Tag Archives: Business Ideas

Why Working From Home Isn’t Always A Good Idea

They say that how successful a person will be is determined by the people they surround themselves with most of the time.

They are referring to the company that a person keeps.

Are they friends with successful business people and millionaires, or are they hanging out with people who like to moan and groan about the world and do nothing about it while expecting others to pick up the tab?

There is an element of truth to it.

Who you are surrounded by regularly can and will determine how successful you can and will be… but it doesn’t just mean friends and acquaintances.

It can also be true of family… especially if it crosses over to your work environment.

Two people with the same skills and motivation working from home can have hugely differing results in life if their family life is different.

If a person who works from home has a partner who goes out to work, they will not be interrupted or distracted by the actions of their partner. They are free to get on in peace.

But a person who works from home that has a partner who stays at home and gets ‘bored’ easily, that person may have to deal with numerous distractions and interruptions throughout the day.

As much as working from home is championed by many people as the dream job, it can also be a nightmare if the people around you cannot keep quiet or respect the fact that you need to work undisturbed.

A person, who has no successful or wealthy friends but works from home in a quiet undisturbed environment, could quite easily be more successful than someone who has a lot of successful and wealthy friends but works from home constantly surrounded by a partner and several noisy children and/or pets.

Sometimes it’s not about who you surround yourself with and more about who you don’t.

If you want to be successful in a specific industry which requires a lot of critical and creative thinking, then it pays to look at where you are working and see if it is better for you to actually work away from certain people.

A person can achieve more in a couple of hours undisturbed than if they worked a full eight hours in an environment surrounded by other people.

Imagine trading the Forex markets, watching for the GBP/USD to change direction when the wife suddenly walks in asking if you can come and ‘do something’ or ‘take a look at something’.

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You turn to say, “I’ll be there in a minute.”

She replies with, “You always say that, can’t you come now and do it. I’ll not be able to do XYZ until it is done.’ She assures you “It’ll only take a minute.”

You sigh; get up out of your seat and go to do whatever needs doing.

Instead of a minute, it took five minutes to do the task and then there was a further five minutes spent discussing meal options for dinner.

It doesn’t matter how many times you say ‘I’ll eat anything you give me’ she still insists on you telling her what you want to eat, only to be told that she ‘doesn’t fancy it’ and so you have to think of something else.

Ten minutes later you return to the office. You take your seat and return your attention to the markets on your monitor.

When you see it, your heart drops out of your… you know what!

The market dropped, going the complete opposite direction to what you thought would happen and that’s when you realised that you had forgotten to set the Stop Loss.

You were placing the trade right at the time when your wife came in and as she spoke, you turned to talk to her taking your attention away from what you were doing.

While talking you turned back to the screen briefly to enter the trade, you quickly hit the Place Deal button unaware that you had failed to fill out the Stop Loss details.

You’ve lost several hundred pounds all because of one simple and avoidable error.

It doesn’t take much to break focus and attention which can lead to catastrophic problems.

Working from home can be great, but not if you are being constantly disturbed and interrupted.

How are you going to keep your focus and make the right calls when you keep getting interrupted?

If that is what happens to you, or you fear could happen to you, then it might be worth looking into hiring a quiet space to work away from home.

I remember watching an episode of one of those ‘New Life In The…’ style programmes. It featured comedian Johnny Vegas who was looking for a small isolated cottage somewhere in Scotland (I think) where he could disappear to when he needed to focus his attention on writing a new comedy or book.

He purposely took himself away from anyone and everyone so that he could completely immerse himself into his work.

This is similar to what I talked about in a previous email where I said that taking yourself away to a hotel for a weekend could earn you thousands of pounds.

Usually, when you work away from other people and are free from distraction and interruption, you get the work done quicker and you can go back to your family and spend better quality time with them.

It actually works out better for all parties.

The above is more for people who need to really focus on what they are doing without interruption. There are other numerous ways to make money that you can do from home using just a smartphone and a small amount of attention.

Take Philip Blake as an example; he makes between £250 and £375 per week using Betfair.

He places bets on specific football games, nothing else.

He goes to one website, checks a few numbers then places his bets on Betfair.

That’s it!

He doesn’t need to worry about being disturbed or interrupted.

This can be done from home and does not require you to hire a small office in town… unless you want to that is. You may like the excuse to escape and enjoy some peace and quiet… that’s your call.

Not every bet is a winner, but because of his selection process he wins more than he loses which is how he makes between £250 and £375 per week.

If you would like to know more, click the link below.

Second Half Sniper System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… This is brand new, never been published before and there are only 50 ‘pioneer copies’ available.

Here’s that link again:

Second Half Sniper System

How A Simple Challenge Can Make You A Ton Of Money

Last week I received an email promoting a cheap product that was being sold via the Warrior Plus marketplace, it was called ‘Fergal’s 7 Day Challenge’.

The product itself was a cheap frontend product leading to several more expensive products that you find in a typical sales funnel.

I imagine there will be an ‘OTO’ (One Time Offer) and an ‘OB’ (Offer Bump) as part of the sales funnel to increase sales.

What interested me is that this frontend product was a serious of short videos and with it being called ‘Fergal’s 7 Day Challenge’ I’m wondering if it was originally a 7 Day Challenge on Facebook where the videos are recordings of broadcasts he performed live in a group.

I’ve talked about this in the past; live challenges are a great way to:

  • Build an audience.
  • Create a product to sell.
  • Make money while doing both of the above.

Challenges are the big thing at the moment and I cannot see that coming to an end anytime soon. The reason I don’t think they will end soon is that they work. They are great for making sales and growing a business.

They allow people to get involved and if you can deliver a result within that challenge period, it can leave a powerful impression on people.

People running Challenges on Facebook often need to run adverts to get the details of the challenge in front of the right people so charging a small £5 or £10 to enter the challenge helps to pay for any ad spends.

I’m certain that anyone looking for a way to make easy money would probably consider spending £5 or £10 to participate in a challenge which states that it will teach you how to make £250 for an hour’s work and that you will have your first £250 paying client within 7 days.

Who wouldn’t want to learn how to earn £250 for an hour’s work and earn their first £250 by the end of the week?

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For the person who pays £10 and does make £250 by the end of the challenge, they are £240 in profit for a small £10 investment. How powerful is that?

If you want to create a product to sell by running a challenge but don’t want to run any adverts for any reason, you could always just do live broadcasts on Facebook and then use those videos to create a product.

It’s a great way to start for free.

Create a Facebook group around a specific topic and then start doing live broadcasts in the group. It’s a great way to get used to creating video content too.

Not only do you fill your group with content which attracts new people to join your group in the future, it is good useful content for those who are already in the group which helps build a reputation and a following, you also end up with content which you can use in a product.

Depending on what your videos are going to be about, talking over a series of slides, images or showing what you are doing on your computer screen is all you need to do for a training product.

Any which require you to talk facing a camera can be done using your phone or a cheap webcam.

Creating videos is a lot easier than you may think. You certainly don’t need to create anything on par with Hollywood.

Challenges are often used as part of the sideways sales letter that I talked about before. Challenges are used as part of a product launch because they pre-warm people to the idea that they can actually have the thing they want and desire.

Challenges show potential customers a specific method or tool in action, they prove that something can be done and achieved using it.

And that is powerful.

I once set one of my staff a challenge and that was to show how easy it was to create a sellable digital product and a simple two page website to sell the product from.

Within 30 days, while working on his normal daily tasks as well as creating the videos to go with the challenge, Andi created his own eBook and fully automatic passive income system to sell it from.

You can learn more about that by clicking the link below:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… In The 30 Day To £30K Challenge you will learn how to create your own fully automated passive income system ideal for selling digital products such as:

  • EBooks.
  • Newsletters.
  • Membership/subscription businesses.
  • Video training courses.
  • Coaching programs.
  • Challenges

Here’s that link again:


Make £250+ For 30 Minutes Work

Our techy guy Andi was telling me the other day about a friend of his called Miz.

Miz builds websites for a living.

He studied all the necessary coding and computer sciences at University. He has the skills and knowledge to make anyone an all singing and all dancing whistles and bells website.

The thing is…

Miz makes most of his money building simple websites that anyone can build.

Using a simple plug and play, drag and drop, and copy and paste system to build websites, Miz charges £250 to build a 3 page website which usually takes no longer than 30 minutes… an hour at the most.

The 3 pages are:

  • Home page.
  • About Us page.
  • Contact Us page.

If a customer requests any extra pages such as a ‘Gallery/Portfolio’ or ‘Products/Services’ page, Miz charges an extra £25 per page.

Miz hosts the websites on his own hosting for a year as part of the price and then after that, he charges £100 per year.

The hosting is already paid for and costs as little as £200 for two years so adding other people’s websites to his hosting is not costing him any money.

If people want to host the website themselves they can, but they need to purchase the hosting separately.

The plug and play, drag and drop, copy and paste system that Miz uses to build his websites is WordPress.

He installs WordPress on the hosting, uses one of several templates that he asks the client to chose from and then simply adds all of the information and images that they send him.

He doesn’t write anything or source any pictures; he only adds what they send him.

He also doesn’t do the work until the person has sent him everything to be added to the website. There is no ‘I’ll send these today so you can make a start and get the rest sent to you next week’.

He insists that he will only start the build when he has everything they want on the website.

He likes to build the site as fast as he can and sign it off straight after. He doesn’t want website builds hanging over him.

Why am I telling you this?

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Because it is something that anyone can do.

Miz finds clients by:

  • Advertising in local Facebook groups.
  • Fiverr.com.
  • UpWork.com.
  • Advertising on local sites like Gumtree.com.
  • Handing out business cards to people.
  • Advertising in local newspapers.

Once he has all of those ‘fishing hooks’ hanging out there waiting to catch clients, he focuses on building websites fast and getting paid.

It’s far easier to build a website than you may realise.

To discover how you can build a website fast without knowing anything about building websites, click the link below:

How To Build A Profitable Website Fast WITHOUT Knowing Anything About Building Websites!

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Points to consider:

  • These are simple 3 page websites.
  • For any additional pages you charge extra.
  • All the content is prepared for you by the client; you simply copy and paste it into the website template.
  • The work can take as little as half hour to complete.
  • You can have clients from all around the world.

Here’s that link again:

How To Build A Profitable Website Fast WITHOUT Knowing Anything About Building Websites!

He Wanted £5,000 But Ended Up With Just £500

An old friend of mine, Rob, recently told me that he had decided to sell off his record collection. He had quite a large collection but it was unused and sitting on shelves in the back room taking up space.

He contacted a record dealer in Sheffield who called at his home last week with a friend to take a look through the collection.

As they sifted through the collection, some records were pulled out and put to the side; others were left on the shelf. In fact, a lot of records were left on the shelf because they were by artists who no one today is interested in.

They were either very old where their audience are either dead, dying or deaf and no longer interested in buying old records to listen to, or they were obscure artist which appealed to a small market several decades ago.

Rob was convinced that the guys who came to sift through his collection would snap his hand off and give him a nice wad of cash for all of his records.

To his disappointment, they were only interested in about 10% of his collection. He wanted £5,000 but ended up with just £500.

When they told him that the best thing he could do with the rest was to take them to a charity shop, he was a little cheesed off.

The truth is, very few people are going to want to buy Buddy Holly or Del Shannon records. Very few people actually have a record player these days.

Youngsters are even less likely to buy them as they listen to digital tracks on their smartphones.

That’s not to say that youngsters aren’t interested in old music or won’t like specific songs.

Kate Bush’s Running Up The Hill is incredibly popular with young people today thanks to it recently being used in the popular Netflix drama Stranger Things.

This appearance created a whole new fan base and catapulted the song back into the charts around the world 37 years after its first release.

Instead of buying the song on vinyl, youngsters paid to download or stream it digitally.

Incidentally, it is estimated that Kate has made £2 million from that one song alone.

Rob had a few Kate Bush albums which were taken as albums by 80s bands are quite popular now with people of my generation (and some younger) who want to either own records they never managed to buy when they were younger or that they once owned and have since lost or gave away.

Trends and markets come and go, give it another ten or twenty years and those Kate Bush records will be left on the shelves while dealers (if they’ll exist in the future) will favour music from now.

Music itself is an evergreen product, but how it is made available isn’t….

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If music released on vinyl is not digitalised into MP3 or FLAC format and made available online, it will be lost forever and new generations will not be able to enjoy it.

Also, music styles come and go and who and what was popular at a specific period of time will not always be popular or have mass appeal, but their songs can be enjoyed and appreciated by people of all ages… getting it in front of new people is the issue.

Kate Bush would still only be known by those who were fans of hers in the 80s had her song not been used in the Stranger Things show. That one show has given her a whole new audience.

That happens to a few artists every now and then. An appearance in a film, television show, an advert or even being covered by another artist can renew interest in the original song or artist.

South Yorkshire’s Tony Christie’s career was given a boost when Sheffield band All Seeing I featured him in their track Walk Like A Panther in 1999 and when Peter Kay released his version of Christie’s 1971 classic (Is This The Way) To Amarillo in 2005, he was once again rocketed back into the public eye.

Tony Christie released an album in 2008 called Made In Sheffield, would that have happened if he had not had success thanks to All Seeing I and Peter Kay?

I doubt it.

Times are changing, people are not buying records, cassette tapes or CDs like they used to, it is all now delivered digitally.

It’s similar with books – although real books are still quite popular and sales have gone up recently because people still like to curl up with a good (real) book – digital books such as eBooks and audio books are increasingly popular.

The eBook and audio book market is worth billions.

The digital age has blown wide the borders and opened up incredible opportunities for the ordinary person.

When Tony Christie and Kate Bush were first making music, their finished works had to be ‘pressed’ into plastic discs which then had to be distributed to shops across the country and shipped overseas.

The music could only be bought from specific shops and only if there were any copies in stock.

It was the same with authors, their books had to be printed and books were distributed across the world to stockists. They could only be bought from a real shop when they had copies.

Today, that is no longer the case.

A person can create a piece of music or write an eBook and have it online selling to people all across the world.

Unless a person lives in a closed country with strict internet rules imposed by a totalitarian government, they can buy and access digital music and books wherever they are.

While laid in bed, sitting on the sofa, sitting in a car, going for a walk, in the canteen at work, on a bus or train… they can buy what they want at any time from wherever they are.

Now that is powerful!

Because these are digital products you will be able to sell them for years. The devices which read the digital files may change over the years, but the digital files (MP3, MP4, PDF) won’t.

As a bonus, you won’t be left with shelves of old technology to dispose of either.

Digital products cost very little to produce and deliver. They simply ‘replicate’. A new copy is made when it is downloaded.

Unlike back in the day when records and books had to be made and distributed to specialist stores, today you can sell 30,000 copies of a digital product priced at £1 from your own website and virtually all of the £30,000 will be profit.

Sell 30,000 copies of a digital product priced at £10 and you have yourself nearly £300,000 profit.

If you would like to know how to create and sell your own digital products, go to:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… In The 30 Day To £30K Challenge you will learn how to create your own fully automated passive income system ideal for selling digital products such as:

  • eBooks
  • Newsletters
  • Membership/subscription businesses.
  • Video training courses.
  • Coaching programs.

Here’s that link again:


You Only Need One Or Two Sales Per Month To Make £1,000 Or More

Lately I’ve been seeing a lot about people making thousands of pounds each month by creating a series of short videos and sharing them on social media platforms like TikTok, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

What these people are doing, is promoting high priced products such as ‘educational’ networks and when a person buys, they get paid a commission.

These educational networks teach people how to sell high ticket products for affiliate commissions. 

Basically they learn to promote the product they buy.

Sounds familiar right?

Yes, it is a kind of a Network Marketing and Multi Level Marketing system.

In fact, one of the networks I have seen being promoted was set up by one of the two Dave’s who founded the Empower Network which imploded spectacularly owing money to a lot of people.

Putting that aside, the foundation of their teaching is sound, and that is:

Find a high priced item, become an affiliate for it and sell it to other people.

If your target is to make an extra £2,000 a month, finding a product which pays you £2,000 when a sale is made means that you only need to make one sale a month.

If the product you sell pays you £1,000 when a sale is made, then you only need to sell two per month.

Once you have a system set up in place, it is just as easy to promote and sell a £2,000 product as it is a £20.

The only difference is that more people are willing to spend £20 than £2,000.

A £2,000 purchase creates more doubts and fears for most people compared to a £20 purchase.

So the system selling a £2,000 or more product needs to be set up a differently so that it removes doubts and fears from potential buyers.

A £20 product needs a shorter sales page and can be bought automatically.

A £2,000 product may require a free report or book given away initially to attract potential buyers with a follow up face-to-face chat to help remove any doubts and fears a potential buyer may have.

The sales page and marketing message would need to be longer than those used for a £20 product.

Other than that, the actual promoting of products is loosely the same….

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The sales funnel may be different, but the way to get people into the funnel is pretty much similar.

Making a couple of thousand pounds each month promoting high ticket items is a great idea, if the product you are promoting is a decent one and actually does what it says it will.

Anik Singal made over £1 million in 18 days promoting a course which paid him over £1,200 per sale.

It was in the ‘law of attraction’ niche and so people lapped it up… plus, you can’t disprove that it works or not with it being ‘metaphysical’ and focuses heavily on what you ‘think and do!’

You do need to make sure that you sign up to the right product as an affiliate though.

If you personally promote something to someone through a face-to-face chat or via a messenger app that leaves them in a bad place because the product was shady… it won’t reflect good on you which is why I suggest you steer clear of anything that looks to be a NM or MLM product.

There is money to be made promoting high priced items. High priced items are generally bought by people who are ‘solution aware’ and already looking for a person or product to help them achieve XYZ.

They know what they want and they know they need help getting it, they just don’t know who to have helping them.

If you can find a constant flow of ‘solution aware’ people you could make a decent amount of money by doing very little. It’s finding them which is the hardest part.

Finding them often requires you having to ‘attract’ them by setting up Facebook groups and publishing a fair amount of ‘warming-up’ content which ‘pre-sells’ people on the idea.

There is a lot of money to be made…


There is a simpler way to make a decent amount of money each month that doesn’t require you to deal with people and try and sell them products they probably don’t want… and that is to trade football matches.

Philip Blake uses Betfair to make between £250 and £375 per week placing simple bets on specific football matches.

That is TAX FREE money.

He works out which games have a high probability of becoming winners by studying one table on a free website and doing a little arithmetic.

He only places bets on those games he has identified as having a greater chance of winning.

He wins more than he loses which is how he makes between £250 and £375 per week.

Unlike promoting high priced affiliate products, Philip doesn’t need to talk to people or churn out a ton of content to try and ‘attract’ potential buyers.

He goes to one website, checks a few numbers then places his bets on Betfair.

That’s it!

If you would like to know more, click the link below.

Second Half Sniper System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… This is brand new, never been published before and there are only 50 ‘pioneer copies’ available.

Here’s that link again:

Second Half Sniper System

£34 For A Plastic Chopping Board Covered With Sandpaper? Really!

Pop to any cheap shop such as B&M Bargains and I bet you’ll be able to find a plastic chopping board with a handle for a pound or two. Pop to B&Q and you can buy a pack of sandpaper for £5.

Why am I telling you this?

Well, I have just seen a product being promoted on social media which is essentially a plastic chopping board with a sheet of sandpaper attached to it, and the price for it was £34!

The reason this is a lot more than buying a chopping board and a pack of sandpaper is that this isn’t a chopping board with sandpaper attached to it (although it actually is), this is a tool designed to grind down dog’s nails.

This is being sold specifically to owners of dogs who don’t like having their nails clipped. This is a tool with one specific job that is being sold to one specific type of customer.

This little invention (if it warrants that title) solves a problem.

In the advert I watched, a treat was placed on the floor under the tool. The dog smelling the treat began to claw at the sandpaper, trying to ‘dig’ the treat out and in the process, it ground down its long nails.

The owner holding onto the tool moved it when they believed that the dog had done enough grinding.

This is a clever little tool which appears to be the amalgamation of two different items. By putting the chopping board and sandpaper together, they have created a brand new tool, one which they can charge a lot more money for.

The sandpaper is backed with Velcro which is how it is attached to the board. A pack of replacement sandpaper strips costs £10.50.

To buy the board along with a set of replacement sandpaper strips would cost you £44.50. Buy it online from their Etsy store and there could be postage costs to add to that.

You could knock your own up for less than a fiver if you chose to.

This is a great example of how to take two different products and create a brand new one for a specific market by combining them together.

That is one of the secrets of making big money….

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Adapt an item or combine items to create a new one.

I once told you about the pink tennis balls which were sold not to people who played tennis, but to dog owners who liked to play ‘fetch’ with their hounds but were fed up of losing green tennis balls in long green grass.

That was another product which was adapted and marketed to a whole different market. It was a tennis ball, but it was for dogs.

Sometimes you just need to look at things differently to come up with new ideas or try and find a simple solution for a common problem taking inspiration from things close by.

The board for grinding down dog nails really does look like one of those plastic chopping boards with a handle at one end simply covered in sandpaper.

That’s it.

I can’t imagine that it took many hours to design.

It’ll be interesting to see if it takes off and many people buy it. Who knows, this may be a big money spinner for them.

Before I end this article, I want to quickly tell you about our friend Philip Blake who approached us recently and asked us to publish just 50 copies of his Second Half Sniper System manual.

In it, Philip outlines how he uses BetFair to make between £250 and £375 per week. Studying one table on a free website and doing a little arithmetic, he works out which games have a high probability of becoming winners.

If you would like to know more, click the link below.

Second Half Sniper System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… This is brand new, never been published before and there are only 50 ‘pioneer copies’ available.

Here’s that link again:

Second Half Sniper System

How A Short Hotel Stay Could Make You Thousands Of Pounds

Fancy taking yourself off to a hotel or a small cottage for a weekend break?

If you need or want more money, there’s a good reason why you should pay to go to a hotel or hire a small cottage for a couple of days… I’ll explain why shortly.

Yesterday I read about a guy who made around £5,000 writing a children’s book using the self-publishing platform Lulu.com. That book is now online and still selling, this time next year he would have made a whole lot more money.

I’ve previously told you about a woman who created an eBook in a weekend which she listed on Gumroad.com that was making her thousands of pounds a year. That eBook can be bought for many years to come.

I’ve told you how all of the products and manuals that we sell have made us at least £30,000 each. That includes the ones we consider as failures.

There is a lot of money to be made supplying people with either entertainment or the information they want and need to improve their lives.

Whether it is a children’s book, a fiction novel, a self-help eBook, or an instruction manual, it needs to be created.

You could pay someone to do it for you, but that could be quite costly if you hire a decent native English speaking writer.

The other option is that you produce the product yourself which means sitting down and spending some time writing, and/or recording videos if you are creating a video training course.

As with most things, trying to do something new and finish it to a standard that people would be happy to hand over money for, will require your time and focus.

The problem for most people is that their time and focus is constantly being eroded by distractions and interruptions.

One way of making sure that you can focus fully on something free from distractions and interruptions is to take yourself away for the weekend… alone.

