Tag Archives: Business Ideas

Erik Made £21,500 In One Month Providing…

One of the best ways to make money is to sell people products that they want to buy.

It’s even better when the thing you sell isn’t being sold by other people.

Erik Soto Ayla, quit his 9-5 forklift operator and floor product staffer job in October 2022 when his side hustle exploded earning him over £21,500 in the previous month.

That September Erik made 10 times more than what he earned in a month working his warehouse job.

After expenses, his profit for the month was a little under £12,000. A lot different to the £2,000 a month wage from his job.

What’s really impressive is that Erik only sells one item…

He only sells personalised wallets, and he sells them on the selling platform, Etsy.

He engraves the wallets with names and messages using a laser-engraver he bought for around £1,000.

He came up with the idea after spending a few months researching what people were buying on Etsy.

Erik realised that personalised products were selling better – making more profit – than the mass-produced products most people were selling.

He also realised that there was little to no competition for laser-engraved wallets on Etsy.

Erik worked overtime in his job during January 2022 so that he could buy the laser-engraver and then placed an order for wallets from China’s Alibaba website at a cost of around £200. He spent a further £300 to £400 building his inventory.

His total investment was less than £2,000.

Five days after launching his Etsy store came the first sale. By the end of May, one month of being in business, he had earned just shy of £500 from 16 orders.

After six months, his earnings totalled more than £66,500, £56,000 of that was profit.

At that point, Erik decided to leave his warehouse job and focus on his Etsy business.

“Handing in my two weeks’ notice was one of my most freeing experiences ever,” Erik told Business Insider.

Much of his success he credits to his focus on giving excellent and efficient customer service.

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“My competitors were shipping three to five days after a purchase, and customers sometimes received their orders two weeks after purchase,” Erik said.

“I was processing orders the next day. I think this is a big part of why my store took off.”

Erik is currently ploughing his profits back into the business, and he is excited about what is to come.

“I’m hoping to start paying myself a salary and have saved some money in the event the store slows down, but right now, I’m very excited about its future,” he said.

It just goes to show that you can make a lot of money if you give people what they want, offer a unique service that very few others are doing and focus on excellent customer service.

Sometimes, the customer service can make be the big difference between you and your competitor.

On eBay, the feedback system showed buyers how good sellers were with their communication and speed of delivery and that would sway the decision as to who to buy from.

The quality of your customer service and effective communication, speed of delivery and quality of the products you sell are things that you can control easily and those will all help you to earn more money than the next person.

Erik has a great business which is going to make him a lot of money, but it requires a lot of work – maybe not as much as some – and I can only imagine that his profit margins per product is quite good…

But there are other ways to make money which do not require you to work evenings and weekends processing sales, making and parcelling products and taking parcels to the post office.

There are products that you can sell online that are instantly delivered when purchased.

The sale is also processed for you and you need do nothing more than enjoy the money when it is deposited into your bank.

The products can be sold on Etsy or via your own fully automated passive income system.

There are no products to buy.

You only need to make the product once and it can then be sold for many years giving you a passive income.

To discover more, click the link below:

Generate Your Own Passive Income

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… There is no limit to how many products you can create and sell online. With them being digital, there are no manufacturing or postage costs to consider. Profits margins are incredibly high with digital products.

Here’s that link again:

Generate Your Own Passive Income

The Train Ride And The Godfather Of Stupidity

As you know, I have a habit of tuning into other people’s conversations. I was going to say that it was a ‘nasty habit’ but it really isn’t because it’s a great source of ideas for emails and articles.

I don’t go out with the intention to eavesdrop on people’s conversations, it just happens.

It’s hard not to when people who are close by talk so loud.

A perfect example of this was the young guy who insisted that I had the pleasure of listening to his phone call a couple of days before Christmas.

Apparently he had recently been released from prison.

How do I know he had been released from prison?

He was talking about it at the top of his voice in a quite train carriage.

Imagine a hybrid creature composing of Ali G and Harry Enfield’s Kevin the teenager as seen in the film Kevin And Perry Go Large.

He was that hybrid creature.

He was full of bravado, ridiculous self-confidence and an overinflated sense of self-importance.

I think he saw himself as some kind of ‘Goodfella’ gangster who had been wronged by another person.

From what I could gather, he was out of prison on license which means that if he was to do anything criminal again within a specific timeframe, he would be sent right back in a heartbeat.

So what was this criminal mastermind doing?

He was on his way to ‘have it out’ with the person he believes got him sent down in the first place.

Not only that… he was talking about it loudly on his phone in front of several witnesses, boasting to his friend that he was going to have ‘strong words’ with this other chap.

I’m sure you will agree when I say that these types of people are so focused on ‘straightening things out’ that they generally always make situations worse for themselves.

As I sat there listening to this guy telling his friend what he was going to say and do, I could only imagine that transport back to the clink was already being organised for the end of the day.

Instead of being grateful that he was out of prison and able to spend time with his family and focus on staying out of prison, he was putting himself right in the middle of a situation that could end up with him being sent back.

If the confrontation resulted in a fight and the police were called, what is going to be the most likely outcome?

Consider the fact that this guy bought a train ticket to go to a specific town where he intended to confront this other chap.

It wouldn’t look good in his defence.

Why be angry about going to prison if all that you do is carry on doing things which are most likely to result in you being sent there?

It’s madness.

Einstein once said:

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“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

I think I was watching some of that insanity in action that day on the train.

It’s obvious, if you don’t want certain things to happen, you avoid doing the things that would cause them to happen.

Sadly it seems that a lot of people forget that and carry on making the same old mistakes.

They do the same old things that give them the same old results which are not working for them in life.

It’s the same with money.

There are people who want and need more money but the only things they do leads to them spending and wasting what little money they have.

If you want more money then there are two things you can do.

You can either spend less or make more… or do both.

Spending less doesn’t actually give you more money; it means you hold onto more of what you already have so that you can spend it on different stuff which still leads to you having less money.

So with that in mind, if you want more money, you will need to make more.

Making money requires effort… but not always a lot of it.

Sometimes making money requires nothing more than a few minutes to set something up which can then be left to do what it needs to do.

Our friend David Houghton steals between £110 and £350 from one specific financial market most weekdays using a method which takes just FIVE minutes to implement in the morning.

It’s a simple process determining whether there is an opportunity to make money.

You simply need to look at two sets of numbers and subtract one from the other.

If there is a trade to be had, you set the trade in motion and leave it to do what it needs to do.

It takes no more than FIVE minutes in total.

To discover how you can steal between £110 and £350 most weekdays using a simple set-and-forget system, click the link below:

The A Minus B System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… As far as effort is concerned, this is one of the easiest systems for making money that I’ve seen.

You don’t need to know a lot and you only need to work FIVE minutes in the morning and for that it will give you between £110 and £350 most weekdays.

Here’s that link again:                               

The A Minus B System

New Year Resolutions: Why You Need To Focus On One Thing Only

I hope you had an enjoyable and peaceful Christmas and New Year period.

2023 is upon us and now is the time people start to make plans and resolutions.

The problem with plans and resolutions is that people make too many.

They write up an unrealistic list of resolutions, plans and goals which would require a monumental effort to make happen.

Most people who make New Year resolutions generally dump them within a few weeks or worse… a few days.

These people don’t need motivation; they need a complete change in life, body and mentality to make happen half of what they desire.

It’s just too much for the average person to achieve.

The popular science and medical journalist and television presenter, Michael Mosley, has released a new book, perfectly timed for the New Year I may add, called ‘Just One Thing’ because… that is the best way to make changes to your life.

Focus on just one thing, accomplish that one thing, then, and only then, start something new.

If it helps, have a list of the things you want to achieve over the course of the year, but set them in an order of priority and know that you will only work on one thing at a time until you have achieved it.

By focusing on multiple plans and ideas, you spread yourself too thin.

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You are dividing your mental attention and efforts on several big lifestyle changes which means that in reality you are not giving yourself a chance.

Basically putting it, you will fail if you try and make too many changes at once.

I’ve spoken many times before about focusing 100% on making a small 1% change. Usually I use it in the context of making money, but it works the same in all aspects of life.

With New Year resolutions and goals, people end up focusing 10% of their efforts on multiple changes hoping to have a full 100% return per change they want to make.

That will only lead to disaster.

When results don’t come and it starts to seem like an impossible uphill task, people become disillusioned and deflated… then they give up.

To make lasting changes, you need to focus 100% of your efforts on the 1% only.

If you decide that 2023 is the year that you want to make more money, focus 100% on making the first £1… the first sale… or first successful trade.

Focus 100% on one system only.

Don’t get swamped trying to work several systems at the same time.

Remember… do one thing at a time.

If making more money is your desire for 2023, one system I think you will like is Paul Bent’s Shotgun Sniper. It is incredibly simple to set up and run.

Paul likes to make money trading horse racing, not only can you make a lot of money on the horses, it’s also TAX FREE.

He has developed a system which increases your chances of winning horse races by identifying the best races and selecting multiple horses to ensure that he wins the amount he wants to win.

This is a perfect system for those who want to grow a small amount of money into thousands of pounds.

You don’t need to invest thousands of pounds to get started with this. I dare say that you could probably get started with as little as £100.

If you would like to know more, click the link below:

Paul Bent’s Shotgun Sniper

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… It takes around 10 minutes each day to identify which races to bet on and to place the bets. This is something you can pick up and drop at will if you wish and you don’t need to subscribe to a tipping service either.

Oh… and it’s TAX FREE too… but you already know that.

Here’s that link again:

Paul Bent’s Shotgun Sniper

Do You Need An Accountability Mentor To Succeed?

I’m seeing a lot of people posting on social media talking about their ‘mentor’ or ‘coach’.

Generally they have the words ‘six-figure earning’ or ‘millionaire entrepreneur’ in front of the words.

These are people trying to sell their high ticket affiliate marketing programs.

Some people share pictures of themselves participating in online video calls with a group of people including their ‘mentor’.

Some ask if you want to join a Facebook group which has an ‘accountability mentor’ to help you stay on track.

What really is going on is that they are trying to get you to buy into the high ticket program they are promoting.


It did have me thinking.

A lot of people who try something on their own fail because they are doing it alone.

I have seen people ask for ‘accountability buddies’ to help them keep on track and to make them accountable to the tasks they need to do or fail to do.

As hard as it is to believe, accountability buddies keep each other ‘on track’ because people find it easier to let themselves down than other people… even though the only person who benefits or sufferers from their own decisions and actions is themselves.

Accountability buddies are usually two people who are doing similar things and need support.

It’s a sad fact that many people who start an online business working on their own do not get the support from their friends and family, so they have to seek it elsewhere.

Facebook groups of likeminded people all doing the same thing can really help people. For success, a support network is a must for most people.

Occasionally there are a few ‘special’ people who can forcefully and obsessively plough through life and succeed without the support of others, but on the whole, most people need and want support.

So, is paying for an ‘accountability mentor’ or ‘coach’ a good idea?

Obviously these high ticket affiliate marketing programs are pricing these weekly online video chats into their product prices, plus it makes business sense for them to keep their ‘affiliate sales team’ pumped because for every sale they make, the mentor or company makes more money.

Sadly, some of the HTAM products remind me a lot of the old MLM networks, but casting that aside, helping people to succeed is a good thing.

Leaving people to figure it all out alone generally leads to failure. Those people then move onto the next product and spend more money trying to succeed at something new still without the support and encouragement from family.

Would it be a good idea to pay someone to coach and mentor you while you work through the fundamentals of a new business?

It doesn’t need to be coaching or mentoring in business application; it could simply be moral and emotional support and mentoring.

Mindset is fundamental to a successful business, and a lot of people do not get the support from those closes to them which can really harm and destroy a person’s positive mindset.

This had me thinking, is there a service there where you offer a service as an accountability ‘mentor’?

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I’m sure there is an opportunity to offer mindset coaching and emotional and support to people for a price.

People need help and support.

They don’t always want or need more information, they just need genuine encouraging words from a person who understands what they are trying to do.

Encouragement is one of the most powerful forces in the world. Discouragement and negative comments are exceptionally destructive and can destroy a person and their chance of success.

Even the most thick skinned person can get to the point where they say ‘f**k it, I’ve had enough, it’s not worth the hassle!’ when they are getting grief from their family members.

It takes a lot or mental and emotional strength to ignore their comments and soldier on.

As I say, occasionally there are people who are born with the ability to ignore everyone around them and have complete single minded focus on what they are doing.

These people eat, sleep and breathe their business or passion. They are obsessed to the point that it is the only thing that matters in life.

Psychologists would probably class these people as ‘psychopaths’, or at the very least, ‘sociopaths’.

Richard Branson is a billionaire and I have read many times that as a child he was actively encouraged by his parents to try new things and do what he wanted.

Encouragement is an underrated business tool.

When people feel that they are fighting a battle alone without the support of family, a battle which will greatly benefit their family and loves ones, they will start to wonder why they are even bothering.

Negativity and discouragement is like a large anchor attached to a heavy thick chain wrapped around the person who is trying their hardest to progress and move forward.

It keeps holding them back.

Accountability buddies, mentors and coaches can counteract the negative messages or fill the hole from the lack of encouragement.

This could be an incredible business for the right person… what’s more you don’t necessarily need to create anything specific to teach.

You only really need to talk to people in a similar way to a therapist. Listen to what they have to say and discuss options. Encourage them to ‘keep on’ doing whatever it is that they are doing.

Any wisdom or specific coping mechanisms that you need to impart at times of great doubt or stress can be found in numerous books.

Have those books to hand, create a few ‘work sheets’ they can print off and simply talk to people either individually or as a group.

For many people encouragement is worth more than gold… because it can produce more gold.

You wouldn’t necessarily need a website for this business as you can find people on social media and use video call software like Zoom and Skype, but I do recommend having your own website because you can add a sales page with a payment button which will allow you to easily take payment for your services.

To see how easy it can be to create your own website; click the link below:

How To Build A Profitable Website Fast WITHOUT Knowing Anything About Building Websites!

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… A website can cost as little as a couple hundred pounds for two years but they can take thousands, tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of pounds in sales during that time.

Price your services and products right and you could be making a HUGE profit for very little running costs.

Here’s that link again:

How To Build A Profitable Website Fast WITHOUT Knowing Anything About Building Websites!

Don’t Be Left Out In The Cold!

As I came into work this morning, I saw a telephone engineer by the side of the road huddled up in a box working.

Today’s cold… wretchedly cold.

It was -4 this morning when everyone at Streetwise HQ set out for work. We’ve had a sprinkling of snow but not a lot… yet.

Ice is a different story.

