Tag Archives: Business Advice

Perfectionism, proofreading and profits

When I was a small boy at school, my English teacher said “John how’s your grammar?”

I replied with, “She’s fine Miss, she nearly choked on a Strawberry Bon Bon the other day, but apart from that, she’s doing well. Thanks for asking.”

The old ones are the best!

You might be wondering why I started the email with a bad joke about grammar. It’s because of an email I received this week.

I’m always grateful when our customers reply to the emails I send out… especially when they praise the subject matter.

I’m also grateful when they email in pointing out any errors which they see in the emails… especially when they are glaringly obvious and I have somehow missed them.

Earlier this week a much valued customer did just that.

Not only am I grateful for the ‘heads up’ meaning that I can make a much needed correction, I’m also grateful because it inspired me to write this email.

It’s hard to believe I know, but I do make a few spelling and grammatical errors when writing my emails… but do you know what?

I’m happy with that… and here’s why.

To Err Is Human…

So please forgive me… in fact…

To Forgive Is Divine

Believe it or not, making mistakes is good for business. Firstly it shows that you are human which is always good in business and secondly… this is the best part… it creates engagement.

Whenever you make a mistake, people notice it and cannot wait to correct you.

Before working with us, Andi used to work for another company which did similar things as us and part of his work was to manage Facebook pages.

He told us that one of the tricks they would use was to intentionally spell words incorrectly or use bad grammar simply to get people commenting on the post.

This engagement was great for Facebook’s Edgerank algorithm.

Basically what that means is that Facebook would notice that those posts were getting a lot of interaction (people informing them that they spelled a word wrong and that they were completely useless) and would deem them popular and they would then show those posts to more people.

Whether we like it or not, spelling errors on social media… generate engagement and traffic.

The online versions of newspapers such as ‘The Metro’ do this too. The reason is that it grabs people’s attention.

In marketing this is called a ‘pattern interrupt’.

It stops people in their tracks and for some of them; seeing spelling errors on social media is enough to ruin their peace of mind and can even ruin their day.

Spelling errors to some people is like what Kryptonite is to Superman… it destroys them.

Another reason why I don’t worry too much about speeling or grammatical errors… (I bet that is driving some of you nuts right now!) is that perfection is harmful to profits.

I’m not saying that you shouldn’t put out the best product possible or that you should care less about your customers, I’m saying that you shouldn’t obsess about making something perfect.

Not only is perfection relative, people have different ideas and opinions on what is perfect or not, it is also costly to achieve.

Perfection cannot really be achieved but those who constantly strive for it… often fail spectacularly. And here is why…

Many talented artists, musicians and writers never publish anything because they believe that their work is not perfect.

When they think that work is not perfect, they believe it is not good enough for people to consume, so they don’t release it… and they don’t make any money.

Those people who constantly publish content which is considered just ‘good enough’ will always outperform the perfectionist who publishes little or nothing.

Prolific Beats Perfection

To strive for perfection robs you of a lot of time and/or money.

Take these emails as an example.

I spend a lot of time writing and proofreading these emails (yes, I do proofread them, but sometimes a type of snow blindness can take over when you are reading what you have spent ages writing) and time is precious to me.

If it took me two hours to write and proofread an email that still had one or a couple of errors in it, I am happy with that because I can go move onto writing a new email or do something else.

If I were to spend the necessary time and effort that was required to make a perfect email – one which pleased an English professor or the small number of people who find a couple of errors irritating or infuriating… I would get less done and make less money.

You see… I’d rather get two, three, or four ‘just good enough’ articles and emails ‘out there’ than one ‘perfect’ one.

Getting twice, triple or more content out in front of people’s eyes is far better for business than one perfect piece.

The Three Rs Of Marketing

That extra content will be seen by more people and it will repeat, remind and reinforce my message.

Do you want?

  1. 20 ‘just good enough’ articles on a website being seen by 1,000 people each or…
  2. One ‘perfect’ article being seen by just 1,000 people?

No 1 wins hands down for me. I want my content being seen by 20,000 people.

Most people can overlook one or several errors. They aren’t deal breakers. They really aren’t.

Yes, if the email or article is complete tosh and badly written from start to finish, then you have a problem.

But one or several errors are not a big problem. They can always be rectified later.

You do need to deliver quality content, that is a given. But quality content can bury a tonne of spelling and grammatical errors.

I recently read a self-published book written by a Michael Killen. Michael makes a lot of money selling marketing funnels to clients. His book showed you how to charge large companies five figures for a simple marketing funnel.

The book has a lot of valuable content which if a reader puts into practice, will make a lot of money. But the book is littered with spelling, grammatical and formatting errors.

He makes me look like an English professor… which I am clearly not. Yet that book makes him a lot of money because some of the people who read it, purchase other products from him because they have been convinced that he ‘walks the talk’.

They see past the errors and mistakes and embrace the information.

Considering that this is a book that is being sold on Amazon Kindle, I was horrified at the amount of errors in it. I would most certainly not have published it without giving it another few proofreads and had others check it over for me.

But, I have always said that you need to get stuff ‘out there’ as fast as you can and if you wait to publish a book until you have it ‘just right’, you may miss out on a lot of money or good life experiences.

Too many people put things off ‘waiting’ until the time is right or the product is right or that they can afford to do a specific something when they could have done a cheaper alternative.

Putting things ‘out there’ which are less than perfect, is a better than not having anything ‘out there’ at all.

As I say, you don’t want to publish any old rubbish which is littered with errors, but if there’s one or two… I wouldn’t worry.

As you know, I can spend up to an hour writing these emails. That’s mainly because once I’m on a roll, I struggle to stop. As I write, ideas feed on themselves and I think of other things to add.

But that’s me; you do not need to spend that amount of time writing emails.

Very often, the emails which make the most money are the simpler ones which take less than ten minutes to write.

I’m going to share with you a video showing our techy guy Andi writing an email in just four minutes.

He also shows you how the email is added to an email autoresponder which will send out the email for you on autopilot.

You can watch that video here:

How To Write A Simple Email In 4 Minutes… An Email Which Can Make You Money!

With or without typo’s, spelling errors or bad grammar, sending simple emails is a fantastic and easy way to make money.

Go check out the video now.

Kind Regards

John Harrison.

PS…The great thing about emails is that they can be written anywhere in the world, at any time on multiple devices including tablets and smartphones and can be set to go out at any time.

Here’s that link again:

How To Write A Simple Email In 4 Minutes… An Email Which Can Make You Money!

28 year old man dies trying to avoid subway fare… he should have done this instead!

On the second day into the New Year, a 28 year old man accidentally killed himself when he attempted to jump the turnstile in the New York Forest Hills 71st Avenue subway station to avoid paying just $2.75.

After failing to clear the turnstile several times, his last attempt resulted in him flipping over and landing on his head. It is believed that he broke his neck and died instantly.

Read More Here.

A life lost to simply avoid paying $2.75.

At the time of writing, that is just £2.04.

I know that I don’t know the whole story here; he may have been completely desperate with no money whatsoever.

He might have been homeless.

He could have been drunk or on drugs and not thinking clearly.

I cannot say that he ‘should have done this…’ or that he ‘should have done that…’


It really is not that hard to make a few pounds each day… not today anyway.

In previous emails I have shared with you the story about the homeless man who once lived in a tent in a park yet managed to use computers at a local library to make money and now runs several six to seven figure a year businesses.

I have also shown you how anyone can make a passive income using a simple fully automated passive income system.

Andi – our techy guy – built a fully automated passive income system of his own as an example for The 30 Day To £30K Challenge training; he built it within 30 days during the summer of 2021.

Why am I telling you this?

One day over the Christmas period while Andi was troughing on chocolates and watching Jason Statham shoot several bank robbers in his latest film The Wrath Of Man… he received notifications informing him that he had sold a couple more eBooks via that automated passive income system.

He did not need to do anything other than go back to watch the film and get fat.

Yet while he sucked the gooey caramel centre out of several mini Galaxies, he had generated enough money to pay for at least two subway train fares.

That money was generated from work he had completed six to seven months previously. And yet while he was relaxing and away from the office, he made sales.

As I say, I don’t know the full story about the man who lost his life while trying to avoid paying a couple of pounds, I cannot say what he himself should have done… but I can say this…

He would be alive today if he had paid… and if money was tight for him – and anyone else – we are living in the greatest period of human history to make money.

In a previous email I talked about the film In Pursuit Of Happyness starring Will Smith which follows the true(ish) rags-to-riches story of Chris Gardner who is now worth over £50 million.

In the early 1980’s Chris spent quite a bit of time in and out of homeless shelters, sleeping on friends couches and at one point he even slept on the floor of a subway station toilet.

This was happening while trying to make money selling bone scanners to hospitals and doctors while also studying to be a broker.

It was hard for him.

But if Chris had been homeless today, it would be a completely different scenario for him.

Not only could he be able to use a smartphone to send emails and messages to arrange consultations with doctors regarding his bone scanners, he could build websites and publish sales letters online through which he could make sales.

He could have contacted and attracted numerous potential clients via free-to-use social media platforms.

He could use his smartphone to make money writing articles and sales letters for other people.

He could use his phone to create products which could be sold online via fully automated passive income systems putting money into his bank account in the same way Andi made money while relaxing on the sofa watching films and eating chocolates.

The sad thing about the young man, who died trying to avoid paying the £2.04 subway fare, is that he died unnecessarily. It could have been prevented.

It’s a harsh reminder that life is – for the most part- a series of results based on our decisions and actions.

Had he decided to pay the £2.04, he wouldn’t have needed to try and jump the turnstile and he would not have smacked his head on the ground causing his neck to break and his life to end alone on the cold hard floor of the subway station.

Unfortunately, a lot of people cause themselves a lot of unwanted problems and misery when they try to save a few pennies and avoid paying for things.

Not only is it far easier to make a few extra pounds these days, it relieves a lot of stress and worry when you have money coming in passively on autopilot.

If there is one thing I recommend that you do this year, it is to build yourself a passive income system.

Even if it just helps to pay public transport fares or buys food and drink on days out.

It’s better in your pocket than someone else’s!

If you would like to learn how to make your own fully automated passive income system go to:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… If not for you, a fully automated passive income system would be a great gift for a child or grandchild. Imagine telling them that they now have a system earning them extra money each month and all they need to do is show the system to people every now and then.

Here’s that link again:


Design the life YOU want to live.

For some people reading this email it will be the first week of a new year, for others, it could be anytime of the year.

Generally New Year is seen as a time where people make resolutions and decide to make changes to their lives… which is great, but the truth is… every new day is the start of a new year.

You can and should make changes at any time of the year as and when you need them.

Unfortunately, most people fail when they try to implement new changes to their lives – especially those New Year resolutions – and the reasons for that are:

  1. They try to do too many at once.
  2. They do not spend any time designing a real plan they can follow.
  3. They set unrealistic expectations and don’t start small.
  4. They do not manage and track their performance and progress regularly.
  5. They don’t really want to change and have made a ‘decision’ to change based on a ‘should do’ rather than a ‘want to’.

Big changes are not made by simple decision alone.

Decision to make changes is powerful and all changes start with a decision, but big changes need to be monitored and tracked.

Successful people will spend time each week – some do this daily – reviewing how well they are doing.

They take notes and record their performance and progress.

They make new decisions and alter things which are not working for them and improve on those that are. They write this all out in a book called a ‘journal’.

This simple act keeps people on track and helps them to achieve the things they want to achieve.

Think of this as the gyroscope of your life.

By regularly reviewing your progress and performance, you are bringing yourself back into line and preventing yourself from deviating off course and down a route you don’t want to go.

In previous emails I have shared with you the study of the Yale University graduates which showed that the 3% who had written down clearly defined goals went on to enjoy more wealth and success than the other 97% of students combined.

Spending time writing out what it is that you want to achieve and experience in life will have a powerful effect on your life.

I can guarantee that the 3% in that Yale University study who amassed more wealth and success than the other 97% combined regularly monitored their progress and performance and made new decisions and changes as and when they were required.

‘Every New Day Is A New Blank PAGE Of The Book Called LIFE’

They say that every new day is a new blank page and like a book, you write your life the way you want it to be.

It’s interesting really when you consider that to ‘write the life you want’ as if you were actually writing a book, you do actually write it in a book!

Some people call it journaling because they use a daily journal.

Journaling is the science of self-study, self-observation, evaluating progress and performance, making decisions based on what is happening, what you are doing, what you want and need to do to have the life you want.

It is also a great way to figure out what it is that you want from life.

Personally I call it:

‘Designing The Life You Want’

It is incredibly powerful stuff.

As part of designing your life, many successful people incorporate another daily ritual which includes using ‘goal cards’.

They spend time each day focusing on their goals with the use of these cards.

To learn how to do this yourself, go to:

The Powerful Goal Setting Ritual

How To Really Set Goals And Change Your Life For Good!

Do this daily ritual as part of your journaling and you will design an incredible life.

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… This is powerful stuff. It really is. This can make a huge difference to your life… and all it takes is a pen, some paper & card, and 5-10 minutes a day.

Let me share some numbers with you…

I’ve spoken quite a bit about writing in the past. Specifically about writing sales letters and emails… and there is a reason for that.

1. They make a lot of money
2. They are incredibly simple to write.
3. They take very little time to write.

As an example, I have just this week finished writing a new sales letter for a new sporting product which will be released shortly.

That one sales letter consists of only 2,623 words.

That is not a lot of words.

I have written and sent emails which were over a 1,000 words. That sales letter probably took me a couple of hours to write and I expect that sales letter to generate more money than what most people earn in a full year.

Obviously, there is a product for sale and so the product needed to be made, but I haven’t made it. the only work I have done is write the sales letter and the accompanying emails.

My part in making money from that product took me less than a day in total.

The three previous sales letters which I have written recently look like this.

Sales Letter A – 2,622 words
Sales Letter B – 1,772 words
Sales Letter C – 3,578 words

Andi, our techy guy, tells me that he once wrote over 2,000 words talking into his phone while walking to his previous job.

Those words were a ‘content dump’ as he likes to call it. They were waiting for him as a text document when he got home. He just had to turn on his laptop and start editing.

It is still early days with those sales letters but I can tell you that as I write this email, Sales Letter A generated £84,000 in the first 30 days!

Yes, you read that right…

‘A 2,622 word sales letter generated £84,000 in the first 30 days!’

That includes doing a paper mailing but I can confidently tell you now, that all four of my recent sales letters could quite easily generate £100,000 or more using just email alone.

As I have mentioned many times in the past, running your own email business is ridiculously cheap compared to virtually all other businesses.

Learn how to write simple short sales letters and emails yourself, then you have a money making skills which you can take anywhere in the word.

An email business combined with the ability to write these kinds of sales letters means that you can earn money wherever you are… and when times really are hard.

With the current state of affairs here in the UK, driver shortages, labour shortages, exports to Europe being slashed, businesses closing and whole industries on the brink of collapse, having a set of skills which you can take anywhere and can generate money from a world without borders is a must.

I know that I could up sticks and move to the other side of the world and still make money just as I do now. I simply plug into my business and carry on as before. My location may change, but the way I make money doesn’t have to.

Being able to write great sales letters and emails, and building your own personal email list are a must as far as I am concerned.

They are THAT important.

This should be taught in schools.

Seriously, if your children or grandchildren do not know about this, tell them. They need to know, this business is all about freedom.

Do it right, you, your children and your grandchildren could have the freedom to leisurely travel the world without worrying about how to pay for the next meal.

To learn more about writing simple sales letters go to:

One Letter From Retirement

To also learn how to find freedom using email go to:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… This article has taken around 30 minutes to write and has less than 700 words and is just under half the size of Sales Letter B in the list which had 1,772 words. It really isn’t as hard as you imagine.

My hotel nightmare…

I don’t know if you caught the recent Alex – The Hotel Inspector – Polizzi programme on Channel 5 but it was rather interesting.

Alex and her mother Olga decided to buy a hotel which had previously been owned by Alex’s grandfather (Olga’s father) Charles Forte, the man responsible for building the Forte hotel empire.

The Forte empire had over 1,000 restaurants, 500 hotels and catered for 24 airports.

In January 1996, the Forte Group Plc was taken over by Granada after a very public and hostile takeover battle.

Just months after the takeover, Olga and her brother Rocco, started the Rocco Forte Hotel chain which today has 11 hotels, two resorts and the Rocco Forte House.

Olga Polizzi also owns a couple of hotels herself which her daughter Alex manages for her.

In the latest programme, Alex Polizzi – My Hotel Nightmare, for the first time ever, Alex and her mum Olga become equal partners and buy the rundown hotel together.

The former medieval coaching inn in Alfriston, east Sussex is a huge 37 bedroom hotel comprising several run down dilapidated extensions.

The whole building was in a desperate need for renovation.

Because of the work required and the unfortunate timing of the Covid-19 pandemic, the building work took nearly a year and a half longer to complete – there were workers still paining the doors and windows on the open day – and cost a million more to renovate than planned.

They bought the hotel for £2 million and the renovations cost a further £2 million.

In one of the three episodes Alex is seen working out how long it would take to pay back all of the money they had borrowed.

12 years was her initial estimate.

In the same episode, Alex stated that one of her mother’s hotels – the Hotel Endsleigh in Devon – took 15 years to clear all of its debts.

That’s a long time.

I understand that once the business is running, it pays for itself.

The money is not coming out of their personal pockets and that the hotels would be giving them a wage as well as paying back those debts… but it had me thinking.

12 and 15 years is a long time to be paying back loans.

Alex is nearly 50, her mother Olga is 75… now I don’t want to sound morbid but… it’s possible that Olga may no longer be around when the debt for the new hotel is finally paid off.

Hotels and hospitality is in their blood. It is what they know and it is what they grew up with… it’s also what they enjoy.

There is a lot of money to be made in hospitality… but it’s not always guaranteed.

As we have seen with the recent pandemic and its effect on the tourism industry, the hospitality industry is reliant on serving people… and if people are not moving about freely, there is no one to serve.

Also, there are a lot of cogs in the hospitality machine to consider.


  • Staff – restaurant servers, kitchen staff, bar staff, cleaners, reception and administration.
  • Towels, toilet paper, soap, tea, and coffee making facilities.
  • Bar and restaurant crockery.
  • Kitchen equipment.
  • Maintenance & decoration.
  • Marketing & website management.

This is just a quick short list… but as you can see, there is a lot to manage.

It is safe to say that the hotel and hospitality business is not for me.

There are too many costs and headaches to deal with.

I prefer a more simple way to make money.

If you are looking for a simple way to make money where you have none of the costs or headaches associated with running a large and complex business like a hotel, then I have the thing for you.

Paul Bent regularly makes thousands of pounds each month using bots to pull money out of Betfair… and he doesn’t need to do anything once the bots are set up and running.

If you would like to learn how he does it and watch a video where Paul shows you one of the systems working – a system which makes him £1,500 each month – go to…


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… There were only 50 copies of Automated Football Betting made available and they are selling fast. I wouldn’t want you to miss out on making a Tax Free income on autopilot using sophisticated trading bots.

You too could be earning thousands of pounds each month without lifting a finger. To learn more go to:


Make How To Videos

When I got stuck recently, trying to remove the bracelet on a watch, I went on to YouTube and quickly found several videos demonstrating how to do it. Some were awful, but the best was pretty good and had attracted several thousand views. Now this was a fairly obscure thing to be looking for, and yet several thousand people had done the same thing – and all those people would have something in common – they owned the same watch.

That’s the nature of online instructional videos – they attract audiences who share a problem, possessions or an enthusiasm. In other words, they’re a ready made audience for what you or someone else has to sell.

If you have a skill or expertise (and as I’ve just shown that can be as mundane as knowing how to remove a bracelet from a watch) you could build an audience and make money providing online instruction. You don’t need any expensive equipment – the most basic of video cameras is more than capable of doing the job.

This is one of those opportunities you can have a go at in your spare time, and it will cost you nothing to do. Why not film your own ‘how to’ video, and see how many people go to see it? If nothing else, it will provide valuable market research.

Quote Of The Day

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

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Mark Twain

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“British scientists have demonstrated that cigarettes can harm your children. Fair enough. Use an ashtray.”

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Jimmy Carr

Make-A-Movie Parties

If you have young children, you’ll know that they’re always on the look-out for the next cool party venue or theme. This one that we found in the United States, seems to fit the bill perfectly, and we haven’t seen anything like it here in the UK.

Make-A-Movie Birthday Parties is a self-explanatory concept. The company arrive at the party with a pre-written script, costumes and camera equipment. Roles are allocated, the film is shot and then edited over the next week or so when it is delivered to the person holding the party. Revenue comes from both the booking fee and sales of the movie to party guests.

This seems like something you could copy anywhere. I’d imagine it would be incredibly popular. Equipment is cheap these days and the editing technology is at the hands of anyone with a PC. If you fancy yourself as the next Speilberg, but the lack the budget, this could be something for you.

Today’s National Day

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from the desk of jh

Dear Streetwise Customer,

For most of us, the Coronavirus outbreak has been unmitigated bad news. Nothing good has come of it…

But Michael Saiger isn’t one of those people.

Acting as  a  go-between, the  Florida  based  jewellery designer  (yes  you  did  read  that  right!) supplied protective garments for NHS staff in the coronavirus pandemic…

And was paid $28m (£21m) in UK taxpayer cash!

Earlier this year, as the coronavirus pandemic was spreading rapidly around the world, Saiger set up a business to supply PPE to governments…from scratch.

He didn’t make  PPE, he  didn’t  know  anything  about PPE, he didn’t even have  any  contacts  in  government. And yet just a few months later, he was made for life.

Putting  together  highly  lucrative  deals –  whilst supplying or purchasing absolutely nothing – is what our underground  instruction  manual 5% Of A Million  is  all about.

You can find full details HERE

Not many people are going to make £21 Million   in  97 days  but  there  are  THOUSANDS  out  there,  quietly making £50,000…£80,000…£100,000 a  time  by  simply putting buyers and sellers together.

  As a stay-at-home, desk-based business, this takes  a lot of beating.

  Take a look NOW. The next jackpot could be yours.

 Very Best Wishes,

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John Harrison 


The Commuting Butchers

If you ever find yourself bemoaning the fact that you can’t find the expertise or help locally consider the case of the Icelandic meat trade. So desperate are they for skilled staff that every September Icelandic meat processors pay the flights and accommodation of 12 butchers to make the 13,850 mile trip from rural New Zealand to a remote corner of Iceland so that they can cover for the peak lamb processing season.

Looking at it from the other side of the coin, if you ever find yourself complaining that there’s ‘no work’ consider the lengths to which these New Zealanders are going, so they can continue to put food on the table in a slack period for their trade at home.

It’s a mutually beneficial relationship, and inspiring to see both employer and employed going the extra mile (well over 13,000 of them!) to keep the wheels turning.

Have you even gone a fraction of this effort to give or find work? I know I haven’t.

Quote Of The Day

“The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.”

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Mary Pickford

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places…He told me to quit going to those places.”

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Henny Youngman

Where Should Home Be

If you can work from home, one question you should be asking yourself is- “Where should home be?” Why is it important? Because your decision will have a huge impact on your lifestyle and wealth.

Most people who work from home are able to do it by virtue of the internet. An organisation called NomadList has combined data on internet speed, the cost of rental housing and food, local weather conditions including air quality and other factors to come up with a useful list of the best cities in which to live and work remotely. With living costs in some cities being ten times those on other cities with identical internet speed, it makes thought-provoking reading for anyone working from home.

Today’s National Day

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from the desk of jh

Dear Streetwise Customer,

For most of us, the Coronavirus outbreak has been unmitigated bad news. Nothing good has come of it…

But Michael Saiger isn’t one of those people.

Acting as  a  go-between, the  Florida  based  jewellery designer  (yes  you  did  read  that  right!) supplied protective garments for NHS staff in the coronavirus pandemic…

And was paid $28m (£21m) in UK taxpayer cash!

Earlier this year, as the coronavirus pandemic was spreading rapidly around the world, Saiger set up a business to supply PPE to governments…from scratch.

He didn’t make  PPE, he  didn’t  know  anything  about PPE, he didn’t even have  any  contacts  in  government. And yet just a few months later, he was made for life.

Putting  together  highly  lucrative  deals –  whilst supplying or purchasing absolutely nothing – is what our underground  instruction  manual 5% Of A Million  is  all about.

You can find full details HERE

Not many people are going to make £21 Million   in  97 days  but  there  are  THOUSANDS  out  there,  quietly making £50,000…£80,000…£100,000 a  time  by  simply putting buyers and sellers together.

  As a stay-at-home, desk-based business, this takes  a lot of beating.

  Take a look NOW. The next jackpot could be yours.

 Very Best Wishes,

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John Harrison 


Making Furniture From Graffiti

I’ve always thought that graffiti is such a waste of effort. Much of the artwork is excellent, and yet there’s nothing you can do with it and it gets covered up or removed at the first opportunity. An Israeli-based design studio has decided to do something about it, and created Street Capture which turns wood painted on by anonymous graffiti artists into contemporary furniture.

The project fixed wooden boards in areas frequented by graffiti artists, waited until they’d done their work, and then picked them up, cut them up and re-fashioned them into pieces of furniture. One slightly questionable part of this is that they didn’t tell the graffiti artists what they were doing. I suppose how you feel about that depends on how you feel about people daubing paint where they shouldn’t!

Anyway, might this work in the UK, or is there some other way of capturing and harnessing the work of what are sometimes very talented artists?

Quote Of The Day

“What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.”



Alternative Quote Of The Day

“If woman ran the world we wouldn’t have wars, just intense negotiations every 28 days.”

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Robin Williams

Wine In A Pouch

Sometimes, you need to do no more than re-package a product to change the appeal and target market. For example, two American companies, Nuvino and Spotwine, are now re-packaging premium wine in convenient juice-style pouches in single servings. The idea is that it makes the product more accessible for busy unattached consumers.

This is thinking which can be applied to a lot of different products. What would happen if it was made available in smaller quantity, or in more user friendly or easily disposable packaging? Give some thought to how this might apply to your product, or indeed someone else’s product. It may be possible to steal a slice of the market by varying the appeal and offering in this way.

Today’s National Day




from the desk of jh

Dear Streetwise Customer,

For most of us, the Coronavirus outbreak has been unmitigated bad news. Nothing good has come of it…

But Michael Saiger isn’t one of those people.

Acting as  a  go-between, the  Florida  based  jewellery designer  (yes  you  did  read  that  right!) supplied protective garments for NHS staff in the coronavirus pandemic…

And was paid $28m (£21m) in UK taxpayer cash!

Earlier this year, as the coronavirus pandemic was spreading rapidly around the world, Saiger set up a business to supply PPE to governments…from scratch.

He didn’t make  PPE, he  didn’t  know  anything  about PPE, he didn’t even have  any  contacts  in  government. And yet just a few months later, he was made for life.

Putting  together  highly  lucrative  deals –  whilst supplying or purchasing absolutely nothing – is what our underground  instruction  manual 5% Of A Million  is  all about.

You can find full details HERE

Not many people are going to make £21 Million   in  97 days  but  there  are  THOUSANDS  out  there,  quietly making £50,000…£80,000…£100,000 a  time  by  simply putting buyers and sellers together.

  As a stay-at-home, desk-based business, this takes  a lot of beating.

  Take a look NOW. The next jackpot could be yours.

 Very Best Wishes,

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John Harrison 


Washing Up For Food

I think everyone has heard of the old adage about ending up washing the dishes when you can’t pay for food, but a restaurant in France has turned it into reality. Primarily as a publicity stunt, a French washing liquid brand has created the Mir Restaurant, which is charging customers in the form of dishwashing tasks, instead of money.

Customers can order items from a set menu, including starters, mains and desserts. Rather than listing the prices, however, each dish had an icon next to it indicating what each customer would have to wash up in order to pay for the meal.

Now although this is a marketing stunt, designed to promote washing up liquid, it does prompt a few question:

Could you really get some customers to pay for their food in return for work like this?

Moving away from restaurants, are there other businesses where it would be mutually advantageous to get customers to pay in some way other than by cash?

The ‘paying by washing the dishes’ idea comes from an old adage. Are there other old adages that could be brought to life for publicity purposes in this way?

Quote Of The Day

“Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect. It means you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.”

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Gerard Way

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“I come home from work early one day, and I see a guy jogging down the street in his underwear. I ask him, “Why are you jogging in your underwear?” He says, “You came home from work early.”  

