Making money is not all about hard work.
It really isn’t.
I could use that popular saying… work smarter, not harder… but that isn’t necessarily true either.
Making money can be incredibly simple if you choose the right method.
Yes, you can say that a person who decided to work as a middleman service and charge a high commission for putting two parties together is working ‘smarter’ than a person who works 160 hours of hard graft each month for the same amount of money.
It was a ‘smart’ move to decide to find a way that would pay a month’s wage in as little as 30 minutes.
It is working smarter, that is true… but it is also a case of making a simple decision to find something which gives you more money for doing less… or at least for doing something less hard and strenuous.
The idea that working hard makes you more money is flawed.
A person working in a quarry can work incredible hard.
He can put in as many hours overtime as possible and work nonstop for years without holidays, and still earn less than a person who spent only one week writing a short eBook.
Money is not just exchanged for hard work; it is exchanged for a multitude of ‘things’.
The price of those ‘things’ vary too.
An hour’s work can be worth thousands of pounds in one industry, whereas in another it can be worth just a few pounds.
Hard work is tiring.
Earning decent amounts of money does not need to be tiring. It doesn’t have to be physical or mentally demanding.
You just have to find something that people are willing to pay decent amounts of money for.
In a previous article I shared the story of Eric Martin as an example about how you can make more money by doing less.
Eric left his 9 to 5 job when he began making $2,500 (£2,100) as a General Contractor who introduced two groups of people who needed each other.
Focusing only on concreting services, he found customers who needed concrete work doing, and then passed the work onto a company who specialised in concreting.
All quite simple, really.
When passing the quoted price for the work to be done from company to customer, Eric put his £2,100 commission on top.
When a customer accepted the price and had the work done, Eric earned his huge commission. His involvement in the whole process generally took less than 30 minutes.
One job, which took half an hour to an hour, would pay him more than what he earned working a full month in his previous 9 to 5 job.
He could have multiple enquiries each month.
If just one customer per week accepted the quote and agreed to have the work done, he would earn £8,400 each month.
That amount can vary month to month.
It’s possible that he could earn a lot more. The opportunity to earn more is there because he is not a slave to a wage and working hard for an employer.
It wasn’t until I stopped working for other people that I became a millionaire, hence the name of my book How to Stop Working and Make a Million Pounds Instead. (Get your copy by filling in the form below.)
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The ‘work hard’ myth is often touted by people who believe that the way to financial security is to have a ‘good job’ working for someone else.
Anyone in 2022 that still believes being employed means ‘job security’ or that you need to ‘work hard’ to make money needs their head examining.
You only have to look at Twitter as an example; thousands of employees have been given their marching orders by Musk as soon as he walked through the door.
The word ‘job’ is often referred to as the acronym J.O.B. meaning Just Over Broke.
Another American who is making a decent amount of money by doing very little is a chap called Bryan Tate.
Bryan takes down the address and details of any property he finds which is in a state of disrepair and forwards them to property investors and developers.
Whenever a property is purchased by those investors or developers, Bryan is paid a ‘finder’s fee’ which can be between £400 and £3,000 per property.
The properties that he finds are not necessarily up for sale.
They can be run-down little gems that he comes across while out on his travels.
Once he has passed the details over to the potentially interested parties, they do a bit of digging and if they are interested, they try and buy the property.
If they are successful and get a property for a decent low price, they pay Bryan a nice large finder’s fee for alerting them to the opportunity.
Now tell me, does that sound like a lot of hard work to you?
Imagine being paid £3,000 for simply finding a cheap property that has a lot of potential and then passing on the details to an interested buyer.
Make connections with five or ten serious property investors and developers and you could be doing one or two of these each month.
Making money is not always about hard work, it can be, as we have seen in these two examples, nothing more than being paid a commission to put two separate parties together.
To make the most money by doing less work – and that isn’t to say that there isn’t or won’t be work involved – find expensive items which are sought by wealthier and more affluent people, then contact those who are looking for them.
Charging a 5% commission on a mansion valued at £2 million will make you more money than charging 5% commission on a £10,000 concreting job.
Still, 5% of a £10,000 concreting job would give you £500 which is not bad if it took you no more than 30 minutes to arrange.
I’d much prefer 5% of £2 million though, wouldn’t you?
That would give you a cool £100,000!
Don’t forget, you aren’t doing any buying or selling here.
The work involved is nothing more than finding someone who has a specific item to sell and introducing them to someone who wants to buy it.
You get paid for putting them together.
To discover how you can earn 5% (or more) commissions by simply introducing two groups of people together, click the link below:
5 Per Cent Of A Million
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Estate agents who sell million pound properties and ‘high end’ car and boat dealers do this regularly. They only need to do a few deals each year to pocket a nice payout of many thousand pounds.
They make thousands of pounds by simply putting two people together.
There is a whole range of ‘expensive’ and ‘high end’ products and items you can get in-between to make a huge profit.
Here’s that link again: