Tag Archives: Business Advice

Why You Must Tell People What You Need Them To Know And What To Do Next!

I cannot stress enough the importance of good communication when sharing anything on social media that requires people to ‘do something specific’.

Time and time again I see people commenting on posts asking questions that could have been pre-answered in the initial post.

For example; recently there was a post on Facebook for a restaurant which had no address on it, and no opening times.

The post was a picture of a flyer they had paid someone to design which was either to be handed out or shared across social media showcasing specific meals.

It was a beautifully designed flyer, but the problem is that there were no details on it other than the name of the restaurant and pictures of the food.

You could argue that people could click through to the restaurants main Facebook profile, and you would be right, people could… and I did, but still there was nothing.

Also, very few people ever ‘click through’ for more information.

People are generally lazy and don’t want to go ‘searching’ for the information they need, especially when it could have been given to them with the post that had sparked their interest.

It is well known that in the marketing world, if you expect people to do more than necessary, they won’t.

It is also a well known fact that if you leave people guessing, you have already lost them as a customer.

You need to remove all obstacles and reduce the amount of ‘clicks’ that a person needs to do. Keep it simple!

Sometimes people are ‘irked’ and get cheesed off when they are given just half the information and then expected to go and find the rest.

Many people purposely refuse to go looking for the information that they could have been given there and then. It may be a pathological disorder where people simply ‘don’t want to do your job for you’.

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You’ve seen those funny pictures on social media which have ‘you only had one job’ written across them to highlight job based fails that shouldn’t have happened, well this is the same.

The person sharing the post ‘had just one job’, which was to effectively communicate all the information that a potential customer needed to make a positive decision.

If a potential customer has to go looking for more information that you could have easily shared, then you have failed in your work… it’s highly likely that they didn’t go looking.

The post I am referring to was just a photo of the flyer, there was no written information with the post explaining where they were, what time the restaurant was open and if there was anything special happening.

It was completely devoid of anything else other than the picture.

If the person who posted the picture believed that people already knew who they were, where they were and what their opening times were, then they are suffering from ‘mind blindness’ which is a term associated with people who have autism.

Mind blindness is the term given to people who struggle to understand that other people do not know what is going on in their heads.

When someone knows something specific, they often fail to realise that others may not. They just assume that people know what they know and so when they talk about subjects they leave out a lot of basic information that others would need.

It happens a lot with ‘experts’ who write articles about specific subjects that they post on websites and blogs.

Unless they are writing to an audience that should already know the basics, like a psychology professor writing for third year university students, they should always assume that the person reading is completely clueless to what is being written about.

You can never have too much information, but you can always have too little.

Lack of information is what leads to assumptions, and as the saying goes:

‘Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups!’

A lack of information leads to bad decisions and reactional behaviour which can be irrational, negative, and self-destructive.

Knowing just half the story can be incredibly damaging if it is acted upon… or not in this case.

Effective communication is key to success in life.

And it is incredibly vital when it comes to making money… that is for sure.

The thing is… effective communication is not something you are born with…

It is learnt.

I had to learn it as did many others who now make tens of thousands of pounds each month.

To discover how you can earn thousands of pounds with effective communication, go to:

One Letter From Retirement

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… You just need to know what words to use, where and when to use them, plus what not to say and why.

In One Letter From Retirement, I show you exactly how to successfully and effectively communicate your ideas and products.

Here’s that link again:

One Letter From Retirement

What You Can Learn About Marketing From Watching Benidorm

I’ve come to the conclusion that the popular television comedy, Benidorm, has probably done more for tourism for Benidorm than their own tourism office.

In the past, I have talked about how ‘story’ can generate sales and that the film Top Gun did more for US Navy recruitment than anything they had done themselves.

Not only that, the film featured Ray Ban sunglasses and their sales shot up by 30% in 1984 when the film hit the cinemas.

Stories are powerful tools when it comes to selling because you can sell products, services, and places without actually doing any selling.

There are 74 episodes of the show spanning ten series including Christmas specials and it has been filmed in and around several locations including popular tourist hotspots.

The show has been filmed at:

  • The water park.
  • A mediaeval entertainment centre.
  • Sea front walks.
  • The beach.
  • Several restaurants and bars.
  • Attractive old back streets.
  • A Roman entertainment park.
  • Waterfalls and natural pools.
  • The Benidorm Palace.
  • A go-cart track.
  • Cliff tops.
  • Local villages.
  • An old bull fighting ring.

Anyone who has never been to Benidorm can easily get a sense of what the place is like and what it has to offer.

The show will have motivated many families to go there for a holiday… it may also have motivated a few to stay away too.

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People are different and so where some will find it appealing, others will find it off-putting preferring to go somewhere less ‘British’ in favour of something more authentically Spanish and less ‘tacky’.

What is interesting is that the show is apparently also popular in Germany and the Netherlands. A lot of Germans and Dutch go to Benidorm for their holidays too.

I have to wonder, are those who watch the show in Germany and the Netherlands similar types to the British who go to Benidorm, or do they watch it for a laugh and think that all the British are like the dysfunctional families on the show?

With Benidorm, Bargain Brits In The Sun, and Brexit, I dread to think what our European friends think of us!

I so hope they don’t think that we are all alike, although, saying that, not all of the families are the same on the show.

Anyway, I digress a little.

The point I am trying to make is that it is easier to sell products, services, and places when you clothe them in ‘stories’.

People have no idea that they are being sold to when they are enjoying a story. They see and hear things and ‘make’ decisions through ‘freewill’… or so they think.

Do you think it was an accident that Ray Ban glasses were used in the film, Top Gun?

No, like most products seen in films and television shows, they pay a premium to be featured because they know that it will result in a lot of sales.

The people who make those ‘freewill decisions’ are actually motivated and persuaded to do so.

The truth is, they didn’t make a decision between several different brands of the same product; they made a decision based on only seeing one… one which was purposely put in front of them.

Remember that when trying to sell products of your own… use story and only show potential customers what you want them to see.

A fantastic way to get stories in front of people is to publish a newsletter.

Not only can you publish a newsletter for free… people will pay you to receive and read your newsletters.

A fantastic platform to publish newsletters for free from is Substack.

Substack allows you to charge for your newsletters and will process the payments for you, and get this… the top ten writers on the platform collectively make over £15 million per year!

There are over 500,000 paying subscribers on the platform, who wouldn’t want a piece of that?

Discover more about Substack here:

Why You Should Consider Publishing A Newsletter With Substack

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… People are flocking to Substack to read newsletters because unlike websites, they are not drenched in advertising. The pages are clean, fast to load and easy to read… now is the time to check it out.

Here’s that link again:

 Why You Should Consider Publishing A Newsletter With Substack

The Easiest Way To Make Money Today Is…?

Making money as a writer is incredibly easy today.

You do not need to be a celebrated and awarded bestselling author to make money writing.

You can be like me, publishing information products which are mostly text based, or you can write for paying clients.

You can also write fiction and publish your work on multiple platforms such as Amazon Kindle, Patreon, Substack, Payhip, Gumroad, and ReamStories

And you can write newsletters and publish them on platforms such as Substack and Gumroad, or simply send them out as emails.

I’ve mentioned previously about people making tens of thousands of pounds publishing newsletters on Substack. One guy I know of makes around $1 million a year from his Substack newsletter!

Making money writing has never been easier than it has today.

One of the biggest problems to blight a writer is ‘writers block’ which can be a real problem for some writers… but for others, it’s no problem at all.

The reason that writers block is not an issue for some writers is that they have a set of tricks and tools which prevent it from happening.

Whenever they start the day, they get in ‘the flow’ from the off and never experience writers block.

One trick a lot of writers use is the Hemmingway Trick. Ernest Hemingway once said, “When you are going good, stop writing.”

It is said that he stopped each day’s writing session halfway through a sentence.

Children’s author, Roald Dahl, also used the same strategy to avoid being confronted by a terrifying blank page during his morning writing sessions.

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Finishing half way through a sentence may be a strange and difficult thing to do for many, but stopping half way through a paragraph is easier.

Psychologists say that humans struggle to forget things that are half finished, which makes it easier to go back the next day to and carry on where you left-off.

When you finish something, the brain starts to automatically forget it. It is known as the Zeigarnik Effect, after the famous 1927 experiment by Bluma Zeigarnik.

The experiment observed that waiters were able to remember complex orders when the order was interrupted or incomplete, but as soon as the order was finished, it faded from memory more quickly.

The other thing about finishing half way through a paragraph is that you can read what is written and be reminded as to where you left-off and what you need to write next.

Leaving a job half finished is a great way to start fresh again the following day without the head scratching that comes from trying to figure out what you need to do next.

I don’t know if this works for everyone, some people may struggle ending the day on an unfinished paragraph or project, but studies show that it works, and both Hemingway and Dahl’s success is testament to it working for them.

Another way to avoid any form of writers block is to have a list of ideas to write about that you browse through before you start typing.

I add to that list daily whenever I see or hear something that influences an idea for an article, email, or product.

When it comes to newsletters and emails – which I make a lot of money from – I have a list of questions that I read most mornings to help me come up with ideas if I have exhausted all of the ideas on my list.

They are:

  1. Who and what have I seen out and about lately which I found interesting?
  2. What did I watch on television last night which I found interesting?
  3. What have I read recently which I have found interesting?
  4. What have I been told about/heard about recently which I found interesting?
  5. What have I seen online lately which I found interesting?

Those five questions will help you to find topics to write about for articles, emails, and newsletters.

Those five questions can be your own personal goldmine if you use them correctly.

Discover how you can make thousands of pounds writing and sending simple emails, click the link below:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Once up and running, it can take as little as ten minutes to write a money-making email that you can send to your email list.

Plus, this is away to make money that you can take anywhere in the world and you can work on it at any time of the day or night… whichever suits you best.

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret


Need More Money? Then This Might Be The Answer…

Before heading to the office this morning I read a couple of articles from a UK website that had me shocked.

The first article talked about a couple from Manchester, Mark and Sarah, who were spending nearly £60 a day on wine and takeaway food.

They would drink two or three bottles of wine each evening and sometimes they would eat TWO takeaways per evening.

They would have a pizza or kebab at 7pm, and then sometimes order a McDonalds meal with a dessert at 11pm.

During the day, they would meet up at Greggs (a popular UK high street bakery chain serving pasties and sausage rolls) for lunch.

It wasn’t until Mark had a heart scare that they decided they needed to make some serious changes to their diet and lifestyle.

I’m happy to say that the couple have made a massive transformation and have lost a lot of weight and no longer spend so much money on junk food. They are happier and feel a lot better for their new lifestyle.

The second article shared the story of a 28-year-old woman named Kassie, who quit alcohol and after six months had lost one stone in weight, stopped suffering with anxiety, and saved a massive £5,000!

Well, that’s not strictly true, it was a combined saving as her boyfriend, Toby, decided to quit alcohol too once he saw how well she was doing.

Kassie believed that she was nothing more than a ‘social drinker’.

She never considered that she had a problem, but when her mental health started to suffer, she decided to quit… and she is glad that she did.

What amazes me is that two people can spend £5,000 on alcohol in just six months.

If the drinking habit was consistent, that would be £10,000 over one full year!

That’s a lot of money to ‘piss up a wall’ as the popular saying goes.

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Mark and Sarah, who at one point were spending £60 a night on takeaway food and bottles of wine, would have spent over £10,000 if they were doing that every day for six months!

I don’t know how long they had been spending £60 a day, but it was an expensive habit.

Both of these stories are prime examples of people essentially wasting money.

Now, before you start shouting ‘it’s their money to enjoy’, at me, I know!

What I am saying here is that there are a lot of people who will constantly say that they do not have any money spare to invest or make positive changes to their lives… yet they can afford to fund habits that are harmful and costly… just like these two couples.

People fall into habits of behaviour and do not realise how much time and money they are losing each month.

Both couples have saved themselves at least £5,000 over a six month period since changing their behaviour. The money they wasted could have been put to better use… which it probably is now.

With Mark and Sarah going to the gym regularly, having more energy and a ‘revived’ relationship, and Kassie and Toby moving to Amsterdam (to remove themselves from the toxic drinking culture of the UK), they have reinvented their lives and are much happier for it.

I can only imagine how much money they could have made if they had used their money to do what Kate Davis does each week day morning instead of blowing it on food and drink.

Before leaving the house for work in the morning, Kate trades the financial markets, very often making a day’s wage before she starts work.

Since lockdown in 2020, Kate has been making an extra £750 – £1,725 a month while doing her morning workout before work.

After generating over £20,000 in TAX FREE profits, Kate decided to put everything she does down onto paper and asked us if we would kindly publish it on her behalf.

Through her comprehensive manual, she has taught many others to generate very healthy TAX FREE profits of up to £185 per day!

The good news is… Kate wants to send you a copy of that manual – which has taught hundreds of people how to make up to £1,725 in TAX FREE money each month – for FREE!

If you would like your own copy of Kate’s wildly successful Treadmill Trader manual, click the link below:

Get Your Free Copy Of The Treadmill Trader Here!

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… Most days Kate spends as little as half an hour before work and makes between £50 and £185 in TAX FREE profits.

And she does it using just her phone!

Here’s that link again:

Get Your Free Copy Of The Treadmill Trader Here!

Make Thousands Of Pounds Each Month Thanks To Twitter’s New Changes!

Miguel Barclay, the popular Instagram personality, celebrity chef, and author of the £1 Meals series of books, said that he may have written his final £1 Meal book due to the astronomical increases to food prices over the last year.

He wrote the books to help struggling families to eat nutritious and tasty food on a tight budget, but with food prices skyrocketing and basics such as bread, butter and milk now costing more than they ever have… a cup of tea and a couple of cheese sandwiches is getting close to costing £1.

He may have to start publishing a new series of books with titles such as £2 Meals or even How To Feed Yourself For Less Than £5 Per Day Eating Cheap Bread And Store Brand Baked Beans.

Living costs are going up and there seems to be very little evidence that they are going to stop, let alone reverse and go back down.

I am not a political commentator, I have my opinions, but I rarely share them mainly because they are unlikely to help you out of a tight situation.

I can moan and lament about specific political ideologies, parties or individual politicians, but it will not help you one little bit.

What will help you is if I share with you ideas and information on how to make more money to compensate for the price increases.

Not everything I share with you will appeal to you. Different people like different things, and sometimes you don’t know what you like or what will work until you try it.

Today I had a quick look at how Twitter is changing to see how people could make money from it.

Since Elon Musk took ownership, he has changed the Blue Tick verification system to one that anyone can have for a monthly $8 fee which at the time of writing is £6.32.

A lot of celebrities and professionals have refused to pay because for them, the original Blue Tick verification process was to prove that they were ‘who they say they were’.

It was designed to prevent imposters pretending to be celebs and professionals and stop them from damaging careers and scamming money out of fans.

Since the change over, people have caused massive stock price collapses by pretending to be companies and spreading false and harmful news.

The new verification system on Twitter has its faults… but there are positives which can help everyday people like you to make money.

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When you subscribe to Twitter’s new Blue Tick system for $8 a month, you are no longer restricted to the 280 characters that Twitter is famous for; you can write longer posts of up to 25,000 characters.

And this bit is really important…

You can also now charge a monthly subscription fee for your content.

You connect a Stripe account to your Twitter profile to process recurring payments.

This could be a game changer.

Now anyone has the opportunity to publish content and charge people to access it.

This no longer just from the comfort of your own home… this is… from the palm of your hand profits!

It couldn’t get any easier!

This is a business you can carry around with you in your pocket!

I am not going to say that everyone will be successful with this, but imagine that you needed an extra couple hundred pounds each month to cover the increased food costs; this could be a great way to make that money.

Twenty people paying you £10 a month would be enough to help.

Imagine that you had 200 people paying you £10 a month… that would be great, wouldn’t it?

Twitter is very easy to use and you can share multiple pictures and videos per post.

Twitter has a global market and so you can potentially reach millions of people with your content.

I see no reason as to why a person cannot get at least 200 subscribers worldwide.

Even the most obscure topic should have enough people interested in it globally to be able to find enough paying subscribers.

I mean, if people are willing to pay a subscription each month to see a woman’s feet…

… believe it or not, there’s a whole feet focused platform called feetfinder[.]com for buying and selling feet pictures (there’s another possible way to make money for you!)…

…. then I am more than certain you can find people willing to pay for your content.

I’ve mentioned Noah Smith before who makes around $1 million a year from people paying a subscription to read his opinion pieces on the world’s economies… that is information that anyone can get from news websites and really doesn’t help anyone much…

Now, If he can make a million dollars from that… I’m sure you can earn at least a few thousand pounds or more per month with a subscription business.

Click the link below to learn more:

How To Cash In With A Subscription Based Business

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Once fully established, you could be earning thousands of pounds each month from work which could take less than a day… depending on what you are providing.

A subscription based business is all about the numbers.

Give a large group of people something they want and need at a price they are happy to pay, and you can be paid multiple times for the one piece of work each and every month.

Here’s that link again:

How To Cash In With A Subscription Based Business


Is Being ‘Tight As A Duck’s Arse’ The Best Way To Become Financially Independent?

Following on from yesterday’s article where I talked about the couple who were living the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) lifestyle but struggling to enjoy spending the £3.4 million they had amassed for their retirement…

I want to share with you a few more stories of people who are working towards (they might have achieved it by now) becoming financially independent and retiring early.

The New York Post ran an article in 2019 about millennials who were living lives of complete frugality and following extreme budgeting plans.

One of the people interviewed was Daniel (surname not given for anonymity), a 36-year-old lawyer who worked in New York but lived in a small apartment in New Jersey to avoid paying NYC taxes.

Daniel didn’t have a television, he preferred to read. His apartment was full of books which he bought from a local church for 50 pence each.

He didn’t go out and socialise, he didn’t eat in restaurants or order in takeaway food. He lived on a diet of rice and beans that he cooked in a slow cooker.

He owned five cheap suits that he would repair whenever they became damaged only replacing them when they couldn’t be repaired anymore. He had five pairs of work shoes which cost between £15 and £35 with the most expensive pair costing no more than £45.

Daniel didn’t need to live such a ‘cheapskate lifestyle’ as an ex-girlfriend called it; he was earning over £210,000 a year working as a lawyer.

Daniel was saving hard so that he could retire well before retirement age and enjoy life. He was creating his ‘fuck off fund’ so that he could tell life and people to well and truly ‘fuck off!’ and leave him alone.

At the time of the article being published in 2019, Daniel had surpassed savings of £315,000 and was set to retire by the age of 40.

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He wasn’t alone; the New York Post interviewed others who were also following extreme budgeting plans so that they could retire way before the socially-accepted retirement age.

Shang Saavedra, 34, and her husband were saving 50% of their combined six-figure-a-year income. They gave themselves a monthly entertainment budget of just £20!

At eight months pregnant, Saavedra sourced all of her baby gear for free from people on social media. She was a member of the ‘Buy Nothing’ Facebook group which helped her to source a lot of free stuff.

Their goal was to be financially independent and retired from working within a few years.

Another extreme budgeter, Carmen Perez, started her life of extreme frugality when she was 29 and in £45,000 of debt.

Within three years she had replaced her debt with £40,000 in savings, bought a home in Connecticut, had left her job and was working towards a new career online.

As well as living frugally and following an extreme budget, Carmen started a side hustle to bring in more money.

She told the New York Post:

“Get a side hustle. There are so many side gig opportunities in the city that can help with adding money to your savings.”

I’ve talked a lot about side hustles and different ways to make money.

In 2019 when the article was published, it might have been a lot easier to save as it was pre-covid and pre-cost-of-living crisis.

However, she is absolutely right that a side hustle is a fantastic way to make more money which can be added to your savings pot to make your future better, or at least… make your life easier today.

Side hustles (a second income) can be hard work, especially if you have a full-time job.

Side hustles require work.

Making money doesn’t have to require work and it doesn’t have to be hard either.

It can be easy, just like ‘The Easy As 1-2-3 Betfair System’ by John Banks.

John Banks makes a couple of simple checks to see which horses qualify and then he places his bets.

It’s as easy as that.

There is nothing complex to learn or any complicated working-out to be done, simply check that a specific criterion is met, and you are good to go.

With the ‘The Easy As 1-2-3 Betfair System’ you could be doubling your money every 3 to 4 weeks.

Discover more here:

Easy As 1-2-3

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

P.S… You can started right away with just £100 and after 6 months, you could be sitting on a decent tax free £12,800!

Here’s that link again:

Easy As 1-2-3

Struggling To Spend £3.4 Million Is A Good Problem To Have!

I’ve just read an interesting article on Yahoo about a couple who were living the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) lifestyle.

The couple had accumulated a nice retirement fund of £3.4 million before hitting their 50s.

They were in a position that many people would love to find themselves in, but do you know what?

They weren’t happy!

The reason they were not happy is that after years of hard budgeting and careful spending, they were struggling to spend the money they had.

They feared losing it and so they would avoid spending it.

Whenever they spent money, it would come with feelings of anxiety.

This is known as the scarcity mentality.

They feared not having money and they feared losing what they have.

The scarcity mentality usually prevents people from making a lot of wealth, but for those who do make a decent amount of money despite it; it prevents them from enjoying it.

This couple sought help and was shown how to enjoy and spend the money they had.

Penny pinching might have helped them to amass their wealth, but as part of their retirement they were finding it tiring.

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One of the lessons they were taught was that it is OK to penny pinch and to avoid spending money… but only on the things that didn’t bring them joy.

There is no point spending ‘over the odds’ on things that you don’t enjoy or are just a necessity.

But when it came to the things they enjoyed, they were taught to spend money without feeling anxious or guilty.

To protect the money they had, they were taught to balance it out better by cutting back on the things they didn’t really need and to focus only on the things they wanted and enjoyed.

I don’t know if they had any income other than their savings and any interest that it generated, but it is always a good idea to have something coming in to fund any living costs and expenses.

For those who are retired and have a little bit of spare money to play with, an excellent way to make life-funding money is to trade the markets.

For most people, between £110 and £350 is more than enough to cover the costs of the day, including entertainment, and that is what David Houghton makes most weekdays for just ten minutes work.

He spends no more than ten minutes checking one financial market to see if there is a trade. If there is, he sets up his system and then goes about his day.

This system makes him between £110 and £350 most weekdays… which is the equivalent to a day’s wage for most people.

If you would like to know more about David and his ten minute morning system, click the link below:

The A Minus B System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… As far as effort is concerned, this is one of the easiest systems for making money that I’ve seen.

You don’t need to know a lot and you only need to work ten minutes in the morning and for that it will give you between £110 and £350 most weekdays.

Here’s that link again:                               

The A Minus B System

It Takes Just Ten Minutes To Change Your Fortune

Start ——-

I’ve set myself a short challenge and that is to write for ten minutes and to see what I come up with.

There is a reason and that will all come clear shortly.

I would also like it to be known that I am not rushing as I write.

I am not trying to churn out a lot of words so that I can say ‘see, in ten minutes I have churned out 2,000 words’, however, that is roughly what this challenge is about.

You see, every day, people spend time doing many things which take up time or simply waste time… time which can be utilised better and more productively.

If you were to count up the time that is spent scrolling through social media, scrolling through Sky or Netflix looking for something to watch, chatting to a neighbour, drinking a brew while reading a paper, you will be amazed at how much time is lost during a day.

There is a lot of lost time each day, and if you took just one of those ten minute periods and used it to create something, your life could be so much different, possibly a lot better.

I am not going to say that you can become a millionaire by using your time differently, although, I would say that it is possible.

You see, I believe that if a person was to spend just ten minutes each day doing something specific, after a whole year, they could be looking at something completely life-changing.

Have a look at what I have written so far.

That is more than enough to create a decent social media post that could send people to look at your website, request more information about your services, or look at a product you are selling.

In ten minutes, you could have written a short email that has people going to a sales page and buying a product from you.

In ten minutes, you could have recorded a video that can be shared all across social media platforms sending people to an affiliate offer that will earn you a decent sized commission whenever anyone buys it.

Stop ——-

Ok, so the alarm has sounded and my ten minutes are up.

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I didn’t rush to write as much as I could, I stopped occasionally to think of what to write next and to edit what I had already written.

From what I can see, in that ten minutes I wrote 362 words… that includes the words start and stop before and after the text.

The point of the little challenge was to see what I could accomplish in that short period of time.

Focusing on what I have written, if I were to write 362 words each day for a whole year, I would have written 132,130 words.

That is a lot of content.

That is one very large book, or a many shorter books.

Some authors make a lot of money publishing books that are just 12,000 words long. Out of those 132,130 words, I could have published eleven 12,000 word books.

I could have created a 132 thousand word articles or emails.

I could have created several hundred social media posts.

Ten minutes a day can create a lot of content that could change your life.

I am not saying that you should work every minute of every day, far from it.

This is just about taking one of those ten minute moments that each day is littered with where time is lost or wasted on something unimportant.

You only need to swap one of those moments per day and to do something a little more productive. Maybe more if you really want to make a big change.

Spending just ten minutes per day doing something specific can have a seriously profound effect on your life.

Ten minutes a day over a week or two would result in you having a website from which to sell digital products.

Ten minutes a day over a week or two could result in you having written a profitable sales letter.

Ten minutes is not a lot, but when you add up the efforts of a lot of ten minute sessions, they become a whole lot more.

The accumulative effect of a lot of ten minute sessions can be life-changing.

But as with all things… nothing happens if you don’t make a start and stick with it.

So, the question is… what could you achieve by spending at least ten minutes a day doing something specific?

I’ve mentioned that you could create a website, write a sales letter and write emails by utilising ten minute periods.

Ten minute tasks each day is a great way to maintain and manage an email based online business, to learn more, click the link below:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Once up and running, it can take as little as ten minutes to write a money-making email that you can send to your email list.

Plus, this is a way to make money that you can take anywhere in the world and you can work on it at any time of the day or night… whichever suits you best.

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret

You Need To Build A Second Income When Life Is Great… Otherwise It Could Be Too Late!

I remember hearing about a study that concluded that most people who were living in poverty and really struggling were making bad life choices and decisions because of the situation they were in…

And not living in poverty because of bad life choices and decisions they had previously made.

It has become a common belief that a lot of people who are struggling make their situation worse by ‘knowingly’ making bad decisions when it is in fact the situation that is influencing their decision making.

I can understand this because it is incredible hard to focus on anything ‘long term’ when you are desperate.

In a previous article I mentioned how being poor was expensive because people are forced to buy cheap products that they need because they cannot afford the more expensive and better ones… and that usually means that the cheaper products need replacing more often.

A person, who cannot afford a £100 pair of shoes, could end up spending £200 on cheap shoes over the lifespan of the more expensive pair.

You could ask ‘why don’t they save for a better pair of shoes?’

When you have very little spare money and the shoes you are wearing have holes in the soles which are about to fall off, would you want the discomfort of walking around in bare feet trying to save up the money for a decent pair of shoes when you could buy a cheap pair and protect your feet?

I doubt it.

Desperation and ‘immediate need’ leads to a lot of bad decisions.

Desperation causes more problems.

As you know, the current cost-of-living-crisis has resulted in huge increases to food and living costs.

Only yesterday I heard that a policeman’s mortgage has shot up again by another £400 per month because of the government’s failure to manage the economic problems.

Add to that the cost increases to energy and food, how do you just find an extra £600 or more each month when you don’t have that money to hand?

It needs to be paid otherwise you could lose your home.

Then what do you do?

That leads to a whole lot more problems.

It’s at these desperate times that bad decisions are made.

This morning I read about a woman who could not get any extra financial support from the government and has been forced to send her children to live with their father.

It reported that she was considering turning to prostitution as a way to earn money.

She feels like she has no other option.

She needs money now, and that desperation is fuelling her decision making.

As a woman who was struggling to cope with life at the best of times due to a history of sex abuse, becoming a prostitute is not going to do her already shattered mental health any favours.

Desperation causes more problems.

The desperate need for money quickly reduces people’s options.

It leaves them with very little that they can do other than make bad decisions.

This is why I recommend that people start a second income stream before life turns sour… if possible.

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I know that life can turn on a coin’s edge and that even people who thought they were well protected have suddenly seen everything turn bad, but for the most part, having a second income will give you the protection and peace of mind you need.

Our good friend Kate Davis has developed her own lifestyle-protecting second income.

Since lockdown in 2020, Kate has been making an extra £750 – £1,725 a month while doing her morning workout before work.

This gives her a lot of peace of mind!

After generating over £20,000 in TAX FREE profits, Kate decided to put everything she does down onto paper and asked us if we would kindly publish it on her behalf.

Through her comprehensive manual, she has taught many others to generate very healthy TAX FREE profits of up to £185 per day!

The good news is… Kate wants to send you a copy of that manual – which has taught hundreds of people how to make up to £1,725 in TAX FREE money each month – for FREE!

If you would like your own copy of Kate’s wildly successful Treadmill Trader manual, click the link below:

Get Your Free Copy Of The Treadmill Trader Here!

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… Most days Kate spends as little as half an hour before work and makes between £50 and £185 in TAX FREE profits.

And she does it using just her phone!

Here’s that link again:

Get Your Free Copy Of The Treadmill Trader Here!

What A Fool! She’s Facing 10 Years In Prison For Fraud When She Could Have Been Banking Big Money Legitimately!

I recently read that a twisted TikToker has pleaded guilty to convincing her fans that she had cancer and scammed nearly £30,000 out of kind hearted donors.

This was a very callous and sadistic act that cannot simply be comprehended.

She now faces a possible ten year stay in jail for her cold-hearted crime.

The reason I am telling you this is that around the same time that I read about this particular TikToker, I read about another who earned over £800,000 in seven months sharing videos to the popular platform.

This TikToker, a young stay-at-home mother named Becca, was looking for a way to make money and so she began promoting high-ticket affiliate products.

Using just her smartphone to record simple videos, she flooded TikTok with those videos directing people to the affiliate products where she gets paid a huge commission every time someone buys through her affiliate link.

She chose to become a high-ticket affiliate marketer using videos because she wanted to spend more time at home with her young daughter.

An interesting comparison, don’t you think?

One person chose to do something out of pure greed, desperately wanting to make ‘easy money’, and instead ended up with a prison sentence….

The other made a decision out of love choosing to spend time with her daughter and netted over £800,000 in ‘easy money’ in seven months.

Maybe, if the scammer hadn’t been so desperate to make ‘easy money’, she could have quite easily made a lot of ‘easy money’ by doing something that didn’t risk a spell behind bars.

What would you choose?

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£800,000 for 7 months work…


10 years imprisonment for £30,000 fraud?

I know which I prefer.

The point of this article is that there are plenty of ways to make easy money… and you can make quite a lot of it too if you do it right.

The really sad thing about this is that the scammer obviously had a fairly large following to be able to solicit nearly £30,000 in donations.

The question is this…

How much could she have made had she promoted legitimate affiliate products or sold her own products to those people?

She has now lost all the trust and respect she had built up and lost access to that large number of people.

Whereas had she been promoting real products like Becca, not only would she have made a lot of honest money, her number of followers would have continued to grow meaning that she could have made a lot more money in the future.

It amazes me how many people are seduced into doing something completely life destroying for a largish sum of easy money… which is not actually that large a sum of money when you compare it to what many other people are making legitimately.

£30,000 is actually very easy to make online.

You only need to sell 3,000 copies of a product that gives you a clear £10 product.

That number of required sales diminishes when the product you sell gives you more profit.

For example; you only need to sell 1,500 number of a product that gives you a clear £20 profit.

If the profit is £30 per item, you only need to sell 1,000.

You only need to sell 300 copies of something that gives you a clear £100 profit.

With digital products and the internet, all of the above is easily doable.

So is selling 6,000 copies of a product that gives you a modest £5 profit.

I have previously talked about how people are making tens of thousands of pounds publishing newsletters that charged just £5 per month to read.

Everyone now has access to tools, platforms, services and large audiences that gives them the opportunity to make a lot of money.

It is there for the taking.

So go and take it.

Kind regards

John Harrison.

PS… If you are looking for a way to create a passive income and build your own six-figure-a-year income, clink the link below:

How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Income Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!