Tag Archives: Business Advice

How To Get Paid Multiple Times For Writing One Article

I read an interesting article this morning which reinforced an idea I talked about previously.

The article was titled something like ‘2 Income Streams From One Article’, and it talked about how the author used to write articles for his website – which generated money by promoting products – and then print them off and sell them individually as small booklets at seminars or via his website for one or two pounds.

He says that at one speaking gig, he sold out and the staff rushed to have more printed and that he made around £700 that day selling those booklets.

Originally, he printed the articles onto nice decorative paper he bought from Amazon costing as little as 7 pence per sheet but when he sold out, the staff had the venue print extras using just the normal ‘white’ printer paper that was available… and people were still happy to buy them.

Obviously, it helped that he had been on stage speaking and so he had pre-warmed the audience and so when they saw the ‘important’ information they needed to remember broken down and printed onto sheets that were selling for a couple of pounds, they were happy to buy.

I have talked about this before.

Turning articles into short eBooks, guides, blueprints and cheat sheets to sell is a great idea.

Over the period of a year, you can have many digital products published online that could be making you a passive income.

Covers can be made quite easily using the online design tool, Canva, or you can pay someone on Fiverr.com to make them for you.

You don’t want to be spending too much on having covers made for short eBooks that you intend to sell for a few pounds.

These eBooks, guides, blueprints and cheat sheets can be sold on platforms such as Gumroad, Payhip, and possibly Etsy. They can definitely be sold on your own website too.

As mentioned in a previous article, if you become a ‘face that is known by people, they may search for your website and it is always good to have products online that they can buy directly from your website.

I recommend having these types of products on multiple platforms so that you can find more buyers. Think of it as having your books stocked in book shops across the world instead of just selling them from your front room.

The point is this… writing a ‘big’ book is time consuming and requires a lot of work, whereas writing articles is easier and a good quality article that is full of useful advice can easily be converted into a cheap eBook or guide.

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I have previously shared the story with you of Emanuel Haldeman-Julius.

Emanuel Haldeman-Julius was one of the biggest publishers in the USA during the 1920s, and a millionaire several times over.

He published a series of little books and had around 2,000 titles in circulation during his publishing career selling over 100 million books.

The books cost $0.10 which was considered cheap at that time. I’m not sure what the price would be today, but you get the idea… they were small handbooks sold at a reasonable cheap price.

Imagine that you had 2,000 short eBooks for sale online priced at just £2… I’m pretty sure that you would make plenty of sales each and every month.

I’m not saying that you need to have that many or that you could indeed write that many books, but you know what I am saying, I’m making a modern day comparison to Emanuel Haldeman-Julius’ Empire.

In fact, it would be a lot easier to do as there are no printing and distribution/postal costs to consider, plus, advertising online can be incredibly cheap.

In fact, if you use social media correctly, you can get your products out in front of people for free. Emanuel Haldeman-Julius never had that luxury.

The good thing about articles is that they take a lot less work putting together and if you plan a series of articles for your website, that series can become a decent sized eBook that you can charge that little more for.

Here’s a prime example of short eBook that is at a price that won’t break the bank:

Earn More, Live More, Work Less

That eBook was written as a case study and example as to how easy it can be to create and publish your own eBooks from your own website as part of The 30 Day To £30K Challenge.

To learn more, go to:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… You will discover how to create a product fast (even faster if you are simply creating short books from articles), publish them online, and set up a payment processor so that people can buy your books at any time of the day or night generating you a passive income.

Don’t forget, if the content is life changing and transformational…you can charge a heck of a lot more than just £2 for your short eBook.

Here’s that link again:


The Future Looks Increasingly Bleak… Here’s How To Change That!

I recently watched a show that had a film maker spend time in some of the most deprived and troubled areas of the UK.

As expected, there were a lot neglected social housing, and forgotten people.

The areas were hotbeds of crime, violence and drugs. Many of the young men were carrying weapons including machetes and hand guns.

These are not pleasant places to live, and I am grateful that I haven’t had to live anywhere as bad as that.

Throughout the programme, the presenter who was living in these troubled estates, would befriend people and spend time with them, asking questions and getting to know more about the areas and the problems.

One of the people that he befriended was a guy who was struggling with drug addiction. He had been struggling with his addiction for nearly ten years.

Battling his addiction was hard and had taken its toll on his life.

This guy was living in a bedsit, he didn’t have a job due to depression and anxiety and his addiction, and he had very little money.

At one point, he took his mobile phone into a Cash Converters where they would pay him £50 for the phone which he would later buy back… of pay a monthly interest for them to hold on to it instead of selling it.

Apparently, he had done this 12 times before. The guy admitted that the store had had the phone longer than he had over the last year.

As he handed the phone over hoping to be given £50 so that he could pay off a few debts, he was reminded that his bass guitar was now out of it’s month period and that if he wanted it saving from being sold, he would now need to pay interest at £16 a month.

So instead of getting £50, he was handed £34, which was not enough to cover his debts.

What was interesting was the fact that he had previously pawned his bass guitar and that he had paid more in interest to stop the store selling it than what he had paid to buy the guitar in the first place.

That is just madness!

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It would have been cheaper to have sold it to raise some needed money, and then save up and buy another one later.

I know that sounds ridiculous because he never has any money to save, but whenever he did get any money, it was taken as interest on the items he had pawned… so technically, he could have saved that amount each month.

But, that is desperation and poverty at play.

Research has shown that poverty is very expensive.

When people cannot afford to buy the better and more expensive version of an item, they are forced to buy the cheaper option which doesn’t last as long which in turn means that they have to buy it again… and again… and again.

Most people who are really struggling financially spend far more on basic items than those who can afford to buy better.

It is the same with the pre-paid gas and electric meters.

Studies have shown that those who cannot afford to pay monthly gas and electric bills actually pay far more when using pre-paid meters.

The only way they can keep costs down is when they are forced to go without energy when they do not actually have the money to top up their pre-paid meters.

Without energy, they cannot cook, enjoy hot water, heat their rooms or use any lights.

Add to that battling constantly with mould and damp that a lot of old council housing is prone to and you have a seriously miserable existence.

I am not going to start saying that these people ‘should do this’ or ‘should do that’ as it became apparent that they haven’t got an idea as to what opportunities are available to them.

What they don’t know, they can’t do.

Plus, many of them simply can’t access the tools or the services that could actually help them to make any extra money to make life easier for them or even escape the misery.

With people pawning items like phones and laptops to pay for bills and going without electricity, how are they going to be able to access the information that can help them?

They can’t.

They certainly won’t be able to start an online business if they don’t have a constant connection to the internet, which is a big shame considering that the internet allows people to sell products to people and serve customers from all across the world.

People could make extra money with their phones while having just five minutes downtime.

With people making tens of thousands of pounds each month, and others struggling to keep the lights on… the difference between them is not ability… but WHAT they know.

Those who make a lot of money online know something other people don’t… that and that they take action on that information.

And that is why self-education is vital if you want to accelerate away from poverty and struggle.

With that in mind, I want to share with you an article which will show you a way to make money that you can start today for FREE!

Click the link below to discover…

How To Cash In With A Subscription Based Business

Using certain platforms and just a smartphone, it is possible to create a subscription business that can generate thousands of pounds a month extra.

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Once fully established, you could be earning thousands of pounds each month from work which could take less than a day… depending on what you are providing.

A subscription based business is all about the numbers.

Give a large group of people something they want and need at a price they are happy to pay, and you can be paid multiple times for the one piece of work each and every month.

Here’s that link again:

How To Cash In With A Subscription Based Business

How Can Two People With The Same Skill Set Have Completely Different Results?

One person is completely struggling while the other is a massive success!

I want to share with you the stories of two different people that I know who basically do the same job, but come at it from different angles.

One is struggling for money, and the other it seems, is laughing all the way to the bank.

Before I say too much, I should first say that life circumstances have played a part in the one who is struggling currently.


As you will soon learn, he could have prevented this from happening and protected his future had he done what he was advised to do several years ago.

OK, so there are two people, I am not going to name names out of respect for their privacy, both of whom specialise in SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).

SEO is the art of getting your website on the first page of the search results.

Getting your webpages on the first page of the search results for specific search terms can result in a lot of people visiting your website for free generating a lot of sales and revenue.

It is an industry that is changing due to the development of AI tools, but before AI was introduced, the people who could do SEO well, were highly sought after individuals and generally well paid.

Many SEO specialists would work on their own websites and land them on the first pages of the search results to generate a lot of passive income from sales of affiliate products and advertising revenue.

A good SEO specialist would often have several websites earning them a decent monthly passive income meaning that they could focus on other work without stress and fear of not having money coming in to cover living costs.

Many SEO specialists didn’t need to earn an income as they had money coming in passively from their websites or other avenues.

They may do some SEO work for well paying clients, but on the whole, they would just keep adding to their portfolio of websites that earn them a passive income.

And this is what I want to share with you today.

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The difference between the two SEO specialists I am talking about is that one desperately needs money and is currently begging clients for freelance work…

And the other is making more money passively in a year selling SEO eBooks and courses, than the other one makes offering SEO services.

The biggest difference here, other than one is male and from Indian and the other is a female from the US, is that one bounces back and forth between ‘money making ventures’ whereas the other has an idea, plans it out, and sticks with it until it is all in place and running smoothly.

The female SEO specialist now has several products and websites online which are earning her a decent monthly ‘living income’ and everything else she earns from freelance SEO works is a nice bonus.

The male SEO specialist, is still scratching around looking for work that will make him just enough money to feed his family. He has no time to work on his own websites or eBooks because he is desperately looking for much-needed paid work.

The sad thing is that he had been advised many times to do specific things such as create an eBook or build a website to generate passive income and he did have a go, but each time he tried to ‘game the system’ and do a half hearted attempt instead of doing things correctly.

He has had several years where he could have written and published several guides on topics such as SEO and building websites that he could have been selling on platforms like Gumroad and Payhip.

As I say, life circumstances have changed and that is forcing him to currently chase a lot of ‘paid work’, but if life changed suddenly and drastically for the female SEO specialist she would be well protected as she has built a ‘living income’ that will support her.

He too could have been in that position if only he had stuck with one idea until it was completed instead of flitting from idea to idea.

Life can change for people at any minute.

It only takes a split-second and your life could be completely different for the rest of your life.

A passive income takes away the stress of needing to earn money to keep your head above water when dealing with a crisis.

Or should the worst ever happen… a passive income gives your family an income and some financial protection if you are no longer around.

It’s not a pleasant thought, I know, and I hope that you don’t need a passive income for that reason.

The point of today’s article is to remind you how harmful it can be if you don’t stick with one thing until it is complete and instead flip from one thing to another.

When you do that, you are likely to never succeed in anything and when life does strike, you are left struggling and begging for work when your attention should be on something more important elsewhere.

Kind regards

John Harrison.

PS… If you are looking for a way to create a passive income and build your own six-figure-a-year income, clink the link below:

How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Income Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!

Is This The Easiest Way To Start A Profitable Online Business?

I’ve just seen a clip of a Spanish man in a hi-viz jacket smashing open a rock with a sledgehammer to find a sealed packet of cocaine.

The video clips shows him standing in a large barn like structure with other people swinging sledgehammers at a whole floor of rocks.

I can only assume that these guys work for the Spanish customs or a drugs enforcement agency of some kind.

Looking at the floor which is covered in rocks, it would seem that drug smugglers are making moulds to look like rocks and then ‘concreting’ the drugs inside them.

They are then shipping the drugs across borders in trucks carrying tonnes of rocks.

This, despite it being a despicable, is next level genius!

I mean, who would suspect that a truck load of ornamental rocks destined for garden centres or landscaping companies would contain 1,000kg of cocaine?

At first I thought that the police had been ‘tipped off’ as a way to divert attention from the main deliver – a method that has been used many times before – but I am now thinking that had the police been tipped off, this was not done by the smugglers themselves as 1,000 kg is a lot of dugs with a street value worth millions.

In April 2020, UK customs seized two hauls of cocaine totalling 190 kg coming through the port of Dover hidden in consignments of toys and paper.

The drugs had a street value of around £14 million, so I imagine 1,000 kg could be somewhere between £80 and £100 million… possibly more today.

That’s a lot of money to lose as a diversion.

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Either the police had someone working on the ‘inside’ or they had been observing this gang for some time.

Once the police discover a new method used for smuggling drugs, it becomes ‘known’ and so they add it to their list and keep an eye out for it in the future.

Having to search a lorry load of rocks looking for artificial rocks is one hell of a job… as is creating those rocks in the first place just so that you can get drugs across borders.

I can see why they do it… there’s a lot of money in selling drugs.

Putting aside the problems of hiding and smuggling drugs across borders, hiding the money and ‘cleaning’ it so that it is ‘legit’ and useable is another ball-ache of a problem I wouldn’t want to deal with.

Personally I prefer simplicity and ease when it comes to making money.

I get that by selling something that is also as profitable as drugs, if not more so.

That is information.

Selling information is selling knowledge and experience which helps and advises people.

One of the simplest, and often most profitable, ways to sell information is by publishing a newsletter.

Today, newsletters are delivered digitally and can be created online with ease which means that there is very little cost to publishing a newsletter, it can be delivered instantly and you can reach people all over the world.

It is an incredible way of delivering useful content and getting paid for it.

It requires no complicated software or equipment.

You can get started today for free if you use a platform like Substack.

Previously, I have talked about people who are making stacks of money publishing newsletters on Substack including Noah Smith who earns a staggering $1 million (£780,600 ATOW) a year from his newsletter.

I asked our techy guy, Andi, to record a quick walk-around video of Substack which you can watch here:

Why You Should Consider Publishing A Newsletter With Substack

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… People are flocking to Substack to read newsletters because unlike websites, they are not drenched in advertising. The pages are clean, fast to load and easy to read… now is the time to check it out.

