Tag Archives: Business Ideas

You Don’t Have To Be A Member Of The Mafia To Be Incredibly Wealthy!

I caught the beginning of one of the episodes of the new series of Silent Witness last week, for those who don’t know, Silent Witness follows a team of Home Office forensic pathologists who help the police solve murders and suspicious deaths.

In this particular episode the team were called to the body of a man who was found dead after falling from a skyscraper in the City of London. The team were there to help determine whether he had jumped, fell, or worse, was pushed to his death.

The death came to the attention of the National Crime Agency (NCA) who was investigating money laundering through British banks by an Italian organised crime cartel.

In one scene, while looking at the huge office blocks and skyscrapers the woman in charge of the investigation said something along the lines of “All great wealthy empires are built on crime.”

She was saying that all the buildings that she could see were built by companies who were trying to either hide or wash money that had been gained from criminal activities.

My first thought upon hearing this was that this is why most honest and decent people believe they can’t be wealthy… they believe that wealthy people are only wealthy because they are criminals.

Basically, they believe that they cannot be wealthy because they are good decent people and not morally or ethically bankrupt criminals.

The perpetuation of this myth, as seen in Silent Witness, causes a negative belief in the minds of good people.

That belief is that to become wealthy and have all the money they dream of, they have to do something illegal and be an unscrupulous criminal.

That is simply not true.

You may need to become a bit ‘thick skinned’ at times, and maybe take a few more risks than normal…

But you don’t need to become like Pablo Escobar, the Godfather of an international drug smuggling cartel that manages its business affairs with the use of violence, intimidation and fear.

Ok, I know it was just a drama and conversations and scenes are designed to create ‘dramatic effect’.

A drama is meant to pull people into the story… but they can also do subtle damage when they are factually inaccurate and misleading.

I am not saying that there are not wealthy people or companies who ‘hide’ money or cut a few corners. Some may not be fully ethical in their dealings, it’s true.

And yes, there are some who are despicable and need shutting down and people imprisoning.

But not every wealthy person made their money by smuggling dangerous drugs into countries or sold weapons illegally to regimes known to kill innocent men, women and children.

Not all wealthy people banked profits while causing untold misery and suffering to their fellow humans.

Yes, it happens, but it’s not true of everyone

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Sadly, the idea that all wealthy people and corporations are bad is constantly being talked about.

When someone wealthy does something wrong, it is in the news, on the television, on social media, on the radio and in the papers… it is being seen and heard about all the time.

But when a wealthy person does something good, it may be reported once, it may be mentioned in an article or on a talk show… but it doesn’t get the same level of coverage as the bad because it doesn’t feed into the love of drama and disgust we humans seem to enjoy.

Generally, there is nothing majorly newsworthy in good deeds.

Very few people knew about how much money the singer George Michael donated to charities and to individuals until after he died. His death was newsworthy, not his kind actions and good deeds.

The truth is…not all wealthy people or organisations are built off the backs of criminal activities.

Take Emanuel Haldeman-Juliu for example, he was one of the biggest publishers in the USA during the 1920s, and a millionaire several times over.

He made his fortune publishing ‘affordable’ books made from cheap ‘pulp’ which tens of thousands of people bought and read. As far as I can tell, no one suffered because of his business practices… and yet he was incredibly wealthy.

The world-famous Woolworth’s building in New York was built by Frank W. Woolworth who built a huge retail empire selling cheap products. I don’t believe people were killed, exploited, or forced to suffer addiction as part of his wealth building either.

I’m no historian and so I can’t speak with total confidence that both of those men didn’t do something a little ‘shady’ or bend a few rules to succeed now and then… but I doubt they ‘offed’ the competition by sending them to sleep with the fishes.

Love her or loathe her, JK Rowling has enjoyed a lot of wealth thanks to writing stories which have entertained millions – possibly billions – of people world-wide.

Apart from upsetting a few people with her comments and opinions on twitter, I don’t think she has done anything bad.

She certainly hasn’t gained her wealth through criminal activities or the direct and indirect suffering of others.

So let’s be clear… wealth is not just for bad people!

It is not just for gangsters and organised crime cartels… it can be for anyone who is brave enough to give the world something that it wants or needs.

One thing the world constantly needs is information.

Emanuel Haldeman-Juliu knew this well which is why he published his series of Little Blue Books which made him incredibly wealthy.

With a world constantly changing and evolving, people regularly need new information to help them navigate through life.

They need information to help them:

  • Stay fit and healthy.
  • Make more money.
  • Keep the money they have.
  • Find the perfect partner.
  • And to do anything and everything.

Information is one of the most profitable commodities today. It always has been… and it always will be.

I have put together a free report titled Running A SIX FIGURE Information Publishing Business From Anywhere – No Office Or Staff Required and it is for your eyes only!

Go have a read to discover how you can run your own Six Figure information publishing business from anywhere, click the link below:

Running A SIX FIGURE Information Publishing Business From Anywhere

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… I don’t share this report often… If you are lucky, I may share it only a couple of times a year. The information is life changing and I would like you to get a chance to read it before I take it down again.

Here’s that link again:

Running A SIX FIGURE Information Publishing Business From Anywhere

Lost In Deepest Peru Without A Penny… What Would You Do?

Recently I had a conversation with a woman who told me that she was concerned about her son who was living in Peru… and no, his name isn’t Paddington and I don’t know if he likes marmalade sandwiches.

One of the reasons she was concerned was that he had overstayed his welcome. He had stayed longer than his visa allowed.

It didn’t help either that he was struggling financially as he was not working or earning any money.

His girlfriend was Peruvian so that may help should the authorities find him… or it may not.

Apparently he used to work for Apple, but she didn’t say whether he worked online or whether he had to go to a place of work when he was employed by them.

The picture that I had in my mind was that he was kind of ‘hiding’ out somewhere in deepest Peru without a job and with little money.

I can’t say that it sounds like much fun.

It was at this point that I suggested that he should either look for online remote work or if he was really desperate and needed money quick, go to one of the many websites that are looking for writers and earn money writing content for people.

Even with all of this talk about AI writing tools taking over the world, there is still a huge demand for ‘real’ writers.

The reason I suggested it is that this would be a perfect way for someone who is holed up in a foreign country to make some much needed money.

There is a whole range of services he could offer online.

People need social media managers, virtual assistants, graphic designers, researchers, there are a lot of things he could do… but writing is probably the easiest to get started with.

Firstly, you don’t need to be that brilliant at writing.

And secondly, it requires no tools other than something to write in such as MS Word or Google Docs, and a way to send the work to the client, which is often done through platforms like Fiverr and Upwork by simply uploading the finished work.

It’s all very simple and easy.

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For someone who is currently not working and is sat around twiddling his thumbs… he could quite easily spend the day writing several articles and have money in the bank before nightfall.

I know that writing isn’t for everyone… but ‘when needs must’, it is probably the easiest way to make money online today… and it can be done from anywhere in the world.

In a previous articles I have shared with you the story of Mike Shreeve who at a low point in life found himself homeless and living in a tent in a park.

Knowing that he had no other option but to pull himself out of the mire and find the money so that he could rent an apartment, he took himself to the nearest library everyday and used the library’s computers to make money writing for clients.

He turned his life around by simply writing for clients.

I recently shared with you that I had earned £504 during January sharing my articles on the Medium website; I currently have £25.29 in my Medium account for the first two days of February… who knows how much I’ll have made by the end of the month!

Those articles which are making money on Medium, I write them for specific projects and then share them on the platform as a way to send people to my website.

The money from them is a bonus.

Imagine if the guy lost in Peru was publishing his own articles to sites like Medium as well as writing for paid clients, he could soon be earning more than enough money to survive… at least he’ll be able to afford the flight home to avoid being sent to prison.

The truth is… there is money to be made with the written word… in more ways than one.

Earlier this week I shared with you the story of Niki Puls who made just shy of £97,000 in nine months after writing and publishing her first eBook.

She now runs a six-figure business off the back of that initial eBook.

There is nothing stopping you from doing the same…

There is a lot of money waiting for you at the tip of your fingers.

To discover more, click the link below:

5 Ways To Find Freedom As A Paid Writer

Kind Regards

John Harrison.

PS… Writing is something that can be done anywhere. It could be done while sitting on your sofa watching your favourite television shows if you so wished. I know people who write with their feet up, listening to music and enjoying a mug or two of tea. What they write makes them money.

Here’s that link again:

5 Ways To Find Freedom As A Paid Writer

Why You Shouldn’t Rely On ‘Lady Luck’

I’m not a big fan of the word ‘lucky’, specifically when it is used in a sentence like ‘you’re lucky to have so much money’.

There is nothing ‘lucky’ about me having the amounts of money I have.

I have what I have by choice and work.

I made specific decisions, set targets and goals, and then worked towards them.

Yes, there may be days where the planets aligned and things went better than expected… but I still had to put myself in the right place and do the right things to experience the results I wanted.

Samuel Goldwyn said:

“The harder I work, the luckier I get.”

It is true.

When someone appears to be living a wonderful life gifted with a lot of ‘luck’, it is usually the result of a series of decisions and actions that they had previously made rather than some benevolent universal force gifting goodies out to a handful of people.

For example, a young radio presenter lands himself the lead role on a new television show and then lands himself a book deal with a big name publisher for his children’s books.