Taking yourself off for a few days alone – yes, without the significant other – means that you can solely focus on the work before you.

It would also pay to go somewhere quiet where there is not a lot to do otherwise you could become distracted by being a tourist and going sightseeing.

The whole idea is that you go away for a day or two so that you can sit in your hotel room or cottage – or even a caravan – and simply focus on getting your product created.

Paying out for a hotel or cottage and the food for the couple of days may seem like an unnecessary expense, but if it means that you have a finished product which you can sell to hundreds or thousands of people, it is worth every penny.

Don’t you think?

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£300-£400 for a weekend away may seem expensive, but it could give you a return of tens of thousand of pounds.

As in the example of the guy who wrote a children’s book and made £5,000, if that was the result of work done in a hotel at a cost of £300, would you not think that going away was a good idea?

That would be a £4,700 profit from a £300 investment.

It sounds a good idea to me!

When it comes to making money selling eBooks, books, manuals or courses, if you have nothing finished, you have nothing to sell meaning that you have no way of making any money.

You can make money selling eBooks, books manuals and courses, but you cannot make money selling unfinished documents on your hard drive, which is what most people have when they start to create a sellable product.

A lot of people who start creating products to sell do it at home where they are surrounded by other people.

I’m not going to blame the ‘other people’ and accuse them of stopping their loved ones from getting on, but the fact that they are about is a major factor for why things don’t get finished.

Even if those ‘other people’ do not interrupt those at work and respect their need to be undisturbed, by being around it can still lead to ‘long conversations’ when the worker pops to the kitchen to make a drink.

I’m not saying that it’s impossible to make a product at home or whenever other people are about, but a lot of people have not finished products that could have made them a lot of money because they were too distracted to finish them.

If you are struggling to finish a product that had the potential to change your financial future, taking yourself away to a hotel or small cottage in the country and focusing 100% of your attention on the product could be the answer.

Obviously, you need to have a supporting partner and it would be advisable that you talk to them about the idea first and not just suddenly disappear to a Travelodge for a few days otherwise they may get a little suspicious thinking that you were having an affair… I’m sure you don’t want that.

The whole purpose to have a couple of days away in a hotel is to work. You are not going away to unwind and have a ‘jolly’. You are there to make a product which you can sell online for many years to come.

As I said earlier, all of the products we have sold have made at least £30,000. Some made £30,000 in a day or two; others took a few years for them to hit that £30,000 mark.

Imagine that you had a product selling online that could make you £30,000.

Wouldn’t that be good?

Even if worst case scenario was that any products you created only made £5,000 each… you would need six products to hit £30,000.

It wouldn’t take much to create six products, especially if you spent a few days locked in a hotel room working on those products.

Six products could take as little as 12 days to produce.

If you dedicated a whole month to get one product created and online, you could have six products online in half a year… that’s nothing out of a person’s lifetime.

One month is more than enough time to get a whole product created and selling online.

If you would like to know how to create and sell your own products online, click the link below.


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… In The 30 Day To £30K Challenge you will learn how to create a fully automated passive income system ideal for selling:

  • EBooks
  • Newsletters
  • Membership/subscription businesses.
  • Video training courses.
  • Coaching programs.

Here’s that link again:


Life Is Hard… But Also, We’ve Never Had It So Good.

It’s been a strange week in many ways, I won’t discuss politics, the state of the country or the economy at present, but I will touch on a few stories that I have seen regarding the current cost-of-living crisis.

On the socials I have seen:

One person saying that on top of the increase cost of energy, the rent for his central Manchester apartment has gone up from £775 a month to £2,000. In the space of a month he has been priced out of his home.

A man shivering while on a kidney dialyses machine because he couldn’t afford to have the heating on as well as run his life-saving equipment.

A mother with a severely disabled daughter requiring a lot of care is scared out of her wits because she cannot afford the increased monthly costs of energy.

The UK’s energy watchdog is now calling on the public to cut down on gas and electricity usage this winter.

Ofgem is set to launch a campaign to show the public how they can reduce energy use.

I don’t know about you, but winter is when I generally like to have warm food and drinks and keep warm.

I have no idea what is happening currently in the UK, but I do know that there are a lot of people who are struggling and it’s through no fault of their own.

Prices go up; we all know that, it’s a fact of life. But it has been a little excessive recently and a lot of people have been caught out and are struggling.

I am not one for sitting back and complaining about a situation. I don’t cut back and try and ‘save’ myself out of a crisis. I’d rather find a way to make extra money to cover the increased costs.

It feels a little distasteful to say that while people are genuinely struggling and have little time or energy spare to work themselves out of a hole.

But for those who can find the time and energy, I suggest that they find a way to make more money to help ease their current situation.

And if they are able to help themselves and ease their personal situation… they may be able to help others who are struggling that are unable to help themselves.

