Tag Archives: Business Ideas

Eric Regularly Makes £2,100 For Doing Just 30 Minutes Work!

People say that it is hard to make money, yet at the same time, there are people who seem to make money quite easily.

I don’t believe these people are lucky; I just think that those who do make a lot of money are just willing to try things and take more risks regularly.

Take Eric Martin as an example, Eric left his job when he started to make $2,500 (£2,100) doing less than 30 minutes work.

Eric realised that he could become a General Contractor and make a commission from putting two parties together.

In the United States, a General Contractor is a middleman who manages build projects. They liaise between the client and the trade’s people doing the actual physical work.

Eric decided to go one step further and specialise in only one area so that he didn’t need to run whole projects and manage a lot of people, he chose to simply work in concreting contracts.

Eric didn’t have a background in concreting, but that didn’t matter. He learned as much as he could using the internet and then contacted a local company who did concrete work and asked them if they objected to him giving them work.

Obviously, they were not going to turn work down, no one cares where the work comes from or who supplies it as long as it is legit and they get paid.

Eric then placed posts in Facebook Marketplace offering concreting services.

Whenever anyone contacted him for a price, he would visit them to measure up the work, take notes and pictures which he would then pass on to the company for a quote to do the work.

Once he had a price from the company, he would add his $2,500 (£2,100) commission on top and send that price to the customer.

If they agree to the price, he would confirm the date of the work with the company, take payment from the client when the work is done and pay the company their money.

All in all, it can take Eric half an hour to do his work, maybe an hour if he needs to travel far or gets stuck talking.

That means that he earns £2,100 for 30 minutes work… and he can do that several times a month.

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Who wouldn’t want to earn over £2,000 for simply passing work to other companies?

Anyone can do this.

Yes, during a recession when people are struggling to afford to live, less people will have work done… but not everyone is struggling.

People with money are still having work done and if you can find one or two customers per month, you can earn more than what most people earn in a month working 40 hour weeks.

Eric is simply a middle man; he positioned himself between two different parties who needed something from each other.

He earns a huge commission when a sale is agreed… or in this case, when work is completed.

There is a lot of money to be made when you position yourself between a customer/client and a product/service provider.

Politicians make tens of thousands when they introduce British companies to diplomats and officials from other countries which result in a trade agreement.

A small 5% commission on a deal worth millions is a lot of money.

5% of a £1 million deal would give you a cool £50,000 payout.

Who wouldn’t want some of that?

5% of a £100,000 deal would give you a nice £5,000.

That’s nothing to be sniffed at either.

By placing yourself between two parties who need each other, you can make a decent amount of money.

If you would like to discover how you can make tens of thousands of pounds by simply positioning yourself between two people, click the link below:

5 Per Cent Of A Million

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Estate agents who sell million pound properties and ‘high end’ car and boat dealers do this regularly. They only need to do a few deals each year to pocket a nice payout of many thousand pounds.

They make thousands of pounds by simply putting two people together.

There is a whole range of ‘expensive’ and ‘high end’ products and items you can get in-between to make a huge profit.

Here’s that link again:

5 Per Cent Of A Million

It’s Not About Today… It’s About This Time Next Year

The hardest part of getting up and going to the gym or going for a run at silly o’clock in the morning is…. getting out of bed and going to the gym or for a run.

While it is cold and dark outside, being snuggled up in a warm bed, head buried deep into a soft warm pillow, the idea of getting out and going to do any form of exercise in the cold and dark is far from appealing.

The idea that you will feel better once you have been and had a workout doesn’t actually help.


Because for most people, they don’t feel better after a workout… at least not when they are starting out.

The truth is, people don’t work out to feel better today, they work out so that they feel better in the future.

What you do today, determines how you feel in a year’s time.

If you start doing yoga or a series of stretches each morning, in a year’s time you will be suppler and have less body aches.

Your muscles will be more defined and less flabby.

The morning’s exercise compounds over time until you feel better within yourself.

Results come after a period of time.

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Improvements in life happen after a period of consistent effort.

A writer who writes every day will have a book eventually.

Writing one page a day doesn’t help them on the day, but in six months time or a year’s time, that work will pay dividends, especially if that book sells and makes them thousands of pounds.

The daily page of writing earns them nothing, but combined into a book, all of the daily pages result in the writer earning a lot of money.

It is the same with anything you do.

After a period of consistent effort, you will be rewarded with results that you can really enjoy.

You should not think of today, but a day further into the future.

You do today what you want to enjoy tomorrow.

This is exactly how Roy made £47,000 tax free in one year.

He made a start and started small, he wasn’t concerned with making a lot of money on day one, just the amount he needed for that day.

He grew his bank, reinforced his discipline and now has a system which earns him around £903 each week… tax free!

The system allowed him to quit his job and earn money at his leisure from the comfort of his own home.

To discover how you too can make a £903 tax free income each week from home, go to:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Please note; there are only 250 copies of System 903 available and numbers are dwindling. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.

Here’s that link again:

System 903

How One Man Made £28,470 Per Month Working Just A Few Hours Each Week

Today I read about a young guy named Mason who made an average £28,470 per month in 2021.

The article is based on a video that Mason, a freelance copywriter from America, shared on the popular video sharing platform TikTok where he talked about how he made £28,470 per month writing for clients.

I don’t know if he is still writing for the same people or not but he states that he was working for ten different agencies and brands.

The work itself took very little time to complete each week, partly because Mason is fast at writing and is – in his own words – a natural.

All the clients paid him a retainer each month to work on specific jobs.

In the video he broke down his monthly work in hours and income per client which looked like this:

  • Client 1: $5,000 a month working 10 hours a week.
  • Client 2: $4,500 a month working three to four hours a week.
  • Client 3: $1,500 a month working two to three hours a month.
  • Client 4: $2,200 a month working an hour a week.
  • Client 5: $3,000 a month working one to two hours a week.
  • Client 6: $1,200 a month working an hour a week.
  • Client 7: $3,500 a month working five hours a week.
  • Client 8: $6,000 a month working four hours a week.
  • Client 9: $2,400 a month working two hours a week.
  • Client 10: $4,600 a month working for six to eight hours a week.

One client paid him $5,000 (£4,200)  to write between 8 and 15 emails each day which took him 10 hours a week. Mason claims that he can write emails in as little as 30 seconds.

If that is the case, and it took him as little as that to write those emails, then all I can say is that there wasn’t a lot of substance to those emails.

They certainly are not the type of emails I send out.

I’d say that anyone with a basic understanding of copywriting could write those emails.

He was also paid a lot of money to write adverts to be shown on social media and the Google display network. These adverts are not lengthy and often require just a few paragraphs.

He did say that a lot of what he wrote was done using templates and formulas which made the whole process a lot easier.

As a copywriter myself, I can tell you that once you have a basic understanding of copywriting, you are ready to make money…

And copywriters can make a lot of money!

Mason was even being paid thousands of pounds to write titles and descriptions for YouTube videos and write social media posts.

He was probably writing less than what most people write when they create a Facebook post… but he was getting paid for it.

People are generally afraid of copywriting, believing that they either don’t have a natural ability or don’t have the necessary skills.

The truth is you don’t need a lot of natural talent or skill to make a decent amount of money as a copywriter.

You just need to know and understand what to write and how, along with a basic understanding of human nature.

That’s it.

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Take a look again at the list of what Mason was paid and how many hours a week he worked for that money.

One client paid him $5,000 (£4,200) for just ten hours work each week.

Another paid him $6,000 (£5,039) for no more than eight hours work each week.

Who wouldn’t want to earn £10,000 a month doing no more than 18 hours work each month?

Copywriting is one of those skills which will earn you a decent monthly income and give you plenty of free time.

It’s also a great way for people to make additional money when times are hard like they are now.

Mason was being paid $2,400 (£2,015) per month by one client for work which took just two hours a week.

One client was even paying him $1,500 (£1,260) per month for work which took two to three hours per month.

How helpful would that be for someone who is struggle for time but needs to earn some extra money to help with the current cost-of-living crisis?

Copywriting is one of the best paid skills to have; it is also one of the easiest jobs to do.

A simple sales letter can take an hour or two to write yet it can earn you £1,200 or more.

It isn’t skill that separates the highest paid copywriters from the lowest paid… it is the clients they work for.

Find the right client and you will be paid more and work less.

To discover how you can earn thousands of pounds writing simple sales letters and emails, go to:

One Letter From Retirement

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… Copywriting is nothing more than the successful communication of an idea or product to other people. You just need to know what words to use, where and when to use them, plus what not to say and why.

In One Letter From Retirement, I show you exactly how to successfully and effectively communicate your ideas and products.

Here’s that link again:

One Letter From Retirement

The Human Failing That Is Probably Preventing You From Becoming Wealthy

The other day I was reminded of one of the worst human failings that gets in the way of building wealth… that failing is… ‘Greed’.

It can also be called desperation and impatience.

Greed is not necessarily about the amount of something that a person wants; it can also be about the speed of acquiring it.

A friend of mine was talking about a betting system he was testing where he was trying to grow a small bank with a small amount each day.

Using compounding, he should be left with a nice huge sum of money after two years.

The problem is that most people do not have the patience or discipline to stick with a plan where the growth is small… at the beginning.

Growth will always be small at the start.

Making just £1 today is not going to change your life, but after 720 days of growing a bank, the daily amount could be over several hundred pounds.

Who wouldn’t like to make several hundred pounds or more in a day?

To get to that stage, you would need to start a making £1 a day and grow it from there.

This is where people struggle.

When they are using a system which can make a person a lot of money, they become impatient and desperate for the money, they rush to make as much as they can, and as fast as they can.

They think ‘why earn just £1 today when I can try and make £100?’

They possibly justify their actions with ‘if I make £100 now, I’ll reach my goal quicker and then I’ll slow down and get back to the plan’.

The problem is… this is where most people trip up.

They lose money because they have not properly familiarised themselves with the system.

And they lose big!

They crash and burn.

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After getting stung, they lose confidence and this is when people tend to give up.

Starting small and following a plan is not about teasing you, it is about building up the skills and confidence needed to carry on and win big.

Religiously following a plan prevents you from experiencing a major crash and burn situation too early.

By stopping when you need to stop, you are strengthening your resolve and commitment to making it happen long term.

You are building your confidence in the system and becoming resilient to any problems that may occur because they will be small to start with unlike a major crash and burn type event.

This is exactly how Roy made £47,000 tax free in one year.

He started small, mastered the system, grew his bank as well as his confidence and now has a system which earns him around £903 each week… tax free!

The system allowed him to quit his job and earn money at his leisure from the comfort of his own home.

To discover how you too can make a £903 tax free income each week from home, go to:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Please note; there are only 250 copies of System 903 available and numbers are dwindling. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.

Here’s that link again:

System 903

Even With A Week Off, I Smashed Through The £200 Target!

You may recall that I recently wrote about how I was making money on Medium by publishing pre-written articles to the platform.

You may recall that last month I made £112 and that I predicted that I would hit £200 in November.

Well, I am happy to say that I have already earned £208 and we are only two weeks into November… and I had one of those weeks off!

I’ve no idea how much money I shall make this month over on Medium.

I keep adding new content but the majority of this income comes from just one article which has gone viral and will eventually slow down.

That one article has made £131 this month.

That means that I have only earned £77 from all of my other articles and commissions from people who joined Medium through my link.

Once that popular article stops earning, my income will drop down again… unless another one of my articles goes viral.

The second best performing article of this month is actually the last article I published to the platform over a week ago so it is possible that it may go viral and earn more money.

The point is this… in the last two months I have generated over £300 publishing content to a free-to-use platform.

That surely would be a big help to anyone who needs more money.

It’s possible that I might make more than £300 this month. That alone would be a big help to anyone who needed some extra money.

As I say, this is costing me nothing to do other than time, time which I am already using to write these articles.

The best earning content has been inspired by stuff that I have read elsewhere.

It hasn’t taken a lot of creative effort to come up with ideas for content as they are there online ripe for picking.

I’ve found that the best content to make money with is to write about ‘ways to make money’.

People from all around the world need and want more money and so they are willing to read content which helps them to make more.

The larger number of people that read my articles, the more money I earn.

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Medium is also a great place to build an email list.

I won’t say that it is the fastest or best way to grow an email list, but it is free and you can get paid to grow your list at the same time.

Yesterday six people joined my email list taking the total to 22 people who joined the list since last Monday.

It may not be a lot… but that is 22 people who have now joined my email list for free.

That is 22 people that I can promote products to.

The week before, 15 people joined my email list. Most of them may have come via Medium.

If you were to use Medium to build an email list and you add 10 new people each week, at the end of the year you would have at least 520 on your email list. (Not counting anyone who unsubscribes.)

Not only can you make money publishing content to Medium, you can build an email list to which you can promote products and services where you make money either as affiliate commissions or as profits from your own product sales.

Having your own email list is an incredible way to make money from anywhere in the world.

Having an email list is a list of customers on tap.

Imagine that you owned a burger bar in a busy town centre and that you needed to only sell 10 burger & chips meals a day to make a profit.

Imagine that the town centre had an average of 10,000 visitors per day, do you think it would it be difficult to sell just 10 burger & chips meals with that amount of visitors?

Now imagine that you could sell more than 10 meals per day meaning more profits AND… there was very little business expense.

A burger bar in a busy town centre will cost you an arm and a leg. You would need to sell a lot of food and drink to cover costs before you even start to make a profit.

Today, with the current cost-of-living crisis, the situation has been made worse.

But with email, depending on how you go about it, you can build an email list for free and sell a whole range of high priced digital (and physical) products with very little expense to a large list of customers giving you more profits.

It’s a business you can take with you anywhere too.

To learn more, click the link below:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Compared to running a burger bar in a busy town centre at a cost of thousands of pounds per month, an email business can cost less than a cup of coffee from Starbucks each week.

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret

It takes 10 Minutes To Set Up And Earns Between £110 & £350 On Autopilot

I was at the house of a good friend the other day looking out of the window at the new housing estate that is being built across the road.

Darkness was about to descend and with many of the half-built houses not yet having lights and electrics fitted; the workmen were calling it a day and packing away their tools.

I watched as one worker spent ten minutes walking to and from the house he had been working in carrying tools to put in his van.

Obviously he couldn’t leave them in the house overnight. Even with the high security fencing and security men patrolling the site, it would be reckless to leave your tools where they could be stolen.

When a tradesperson loses their tools, they can’t earn money; it’s as simple as that.

It wasn’t the warmest of days and it was spitting with rain. The worker looked shattered. I don’t know if he had had a particularly hard day or whether this is the result of a career that is hard work most days.

I know that a lot of guys (and gals) like working on building sites, they enjoy building and making things and they enjoy the camaraderie.

There is a kind of ‘band of brothers’ style kinship with tradespeople. If you’ve ever watched Auf Wiedersehen Pet, you’ll know what I mean.

As I watched this particular worker, I couldn’t help but wonder how wonderful this camaraderie was because I couldn’t see anything fun about lugging heavy tools about in the cold and wet at the end of the day.

I don’t see any fun in spending a lot of time working on my knees, in noisy and dirty conditions while having to keep an eye on the workers above me.

It’s too much like hard work… for little pay.

Our techy guy Andi, will testify to that. He spent over 20 years working as a carpenter in the building industry and he needed out because it was hard awful work.

He much prefers working in the comfort of his own home with a big mug of tea close to hand.

There is something incredibly freeing about being able to make money from the comfort of your own home. It doesn’t matter if the weather is too cold, too windy, too wet, too icy or too hot.

The external conditions won’t make your day hard and unbearable… well, okay, a really hot spell during summer can make it uncomfortable inside if you don’t have air conditioning.

But as I say, some people enjoy going to work, and for those who do, they should have a second income as protection at least.

I can’t speak for all the tradesmen and women, but I imagine that turning up to work in the cold and dark of winter is hard when they are there to simply earn a wage.

Working for money is hard when you need it, but working for it when you don’t is more fun.

It’s called security, and it’s a powerful thing.

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When you either have more money than you need, or a second source of money giving you another wage, your day job becomes less stressful.

You have peace of mind where you are secure in the knowledge that should anything stop you working today, you already have the days wage covered.

Imagine that a builder turned up on site in the morning knowing that he had just made £200. How do you think he would feel about the day ahead?

He certainly wouldn’t fear getting sacked or laid off should anything go wrong during the day.

A builder who is dependent on the money made working on the building site wouldn’t have the same sense of security. They would be a little more stressed.

With a second income you will be able to enjoy your day job more.

Ideally, you want something which is quick and easy to implement, can be left to do what it needs to do, and can earn a day’s wage.

David Houghton does just that.

He spends no more than ten minutes checking one financial market to see if there is a trade. If there is, he sets up his system and then goes about his day.

This system makes him between £110 and £350 most weekdays… which is the equivalent to a day’s wage for most people.

If you would like to know more about David and his ten minute morning system, click the link below:

The A Minus B System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… As far as effort is concerned, this is one of the easiest systems for making money that I’ve seen.

You don’t need to know a lot and you only need to work ten minutes in the morning and for that it will give you between £110 and £350 most weekdays.

Here’s that link again:

The A Minus B System

A Ridiculously Simple Way To Cover Your Increasing Monthly Energy Bills

The other day I shared with you that I had made £112 sharing articles to a website called Medium.

That £112 was made over 31 days in October.

Checking my stats on Medium today I can see that I have made £23.50 in the first two days of November.

At this rate, I should beat that £112 by the end of November… I’ll probably beat it by the middle of the month.

It’s mostly the same articles making money which made the £112 in October so they will eventually stop being read, they can’t stay popular forever.

I am adding new articles regularly – although I will be off for a week this month – so it only takes another one or two to go viral and keep the money coming in.

It’ll be interesting to see what the final figure will be with me having a week away.

Taking into consideration that £6 of that is commissions from subscribers, the total earned from my articles over the two days is £17.51 which comes to a daily average of £8.75.

If it carries on at that rate, by the end of November, I could be looking at £262.65 earnings from my articles alone.

But as I say, because I am adding new articles regularly and those popular ones may slow down, the final total cannot really be predicted.

I know that writing isn’t for everyone, but this could be a good little earner if you do, especially when you consider that some of the most popular articles which are making money were based on articles I had read online.

Again, you won’t start making money right away, you will need to build up a following and publish a few articles first before you are eligible to earn money.

Plus, you will need to write the right content which appears to be mostly in the ‘make money’ niche and sub-niches.

As publishers of information which helps people to make more money, we know how popular the make money niche is.

Everyone needs money, even the Dalai Lama has to pay for flights and accommodation (or rather someone else does it for him) using money.

I’d say that over 90% of the planets population could do with more money. That’s a huge amount of people!

Focus on writing articles about ‘how to make money’ or ‘people who have made a lot of money’ and you have a greater chance of making money via Medium.

This would be ideal for anyone who enjoys writing and wants to make money from the comfort of their own home.

What’s more… this could lead onto a lot more money.

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When you write and publish content to Medium, you have content which can then be used elsewhere.

That content could later be used as whole or in part in eBooks, website content, reports, emails, podcasts and videos.

Once you have lot of content written and published, you have a lot of content which you can use to build an information publishing business or an email marketing business.

The content is there, you have created it to be useful so why not use it to increase your earning capacity?

By adding content to a website as well as publishing it to Medium and converting it to videos for YouTube means that you now have three platforms where you can earn money.

It all starts with one article.

I can’t say whether I will make over £200 this month from Medium, but if I do, that would be a very healthy amount of money to go towards energy bills, would it not?

I’ve already made over £180 from the platform. All from publishing content that I am already writing.

Putting words to paper – as the saying goes – is a simple and great way to make money.

What I am writing today will make money.

Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but it will make me money over the next few years selling products.

Products such as The Email Secret.

The Email Secret is a product which shows you how to make money writing and sending simple emails and how to build an online information publishing business similar to mine which has made millions of pounds in sales over the years.

I am not alone in this; tens of thousands of people worldwide make thousands of pounds each month writing and sending simple emails which promote high priced products.

Making money sending emails allows you to travel the world because you can write and send emails from the four corners of the globe. You do not need an office or any staff to run an email business.

To learn more, click the link below:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Remember, because this is all done online, it can be done from anywhere in the world. You can take it with you wherever you travel and make money. That’s what I call freedom!

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret

They’ve Been At It Again!

My ears have been at it again… I caught myself tuning in to other people’s conversations the other day.

Completely unintentional you understand! If people will talk loud, my ears cannot help but hear.

One conversation which interested me was between an older couple, late seventies I would say, and their son and daughter-in-law.

From what I can gather, the daughter-in-law’s parents have recently moved house to a new build on a new estate. I’m not sure where this estate is, but I apparently there are ‘no jobs and no infrastructure’ in that precise location.

I spotted the son roll his eyes; I guess this is something he has heard many times before.

There must be a specific age people hit where they suddenly become concerned with the amount of – or lack of – doctors, surgeries, ambulances, police, and jobs that are close by.

When the daughter-in-law said that there were plans to build a new surgery and a few shops on the estate the mother replied with ‘we’ve heard that before, it won’t happen,’ before going on to say more about the lack of work in the area.

What the son said next had me nodding my head in agreement.