Here’s the link to that video:

 Why You Should Consider Publishing A Newsletter With Substack

How To Make Money Selling Something That Is Abundantly Available For Free

When you think about it, the idea of a paying to lay out on a sunbed or stand up in a small enclosed tube filled with ultraviolet lights to get a suntan is quite strange when you consider that outside; there is a huge burning disk in the sky that bathes the Earth with all the light needed for a tan each and every day for free.

Sunshine is abundantly available every day, and it is completely free!

Yet, there are millions of people who will pay to go to tanning salons to get a sun tan.

I’ve always thought it was a strange concept… until the other day.

A friend of mine, who lives in a country that is blessed with hotter summers and more sunshine than the UK, was complaining that there were no tanning salons close to where she lived.

I asked her why she needed a tanning salon considering that she lives in a place where the sun can burn you to a crisp if you are out in it longer than ten minutes.

In the UK where we have long grey winters, I understand why people use them to ‘top up’ a tan, but when you live in a place with a lot of sunshine, why would you want to use a tanning salon. It baffled me.

Her answer finally made me understand the popularity of sunbeds… she said, “the sun does not consistently reach all of the parts and it doesn’t give you an all-over body tan. Tanning salons do.”

When you lay out in the sun sunbathing it is hard to get the sun down your sides and in to those areas where… ‘the sun don’t shine’.

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When you go out and about in the sun, you often end up with a red face, arms and shoulders but everywhere else is left white due to your clothes.

With a sunbed, you get a controlled, concentrated and consistent all-over coverage.

You know exactly what you are getting when you pay to go on a sunbed… and this is why they are popular.

Sunbeds deliver a solution to an age old problem… not being able to get a decent sun tan using the sun alone.

This is why people pay money to regularly use sun beds even though there is constant free sunshine every day!

You might be wondering why I am telling you this… well the reason is that I want you to understand that if you offer a product or service that delivers a solution to a problem, in the same way sunbeds do, you can make a lot or money.

By offering a solution to a problem that a lot of people are struggling with, you will have a constant source of income.

Tanning salons are always busy with customers.

The only reason tanning salons would close would be from there being too many other salons in the area offering a better priced service, the owners decide to retire, the price of sunbeds drop considerable that everyone buys one, or they are deemed incredibly dangerous.

Tanning salons will not close while there is a big demand for the all-over body tan, and I can’t see that changing any time soon, despite the sun shining each and every day.

This is why people who publish eBooks and digital products make a lot of money, they find problems that a large number of people are struggling with and they create solutions for them.

They help people get what they want, whether that is more money, more free time, or less pain and struggle.

Creating digital products that you can sell online generating a passive income is a lot easier than you may think.

You can have a brand new product created and selling online within 30 days.

To learn how, go to:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Not only will you be shown how to create a product fast, you will be shown how to install and modify the two page templates that come with this product as a FREE bonus.

Those pages are where you will sell your products from, and you get them for FREE

Here’s that link again:


Why Work In A War Zone When You Can Work From The Beach?

“Nobody wants to work in these places. They’re war zones.” Those are the words of Kevin O’Leary, a well-known investor and star of the show Shark Tank, the US version of Dragon’s Den.

O’Leary was talking about remote working and replying to those people who have publicly stated that allowing people to work remotely is no longer a good idea and that people should be coming back into the office instead of working ‘in pyjamas’.

People like Elon Musk and Martha Stewart have publicly shared their anti-work-from-home views, and O’Leary wanted to address this.

He believes that calling people back into the office is foolish as you will not find the best talent to do the job.

The reason for this he says is:

“The economy has changed radically. The problem with saying everybody has to work in the office is you won’t be able to hire the best talent,”

Appearing on Fox’s Outnumbered show, O’Leary insisted that the increased crime in cities like San Francisco is deterring people from returning to offices, whereas before the covid pandemic of 2020, the idea of working in a big city used to be attractive.

He said: “Nobody wants to work in these places. They’re war zones. So, they want to work where they get their jobs done.”

On the show, O’Leary claimed that 40% of workers won’t return to offices, a big difference from the 15% that experts estimated two years ago.

The other point to consider is that those who are in the lofty position of being the best at what they do, they can pick and chose who they work for.

If one company is happy to pay them well for what they do and allow them to work from home where others won’t, it’s unlikely they will choose the one that wants them in the office if that is not what they personally want.

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Coincidentally, the day I read about O’Leary’s comments, I also saw a video by a company that has been tackling car crime in San Francisco and the footage showed cars being broken into while they were patiently waiting in slow moving traffic.

It also showed parked cars being robbed across the city.

It has become a daily occurrence with gangs purposely going out to rob cars and then take their haul to a buyer who would give the robbers cash for laptops, phones and anything that they could sell on.

The footage showed the exchange of goods and cash happening in car parks in broad daylight. The gangs would get paid, then go off to rob more cars only to return within an hour or two to sell another haul.

This was a conveyor belt business of stolen goods.

It was a modern day version of Fagan and his gangs of Artful Dodgers.

I hadn’t realised this, but San Francisco is the grips of a car crime epidemic.

It’s not just stuff being robbed from cars that is an issue; carjacking is a huge problem across the city too.

One carjacking that went wrong resulted in the police shooting dead the carjacker after he crashed and then began shooting at the ‘good Samaritans’ who, unaware that he was driving a stolen car, rushed to help him out of the wreckage.

It is a real problem and the locals are quite-rightly hacked off, and I can see why many people would rather not have to travel into the city to work each day.

Working from home means that they don’t have to fear getting their cars broken into and their personal belongs stolen… while on route into the city!

Working from home is quickly becoming the norm in this new economy… and it’s not all about working for other people either.

You can work for yourself from home and make more money than you would working for someone else… plus you are completely free from all of the office politics that can affect your mood, motivation, and productivity.

Working from home is incredibly freeing because your home can be wherever you make it.

This week your home could be your actual home, the next week it could be a beach-front hotel in Greece, and the week after that it could be an Airbnb with an ocean view in the USA.

Working from home running an online business gives you a lot of freedom. You can choose what you do, when you do it and where you do it from.

To discover what an online and email based business can do for you, click the link below:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Remember, because this is all done online, it can be done from anywhere in the world. You can take it with you wherever you travel and make money.

Now that’s what I call freedom!

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret

This Is An Extreme Way Of Getting The Deposit For Your First Home!

Following on from the previous article where I talked about how an Australian chap was trying to save money by peeling bananas when he buys them from a supermarket, today I want to talk about a ‘real’ success of living frugal.

It was recently reported in the press that Londoner, Mal Jones, 30, saved £22,000 by living in the back of a van…in some of the UK’s wealthiest areas.

Mal works as a performing artist travelling up and down the country and so she came to the conclusion that it would be better and cheaper for her to live in a van instead of paying for hotel accommodation wherever she was performing.

Mal first moved into a van when the pandemic hit and has been living in it ever since.

A van means that she can travel to where the work is, she has someone to live, and she can save a lot of money.

She admits that she lives frugally and there is a reason for that… she is saving up enough money to buy a home.

Being just 30 and single, she sees no reason as to why she shouldn’t spend a couple of years living in a van. It is equipped with a bed, cooker, storage and everything she needs to live comfortably.

She has already achieved something that is unusual in the field of performing arts, and that is to save a decent chunk of money. The performing arts is not one of the best paid jobs and so with expensive living costs, most performing artists are left with little money to save.

Mal parks her van up for the night in the areas wealthiest and quietest areas meaning that she can have a decent night’s sleep.

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Fuel, parking prices and clean air zone charges are her biggest costs. She can spend between £80 and £100 a week on those but compared to renting in London which could be £1,300 per month alone, she is saving a lot as she doesn’t pay rent, utility costs and council tax either.

Living in a van is allowing her to save for a deposit for a house, but the downside is that she will need to rent again before attempting to buy a house due to the fact that living in a van means she has no credit history which will affect her chances of getting a mortgage.

Mal’s story is a lot more inspiring than that of the guy who peeled bananas in an attempt to save £0.13 pence when visiting the supermarket.

If you want or need to save a decent amount of money, go big, or go home… as the saying goes.

In this case, Mal went big AND she went home… to her her van home and that helped her save £22,000 for a deposit for a real home.

I’m not sure that I could ever live in a small van like Mal. It is a bit extreme, but she is still young and single and so she can probably adapt a lot easier than me.

I like things to be less cramped.

I appreciate that the cost of living is high, but there are other ways to make the money needed for a deposit for a house, or pay for the ever-increasing cost of rent.

Our good friend Kate Davis has made well over £25,000 trading the financial markets each morning before going to work using just her phone.

It takes just a few minutes to start a profitable trade which she monitors while she is doing her morning workout.

Kate is usually out of the trade with a profit before she sets foot out of the door and on her way to work.

She makes between £50 and £185 each day… and it is all TAX FREE!

Wanting to help others, Kate put pen to paper and created her own training manual and asked us here at Streetwise if we would kindly publish it for her.

We did… and it sold like wildfire!

Kate has now decided that she would like to help more people and so this time, she wants to give her manual away for FREE.

If you would like to get your own copy of Kate’s Treadmill Trader manual, click the link below:

Get Your Free Copy Of The Treadmill Trader Here!

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… Most days Kate spends as little as half an hour before work and makes between £50 and £185 in TAX FREE profits.

And she does it using just her phone!

Here’s that link again:

Get Your Free Copy Of The Treadmill Trader Here!

He Does What With His Bananas?

I think I have heard it all now!

An Australian couple, Mason and Mai, who share their money making and frugality tips on the video sharing platform, TikTok, have stooped to an all time low.

Well, Mason has, Mai is a little bit embarrassed at two tips he recently shared.

Many TikTokers have told Mai that she needs to leave him as he is gone beyond being frugal and is simply penny pinching for no good reason.

So what is it that Mason does to save money which pushed people to the limit?

  1. He peels bananas in the supermarket and puts them in a thin bag so when he weighs them at the self-checkout machine, they are cheaper.
  1. When going to Taco Bell, to get out of buying a ‘fizzy drink’, Mason picks up a used cup which has been thrown on the ground so that he can get ‘unlimited refills’.

One of the people who commented on the banana hack video said ‘all that to save 25¢’, which is roughly £0.13 today.

I despair!

This kind of stuff frustrates me.

These types of people frustrate me.

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for people being shrewd and savvy with their money, and I don’t have a problem with people being frugal if that is what they want to do… but come on!

Removing banana skins to save 13 pence is just ridiculous.

As for drinking out of a discarded cup that someone else has had their sloppy chops around just so they can get free drinks is… feral, as one commenter nicely put it.

The attempt to get free drinks from Taco Bell is really theft, and that kind of thing can harm businesses.

I don’t know much else about Mason and Mia, they may be trying to be controversial simply to get their videos to go viral and build a big following.

As you know, there’s a lot of money to be made when you have a large following. It is possible that these were stunts, I so hope they were.

If this is genuine and Mason really does peel bananas to save 13 pence and drink out of dirty used cups to save the odd pound now and then… then there’s something fundamentally wrong with him and his thinking.

The amount of time Mason spent peeling bananas to save money really isn’t worth the monetary saving.

If he saved £0.13 every time he did it and it was a weekly occurrence, then Mason saves £6.76 for the whole year.

In my mind, it just isn’t really worth the effort.

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I know that it may only take 30 seconds to do, but that still amounts to just over 15 minutes in wasted time for the year.

Yes, I know that it’s not a huge amount of time, and I know that you cannot necessary accomplish a lot in that time, but if you use that time more wisely, it can earn you a lot more than a lousy £6.76.

This last week I have been reading a lot about people making money using various platforms such as Payhip, Gumroad and Substack to sell eBooks, newsletters, and digital products… some of which could take as little as 15 minutes to create.

A simple checklist and blueprint could take as little as 15 minutes to make and would earn far more than £6.76 over the year… it would earn a lot more.

Saving money is very often the worst thing people can do, especially if that involves a lot of pointless faffing.

As I say, protecting your money is a shrewd thing to do, but you have to weigh up which is better… spending 15 minutes peeling bananas in a supermarket which saves you the grand total of £6.76 over a whole year, or create something that you can sell and make you several thousand pounds.

On paper, which of the two do you think is best?

Instead of drinking out of dirty used cups to avoid paying for a new one, would it not make more sense to simply find a way that earns more than enough money to pay for a clean new cup?

Our good friend, Kate Davies, makes far more than £6.76 most mornings… and that’s before going to work.

Since lockdown in 2020, Kate makes an extra £750 – £1,725 a month while doing her morning workout before work.

After generating over £20,000 in TAX FREE profits, Kate put everything she does down onto paper and asked us if we would kindly publish it for her.

Her manual sold far better than anyone expected.

Through her comprehensive manual, she has taught many others to generate very healthy profits each day… there’s no peeling bananas or drinking out of dirty used cups here, this is pure TAX FREE profits of up to £185 per day!

The good news is… Kate wants to send you a copy of that manual – which has taught hundreds of people how to make up to £1,725 in TAX FREE money each month – for FREE!

If you would like your own copy of Kate’s wildly successful Treadmill Trader manual, click the link below:

Get Your Free Copy Of The Treadmill Trader Here!

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… Most days Kate spends as little as half an hour before work and makes between £50 and £185 in TAX FREE profits.

And she does it using just her phone!

Here’s that link again:

Get Your Free Copy Of The Treadmill Trader Here!

People Actually Pay To Read This Stuff?

I’m fascinated with how one journalist, Noah Smith, can earn $1 million (£800,000 ATOW) from a newsletter that he writes.

I wanted to know what information he was sharing and why people were paying between $8 and $10 (£6.38 and £7.97 ATOW) a month to read his newsletters.

I have not signed up to the paid version, but I have subscribed to the free version.

Noah is an economist and a political commentator and that is basically what he writes about.

His last two articles have been about the history of OPEC and the oil prices, and the US job figures and how people are misinterpreting them.

He typically publishes five times a week, three of those articles are free, the other two are what his paying subscribers have access to.

So for just under £8 a month, people are paying to have access to eight exclusive articles on top of the twelve they can access for free.

The free articles are well researched, well written, very detailed, long, and have plenty of relevant and useful graphs and images.

I can only assume that the paid-for articles are the same, if not better.

You can read so much of the paid-for content before being asked to subscribe and I looked at one which was titled At Least Five Things To Star Your Day (#2).

Two of the five things on the list were free to read:

  1. New research suggests that government-provided student loans aren’t helping students.
  1. America is experiencing a factory-building boom.

Again, it was all political and economical in nature.

What I find interesting is how many people are willing to pay for economic and political information because it is already available everywhere for free, and for the most part… it is pretty useless information for most people.

Think about it for a minute…

In what way is knowing about the failure of student loans, the US growth in factory building, the rental and retail market in China, the OPEC and Russian oil crisis, and the misinterpreting of the US employment figures going to make an individual’s life any better?

It isn’t! Not really.

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Yes, some people may be motivated to invest in specific stocks, shares and industries, but on the whole, the actual information is pretty useless to most people.

The truth is this… people enjoying ‘knowing’ stuff.

They love to read about stuff and these people who subscribe to Noah’s newsletters, they want to know what his opinions are on those subjects… which is funny considering Noah’s newsletter is called Noahpinion.

An obvious play on words using his name, but it is clear; Noah does have an opinion, although I would say that, looking at the research he puts into his work, his work is probably more factual than opinion.

So, you may be wondering why I am telling you this.

The point of this article is that people will pay to access information and opinion – which is readily available elsewhere for free – simply because… they want to.

People buy because they want to buy.

Is there something that you can write and talk about regularly?

Do you have an interest in a subject which is also popular with others?

If yes, then you could quite possibly be sitting on a newsletter goldmine of your own.

People may be willing to pay to read the information and opinion you share with the world.

I’ve previously used Maggie Molloy’s property digests as another example; these are newsletters which tell people about cheap houses that are on the market in Ireland, Scotland and across Europe.

I imagine that a few of those who subscribe to her newsletters are seriously looking to purchase a property, and do.

But I imagine that a lot of the people who pay her a monthly fee to be sent the lists of properties don’t buy one.

Many will be dreamers who enjoy the idea of buying a cheap property, and others may simply just enjoy having the lists sent to them.

Just because people do not use the information you provide, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t provide it.

If people are happy to pay you for specific information and never use it, that is their choice.

You might as well be the one supplying them with that information and get paid for it, because if you won’t, someone else will. They will go looking for it elsewhere, it is what people do.

If Noah can earn £800,000 writing about global economics and politics, then I am more than certain that anyone and everyone can earn a decent income publishing all kinds of information.

I cannot guarantee that you will make £800,000 a year, but a few thousand pounds a month would be more than achievable… if not more.

I’ve previously shared stories of people who are making over £10,000 in subscriptions each month publishing information and newsletters.

It’s not as hard as it seems. It is a simple matter or numbers.

Find the right amount of subscribers each month paying the right amount of money, and you can make £10,000.

1,000 people paying £10 a month would make you a very decent £10,000 per month!

With the internet, you can quite easily have 1,000 people from all across the world paying you a monthly subscription fee to access content that you provide in your newsletter.

To learn more… click the link below:

How To Cash In With A Subscription Based Business

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Once fully established, you could be earning thousands of pounds each month from work which could take less than a day… depending on what you are providing.

A subscription based business is all about the numbers.

Give a large group of people something they want and need at a price they are happy to pay, and you can be paid multiple times for the one piece of work each and every month.

Here’s that link again:

How To Cash In With A Subscription Based Business

The Future Of Making Money Is With Monthly Subscriptions

After reading an article on the Washington Post website that shared the unfortunate story about a couple of freelance writers who had lost clients and were forced to take up other ‘offline’ work because of the AI tool, ChatGPT, I called a friend who works as a freelance writer to discuss the future of writing.

I was pleasantly surprised to hear that he wasn’t too fearful of ChatGPT taking his job just yet.

Firstly, he has been told by clients that he was safe. They like the ‘realness’ of his writing and the ‘personality’ that he puts into his work.

He also does other work which ChatGPT cannot do. So in that way, he cannot be replaced just yet.

And secondly, he has a back-up plan which he believes still has plenty of years of profitability in it.

His back-up plan interested me and so I want to share with you some of the things we discussed.

The reason I was interested in his back-up plan is that I know from firsthand experience how profitable it can be because it is something that we have done a lot of in the past, and still do.