The radio presenter lands roles and deals that ordinary people can only dream of.

From the outside, he appears to be ‘lucky’.

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I use this example because I know a person who has written children’s stories and dislikes the fact that celebrities are publishing children’s books through big publishing houses and gaining instant sales.

I understand his dismay; it looks like ordinary people are not getting a look-in. They are being completely overlooked.

The problem isn’t that celebrities like the radio presenter are ‘lucky’ and that others are not…

It’s just that he has put himself in the sights of television executives and publishing houses by becoming a popular radio presenter.

They have seen what he can do and what he can bring to the table.

He may already have a large fan base which can mean instant viewers and sales lowering their risk.

Being liked by thousands of people that can potentially lead to a lot of sales can have a powerful effect on your ‘approval’ status with book publishers and television executives.

It’s easier to take a chance on a person who has hundreds of thousands of people listening to his radio show than an ordinary person who is only known to his close friends and family.

The fact that he is already known and liked means instant sales which will help cover book promotion costs etc.




No, it’s just how life works.

He worked hard to get into the position of being a popular radio presenter.

He worked hard proving that he can present live radio shows and handle live situations when covering gigs and festivals.

As part of his job he would have attended awards ceremonies and spoken to the right people in a way that impressed.

Luck didn’t just pick him up and drop him into good positions and situations. Luck is not a big magic Genie… it is a result.

It is the result of doing specific things and making specific decisions.

It is the combination of previous decisions and actions. They all have a knock-on effect which take you in specific directions and expose you to specific people.

It is the same with everything in life.

The other day someone told Andi , our remote working techy guy, that he was ‘lucky’ to be living in Portugal.

There was no luck involved, he had spent a long time working through the visa process and getting himself into a position where it was unlikely that they would refuse him.

Many others have done it and many more will do it too, there was no luck involved… it was down to doing what was necessary to make it happen.

And that’s the important part… you have to make things happen.

I appreciate that it is ‘only a saying’, but I think it is a harmful saying because it can have people who say it a lot thinking that they cannot achieve the same things that other people can.

This is not true.

You make your own luck in this world.

You have to make things happen.

It’s as simple as that.

If you want to enjoy more money than you currently have then you need to make it  happen.

If you want an extra one or two grand each month, you have to find a way to make it… and luck has nothing to do with it.

Luck is something lazy people rely on… wealthy people rely on action, decisions, systems and businesses.

One such business that can easily pay you an extra £1,000 or more each month is the business of selling products through the use of email.

Done correctly, selling products via email can be one of the easiest and fastest ways to make money.

You write an email, send it, and wait for the notifications informing you that you have had sales and made money.

It can be that easy.

To learn more, click the link below:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Because this is all done online, it can be done from anywhere in the world. It is a method of making money that you can take with you wherever you travel. That’s what I call freedom!

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret

It’s The Small Changes That Can Lead To Massive Changes

Picture source: Niki Puls/Business Insider

In yesterday’s article I shared the story of Niki Puls who made just shy of £97,000 in a six month period after publishing her first eBook.

Writing and publishing her first eBook snowballed into her creating an email course showing people how to make money publishing their own eBooks and an eBook template.

Publishing those three digital products resulted in her growing a six-figure business.

It took a week to write that eBook… a small change to Niki’s life.

In January, I earned £504 ($622) from publishing articles to the website Medium.com.

Adding those articles to Medium is a small change to my day, but it has resulted in making over £1,200 since I started.

£1,200 is not quite the same as the thousands of pounds Niki was earning with her eBook and course, but it is still a decent chunk of money earned from ‘writing’.

Both cases highlight the opportunities there are to make money by simply writing and publishing that writing online.

The internet has blown the doors wide-open and it allows anyone the opportunity to make money publishing their written work.

This opportunity could really help those who need it.

Previously I mentioned the young woman who had spent £250 on gas in the first three weeks of January. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had spent around £300 by the end of the month.

The £1,200 I earned publishing my content on Medium would have helped her a lot by paying for the gas for a few months.

I may not earn £504 in February, I may earn less… I may even earn more, but I shall earn something which will help pay towards the running costs of my business.

At least it pays for the tea, coffee and biscuits for the staff.

For an ordinary everyday person, that money could really help towards their living expenses, and all it took was writing an article a day (which I use for other projects too) and post them to Medium.

I’d imagine that most people could write a short article a day. It could be done while sitting in front of the television.

It really isn’t that hard.

It would be a small change to your day.

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Even if all you earned was just a small £100 a month, it would be a big help.

However… there is no reason as to why you cannot earn way more than that each month.

Going back to the example of Niki Puls who wrote and published an eBook which earned her nearly £100K in nine months… the articles you write and published on Medium could…

  1. Be compiled and turned into an eBook.
  2. Point to a website where you have an eBook for sale.

If you planned your articles well, you could write an eBook while publishing the content on Medium and your website. Those articles become part of the eBook later.

Not only could you earn money from the articles you publish to Medium, they become an asset that you can sell for many years.

Or if you decide to write an eBook around a specific topic first, you can then write relevant articles which you publish to Medium driving potential customers to your eBook.

It really is a simple business model with huge potential.

Not only is it simple to do, you can start today for free.

If you choose to have your own website to sell your own products from – I recommend you do – you will need to invest between £80 and £150 to get started, so you might want to make some money publishing content to Medium first.

Follow this blueprint to build your own six-figure income business:

How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Income Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!

The hardest part of making money as a writer is believing that you can do it well enough to make money.

Most people believe that they need to be a university graduate to be able to make money writing, and there’s nothing further from the truth.

Yes, you need to be good… but you don’t need to be perfect.

The best thing a newbie writer can do is to read several ‘popular’ articles and eBooks and study the way they are written, take a few notes so that they have a cheat sheet or a list of rules to follow, then write sticking to those rules.

The most important aspect of being a writer is that what you write about is interesting enough to be read.

That’s it!

Publishing your own eBooks and reports can be incredibly profitable.

I’ve shared with you Niki Puls’ story as well as the stories of others who have made a lot of money publishing eBooks.

As you know, publishing manuals and books is how we make a lot of money, and you can do the same.

The internet has opened the doors to anyone who wants to make a passive income publishing eBooks, both information based eBooks and fiction.

By creating your own fully automated systems to sell your digital products, you can earn a passive income.

To discover how to create your own automated passive income systems, click the link below:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… One eBook has the potential to change your life, it did for Niki Puls.

One eBook could potentially pay all of your bills for the year.

One eBook could potentially pay off your mortgage.

Here’s that link again:


How One Woman Generated £96,910 In Passive Income In Just 9 Months Working Only 5 Hours Per Week!

Picture source: Niki Puls/Business Insider

I happened across an old article first published on the Business Insider website from December 27th, 2022, which focused on 30-year-old American, Niki Puls.

The reason Business Insider was writing about Niki is that she had shared a video on the popular video sharing platform TikTok explaining how she makes $1,000 a day in passive income.

$1,000 is roughly £807 and according to Business Insider, Niki has made an impressive $120,000 (approx £96,910) in nine months working only five hours per week.

Most of that is made selling only three digital products…

  1. An eBook currently priced at $18 (£14.50)
  2. An email course about selling digital products priced at $97 (£78.34)
  3. An eBook template priced at $27 (£21.80)

(UK price conversion at time of writing)

When Niki created her first eBook, she was earning $60,000 (approx £48,455) per year working a 9-to-5 job in marketing.

Niki had always worked a ‘side hustle’ of some sort to earn extra money but in March 2022, she spent a week creating her 50 page eBook about how to live a simplified life that she initially sold for $35 (£28).

The book took off and was soon earning her around $5,000 (approx £4,037) per month in income.

That income allowed her to leave her job in July 2022 to spend more time at home with her two-year-old daughter and prepare for the arrival of her second child.

Following the months of August and September where Niki earned $18,000 (£14,500), she published her second and third products which helped her to earn $32,000 (£25,842) in October, and $47,000 (£37,956) in November.

On top of that, she has started mentoring people on how to make money online selling digital products and it’s believed that she is earning an extra $1,500 (£1,211) a month from that little venture.

At the time of the article, Niki had only four products online, the fourth being the mentoring program which only requires an extra two hours of her time per week.

She says that the eBook template took a day to create and the email course took a week to create.

She spends between one and two hours a week managing her social media, creating videos for TikTok and blog posts for her website.

Niki does not do any paid advertising to market her products.

This next bit is important; she says that her main business cost is the cost of her website which she says is $140 per month. That works out to be £113 a month.

Unless she has a huge amount of traffic going to her website, which is possible if she is getting her traffic from TikTok, I think that her hosting costs are actually quite expensive… it is possible to run a profitable website for as little as a couple hundred pounds for a year.


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Niki is generating thousands of pounds in sales each month; £113 in website fees per month isn’t a big problem… I’m sure you wouldn’t complain at paying £113 per month if it meant that you were earning well over £10,000 per month… would you?

As you know, I am a big believer that people should have a passive income of their own and that selling digital products such as eBooks is a great way to build one.

As you have seen with Niki’s story, she was able to leave her 9-to-5 job to spend more time with her family and now works only five hours a week.

Her three digital products and mentoring program are making her more money than what she was earning in full-time employment.

If income amounts start to drop or if she wants to earn more money per month, she can simply create and publish another digital product.

I cannot say that you will be as successful or enjoy such speedy success as Niki because everyone is different; there are too many variables to consider for each person.

It’s possible that you might be as successful as her, you may be more so, and you may even enjoy success faster than Niki…

But if you don’t… that is fine too.

Even if you spent a week creating an eBook that only earned you £500 a month for the next few years… that would be incredible too.

You most certainly wouldn’t think that the time spent creating an eBook was wasted if it earned you an extra £6,000 in passive income.

You could create one new eBook a month and have a portfolio of 12 online earning you hundreds of pounds each week… maybe each day.

That too would be fantastic.

Selling digital products online uses an automated system which means that you can earn money while you are out and about doing other things.

You do not need to do anything once the product is online other than direct people to it, and Niki does that all for free by sharing short videos to TikTok and publishing blog posts to her website.

Niki Puls has created her very own six-figure passive income selling digital products, if you would like to do the same, click the link below to learn how:

How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Income Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!

Kind regards.

John Harrison

PS… Once you have this up and running correctly, it can reward you with an automated passive income for many years.

Here’s that link again:

How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Income Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!

Stop Wishing For Things To Happen… Make Them Happen!

Over the weekend while out doing a spot of shopping, well, following the wife around as she did a spot of shopping, I overheard two different conversations where one of the two people chatting in each conversation said that they wished they could work less.

I wasn’t listening to the conversations fully, I just happened to be passing these people as they said things which caught my attention. I carried on walking and didn’t stop to listen… I heard all that I needed to hear.

In one conversation between two women, one woman said “So you’ll be able to cut your hours down.”

To which the other woman replied with “Huh, I wish.”

In the other conversation, which I assume was between two people who knew each other but hadn’t seen each other in a while, when asked what he was doing, a guy said “I’m retired now, I decided to retire early.”

The woman asking the question responded with “I wish I was in a position to retire.”

I don’t know what was said after that in either conversation; all I know is that there were two people who ‘wished’ that they could ‘work less’.

What I also noticed is that both women used the word ‘wish’ in their replies…

It’s rather telling that they believe that to be in a position to either retire early or reduce the amount of working hours is ‘wishful thinking’ and not something that you actually plan and work towards.

The conversation between the two women, the woman who said “Huh, I wish” to reducing her hours, also said something along the lines of “It’s not what he wanted to do, but it pays the bills.”

I can only assume that she is referring to her partner and it sounded like he has a new job which is probably why her friend thought that she could probably ‘cut her hours down’.

The sad thing is that at least three people who were either talking or being talked about are forced to work jobs that they don’t want to work, exchanging their precious time for money they need.

Everyone needs money to live; there is a cost to living as you well know…

But there are people who live closer to the line where missing one wage could result in missing a couple of important payments that could soon spiral where they get into a financial mess and risk losing their home.

Only this weekend I read about how Hannah Spearitt from the popular 1990’s pop group S Club 7 was made homeless just before Christmas, forcing her to live in a friend’s office with her husband and two daughters.

In a six month period she had lived in four temporary homes.

Apparently the landlord needed money and decided to sell the property she was living in and because it sold fast, Hannah and her family were given just two days to find somewhere new to live.

This time, the problem was mainly caused by the landlord needing money and not the tenant, and made worse by the time of year.

But these things do happen and when you do not have a slush fund available to help you out when you need it, or a way to make money that doesn’t require you to sell your time working in a job you hate… you are in a very dangerous position.

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Building up a slush fund takes time when you have very little spare money coming in.

And to generate spare money very often requires a pot of money to use as leverage.

I’ve spoken before about growing a pot of money by a small percentage each day over time, to do that, you first need a pot of money to start with.

A small pot means slow growth at first; a larger pot means you can grow the pot faster… but to start with a larger pot you often need to grow it from a smaller pot.

It’s a vicious circle.

I have been watching one guy grow a small pot of money by 1% each week day. He has taken £44.02 and grown it to £93.61 in 32 days.

He has more than doubled that money in around two months. It would have doubled faster had he done the weekends too.

It is a fantastic result… but earning £49.59 in two months is not going to help most people. It’s not going to pay your rent or mortgage.

If you can start with £50 or £100 today and stay disciplined and grow that money by 1% or 2% each day for a couple of years without touching it, you will eventually have a decent amount of money to play with which will really help out in the future.

But that doesn’t help today.

A lot of people are either impatient or in urgent need for the money that they simple cannot focus on growing a small pot by 1% or 2% over the foreseeable.

Yesterday I was told about how a single woman with no children living in a small end of terrace house had already spent £250 on gas for cooking and heating this month.

Telling her to put some money aside and grow it by a small percentage each day for several years would likely be met with disdain.

But the cycle of exchanging time for money, working to earn a wage, and surviving from payday to payday must be broken and it can only really be broken by either leveraging the money you have…

…or earning an extra amount of money which you then use to grow a substantial income.

I have created a blueprint which shows you how to build a six-figure income without spending a penny of your own money; you can read that blueprint here:

How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Income Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!

Kind regards.

John Harrison

PS… Once you have this fully up and running, it can reward you with an automated passive income.

Here’s that link again:

How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Income Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!

Will This Change The Way People Make Money Online?

I’ve been hearing a lot about ChatGPT lately, apparently it is going to change how we make money online.

For those of you who don’t know, ChatGPT is sophisticated online software that can create written content for you.

People call it AI (artificial Intelligence) although I don’t think that it actually ‘thinks’ like we humans do.

It is just incredible fast at scanning all of the information it has been fed and can write content – and even computer code – based on what it has learned from the thousands, possibly millions, of pieces of content it has access to.

People are using ChatGPT for researching ideas, creating website content, social media posts, product descriptions, and even write emails for them.

It is that good… the written content reads like it was written by a human… albeit a rather dull and boring human.

It may be structurally and factually correct, but it is lacking in personality and real life experience which as we know, is what makes connections between people.

To get ChatGPT to write something that is personal in nature featuring facts of your own life, you need to feed it more information than the usual ‘write me a 900 word article on the fall of the Russian royal family’ etc.

You need to give it more and more information to work with which makes me wonder… why not just write it yourself?

Yes, it can be quick, and it can help you by giving you an article/email ‘backbone’ to work with, but it’s possible that you could end up rewriting the whole thing once you start, and by the time you had finished it might have been quicker to simply do it yourself from the start.

I watched a video where a series of product headlines taken from Amazon were fed into the software with the request to write ‘similar’ headlines, the software took words from each headline and created new headlines.

It also used words that weren’t applicable and so the person giving it the instructions removed those words from the original headlines and started again.

The product headlines it created, although impressive that a software wrote decent product headlines in a few seconds, could have easily have been created by a person in less time.

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It reminds me of the story Andi, our techy guy, shared with me a year or two back.

Several years ago, he was working as a maintenance and odd-job man at an engineering company. He was often asked to cut metal for the machinists when they were snowed under with work.

One of the apprentice machinists like to do as little as possible and one of the jobs he disliked doing was cutting metal.

This one day – he wasn’t snowed under with work I may add – he walked from the machine shop, where the metal saw was situated, to the stores at the far end of the workshop to ask Andi if he would cut a couple of inches off the two pieces of bar he was holding.

Andi refused because he was in the middle of an important job that needed doing there and then… but he told the apprentice that if he, the apprentice, had done it himself, he could have had it cut in half the time it took for him to find him.

What was a five minute job took roughly 20 minutes by the time the apprentice got back to the saw in the machine shop.

I can’t help but feel that a lot of people are going to lose a lot of time trying to create content with ChatGTP in a similar way.

If they simply started writing, they could be finished by the time ChatGPT has given them something to work with.

I’m sure the software will revolutionise the world, this is why Microsoft is investing billions into it.

It already appears to be replacing humans.

The popular online entertainment media company BuzzFeed is using it to create online quizzes and list focused articles after recent ‘job cuts’.

But for now, it is going to be lacking in personal stories that people can identify with and which help build connections and relationships.

I’ve just shared a true story with you in this article. Being told that story is part of my life experience.

ChatGPT won’t be able to do that.

A lot of people fear AI software but in world where humans are ‘wired for stories’ and where storytelling has been used for centuries to pass on ideas, information and history… I don’t think it will replace quality writers any time soon.

Quality writers can earn a lot of money and it’s possible that, thanks to ChatGPT, quality writers may become more ‘in-demand’ as more and more people start using software to create dull and generic content.

In a world where generic dull content is becoming the norm, content written for humans by humans is going to be worth its weight in gold.

We humans like to read something far more exciting than a list of facts or a product description.

The written word is incredibly profitable; our company has made millions publishing manuals and books focusing on teaching people how to do something specific.

And you can do the same…. and I don’t see that changing any time soon, either.

I cannot guarantee that you will make millions as it all depends on far too many variables which different people do differently.

What I can guarantee is that if you create your own information products, you have a far greater chance of making money than if you don’t.

You cannot sell something that isn’t made… well you can, I generated over £4,000 one weekend selling a product I had yet to make… but that is an article for another day!

Publishing digital information products means that you can earn money at any time of the day or night.

You can have money coming into your bank while you sleep, while you go out for coffee, and while you are on holiday.

Doesn’t that sound appealing?

Would you like to earn money while you are busy enjoying yourself?

If you would like to publish your own information products so that you too can earn a passive income, click the link below.


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… As the name of the product suggests, after 30 days you will have a product which has the potential to earn you £30,000. That is the minimum amount of profit all of our products have made… and a lot of those products took less than 30 days to create!

Here’s that link again:


How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Business Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!

I recently saw a video by a guy who is trying to buy all of the games ever released for a specific gaming console – don’t ask me which, I know nothing about gaming – and he was planning on doing it without spending a penny of his own money.

It was a challenge that he set himself.

I believe the idea was to start by selling something that he no longer needed – perhaps an old game, maybe one he had two copies of – to raise the money to buy the first game and carry on like that somehow.

I have a feeling that he was going to buy duplicate copies of games from charity shops to sell to raise the money to buy the games he needed for his collection.

Let’s say that there are 200 games he needs, instead of simply buying 200 games outright using his own money, he buys them with money made from buying games from charity shops and selling some of them on eBay.

So basically, instead of using any money out of his pocket, he starts by selling something to raise the money to get started and then use any money made to buy more items to fund the building of his collection.

Does that make sense to you?


As always, this had me thinking.

I wondered if it could be possible to build a six-figure online business starting from scratch without using any of your own money.

I believe that it is.

Now, I am not going to say that it is easy and will happen overnight… but it is very doable in my opinion.

The focus is to create something that self-funds itself and grows into a six-figure earning beast that anyone would be happy to call their own.

Not only do I believe that this is doable, I have put together an exclusive blueprint for you to follow showing you exactly what you need to do.

You can access that blueprint here:

How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Business Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!

Kind regards.

John Harrison

PS… This can be as hands on or hands off as much as you choose. Once you have got started and earning money, you focus on growing a team to outsource the work too.

Here’s that link again:

How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Business Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!

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Give People What They Want… And They Will Pay You.

Most mornings I have a quick scan through several websites and check out the latest articles online to see if there is anything that I can share in an article or even use in my own business.

Today I read about how one woman, Lucy Jeffrey, 27 from Stratford, East London, started to sell vegan, cruelty-free socks from her parent’s home back in 2018 as a side business and is believed to have made £750,000 in 2022.

I also read about another woman, Paula Pimlott, 35 from Cumbria, who works only 3 hours a day and earns £4,000 a month renting out her clothes using a specific clothing rental app called By Rotation.

Both examples perfectly show that opportunities to make money are abundant, and open to anyone no matter who you are.

Lucy was in her early twenties and working in a bank when she decided to sell her cruelty-free ethical socks as a way to make a second income.

She got rid of all of her belongings so that she had plenty of space to store her socks.

By 2020 she was making £20,000 per month and decided that she needed to leave her job and focus on the business full time.

Her socks are now sold in 450 retailers across the world and she employs three staff. She has since swapped her parent’s home for a warehouse.

There’s obviously a market for these kinds of socks – not that I was aware that the manufacturing of socks was cruel to animals in any way – and Lucy is doing well supplying what the market demands.

Paula used to work alongside her husband in their CGI imagery company before having a child.

After having their son, James, a lot of her time was taken up caring for him. Paula wanted to find a way to make some extra money that suited her new life.

When her and her husband went out for the first time after Paula had given birth, she wanted to wear something special for the occasion but didn’t want to spend £300 on something that she may only wear once, so she searched online for something she could ‘hire’ for the night.

Paula was amazed to find a huge community of people regularly renting out and hiring high-end clothes and bags.

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She started by listing a few dresses of her own for hire and was gob-smacked when people began hiring them from her.

She listed the rest of the items in her wardrobe and then began to buy more items of clothing to rent.

Paula likes fine clothing but she didn’t want to buy brand new from shops as that would be expensive and take longer to earn her money back so she purchased ‘new with tags’ items from eBay for a fraction of the store prices.

Most items cost £30 to hire but for some items she charges £100.

If Paula can purchase a high-end dress from eBay for £400, she will rent it out for £100 a time and earn her money back quite quickly.

Renting her clothes out to others means that she can buy good quality high-end items to enjoy herself… and then get her money back.

Basically she gets new clothes and bags for free!

It sounds a fantastic idea.

In previous articles I have mentioned people who hire out their campervans, tools, cars, and even driveways. Renting out your own property is a great way to earn back the cost of purchase and make a profit.

In the digital domain you can do something similar… you can rent out space on your website, rent out space in an email, and rent out your email list itself.

When you have a popular website with a lot of visitors and/or a large email list, you can charge a ‘rent’ to those who want to put their offers out in front of those people.

You own the people they need in order for them to make any money.

Buyers are the life blood of a business and to find buyers you need to put your offers in front of a large number of people, which is why people will give you money if you have a decent amount of people at your disposal.

Not only can you make money selling your own products and affiliate products to the people who visit your website and on your email list, people will also pay you to show their products which effectively means that you grow your email list and website for free.

How does that sound?

To discover how you can grow your own hugely profitable email list for free, click the link below:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… The great thing about running an email business is that it can be done from the comfort of your own home wherever in the world that will be.

This is a method of making money that you can take with you.

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret

When Working For A Living Is Putting You In An Early Grave… Do This!

I read today that there are growing fears that 2023 is going to see a lot of companies collapse and go bust here in the UK.

In an article published on the BBC website, insolvency firm, Begbies Traynor, said that the number of firms on the brink of going bust jumped by more than a third at the end of 2022.

That number is expected to rise due to the higher costs companies are facing and the fact consumers are cutting back on their spending.

Also on the BBC website is an article claiming that the recent energy prices have pushed UK borrowing to a 30-year high!

In a nutshell, a lot of people are borrowing money simply to keep the lights and heating on.

Obviously that is going to have a knock on effect with people cutting back on their spending which, as we have seen, is affecting companies that are struggling.

One owner of a brewery in Manchester has said that he has thought about closing his business at least once every month since 2020.

The stress of keeping the business going has led to him developing a heart condition.

No one’s health should suffer from simply trying to make money so that they can live.

I hope nothing happens but if he was to have a heart attack and die, he basically died trying to live… and that’s just so wrong.

Things are looking bleak for a lot of people, which is why I believe that people, who are short of money and struggling, need to find a way to make extra money which is not going to eat into whatever money they have and take up a lot of their time.

I have written several times about ‘writing’ as a way to make money because it is an incredibly easy way to pocket extra pounds in your spare time from the comfort of your own home… but I want to talk more about publishing your own digital content.

When you write and publish your own content, you are putting something online that people from all over the world can buy at any time of the day or night.

An eBook is not like an ‘extra shift’ at work where you get paid for the hour and that’s it. An eBook that took an hour to write can pay you many times over for many years.

The more eBooks you publish, the more people can buy giving you a greater chance of making more money.

Obviously, if you put your eBooks on your own website, you need people to find them and so you will need to do some promotion, but a lot of that can be done in the eBooks that you sell.

Each eBook will point to others in your portfolio.

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One of the most powerful things about eBooks is that they are digital which means the original files can be replaced with new ones meaning that you can update an eBook incredibly easy.

When you create a new eBook and want to mention it in your previous eBooks, you can modify the original documents of those previous eBooks and then upload the new version to your website and whenever anyone buys a new copy of your earlier eBooks, they will see your latest eBooks being promoted in them which will help to sell them.

With eBooks being digital, they do not need you to have thousands of copies printed and you don’t need to post them to people.

They are delivered automatically as soon as a buyer has paid.

The eBook is either delivered to the customer automatically via email or the customer is sent directly to where they can download it.

You don’t need to do anything as part of the purchasing process other than look at your phone when you get the notification informing you that ‘you have made another sale’.

If you write about specific subjects and price your eBooks accordingly, you could be earning between £19.99 and £97 per sale… possibly more.

Making just one sale a week of a £97 eBook is surely better than working an extra 7 to 9 hours at work or at a second job.

Four sales per month of one £97 eBook is £388 which would to be a big help to most people.

Four sales per month is just me being conservative with my estimates, there is no reason why you cannot sell a lot more than that.

You can price eBooks at any price you want… you may prefer to write short and simple eBooks that you price for £4.99 or £9.99… it is completely up to you.

You could sell a monthly subscription where people pay you a specific amount each month to receive one or several new books each month.

Writing and publishing digital books is a fantastic business model because it can be done from home with ease and it can be taken anywhere in the world.

You can just as easily write and publish a new eBook in Sydney, Australia, as you can back home…

Or if your home is Sydney, Australia, you can just as easily write and publish a new eBook in London.

It doesn’t matter where you are, you can publish new content online and make money.

You just need to want to do it… and to make a start.

And if you believe getting started with publishing your own eBooks is hard, let me tell you that it’s not.

You can see how easy it is in The 30 Day To £30K Challenge.

In the easy to follow videos, you will watch as Andi creates his own eBook and publishes it live online within 30 days.

If he had been working on it full time instead of doing it in his spare time, he would have had it online within a week.

All of the books and manuals we have published in the past have earned £30,000 or more hence why we titled the product The 30 Day To £30K Challenge.

After 30 days you should have a product live online that has the potential to make you £30,000.

If there was ever a time to create your own passive income business publishing eBooks, today is it…

With extortionate living costs crippling Britain, is now not a good time to challenge yourself to create your own products which could possibly earn you £30,000 or more?

To discover more, click the link below:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Any extra money coming in passively is a bonus and a huge help. Having several bills and your rent or mortgage paid for by people buying your eBooks is a powerful position to be in.

Here’s that link again:
