How Would You Like £12,000 Or More Extra Each Year?

Imagine making an extra £12,000 per year.

This is an extra income on top of whatever it is that you currently make or earn.

Would that be useful to you?

I’m sure it would.

For a lot of people, that would cover their rent or mortgage costs for the year.

That alone would give people a lot of breathing space.

We are currently living in the greatest period ever of all human history for making money from home at little to zero investment costs.

If you have an internet connection of any kind, which I assume you do as you are reading this article… then you can make money online for free.

I’m not going to factor in the cost of your broadband or internet connection as I am sure you already have that now as part of ‘modern living’.

The only people that I know who don’t have any connection to the internet are people who are of a certain age that haven’t needed it for the last 80 plus years and have no interest in getting it now.

Besides, anything that needs doing online is probably done by one of their younger relations.

So, to make that extra £12,000 per year, you could create digital products using one of several free online tools, and you can sell them on one of several free-to-use platforms which take a cut from all sales transactions.

I am not going to talk about digital products necessarily, they are great, and they can be made and sold quite easily today, but like everything, you need an audience to sell to.

Finding a large audience is easy enough with multiple free-to-use social medial platforms.

Now, I am not going to blow smoke up your backside and say that it is the easiest thing in the world and that you will be making thousands of pounds within days.

You won’t.

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To make £12,000 selling simple digital products such as eBooks or templates requires a lot of customers when your products are priced £20 or less.

At £10 per item, you would need to sell 1,200 items.

If you only have the one £10 product then you will need 1,200 different customers, but if you had several different £10 products, it’s possible that you will need fewer than 1,200 customers as some of them may buy multiple products from you.

It’s going to take a lot of effort to find over 1,000 customers to buy your £10 products.

But… if you were to sell a £1,000 product, then you only need to find 12 buyers, and that is far easier to do than trying to sell to over 1,000 buyers.

Yes, more people may be willing to spend £10 on a product. Finding people who are willing to spend £1,000 might be slightly harder as there will be fewer of them…


You have 12 months to find just 12 buyers.

That’s 365 days to find just 12 people who are willing to purchase a £1,000 product from you.

That is 1 person per month.

When you need to find less people, it means that you can double down your efforts and focus more on doing that one thing than trying to find hundreds or even thousands of people to sell your £10 product to.

When you are no longer trying to put your products out in front of a lot of people, you are simply looking for a smaller number of the right people.

It takes away a lot of the stress because you know that when you get paid, you get paid well, and that you only need to deal with a handful of people to find the one customer you need for that one sale.

Creating a £10 digital product is one thing, but creating a £1,000 product is a completely different game altogether, one you are probably not ready to do.

But that is OK because you do not need to create a £1,000 product… you just need to sell one.

You just need to sell a product or service that pays you £1,000 per sale.

If you go to Clickbank or one of the other affiliate market places, you will that there are people selling courses that are several thousand pounds and they will pay you a commission which can be up to £1,000.

You just need to know what the product and service is about, how it can help people, and then promote it for the owner using your own unique affiliate link.

Every time a sale is made, you are paid a commission.

Could this be a good way for you to make some additional income?

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS. If you would like to know more about this, send an email telling us of your interest to [] and I shall get a video or a more detailed report made.