I am not going to say that life isn’t hard currently, for many people it is… but I will say this…

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There has never been a period in human history where people who were seriously struggling had the opportunities to make much needed extra money from the comfort of their own homes.

This morning before coming to the office I read an article about a woman who was making £88 an hour reading books.

She was being paid to read books out loud into a microphone and create audio books for clients via a website called ACX.

I have also seen several people saying that they make between £880 and £1760 per sale promoting high ticket training courses in short videos using just their phones and social media platforms like TikTok.

There are people who are making several thousand pounds each month spending their evenings writing articles for other people.

There are ways to make money if you know how.

I understand that you don’t want to spend every hour working, I get that.

But when life is hard and you need to end the struggle, sometimes you need to step up to the plate and do what needs doing.

Battening down the hatches is not always the best form of protection.

As George Washington once said – which has been echoed by many military experts and sports professionals – the best defence is a good offence.

You need to attack the struggle face on by finding a way to make more money.

Fortunately, there are a lot of different ways to make money today and many of them can pay back a lot more per effort invested than others.

One such method is System 903.

Roy, the man who developed System 903, made £47,000 in one year using it.

You can do this from the comfort of your own home and you can do it on your smartphone.

The only other thing you may need is a notepad and a pen to do some basic arithmetic. But you could do that on your smartphone too if you wish.

To discover how you too could make £47,000 in one year using Roy’s system, click the link below:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Please note; there are only 250 copies of System 903 available and numbers are dwindling. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.

Here’s that link again:

System 903

“Who will pay for that? The lambing fairy?”

This week I was reminded why people need to have either a second reliable income stream or a simple and easy way to make money that can be managed from the comfort of the sofa.

While watching one of the episodes from the latest Doc Martin series, a sheep farmer became quite poorly and was forced to rest up.

What concerned the farmer was that it was lambing season and there were a load of pregnant sheep needing attention.

The farmer was told by Doc Martin that he must rest and that he needed to hire someone to do the work for him to which the farmer replied: “Who will pay for that? The lambing fairy?”

The farmer was instructed to rest, but he had work to do. He couldn’t afford to hire someone to do the work for him, and he couldn’t afford to take the time off.

When you can’t afford to be poorly, it’s a terrifying and stressful situation to be in.

When you are stressing about money (or the lack of it) when you are ill, it isn’t going to help your healing and recovery.

Having a way to make money while you are resting and recuperating will give you peace of mind and help you to manage life more calmly.

There are many ways today where you can use nothing more than a smartphone or tablet to make money.

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Take football for example, our good friend Stephen Lewis bags himself between £380 and £725 each week betting on specific football games.

For those living here in the UK, those earnings are TAX FREE.

All he needs is a smartphone or a tablet. You can use a laptop if you wish but you really don’t need anything more than that.

This is a super simple system which pays Stephen a decent amount of money each month in return for the little amount of work he does.

The work involved requires nothing more than picking potential winning teams and then placing bets.

Here’s why he wins more money than most people… he picks teams that are likely to win… that are not considered to be the favourites by most people.

To pick his winning selections, Stephen visits a free website, looks at 3 tables and compares 4 numbers.

That’s it!

Some quick and basic arithmetic using a calculator gives Stephen a list of teams that he can back… at higher odds than those given to the favourites that the majority back.

Which means one thing… you win more money.

In one example Stephen made £141.32 backing ‘no hopers’. These were teams which everyone else expected to lose.

Out of a selection of 9 teams, he had a 56% win rate… but because of the HIGHER odds, he was able to make a £141.32 profit on the day… that is after any losses had been accounted for.

Had he traded those same games betting on the strong favourites, Stephen would have just broke even… but he didn’t, he won £141.32 because he chose to back the expected losers… although he expected them to win… which they did.

If you would like to know more about Stephen’s incredibly simple system where he makes guaranteed profits by simply taking a quick look at 3 tables and comparing 4 numbers, go to:

The Kamikaze System

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Stephen also uses a little known button in Betfair which locks in profit taking away any need to sit and monitor the game he is trading.

This is a safety switch which means that should the team that everyone expects to lose, does actually lose, Stephen still walks away with a profit.

Very few people know about or use this button. I didn’t know about it until I was told.

When he clicks the button and sets up his profit lock, he is free to completely forget about the game.

Thanks to that button, his trading becomes a SET and FORGET system.

Here is that link again:

The Kamikaze System

They Found A Treasure Trove Of Valuable Antiques

Opening the door revealed a small box room crammed floor to ceiling with a stash of valuable items.

That was the scene from a detective programme I remember watching a few years ago. I think it was New Tricks, but I can’t be sure.

What I do remember is that a guy who worked at the local community centre was being investigated in connection with the murder of an old woman and when they searched the store room, they found it full of antiques and sentimental items.

The guy would organise events like bingo for the older people of the community and he would befriend the lonely ones, offering to help them out with shopping and doing small errands.

Because items missing from the dead woman’s house were found in his room, he was arrested and questioned. He was later released due to the fact that he had an alibi and was innocent of the crime.

The reason he had a store room full of valuable items was that he was given them by the people he helped who were grateful for his help and time.

The detectives believed that it was a cynical ploy to befriend old people as a way to be gifted precious items that he could later sell for a profit.

It couldn’t be proven – because of the murder enquiry it wasn’t their priority to chase up – and because as the guy said…

“They chose to give me the stuff as a way to say ‘thank you’. I help them, I sit with them and I talk with them. I spend time with them and relieve their loneliness.” … or words to that effect.

Whether or not he had decided to volunteer at the community centre purposely to get close to lonely and vulnerable old people as a way to fleece them of their belongs, isn’t what I want to focus on.

What I do want to focus on is the fact that the people he was giving his time to, chose to give him those items as a ‘thank you’.

I’m not going to get all ‘fluffy’ on you and sprout ancient wisdom like ‘kindness begets kindness’… but there is a social and psychological truth to what is happening here.

People, for the most part, reciprocate kindness with other acts of kindness. That kindness can also be measured financially.

The success coach Jim Rohn said:

“If you help enough people get what they want, you can have everything you want.”

When you give people what they want, they are more likely to stick around and give you what you want.

If you want money, giving people what they want is a sure fire way of getting paid.

Maybe not right away, but the more people you help, the greater chance there is of people helping you earn money by hiring you for your services or buying your products.

In the case of the guy who volunteered at the community centre and befriended the elderly, he was rewarded by them gifting him items they no longer wanted.

It was an interesting episode because it touched upon the idea that he was conning them out of their possessions yet there was no direct coercing that couldn’t be explained away as things most people say when they are in other people’s homes…

“Nice home you have here Maggie, I love that clock, you don’t see many of those these days.”

Was he a genuine guy who was simply being friendly and helpful who received gifts – after all, some people are offended if you turn down their gifts and insist that you take them – or was he in fact ‘grooming’ them to ‘voluntarily’ give him the items he ‘liked’?

As one old woman said in the show…

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“I gave it to him, it was my choice, I wanted him to have it. He has been so good to me.”

It wasn’t like he had stolen the items from them. They offered them to him. It just so happened to be the items he said he liked.

The elderly did get something of value back, his time and help. You can’t put a price on that and as you get older, your perception of value and your needs change.

Anyway, I digress there.

The point I am making here is that giving people your time, whether that is by helping them, giving them advice or simply having a conversation, can come back to you as a financial reward… very often at a higher value.

That is what Jim Rohn was saying, by helping others get what they want, they will help you get what you want.

Helping people doesn’t mean having to sit with them in person and talk face-to-face. There are many ways that you can help people.

  • Writing useful and informative posts on social media.
  • Replying to posts on social media.
  • Writing and publishing useful and informative articles to a website.
  • Writing a book or report.
  • Holding a free class (online or offline)
  • Writing and sending useful and informative emails.
  • Publishing a free newsletter.
  • Recording a series of useful and informative videos and uploading them to YouTube and your website.
  • Recording useful and informative podcasts and adding them to iTunes and Spotify.
  • Doing a live Q&A on social media.
  • Do something for someone, like removing an unwanted picture from their webpage if they are struggling.

Not everyone you help will reciprocate. Some may reciprocate right away; others may take weeks or even months before they return the favour.

People may reciprocate differently too.

Some may buy a product from you, some may chose to hire you to do something, and others may pass your name and details onto someone else who chooses to hire you.

It won’t all happen at the same time or necessarily in the same way… but it will happen.

A book can help a lot of people without you needing to talk to hundreds or thousands of people individually.

That one book can talk to them all for you.

That book is you having a personal conversation with hundreds or thousands of different people while saving you hundreds or even thousands of hours of your time.

Write the book once, give it away or sell it, and reap the rewards later.

You may not have a load of old women gifting you their unused silverware or antique clocks, but you will have people wanting to buy more products and services from you.

Click the link below to discover how you can earn six figures a year by selling one cheap book:

How To Build A Six Figure Business Selling One Book

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… With a book, you are in a position to help a lot of people all at the same time… and for many years after.

The late Bob Proctor said that his book ‘You Were Born Rich’ was responsible for putting millions of pounds into his pocket.

He wrote it once – well twice actually, he left the first manuscript in the back of a taxi, this was before the days of having multiple digital copies – and then sold it for many years after.

Here’s that link again:

How To Build A Six Figure Business Selling One Book