Tag Archives: Business Ideas

When A ‘Substantial’ Amount Of Money Won’t Actually Buy Anything Substantial!

I don’t know if you know much about the video sharing platform, TikTok, I can’t say that I’m particularly a fan of it; it’s full of self-obsessed teens who think that the world wants to see what they are doing every few minutes.

There really is a lot of rubbish on that platform… but there is also a lot of interesting stuff.

You can learn quite a bit from people when they are not just showing you what they had for breakfast or what gig they went to at the weekend.

One short video I found interesting was from a young woman, she was in her late teens, possibly early twenties. I don’t believe she was any older than 25.

She was talking about how the ‘boomer’ generation (people born between 1946 and 1964) have no clue to how life is for the younger generations such as ‘zoomers’ (people between the age of 11 and 26 today).

In the video, the young woman had just visited her parents for Christmas in another part of the United States and while there, her parents were telling her that her grandmother had put aside a ‘substantial’ amount of money that she wanted her granddaughter to use on an important ‘life purchase’ such as buying a house or getting married.

The parents were saying that they wasn’t sure whether they should give her access to the money just yet as it was for a big life moment and that their daughter was not yet at that position.

As her parents talked about it between themselves, the girl decided to ask how much this ‘substantial’ amount actually was.

They answered saying that her grandmother had put aside $1,500 for her… this was to help with buying a house or to pay towards a wedding.

Although the girl was grateful for the money and the gesture, she was a little flabbergasted… and I can understand why.

The flights to and from her parents at Christmas cost $1,000 and to have all of her Christmas gifts shipped back to where she lived cost an additional $300.

That Christmas trip cost her $1,300 (£1,052) just getting there and back!

For someone born between 1946 and 1964, £1,052 would have been a lot of money… back then.

Today it isn’t that much really.

Yes, value is relative and subjective.

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To a five year old who only spends money on comics and sweets, £1,052 is a lot of money… but to late teens and twentysomethings, it probably wouldn’t cover a month’s living costs.

Back in the ‘good old days’ £1,052 might have bought you a home, today you’d be lucky if it covered one month’s rent in the cheapest and roughest areas of London.

The young woman was not complaining about the gift or the amount, she was trying to say that the amount is no longer considered ‘substantial’ as it wouldn’t buy anything of real value.

It certainly wouldn’t be life changing… well, not in the normal sense.

You’d need to add another zero to that figure if you really wanted to help out with a deposit for a house or pay towards a wedding.

Today, if you want to give your family a ‘substantial’ amount of money as a gift; it really does need to be substantial.

However… £1,052 can still be life changing… it just depends on how you use it.

That amount would be a great starting bank in Betfair or IG when using a gambling or trading system.

Starting with £1,000 and focusing on making just 1% compounding growth every day, five days a week, you’d double your £1,000 within four months.

After four months of weekday compounding, you would have earned £1,353.09.

You would have doubled your initial £1,000 bank in three and a half months – if everything went smoothly of course.

If you carry on successfully growing your bank by just 1% each weekday for one whole year, you will grow £1,000 into £13,423.90… which is a lot more substantial than £1,052 don’t you think?

Okay, I am working with the best case scenario with this example.

There may be days where you do not hit your daily 1% growth target, and there may be days where you actually lose a little, no trading system is 100% successful all of the time.

But following a trading method with rigid discipline is how you grow a bank from £1,000 to many thousand pounds.

You cannot try a method or system and then give up when you have a few days where it didn’t go as hoped.

Systems work over time, not in the short-term.

Gifting £1,000 to a child or grandchild is nice, but wouldn’t it be nicer if you could gift £13,423.90 or more?

Perhaps gifting them £1,000 and then showing them how they themselves can turn it into £13,423.90 is a far better gift than the £1,000 alone.

You know the popular saying about teaching a man to fish, well, this falls nicely into that category.

Master the skill and make money for yourself and then pass on that skill to your children. Do that and they’ll be able to fish and feed themselves for years to come.

One system that is similar to the 1% method I have talked about in this article is System 903.

Roy, the man who developed System 903, made £47,000 in one year using it.

You can do this from the comfort of your own home and you can do it on your smartphone.

The only other thing you may need is a notepad and a pen to do some basic arithmetic. But you could do that on your smartphone too if you wish.

To discover how you too could make £47,000 in one year using Roy’s system, click the link below:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Please note; there are only 250 copies of System 903 available and numbers are dwindling. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.

Here’s that link again:

System 903

Is It Time That You Took Your Share From The New ‘One Click’ Digital Economy?  

If I said that I bet that you have spent money online at least once in your life, would I be right?

I’d be surprised if anyone reading my articles has never bought anything online.

It has become the norm today to buy products online via websites or phone apps. It’s so easy, some people do it daily.

Last night while waiting for his tea, one of our team, Andi, spent £25 buying digital music from a specific website that he downloaded right to his phone in a matter of seconds.

The music was a collection of electronic music that was produced in the 1990s by a couple of dance music producers.  

What I want you to think about for a minute is that somewhere in the world, two musicians checked their phones when they heard the ‘ping’ notifying them that they had made money… from the sale of music they had created over 28 years ago.

I believe at least one track was from 1991 which puts that at 32 years ago.

Back in the 90s, music had to be put on vinyl records, CDs and tapes then distributed around the world to shops. Anyone who bought music from overseas had to wait days, possible weeks for it to arrive in the post.

If it was a record that came through the post, the buyer opened the package fearing that it might have been broken in transit.

Today, it is a simple download straight to your phone sitting in the palm of your hand, taking no more than a couple of seconds.

Vinyl records are making a comeback and there are a lot of people who collect them and would prefer to listen to music on them.

Some people claim the music sounds better on vinyl; it has warmth to it that digital music doesn’t have… and that may be true, but that is not a debate I want to get into right now.

What I want to talk about is the fact that two people made money selling digital products that were originally created 28+ years ago.

As I said earlier, people spend money online all the time, yet very few stop and realise how easy it really is.

Back in the 1990s when those musicians were making the music Andi bought last night, to buy anything you had to either go to the shop, send an order with a cheque through the post or call people on the phone to buy items.

It required you having to get up and generally do something.

Today it can all be done at the click of a button or two while sitting on the sofa… or bus… or park bench… or in the pub.

Do you know what else can happen while you are sitting on the sofa, bus, park bench, or in the pub?

You can get paid!

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You could be sitting in the park taking in the scenery when you hear a ‘ping’ notifying you that you have made money.

You could be sat on your sofa watching Coronation Street – I don’t know why you would in all honesty – when you hear a ‘ping’ notifying you of another sale.

Today, you could be making money selling digital products online that, like those musicians, can be sold for many years.

Why wouldn’t you want to capitalise on something that allows you to earn a passive income while you are out and about doing other things?

I don’t know much about these musicians, I can’t say how many tracks they sell on a daily or weekly basis, but if they have a decent sized back catalogue and they let people know about them – Andi didn’t realise they had released digital versions of their tracks until he saw people talking about them on Facebook – it’s possible that they are making several sales a week.

With more and more people in their 40s and 50s finding out that these tracks are now available to buy online as digital downloads, these two musicians could possibly be making sales daily, which is not bad for work they did around 30 years ago.

With their old music selling, they have an audience who might be interested in new music which they are creating and putting online.

Andi has bought new music from several of the musicians he liked back in the 90s.

Instead of having to press records and sign to labels, musicians and producers can upload their tracks to specific platforms like Bandcamp or their own websites and sell them directly to people all around the world with an instant delivery.

What is there not to like about that?

I’ve talked about music as the example, but with music the most you can charge is £1.50 per track… with eBooks you can charge a lot more.

Depending on what the subject matter is, information focused eBooks can be sold for up to £97… especially if you offer a lot of bonuses with it which can also be simple digital products like checklists and templates.

Who wouldn’t want to be sat enjoying their day receiving notifications informing them that they have made several sales of eBooks putting money into their account… without them having to do anything?

If you would like that for yourself (or a member of your family), go and check out:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Profitable eBooks can be as little as 20 pages long and it can take a day to create an eBook that short.

There is no limit to how many eBooks you can create and sell. After one full year you could have a huge portfolio of eBooks selling online.

Here’s that link again:


How A Scene From ‘The Office’ Confused Billie Eilish!

I read a rather interesting story the other day about the popular and super successful singer and song writer, Billie Eilish.

One of Billie Eilish’s songs apparently helped U2’s singer, Bono, through a rather rough period.

I don’t know any more details than that other than he wanted to thank her and so when she was staying at his hotel in Dublin, Bono had a bouquet of flowers sent to her room with a note that included the sentence:

‘Welcome to my home town.’

This confused Eilish.

She started to ask people what it meant.

She sent messages to friends and family asking why Bono was saying ‘welcome to my home town’ when he was from Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA.

When people told her that Bono was actually Irish and came from Dublin, she was doubly confused.

You see, Eilish believed that Bono and his band, U2, were from Scranton, Pennsylvania because of something that she had seen on television.

It’s not often British sitcoms are embraced by our friends over the pond, but The Office by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant was one that had such a cult following it lead to an American version, starring Steve Carell, being made for a larger American audience.

For those who don’t know, The Office is set in a regional office of a nationwide company, which is managed by what can only be described as a ‘right wally’.

In the American version, Steve Carell plays Michael Scott, the annoying manager who believes he knows more than he actually does about everything.

It became so popular that many Brits prefer it over the original British version.

Billie Eilish is a huge fan of the show and she started watching it at a young age. Billie is 21 and show first aired in the US 18 years ago, so you can see how young she was.

Billie says that she has seen each series roughly 30 times and that will include the scene – I’ve not seen it myself – where Michael is trying to organise a party of some kind  and is looking for a band to play at it.

While talking to one of the other workers in the office, Michael says something along the lines of, ‘What’s that local band? U2, they’re from Scranton, aren’t they?’

The other person replied with… ‘yes’.

A young Billie unaware that that was the actual joke… took that as fact.

Because Michael believes he knows more than most people, his staff don’t correct him when he says something so obviously wrong so that he can ‘hang himself’ later.

His idiocy is the overall joke of the show.

As far as Billie Eilish was concerned, Michael had asked for confirmation that U2 were from Scranton, Pennsylvania, and he got it.

From that point on, in her head, it was a clear fact that U2 were from Scranton, Pennsylvania. A fact she had believed for many years.

Because she was young and knew very little of the world, she couldn’t get the joke and could only take it as a fact.

So…. the point of today’s article is to remind you that you need to be aware that what you hear can very often be wrong.

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When you hear anything important you should always check your sources… or at least find additional information and see whether it backs-up the claim or not.

Not only is it possible that people sharing specific information have it wrong to start with and so they are unaware that what they are telling you is wrong, they may also be intentionally lying.

It’s a sad fact of life that a lot of people will lie to get what they want.

Whether it is to gain money, attract a partner, land a job, for political gain, or to  get out of trouble, people will happily lie through their teeth.

They will say what you want to hear… or what they want you to hear.

Some people take great pleasure out of ‘pulling the wool over people’s eyes’, conmen and scammers especially.

With the Billie Eilish example, it shows how you can easily ‘believe’ something when you have nothing else to work with.

And that unfortunately, is what is wrong with the world today. Far too many people are taking what they are told at face value without doing any checks.

Like Eilish, they believe what they are told from a point of not knowing any other corresponding or contradictory information… and that is how conmen, governments and organisations get their claws into you.

The less you know, the more they can manipulate you into believing what they want you to believe.

One thing that the government want you to believe is that to make money, you must go to work and tie your time up to a job… and that is simply not true.

That is just one way of making money. There are others.

One way to make money is to back ‘no hope’ football teams on Betfair.

Our good friend Stephen Lewis bags himself between £380 and £725 each week betting on specific football games.

For those living here in the UK, those earnings are TAX FREE.

All he needs is a smartphone or a tablet.

Here’s why he wins more money than most people… he picks teams that are not considered to be the favourites by most people… but are highly likely to win.

To pick his winning selections, Stephen visits a free website, looks at 3 tables and compares 4 numbers.

That’s it!

Some quick and basic arithmetic using a calculator gives Stephen a list of teams that he can back… at higher odds than those given to the favourites that the majority back.

Which means one thing… you win more money.

In one example Stephen made £141.32 backing teams everyone else expected to lose.

Out of a selection of 9 teams, he had a 56% win rate… but because of the HIGHER odds, he was able to make a £141.32 profit on the day… that is after any losses had been accounted for.

Had he traded those same games betting on the strong favourites, Stephen would have just broke even… but he didn’t, he won £141.32 because he chose to back the expected losers… although he expected them to win… which they did.

If you would like to know more about Stephen’s incredibly simple system where he makes guaranteed profits by simply taking a quick look at 3 tables and comparing 4 numbers, go to:


The Kamikaze System

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Stephen also uses a little known button in Betfair which locks in profit taking away any need to sit and monitor the game he is trading.

This is a safety switch which means that should the team that everyone expects to lose, does actually lose, Stephen still walks away with a profit.

Very few people know about or use this button. I didn’t know about it until I was told.

When he clicks the button and sets up his profit lock, he is free to completely forget about the game.

Thanks to that button, his trading becomes a SET and FORGET system.

Here is that link again:

The Kamikaze System

The Incredibly Profitable Power Of Networking!

Networking is a powerful way to make money.

I don’t want you to confuse that with Network Marketing though.

I’ve often criticised and condemned Network Marketing programmes, and I stand by what I say… most of them – if not all of them – are terrible and are a sure fire way of you losing your money.

Very few people make money with them.

The statistics speak for themselves, it is something like 1% who actually makes money, and they are usually those at the top who get in early.

Networking is different… well, the principles are the same, but you are not trying to force people to buy into the programme you are paying to be part of as a way to recoup your money and hopefully make a large income as often promised.

With networking, you are simply connecting with people who are in your industry.

The people you connect with may one day require your services and or ask you to work with them on a specific project.

It is through networking that we do Joint Ventures with other people in the industry.

Those Joint Ventures can make us tens of thousands of pounds and sometimes hundreds of thousands of pounds.

It’s not what you know; it’s who you know that really counts.

For example, there are a lot of people who can tell you what email marketing is and how it works… but they don’t personally do it and so they don’t have an email list.

Then there are people who do do email marketing and have huge lists of email addresses.

Who do you think is going to be more favourable to me and our ‘selling products via email’ business?

Obviously, it’s the person who has the large email list.

I could ask them if they were interested in doing a JV with me and emailing their list one of our products and for every sale made they would be paid a 50% commission.

This happens a lot, and the people that we generally do JVs with are people that we have met over the years at certain events.

Sometimes we get emails from new people, but a lot of the time we work with people we know.

All across the UK, and I suspect the world, there are business networking events happening in towns and cities where business owners and service providers go for a meal and to meet each other.

It is at these events that people meet the people they need to know.

A web designer can meet several new businesses that need websites building. That web designer could leave with several names of potential new clients.

They may walk away with new work already added to their calendar.

I read recently about how a popular and highly paid copywriter, named Colin, found work by attending internet marketing seminars and events.

Those events had a lot of people who either had successful online businesses or wanted to get started and both groups would need sales letters, mailings, emails and website content written.

By going to those events and networking with people, Colin would walk away with a list of potential clients. He would contact them a couple days later and build friendships with them.

When the time came for those people to have a sales page or a series of emails written, who do you think they would go to?

He rarely went to those events to learn internet marketing; he was simply going to network with people and hand out cards.

Going to those events and meeting new people resulted in him landing new clients who paid him thousands of pounds to write sales letters.

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Andi, our techy guy, once told us that his uncle Brian, a carpenter that Andi worked with, would go to the local pub two or three evenings during the week to ‘network’.

His wife was less impressed at the answer ‘I’m going to find work’ while moaning that he was spending too much time at the pub, but the truth is, a lot of his work would come from the pub.

He was regularly seen by other pub goers and every time he was in the pub chatting, it reminded people that he was ‘around’ and so whenever they or someone else needed any carpentry work doing, he was often the first person they would go to.

The pub regularly became his office with people walking up to him saying things like ‘Brian, I need a couple of doors fitting, are you busy? Could you come and take a look and give me a price?’

There was more going on in The Elm Cottage for Brian than simply enjoying a few pints. He would walk home with possible work booked in the diary.

I’ve written about the Six Degrees of Separation before. It is also known as the Six Handshake Rule.

The Six Degrees of Separation states that you are only six social contacts away from the people you need or want to meet.

That means that you can find decent clients and customers by talking to people around you because one or several of them will know someone who also knows someone that could make you a lot of money or change your life.

You can amplify that by networking with the right people as Colin did when he was looking for copywriting clients.

You should never underestimate the power of small talk and chatting to new people.

People have landed their dreams jobs by simply taking the time out to talk to strangers who happened to be looking for the right person to fill a position in their company.

Effective communication is incredibly powerful as is ‘getting out there’ and ‘being seen’.

You have no idea what another person can do for you or your life. They may know someone who could be worth millions to you.

There are people like Colin the copywriter (admit it, you thought I was going to say Colin the caterpillar, didn’t you?) who earn thousands of pounds working for just one client where others are having to work for loads of clients to earn the same amount of money, all because he took the time to figure out where his ideal clients were and went to find them.

Like a fisherman, he found out where the best ponds and rivers were that were teeming with fish and he went there and dangled multiple baited hooks.

Conversation is powerful… and knowing what to say, how to say it and when can be the difference between earning a few pounds per job and earning tens of thousands of pounds per job.

It certainly is the difference between selling hundreds or thousands of copies of a product making tens of thousands of pounds and making just a handful of sales.

Learning to write a sales letter is to learn how to communicate effectively.

Knowing how to write an effective sales letter, email and article can make you a lot of money in a world where publishing information is big business…   and it is big business.

There will always be information publishers, and there will always be a need for copywriters like Colin.

A simple sales letter which can take as little as a few hours to write could easily earn you £1,000 or more with the right client and as you now know, finding the right clients can be as simple as networking with a few people in the right industry.

Also, knowing how to write profitable sales letters means that you can write sales letters for your own products and services earning you tens of thousands of pounds or more in sales.

If you would like to learn how to write a sales letter which has the potential to earn you tens of thousands of pounds or more, click the link below:

One Letter From Retirement

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… Writing is the ultimate freedom giving skill. There are so many ways to make money writing…but the easiest and fastest by far is to write sales letters.

Here’s that link again:

One Letter From Retirement

How To Pocket Thousands Of Pounds Piggybacking Off A Popular Brand

The other day, I was shown a post on Instagram. It was a short video by a woman talking about her watch strap.

Apparently, in a previous video people noticed that she was wearing an Apple watch that had a Gucci strap. The strap didn’t say Gucci, people recognised the pattern.

Gucci have a distinct pattern that they use on a lot of their products such as handbags and luggage bags.

Her followers wanted to know where they could get the strap from.

The thing is, Gucci do not make watch straps, and hence why she had a lot of people ask her where she got it from.

In the video she explained that they are not actually made by Gucci and had bought it from a person on Etsy.

She paid £100 for the watch strap.

It looked like it was well made. Whoever made it, knows how to make a quality watch strap.

What I found interesting was something she said, which was, ‘there’s a lot of £100’s in a second hand Gucci handbag’.

Gucci bags are expensive; I saw a medium sized one for sale recently at £800. Looking at the size of it I believe you could get a lot of watch straps out of it.

If you paid £800 for a handbag then made 16 watch straps out of the material and sold them for £100 apiece, you have doubled your investment… minus other material costs if there are any.

If you bought a second hand handbag for a couple hundred pounds… or less, then you really are quids in.

There is a market out there for these products.

Gucci is a huge fashion house that makes millions and people are willing to spend hundreds and thousands of pounds acquiring their products.

But it gets better; people will buy fake Gucci stuff so that they either appear to be wealthy or because they simply like the look and don’t want to spend a small fortune.

Those who love the Gucci pattern and love anything Gucci will want to own a Gucci watch strap…even if it isn’t actually made by Gucci themselves.

Essentially, what this person is doing is piggybacking off a popular brand.

They have taken something recognisable that people love, and used it in a different way.

I think this is a great way to make money.

It could make a decent second income business for someone at least.

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I am not sure where people stand legally as they are selling a trademarked pattern, but I don’t believe there is a law against taking old (and new) products, dismantling them and reusing the parts to make something new… at least not with clothing and bags.

People have been doing it for years.

A lot of people go to charity shops and thrift stores looking for used clothing and shoes which they modify into something new.

I know someone who used to buy canvas trainers and baseball caps and then paint characters on them. He would then sell the trainers for over £100 a pair.

One year he made £10,000 from that little side venture of his.

As long as the person who is making the watch straps don’t try and pass them off as ‘made by Gucci’ and state that the material is sourced from used bags, then I believe they should be fine.

If you are unsure, I suggest that you consult with a lawyer who specialises in trademarked and protected retail products.

I imagine that the watch strap maker is now inundated with orders after that video. The woman who made the video has 82,300 followers. That’s not a bad piece of free advertising is it?

So…like these watch straps made from used handbags, is there something new that you can make from something used?

Another great thing about watch straps is that they are small and can easily be popped into a jiffy bag and sent through the post.

Products that require little work are ideal for a second income.

Etsy is a great place to sell products.

In previous articles I have talked about people who make thousands of pounds selling digital products and printables.

Digital products require little work once they are online selling.

People sell digital products such as eBooks on Etsy because there are a lot of people who regularly browse the platform.

EBooks can be sold on Amazon Kindle, Etsy, Gumroad as well as from your own website.

Once published to these platforms, people can buy them at any time of the day or night.

They sit there online waiting for someone to come along and buy them.

Like baited hooks dangling in a stream teeming with fish.

You create an eBook once, and then sell it thousands of times for many years.

One eBook has the potential to make you £30,000 or more… depending on the subject matter of course.

To learn more, go to:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Some of our best selling manuals are less than 20 pages long. It can take as little as a day to create a product that short.

There is no limit to how many eBooks you can create and sell.

Here’s that link again:


What Will You Do When The Lights Go Out?

I’ve just heard that more than 750,000 home owners are at risk of defaulting on their mortgages over the next two years.

On top of that, I see that every ten seconds a person who uses pre-paid metres loses electricity or gas due to lack of credit forcing them to buy more or go without.

3.5 million people in 2022 ran out of credit with 19% of those going without gas and/or electricity for 24 hours.

Pre-paid metres were originally bought in around 20 years ago to help people struggling to afford bills after a couple in their 80s died from cold and hunger when they were cut-off over a bill they couldn’t pay… a bill that was around £100.

Two people died for £100!

Pre-paid metres are supposed to help people but it seems that they are actually keeping more and more people in poverty.

The idea is that people pay for what they use. If you can’t afford it, you don’t use.

Maybe energy companies believe that it will force people to manage their usage and money better.

Unfortunately, that isn’t always easy when you are vulnerable or have families.

I get that companies don’t want to be constantly supplying items to people that they are not getting paid for, but it’s not like they are providing handbags or beer.

Energy is a necessity, people need it to keep warm, wash and cook food.

Surely, the idea of pre-paid metres was doomed to fail from the start.

To me, it seems obvious, if a couple can’t afford to pay £100 for a rolling bill, how can they afford to top-up a pre-paid metre?

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The production, collection and delivery of power needs to be paid for, I understand that, but is it right that vulnerable people can be plunged into darkness, unable to stay warm and eat and drink something warm?

For me, the point that most people are missing is that it is far easier to make money when specific conditions are favourable.

I won’t go into Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory too much, but it states that when a person is relatively comfortable, they are able to focus their attention and efforts on better things… like making money.

When a person is cold and hungry, their first priority is to find food and warmth, not go and get their hair done.

When people have no gas or electricity and short on funds, those basic needs can force some to steal or forage for food and burn wood or rubbish to keep warm… speculating on the markets is the last thing they will consider.

When a person is at their lowest and struggling to scrape together enough money to pay the bills, it takes enormous amount of discipline, motivation and effort to come out on top.

It can be done, but it is incredibly hard.

Now, I believe that you are not in a situation that dire… well I hope not!

As a reader of my articles, you should know a thing or two about money management and future proofing.

If the government won’t step in and help people who are struggling to pay for the basics, then the next best thing is to teach people to actively take steps to protect their future.

Maybe this should be taught at school instead of expecting them to do more maths.

Basic arithmetic is vital, but for most of the population, understanding algebra etc, is not.

There are more important life skills – and life truths – that people need to be taught.

One truth I think people need to be taught is to create a least one other income stream that pays your bills.

This income stream ideally wants to be passive, or as passive as possible.

Bills such as gas, water, and electricity should be covered so that should any problems unexpectedly crop up in life, you don’t have to fear having them cut-off and leaving you in a far worse situation.

If you can earn enough to cover rent or mortgage as well, even better. The fear of losing your home is not good either.

Hitting rock bottom may motivate a few to fight back hard and win, but for most people it is simply soul destroying and crippling.

A second passive or semi-passive income is a must.

There are many ways to make money today that you can set up from home for little money, but one of the best is publishing your own eBooks and digital courses.

There is some work involved at the beginning, but you could start this for round £100.

If you only publish eBooks to Amazon Kindle you could possibly start for free.

Yes, there is a little work involved, but once you have the system set in place, have several eBooks published that are selling well, you will be making money passively.

You only need to make the product once and it can then be sold for many years giving you a passive income.

To discover more, click the link below:

Generate Your Own Passive Income

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… On today’s This Morning, Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby were thoroughly disappointed when they asked an economic expert his views and he stated that the people of Britain needed to get used to the current cost-of-living crisis because research shows that it is here to stay for a while.

If there was ever a time when people needed a second passive income they can manage from home, this is it!

Here’s that link again:

Generate Your Own Passive Income

It Takes As Little As Five Minutes A Day And Earns Me Hundreds Of Pounds Extra

Towards the end of 2022 I told you that I had been sharing my articles on Medium.com.

In total, I have been paid £731.81 from Medium for sharing my content on their platform.

It takes as little as five minutes to add the content to the platform.

November 2022 was a good month with a couple of articles going viral. I earned £341.88 that month, and that’s with having a week off.

In December, I only shared two week’s worth of content to Medium, about ten articles, yet I still earned £198.07. Most of that came from content that was posted in previous months.

January 2023 is off to a flying start, I’ve already hit £202 and that is just for the first ten days of the month.

If things carry on as they are, I could be hitting £500 this month. If that happens, I might treat the office staff to a couple of packets of Jammy Dodgers.

Remember, this is extra money. I am sharing articles that I have already written for other projects.

There has also been a constant trickle of people coming to the website from Medium and joining my email list.

It’s possible that one or two people have bought a product from me since visiting the website or joining the email list.

It’s quite possible that the money earned since sharing content to Medium is already over the £1,000 mark thanks to product sales.

I know for a fact that people from Medium are reading our product sales pages.

As I write this, there is a person from Albania on the website who has come from Medium.

Three minutes ago there was a person from Warrington here in the UK looking at a product, they too came from Medium.

As I say, I am doing this mainly as a way to get traffic to the website and earn a few extra pennies to pay towards some of the services we use… and buy a few packets of biscuits for the office.

I am already writing the content, so why not benefit from it twice by sharing it elsewhere?

Obviously, when I first started I made very little, my first payment from Medium was for £2, but after constantly publishing content I am now earning a couple hundred pounds most months.

Some people love the content I share, others absolutely hate it and are not afraid of telling me, but you know what?

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It doesn’t matter because it is earning me money, building my email list, and possibly making sales.

If you are building an online business and growing an email list, this is a perfect way to build your list and earn some additional money to help pay for services.

It’s also a great way to make money on its own.

If you are looking for some extra money to help pay bills and living costs, or some spare money to invest into other money making projects, then this could be ideal for you.

How much a person earns is down to what they write and how regularly they publish.

I’ve been paid £731.81 and have already earned £202 this month so I believe that by the end of January 2023 I will have been paid at least £1,000.

That £1,000 could then be used to make more money.

It would pay to have several, perhaps many, eBooks created which you could then sell 24/7 via your own fully automated passive income system.

You could have a whole portfolio of eBooks selling on your website. They can be added to Amazon Kindle too.

It could be put into either Betfair or a trading platform like IG where it is used as leverage to make more money.

£1,000 is a great starting point.

Remember, each month you will earn more from Medium if you keep adding content. And while it is earning you money, why would you not?

Every pound that you earn could be used to either make more money or make life more enjoyable.

This money is a by-product of what I am doing anyway.

If you too were running an online and email business, you could share your written content on Medium, earn some extra money and use that to expand your business or use it to make more money as already suggested above.

If you are not yet running an email business, you could either start today and share your content on Medium and grow the two together, or start publishing content to Medium today, build that up and once you are earning money, you then use it to start and grow your email business.

I suggest starting them both together. The sooner you start to grow your email list, the sooner you can start to make bigger amounts of money.

As the saying goes… money loves speed, and so it makes sense to get started today and grow the business as soon as possible.

With email, you can communicate with a large audience and offer them products and services which will make you money.

It can take five minutes to write an email that makes money.

You can spend up to an hour, maybe two, to write an email or article which will make you money for many years.

Spending an hour or two today writing could make you several hundred pounds or even thousands of pounds in sales over the next couple of years.

The written word is an incredible way to make money because it can be reused many times and distributed in numerous places.

If you’d like me to show you how, click the link below:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Another great thing about using email and the written word is that it can be done from anywhere in the world.

This is a method of making money that you can take with you wherever in the world you go.

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret

Is This The Answer To Your Prayers?

I don’t know if you have ever watched either Father Brown or Grantchester, both are popular period crime dramas involving a clergyman who assists the police in solving crimes.

It’s not the dramas themselves that I want to talk about, but something that I noticed both clergymen had which helped them.

I don’t know if it still happens today, but it clearly was the norm back in those days.

Both clergymen have housekeepers who cleaned their homes and fed them.

In Father Brown, in the first ten series his housekeeper doubled up as his parish secretary. In the latest series, he has two different people fulfilling those roles.

In Grantchester there was an underling who took the responsibility of the daily parish chores if I remember rightly.

Both men had all of the other aspects of their lives taken care of, they simply had to wake up in a morning and focus on doing ‘God’s work’ throughout the day… that and solve crimes apparently.

Having all of the other aspects of their lives taken care of, gives them the freedom that most others do not enjoy… the freedom to focus entirely on the work they choose to do without distraction.

Those who have this kind of help are often super successful because they are not being disturbed or distracted all the time by chores such as washing clothes, cooking, changing the beds and organising the diary.

They get told where they need to be and when, and they do it.

Professional sports men and women, actors and singers all have managers who organise their professional lives for them leaving them to do what they do best… work.

You’d be amazed at what an extra hour or two a day can do for a person’s career, wealth and success.

Even if that hour is spent on exercise and mind work and not necessarily work itself, it will have a powerful effect on their lives.

Both clergymen were fortunate that they personally didn’t have to pay for their housekeepers and parish secretaries as they would have been provided by the Church.

The rest of us, well we have to pay for that kind of help.

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Even those who have partners who do the daily chores and organising days freeing up their time, their partners get paid by enjoying a life which they helped shape with their hard work and dedication.

Those couples work as a team, and it works best when both people are happy with their complimentary roles and each respects the other.

For those who are single and have to do everything themselves, it might be a good idea to pay others to do specific jobs for them freeing them up to focus on the things they do best… or earns them the money.

It makes sense to pay someone £10 to do something if it frees you up to make £20 or more.

I’m not saying that you should work every hour going, but if you prefer your work to daily chores and that the work that you do earns you more money than it costs to have them done or is likely to help you succeed faster… would it not be worth it?

Like Father Brown or the vicar in Grantchester, you can focus on the important stuff when someone else is taking care of the daily stuff.


You may prefer to have a way to make money that does not require more than a few hours in the morning.

Having housekeepers and home helps is great to help you focus on your work… but they are not necessary if you make your money spending just a few hours pulling money out of the financial markets.

Since starting trading during lockdown, our good friend Kate Davies has made well over £20,000 in TAX FREE profits.

Also… Kate makes this money in the morning before going to work.

She normally makes the money while doing her morning workout, hence why she is called ‘The Treadmill Trader’.

Kate wanted to share her success with others and so she approached us here at Streetwise and asked if we could publish her manual which outlines in great detail everything she does each morning that bags her between £750£1,725 each month.

That is £750£1,725 EXTRA each and every month… it’s is also TAX FREE!

If you would like Kate to show you everything she does leaving no stone unturned, click the link below:

Kate Davis’ Treadmill Trader

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… This really is one of those ‘teaching a man to fish’ systems. Once you know what to do, you can pull money out of the markets each and every month for years to come.

And remember, it’s TAX FREE!

Here’s that link again:

Kate Davis’ Treadmill Trader

Driveway Payday: Canny Scot Pays Her Spanish Holidays By Renting Her Driveway

Featured Image: Ruth Lewis Edinburgh Live

Recently I read about a woman from Edinburgh who paid for her holidays to Spain by renting out her driveway to tourists.

Ruth Lewis earned £1,500 last year renting out her driveway through a website called YourParkingSpace.

She first listed her driveway on the website in 2018 for £5 a day but soon upped the price to £9 per day to be in line with other people in the area.

Quite a lot of people who pay to use her driveway are tourists who are staying at Airbnb places nearby which have no or little parking space. The rest are either tourists or business people visiting for the day.

In the last couple of years, she has had only one issue where a paying customer parked on the wrong driveway.

The police were called by her neighbours after finding a car on their driveway, but the matter was resolved quickly.

Other than that, she has had a stress free and steady second income renting out her driveway to strangers.

Location is important here.

Edinburgh is a tourist hotspot and so this works well for Ruth. It may not work well for someone in the middle of nowhere who has an empty driveway.

I once wrote about this before after a trip to the coast where I couldn’t find a parking space.

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The town was rammed that weekend with visitors and all parking spots were taken. As soon as one became vacant, there were several cars hovering waiting to pounce.

I remember driving past several empty driveways a couple of streets back from the seafront which would have been ideal for people looking for a place to park their cars.

I would have happily paid to have an exclusive parking spot for the day. I’m sure I am not alone.

As Ruth has shown us, you can make a decent amount of money from utilising a wasted space.

What I love about this way to make money is that you don’t need to produce anything, sell anything or do anything other than allow someone to put a car on a small parcel of land in front of your house.

If it is not being used, why not make money from it?

Ruth and her husband have enjoyed several holidays abroad with the money she earned renting out the space they weren’t using.

It really is a simple way to make some extra money.

If you don’t have a driveway, or live in an area where it is unlikely that people would want or need to rent your driveway, there are many other ways to make money that will pay for things such as holidays abroad.

Ruth made £1,500 in one year renting her driveway. That equates to £125 a month… which is not a lot really.

I believe most people can earn £125 extra a month quite easily.

One method is to sell simple manuals and courses via email.

Depending on what subject the manuals and courses are about, you quite easily make more than £125 a month.

We sell manuals and courses that range in prices from £47 right up to several hundred pounds.

You only need to sell a handful before you are making more than the £125 per month target.

We, and many others, make thousands of pounds each month selling products via email… £125 a month should be your starting point.

It can take as little as five minutes to write an email that makes money.

What’s even better, you don’t have to create your own manuals or courses; you can sell other people’s products for a large commission.

If you’d like me to show you how, click the link below:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Also, because this is all done online, it can be done from anywhere in the world. You can take it with you wherever you travel and make money.

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret

Are You Wasting Time And Money On The Wrong Education?

I was recently talking with a friend who was telling me about her daughter, Jessica, who is now working as a school teacher.

She was telling me about how a lot of her training was in work placements in schools which was unpaid.

She was working in schools without being paid a wage. Instead, she was paying to train to become a teacher.

Training to be a teacher at university cost £9,000 per year. That is without any living costs.

To keep the costs down Jessica lived with her parents for most of the time as they lived not far from the university itself.

To pay the running costs for her car and other expenses, Jessica worked at a local supermarket at weekends and evenings.

She had a strong and positive work ethic.

A trainee can pay the £9,000 per year education costs if they choose to, some parents pay it so there is no debt hanging over them later in life… or they can take a government loan which they have to pay back once they start earning a specific amount each year.

With student loans, you do not need to pay them back until you hit that income threshold (£27,295 per year / 2022/23) which is good for those young students trying to focus on their studies… but it’s not so nice in the long run.

For many, it becomes a noose around their necks which they become fearful of.

The daughter of one of my staff has a student debt of £45,000 which she is yet to start paying off.

Many graduates fear the day they have to start paying the loans back.

If they have a career change and don’t get a job that pays the income threshold needed to trigger the debt repayments, they have nothing to fear as they will not have to pay it back.

For some people, the idea of having to start paying it back may stunt their career growth and out of fear of paying back the debt, they don’t go for the jobs that pay so well.

They may choose to forgo their dream jobs to avoid paying back such a big debt.

The government expects that only 22% of student loan recipients will pay back the loans in full. After the reforms made in 2022, they now expect that number to jump up to 55%.

There will always be a cost to education. It is expected. It is very rare that you can learn something for nothing… not something of real value anyway.

But some educations are better than others.

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Unless you have a desire to work a specific job or have a certain career, getting yourself into a large debt simply to work a job as a way to make money could be considered crazy when there are many other ways to make money – often a lot of money for a lot less stress and work – which costs a lot less to learn.

A prime example of that would be trading the cryptocurrency markets.

Thousands of pounds can be made trading the different cryptocurrencies… and you don’t need to spend several years at university or working in placements to learn what to do.

Nor will it cost you £9,000 per year to learn it.

You could be earning thousands of pounds, possibly tens of thousands of pounds a year trading the cryptocurrency markets for a fraction of the cost it takes to become a teacher.

And you won’t have to deal with snotty children, unruly teens and classroom politics either.

Our good friend In Williams has 30 years experience trading the financial markets and he recently turned his hand to the cryptocurrency markets.

The reason for that is that because of the volatile nature of the cryptocurrency markets, you can steal a lot of money out of them quite quickly.

Using a new free software which identifies when a potentially profitable trade is about to start, Ian helps himself to a stack of money as and when he wants.

As soon as the software gives him the signal, Ian places the trade.

The software throws up numerous profitable signals both day and night.

This new software has turned Ian’s laptop into his own personal crypto-cash machine.

A cash machine he has sat on his desk at home.

To discover for yourself what this software is and how it can potentially make you tens of thousands of pounds, click the link below:

Ian William’s CryptoWizard Trading System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS…You can get started… and making serious money… with this – for just £97.

You’ll not pay another penny until you’re up and running and making many times what it costs.

Here’s that link again:

Ian William’s CryptoWizard Trading System