“You don’t need jobs in the exact vicinity these days. A lot of people travel to work, and a lot of people work from home like I do.”

That last bit made me chuckle.

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His parents knew that he worked from home for a company which is probably miles away, and yet they still think that there needs to be a lot of work in the area to accommodate the people moving into new housing estates.

Times have changed, the days of having workers cottages or rows of terraced houses surround large mills or manufacturers for the workers have long gone.

Workers do not need to be in ‘walking distance’ of their place of work anymore. They don’t need to be in the same town… or country even.

One of our team works from home and is currently 30 miles away from our offices, this time next week he will be 1,400 odd miles away in Portugal.

He will be working from there in the future because he doesn’t need to be here in the office.

Times have changed to the point that people can earn money from home and not have to actually work for anyone.

Thanks to the internet and mobile technology, people can make money using various apps and websites.

There are numerous ways to make money from the comfort of your own home.

Take our good friend Kate Davis as a perfect example; she makes money trading the markets using just her smartphone while she works out in her home gym in the morning.

She does have a day job that she enjoys, but she doesn’t need to work because she makes between £750 and £1,725 every month doing this.

This is just a hobby to Kate, a hobby which can make her more money in half an hour than what most people earn working a full day.

She often banks more than a day’s wage before she leaves the house for work… which I believe is not a ‘walking distance’ from her house either.

Kate wanted to share her success with others and so she approached us here at Streetwise and asked if we could publish her manual which outlines in great detail everything she does each morning that bags her an extra £750£1,725 each month.

Remember, she makes that money in the morning before going to work!

That is £750£1,725 EXTRA each and every month which is also TAX FREE!

If you would like Kate to show you everything she does leaving no stone unturned, click the link below:

Kate Davis’ Treadmill Trader

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… This really is one of those ‘teaching a man to fish’ systems. Once you know what to do, you can pull money out of the markets each and every month for years to come.

And remember, it’s TAX FREE!

Here’s that link again:

Kate Davis’ Treadmill Trader

My Secret To Earning Money On Medium Is…

This morning I was informed that I had earned £112 by sharing a few articles that I had written to a platform called Medium.com.

I have told you about Medium before, it’s a huge blogging platform where anyone can publish articles.

Once you have 100 followers and have published a specific number of articles, you can apply to join their Partner Program.

As a member of their Partner Program, you get paid whenever any of your articles go viral.

Basically, what that means is that when an article you publish starts to be seen and read by people, Medium will share it with more readers and when more people take a look and read the article, you get paid more.

You also earn money when people sign up to become a paid subscriber of Medium through your affiliate link.

I don’t do a lot with Medium other than share a few articles that I write as a way to drive traffic to my websites and products.

That’s it, it is just a way to generate traffic.

The money is a nice bonus.

In October I earned £112, in September I earned £57.

The earnings are increasing but they will fluctuate depending on how much I publish in the future and how well those articles are received.

There are people who are earning thousands of pounds publishing content to Medium.

I’m going to share with you a little secret… the few articles which are earning the most money were based on articles I read online.

These articles were either from the online version of a popular UK newspaper (and those articles were based on videos and articles the writer had also seen online), or they were from websites that had interviewed certain people.

Basically, I was rewriting and re-reporting what was already online.

These articles were about people who were making a lot of money with online businesses or side hustles.

The titles helped; people love to read articles which ‘promise easy riches’.

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OVER 30,000 COPIES SOLD AT £19.95!

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The title ‘How A 33 Year-Old Made £830,800 In 92 Days Starting With Only £170’ helped to earn £40 last month alone.

I wasn’t just rewriting the content; I was adding my own opinions and including other information. I was using the original content as a way to draw in readers.

I don’t know what this month’s earnings will be but if they are on par with last month where I earned £112, then that would be a nice chunk of cash for anyone wanting to earn some extra money each month to put towards their energy bills.

I am only sharing content as a source of traffic, the money is a bonus. But I do see a lot of potential here for those who are willing to do a little bit of writing each day.

Nothing too fancy or complicated either.

For this, you simply go to a few specific websites, look at what articles they have published recently, write your own article based on that content and then share it to websites like Medium.

It’s not hard to do and if you are a little concerned that it’s unethical, it’s not. You are simply relaying a story that you read to other people. As long as you don’t steal the article word for word you should be fine.

For extra safety, you can mention the source of the story. As an example, when using part of an interview, you can write ‘in an interview with the BBC, John said…’

This is not something that will make money right away, you will need to join the Medium Partner Program first which will require you to publish several stories and gain at least 100 followers before they let you join.

Once in, you can publish as much content as you like.

There are no limits to how many articles you can publish. It’s best to publish quite a bit as only a small number of articles do really well.

But as I say, how well your articles do can be helped by what you write about and the headlines you use.

Writing is a quite an easy thing to do; it doesn’t require any necessary skills other than a half-decent command of the English language and a basic understanding of grammar.

You most certainly don’t need to be an English literature professor.

There are a lot of people who make a lot of money writing. Some people make thousands of pounds on Medium itself.

The written word has turned some people into millionaires, and it has given thousands of people a lot of freedom.

There is a lot of money and freedom to be enjoyed through writing.

Discover how you too can earn a lot of money and freedom by clicking the link below:

5 Ways To Find Freedom As A Paid Writer

Kind Regards

John Harrison.

PS… Writing is something that can be done anywhere. It could be done while sitting on your sofa watching your favourite television shows if you so wished. I know people who write with their feet up, listening to music and enjoying a mug or two of tea. What they write makes them money.

Here’s that link again:

5 Ways To Find Freedom As A Paid Writer

You Can Learn This Money Making System In The Time It Takes To Drink A Coffee!

In a fast paced world, helping people to save time or do something fast is now a valuable selling point.

Well, it always has been… but today I am seeing more and more people using it as a primary benefit when selling products.

I’m not referring to getting a specific task done fast either… I mean they are using it as a selling point for the product itself such as:

‘The course is around 7,000 words long. That is short enough to read multiple times in an hour.

Again — this is a short course, by design.

Because I want you to FINISH it.

Preferably, in one sitting, within an hour of buying it.’

The above is taken from a sales page selling a course aimed at copywriters who specialise in writing sales pages.

In the past, product owners would add a lot of bonuses and create loads of videos to fatten out a product and give it more value.

But with more and more people struggling for time, it appears that less really is more valuable.

Several years ago one of our team was asked by a potential customer if they needed to watch all of the videos which were included in a product we were promoting at the time.

It was a course that had a lot of information which could make people a lot of money if followed correctly – it had for the product creator.

There were quite a few videos but they were all very short, most were no more than ten minutes long.

When the customer was told that they would need to watch the videos so that they could learn all that was involved, they decided that it wasn’t for them as there was too much to watch and probably too much to learn.

That was a sale lost due to there being ‘too much’ to watch and learn.

It didn’t matter that the work itself was incredibly easy and that it was easy to learn, what mattered to this particular customer was that it couldn’t be learned quickly in one sitting.

They didn’t have the time spare to invest in watching a lot of videos, they wanted and needed something they could learn while enjoy a quick coffee.

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OVER 30,000 COPIES SOLD AT £19.95!

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Time is incredibly precious and most people want and need things to happen fast.

They want to be able to make positive changes to their lives today; they aren’t learning to become lawyers or develop a skill set that will give them high paying jobs. They simply don’t have the time.

They need to make changes as soon as possible and see results fast.

They want to learn how to make easy money fast.

I’m sure you are pretty much the same.

The last thing you need or want is to have to spend weeks or months learning a system to make more money when you really need to get started as soon as possible.

That is why we like to supply products which are free from fluff and filler that allow you to learn fast and get started right away.

If a system needs 20 pages or less to teach it, then so be it. It’s the information and what that information can do for you that are important.

Why bloat it out with unnecessary bonuses and information?

All it will do is distract you and waste your time.

One of our latest systems is so simple; it takes less than 17 pages to explain.

It doesn’t need a 100 page manual to show you how to make between £250 and £375 per week using Betfair.

Philip Blake, the man behind the new Second Half Sniper System, checks one specific table on a free website and with a little calculation he comes up with a list of football matches to bet on.

Because of how he selects his games, he wins more than he loses which means that he can make a decent £250 – £375 TAX FREE money per week.

The system is super simple, it can be learned in an hour or less meaning that you don’t need to spend hours trying to learn something complicated.

In today’s fast paced world, that’s a godsend!

To discover how you too can earn between £250 – £375 TAX FREE money per week, click the link below:

Second Half Sniper System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… This is brand new, never been published before and there are only 50 ‘pioneer copies’ available.

Here’s that link again:

Second Half Sniper System