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Rodney Dangerfield

Delousing For Profit

The craze for selfies, which every self-respecting child and teenager is currently participating in, has created an unusual and unexpected side-effect – head lice are spreading at an alarming rate. The lice spread by contact-contact which is more prevalent than ever as kids squeeze together to get in the latest at-arms-length shot.

Now here’s the thing-treatments and remedies are unregulated and desperate parents will happily hand over large quantities of their hard earned money in exchange for a solution. The Lice Centre, based in Connecticut in the US charge $200-$500 for a house call. They now have 10 employees in 14 states. Turnover is in the millions.

Is this something you could do here in the UK? It’s not the most glamorous business in the world, but those yielding the biggest profits rarely are.

Today’s National Day

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from the desk of jh

Dear Streetwise Customer,

For most of us, the Coronavirus outbreak has been unmitigated bad news. Nothing good has come of it…

But Michael Saiger isn’t one of those people.

Acting as  a  go-between, the  Florida  based  jewellery designer  (yes  you  did  read  that  right!) supplied protective garments for NHS staff in the coronavirus pandemic…

And was paid $28m (£21m) in UK taxpayer cash!

Earlier this year, as the coronavirus pandemic was spreading rapidly around the world, Saiger set up a business to supply PPE to governments…from scratch.

He didn’t make  PPE, he  didn’t  know  anything  about PPE, he didn’t even have  any  contacts  in  government. And yet just a few months later, he was made for life.

Putting  together  highly  lucrative  deals –  whilst supplying or purchasing absolutely nothing – is what our underground  instruction  manual 5% Of A Million  is  all about.

You can find full details HERE

Not many people are going to make £21 Million   in  97 days  but  there  are  THOUSANDS  out  there,  quietly making £50,000…£80,000…£100,000 a  time  by  simply putting buyers and sellers together.

As a stay-at-home, desk-based business, this takes  a lot of beating.

Take a look NOW. The next jackpot could be yours.

Very Best Wishes,

john sig.png

John Harrison 


They Come Nature

There’s nothing new about mobile hairdressing, but a New York firm has brought it into the 21st Century. Shortcut is an on-demand service that goes to where the customers is.

Service users provide their name, number and e-mail address and select the service they need – whether it’s a trim, a full haircut or a shave. After booking a time slot, the service then sends a professionally trained barber or stylist to their home, office or hotel room.

Users can book an appointment for up to four people at a time, and the more in their group, the cheaper each haircut becomes. Shortcut is currently available in New York, as an iOS app.

The difference between this service and the traditional mobile services is the use of modern technology and the immediacy – I need a haircut and I need it now!

With people becoming increasingly time stressed, this approach is likely to find a market.

So could you bring it to the UK?

Or thinking more widely, what other time consuming services would people appreciate being given a ‘we-come-to-you-now’ twist?

Quote Of The Day

“Example is not the main thing in influencing other people; it’s the only thing .”

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Abraham Lincoln

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“You know what a work cubicle basically says? It basically says, like, ‘You know what? We don’t think you’re smart enough for an office, but we don’t want you to look at anybody’.”    

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Bill Burr

Information Publishing

Information publishing is one of the most heavily promoted ways to make some extra money, and yet many people aren’t really clear on what it is.

Put simply, an information product is any piece of knowledge that has been recorded in some way – whether that be in a printed format, an audio format, or a video format – so that it can now be passed on to others.

There are dozens of ways to package and sell information. Some of the most common products are, printed books and e-books, booklets and special reports, manuals and workbooks, CDs, downloadable audio files, DVDs, newsletters, subscription-based web sites, workshops and seminars.

All of us have information or knowledge that would be useful to others, and packaging and marketing it in the right way can be highly lucrative. If you have an idea for an information product, and want a second opinion on it, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Today’s National Day

buy nothing




Dear Streewise Customer,

Take a look at this betting slip from 27th October 2020

betting slip.png

As you’ll see, it’s a £10 bet which brought in £309.45. With what I’m writing
to you about today, days like this are commonplace.

Want to find out how to cash in on this for yourself? Take a look HERE.

Heck, there’s absolutely nothing for you to do. All the bets are sent straight
to you..

Kind Regards

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John Harrison 
Streetwise Publications Ltd
