of life.
The left over organic material from the coffee bean is used to grow new life sustaining organic material.
The waste product is growing food.
It doesn’t end there…
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There is a second environmentally friendly product which comes from the left over coffee grounds after they have been used to grow mushrooms.
Adding the straw coffee grounds mix to a mould along with mycelium – mycelium is part of the fungi kingdom and is the network of threads, called hyphae, from which mushrooms grow – a biodegradable insulation tile is formed.
PermaFungi say these tiles can replace modern insulations which are made from plastic and glass fibres which are not good for the environment or people’s health.
As Governments around the world look to prioritise the circular economy – reusing and recycling materials – to cut carbon emissions used in the manufacturing of new manmade materials, PermaFungi offer up a solution.
They are seeking investment to scale up production as they aim to produce 13 tons of the mycelium based insulation tile per month by 2025.
That is one company producing two natural products, one food and one insulating material, all from the waste product produced each and every day by popular coffee shops.
Sometimes the best solutions are the ones staring us in the face.
Every day we see nature do its stuff, and we see the waste which is created by using natural products such as coffee beans… it’s just a case of looking at them closely and figuring out another use for them instead of them being thrown into landfill.
Is there something similar that you can do?
Are there two separate things which you can put together to create a unique and profitable business?
If you are looking for a profitable business opportunity then I can help you… I have a book called The Stolen Files which has 133 different businesses ideas, systems and strategies to help you make money.
That is 133 different business ideas… you only need one from the book to work with.
To get your own copy go to:
The Stolen Files
Kind Regards
John Harrison