Tag Archives: Business Ideas

How To Make Money From A Sideways Sales Letter

You might have noticed a lot of people doing interactive challenges, hosting live sessions or publishing training videos on social media recently.

There are two things going on here that you may not be aware of.

  1. They are giving away a lot of quality free content upfront.
  2. This is what is called the Sideways Sales Letter.

As you know, I write sales letters for our products and we also sell a product that teaches you everything you need to know about writing sales letters which can earn you the amounts of money you can happily retire on called One Letter From Retirement.

The Sideways Sales Letter which is also known as the Freemium Business Model is a method of taking a traditional sales letter which is several pages long – the online equivalent scrolls on endlessly – and chopping it up into sections which is published as either (or a combination of…) email content, articles, video content, and audio content, often wrapped up in a interactive week long challenge usually hosted in a Facebook group.

The Sideways Sales Letter allows you to take sections which would normally be written into a traditional sales letter and focus on them in greater detail by actually showing how something works and giving proof that it works.

Proof is a powerful way to turn a person who is sceptical about your product and what it can do, into an excited buyer.

Some challenges will include videos where previous people who successfully put the product into action are interview by the product creator.

There’s no better proof than a testimonial – which you often find on traditional sales letters… and there’s no better testimonial than a live interview with the person who has experienced success with said product, system or service.

The Sideways Sales Letter pre-sells the product to people without them realising that they are in fact being sold to.

The challenge, the emails, the videos, the articles, the interviews are all parts of a marketing campaign, designed to sell you a specific product by actually showing you what is achievable instead of trying to tell you.

The Sideways Sales Letter is planned in the same way you plan out a traditional sales letter.

The big difference is that when the ‘official’ sales page is open and people can buy the product, it can be a lot smaller than a traditional sales page because a lot of the selling has already been done over the previous five or seven days.

What is really good about the Sideways Sales Letter is that most people don’t realise that they are being sold to.

Yes, most know that there will be a ‘sales pitch’ coming later on, but they very often don’t realise that the selling and the ‘conditioning’ has already started.


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Because it’s natural!

It’s natural for people to share information and the sharing of the information in a Sideways Sales Letter is both useful and helpful without any hard sell.

It’s like talking to a close friend who is telling you – without any agenda – all about what he or she does to make money and after the long chat you say ‘sounds interesting, would you show me how to do it?’

You have been sold on what your friend does even though there was no actual selling involved.

The information that has been shared does all the selling it needs to.

It teaches people how and/or why to do something, and it convinces them of what can happen and what can be achieved if you do XYZ.

Once the ‘official’ sales letter is published and shared with people – ‘open cart’ as some people call it – they are ready to buy.

They are already convinced that they need and want what you are selling; the only thing they need to know now is how much it’s going to cost them.

A lot of money can be made when selling products this way. But like most things, you need to understand the basics and have a solid understanding of effective communication and selling.

A Sideways Sales Letter is a traditional sales letter broken up into sections and published over a period of time, so if you would like to know how to write an effective sales letter which has the potential to make you the amounts of money you could retire on, click the link below:

One Letter From Retirement

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… The term write your own

PS… The basics are the foundations of any successful business, understanding how to write a profitable sales letter underpins all modern marketing methods including the popular and profitable Sideways Sales Letter.

Here’s that link again:

One Letter From Retirement

The £1,000+ Per Month Passive Income Plan

Everyone wants more money… more now than ever.

People dream of being fabulously wealthy.

Ask a stranger how much money they would like if it could just magically appear and most of them would say a figure of one million or above.

The problem with that is that it is mainly wishing and fanciful thinking.

To have more money and become wealthy is more often about planning, understanding numbers and ‘doing’.

When you know your numbers, you can accurately work out what the next steps are and what you need to make those numbers happen.

For example: let’s say that you want to earn £1,000 each month passively.

And to make that passive income, you have decided you want to sell eBooks.

EBooks are digital products which sit on your server waiting to be bought and delivered automatically. Once online you need not do anything.

EBooks can be priced at whatever price you wish, but there is one rule which you must pay attention to, and that is:

The price is dependent on what the reader gets from the eBook itself.

The bigger the transformation to a person’s life – specifically their financial situation – the more you can charge.

A simple fiction story will only entertain and so you can only really charge a few pounds for it, whereas an eBook which can help a person become a millionaire, you can charge a whole lot more… as long as what the book says is doable.

With that in mind I am going to do two different number crunches here.

Starting with eBooks priced at £9.97 first.

You would need to sell 101 eBooks priced at £9.97 to make £1,000 (£1,006.97) each month.

101 eBooks per month (working on a 4 week month) is 25.25 a week. Obviously you cannot sell .25th of a book so we will go with 25 per week for simplicity.

25 eBooks a week equates to 3.57 eBooks a day. Again, you cannot sell .57th of an eBook so let’s just say 4 a day for simplicity again.

4 eBook sales per day is the target.

A bonus of selling 4 eBooks a day means that you sell 12 more eBooks in a month giving you more money.

Conversion rate is the next number to understand.

Unfortunately (and fortunately) this is dependent on what you sell, the quality of the products, the price, the quality of the sales message, the speed and ease of use of the website and the type of people visiting your website.

The conversion rate can be different for each seller.

However, there is an average global ecommerce website conversion rate of 4.31% and in the US the average ecommerce conversion rate in 2020 was around 2.63%.

A conversion rate between 2% and 5% is considered good. Anything above that is considered very good. Over 10% and that is exceptional.

So for this example, I am going to use a conversion rate of 3%.

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To sell 4 eBooks a day with a conversion rate of 3% you will need 134 website visitors per day.

You will need 938 visitors each week totalling 3,752 visitors each month, which is not a lot considering there are 5.03 billion people globally who use the internet.

Now you know how many eBooks you need to sell and how many website visitors you need… roughly, as I say, there are other ‘real’ factors to consider.

For example, we are assuming that 4 people out of 134 all want to buy the same eBook. That may or may not be the case.

It might be that by offering several different eBooks you may make more sales and have a better conversion rate.

Having more than one eBook for sale gives you a greater chance of making sales.

Firstly, the people who aren’t interested in eBook A may prefer the look of eBook B.

Plus, people who bought eBook A or B may also be interested in buying the other.

So now, instead of selling 4 copies of eBook A per day, you only now need to sell 2.

If you have 4 eBooks for sale, you only need to sell 1 copy of each per day. That may make selling 4 eBooks a day easier due to the variety.

Also, when selling only one eBook you need four different people to buy it, but when you have 4 eBooks for sale for example, one person may buy all 4 eBooks meaning that you need even less customers… but having more is even better.

Now that you know how many eBooks you need to sell each month and have a rough idea as to how many site visitors you need to make those sales, you can formulate a plan to work towards making that happen.

Let’s look at eBooks that cost £97.

To make £1,000 a month, you need to sell only 11 eBooks (£1,067).

That is a lot less than having to sell 101 eBooks. It also means that you need fewer customers.

However, because of the price and subject matter of the eBook you are selling, your conversion rate may be a lot lower than 3% and so you may still need at least 134 website visitors each day… you may even need more.

Knowing your numbers… or at least having an idea of what they may be, means that you can work towards setting up the system which drives 134 or more people to your website each day resulting in the right amount of sales needed to generate £1,000 per month in passive income.

If you want to earn £10,000 per month in passive income, you do the same, you work out what you can sell, for how much, your conversion rate, and how many people you need to visit your website each day.

Just know that it will take more effort to generate £10,000 per month selling eBooks compared to £1,000.

Start with the smaller target first, once you have hit it, make a new target and revise your plan.

Now, if I have inspired you to sell eBooks as a way to create a monthly passive income, know this…

  • These eBooks do not have to be hundreds of pages deep, they can be as little as 10 pages. What matters is the information (or entertainment) they provide inside.
  • If you created one new eBook each month, you would have 12 eBooks selling on your website by the end of the year.
  • EBooks can be purchased at any time of the day depositing money automatically into your bank account without you needing to do anything.

You can easily build up your eBook business in your spare time by creating one – or several – new fully automated passive income system per month.

Imagine having 12 fully automated passive income systems of your own online, all making sales and depositing money into your bank account 24/7.

Well, I’m happy to say that it is easy enough to do and I will show you how, click the link below to learn more:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Points to consider:

  • There is no limit to how many eBooks you can sell.
  • EBooks can be as little as 10 pages long.
  • EBooks can also be sold on platforms like Amazon Kindle and Google.
  • You can set whatever price you think is fair for the products you are selling.
  • EBooks can take only a few days to make, a whole fully automated system can be created within 30 days.
  • Ebook creation can be outsourced.

Here’s that link again:


If You Need More Money, Don’t Get A Second Job… Do This Instead!

I was reading on the BBC website that a nurse from Poole has been forced to take on a second job to help with the rising costs of living.

Jude Hartford, a mother of two, has taken a second job with an energy company to help make ends meet… I suppose that is one way to get some money back from the overpriced energy companies!

It pays better than her nursing job and has more flexibility allowing her to collect her children when they leave school.

The job may pay well and give her certain benefits, but she’d rather not have to work two jobs as it leaves her with very little time to spend with her family.

Jude, like many others, felt that she had no option; she told the BBC: “Everything is ridiculously expensive right now, we need the extra money.”

A recent survey by insurance company Royal London, which questioned 4,000 UK adults, revealed that 16% of workers surveyed have taken on an additional job to help pay for the increasing living costs.

If that figure was accurate across the whole of the UK that would equate to 5.2 million people have taken on second jobs… makes you question the accuracy of the unemployment and employment figures.

The Royal London findings were higher than the official figures by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) which suggests around 1.2 million UK workers now have second jobs.

However, the ONS figures also suggested that the number was rising and it might have easily increased dramatically recently tying with the figures from the Royal London report.

The Royal London survey also uncovered that a further 30% of those questioned were considering looking for a second job or way to make extra money if things didn’t improve soon.

Rising living costs and price rises are eating into people’s wages leaving them with very little left.

The survey highlights the fact that for millions of workers in the UK, one job is simply not enough.

Working more hours is not a realistic option for many UK employees. 28% of full-time employees already work over 48 hours a week with a fifth of them admitting to working more than 56 hours every week.

There is a limit to how many hours a person can work and there isn’t always the overtime offered.

A huge proportion of the population are now basically earning to survive only.

This is not a healthy position to be in; made worse by the fact that winter is creeping up on us.

Sarah Pennells, a consumer finance specialist at Royal London said: “We know that many households started reining in their spending six months ago as costs first started to rise, but with bills continuing to climb, it could be an incredibly tough winter ahead.”

“While many have resorted to making significant spending adjustments, others, despite working all the hours they can, just can’t keep their heads above water.”

“While the government’s energy price freeze announcement will have brought relief, escalating costs across the board are deeply worrying with only one in 10 adults confident they’ll be able to cope financially.”

The rising costs are not just impacting finances, the Royal London report says that 64% of adults questioned say that they are currently feeling overwhelmed.

It’s a hard time for a lot of people and as much as I want to help by making suggestions on the how to make money, I have to recognise that at a time like this, some of them won’t be as good as they would be at other times.

For example…

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Yesterday I read a short report about a man who started a side job in the early 1980s where he would sweep up and remove rubbish for people before he started his day job.

It was a great side business as he had very little money to invest and it required just a few pieces of inexpensive equipment.

He charged people just under £50 an hour and it grew into a big six figure business for him allowing him to leave his day job.

I don’t know if he was working for businesses and companies or for the public in general.

What I do know is that if you were to try and do that today, it may not be a successful way to make extra money.

Firstly, there are many rules and regulations regarding the removal of waste to consider and unless you approached large successful businesses, the general public may be reluctant to pay for someone to sweep up for them while they are cutting back on spending and considering taking a second job themselves.

Businesses and companies may also have their own staff for that or have a company which comes in and takes care of it for them.

It would be very easy for me to say… ‘all you need to do is purchase a sweeping brush, a bin, a few bin bags and a dust pan and brush and start clearing up for people.’

It may work for one or two people, but it is more suited for a more affluent time where most people are not struggling and have plenty of disposable income.

The great thing about that business idea is that you don’t need a lot of tools and they are relatively cheap to buy meaning that the cost of entry is incredibly low.

There is another way to make money which also has an incredibly low cost of entry, is in huge demand, and that you can start today… maybe right this minute… and that is writing.

I’ve talked about writing before and I will probably talk about it a whole lot more in the future because…

  1. It is something which can generate a lot of money.
  2. Is easy to do… and no, you don’t need to be a naturally gifted writer either.
  3. Can be started today… if you already have a laptop or tablet.
  4. Costs virtually nothing to get started… depending on what type of writing you focus on.
  5. You can do it from the comfort of your own home at a time that suits you. You can work around your family and you do not need to ‘be at a certain place by a specific time’.
  6. You can do it from anywhere in the world as long as you can connect to the internet to send and receive work.

With writing, you can…

  1. Make money writing articles, emails, sales letters, eBooks, video scripts etc for paying clients via marketplaces such as Fiverr.com, Guru.com and Upwork.com.
  2. Upload and sell articles on marketplaces like ConstantContent.com.
  3. Earn money publishing content to specific websites like Medium.com and Vocal.com.
  4. Write eBooks & reports to sell on Amazon, Google and other platforms including your own website.
  5. Publish content on your own website(s) and make money through advertising revenue.
  6. Publish content on your own website(s) and make money by charging a monthly fee for people to access it.
  7. Make money promoting other people’s products (affiliate marketing) writing and sending simple emails to an email list and publishing articles to your website(s).

There are many different ways to make money as a writer.

Some are simple and others are a little more difficult to implement. Some can make money right away while others may take a few weeks or possibly months before the money starts to come in.

For example: You could go to Fiverr.com today, set up a profile and offer your services as a writer providing short 300 to 500 word articles for £5 and potentially land a gig where you would get paid £4 (£5 – £1 fee) today if you delivered the finished order today and the client was happy with it.

I’m not saying that it will happen for you, but it could do. It has for others.

One of our staff once tested out Fiverr.com and he made around £100 in a few days writing short 300 word articles for a couple of clients.

Please note; you don’t have to just charge £5 on Fiverr, many writers charge a lot more. But starting a new profile with no feedback, it would be advisable to start low and then increase your prices as you go along.

There are writers who make thousands of pounds each month writing for large successful companies that are happy to pay over £200 per article because they know that each article they buy, will earn them more back than what they pay out.

The way to really profit from writing is to write for those companies who can and will pay more.

That means that you can do less work and you can focus your effort and attention on each job without needing to rush or feel stressed.

The best thing about writing is that you can do it from the comfort of your own home and work around your family. There’s no need to ‘be at a certain place by a specific time’.

As long as you get the work finished and sent to the client on time, it doesn’t matter when you do it… or where you do it.

You could write in your spare room, the summer house in your garden, or in a coffee shop overlooking breathtaking views.

Writing is a completely mobile business. It gives you a freedom very other businesses can.

Discover more by clicking the link below:

Find Freedom As A Paid Writer

Kind regards

John Harrison

Talking Yourself Out Of £50k Debt And Into Becoming A Millionaire

Joel Young, a pastor in the United States, who, at the age of 29, was struggling to pay off a mountainous £50,000 debt, is now a millionaire thanks to a simple side hustle.

Joel has talked himself from £50,000 debt to over £1.5 million after becoming a voiceover artist after getting the idea when he hired one to do some work for a church project.

He found the voiceover artist on Fiverr.com who charged him $10 for the project, which is £9.26 as I write this – the pound is at a record low against the dollar.

Joel and his wife were struggling to pay off the £50,000 they owed on credit cards, loans and medical bills.

With two children to feed and care for too, Joel wondered if he could supplement his meagre pastor’s wages by doing voiceover work from home in his spare time.

He had a background in public speaking and believed that he could make an extra £40 or £50 a month per month, charging as little as $5 (£4.63 ATOW) via Fiverr.com to read scripts for commercials or narrating audio books.

He had a MacBook laptop and a decent microphone from when he used to sing in a band. He had everything that he needed to get started.

In his first month he made £370, and after 18 months he had paid off all of the £50,000 debts.

Joel said that he and his wife “were both blown away by what I had earned just in a couple hours a night, when I got home from my regular 9 to 5, just on the side.”

In the beginning it was quite a hard slog with him working until 1am and occasionally 2am fulfilling his Fiverr orders.

After two years working his side hustle he was earning as much as his day job and decided to take the leap into full-time voiceover and video work.

Now, the average client pays Joel $500 (£463 ATOW), and he creates over 50 videos a month.

Some of his clients include the US Navy, Home Depot, Comcast and several universities and colleges.

Joel believes that in the last five years he has earned over $1.5million which in real money comes to £1.38million.

Not bad for a guy who was struggle with £50,000 of debt!

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Voiceover work is one of those freedom jobs which you can do anywhere in the world as long as you connect to the internet every now and then.

It has allowed Joel and his family to travel the USA in a motor home full time. He was able to work from the motor home while travelling the country.

Joel realised the potential to make money once he got passed the curse of knowledge which is where people who know or do something with ease, believe that everyone can do the same.

The curse of knowledge often prevents people from believing that they can make money selling that information or offering that service. They believe it to be too simple to charge for because anyone can do it.

Joel said: “I’ve heard other people talk about this thing called the curse of knowledge.

“That’s when you understand something, or when you know something and grasp it, you’re cursed in the sense that you believe everybody understands that.

“I did the same thing when I started. I was offering something that I thought was easy. I’m talking into a microphone — that’s stupid, who would pay for that?

“Because I’ve always been able to talk and I’ve always been good at it, I thought, ‘Well this is easy, I’m just talking.’ It’s that curse of ability.”

He added: “Now I’m adding different value at a different level. But the reality is, if I hadn’t started at the first step, I wouldn’t have gotten to the step I’m on today.

“Don’t think you have to get to the ideal level before you start.

“Because that’s how people end up sedentary, wasting their whole life doing something they hate, because they never started when they never tried.”

Could this be something that you could do to earn some much needed extra money?

With the world becoming increasingly digital and more and more businesses sharing content online, there is a huge demand for voiceover work.

Audio books, commercials, training videos, there is a whole range of content which requires voiceover work.

Contrary to belief, you don’t need a professional soundproofed studio to make money as a voiceover artist.

Joel started with his laptop and a microphone and worked in a quiet room after the children had gone to bed.

I imagine he had a decent microphone to start with as he used to be a singer in a band but I’m sure you can pick up a half decent microphone online for £20.

You can use the free recording software called Audacity. I know our techy guy, Andi, uses Audacity from time to time and it is pretty decent. A quiet room that doesn’t echo too much would suffice.

If that sounds like too much effort and you want a simpler way to make money online that requires an incredibly low upfront investment then you should take a look at what our friend Don Fletcher does.

He can turn £10 into £2,500 by simply buying digital collectables which he then resells on to collectors who are desperate to own what he has.

These collectables are brand new and only recently released to the market which means they can be incredibly cheap to buy.

A brand new unique digital collectable can cost as little as £10 but could give you thousands of pounds in profit… and sometimes in as little as 24 hours.

It can all start with a simple £10 purchase.

To discover how, click the link below:

Turn £10 In To £2,500+ Time And Time Again Selling Easy To Buy Collectables…

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… You will discover how easy it really is to turn £10 into £2,500 or more…

  • You don’t need any special skills other than the ability to buy and sell by clicking a few buttons.
  • You don’t need to know anything about these specific new collectables themselves. You don’t need to understand what they are – I don’t think I fully understand – or what they do to be able to make thousands of pounds from flipping.
  • You don’t even have to like them. You only need to be excited about the large profits these collectables can generate for you.
  • Everything you need to know to turn £10 into £2,500 or more is laid bare in one easy to follow manual.

Here’s that link again:

Turn £10 In To £2,500+ Time And Time Again Selling Easy To Buy Collectables…

This Can Be Done From Anywhere…

I overheard an interesting conversation yesterday between two men – I always seem to find myself close to interesting conversations, I think it’s my super power; it’s very handy when it comes to writing emails.

Anyway, these two chaps were talking about a son who was moving overseas soon.

Chap A, the father, was concerned that ‘it could all go wrong’ while his son was abroad and leave him in a right mess and that he (the father) was in no position to bail him out.

Chap A was really panicking. 

“What if the company he works for goes bust?”

“What if they decided to get rid of him?”

There were plenty of ‘what-iffs’ from the fathersadly all were negative.

The only ‘what-iffs’ that were positive came from chap B.

“What if he doesn’t lose his job and it all goes well?”

Followed by a few ‘whys’:

“Why do you believe it will all go wrong?”

“Why do you believe you will need to bail him out?”

Chap B asked chap A, what it was that his son was going to be doing while he was overseas, and from what I can gather, he is a remote worker who works for a company here in the UK and the company has approved him to live and work abroad.

Pretty much similar to what is happening here in our business, we too have a remote worker who is moving abroad and he too will be continuing to work for us.

The more I heard the two men talk, the more I realised that the father was still living in the past. He had little to no knowledge of how the new economy works.

It is a brave new world out there and he had little understanding of it.

I don’t know if he had ever spent any time talking with his son about his work but I can only assume that he has what I call a surface level understanding.

He knows that his son works for a company here in the UK and that he works from home using a computer, but other than that, he has no idea as to what he does or how it all works.

I think that chap A is disrespecting his son by not listening to him and trusting his skills and knowledge of the situation.

His constant worrying about his son says more about his lack of understanding of the situation and the lack of trust he has in his son’s abilities.

The truth is we live in a completely different world to the one the father once ‘worked’ in.

In his day, he had very little option other than to work for local companies in their local factories and shops.

If he wanted to work for someone else in a different part of the world, he would have to move there so that he was close to the place of work.

Today we have powerful computers and the internet which allows people to do certain tasks for others no matter where they live in the world.

Instead of moving to be close to the company, we are now at a stage where some workers can move away from the company.

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Should the worst happen and the son loses his job while living abroad, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it would be any worse than losing his job if he was here in the UK.

There may be a few different ‘localised’ hurdles to deal with but on the whole, there is no reason as to why he cannot find another job or clients and carry on as before no matter where he is.

It’s possible that because of the nature of his work and the global pool of people and companies to pick from through the internet, he could find a new job the same day…. or at least some work to bring in money.

Very often it is a case of simply reaching out to people or building a network of people who are likely to want what you offer.

In previous articles I have talked about building a following. A following is a pool of people who are interested in what you say and do. Those people are likely to want to work with you or pass work your way.

I’ve talked before about the seven degrees of separation where the people you know, may know people that you need to know.

There could be one or two decent clients lurking a few social connections away.

It is far easier today to find work through the people you already know because those people now know more people and can connect with their network easier and faster than ever before.

They can soon pass work or possible clients and customers your way.

In the past I’ve also talked about incentives where you can find work quickly by simply offering a commission to anyone who passes work your way.

Offer your network of friends £200 whenever they forward someone to you who purchases a premium service from you like pay you £1,000 to write a sales letter.

People need and want money so to give them a decent sized kick back when they pass work to you is a huge motivator for others to send people your way.

In yesterdays article I talked about making money as a writer after comparing that to a couple who made £330 delivering food and drink for 24 hours around Brighton and Worthing.

A writer today can earn money writing for clients and companies all over the world. They can work remotely from anywhere as long as they have a connection to the internet.

They don’t even need to be constantly connected to the internet, they only need to be connected to send and receive work.

Unlike the couple who were delivering food locally for local businesses, they would be a little up s**t creek without a paddle if they lost their delivery job.

The fact that they are self-employed and working for several delivery companies makes it a little different but should they ever find that they were unable to work for those companies, then they would really be up s**t creek and this time they are without a canoe too.

We live in an information age where information is accessible from the palm of your hand 24 hours of the day.

What that means is that information is big business.

Information can be  incredibly profitable!

The information to be shared and published whether online for free or to sell in a book or manual needs to be created and presented in a manner that people can enjoy.

Not only is publishing information big business, creating that information is also big business.

Becoming a writer means that you can earn money no matter where you or your clients are in the world. All that matters is that you are able to deliver the work once it’s completed.

There are many places to find writing work online.

It is a HUGELY in-demand skill.

Top writers can charge hundreds of pounds for simple articles and those who specialise in writing sales material like sales letters and email campaigns can charge several thousand pounds per job.

There are two things I recommend people should do and they are:

  1. Build an email list.
  2. Learn to write a sales letter.

Learning to write a sales letter is to learn how to communicate effectively and that is a skill which will always pay the bills, no matter where in the world you live.

Knowing how to write an effective sales letter, email and article can make you a lot of money in a world where publishing information is big business.

A simple sales letter which can take as little as a few hours to write could easily earn you £1,000 or more with the right client.

Write a sales letter for your own products and services and you could earn tens of thousands of pounds or more in sales.

As the Beastie Boys once said:

“I got the skills to pay the bills!”

And if you know how to write a profitable sales letter or email…. you do have the skills to pay the billsfor life!

Discover how you can write a sales letter which has the potential to earn you tens of thousands of pounds or more, click the link below:

One Letter From Retirement

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… The term write your own

PS… Writing is the ultimate freedom giving skill. There are so many ways to make money writing…but the easiest and fastest by far is to write sales letters.

Here’s that link again:

One Letter From Retirement

You Did What And Earned How Much?

After yesterday’s article where I shared with you the story of John, a guy who has challenged himself to make £500 reselling pre-loved items he buys from carboot markets and charity shops starting with just £10, today I want to share with you another money making challenge I read about recently.

This one is an interesting challenge but not one I suggest people try, although it does highlight another way for people to make money.

In Worthing , West Sussex, 22 year old mother of one, Atlanta Martin, challenged herself to see how much she and her boyfriend, Benjamin Hasker, 36, could make delivering food and drink over a 24 hour period.

Last year Atlanta gave up her job as a flight dispatcher to focus on her side job as a delivery driver when she realised that she could make up to £1,000 a week if she worked 11 hours a day.

I don’t know if that is for a full five day week, it doesn’t leave her much time to spend with her 4 year old daughter.

She wanted to know how much she could make if she worked for a full 24 hours straight through the night.

Starting at 7am on a Tuesday morning, using the apps on her phone, Atlanta and Benjamin started delivering for Just Eat, UberEats, Beelivery, Deliveroo and Gophr across Worthing.

At 10pm they changed to deliver purely for Uber Eats and Deliveroo across neighbouring Brighton.

They spent the whole 24 hours in their car and used a local McDonalds whenever they needed a toilet.

Taking it in turns to drive and keeping themselves going by drinking fizzy drinks, eating a Domino’s pizza and snacking on croissants, the pair made 77 deliveries, racked up 220 miles and earned a respectable £330.

Splitting that two ways gives them £165 each, which isn’t bad, but nothing was said about how much it cost in fuel to drive 220 miles.

Apparently Atlanta had always wanted to do the challenge and see how much she could earn.

She wanted to know what it was like delivering at night and apparently the busiest period was between midnight and 5am where they delivered a lot alcoholic drinks despite it being midweek.

She may do it again but I don’t think it will be a regular event.

24 hour food and drink delivery services are becoming increasingly popular and can be found in most large towns and cities but this way of making money does have its limitations for some people.

  1. There are a lot of other people competing to make the same deliveries.
  2. Most restaurants that use app based services like Uber Eats and Deliveroo close in an evening.
  3. Smaller towns and rural areas don’t have the same opportunities as larger towns or cities.

Atlanta and Benjamin were delivering in and around Worthing and Brighton which has a combined population of 387,200… give or take a few.

With such a dense population there will be a lot of restaurants and takeaways fulfilling a lot of orders which need delivering.

It is safe to say that there was plenty of opportunity to make money as a deliver driver in that area.

Being a delivery driver using those app based services, it seems can be a great way to make some extra money if you have a car or a bike.

I don’t know what is required to become a delivery driver for companies like Uber Eats and Deliveroo, but I assume that you get paid at the end of the shift so if you desperately need money, it looks like you get it quite fast.

Okay, so this is the part of the article where I say that although this is a great way to make money for some people… it’s not the best or only way to make money fast.

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It certainly isn’t for me.

I don’t relish the idea of spending hours driving around a town breathing in car fumes, knocking at people’s doors in wet and cold weather, using McDonald’s toilets and eating pasties in my car while waiting for another order to come through.

Yes, if I had no other option then I would do what was necessary, but the days of there being ‘no other option’ are long gone.

Today there are always other options available.

I’ve previously mentioned how writers can make £200 or more writing articles and emails for clients… articles and emails which took less than an hour or two to write.

Andi, our techy guy and in-house writer himself made £250 writing a couple of emails for a client when he used to do freelance work.

Those two emails took less than one hour to write.

Atlanta and Benjamin earned £165 each (that’s without factoring in any other costs such as fuel for the car and food) for working 24 hours solid.

When you compare that to earning £200+ writing articles and emails for clients from the comfort of your own home, listening to music and enjoying a brew… £165 for a 24 hour shift doesn’t look that appealing does it?

Payment can also be instant when you are writing for people online. As soon as you have delivered your content you can be paid by the client if they are happy with what you have provided.

Thanks to the internet giving you access to millions of people worldwide, you can work for anyone no matter where in the world you or they are.

You can make money writing articles and emails for people on the other side of the planet who you will never meet.

Learn to write sales letters and you can charge clients thousands of pounds for a couple of hours work.

This can be done from anywhere in the world. Unlike delivering food, you don’t need to be in a densely populated area.

You can write articles and emails while sitting in your garden in middle England or in a guest house at the most northern point of the Shetland Islands.

As long as you can connect to the internet to send and receive work, you can work from anywhere.

And if you write articles, emails and sales letters for yourself you can make money 24 hours of the day on autopilot selling your own digital products such as eBooks.

You may not know it just yet, but you could be one sales letter away from retirement.

It takes just one sales letter to land you that big payday you’ve dreamed of.

To learn how you can write a sales letter which has the potential to earn you tens of thousands of pounds or more, click the link below:

One Letter From Retirement

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… The term write your own cheques is definitely suited for writers. When you know how to write a profitable sales letter, the skill – and quite possibly the sales letter itself – will keep paying you for life.

Here’s that link again:

One Letter From Retirement

Turn £10 Into £500 Or More Reselling Pre-loved Items

Over the last few days I have been watching a few short videos by a guy named John who has challenged himself to make £500 starting with a £10 investment.

He is doing the challenge specifically to create videos showing how easy it can be done.

He is reselling pre-loved items that he is buying from local charity shops and carboot markets.

Starting with £10, he bought a couple of pairs of trainers which he sold on eBay. The money he makes is then used to buy more items to sell.

He has bought and sold shoes, trainers, a computer game, a book and a few other items.

According to the latest video update John has made a profit of £104… but that dropped a little to £86 after purchasing a few more items to sell.

Until he hits his £500 target, the money will be up and down and up and down.

Once he earned his £10 back, everything else after that is free money that he can play with.

He has an £86 profit in his bank which he can used to buy more items to sell.

Every time he buys something else to sell, he increases his chance of profits and will ultimately hit his £500 target.

He could carry on past £500 and keep buying and selling until he hits £1,000 or more.

This is a time consuming way to make money but if you have the time and you need money, this could be a great way to make some extra pounds starting with a small investment of only £10.

John has been reselling – or ‘flipping’ as it is often called – for several years and so he has a decent eye for a bargain.

You might think that he knows what will sell well due to the fact he has been doing it for so long, but the truth is, when he is looking at items to buy in charity shops or carboot markets, he usually does a quick search on eBay to see what is currently listed and what has previously been sold and for how much.

For example: if he was thinking of buying a pair of Adidas trainers and they were a model he has never seen before, he will simply do a search for that make and model and see if there are any listed, how much they are listed for and if any have been sold recently and for what price.

It’s a simple way to figure out if an item is worth buying to sell.

He doesn’t like to pay more than £5 for a pair of shoes or trainers. At a push, he may pay £10 if he is really confident that he will get back at least double what he paid.

When it comes to footwear and clothing he focuses on popular brands mostly. He knows that they sell well.

Charity shops are now charging more than they used to for most items but you can still find plenty of decent bargains.

Carboot markets are a great place to find bargains because they are full of people trying to get rid of a lot of items at once.

These people are having a ‘clearout’ selling old and unwanted stuff which they can’t be bothered to list on eBay themselves.

This is where you come in and clean up.

You buy what they are selling off cheaply, then list it online and cream off a decent profit.

There’s nothing complicated or hard about it. It is incredibly simple.

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As the starting investment is only £10, you will need to understand that you may have to start small and that it may take a week or two before you are starting to show a half decent profit.

If you buy well at the beginning then you could easily double or even treble your investment… maybe more.

But it pays to be aware that you may only make a few pounds to start with. It all depends on what you buy with your first £10 and how well it/they sell.

As I have talked about in previous articles, you often need to start small and you need to be consistent. If you can only afford to start with £10 then you will need to keep at it and grow those profits.

If you can afford to start with £20… or £30… or £50, then that’s great, you can source more items to sell making more money back quicker.

Just don’t go buying anything and everything to try and make money. It makes more sense to buy something which you know is more likely to give you more money back.

As an example: one member of our team sold a couple of chairs on eBay for £175. They originally bought them for £40.

So that you know, they didn’t actually buy them to sell, they saw them online, took a liking to them, used them for a year and when the time came to get rid of them, they looked on eBay and saw that the only other pair of these chairs selling were listed for a high price.

They weren’t intending to flip them for a profit; they were originally hoping to get back what they paid for them but were more than happy to get £175 for them.

The point here is that they did a quick search on eBay to see what similar chairs were selling for before listing them.

You would do the same research before purchasing a pair of pre-loved trainers or computer game. Once you know that you are in with a good chance of making a profit, you can buy the item.

EBay takes out a fee as you know which is a bit of a pain as you lose some of your profit, but that is their ‘rent and rates’.

If you were to rent a shop or a stall at a market, there would be costs associated to that even if you didn’t sell anything.

With eBay, you generally only pay fees when an item sells. The fees pay for using their platform which is understandable.

Reselling pre-loved items is a great way to make money and setting yourself a £10 to £500 challenge is a great way to get started and to grow confidence making money this way.

When you set yourself a challenge with a target like this, it gives you something to aim for and work towards. It keeps the mind focused on an ‘end result’ which makes it easier to keep going.

Try it, buy one or two pre-loved items in good condition from a charity shop or a carboot market and list them on eBay and see what you get for them. It is a great way to make money… for the right person.

There can be a lot of work involved with the sourcing of items to sell, giving them a good clean if they need them, photographing and listing them, wrapping and packaging them when they have been bought and taking them to the post office.

It’s not hard work, but it is a lot of time lost if you only sell an item for a few pounds.

It’s better if you are able to list multiple items at the same time so that when your listing period comes to an end and you have sold a few, you can wrap them and post them at the same time.

Doing multiple items together makes it more worthwhile. You make more money and you maximise your time better.

I think the challenge is a great idea and I am looking forward to seeing how well John does with it.


There is another way to turn £10 into £500 or more.

In fact, our friend Don Fletcher can turn £10 into £2,500 buying collectables which he then resells on to collectors who are desperate to own what he has.

These collectables are not pre-loved either; they are brand new and only recently released to the market.

A brand new unique digital collectable can cost as little as £10 but could give you thousands of pounds in profit… and sometimes in as little as 24 hours.

It can all start with a simple £10 purchase.

To discover how, click the link below:

Turn £10 In To £2,500+ Time And Time Again Selling Easy To Buy Collectables…

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… You will discover how easy it really is to turn £10 into £2,500 or more…

  • You don’t need any special skills other than the ability to buy and sell by clicking a few buttons.
  • You don’t need to know anything about these specific new collectables themselves. You don’t need to understand what they are – I don’t think I fully understand – or what they do to be able to make thousands of pounds from flipping.
  • You don’t even have to like them. You only need to be excited about the large profits these collectables can generate for you.
  • Everything you need to know to turn £10 into £2,500 or more is laid bare in one easy to follow manual.

Here’s that link again:

Turn £10 In To £2,500+ Time And Time Again Selling Easy To Buy Collectables…

How You Can Make More Money Simply ‘Copying and Pasting’ A Pre-Written Document

As you know, every day I write an email which I send to my email lists. Those emails always point to a product sales letter as a way to generate sales. They are not heavy selling emails; I like to include value in the way of a story, information or an idea.

I add these emails to the website so that they can be read online by passing traffic and I also add them to another popular website as a way to drive people to my sales letters.

I have mentioned that website before in previous emails and that is what I want to talk about today. That website is called Medium and it is a place where readers and writers go to read and share interesting articles and stories.

Medium is free for the most part, but they do have a paid subscription which allows people who pay to read the articles writers lock behind the paid wall.

It isn’t expensive; I think it is something like £45 for the whole year. Medium share those subscription fees with writers.

Medium encourages writers to join their partner program and publish exclusive content which can only be read by people who pay the annual subscription.

While publishing my emails to Medium, I joined the partner program once I had hit the required number of followers which was at the start of August.

It seemed like a simple way to make some extra pennies to pay for the tea and biscuits here in the office.

It’s not like I am doing anything special or going out of my way to publish the content to Medium. I am writing these emails anyway and so I simple copy and paste them to medium once I have added them to the website.

It takes a couple of minutes extra to do and I am happy to say that it is a couple of minutes well spent.

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Today as I write this email, I have generated an extra £22 this month sharing these ‘already written’ emails to Medium.

Last month I earned just shy of £18 from Medium.

That’s £40 extra in my pocket for doing very little.

Okay, this is not bank busting amounts of money, but it is extra money which I am making from something that I am already doing… and that is pretty cool.

Apparently there are people who focus solely on writing for Medium who make thousands of pounds each month.

I probably won’t make that kind of money because I am not focusing on Medium or its readers in the same way; I am simply sharing the emails that I write each day.

But I’m sure that I will be enjoying months where I make over £100.

I am averaging about five new posts each week to Medium. Adding those posts take no longer than 20 minutes a week total… and it is making me money.

It is highly possible that some people have been added to my email lists and bought products because I am posting to Medium. If that is the case, the amount of money that I have made could quite easily be a lot more and I may not fully know.

The point I want to make is that there are always ways to make some extra money.

I’ve said many times that while times are hard, cancelling cheap monthly subscriptions to things like Amazon Prime, Netflix, Spotify, Britbox or magazines which you enjoy and keep you sane, will only make life harder.

Taking away the remaining small pleasures will leave you with nothing to enjoy.

I believe that you should always focus on making more money even if it just covers those smaller pleasures.

Ideally you want to try and make as much money as possible to cover the increasing living costs as well as pay for those smaller pleasures, and what I am telling you now can do both.

I and many thousands of other people who are no different to you make decent amounts of money each and every month promoting products and services by email.

And as well as making money by sending emails, I am also making sales via our websites via passing traffic plus a little extra by sharing them on Medium.

Medium is a great place to share your articles and content as you could quite easily earn the money you need to either pay for smaller treats, of you could use it to fund the growth of your email business.

I’m not saying that you will start to earn money right away – you could if you focus on growing your audience first, I didn’t – but every pound that you do make will be incredibly useful.

It’s better in your pocket than someone else’s.

For just a minute or two’s work of copying and pasting the email you have just written, you’d be daft not to.

It can take as little as a few minutes to write an email. It depends on what you want to say.

A decent money making email may take an hour to write which is nothing out of your day, especially if that email helps put thousands of pounds into your pockets.

I’ve always said that the best thing a person can do for themselves is to grow an email list of their own. An email list can be your own personal cash machine if you use it right.

If you would like to build your own personal cash machine, click the link below:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… This is a way of making money that you can do from anywhere in the world. You can take it with you wherever you travel and make money.

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret

Just 25 Pages Of Writing Can Make You Thousands Of Pounds Each Month!

I recently watched a seminar hosted by a guy called Ty, who makes tens of thousands of pounds each month publishing books to Amazon Kindle.

The one thing that Ty kept repeating was that the books which make him money are incredibly short. Most of them are between 25 to 50 pages long. That’s it.

It was an interesting seminar; it included several interviews with people who were also making a ton of money publishing books to kindle.

One of the interviews was with a woman who originally wrote lengthy romance novels. She wanted to learn how to publish them herself and make money from them.

When she joined Ty’s program – the one he was promoting via the seminar – she said that her coach suggested that she break the lengthy novels down into several smaller books.

She resisted at first as she didn’t believe that people would be interested in reading short books.

Eventually she caved and she split one of her lengthier novels into two 30,000+ word books and published them on Amazon Kindle. They both sold well.

Inspired that people buy and read shorter books, she began to write books which had fewer than 50 pages.

She has since had incredible success as an author as she is able to write and publish one or two new short stories each and every month which all make her money.

As an example, Ty showed that some big name authors who are normally known for writing novels with 200+ pages are also writing and publishing short shorts.

Bestselling author John Grisham, was one of those examples with a book that had only 37 pages. It may be a lead story for a much longer novel of his but it was there being sold on Amazon Kindle.

There are people who love to read long novels, and there are those who love to read short stories. Some authors cater for both; others simply focus on those who love to read short stories.

Some authors focus on stories which take between 15 and 30 minutes to read which is usually between 11 and 21 pages long.

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It really doesn’t take much to write short stories of 50 pages or less. Each story is part of a bigger story like what you see in a television drama. Each episode is a separate story but it is part of a much bigger ongoing story.

People love these kinds of stories. It is called a ‘Universe’. Most of these stories will have a handful of main characters and a handful more of lose characters that appear now and then.

I’ve said it before; it really doesn’t take much to write a few pages of content. The last 9 emails that I have written and sent out each weekday add up to 24 pages of content.

That’s me writing one email a day for the last 9 days. I haven’t finished writing this one yet so it may be 25 pages in total.

That is basically a short book.

People are making money selling books as short as 25 pages long. (In fact, we make a lot or money selling manuals with less pages, it’s what they say that really matters.)

These books are not all short fiction stories; they can be non-fiction books which cover a whole range of topics.

In previous emails I have mentioned that people have problems and that if you offer them a solution which helps them painlessly overcome their problems, they will pay you for it.

There are many people making thousands of pounds each month publishing books which help people to lose weight, eliminate back pain and learn how to make money.

Some people are making money from books which they published many years ago.

Ty himself still banks thousands each month because of books he wrote (or had written as he likes to outsource a lot of the work) many years ago.

For this to work, you need to be prolific and publish more than one book.

Yes, some people have enjoyed their debut book becoming a bestseller, who wouldn’t want to experience that, but it doesn’t happen to most writers.

Unless your book captures the imagination of hundreds of thousands or even millions of people, you will need to capture the imaginations of a few thousand people… multiple times over.

Publishing ten books which are enjoyed by ten thousand readers can still be incredibly profitable.

Publishing 20 or more books only need to be enjoyed by a few thousand readers to still be incredibly profitable.

Publishing multiple books is great because you need fewer readers per book… but they will also attract more readers.

So bizarrely, you need fewer readers but you actually gain more.

Remember the story about the fisherman who used multiple fishing hooks to catch fish with? It’s a bit like that.

Depending on what the subject matter is and how much time a person can dedicate to writing, I’d say most people should be able to publish at least one 25 page book per month.

That would mean 12 books over the course of a year that can be published to Amazon Kindle.

As well as publishing to Amazon Kindle, or if you want to earn every penny from the books you sell, it wouldn’t be a bad idea selling them from your own fully automated passive income system.

Building your own fully automated passive income system is not as hard as you may think. In fact, once you know how, you could have the system up and running in a weekend… 30 days tops if you include the writing of the book too.

To learn how to set your own fully automated passive income system selling your own digital eBooks, click the link below:

How 25 Page eBooks Can Make You Thousands Of Pounds Each Month

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… Depending on what the book is about, you can easily sell books with as little as 10 pages and make a decent profit.

Plus, there is no limit to how many books you can sell through your own fully automated passive income systems.

Here’s that link again.

How 25 Page eBooks Can Make You Thousands Of Pounds Each Month

Make £200 Per Hour From Home Rearranging A Few Words

A story online caught my eye the other day, the title was ‘Easy Money: I can now make £200 an HOUR with an easy Amazon side hustle I can do at home… here’s how’.

Reading the title you can see why it caught my attention. Here was a woman making £200 per hour from the comfort of her own home and with it being called a ‘side hustle’ I’m guessing it wasn’t her main job.

I believe her main job is ecommerce and selling products online… that and talking about it on the popular video sharing social media platform TikTok.

I quickly scanned the article and from what I can see, it was written after the woman – no name given – posted a video on TikTok telling her 217,000 followers about her side hustle.

Basically, all she does to earn £200 an hour is write short product descriptions for clients listing products on Amazon.

She set up a profile on Upwork.com and began applying for jobs working as a copywriter focusing mainly on Amazon listings.

In the video she said…

“I do copywriting for Amazon. That consists of a title, bullet points and a product description or an EBC (Enhanced Brand Content).

“We’re talking one title and anywhere from 15 to 20 sentences. And guess how much I got paid to do one listing? $250!”

$250 is roughly £200 and that is a great return considering that you are only writing 15 to 20 sentences which includes a title and several bullet points.

Who wouldn’t want to make £200 for writing a short product description?

She also stated that it was a lot easier than you may think due to the fact that you have access to the product information on the product website to work with.

Before joining us here at Streetwise, our techy guy Andi wrote an Amazon listing for a client through Fiverr.com.

He didn’t get paid as much as £200 – that’s because he used the Fiverr platform where everyone wants things cheaper – but he says that all he had to do was write a listing based on the information that he was sent…

He says it was all pretty simple and easy money.

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He had access to the website information and a list of things the customer wanted incorporating.

The woman from the article also went on to say that some of the clients she had worked for just wanted their copy translated into proper English.

People from all over the world have access to Amazon and they want to sell their products in other territories and so they need their descriptions rewriting into English which can be understood.

She said that it was easy to set up a profile on Upwork and to find work. She also said that experience as a writer was not required and that there were plenty of jobs available.

Under the video in the comments sections people were replying with their experiences as freelance copywriters with one saying…

“She’s right, I freelance on Upwork and made thousands last year.”

Another person commented with…

“I was a freelance copywriter earning up to $2,500 a day and multiple 6 figures a year.”

You might find it hard to believe that people will pay £200 or more to write simple descriptions for Amazon products but if those descriptions help to sell thousands or tens of thousands of pounds worth or products, they’d happily pay it.

They’d be foolish not to.

Where most people will see £200 for an hour’s work or for just 20 lines of text as being ridiculous and overpriced, businesses which make thousands of pounds see it as a sound investment.

Copywriters can make thousands of pounds writing all kinds of marketing and promotional material including sales letters.

Those sales letters (often referred to as sales pages if they are online) can generate tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and many cases, millions in sales for people.

They have for us.

Paying thousands for something which can help earn many more thousands back is a good investment.

Being able to write a profitable sales letter is one of the most powerful skills you can have.

Knowing what words motivate people to take specific action and how to write in a way that you can get what you want is a skill I believe everyone should have.

Being able to write sales letters, product descriptions, and marketing messages means that you can earn money from anywhere in the world.

Thanks to the internet giving you access to millions of people worldwide, you can work for anyone no matter where in the world you or they are.

You can make money writing sales letters for people on the other side of the planet who you will never meet.

Write sales letters for yourself and you can start to make money on autopilot selling your own products 24 hours of the day.

You may not know it just yet, but you could be one sales letter away from retirement. It takes just one sales letter to land you that big payday you’ve dreamed of.

To learn how you can write a sales letter which has the potential to earn you tens of thousands of pounds or more, click the link below:

One Letter From Retirement

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… The term write your own cheques is definitely suited for copywriting. When you know how to write a profitable sales letter, the skill – and quite possibly the sales letter itself – will keep paying you for life.

Here’s that link again:

One Letter From Retirement