I don’t know if you know much about the video sharing platform, TikTok, I can’t say that I’m particularly a fan of it; it’s full of self-obsessed teens who think that the world wants to see what they are doing every few minutes.
There really is a lot of rubbish on that platform… but there is also a lot of interesting stuff.
You can learn quite a bit from people when they are not just showing you what they had for breakfast or what gig they went to at the weekend.
One short video I found interesting was from a young woman, she was in her late teens, possibly early twenties. I don’t believe she was any older than 25.
She was talking about how the ‘boomer’ generation (people born between 1946 and 1964) have no clue to how life is for the younger generations such as ‘zoomers’ (people between the age of 11 and 26 today).
In the video, the young woman had just visited her parents for Christmas in another part of the United States and while there, her parents were telling her that her grandmother had put aside a ‘substantial’ amount of money that she wanted her granddaughter to use on an important ‘life purchase’ such as buying a house or getting married.
The parents were saying that they wasn’t sure whether they should give her access to the money just yet as it was for a big life moment and that their daughter was not yet at that position.
As her parents talked about it between themselves, the girl decided to ask how much this ‘substantial’ amount actually was.
They answered saying that her grandmother had put aside $1,500 for her… this was to help with buying a house or to pay towards a wedding.
Although the girl was grateful for the money and the gesture, she was a little flabbergasted… and I can understand why.
The flights to and from her parents at Christmas cost $1,000 and to have all of her Christmas gifts shipped back to where she lived cost an additional $300.
That Christmas trip cost her $1,300 (£1,052) just getting there and back!
For someone born between 1946 and 1964, £1,052 would have been a lot of money… back then.
Today it isn’t that much really.
Yes, value is relative and subjective.
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To a five year old who only spends money on comics and sweets, £1,052 is a lot of money… but to late teens and twentysomethings, it probably wouldn’t cover a month’s living costs.
Back in the ‘good old days’ £1,052 might have bought you a home, today you’d be lucky if it covered one month’s rent in the cheapest and roughest areas of London.
The young woman was not complaining about the gift or the amount, she was trying to say that the amount is no longer considered ‘substantial’ as it wouldn’t buy anything of real value.
It certainly wouldn’t be life changing… well, not in the normal sense.
You’d need to add another zero to that figure if you really wanted to help out with a deposit for a house or pay towards a wedding.
Today, if you want to give your family a ‘substantial’ amount of money as a gift; it really does need to be substantial.
However… £1,052 can still be life changing… it just depends on how you use it.
That amount would be a great starting bank in Betfair or IG when using a gambling or trading system.
Starting with £1,000 and focusing on making just 1% compounding growth every day, five days a week, you’d double your £1,000 within four months.
After four months of weekday compounding, you would have earned £1,353.09.
You would have doubled your initial £1,000 bank in three and a half months – if everything went smoothly of course.
If you carry on successfully growing your bank by just 1% each weekday for one whole year, you will grow £1,000 into £13,423.90… which is a lot more substantial than £1,052 don’t you think?
Okay, I am working with the best case scenario with this example.
There may be days where you do not hit your daily 1% growth target, and there may be days where you actually lose a little, no trading system is 100% successful all of the time.
But following a trading method with rigid discipline is how you grow a bank from £1,000 to many thousand pounds.
You cannot try a method or system and then give up when you have a few days where it didn’t go as hoped.
Systems work over time, not in the short-term.
Gifting £1,000 to a child or grandchild is nice, but wouldn’t it be nicer if you could gift £13,423.90 or more?
Perhaps gifting them £1,000 and then showing them how they themselves can turn it into £13,423.90 is a far better gift than the £1,000 alone.
You know the popular saying about teaching a man to fish, well, this falls nicely into that category.
Master the skill and make money for yourself and then pass on that skill to your children. Do that and they’ll be able to fish and feed themselves for years to come.
One system that is similar to the 1% method I have talked about in this article is System 903.
Roy, the man who developed System 903, made £47,000 in one year using it.
You can do this from the comfort of your own home and you can do it on your smartphone.
The only other thing you may need is a notepad and a pen to do some basic arithmetic. But you could do that on your smartphone too if you wish.
To discover how you too could make £47,000 in one year using Roy’s system, click the link below:
System 903
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Please note; there are only 250 copies of System 903 available and numbers are dwindling. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.
Here’s that link again: