Tag Archives: Business Ideas

You Can’t Polish A Turd… But Apparently You Can Rebrand It!

Is it OK to ask people to find you new customers and only pay them whenever a sale is made?

Yes, it is…it is called affiliate marketing.

Is it OK to charge people to teach them how to find customers, and then pay them a commission when they find you new customers?

Yes it is…

But you do need to be careful.

There are a lot of companies out there which are doing just that…

But they are acting very similar to the dreaded MLM (Multi Level Marketing) and NM (Network Marketing) networks which more often than not, leave people with less money than they actually started with.

I have noticed a lot of people who are creating a lot of… I’m going to say it… ‘crappy’ short videos which are being shared on Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook, promoting specific networks which are teaching people how to make money with affiliate marketing.

Video after video showing screenshots of commissions earned and PayPal deposits with smiling people pointing to words which appear on the video in a sequence saying things like:

‘Want your own $300 days?’

‘Commissions straight into your bank daily?’

‘Ask Me How!’

‘DM me now!’

They all look incredibly spammy and desperate to me.

The only products they are selling… is the one they are paying to be a part of….

Hmmmm, smells kinda like the old MLM and NM to me…

You cannot polish a turd… but apparently you can rebrand it!

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Imagine watching as a millionaire rock star threw tens of thousands of pounds off a balcony to hundreds of fans below.

You can see it now, loads of people fighting and competing to grab as much money as they can.

Snatching notes from other people’s hands.

Punches thrown and people shoulder barging and body slamming others out of the way.

Nice and decent people reduced to the level of barbarian animal, greed forcing them to fight and do whatever it takes to grab a few notes.

That is how I see it.

It’s like one of those nightmare Black Friday’s you would see on television before the decision was made to extend the offers to the whole week to prevent the general public brawling in store fronts.

The big problem with these kinds of networks is that there are hundreds of people all competing to sell high priced items for large commissions.

The reason the products are priced high is that they can accommodate the large commissions they need to pay out.

Most people who join an MLM or NM business do not actually make any money. This is a fact!

Some may make back what they had paid out, but very few do.

The other big problem is that most people don’t actually build their own businesses. They spend all of their time building the network owners business.

It’s great for the network; they have an army of people creating promotional content for them for free, they only ever pay out when a sale is made.

They are not so good for those who join.

You may have noticed, I’m not a big fan of these types of businesses.

As I say, I have no problem with affiliate marketing or people making money promoting other people’s products, we do it regularly.

I have a problem with the fact that the people who pay to join these networks are left with no skills or a business they can call their own.

It seems that from what I can see, they are shown how to make the same kinds of videos, how to copy and paste pre-written posts and spam social media… that’s it.

If those methods do work, why not use them to build your own business and grow your own email list?

Why not use them to send people to your own website where you can make sales of your own products?

What happens if the social networks decide that they have had enough of your cheesy spamming and shut your profiles down and you don’t have your own website?

What then?

Publishing your own digital products and selling them on your own website while growing an email list is probably the best way to make money online.

There is…

No stock to source or store.

No big platform fees to pay out.

No ‘friending’ anyone and everyone on the social platforms.

No ‘conversations’ to be had with ‘potential clients’ – not unless you are selling your own high ticket coaching course where a face-to-face consultation can help with the selling.

No pretending that you are doing well only to be despised by the people you sign up to the network when they make no money and see through your BS.

Selling your own digital products means that you can make money 24 hours a day without you needing to do anything.

People can buy your products from your website no matter what time it is, where you are or what you are doing.

This is also a business that you can take anywhere in the world. It is all done online from the comfort of your own home.

You need only a laptop, tablet and a phone… oh and an internet connection.


Unlike the MLM and NM businesses with their ongoing monthly costs, you can learn how to run a successful online business including:

  • How to create your own digital products in 7 days or less… each with the potential to make £30K in sales.
  • How to build your own fully automated passive income system in 30 days or less.
  • How to craft a profitable sales letter to turn site visitors into buyers.
  • How to make a ton of money selling information products.
  • How to send thousands of people to your website for free.
  • The 2 page templates we use to create our own fully automated passive income systems.

… All for one ridiculously low price of £97!

Everything that is included has a combined retail price of £424.95, but I am giving it all to you for just £97.

Start to build your own profitable online business today, click the link below.


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… From your own fully automated passive income systems you will be able to sell:

  • eBooks.
  • Newsletters
  • Membership/subscription businesses.
  • Video training courses.
  • Coaching programs.

Here’s that link again:


How Just 12 x 8 Page PDFs Could Make You £71,888

In a previous article I shared with you the farcical story of stumbling into 1,000 hungry pizza lovers gathered in the wrong park looking for a pizza festival.

In that article I asked you to imagine standing on a bench and shouting to all of the pizza lovers informing them that you knew where they could get a piping hot tasty pizza and that if they wanted one they were to follow you.

It was an analogy for sending an email to a list of people promoting an affiliate offer where you got paid a 50% commission.

Today I want to expand on that a little more.

I have mentioned many times how easy it is to write an email like this article and send it to a list of people.

An email can take as little as five minutes to write, I often take a bit longer because I write more than most people.

Writing one email is like standing on a park bench and talking to 1,000 people all at the same time.

People generally send emails for free, but there are some emails that people pay to receive.


People pay to receive newsletters.

A newsletter is basically a short but highly detailed magazine focusing on a specific niche.

They can be weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. I dare say some people publish a daily newsletter for which they get paid for.

The newsletter can be delivered within an email, as a PDF document attached to the email or available as a download on a website, or it can be a password protected page on a website.

Newsletters earn money via people paying a subscription to receive and access them each week or month.

There are two reasons why I think you should consider publishing your own newsletter:

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  1. People pay you each month.
  2. You do the work once a month and get paid by many people.

As I say, an email can take as little as five minutes to write, a decent one could take an hour which basically means that a decent sized newsletter could take a day possibly two to write, which is nothing out of a whole month.

The great thing about a newsletter is that like selling an eBook, you do the work once and you get paid by multiple people.

The difference between a newsletter and an eBook is that you can get paid several times whereas you only get paid once when selling an eBook.

You can write and publish more eBooks but they usually have a lot more pages than a newsletter but can cost the same as just one or two months worth of newsletters.

A newsletter only needs to be a few pages long. Depending on the content, a newsletter can be as few as 4 pages.

Per customer, you can make more money from a newsletter for less work.

Selling a 100 page eBook for £5.99 will earn you £5.99 per customer.

But if a person subscribes to a newsletter costing £5.99 per month and stays for three months, you have made £17.97.

If they stay subscribed for a whole year you will have earned £71.88.

Now imagine that each monthly newsletter was between 4 and 8 pages, over the course of a year, you would have supplied 96 pages of content at the most.

A 100 page eBook would make you £5.99 whereas 96 pages of content delivered as a monthly newsletter could make you £71.88. That is a huge difference.

£71.88 doesn’t sound like a big earning over a year, but when you realise that with a digital newsletter you can have an unlimited number of subscribers, the amount you can earn could be huge.

1,000 subscribers who pay for a whole year will earn you £71,880.

That’s not bad for supplying only 12 short newsletters.

I’m not saying that you will get 1,000 subscribers, you may get a lot less, or you may get a lot more, it depends on what your newsletter is about, the quality of the content, how much value you deliver, your pricing and how much you promote and share the newsletter.

A newsletter is a great way to earn money and to build a relationship with people who are more likely to spend more money with you than complete strangers.

A newsletter nurtures a relationship with the subscribers where they learn to like and trust you and see you as a mini-celebrity.

Newsletters like eBooks and other digital products can be sold via a fully automated passive income system.

For that you will need only two pages; a sales page and a delivery page.

Both are simple to set up, especially when you use the same templates we use.

Once your system is set up, your work is to show your sales page to people who are interested and supply your newsletter…

Oh and build an email list. You know what I think about email lists… everyone should have one.

An email list and a paid-for newsletter is a powerful business combination.

Discover how you can build a fully automated sales system for your own paid-for subscription based newsletter, click the link below:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Yes, this is the 30 Day To £30K Challenge product, but it is perfect for this.  

A newsletter can certainly generate £30K or more.

Remember, 1,000 subscribers paying £5.99 per month for a full year will give you £71,880… a lot more than £30K.

Also, those two page templates I mentioned… they come with this product as a FREE bonus.

Here’s that link again:


What You Need To Do When You Can’t See The Wood From The Trees…

It often amazes me how most people fail to ‘see the wood for the trees’. 

I don’t know what the real interpretation is for that phrase, but to me, it basically means that they cannot see what is right in front of them because of what is right in front of them.

The obvious is being obscured by… the obvious.

Take youngsters who idolised gangsa rap in the late ‘90s and early ‘00s. Quite a few youngsters joined gangs and became street gangstas (that’s how the ‘yoot’ used to spell gangsters) because of that music.

Sadly, quite a lot of those youngsters ended up in prison, hospital or in the graveyard.

A lot of lives and families have been destroyed by people misinterpreting what they were seeing, not by the actual music itself. 

A lot of wealthy gangsta rappers talking about guns and violence on the streets were mostly documenting what was happening around them and talking about their past experiences and in some cases, creating a fictitious persona.

The thing that was making them a whole lot of money was the music career they were pursuing. 

Very few gangsta rappers were actually cruising around on a Friday night carrying a nine millimetre looking for hoes and rival gang members. They turned to music to escape from the gangs and violence.

Gangsta rappers were mostly story tellers just like Agatha Christie and James Patterson.They were acting out stories and that is why a lot of the rappers from that era are now well paid actors starring in films and dramas.

A lot of people who listened to those rappers missed that. 

They believed that these rappers were wealthy because of being in gangs dealing drugs and having shootouts with neighbouring gangs.

The problem seems to be that quite a lot of people struggle to put two and two together and come up with four.

Instead of four, they seem to end up with all kinds of crazy answers.

They simply cannot see the wood for the trees. The obvious is obscured by what and how they think about something.

The other day I talked about those who like to say ‘if something seems too good to be true, it probably is’ and that very often they are wrong because they are making a judgement lacking a lot of vital insider information.

Both these problems stem from ‘surface observations’ without any form of critical thinking or research.

Another prime example of this in action is in the comments sections on Facebook. I try not to spend too much time reading comments but it can be incredibly entertaining and educational.

I remember once reading a lot of comments regarding a photo of a police officer struggling with a protester on the floor. 

The police officer was clearly struggling and his face was showing that he was using a lot of energy and concentrating hard on what he was doing. 

When people are using a lot of exertion, they often have their lips drawn back and even their mouths open baring their teeth.

Many commenters were saying that the police officer was smiling and laughing and that he was ‘really enjoying himself’ while wrestling with the protester.

Nothing was further from the truth. 

He was basically grimacing while struggling. Facial muscles do pretty much similar things when you smile or grimace. The mouth pulls back, the lips lift up exposing your teeth.

To determine whether the police officer was in fact enjoying himself wrestling with the protester and laughing while he held him down on the floor, an observer would need to watch several seconds of video. Possibly more than 30 seconds to get a full picture. 

And then you would need to take into consideration other factors such as other body language signs and possible nervous laughing born from stress and fear.

It’s rare to correctly assume a person’s intention from a photo like that.

The photo is a split second record of an event. It’s a ‘snapshot!’ 

It captures an infinitesimal period of time and when that photo has been taken during a moment with a lot of movement, it can very easily be interpreted wrong.

Don’t believe me?

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The next time you are watching a drama, keep pressing the pause button and see the faces people are pulling when they are frozen for a split second in time.

Crying and distressed people can appear to be laughing if you time it right, but we know that they are not.

Angry people can appear calm and chilled if you hit the pause button at the right moment, but they can be far from calm.

It is easy to allow our opinions to be influenced by ‘surface observations’ without taking into consideration the events leading up to that precise infinitesimal period of time.

Sometimes you need to take into consideration what happened after that moment too.

We can become mentally blinded by our own opinions, actions and behaviour.

You can go and look in the cupboard for a specific cup, that cup can be right in front of you, but you fail to see it because… you are busy looking for that specific cup.

All of your focus is on that cup and so the mental picture of it blinds you to the fact it is right there, staring you in the face. You see it, but you still keep looking for it.

That might be why those who were complaining that the police officer was smiling and laughing believed that he was enjoying himself.

They were very much anti-police types, you could tell with the language they used in their comments that they had no love for the police, and so they were seeing what they wanted to see.

Perhaps their existing opinion of the police was blinding them to seeing the actual truth, which was a man struggling and using a lot of exertion. They interpreted the picture in a way that suited their opinion.

The things which often prevent us from becoming wealthy and achieving success, are not external, but inside us. How we see and perceive things around us is an internal job and that shapes our behaviour.

If you want to be more wealthy and successful but think that it’s not possible for you for whatever reason, I suggest that you take time to think through those reasons and also reflect on why you think what you think and how you think about success itself.

You might find that success and wealth is right there in front of you waiting to be enjoyed but you are simply failing to see the wood from the trees because of some mental filter.

Something ‘false’ deep inside could be preventing you from getting started.

In past articles and emails I have talked about people who have made a lot of money publishing digital content, and do you know what separates them from those who don’t make a lot of money? 

Getting started.

Those who hold back and never make a start cannot and will not make any money or achieve success.

Those who are wealthy thanks to selling digital products simply made a start. 

They created an eBook, they built their first fully automated passive income system and they shared it with people.

They made sales.

Then they built another fully automated passive income system so now they have more than one passive income stream.

They made more sales.

If you would like to discover how you can do the same, click the link below:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Remember… digital products sell for years. You only need to create a product once, list it online and then sell it for as long as you want.

Here’s that link again:


An Apology…

I should start this article apologising to my close friends and family because I have been clearly told that my super power is not really that super… not when it comes to them that is, they find it a little annoying.

You may recall in a previous article I said that my super power was that I always seem to end up in earshot of interesting conversations.

I always manage to hear people talking about stuff which makes great content for emails and articles, this weekend it happened again.

But before I share with you what I overheard, I was reminded of the fact that for something specific to happen, something else has to stop.

When one thing starts, another ceases, such as when you go forward, you cease to go backwards.

When you go up, you cease to go down.

When you start to warm up, you stop being cold.

When you eat food, you stop feeling hungry.

In other words, when I start to tune into someone else’s conversation, I tune out of those who are talking to me.

And for that… I am sorry.

But in my defence, I have to say… some people talk so loudly you cannot help but tune into what they are saying… plus, more often than not, their conversations are more interesting… I know I shouldn’t say that… please keep that between us.

Okay, so this weekend I overheard a conversation between two women discussing how the father of one of the women was now selling off his vast record collection as her parents are in the process of moving house.

Apparently there are a few rarities in his collection which were worth quite a bit of money.

A decision was made to pull out those to sell later and then sell the rest as a job lot to a record seller.

The woman’s mother spent several hours updating the price sheet to find which records were worth keeping. I believe that she did it because the father had been poorly and wasn’t currently up to it. I remember long covid was mentioned.

Several years ago her father would categories every record he bought, and would religiously update the value sheets whenever a new copy of the Record Collector book came out.

Record Collector is a pricing guide for sellers and collectors of vinyl. Basically it would state how much certain records are worth and what people should sell them for.

Apparently he would spend hours updating the sheets.

After the woman’s mother had updated the sheets, the father was given the job to go through his collection and pull out those valuable records… except he didn’t.

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He decided to pull out the ones he thought he might like to keep, to the dismay of his wife and daughter.

Either old age, ill health or both had caused him to be disinterested in trying to get as much money back from his record collection as possible.

I heard that he had originally expected a record collector to come and take them all and pay the prices that he had on his sheets.

He believed that someone would come and pay him several thousand pounds and take the whole collection away for him on the same day.

But when he was told that it was highly unlikely that it would happen like that, and that he would probably have to either sell them all off cheap – a record seller needs to make a profit so it’s unlikely they will pay top price – or sell them individually to get the better prices, he might have become disheartened and despondent.

Whatever happened, he seemed to have given up expecting money for them and was now happy to get rid of them in bulk for pennies – or simply accepting that he had no other option unless he wanted to do a lot of work.

Okay, so you might be wondering why I am sharing this story with you. Believe it or not, there is an important lesson here.

The father spent a lot of his time categorising his collection and updating the value of the records… for no good reason.

It was a waste of his time… a completely pointless exercise.

Yes, it was his time to waste, and maybe he enjoyed doing it at the time, and maybe he had every intention of selling them later, but I fear that he did it for no other reason than what most collectors do… he collated all of the information and values for bragging rights.

“Oh, yes, I have a first edition 1961 Beatles album. It’s worth £XYZ you know!”

If you are one of those people who do that and you enjoy doing it, fine, but it has achieved diddly squat for this gentleman.

Had he been actively buying and selling records then it makes sense to keep on top of values, but he wasn’t. Maybe he was hoping that it would be some kind of pension for later or perhaps a valuable inheritance for his family.

Collectables are only valuable when there are people who want them and are incredibly rare. Something that was worth £1,000 in 2000 may only be worth £100 today.

People who want to buy records from a certain era are slowly and sadly dying out. Trends are changing and values of certain records are dropping because there is no demand for them.

I was reminded of this a while back as I passed a record shop. Once found on every high street across the land, record shops are now rare and are for dedicated vinyl lovers and collectors.

In the window of this record shop was a sign saying that they were looking to buy records from the 1970s, 80s, and 90s…


They didn’t want anything beyond the 1970s, they wouldn’t buy old 78s, and they didn’t want any marching band records because they simply couldn’t sell them.

The record shop owner knew that there was very little interest in those styles of music and records.

Trends change. Values change. Demand changes.

So what’s the lesson here…

If you are going to spend time doing something, it has to be worth it. And yes, I do class enjoyment in that.

But if you are doing something that you are not particularly enjoying but you are doing it for a specific reason, you need to make sure that the reason is actually worth it to you.

Spending days categorising record prices when you have no intention of selling them when they are at their most valuable just to simply have a ‘list’ of their values… is a waste of your time.

People do this in many different aspects of their lives.

Before starting something you have to know and understand the reason why you are doing it. There is a payoff and the payoff has to be worth it.

Some payoffs are far better than others.

Unfortunately time is short, we don’t live forever and so to spend time doing stuff that you do not enjoy for no useful reason is a waste of your precious time… time you cannot get back.

Reading a zombie fiction book for enjoyment is great if you love reading zombie fiction, but reading a book to learn how to play the piano when you have no intention of playing the piano is a complete waste of your time.

Ex England and Liverpool striker, Michael Owen, was once asked why he only played the sports he was good at; his answer was… because he was good at them.

He enjoyed competing and he enjoyed winning; that was his payoff.

He would not spend his time doing sports that he was no good at. He’d rather spend his time on the things he actually enjoyed and could do.

Instead of playing rugby, he would play football, instead of playing tennis, he would play golf.

The lesson is to choose what you do wisely. Think about the payoff.

Now, as far as payoffs go, making more money by doing less is one of the best, especially when you have other things to enjoy in life.

Spending time with family on a weekday is far more enjoyable than being at work.

Being with friends enjoying a beer or a coffee is a far better payoff than being at a place of work with people you wouldn’t normally choose to spend time with.

System 903 has a good payoff as it gives you the opportunity to make around £903 a week TAX FREE money doing a few hours work using an easy to follow system.

Roy, the man who developed System 903, made £47,000 in one year using it… that’s one seriously good payoff.

You can do this from the comfort of your own home and you can do it on your smartphone.

To discover how you too could make £47,000 in one year using Roy’s system, click the link below:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Please note; there are only 250 copies of System 903 available and numbers are dwindling. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.

Here’s that link again:

System 903

If It Sounds Too Good To Be True… It Probably Is… True!

Whenever I see an article online about everyday people making a lot of money I have to read it to see if it is something that either I can do or I can share with people like you.

I know that everyone is different and they don’t all want to do the same thing. It’s nice to find something that is different especially if it is something that other people can copy too.

The other day I was reading about a guy who was making over £800 a day selling items on Amazon using his ‘lazy side-hustle.’

He would research what other products were selling well, sourcing the same or similar products on the Chinese Alibaba website and then have stock sent directly to an Amazon fulfilment house so that they could ship out the products to customers.

He said that his ‘lazy side-hustle’ was a simple 3 step process.

  1. Find out what is selling well on Amazon.
  2. Source products from China and have them sent to Amazon.
  3. List the products on Amazon and let them do the payment processing and shipping of products.

It sounds simple enough in theory… and it also sounds relatively easy.

There is no heavy lifting to be done, no going to and from places sourcing materials or products and no processing of sales or dispatching products to customers.

The business model laid out in the article is known as dropshipping and is quite a popular and profitable business model, there are quite a few people making a lot of money dropshipping products using Amazon FBA (Fulfilment By Amazon).

But do you know what I found more interesting than the article itself?

The comments responding to the article by readers.

I think it is safe to say that those commenting are the type of people who are unlikely to be successful in most things because they were throwing all kinds of obstacles and hurdles in front of them before trying.

They were making objections where none were needed and they had doubts which were unfounded. They questioned the validity of the claims and made up all kinds of silly accusations.

This reinforced the idea that there really is a difference between the way successful and wealthy people think and those who are not successful.

One of the comments left was one that I hear all the time…

‘If it was that easy, everyone would be doing it.’

I love this saying because although it may make sense in the head of the person saying it… it completely ignores a whole range of other factors.

For a start, only a small amount of the population knows about ‘other ways’ to make money.

Most people know about ‘leaving school and getting a job’ because it’s the norm. We are taught about it at school, we are told by our parents and peers that we need to get a job, we see it around us every day. It is how society functions and we all know it.

But very few people actually know about the other ways to make money.

On top of that, a hell of a lot of people are suspicious. We have been told by our peers that…

‘If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is’.

Have you ever noticed that those who say it the most are far from wealthy or successful?

There are two big problems with that saying:

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1) If you know nothing about a specific subject, when you learn something that is incredibly impressive, by virtue of the fact you know nothing about it, it will sound too good to be true.

Go to the Amazon rainforest and find a lost tribe who have never seen a television then show them a chat show; they are going to be bold over by such ‘sorcery’.

They won’t believe their eyes and may even feel afraid. I bet you some of them will walk behind the television looking for the people on the screen. ‘People in a flat box? How is that possible? Where are they?’

2) The saying ‘if it’s too good to be true, it probably is’ might have its origins as a phrase used to keep the working masses down and to stop them going above their station.

The last thing industry and big businesses needed in the good old days was staff leaving to ‘go it alone’ and chase their dreams.

People now echo that saying without actually thinking about it. They certainly don’t question whether their use of it is correct and they never check to see if what they are saying it about deserves it or not. It’s a phrase that is so easy to say.

Don’t get me wrong, you do need to question some things in life and do your due diligence because there are many unscrupulous people out there who will try and scam vulnerable and naive people… but that doesn’t mean that if something sounds too good to be true to you, it is.

In most cases, it sounds too good to be true to you because you don’t really know what is possible.

And as I always say, people don’t know what they don’t know.

With a little bit of research, you’ll find that something isn’t as fanciful as first thought and is actually real.

Which leads me to the other main problem with people… a lot of them are lazy.

Not only are they too lazy to try things to see if they work or not, many are too lazy to even spend a few minutes researching or learning whether something is too good to be true or not.

It’s far easier to dismiss it and leave a negative comment than it is to actually spend any time looking to see if it works or not.

I know for a fact that you are not like that; you have an open and inquisitive mind. That is why you are reading this.

You know that there are other ways to make money and that a lot of those ways are far easier than actually working for a living.

Thanks to the technology and tools we have access to today; anyone can buy and sell products globally without any physical involvement.

Thanks to the technology and tools we have access to today; anyone can use their money to make money from the comfort of their own homes.

It’s not fanciful or too good to be true; it is a reality for many people.

One such person is Kate Davies.

Kate generates between £750 and £1,725 every month trading the markets using nothing more than her smartphone… while she works out!

Kate wanted to share her success with others and so she approached us here at Streetwise and asked if we could publish her manual which outlines in great detail everything she does each morning that bags her an extra £750£1,725 each month.

She makes that money in the morning before going to work.

That is £750£1,725 EXTRA money each and every month which is also TAX FREE!

I know that some people would claim that what Kate does ‘sounds too good to be true’, but that is their loss, not hers.

People can think and say what they want, but it means nothing to those who are actually making money without busting a gut.

If you would like Kate to show you everything she does leaving no stone unturned, click the link below:

Kate Davis’ Treadmill Trader

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… This really is one of those ‘teaching a man to fish’ systems. Once you know what to do, you can pull money out of the markets each and every month for years to come.

And remember, it’s TAX FREE!

Here’s that link again:

Kate Davis’ Treadmill Trader

The Answer You Are Seeking Is On Page…

After the article I published the other day talking about the sideways sales letter (What do you mean you didn’t read it? Well you can read it here: How To Make Money From A Sideways Sales Letter) I saw someone using it in an Instagram story the other day.

An Instagram story is a series of videos or pictures that you see at the top of Instagram. They get seen more than normal posts which generally get lost in the feed.

In this story, a woman who specialises in cleaning using chemical free and natural cleaning products shared pictures of messages she had received from people who had successfully cleaned items using the information found in her books.

She was sharing visual testimonials and social proof that what she talks about works.

Alongside the messages and images of what were cleaned, she added a picture of the book where the information came from along with the page number the specific cleaning method can be found.

This is something that you see on a lot of sales letters, very often used a lot in bullet point sections.

For example, here are some of the bullet points on the sales letter for The Email Secret:

  • How to set up yourown Six Figure email promotion business which you can take and manage from anywhere in the world…  for less than £0.23 per day. Page 10
  • How one man made generated £882,000 in just 12 daysusing only email. Page 31
  • Where to find a tonne of people who will happily pay youto promote their products. Page 81
  • How one man uses emailto regularly sell his books for £150, £299 and £199  a piece… and why people are happy to hand over their money for themPage 9
  • Why giving away useful, but incomplete digital reports and ebooks for free can grow your email businessand increase your long-term profits. Page 20
  • The 4 different types of emails to send and when you should send each onePage 53
  • Why and how you can make more money writing simple emailsthan the average writer makes selling books. Page 8
  • What one thingcan kill off your potential to make money using email and how to avoid doing itPage 53
  • How I made £4,000 over one weekendusing email promoting a product which didn’t even exist yet… and which is now consistently making me between £3,000 and £4,000 each month. Page 40.
  • ‘And one more thing…’The Secret ‘Columbo’ Trick to making more money from your emails. Page 60
  • How to get other peopleto do the hard work of creating profitable products for you to promote by email. Page 25
  • Theclever way to create your own profitable product when writing emails and how to get someone else to do the writing for you! Page 22
  • The Secret Pagewe use to generate sales while building up an email business… and how you can copy it Page 68
  • How to sell more products to customers already buying from youby using a funnel. Page 18
  • How American publishing legend Haldeman-Julius sold 100,000 extra copies of just 3 booksby changing only 12 words… and how you can do the same… for FREEPage 26
  • How to harness social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube andInstagram to grow your email business. Page 61
  • Which experimental website grew to make over a million dollars per month and why. Page 31
  • The average amount of products you need to sellto generate SIX FIGURES… it’s a lot less than you image! Page 39
  • How one ebookgenerated £85,000 in gross sales in little over 5 months. Page 29
  • Which copywriter generated £30,000in sheer profit within two months of putting his first simple book online. Page 13

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This method is great because it stimulates interest and curiosity raising questions that need answering… while telling the reader exactly where their questions can be answered.

To find the answers they now need to know, they have to get the product and go to the relevant page.

The reason it is used is because it works. When I showed my good lady the Instagram story she told me that she was compelled to buy the book to find out what was used to clean those specific items in the picture.

It is a powerful method when selling books or manuals.

It doesn’t just have to be used in bullet point sections either; it can be used within the body copy of the sales letter like in this following example:

‘The system I have used for decades has gone through a serious upgrade. The model has been improved to the point it is affordable to anyone… you can get started for less than £0.23 per day… see page 10 of the The Email Secret’.

If you have a book or manual to sell, you should create interest around specific content that is in the book and then add the page where people can learn more about it.

When you do this you are igniting people’s interest; they are asking questions in their heads which need answering.

They have a natural desire to close the loop with a conclusion. When people have a question or a desire to know something they need to get the answers. It can drive people barmy when a question is left unanswered.

People simply need to know and by telling them where they can find the answers they need, they feel more compelled to make a purchase.

If any of the bullet points above have left you with questions you need answering then you know that the answers you seek are in The Email Secret on the pages listed.

Click the link below to discover how you can make money writing simple emails:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Remember, because this is all done online, it can be done from anywhere in the world. You can take it with you wherever you travel and make money.

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret

From The Comfort Of Your Own Home Without The Hassle Of…

It’s no secret that business owners are generally wealthier than people who don’t run their own businesses.

It’s generally accepted that having your own business is one of the best ways to make a lot of money.

However…no two businesses are the same.

There are thousands upon thousands of different businesses and each can deliver different levels of wealth and success.

A consulting business can generate a lot more money than a guy repairing lawn mowers.

The success of a business is not just dependant on the type of business itself, it is also dependent on what you do, how well you do it and how much you do.

It can also rely heavily on how well your staff perform if you have any.

I was reminded of this the other day when a friend of mine told me about the fiasco he recently endured when he had his home alarm upgraded.

Every year he would have his alarm serviced by the guy who fitted it but this year, he was told by the guy that he was retiring and that another larger nationwide company was taking over his business and that the rep for that area would like to meet him.

A meeting was arranged but it wasn’t the kind of meeting my friend expected.

Instead of an introduction and arranging for his current alarm to be serviced, he was told that they wouldn’t touch the old alarm and that he needed a new one.

The meeting was nothing more than a hard sales pitch to buy a new modern wireless alarm which came with a monitoring service with a monthly fee.

There was nothing wrong with my friend’s old alarm but he listened to the sales patter and decided to have the new alarm fitted.

The following week a young engineer arrived to fit the alarm. In less than an hour the alarm was fitted and he was gone.

Unfortunately, the alarm began to play up. The alarm would suddenly go off for no reason.

Anything and everything seemed to trigger it.

Phone calls were made and engineers came out to take a look.

When it seemed that all was working fine, another issue cropped up.

The third engineer who came out said that it had been completely fitted wrong and would need redoing, which he did.

The alarm was not as simple to use as my friend’s previous alarm and because of the amount of problems they had with it, they gave up on it.

They had lost confidence in it and so they decided not to use it.

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Not long after having the alarm fitted, my friend decided that he and his wife wanted to move home and so they put their house on the market.

Not wanting to pay a monthly fee for an alarm that they didn’t use in a property they were no longer living at, my friend rang them up to see if they could cancel the contract.

At first, the company tried to insist that they pay the whole contracted fee which was several thousand pounds… that’s after already paying the price of having the alarm fitted.

But after pointing out that they had several engineers round to sort out an alarm that was wrongly fitted in the first place and that they lost complete confidence in the company and would not recommend them to anyone, the company decided to cancel the contract in full as long as the alarm was left untouched and nothing more was said.

It helped that the alarm was monitored because the company had a record of when the alarm was set and when it went off.

They could also see that the alarm had been going off when it shouldn’t and they could also see that it had not been used in several weeks. They had a record of the calls and complaints too.

It made sense for them to end the contract and not risk the bad publicity.

All of that came about because one young engineer fitted the alarm wrong in the first place. My friend was told that he no longer worked for the company. I can only assume that he had made other mistakes and it was suggested that the job wasn’t right for him.

Having people work for you is a great way to amplify your earnings and grow a business… but they can be a real headache too!

Not only are there a lot of legal rules and regulations protecting staff that you have to adhere to (I’m not complaining about protecting workers, just the amount of paperwork and additional costs involved), you need to ensure that they are trained properly and know what they are doing.

Badly trained or sloppy staff who would rather be anywhere else but at work are a liability to your business.

Managing staff is a job in itself which is why companies have HR departments or pay third party HR companies to do it for them.

Running a business can be incredibly profitable… most millionaires become millionaires through running a business, but as I say, there are aspects to running a business which can be frustrating, a lot of hard work and a bit of a headache.

If you want more money so that you can afford to enjoy more of life without being tied to long hours of hard work or without the hassle and stress of running your own business, you would be better off doing what our friend Ian Williams does instead.

Ian makes his money trading one or two hours a day from home.

Recently Ian has focused on cracking the crypto markets, and I’m happy to say that he has been successful.

Using a specialised piece of software that notifies him when a potential trade is forming, Ian is able to make between £90 and £170 per hour.

£90 per hour from the comfort of your own home without having to deal with angry and unhappy customers, staffing red tape, and badly trained staff isn’t bad if you ask me.

Who wouldn’t be happy to earn £90 or more for an hour’s work from home?

To discover how you can make between £90 and £170 per hour from home trading the cryptocurrency markets using Ian’s new system, click the link below:

Crypto Wizard

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Here are a few reasons why you should take a look at this…

  • You need absolutely no special skills, education or knowledge to do this. The software removes every last obstacle standing between you and regular lucrative mini-raids on key crypto markets.


  • There’s no stock to buy, no premises to worry about, no staff to pay… just you, your computer and this revolutionary market raiding tool.


  • It doesn’t matter if you know nothing about financial trading or the crypto markets – in fact it could be an advantage. Human emotion is what scuppers many assaults on financial markets, and this software screens that right out.


  • You can get started and start making £90-£170 an hour with just a few hundred pounds stake money. Scale up and there’s virtually no upper limit to what you can make.


  • All your profits will be tax free. What other ‘home business’ do you get to keep ALL the profits?


  • You work on this exactly when you like…morning, afternoon, evening…it really doesn’t matter. So, you can fit it in around work…or quit your job and start spending your time how you really want to spend it.


  • The software works no matter what the crypto markets are doing. It’s a tool you can use to make money in any of the major crypto markets.

Here’s that link again:

Crypto Wizard

‘Wish I’d Done It Sooner’: Mum’s 2 Hour Per Week Side Hustle Earns £44K Per Year

Image: Grete Somermaa

Today I want to share with you the story of Grete Somermaa who has made £88K over two years working as little as two hours per week.

The reason I want to share this story is that it is incredibly powerful and it highlights what is possible today.

Grete, a mother of two from Estonia, struggled when the Coronavirus pandemic hit.

The pandemic forced her family to close the family-run restaurant where she worked, for good.

With the restaurant closed, she was unable to earn any money and with two children to provide for, that was not a good place to be in.

So in March 2020, Grete started her online side business to try and earn some desperately needed money.

Grete decided to open up an Etsy store, Grete Creates, selling digital products.

This meant that she didn’t need to leave her home so that she could be with her children, plus it meant that she didn’t need to work long or anti-social hours either.

Because the products she sells are digital downloads, she doesn’t need to replenish stock or store products. She sells items such as printable planners, stock photos, social media templates and ‘How To…’ guides.

Since starting her online business selling pintables and digital downloads, Grete has generated £88,000.

That’s £44,000 per year.

That’s a pretty fantastic turnaround from being a struggling mother with no income to now having a business which prints money on autopilot requiring just two hours work per week.

Talking to the Daily Express, Grete said:

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“Selling digital products on Etsy really changed my life and thoughts about making money.

“We’re often told money doesn’t grow on trees, but it actually does.

“Nowadays there are so many opportunities to make money online – you just have to look around and get started!

“I still can’t believe it sometimes. Selling digital downloads is like magic – you really can make money while you sleep!

“I put the work upfront to initially create the products, and because the products are digital that can be accessed immediately, there’s no need for me to do anything when the sales come in.

“A customer can purchase the product at any time (day or night) and start using the file straight away.

“I was determined to make it work. I thought, ‘If others can do it, why can’t I?'”

“Wish I’d done it sooner”

Let me repeat one of her sentences…

‘If others can do it, why can’t I?’

That’s the great thing… anyone can do this.

We live in a new world…. It’s a digital word with a booming digital economy.

No longer do you need to hand over something physical to make money.

Nor do you need to be paid with real physical cash.

Some people are not happy about the world transitioning from cash to digital money, whatever side of the debate you sit on; you can’t deny how freeing it is to be able to make money online at any time day or night without you having to touch any coins or notes.

As you know, I love digital products. I love the freedom and potential they can offer people today.

These products allow people to earn money 24 hours of the day no matter where they happen to be.

You could be up a mountain in the Scottish highlands enjoying a brisk trek and all the while people are buying and downloading products from your online store or website.

While you trudge through soggy marshlands, money is being paid into your online account ready for you to use when you return to civilisation.

Wouldn’t you want some of that?

Or maybe you would prefer to be lazing around a pool enjoying the Mediterranean sun with a cold beer while making sales passively.

Whatever it is that you enjoy doing; today you can do it while earning money.

Obviously, like everything in life, there is always going to be some initial setting up of any system which makes money passively, but because these kinds of products are digital, they can be set up relatively fast and the setting up can be outsourced to other people.

You can create a digital product and have it listed for sale in less than 30 days… and that one product has the potential to earn you £30,000 or more.. if you get it out in front of a large enough audience that is.

As you have seen with Grete’s example earlier, a digital download doesn’t have to be just an eBook, it can be a template, a printable like a planner, it can even be a video.

They can all be sold via your own fully automated passive income system.

Click the link below to learn how you can quickly set up your own fully automated passive income systems which sell digital download products 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Remember… digital products sell for years. You only need to create a product once, list it online and then sell it for as long as you want.

Here’s that link again:


Popping To The Park, Pizza Lovers And Big Easy Profits!

Imagine walking to your local park and finding a thousand hungry people stood around discussing where to get food.

Interested to know why there is a one thousand hungry people in your local park, you stop and ask one of them.

It turns out that they are all pizza lovers on their way to a large pizza festival but thanks to a printing error on all of the flyers and adverts, they have all ended up in the wrong park in the wrong town.

Desperate to eat some pizza and to rescue the remains of the day, the guy you are chatting to asks you where the nearest pizza restaurant or takeaway is.

Fortunately, there is one not far away and even more fortunate is that it is owned by your friend Bob.

You quickly call him and tell him that you know where there are one thousand hungry pizza lovers and ask if he would like you to send them his way.

He says ‘absolutely’, then you tell him that you would like a slice of each pizza he sells to the people you send his way… not an actual slice of the pizza obviously.

Bob agrees to pay you 50% of any sales he makes to people who give him your name.

You climb onto a park bench and at the top of your lungs you shout to all one thousand people:

“Can I have your attention please?! For those of you who are hungry and want to eat the tastiest pizzas in the area please follow me. I shall take you to a wonderful little family run pizzeria not far from here where all pizzas are freshly made by hand.”

You jump down from the bench, raise your hand in the air and walk towards the park gate eagerly followed by a line of hungry pizza lovers.

You walk down the street, around the corner and the short distance down the hill until you hit the town centre stopping outside Luigi’s Pizzeria where your friend Bob warmly greets them, gleefully rubbing his hands like Arkwright from ‘Open All Hours.’

Customer after customer enters the shop ordering pizzas saying ‘[your name] brought me here.’

Every pound earned from those customers is placed into a dedicated till for all sales associated with you.

When the last pizza is handover to the final customer and doors to Luigi’s is closed for the day, Bob counts the money from that till and divvies it up into two piles.

Bob has had the best day of the year, not only did he sell out within a few hours, he sold out of the extra stock he sent one of his staff to buy when he spotted how many people were following you down the hill.

Bob is delighted to find that he made an extra £2,000 profit for the day from all of the extra customers you sent his way.

Bob thanks you and hands you over a wad of cash; your share of the profits.

You leave Luigi’s with a pocket full of cash and head back for home. A quiet walk to the local park and back resulted in you earning a nice £1,000.

That would be nice wouldn’t it?

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Who wouldn’t want to pop out for a stroll and by the time they return home they have banked a couple hundred pounds or even a thousand pounds?

Thanks to the internet giving us access to potentially billions of ‘pizza lovers’, it is possible to talk to thousands of them at the same time and send them to specific places where you get paid a 50% commission – sometimes more – whenever a sale is made.

The internet is full of people who want, need, and enjoy different things.

When there are billions of people, there will be thousands… tens of thousands… hundreds of thousands… and possibly millions of them that want, need, and enjoy the same ‘different’ thing.

When there are large numbers of people who want, need, and enjoy the same thing online, you have the opportunity to sell them what they need.

And just like the ‘you’ in the example where you stood on a park bench and shouted to all one thousand pizza lovers at the same time, you can talk to thousands of people online at the same time using email.

You can spend as little as five minutes writing a simple email that you send to a large number of people.

Once the email has been sent, you can pop out for a stroll to the park, and make money.

You don’t just have to go to the park… you could go out to meet friends, go out for a meal with family, or do something else completely.

You don’t need to be sat at your laptop or tablet after you have sent out a money making email.

Once it has been added to the system, you can go and do whatever you want or need to do.

It’s a simple process of using numbers and specific online tools.

Find enough people interested in a specific niche or who have a specific problem they need help with, use an email service like Aweber to send emails to those people promoting products and services they would be interested in… and you will make money.

In the Email Secret you will discover how you can connect with thousands of people who are interested in the same one thing and how to make money by sending them simple easy-to-write emails that can take as little as five minutes to write.

Click the link below to discover more:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Remember, because this is all done online, it can be done from anywhere in the world. You can take it with you wherever you travel and make money.

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret

Sometimes You Just Need A Different Approach

Many years ago I had an idea for a way to make affiliate commissions by giving away free content.

I don’t know if anyone does this as I’ve never seen anyone do it this way but that might be because I’ve never looked.

I’ve never tested this but I’ve often wondered if it would work.

In previous articles I have talked about the freemium business model where you give content away for free, and I’ve also talked about how people are writing short stories to sell on platforms like Amazon Kindle.

I’ve often wondered if it was possible to combine the two to make affiliate commissions.

It is common practice for websites to publish free-to-read articles which are littered with affiliate links, but I’ve never seen it be done in free-to-read short fiction stories.

Fiction is very descriptive.

Writers will describe what a person is wearing, what they are drinking and where they are. This means that readers are often introduced to new things.

Here’s the thing, when reading fiction or watching dramas on television, many people do an internet search on those things they know nothing about. They go to Google or Bing to learn more.

While talking about this idea with one of my staff, he told me that his late grandmother would have a map book and a dictionary by her chair for when she was reading a new novel.

Every time she read about a place she had never heard of, she would look it up in the map book. The dictionary, well you can guess what she did there.

I’ve mentioned before how Andi our techy guy loves watching crime dramas.

Apparently he is always on Google searching for one thing or another. He has learned a lot thanks to a combination of television dramas and Google.

People often like to know what the thing is that they are reading about or what people are talking about… and this is where the idea could make money.

I believe that publishing short fiction stories online and then linking ‘specific things’ to Amazon could possible generate affiliate commissions for the writer.

For example; the fiction story could say something along the lines of…

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‘He reached for his watch, a rare hand-crafted Swiss precision time piece. With only one hundred ever made, he only wore it on special occasions. This was one of those occasions.’

Part of that sentence could then be linked to an expensive Swiss watch.

I am not saying that many people will buy that watch itself, but sites like Amazon have a ‘cookie’ which tracks affiliate links and so if someone visits Amazon through that link and buys a product from them within a specific time – this includes leaving the site and then returning later – the author would earn a commission.

Anyone who clicks through to take a look at the watch may decide to look at something else while on Amazon and if they make a purchase, the author would make a commission.

Another example could be that the main character made his money trading the Forex market and any sentences where that is mentioned could link out to a Forex product where the author is paid a commission whenever a sale is made.

The main characters of a story could be out socialising and enjoying a specific champagne cocktail… what could that link out to?

A bottle of Champagne?

A cocktail maker perhaps?

Or maybe even a holiday cottage on a vineyard in the Champagne region?

As I say, some affiliate networks like Amazon are incredibly sophisticated and track a person who has clicked through an affiliate link and if they leave the webpage but go back on Amazon later that day to buy bedding instead of a bottle of Champagne, the author still earns a commission.

Again, I don’t know if anyone is doing this or how successful it would be… but I’m sure that it would earn someone some money if there are enough people reading the stories.

People love to be entertained; they also love to get things for free so to offer entertaining adventures and stories for free could possibly result in a lot of readers.

With those stories linking out to a multitude of affiliate offers coupled with people’s curiosity and how some companies like Amazon work, the author could be generating quite a bit of money in commissions.

It is an idea which I think someone could explore more. There’s a huge opportunity to link out to so many different products with this idea.

It may not work too well with science fiction stories which are set too far into the future or the past because you will be describing places and technology that are fictional or no longer exist.

The other option is to have adverts on the pages so that every page read generates advertising revenue.

That could be done as well as linking out to the affiliate products but you do need to be aware that people can be put off if there are too many adverts and links obstructing their reading.

There are a lot of people writing and publishing stories trying to sell them and make money, so this could be a good work around. Instead of trying to make the money through selling stories, make the money from within the stories by giving them away for free.

The affiliate commissions are a compensation for giving the stories away for free. A kind of monetary ‘thank you’ if you like.

I’m more than certain that someone could make this work and it would be the perfect business model for those who want to write and publish short stories without the hassle of competing with all of the other authors on Amazon Kindle.

To get started all you need is a tablet or a laptop and a website.

As I write this, a WordPress website can cost as little as £75 for two years with Siteground hosting. That is ridiculously cheap for a place online where you can publish content that can earn you money.

You can write directly within the website dashboard if you wish but I suggest that you use either Google docs or MS Word and copy and paste the finished stories over into the website. It’s far easier to work that way.

Other than joining affiliate networks like Amazon, that is it for the website work.

Driving traffic to the website is going to be the hardest part but I imagine that once you gain a following of regular readers, they will start sharing your stories for you.

Open up a Twitter account and share links regularly to new stories.

I’m not saying that this is a big money spinner – although in the right hands it might be – or that it is without work, but it is an idea which I think is unique and has a lot of potential.

It’s something that can be started today and it is far easier to build a website than you may realise.

To discover how you can build a website fast without knowing anything about building websites, click the link below:

How To Build A Profitable Website Fast WITHOUT Knowing Anything About Building Websites!

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Points to consider:

  • With this model you can write and publish right away.
  • As long as you do not break any specific T&Cs of the affiliate networks, you can write about anything you want.
  • Anything you publish can also be turned into a book and published on other platforms if you wish.
  • You can build an email list by asking people to sign up to be notified when new stories are posted.
  • You could charge people a monthly fee to access your stories free from any advertising and affiliate links.

Here’s that link again:

How To Build A Profitable Website Fast WITHOUT Knowing Anything About Building Websites!