People say that it is hard to make money, yet at the same time, there are people who seem to make money quite easily.
I don’t believe these people are lucky; I just think that those who do make a lot of money are just willing to try things and take more risks regularly.
Take Eric Martin as an example, Eric left his job when he started to make $2,500 (£2,100) doing less than 30 minutes work.
Eric realised that he could become a General Contractor and make a commission from putting two parties together.
In the United States, a General Contractor is a middleman who manages build projects. They liaise between the client and the trade’s people doing the actual physical work.
Eric decided to go one step further and specialise in only one area so that he didn’t need to run whole projects and manage a lot of people, he chose to simply work in concreting contracts.
Eric didn’t have a background in concreting, but that didn’t matter. He learned as much as he could using the internet and then contacted a local company who did concrete work and asked them if they objected to him giving them work.
Obviously, they were not going to turn work down, no one cares where the work comes from or who supplies it as long as it is legit and they get paid.
Eric then placed posts in Facebook Marketplace offering concreting services.
Whenever anyone contacted him for a price, he would visit them to measure up the work, take notes and pictures which he would then pass on to the company for a quote to do the work.
Once he had a price from the company, he would add his $2,500 (£2,100) commission on top and send that price to the customer.
If they agree to the price, he would confirm the date of the work with the company, take payment from the client when the work is done and pay the company their money.
All in all, it can take Eric half an hour to do his work, maybe an hour if he needs to travel far or gets stuck talking.
That means that he earns £2,100 for 30 minutes work… and he can do that several times a month.
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Who wouldn’t want to earn over £2,000 for simply passing work to other companies?
Anyone can do this.
Yes, during a recession when people are struggling to afford to live, less people will have work done… but not everyone is struggling.
People with money are still having work done and if you can find one or two customers per month, you can earn more than what most people earn in a month working 40 hour weeks.
Eric is simply a middle man; he positioned himself between two different parties who needed something from each other.
He earns a huge commission when a sale is agreed… or in this case, when work is completed.
There is a lot of money to be made when you position yourself between a customer/client and a product/service provider.
Politicians make tens of thousands when they introduce British companies to diplomats and officials from other countries which result in a trade agreement.
A small 5% commission on a deal worth millions is a lot of money.
5% of a £1 million deal would give you a cool £50,000 payout.
Who wouldn’t want some of that?
5% of a £100,000 deal would give you a nice £5,000.
That’s nothing to be sniffed at either.
By placing yourself between two parties who need each other, you can make a decent amount of money.
If you would like to discover how you can make tens of thousands of pounds by simply positioning yourself between two people, click the link below:
5 Per Cent Of A Million
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Estate agents who sell million pound properties and ‘high end’ car and boat dealers do this regularly. They only need to do a few deals each year to pocket a nice payout of many thousand pounds.
They make thousands of pounds by simply putting two people together.
There is a whole range of ‘expensive’ and ‘high end’ products and items you can get in-between to make a huge profit.
Here’s that link again: