Tag Archives: Business Ideas

If You Think Making Money Is About Working Hard, You Need…

Making money is not all about hard work.

It really isn’t.

I could use that popular saying… work smarter, not harder… but that isn’t necessarily true either.

Making money can be incredibly simple if you choose the right method.

Yes, you can say that a person who decided to work as a middleman service and charge a high commission for putting two parties together is working ‘smarter’ than a person who works 160 hours of hard graft each month for the same amount of money.

It was a ‘smart’ move to decide to find a way that would pay a month’s wage in as little as 30 minutes.

It is working smarter, that is true… but it is also a case of making a simple decision to find something which gives you more money for doing less… or at least for doing something less hard and strenuous.

The idea that working hard makes you more money is flawed.

A person working in a quarry can work incredible hard.

He can put in as many hours overtime as possible and work nonstop for years without holidays, and still earn less than a person who spent only one week writing a short eBook.

Money is not just exchanged for hard work; it is exchanged for a multitude of ‘things’.

The price of those ‘things’ vary too.

An hour’s work can be worth thousands of pounds in one industry, whereas in another it can be worth just a few pounds.

Hard work is tiring.

Earning decent amounts of money does not need to be tiring. It doesn’t have to be physical or mentally demanding.

You just have to find something that people are willing to pay decent amounts of money for.

In a previous article I shared the story of Eric Martin as an example about how you can make more money by doing less.

Eric left his 9 to 5 job when he began making $2,500 (£2,100) as a General Contractor who introduced two groups of people who needed each other.

Focusing only on concreting services, he found customers who needed concrete work doing, and then passed the work onto a company who specialised in concreting.

All quite simple, really.

When passing the quoted price for the work to be done from company to customer, Eric put his £2,100 commission on top.

When a customer accepted the price and had the work done, Eric earned his huge commission. His involvement in the whole process generally took less than 30 minutes.

One job, which took half an hour to an hour, would pay him more than what he earned working a full month in his previous 9 to 5 job.

He could have multiple enquiries each month.

If just one customer per week accepted the quote and agreed to have the work done, he would earn £8,400 each month.

That amount can vary month to month.

It’s possible that he could earn a lot more. The opportunity to earn more is there because he is not a slave to a wage and working hard for an employer.

It wasn’t until I stopped working for other people that I became a millionaire, hence the name of my book How to Stop Working and Make a Million Pounds Instead. (Get your copy by filling in the form below.)

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The ‘work hard’ myth is often touted by people who believe that the way to financial security is to have a ‘good job’ working for someone else.

Anyone in 2022 that still believes being employed means ‘job security’ or that you need to ‘work hard’ to make money needs their head examining.

You only have to look at Twitter as an example; thousands of employees have been given their marching orders by Musk as soon as he walked through the door.

The word ‘job’ is often referred to as the acronym J.O.B. meaning Just Over Broke.

Another American who is making a decent amount of money by doing very little is a chap called Bryan Tate.

Bryan takes down the address and details of any property he finds which is in a state of disrepair and forwards them to property investors and developers.

Whenever a property is purchased by those investors or developers, Bryan is paid a ‘finder’s fee’ which can be between £400 and £3,000 per property.

The properties that he finds are not necessarily up for sale.

They can be run-down little gems that he comes across while out on his travels.

Once he has passed the details over to the potentially interested parties, they do a bit of digging and if they are interested, they try and buy the property.

If they are successful and get a property for a decent low price, they pay Bryan a nice large finder’s fee for alerting them to the opportunity.

Now tell me, does that sound like a lot of hard work to you?

Imagine being paid £3,000 for simply finding a cheap property that has a lot of potential and then passing on the details to an interested buyer.

Make connections with five or ten serious property investors and developers and you could be doing one or two of these each month.

Making money is not always about hard work, it can be, as we have seen in these two examples, nothing more than being paid a commission to put two separate parties together.

To make the most money by doing less work – and that isn’t to say that there isn’t or won’t be work involved – find expensive items which are sought by wealthier and more affluent people, then contact those who are looking for them.

Charging a 5% commission on a mansion valued at £2 million will make you more money than charging 5% commission on a £10,000 concreting job.

Still, 5% of a £10,000 concreting job would give you £500 which is not bad if it took you no more than 30 minutes to arrange.

I’d much prefer 5% of £2 million though, wouldn’t you?

That would give you a cool £100,000!

Don’t forget, you aren’t doing any buying or selling here.

The work involved is nothing more than finding someone who has a specific item to sell and introducing them to someone who wants to buy it.

You get paid for putting them together.

To discover how you can earn 5% (or more) commissions by simply introducing two groups of people together, click the link below:

5 Per Cent Of A Million

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Estate agents who sell million pound properties and ‘high end’ car and boat dealers do this regularly. They only need to do a few deals each year to pocket a nice payout of many thousand pounds.

They make thousands of pounds by simply putting two people together.

There is a whole range of ‘expensive’ and ‘high end’ products and items you can get in-between to make a huge profit.

Here’s that link again:

5 Per Cent Of A Million

It Happened Again!

I never expected that!

Last week I wrote an article talking about how the sitcom Not Going Out starring comedian Lee Mack had based one of their episodes on the popular 1954 Hitchcock film Rear Window starring James Stewart.

