I recently wrote about a TikTok influencer who recorded himself dancing on a plane. I said that I believed that he would be successful because he had the ‘balls’ to do stuff without worrying about what other people thought.
I called him a ‘pain in the arse’ because that is what a lot of people think annoying social media influencers are, and after seeing what people online were saying about this particular guy, it was safe to assume that this is what they were thinking.
I noticed that in my email provider, one person had complained about that particular email.
It’s possible that someone objected to the use of ‘pain in the arse’ or perhaps they thought that is what I was calling him.
Yes, part of me might have been, but I was mainly calling him a ‘pain in the arse’ because that is how he was being perceived by all the people who were posting negative comments about him and his antics.
I was just reading the room and reporting on what other people were thinking.
It’s interesting how people can be upset and offended at specific things.
If the person who clicked the ‘complain’ button thought I was being offensive and negative towards the young dancing guy, they are very much mistaken as I am the one who is declaring that they will be a success because they are willing to pop their heads above the parapet and be shot at.
I admire their annoying behaviour.
They are not afraid to do what is necessary to become a success. It’s not for me, I won’t film myself doing cringe-worthy stuff, but many people do and it works for them.
I also recently wrote about ‘troll marketing’ where people take negative comments and criticism about their businesses or behaviour and turn it into content for their business… this email is an example of that… sort of.
OK, I haven’t received any negative comments or feedback as such, but someone has complained about something I wrote, and I dare say that the complaint is born from a misunderstanding of what was being said.
But… it gave me an idea about something to write about.
If you would like to read more about troll marketing, click the link below and use the password provided:
How To Turn Online Troll Comments Into Money!
Password: HttotciM!
The point is that if you want to be successful, you need to have the courage to put your head above the parapet and to take any negativity thrown your way and use it for you own benefit.
It’s far easier for people to complain and comment than it is to create content and build a business, which is why the people who engage in trolling and complaining will never be as successful as their creator counterparts.
There are two types of people in this world…
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Consumers and Creators
Yes, you can do a bit of both… but on the whole, businesses and wealth are built by creators.
Consumers are complainers as they generally sit around taking and if what they consume is not to their liking, they kick up a fuss.
Creators on the other hand are very often too busy ‘creating’ to complain.
The car manufacturer, Lamborghini, were once asked why they did not run television commercials advertising their high end sports cars, their answer was ‘the type of people who buy Lamborghinis do not sit around watching television’.
They may consume niche specific magazines and business books, but they don’t spend their days watching reality television shows, quiz shows, dramas, films, or documentaries… and they don’t spend hours watching cat videos on YouTube and trawling through social media feeds.
They’d rather create than consume.
Creators are rewarded with people paying them money.
Consumers are rewarded with less money because they are spending and not earning.
Creating content can grow businesses and they can build a brand. With the world turning to AI tools, I believe real people are going to be the ones who will be rewarded with a lot of money.
People buy from real people, and they buy from people they Like, Know, and Trust… and you simply don’t get that from a faceless AI generated avatar.
Creating content that helps you grow your own personal brand doesn’t have to be hard. It can be incredible simple and quick.
When I was a teen, if I wanted to record myself dancing on a plane, I would have needed a large hefty video recorder that sat on your shoulder and a bag of tapes, and then I would have no way of sharing the footage with potentially millions of people.
Today, we can record videos within seconds using a phone that is the size of a small notepad, we can edit those videos on the phone and upload them to several FREE platforms and put them in front of millions of people within a few minutes.
Depending on what your video is, within half an hour you could have new unique content online that is building your brand and growing your business.
Discover more below:
How To Create Profitable Content Quickly
Kind Regards.
John Harrison
PS… Over the last week you may have noticed that we have shared several videos (like the one seen on the page here: How To Create Profitable Content Quickly) and the reason for that is that they are incredibly easy to create and they are brilliant for sharing with people, they can deliver useful information quickly and easily, and they are great for brand building.