His idea is digital and focuses on email and online, whereas what we do is physical and needs to be printed and then posted out to people.

What I am talking about here are newsletters.

There has been a surge in popularity for newsletters recently, and the great thing about newsletters today, is that they are digital and can be published at the push of a button and accessed by thousands of people from all around the world.

There are very few running costs with an online newsletter.

The reason why he is not necessarily concerned about being replaced by AI – other than being reassured by the people he writes for that he is safe – is that with newsletters, you can replace one or two good paying clients with several hundred people (possibly thousands) paying a small subscription fee… and do less work.

A freelance writer will do different work for several clients, whereas with a newsletter, you are writing for only one client… the paying subscribers.

The fact that they are all interested in the same thing means that you can write one article that will be enjoyed by hundreds of people, but with clients, a freelance writer needs to write a new article per client.

It also depends on the kind of contracts and clients a freelance writer has. They could write for one person and earn £2,000 per month, or they could write for 10 or more different clients to earn that £2,000.

There is a limit to what a writer can produce.

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Even the fastest writers can only write for a specific number of clients each month. They cannot churn out thousands of articles and emails.

Unless they are one of the most sought after copywriters on the planet, there will be a ceiling to the amount of money they can make per client and per month.

With a newsletter… you can make a lot more money and write less because you are simply selling the same piece of written work to many people.

Let’s say that you earn £100 writing a one thousand word article. To make £1,000, you would need to write 10 articles.

But with a newsletter, you can write a one thousand word article and make £1,000 by having 200 people paying you £5 to access it.

If you have 400 people paying you £5 you will make £2,000.

Have 1,000 people paying you £5 and you will be making a nice £5,000 for that same one thousand word article.

A newsletter could be daily, weekly or monthly and may need more than just 1,000 words; however, you get the point.

You swap paying clients who each want specific content tailored to their needs for an audience all wanting the same one thing.

It makes your work load a lot easier.

With a newsletter, you can have as many paying subscribers as you can handle, which can be a lot due to the fact that it is online.

Last week I read about how a journalist was earning $1 million a year thanks to having 10,000 people paying him between $100 and $120 a year to access his newsletter.

I also read about how another journalist set up her own newsletter when she was made redundant in 2020 and now has over 20,000 people subscribing to it.

I don’t know if that is the amount of people paying $5 for the paid newsletter or the amount subscribed to her free newsletter.

If that is the amount subscribed to the free newsletter and she had a decent 3% of that figure paying her $5 for her paid-for newsletter (she publishes so much for free and charges for her best content) then she would be making a decent $3,000 per month.

If that 20,000 figure is the amount that are paying to read her paid-for content, then she is making $100,000 each month… which in proper money is around £84,000 per month!

You don’t get money like that writing for clients unless you are a copywriter at the top of your game.

She started her paid-for newsletter by accident when she caught the ‘paid newsletter button’ and set her work behind a pay wall, resulting in 400 people initially paying her to read her content.

That first edition of her paid-for newsletter earned her $2,000 all from accidentally hitting that button.

Having your own newsletter is a very appealing.

You only need to create the content once which can take as little as a day or two… depending on what content you are supplying that is.

In the video below (click the link), Andi, our techy guy, walks you through a great subscription business that provides a weekly newsletter of information that is easy to compile.

Revealed! A Simple Fully Automated Subscription Income Model You Can Start From Home… TODAY!

In that video, Andi, points out that the newsletter creator, Maggie Molloy, had two newsletters, she has since expanded her newsletter empire and today she has four.

Three of them are priced at €5 per month, and the fourth is slightly more expensive at €20 per month.

If you were to subscribe to all four newsletters, Maggie Molloy would be making €35 per month which is around £30 in real money.

Imagine that she had just 100 people all paying her £30 each month to receive these four newsletters; she would be earning a decent £3,000 each month.

That’s not too bad is it?

I have no idea what her actual subscriber figures are but the fact that she has expanded to four newsletters makes me think that it is worth it for her.

She may have several hundred people subscribing to one or more of her newsletters giving her a decent monthly income.

What Maggie is doing isn’t that hard. It is a simple business model supplying a simple newsletter that anyone can recreate.

If this business model appeals to you, I would recommend that you focus on one newsletter first until you were up and running and earning a decent income before expanding other newsletters.

You can watch that video here:

Revealed! A Simple Fully Automated Subscription Income Model You Can Start From Home… TODAY!

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… This is something which requires a simple website as show in The 30 Days To £30K Challenge, can be marketed for free using social media and takes very little time to work on each week.

Here’s that link again:

Revealed! A Simple Fully Automated Subscription Income Model You Can Start From Home… TODAY!