Last night, when I finally settled down to relax in front of the television, I noticed something familiar about the episode of Whitstable Pearl that my wife was watching.

For those of you who don’t know, Whitstable Pearl is a drama based on a series of novels by Julie Wassmer.

It is set in Whitstable, Kent, and follows Pearl, an ex-police officer, single mother and restaurant owner, who decides to become a private detective on the side…. as if she doesn’t have enough on her plate!

At first, Pearl becomes an annoyance to Mike, the tall, dark, and handsome detective who has just moved to the area.

While trying to solve crimes that were happening in the small fishing town, his path crossed with Pearl’s on many occasions. Eventually the pair become friends and allies working together to solve crimes… with a sprinkling of sexual tension thrown in as expected.

In this episode, Mike is laid up with a leg injury after being tackled badly playing five-a-side football with his police colleagues.

Being housebound and unable to do much, Mike spent his day looking out of his rear window at the apartments across from him. And as I’m sure you can guess, he spots some unusual behaviour between a married couple in one of the apartments.

Concerned that the husband was planning on killing his wife, Mike tells Pearl what he had seen and so she decides to join him one evening for a ‘stakeout’ to watch the apartment and see if anything sinister happens to the wife.

Spotting the husband with the knife heading up to the bedroom, Pearl hotfoots it out of Mike’s apartment and across the street to try and prevent the murder of the wife only to find the husband dead on the bed.

Like all new versions of classic stories, there is a twist. I won’t tell you what the twist is in case you want to go and watch the show for yourself.

What I found interesting is that just over a week after writng that first article where I talked about Rear Window; I am once again watching a television show using it as the inspiration for the episode.

As I said in that previous article:

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There’s Nothing New Under The Sun!

That’s twice in two weeks that I have seen television shows which have been based on that one 1954 film… which itself was based on a book from 1942.

As I said in that previous article, you can’t simply take another person’s work and pass it off as your own, but you can use it as inspiration and create something new with a twist.

I also said that very little is actually unique.

The story of a man witnessing a crime from his window cannot be fully copyrighted due to the fact that millions of people across the planet witness crimes from their windows.

It must be quite a common thing really, as are detectives investigating a crime.

While writing this I have experienced a flashback… I believe, if my memory serves me well, the BBC drama Father Brown did a similar story where he too was housebound and witnessed criminal activity from his bedroom window.

It’s quite a common theme.

It’s not just fiction that you can reference and turn into a new product.

Someone somewhere wrote the first book about how to write a profitable sales letter and become a well paid copywriter, and since then, there have been hundreds of copywriters and publishers who have also published books on that subject.

They use their own personal experiences and stories, but the actual bones of their product, is the regurgitation of copywriting principles which have been around for well over 100 years.

How many authors have written books on how to write a book?

Yes, each author has their own style and preferences, but writing is writing… it doesn’t differ that much between people really. The books all have a lot of similarities and share the same main writing principles.

Truth is… there is very little stopping you from creating products which are similar to others. You just need it to be different enough to not be seen as being the same.

As long as you are not using their personal experience and knowledge and passing it off as your own, you should be fine.

Obviously you won’t steal something that one person has developed or invented which is completely unique. You cannot take new research that a scientist has just done and pass it off as your own or without acknowledging them.

There is a lot of money to be made if you take something old and modify and adapt it for a newer audience or even improve it so that it works better.


If that sounds like a lot of hard work and not something you want to get involved in, there are many other ways to make money.

Some are incredibly easy and can make a lot of money for little effort.

Such as Ian Williams’ Island Reversal Strategy.

Ian Williams is a professional trader who discovered, by accident, a simple ‘signal’ which indicated that the markets were about to ‘do something specific’.

Ian was surprised to spot the ‘hidden’ signal, because it was hidden in plain sight.

If it hadn’t been for all those years making money as a professional trader he wouldn’t have spotted it.

Once he realised what it was and what it meant, he knew that he had found an easy and simple way to make money.

He had been given a license to print moneya lot of money.

Ian also realised that it was actually easy to spot once you knew what to look for and that it could be learned quickly.

It takes just minutes to learn how to spot the signal and how to profit from it.

Once you know what to look for and how to use it, you can use it for a lifetime.

What’s more, this can be done from the comfort of your own home and so if you ever find yourself housebound with a leg injury, you’ll be able to spend time watching your neighbours out of your Rear Window AND make money.

To learn more about Ian Williams’ Island Reversal Strategy, click the link below:

The Island Reversal Strategy

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… I just want to emphasise that this is incredibly simple. You can learn to spot the signal in a matter of minutes and then use it for a lifetime.

Here’s that link again:

The Island Reversal Strategy

DAX Trader Makes Over £3,000 In 2 Days

Yesterday I watched a short video of a professional trader make £1,669 in seven minutes trading the DAX after it crashed 340 points in the first hour or trading on March the 4th, 2022.

Markets go up and down all the time and this particular trader waited for the drop to bottom out before placing a buy trade for the countermovement. The result was a 48 point climb and a profit of £1,669.

That followed a profit of £1,355 from the previous day.

The DAX started dropping on Thursday the 17th of February and finally began to climb back on Wednesday the 9th of March.

Between the 17th of Feb and the 9th of March, the DAX was in a steady decline, but during the day, the down movement was often interrupted by short periods of upward movement.

This trader, like many others, focuses mostly on ‘buying’ when the markets swung back during the day.

He could probably make far more money if he were to sell and buy when the markets go up and down, but he preferred to watch and wait to spot when he thought there was a bounce-back starting and would ‘scalp’ money out of the market.

In that two day period, this trader had made roughly £3,024.

I say ‘roughly’, because the trader is a German chap who trades in Euros and the figures I have quoted are Euros converted into Pound Sterling at the time of writing.

The actual figure may be a few pounds more or less… but I’m sure you aren’t going to quibble over a few pounds here and there.

I don’t know how big his bank is or what amounts he was staking per point, but what I do know is that he made £3,024 in two days with two trades that lasted less than 20 minutes combined.

The DAX can be quite volatile meaning that it goes up and down regularly. But as we have seen, that volatility can be incredibly profitable for the right people.

The volatile nature of some markets scare people, but for those who know what they are doing, they absolutely love it.

A volatile market means that they can go in, crowbar a chunk of cash out of the market, and leave without anyone knowing… all within a matter of minutes.

This particular trader has been trading for over twenty years and thanks to trading he is completely financial free and now resides on a sunny island in the Med.

His method of trading is quite intense and requires people to watch the screen for a specific signal, and when he places a trade he has to monitor it and close the trade when he has made a decent profit.


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There is another way to trade the DAX market where you don’t have to sit and watch it for hours on end.

With this method you check to see if there is a viable trade at the start of the day, set the trade if there is one, and then go about your day leaving it to do what it needs to do.

That’s it!

You may not make £1,669 with this… but that does depend on how big your trading bank is and what price per point you choose to use… that and how big your ‘cahoonas’ are.

But it is possible to scalp £200 or more a day with this method, which is a very decent amount for what you actually do.

Our friend David Houghton makes between £110 and £350 most weekdays using this method which takes just FIVE minutes to implement.

On occasions he has made several thousand pounds in a day, so it is possible, but usually he makes a couple hundred pounds a day.

If you were to make just £200 a day for five days of the week, that would give you £4,000 each month, which is £48,000 a year.

Now, I’m not saying that is how much you will make, but it’s possible if the right trades come along. The market dictates when you trade.

It’s a simple process determining whether there is an opportunity to trade.

You simply need to look at two sets of numbers and subtract one from the other. If there is a trade to be had, you set the trade in motion and leave it to do what it needs to do.

It takes no more than FIVE minutes in total.

To discover how you can ‘scalp’ between £110 and £350 most weekdays using a simple set-and-forget system, click the link below:

The A Minus B System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… As far as effort is concerned, this is one of the easiest systems for making money that I’ve seen.

You don’t need to know a lot and you only need to work FIVE minutes in the morning and for that it will give you between £110 and £350 most weekdays.

Here’s that link again:                               

The A Minus B System

£66,500 Per Month Selling Simple Digital Products

This morning I quickly scanned through a product which was teaching people how to create a recurring income product where they can earn a passive income through having other people sell it for them.

This was a course which was listed originally on the Warrior Plus marketplace.

Fergal Downes, the guy behind this product, creates products which he lists on both Clickbank and Warrior Plus.

He pays affiliates 75% commissions on all of the frontend products, including the upsells and downsells, and 50% commission on the one backend recurring product which subscribers pay $97 each month.

Basically, he has an army of affiliates sell the products for him.

In one of the videos he mentioned that he was earning £66,500 per month from his products.

What I found interesting in the videos I watched this morning is that Fergal was making a ton of money selling products which are incredibly simple to make.

The course that I was looking at this morning had 16 videos in total. The longest one was 21 minutes as he showed you around his Warrior Plus dashboard, the rest were between two and five minutes long.

There were a few videos where Fergal showed you specific pages or websites online, other than that most of them were videos of slides with a few bullet points and lines of text where he talked about what was written.

They were all very simple.

Forgetting the planning of the product itself and creating the website and sales material – which I believed he outsourced, the actual course creation (recording the videos) probably took no more than half a day.

I imagine that it took Fergal just a couple of hours to record the videos.

Fergal is making thousands of pounds each month for courses which are collections of short videos. I imagine his monthly membership which is paying him a recurring income is pretty similar.

I don’t have access to that product so I can’t say for definite, but what I do know is that he says he releases a new module each month which I am going to assume is much the same… short video content.

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Fergal only creates two of the twelve modules before he releases his membership product to the public. He creates the rest once it is live.

The reason he does it this way is that he can lose money if he waits to release it once all the modules are recorded.

It’s best to get it out there and start making sales and then create the rest of the content while people are consuming the first two modules.

I agree with that 100%.

Get the money in and keep people paying by creating and releasing new quality content.

While people are paying you money and you are focusing only on the next month’s content, you can do a better job and create better content.

If you wait to release your monthly membership course until after all of the modules are done, you will feel pressured and after month six or seven, you may become a bit jaded and the quality may start to slip.

I’ve talked many times before about publishing information products and running subscription businesses to generate a passive income and Fergal is a perfect example of someone who is doing just that.

The reason I talk about it often is that it is a business model which is available to everyone.

It doesn’t matter where in the world you live, how old you are, what your technical abilities are and what you know… you have the opportunity to create products that you can sell online to people all over the planet.

People can buy products from you at any time of the day and night earning you a passive income.

And as I have mentioned many times before, those products can be a series of short videos or a simple short eBook.

They don’t need to be anything ridiculously complicated or long.

EBooks can be created by writing in Google Docs which is free to use if you have a Gmail account. Google Docs allow you to save your work as a PDF.

Videos can be created using software such as ScreenCast-O-Matic which is an easy-to-use online service costing as little as £25 for the whole year.

Creating digital information products is all a lot easier than most people realise.

If you would like to know how to create your own passive income system selling your own digital information products, click here:

Generate Your Own Passive Income

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… There is no limit to how many products you can create and sell online. With them being digital, there are no manufacturing or postage costs to consider. Profits margins are incredibly high with digital products.

Here’s that link again:

Generate Your Own Passive Income

What Is Your Relationship With Risk And Reward?

What is your relationship with risk and reward?

The reason I ask is that I recently spoke with a guy who was prepared to spend £10,000 of his own money to buy himself out of a contract – because he was feeling a little down – which would seriously put him out of pocket…

Yet he wouldn’t risk investing £1,000 to make money with which could buy him out of the contract and save him from losing £10,000.

When I asked him why he wouldn’t invest the £1,000, he said that he didn’t want to risk losing it, even though he knew the rewards could be huge.

That confused me a little as he was willing to lose £10,000 to buy himself out of a contract quickly when there was really no need.

It’s not for me to comment on what other people do or why they do certain things, but his attitude reminded me of those people who complain that they never have any money but as soon as they do, they go and spend it on tattoos, cigarettes, drink, and a whole range of stuff which doesn’t actually help them financially.

He was looking for a quick fix.

Instead of looking for a pleasure fix, he was looking for pain relief… which is itself a form of pleasure seeking.

He wanted instant gratification, a quick fix to end his current feelings of pain and anxiety.

Again, it’s not for me to judge, although I do openly question people’s choices, life is to be lived and enjoyed, but at what cost to your future?

The guy I was talking to was having a bad experience, his stress and anxiety levels were up and he wanted to escape from it fast.

However, logic dictates that – and from what I know of the situation he told me about – the bad experience would soon pass and be replaced with a better experience… but his initial reaction was to quit and run fast… at a potential personal loss of £10,000!

Yet he would not consider using £1,000 to make more money with which could alleviate any issues he may be having.

I found it interesting that he would not risk a small sum of money for rewards which could grow and compound into a bigger amount of money, but he would risk a lot of money to simply escape from a little bit of fleeting emotional discomfort.

Basically putting it, he would…

  1. Not spend money in case losing it caused emotional pain.
  2. Would happily lose a lot of money to alleviate emotional pain.

It’s fair to say that this guy has a negative way of dealing with emotional pain and discomfort.

Instead of realising that it will pass and that he should focus his efforts on relieving that pain by finding a solution to the problem, he was prepared to pay a small fortune to simply run away.

Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe in flogging a dead horse or throwing money at a problem that cannot be resolved, but most problems can be resolved and problems will occur in business.

This guy simply hit a small hurdle, didn’t like it and wanted out ASAP.

It wouldn’t be a good decision to buy out of the contract in my humble and honest opinion.

I gave him a few pointers and I think he went on his merry way with a feeling that things weren’t as bad as he first thought. Only time will tell.

He was simply scared of emotional discomfort. He didn’t enjoy feeling rubbish.

Truth is no one enjoys feeling rubbish.

No one enjoys having a rough time in business, and rough times will happen, but they don’t have to go on for long, nor are they the death knell for the business.

This guy was about to quit just because he hadn’t enjoyed the last couple of days.

When you are scared of emotional discomfort, you will not try new things. You will choose to quit and run away when things get a little uncomfortable, which is not good if you want to change your life or financial circumstances.

Courage is the one thing which makes people money.

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It’s the courage to ‘start something new’ or ‘give something a go’ that takes a person from ‘zero to hero’, as some people like to call it.

Discomfort often comes after making a courageous decision and doing something which takes you out of your comfort zone.

Without courage and discomfort, people would not achieve anything.

If everyone played it safe, there would be no winners, no progress in society and no development of technology.

We as a species are where we are today thanks to courage and discomfort.

As an individual you are where you are today thanks to either being courageous and embracing discomfort… or from shying away from it and playing it safe.

Are you where you want to be?

The question is… if you are one to play it safe and avoid discomfort but you want to become financially better off, what are you going to do?

Playing it safe rarely delivers anything other than safe… which is great if you want a safe life… but for many people, the reality of living safe is actually living with a constant and ‘just bearable’ discomfort.

‘Just bearable’ discomfort is the kind of discomfort that most people will put up with and can live with… just, but it still makes them unhappy a lot of the time.

That long period of ‘just bearable’ discomfort is living years where you can barely scrape by, where you live from payday to payday. As soon as your wage or pension is in the bank, it is virtually gone within days.

The money you have is always allocated to something necessary and you rarely have any spare for anything fun and enjoyable.

It may not be as painful as the idea of losing £1,000 quickly (which you shouldn’t if you do things correctly), but constantly living with little money where you are unable to afford to do anything more than exist is a miserable discomfort.

It’s a miserable way to live.

But it doesn’t have to be the only way to live.

With a little bit of courage and discipline, you can turn a small sum of money into a larger sum of money.

In fact, it is possible to turn it into a rather large sum of money.

The guy who was willing to waste £10,000 to buy himself out of a little discomfort could potentially make £10,000 in less than half a year if he was willing to invest a small amount.

By the end of the year, he could potentially have £47,000!TAX FREE!

That is if he follows Roy’s system to the letter.

By following the system he developed after watching the 1983 film Superman 3 – I kid you not – Roy was able to double his investment every three months.

By the end of the year, he had taken a £500 investment and turned it into £47,000.

Not bad considering all he used was a notepad a pen, and the Betfair website.

To discover exactly what Roy does to make £903 TAX FREE each week, click the link below:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Please be aware; there were only 250 copies of System 903 printed and numbers are dwindling. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.

Here’s that link again:

System 903

How Just 10 Emails Made This Guy £2 Million!

This morning I saw the following post on Facebook:

What stands out to me the most in this post is that this guy has made just shy of £2 million selling a thin 70 page book which was not sold in bookstores… he self-published it online.

I’m not sure if that £2 million is from the sales of the book alone or if that includes the backend sales of his business services and products.

I don’t doubt that he has made nearly £2 million; he runs an agency that runs paid advertising campaigns for people and an online course where he teaches people how to correctly do paid advertising.

Whether he made £2 million from book sales alone or whether it included backend sales is irrelevant.

What I want to focus on is the fact that he self-published a book which was not sold in traditional bookstores and was NOT a long book like the Harry Potter novels… and yet he made £2 million! well, just slightly under. (£1,982,424 at time of writing.)

This was a thin 70 page book which was actually written by compiling a series of 10 pre-written emails to which he added an intro and an outro.

That’s it… simple!

If he was writing emails then it is safe to say that he already had an email list and a business before he published his book.

But that is also something I want you to think about.

We have a guy who…

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  • Has made just under £2 million self-publishing a book which was nothing more than a collection of pre-written emails.
  • Has an email list to which he was able to sell his books and services to.
  • Now has a book which can bring in more clients, customers and adds new people to his email list.

The importance of creating and publishing your own eBooks and courses online and growing an email list cannot be underestimated.

They are an incredible way to make a passive income.

Having your own decent sized email list can give you the freedom you should be enjoying.

When you have an email list you can promote your (and other people’s) products and services generating money allowing you to spend your day’s doing more of what you really want to do.

Yes, some time is required to make products and grow your email list, but that doesn’t require as much time (or expense and effort) as you may imagine.

Patience and perseverance is key and once your email list starts to swell with names and your products begin to sell, you will never look back.

We sell products each and every day and they vary in prices from £47 to £1,997.

It’s rare that we go a day without selling at least one product.

It happens like that because we have built our business that way.

I can take a week off and I will still earn money because we have people coming to our website purchasing products.

That is real passive income… and it is available to anyone who wants it.

You don’t need to sell many products each week to make more than what most people earn in a month working 160 or more hours.

I truly believe that everyone should have their own email lists and products to sell.

I know that most people think that it is hard to do, but it really isn’t which is why I want to show you how to do it for yourself.

I have two products which show you how to build your own incredibly profitable online business.

One shows you how to create products that you can sell online to generate a passive income and the other shows you how to build your own email list to which you can promote those products to.

Both products complement each other and really should be worked on together in my opinion.

To get started, you can learn more about the first of those two products here:

30 Days To £30K

You’ll learn more about the second within the 30 Day To £30K product dashboard.

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… As well as being shown how to create your own profitable digital products, you get all of the page templates you need to build your own online passive income business.

Who knows, one day may be posting to Facebook that you too made a small fortune selling your own books and products.

Here’s that link again:

30 Days To £30K

If You Don’t Do This… You’ll Never Make Money!

This morning before coming into the office I read about a Blackburn couple who were riding out the cost-of-living crisis thanks to a home (from home) business they started by accident.

This business is now paying them an extra £60,000 a year.

What is the business?

Eleanor Sinclair-Murray and Andy Murray (not that Andy Murray) make money by renting out their three camper vans.

In 2019, the couple bought a second hand Citroen Relay van with the intention of converting it into a camper van to use for holidays.

It took five months to convert it into a stunning home on wheels.

Once finished, the couple then decided to list it on the Camplify platform and try renting it out to holiday makers for £100 per night.

They had no problem finding people willing to rent their van and have not looked back.

They have since bought two more vans and now rent all three out to people wanting to enjoy a nomadic holiday here in the UK.

They got the idea after seeing videos online of other couples converting vans into stunning homes on wheels.

The venture is certainly paying off.

I want to say that with the current cost-of-living crisis, more and more people will be forced to holiday here in the UK, but at £100 per night, I doubt that those who can afford to hire the vans are those who are struggling.

Flights from the UK may have gone up since the pandemic, but cheapish flights and holidays abroad can still be found.

£100 could still pay for a flight and a night or two in the sun.


There will be a lot of people who are forced to enjoy a ‘staycation’ or two and cannot afford to go abroad.

They most certainly won’t be able to afford £100 per night to stay in a hotel room on wheels.

Is there a way that you could capitalise on this growing market?

Do you have some land which you could rent pitches out to campers, caravans and camper vans?

Do you have a spare outbuilding that could be converted into a self-catering AirBnB apartment?

Do you have any land where you can build one or two sheds with beds and market them as exclusive glamping pods?

Obviously, this is the UK, there are rules and regulations to follow and you probably can’t simply drop a couple of yurts in a field and charge people to stay in them.

I’m certain you will need some permissions from the local council first.

But putting rules, regulations and permissions aside, there are ways to make money using the things you own which other people could enjoy.

Reading the article this morning about the couple who rented out their camper van, I saw a comment from a reader who said: ‘I have a campervan and the thought of anyone else using it horrifies me’…

That one comment highlights the difference between those who succeed at making money and those who don’t…

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Those who do make money are courageous. They take risks, they give things a go and they detach themselves from the things they use.

Those who are attached to the things they own are too afraid to try. They are afraid that they will lose something or it will get damaged.

Yes, it could happen, it is possible that things get stolen, lost or damaged, but taking those risks will more often than not give you back more than what you lose.

You have to manage the risks as best as you can before you make a start.

You make sure that you have a back-up plan and you minimise the risks as best as you can.

I’m sure the camper van couple have all the right insurances and they only hire them out to people who have been adequately checked and have left contact and card details to cover any problems should they arise.

Without courage, there is no progression. When you are afraid to try something new and go forward in life, you stay exactly where you are.

Stuck and stagnating.

It’s not nice to lose your possessions or your money. It can be scary when you are risking the things you often need to make your life enjoyable and comfortable, but if you don’t, you have no idea how good life could be.

You should never risk what you cannot afford though.

If you have a mortgage and energy bills valuing £1,000 to pay and you only have £1,000 to your name, it would be foolish to risk that money.

But if you have a spare £1,000 sitting in a bank gathering dust and being eroded by inflation and taxes, then would it not make more sense to use it to make more money?

As long as you are careful and don’t go rushing in to something without learning what to do first, the risks can be low.

Kate Davis keeps her risks low by carefully selecting when to make a trade by observing the movement of the markets.

Because of this careful selection process, she is able to make between £750£1,725 each month.

I don’t know about you, but I think that is worth the risk, don’t you?

How much interest does your bank pay you over the year?

I once heard a seasoned professional trader telling a person who was considering trading, that he’d ‘rather have his money in a trading account than a bank’.

I think that says all you need to know.

Since starting trading during lockdown, Kate has made well over £20,000 in TAX FREE profits.

You don’t get that playing it safe keeping your money in a bank.

Also… Kate makes this money in the morning before going to work.

She normally makes the money while doing her morning workout, hence why she is called ‘The Treadmill Trader’.

Kate wanted to share her success with others and so she approached us here at Streetwise and asked if we could publish her manual which outlines in great detail everything she does each morning that bags her an extra £750£1,725 each month.

That is £750£1,725 EXTRA each and every month which is also TAX FREE!

If you would like Kate to show you everything she does leaving no stone unturned, click the link below:

Kate Davis’ Treadmill Trader

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… This really is one of those ‘teaching a man to fish’ systems. Once you know what to do, you can pull money out of the markets each and every month for years to come.

And remember, it’s TAX FREE!

Here’s that link again:

Kate Davis’ Treadmill Trader

Watching Prime Minister’s Questions Gave Me The Answer

I won’t lie, all morning I’ve been struggling to think about what to write for today’s article. Sometimes the old grey matter just doesn’t want to work. Every time I tried to think of something, my mind went blank.

I asked myself the five questions that I ask myself during times like this which help me think of the things I have seen, read or heard during the week which could make good article content.

Even after asking those questions, I couldn’t think of anything that I could share.

So I decided to have a coffee and watch Prime Minister’s Questions on BBC’s Parliament channel to see if that would help.

Usually I end up chuckling to myself or swearing at the answers that are given to questions.

They really are not answers are they?

It’s rare that a prime minister these days actually answers a question with a straight and relevant answer.

You don’t need to be a copywriter or professional wordsmith to understand that the answers are a vague mix of baseless sound bites and substance-free statements.

It’s a pantomime really. All quite comical.

It reminds me of the wrestling you see on television which ‘appears’ to be two big men fighting, but is in reality, two entertainers performing for a crowd working towards a pre-determined outcome.

Anyway, I was about to turn off the PMQ’s when Sir Ed Davey, leader of the Liberal Democrats, stood up to ask the prime minister a question.

Sir Ed Davey told the house that he had received a letter from a constituent named Vanessa who had expressed her fear of losing her house because her mortgage repayments had increased by £500 per month.

That increase is on top of all of the other price increases that have been happening recently.

With food and energy prices rocketing up alongside mortgage and rent prices going up, people are genuinely struggling to survive.

I’ve said it time and time again, when prices go up by hundreds of pounds each month, saving pennies is not going to help.

You can wash your clothes in cold water and sit in the cold quiet all day, but it won’t help you to find the money needed.

I’m not saying that cutting back won’t help, it will, but only a little.

If your mortgage repayments increased by £500 per month and by cutting back and living more frugally and efficiently managed to save you £200 a month… you’d still need a further £300.

The only way to really survive a cost-of-living crisis is to make more money.

That’s the truth.

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You have very little control over what other people or companies charge you for their products and services. If they put their prices up, you have to generally accept it.

But you do control how much money you make or earn.

Even if you work a typical 9 to 5 and get paid a specified wage, you still have the opportunity to make more money.

I was going to say ‘you still have the opportunity to make more money in your spare time’ but that is only half correct, you can make money while working your 9 to 5.

Only this morning I saw a post on Facebook by a copywriter in the US named Nathan who shared a screenshot of the Amazon payments he had received on Sunday for several books he had published under two different pen names.

That screenshot showed six sales notifications.

It was only showing part of his screen so I cannot say for definite how many sales he had made in total that day.

What I can say is that he is making sales of eBooks and digital products at any time of the day.

While he is:

  • Working.
  • Eating.
  • Sleeping.
  • Relaxing.
  • Playing.

… He is earning money.

Amazon commissions on eBooks sales are actually quite small, but even if Nathan was paid £1 per sale, he had earned at least £6 on that Sunday.

Imagine that he was selling 6 copies of his books every day. Over a 30 day month, he would have earned £180.

That’s not bad considering the money is coming in passively.

Who wouldn’t want to earn £180 on autopilot?

As well as selling eBooks on Amazon, they can also be sold via your own platform giving you full 100% of the money earned.

Your own platform can cost less than £100 for two years.

That’s £100 to host your own platform which can sell digital products automatically for you at any time of the day or night.

That’s ridiculously good value for money.

If the eBooks and digital products you were selling on your platform were priced between £9.99 and £97, not only would you get to keep all of the money (minus any payment processing fees) when any sales were made, you’d make your £100 investment back in no time at all.

One of the most important things that I think most people fail to realise about selling digital products online is that you have access to potentially billions of people.

I’m not saying that billions of people will want to visit your website or buy your products, but they could if they wished too.

Your website would be accessible to people all around the world.

Those people can buy and download your eBooks without you having to do anything other than enjoy the payment notification when a sale is made.

Compare that to a shop premises in your area.

Depending on the size of the property the rent and rates alone would cost more than £100 a week, and that’s without factoring in the cost of electricity and other overheads… plus you will only be able to sell products to people in the local vicinity.  

Having an online store where you can sell digital products is not only incredibly cheap to run, it can be hugely profitable.

It can take less than 30 days to have your first digital product created and added online to your own fully automated passive income platform.

Learn more here:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… EBooks and digital products do not need to be big and chunky. We often sell products which most people would consider ‘thin’, what matters is the content that is in them.

Offer to help or entertain people and they will happily buy from you.

Here’s that link again:


Want To Make More Money? Keep It Simple

People have a nasty tendency to over-complicate things.

This is most noticeable when it comes to making money.

Instead of sticking with a simple workable plan, they feel like they need to do as many things as possible.

For example: someone who is shown how to make money running a series of simple Facebook adverts to a product, would probably try and run adverts on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google.

If spending £200 on Facebook adverts was making them £2,000 giving them £1,800 profit, spending £200 on each of the other four networks would surely earn them four times more money?

Probably not.

The system that focused on using simple Facebook adverts probably works better than the other four networks which is why they were ruled out, but instead, people throw themselves into trying the other networks because they allow the idea of making more money to cloud their judgement.

It is the same with trading the markets, people flip from one market to another, today it maybe currencies, tomorrow it could be precious metals.

A seasoned trader who has been doing it for many years can flip between markets and commodities because they have the skills and knowledge, but those who are new or still a little green behind the ears should keep it simple and stick with just one method or market until they have mastered it.

There’s more than enough money to be made in one market.

Diversifying into other markets often distracts you from the job at hand and robs you of the necessary focus required to succeed in one market.

The saying, trying to run before you can walk is appropriate for this.

People get excited and caught up in the huge potential before them that they start to run before they can walk and end up crashing resulting in a complete stop.

Stick with one thing, whether that is one market, or one system.

That is what our good friend Ian Williams suggests that you do which is why he came up with the super simple Island Strategy.

With his Island Strategy, he devised a method of making money which requires you to focus on only ONE thing… a specific signal.

A signal which can earn you between £200 and £500 every time it shows itself.

You only place a trade when you see the signal. If the signal does not appear, you do not place a trade.

That’s it.

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Placing trades left, right and centre without a solid signal runs the risk of you having a lot of losing trades.

You can lose a lot of money if you do not follow a proven signal.

Why risk losing money when you can make £200 – £500 looking out for a specific signal?

When a person has a lot of losing trades in one market, let’s say the DAX as an example, the desire to swap to another market, let’s say the FTSE, to see if that is any better, grows stronger.

But swapping markets to simply carry on doing the same thing will still result in having more losses because you are not looking for a specific signal.

Keep it simple, follow one system… or in this case, one signal, and bank decent profits.

To learn more about Ian’s Island Strategy, click the link below:

The Island Strategy

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… It’s very easy to make £200 – £500 each time you spot the signal and there are opportunities coming up all the time.

If you were to spend a little time looking at individual shares there are opportunities pretty much every day!

Here’s that link again:

The Island Strategy

Who Knew Looking Out Of A Window Could Be So Profitable

In 1954, the Alfred Hitchcock film Rear Window starring James Stewart was released to the public.

The film follows Jeff, a professional photographer, who is stuck in his Manhattan apartment recuperating from a broken leg.

With his leg in plaster and unable to do anything, to relieve the boredom, Jeff begins to spy on his neighbours from his window using binoculars.

While watching his neighbours, Jeff uncovers a murder.

After hearing a woman scream ‘Don’t’ followed by the sound of smashing glass, Jeff notices that the husband of a couple he had been observing started acting strange.

The next day he realised that the wife had unexpectedly disappeared.

Jeff then had to convince the police that the man had murdered his wife although no body was found.

It’s been hailed a masterpiece and one of Hitchcock’s best films.

The film was based on a short story first published in 1942 written by Cornell Woolrich called It Had To Be Murder.

Okay, so you may be wondering why I am telling you this.

The reason for sharing this is that this weekend I happened across a recent episode of Not Going Out with Lee Mack.

In this episode, Lee is at home in a wheelchair recuperating from a knee operation with his leg in plaster, and to relieve the border… what does Lee do?

That’s right!

He spends his time spying on his neighbours from his window using binoculars.

In this version of the popular story, Lee believes that he witnesses one of his neighbours killing another neighbour’s cat.

As always with a comedy, it’s not all as it seems and with several twists and turns, it seems that Lee got it all wrong with hilarious consequences… if you find that kind of thing funny that is.

The point I am trying to make is that people use what has be done before.

It reminds me of the saying:

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There’s nothing new under the sun.

Obviously, you cannot take something as it is and use it as your own, (unless it is in the public domain) and you may need to ask for permission or buy a license to use something in its entirety.

I imagine Alfred Hitchcock had to license the story from Cornell Woolrich before being able to release it as a film.

However, I bet the BBC didn’t need permission to reuse the story in their sitcom. With it being just a half hour episode loosely based on the story, no one is really going to sue them.

The point I am trying to make is that 68 years after the release of the film (80 years after Woolrich’s original book) people are still referencing it and using it for entertainment.

You can do the same… sort of.

You may not be able to publish a book about a guy who is a professional photographer who, while recuperating from a broken leg, is spying on his neighbours with binoculars and witnesses a murder…

But you could have an agoraphobic home-bound woman in London who witnesses a gang-land killing and tries to get the police to believe her even though there is no body or report of a missing person.

The story is loosely based on that original concept.

Rear Window is a story about someone seeing something untoward while looking out of a window… but how many people actually see bad things happening while looking out of a window?

I imagine it is tens thousands of people each year.

Witness Number 3 is a drama on Chanel 5 here in the UK which has a woman as a key witness in a murder trial after watching (from her window) a man being lead away at knifepoint by another man.

The man being lead away was later found dead with stab wounds.

I’m not trying to get you to write the next ‘looking out of a window’ crime novel, I just want you to understand that there really is nothing new under the sun and that you can in fact take any story (or a collection of stories) and rewrite them to suit a new audience.

Change the names of people, swap the genders of the main characters, change the location, change the crime, change the outcome, change the period the story is set in, throw in a few new twists or characters, and you now have a completely new story.

You’ve just taken inspiration from what you have already seen, read or experienced.

After all, Star Wars is just the Second World War set in space.

The Empire is the Third Reich, the rebellion is the resistance and allied forces, countries became planets, and the Jedi Knights are Shaolin Monks… all mixed together with a giant spoon called imagination.

There is a lot of money to be made from writing fiction… but I have seen it being said that fiction is often easier to write when your bills and expenses are covered for the month or year.

Harper Lee who wrote To Kill A Mockingbird did so because of the best Christmas present anyone could ever receive.

In 1956 her friends gave her a note that said “You have one year off to write whatever you please. Merry Christmas.”

Harper’s friends then supported her throughout the year by paying her a living wage.

She wrote the classic To Kill A Mockingbird in that year.

The book is a classic of modern American literature which is studied in schools. It also won the Pulitzer Prize.

If you are interested in writing as a way to make money, it might be wise to ensure that your bills and living costs are covered first.

David Houghton has come up with a way to earn between £110 and £350 per day, more than enough money to cover all of his living costs and as well as have plenty of money spare to enjoy.


He does it all within ten minutes in the morning giving him the rest of the day to do whatever he pleases.

This would be perfect for any budding authors… or people who simply want more free time so that they can enjoy their hobbies or spend more time with their loved ones.

David spends no more than ten minutes checking one financial market to see if there is a trade. If there is, he sets up his system and then goes about his day.

That’s it.

This system makes him between £110 and £350 most weekdays… more than enough to cover his daily living costs.

There is little to know and it is incredibly simple to do.

If you would like to know more about David and his ten minute morning system, click the link below:

The A Minus B System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… As far as effort is concerned, this is one of the easiest systems for making money that I’ve seen.

You don’t need to know a lot of facts, figures or information, you only need to work ten minutes in the morning and for that it will give you between £110 and £350 most weekdays.

Here’s that link again:

The A Minus B System