Everything is iced over and the day time temperatures are not going over zero. We’ve experienced several days where the temperature hasn’t gone any higher than -1.

The ice is simply not shifting.

I feel for that telephone engineer and anyone else who has to work outside in this weather. I can only imagine how cold his fingers are.

It’s hard trying to work with thin wires and terminals when wearing thick gloves, that kind of work generally needs the delicate touch of uncovered fingers.

Touching the cold icy metal box isn’t going to be enjoyable.

Andi, our remote worker currently enjoying temperatures of 14 degrees in central Portugal, once told me about how as an apprentice joiner back in the early 90s, his fingers were so cold, it felt like they had frozen glass inside them.

One particular cold winter in 1991, he was pointing up the brickwork (pushing fresh cement into gaps in brickwork) around windows he and his uncle had fitted.

It was so cold that winter that every time he touched the trowel, his fingers hurt.

Seeing Andi doing a decent job of the pointing, the property owner asked if they would do the rest of the house while they were there with the scaffold.

Being the apprentice, Andi was given the job… the whole job!

From the ground right up to the top of chimney stack, Andi spent days scraping out old crumbling cement with chisels made of cold steel, and replacing it with new.

He remembers that the days were filled with freezing fog and clouds of icy mist. The trees were white with frost for weeks.

It was a bitter winter and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t keep his fingers warm while working outside.

His fingers were in pain and he was miserable. It was a miserable job that lasted several weeks.

Let’s just say, he doesn’t have any fond memories of that particular job. He actually regrets not making the decision then to get out of the trade and do something else.

The failure to make that decision might be that there was no internet at that time.

Any other form or work available to him at that time was mostly manual outdoor work, so he stuck with what he was doing.

Anyway, things are different today.

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No one has to work in the cold and wet anymore if they don’t want to. That is a choice.

I say that only because there are so many ways to make money online that can be done from the comfort and warmth of your home… working outside in the cold and wet is no longer an option.

Even though I and the Streetwise staff have to leave the warmth of our homes and brave the weather to come to the office, most of the work can be done online from home.

I just prefer to work from an office with most of my staff where I can talk to them easily.

Our good friend and veteran trader, Paul Bent, makes all of his money from the warmth and comfort of his own home.

Unlike me, he doesn’t have or need staff.

Paul likes to make money trading horse racing, not only can you make a lot of money on the horses, it’s also TAX FREE.

He has developed a system which increases your chances of winning horse races by identifying the best races and selecting multiple horses to ensure that he wins the amount he wants to win.

This is a perfect system for those who want to grow a small amount of money into thousands of pounds.

You don’t need to invest thousands of pounds to get started with this. I dare say that you could probably get started with as little as £100.

If you would like to know more, click the link below:

Paul Bent’s Shotgun Sniper

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… It takes around 10 minutes each day to identify which races to bet on and to place the bets. This is something you can pick up and drop at will if you wish and you don’t need to subscribe to a tipping service either.

Oh… and it’s TAX FREE too… but you already know that.

Here’s that link again:

Paul Bent’s Shotgun Sniper

Would You Rather Spend Four Weeks Doing This?

I’ve just seen that EasyJet Holidays have been offering a 28 day all inclusive winter holiday in Egypt which claims to be ‘cheaper than staying in the UK’.

A claim that has been verified by a financial expert.

It must be bad when you can fly to Egypt for a four week long holiday and save money compared to living in the UK.

The ‘Escape the UK’ holiday package costs £650. That includes travel, accommodation, food & drink, broadband and membership to a gym.

According to EasyJet Holidays, a financial expert checked the figures against the ONS data and concluded that the holiday would save the average UK adult £227.

The holiday works out to be £227 cheaper than living in the UK based on energy costs, grocery shopping and petrol usage.

Obviously, petrol costs would be swapped for taxi and bus fares if people decide to leave the complex.

Very few people can take four weeks off from work at the drop of a hat, this is mainly for those who work for themselves and have a lot of flexibility in their work, or earn their money online.

In previous articles I have touched upon the freedom that can come from making and earning money online.

You can be a freelance or a remote worker, make your money as a publisher of digital content or make money trading sports or financial markets.

There are now numerous ways to make money online.

And you can do it from wherever you are in the world.

Earning money online gives people the freedom to escape as and when they like because they can usually continue to make money wherever they go.

They don’t need to be back home in a week or two to start earning money again.

There is often no boss to ask for time off and you are not limited to how many days you can take off in a year. You can go away when you want and how many times you want.

That is total freedom.

In yesterday’s article I shared the story of Austin Wells who plans on travelling the world on a cruise ship for 12 years… while working and earning.

That wasn’t possible ten years ago, not in this capacity at least.

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A wealthy business owner with staff could go away and leave the company to carry on working as they drew a wage while enjoying the sun, but individual workers could not go away for a prolonged period of time and earn money.

The only option back then was to go abroad and find work while away like backpackers who spent a year travelling across countries such as Australia, Thailand and America.

Today, backpackers do not need to risk sunstroke and snakebites picking fruit in open fields; they can make their money working online while enjoying a coffee and a panini in coffee shops or their apartment… often before the day really starts.

Their tools for making money are nothing more than a small laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Depending on what you do, not only does earning money online allow you to be flexible when it comes to travelling, it also allows you to enjoy more free time during your day.

Earning money online gives you more money and more freedom.

Many people make their money by 9am or 10am and are free to go and do whatever it is that they please.

In Austin Wells’ case, he plans to make his money during the evening while on the ship leaving him the days free to go and explore new cities.

Many people make their money by simply publishing eBooks and courses which are bought at any time of the day and night through a fully automated passive income system.

These products are left online where people buy them, the sale and delivery of the product is processed for you and money is dropped directly into your bank account seven days later.

If you would like to build your own fully automated passive income system which drops money into your bank account, click the link below to learn more:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Some of our best selling products are less than 20 pages long. It can take as little as a day to create a product that short.

There is no limit to how many products you can create and sell.

Here’s that link again:


If You Could Live On A Cruise Ship, Would You?

This weekend I read an interesting article which shared the story of a 28-year-old American chap named Austin Wells who has recently paid £246,465 to purchase a 12-year lease on a studio apartment onboard the luxury cruise ship, the MV Narrative.

Mr Wells will be working and living on the ship fulltime while travelling the world.

The MV Narrative is still under construction in Croatia and isn’t due to hit the open waters until 2025.

The cruise ship will have 500 private rooms and apartments, a private gym, a library, and a farmer’s market.

Those living onboard will also have access to medical services, 24-hour room service and private kitchens.

On top of all of that, the ship will have 20 restaurants and bars, a school, a bank, a cinema and a swimming pool.

It will be a floating town travelling the world.

Wells is currently a resident of San Diego in California where apartments on average cost around £2,053 per month, his apartment on the MV Narrative will cost somewhere around £1,643, a saving of £410 per month… it may be more by the time the ship set sails.

Wells said in an interview with CNBC, “The thing that most excites me is I don’t have to upend my daily routine, in order to go see the world.

“My working hours will be shifted towards evenings, nights and very early mornings, but that does open up the ability for me to see a city midday to afternoon.

“This is probably the first time ever that there is even the ability to have a standard job and even consider working and living from a floating apartment complex.”

Wells’ apartment will be 237 square feet and comes with a desk to work at, a shower room, pantry and a foldaway bed.

There are 11 different types of apartments on the MV Narrative which will be home to around 1,000 residents.

Alister Punton and Shannon Lee, the bosses of luxury residential ship brand Storyline, came up with MV Narrative because they ‘wanted to offer more affordable apartments for life at sea’.

I’m sharing this story with you as a follow up to a previous article where I talked about how more and more countries are embracing ‘digital nomads’.

It didn’t say what Austin Wells did as a job, but I can only assume that as a resident of the MV Narrative and not staff, he will be working online.

Wells is a digital nomad who will be seeing the world and earning money at the same time.

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I’ve said it before and I will say it again… many times… we are living at the best time ever in all of human history to be able to make money on the go and from the comfort of your own home.

You can even make money from the palm of your hand while relaxing in the comfort of your favourite chair.

That’s how good it is today.

Yes, there is a current cost of living crisis, yes, people are currently struggling, but no matter how hard it is at the moment, people are in a far better position today than any time in the history of the world to earn extra money from their own homes in their spare time.

I’ve just shared the true story of a guy who is going to be living on a cruise ship for 12 years in the middle of the largest oceans, hundreds of miles from land, and he will be earning money.

If that doesn’t tell you how good we have it, nothing will.

The reasons most people fail to make money online in any shape or form are:

  1. Lack of courage to either make a start or carry on when the going gets tough.
  2. The lack of discipline to stick to something and to master it and see it through to fruition.
  3. Not actually knowing what opportunities are available to them.

There are so many opportunities available today; it could take me all day to list them.

A lot of people simply want to make money; they don’t want to earn it working an online job.

That is also fine as there are many methods and systems available to make money which doesn’t require you to start a freelance business or work remotely for a company.

A perfect example of that would be Paul Bent and his Shotgun Sniper Strategy.

Paul uses a specific piece of software that allows him to place bets on several horses in a race which increases his chances of winning and making a profit.

After identifying races with the right criteria, Paul sets the software to do its job.

It takes just ten minutes to set up and unlike other systems where you try to predict which horse will win, with this you use a backdoor way of winning money where you don’t care which horse actually wins the race.

To learn more, click the link below:

Paul Bent’s Shotgun Sniper

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… It takes around 10 minutes each day to identify which races to bet on and to place the bets. This is something you can pick up and drop at will if you wish and you don’t need to subscribe to a tipping service either.

Oh… and it’s TAX FREE too!

Here’s that link again:

Paul Bent’s Shotgun Sniper

Financing Your Freedom

The world is changing.

The days of having to have a job where you either worked for an employer or customers who are in your local vicinity are long gone.

Thanks to recent developments in technology the world of work has opened up to allow people to work from anywhere in the world, for customers from all over the world.

Self-employed freelancers are no longer working from an office in their home town; they are working from their homes… which can be anywhere in the world.

Even some employees can work from home remotely. We currently have a staff member who is living in Portugal. Everything that he does is done online.

We communicate via email or phone, and the work he does is delivered via email or added directly to websites and social media profiles that he is able to access from where he is.

Again, because of advancements in technology, freelancers and remote workers now have the freedom to travel and earn a living. They no longer need to stay in the one place.

The day of the digital nomad is here.

More and more countries are creating visas specifically for digital nomads. The idea that a person can come to their country already earning a wage which they will spend in their country is incredibly appealing.

Governments are concerned about the people they let in being a drain on their economy and resources. With freelancers and remote workers, that fear is lessened due to the fact that they are already earning and are self sufficient.

I know for a fact that Andi, our guy in Portugal, has put thousands into the Portuguese economy already and has taken nothing out of it.

An economic migrant is no longer someone who goes to another country looking for work to earn money, it now also means someone who goes to a country and puts it into the economy.

Unlike the 1980s when British builders popped over to Germany during the recession to earn money to send back to family in the UK as seen in the popular television show, Auf Wiedersehen Pet, migrant workers can now come into a country and bring money with them which they spend in the local community.

Each country is different with their requirements, for example Romania’s one year digital nomad visa income requirement is €3,950 (£3,397) per month.

Iceland’s visa is for only six months and they expect a monthly income of €7,075 (£6,084).

Greece has a one year visa with the possibility to extend to a residency permit. Their income requirements are €3,500 (£3,010) per month.

Malta has a yearlong visa with a €2,700 (£2,322) monthly income requirement.

Hungary also has a one year visa with their income requirements set at €2,000 (£1,720) per month.

Portugal is also creating its own yearlong digital visa.

Andi was able to get there using a D7 visa which was originally set up for people earning a ‘passive income’ even though he is actively earning an income.

That shows that Portugal is becoming more flexible and happy to take in remote workers, although, the D7 lasts only for three months, Andi and his good lady are required to have a meeting to be granted residency when the three months are over.

Originally they wanted to go to Spain but at the time the Spanish government would only allow EU citizens living in Spain to work for non Spanish companies.

Non EU citizens have to work for a Spanish company if they want to be a remote worker living in Spain which means that with Andi being British working for us, a British company, he couldn’t go there.

But that’s about to change.

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Spain is working on their own digital nomad visa which will allow a person to live there for five years as long as they earn around €2,000 (£1,720) per month.

Five years is an incredible amount of time. It goes to show that more and more countries are embracing the idea and waking up to the new world.

I’ve only touched on a few European countries that are opening up their doors to digital nomads, but more and more countries are doing it.

Thailand is also opening up its doors to digital nomads with a four year visa but the Smart Visa is aimed at more professional types who are earning over £65,000 a year meaning that you must earn around £5,400 each month.

I’ve mentioned Thailand for a reason, and that is that I know a person who lives in Thailand and he earns his money trading the financial markets.

A digital nomad is really someone who can earn money wherever they are in the world using the digital domain.

If you can connect to specific websites and apps, you can make money in the digital domain.

You too can become a digital nomad.

You do not need to be a remote worker working for a specific company, and you do not need to offer a specific service.

Countries are welcoming people who are already earning money. How and where that money is being earned is often irrelevant.

Some countries frown upon gambling and trading for religious and moral reasons and so people who make their money that way may not be approved for certain visas.

But thanks to services like NordVPN, websites such as Betfair and IG can be accessed and used in territories where they have been blocked.

Although I do suggest that you double check that you won’t get a long prison sentence before placing £5 on the favourite for the 14:30 at Kempton.

One of the things that is most appealing about the digital nomad lifestyle is the fact that you can actually get more for your money and live a better and more rewarding lifestyle in a country that is a lot more affordable than the UK.

For example, in the UK the average council tax in 2022-23 per dwelling is £1,493. Over the ten month pay term that equates to £149.30 per month.

In parts of Spain and Portugal, their equivalent tax for the whole year can be as low as that one monthly payment.

Rents can also be a lot cheaper.

An unfurnished three bedroom house in the middle of Andi’s home town here in the UK can cost the same rent as a furnished three bedroom apartment or villa that comes with decent views and possibly a swimming pool in Spain, Greece and Portugal… depending on the location of course.

Go to Thailand, Indonesia or India, and you could be living with views of long golden beaches and piercing blue seas.

That alone is a big pull for many digital nomads.

I mentioned that I knew a person who was living in Thailand making money trading the financial markets… did I tell you that it takes him no more than five to ten minutes a day?

If you would like to know exactly what it is that he does to make between £110 and £350 most weekdays which funds his life in paradise, click the link below:

The A Minus B System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… As far as effort is concerned, this is one of the easiest systems for making money that I’ve seen.

You don’t need to know a lot of facts, figures or information, you only need to work five or ten minutes in the morning and for that it will give you between £110 and £350 most weekdays.

Here’s that link again:

The A Minus B System

What Would You Choose? A £450 Tattoo Or £17,153.68 TAX FREE?

Previously I have talked about a certain ‘socialist’ couple I know who were happy to ‘tax the rich’ and spend other people’s money, but hated it when they were taxed or had to pay their own living costs.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not against helping those people who are genuinely in need of help, I’m just not a fan of those who want me taxed to the hilt so that they can live a free and easy life.

I’m pretty sure you’d agree.

Do you want to work hard, earning your own pot of money, only for it to be plundered by lazy scroungers?

Well, I have recently heard that the socialist couple have split. The woman has decided to leave the relationship.

It is suspected that she is leaving for another person who… you’ll like this bit… has recently spent a lot of money on her.

There’s always ‘someone else’s’ money involved with these people!

There was talk that she was going to move out and get a flat of her own, but because she can’t afford the deposit, it seems ‘daddy dearest’ is giving her the money for the deposit.

There’s nothing wrong with family helping out family. Parents will always help their children when they need it.

The problem is… she couldn’t afford the deposit for a new flat… but she was able to afford £450 on having a series of new tattoos on her arm!

Apparently these tattoos are the start of a whole arm of tattoos she is having done.

They call it a ‘sleeve’ when the arm is completely covered in tattoos making up one piece of artwork.

When completed, that ‘sleeve’ tattoo could cost two or three thousand pounds.

Our techy guy, Andi, had a friend who had a sleeve done a few years ago for the tune of £2,000! Andi would refer to it as the ‘two grand tat.’

No, I don’t have a problem with people having tattoos as such either, it’s their money and their choice.

The problem is that there are some people who complain that they are completely skint, expect others to bail them out, and then they go and spend their own money on pointless stuff that they simply ‘want’.

This is a prime example of people choosing to spend money on what they ‘want’ over what they actually ‘need’.

What people ‘need’ is not fun or exciting. It isn’t sexy. Whereas the things people ‘want’ are fun to do or own.

A night on the beer is fun, paying your electricity bill isn’t. The cost of living itself is rather dull.

Choosing ‘want’ over ‘need’ can cause a lot of problems. It causes more ‘pain’ in the long term than the amount of ‘fun’ that was initially had doing it.

Helping people out when they genuinely need help is perfectly fine, but if the person you are helping is taking your money and then spending theirs on stuff they ‘want’ and not what they ‘need’, they are not learning the valuable lesson of standing on their own two feet.

They are selfishly using you and dare I say it… stealing your money.

OK, I may be a little harsh here, the tattoo was booked in advance and a deposit was paid which would be lost. The timing might be a coincidence.

I have previously written about how tattoos can cost you more than what you actually gain.

They may look ‘cool’, but a sleeve tattoo costing £2,000 could quite easily set you up for life.

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Putting £2,000 into Betfair or a trading platform like IG could start you on your road to financial freedom and security.

In fact, the £450 spent on the tattoo by the woman I mentioned earlier would be a great starting point.

In the past I have talked about focusing on a small amount and then growing that amount with compounding.

If you started at just 1% a day on a £450 bank, you would aim to make £4.50. The following day that would be £4.54, so on and so forth.

On day 365, your target would be to make £169.84.

After one whole year of successfully compounding £450 at 1% per day, you will have £17,153.68.

Imagine what £2,000 would give you!

Obviously, with gambling and trading systems, it may not always run as smooth as that… but still, if you were able to grow £450 into £10,000 over the year, it’s far better than spending it on having ink stuck in your arm… isn’t it?

To be honest, if you turn £450 into just £2,000, that’s a better use of your money in my humble opinion, especially at these uncertain times. Who knows what your next gas or electric bill will be.

Some people are claiming that their mortgages are going up around £500 a month, that is a huge chunk of money to find and if they were able to take an initial £450 and turn it into thousands of pounds, it would be a huge help.

Our friend and veteran trader, Paul Bent, has developed a system which increases your chances of winning horse races by identifying the best races and selecting multiple horses to ensure that he wins the amount he wants to win.

This is a perfect system which would help to grow a small bank into thousands of pounds using the compounding method.

Aim to make £10 today, then £10.10 tomorrow, £10.20 the day after and so on and so forth until you are banking larger amounts each day.

If you would like to know more, click the link below:

Paul Bent’s Shotgun Sniper

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… It takes around 10 minutes each day to identify which races to bet on and to place the bets. This is something you can pick up and drop at will if you wish and you don’t need to subscribe to a tipping service either.

Oh… and it’s TAX FREE too!

Here’s that link again:

Paul Bent’s Shotgun Sniper

Is This The Way Forward For A Passive Income?

Ideally, the best way to make money is to have a passive income coming in each month.

It is the dream for many.

A lot of people strive to create a recurring passive income because it means that money is being deposited into their bank each and every month.

Truth is, creating a passive income can require quite a bit of work at first, and unless you have a system in place which outsources the running and managing of a passive income, it is going to be a semi-passive income really.

I for one would happily have a semi-passive recurring income over no monthly recurring income.

The reason for that is that the work involved running a semi-passive income stream can actually be very little.

The way forward for your own passive income is…

Own a business which has people paying you a recurring monthly subscription fee.

Before you panic and say that this is something that is out of your reach… it’s not.

Subscription focused businesses are everywhere. They surround you. You probably pay for several yourself already.

Mobile phone and internet providers are recurring subscription businesses.

TV and music streaming services like those listed below, are subscription businesses.

  • Disney Plus.
  • Netflix
  • Amazon Prime.
  • Britbox
  • ITV Hub.
  • Acorn TV.
  • Spotify
  • YouTube Premium.
  • Amazon Music.
  • Soundcloud (subscribe to specific individual musicians and artists).
  • Mixcloud (subscribe to specific individual musicians and artists).
  • Patreon (subscribe to specific individual content creators).

It’s not just music and television which has you paying a subscription. Many online newspapers are the same.

It happens regularly, I see an interesting article on social media, click through the link to read more, only to find that the article is on one of the many newspaper websites which requires readers to pay a small subscription fee to read their articles such as the New York Times or the Times.

Amazon Kindle and Audible also charge a subscription fee to access their products.

It is the way of the world today.

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Anyone and everyone is charging a subscription fee today.

What’s more, people are more used to paying subscription fees to access services and content.

That’s the point.

People are now so used to paying a small fee each month to access a product or service because they do it all the time.

Take music as an example, years ago people would buy records, tapes and CDs. Some music fans would spend a lot of money each month buying the latest releases.

Today, people stream music.

They have access to old, new and exclusive music 24 hours a day for the price of one album per month.

People also bought magazines from newsagents and supermarkets each month; some would subscribe directly and have them delivered to their homes.

Today, physical magazines are still being sold in newsagents and supermarkets, but like newspapers, a lot of them are now available online and charge a monthly subscription fee to access their content.

But it’s no longer the major publishers who are cashing in on these subscription business models.

Everyday people like you are making money selling subscriptions to products and services.

Thanks to the internet, the opportunity to build a subscription service where you can have a large number of paying subscribers is possible for anyone.

You could be living in a remote croft on Shetland, miles from the nearest neighbour, and still make money offering a product or service that has people paying you a subscription fee to access it.

It doesn’t matter where you or the customer is in the world; all that matters is that you offer something of value which is worth more than the fee you charge, and have a way to take and process payment.

Let’s say that you wanted to earn just £2,000 extra each month.

Here are the numbers you would need to make £2,000 at several monthly subscription price points.

£2.99 – 669 people = £2,000.31

£4.99 – 401 people = £2,000.99

£9.99 – 201 people = £2,007.99

£14.99 – 134 people = £2,008.66

£19.99 – 101 people = £2,018.99

Those figures do not include any fees that you need to pay to whichever payment processor you use.

As you can see, the cheaper monthly fee means that you need a larger amount of paying subscribers to generate the £2,000 target.

The larger the monthly fee such as £19.99, you will need less people.

A few things to remember here are:

  1. Thanks to the globally connectivity of the internet, you have the opportunity to find people from all over the world to buy your product or service. There is a huge pool of potential customers.
  1. A more expensive subscription product or service does not necessarily require more work to provide than a cheaper one.

The price of the product or service is a reflection of what it is and what it can do for a person. And so with that, it doesn’t necessarily take any longer to produce, in fact, it could be less.

A person providing a financial trading newsletter email at a price of £19.99 per month, may provide less written content than someone selling short fiction stories each month for the price of £4.99.

They would earn four times as much money for doing less work.

It’s all about what you provide and to whom.

It can take very little time to write a series of emails, update a website page, create a PDF newsletter or record a series of short video updates.

You do them just once, and get paid multiple times.

If you write four weekly email updates and sell them for a monthly subscription fee of £4.99, one customer would earn you just £4.99… but if you had 401 customers, those same four emails which you wrote would earn you £2,000.99.

It’s the same four emails.

The amount of work hasn’t increased, only the number of customers and the amount of income has increased.

I’ve given you a handful of price points, but there are some subscription businesses which charge £47, £97 and £197 per month.

You don’t need many people paying that to give you your desired £2,000. The more customers you get, the more money you will earn.

Once the income numbers are good, you can pay someone to do the necessary work allowing you to be completely hands off meaning that you now have a fully passive income.

Subscription businesses are the way forward for anyone who wants to earn a recurring passive income.

Discover more here:

How To Cash In With A Subscription Based Business

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Once fully established, you could be earning thousands of pounds each month from work which takes less than a day.

A subscription based business is all about the numbers.

Give a large group of people something they want and need at a price they are happy to pay, and you can be paid multiple times for the one piece of work each and every month.

Here’s that link again:

How To Cash In With A Subscription Based Business