Tag Archives: Business Ideas

Weeding Out Bad Habits Will Make You A Ton Of Money!

It never ceases to amaze me what you hear when you are in a close proximity to other people.

Only the other day in a coffee shop I overheard two young women discussing the current cost of living crisis with one of them saying how much she was concerned that her and her boyfriend might not be able to afford their energy bills.

Please know that I don’t purposely sit and eavesdrop other people’s conversations, it’s just that some people talk loudly and something catches my attention.

What caught my attention with this conversation was that one woman asked if the other was still going to the gym to which her reply was to tell her that she had stopped to hold onto some money in case it was needed the following month.

She was living in a rented house with pre-paid metres and she wasn’t sure how the energy price increases would affect her. She knew what £20 would pay for today, but not next month.

For all that she knew, £20 could probably pay for just one day, she had no way of knowing and the last thing she needed was the gas and electric to suddenly cut out late evening or early morning.

As part of her money management, she stopped going to the gym.

The next part of the conversation bowled me over.

Apparently, her boyfriend was still spending £150 a month on ‘weed’ even though she was stressing that they wouldn’t be able to afford the gas and electricity needed to live.

To me, this was cause for a big talk and if nothing was resolved, maybe a parting of the ways.

Smoking weed was apparently important because he needed it for his ‘mental wellbeing’! Apparently he suffered with stress and anxiety.

Not being able to afford gas and electricity is stressful.

Not being able to cook food, make a warm drink, wash pots or clothes and enjoy a warm house or shower is stressful.

Knowing that you are struggling financially while your partner wastes £150 a month on weed to ease stress and anxiety is stressful.

Every day after work he would go outside and have a ‘smoke’ while his girlfriend cooked the evening meal.

Not only does she work long hours herself, she was expected to do all of the cooking.

On top of that, she would get it in the neck if she failed to tell him when the food would be ready as he liked to go out and smoke his weed ten minutes before sitting down to eat.

I can’t help but think that this woman’s anxiety levels must be going through the roof. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was struggling to sleep due to not knowing what the next month may bring.

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The stress and anxiety she was feeling was compounded by her boyfriend’s lack of help and willingness to sacrifice his weed.

Maybe the weed does help him and is doing him some good mentally, I don’t know. But I do know that it isn’t doing his finances or his relationship any good.

In my humble opinion, her boyfriend doesn’t give astuff’ about her stress levels or anxiety… I’m not sure he gives a ‘stuff’ about her full stop.

It is clear that he doesn’t want to help and that he is using ‘stress and anxiety’ as an excuse because he isn’t even considering that she could be stressed or anxious about life.

He is simply adding to it… and it appears that he doesn’t care.

If I was actually involved in the conversation and not just a casual observer I would have told her to either kick him out or move out herself.

Not that would be easy considering the current cost of living issues and that they need both wages to survive.

It’s likely she is going to be trapped in that cycle of struggle to afford to pay the bills and him wasting much needed money on drugs.

I’m not going to say too much about their relationship or what I think she should do because in all honesty, I don’t know too much about it all. I’ve only heard a few minutes of a conversation.

But what I did hear was enough to question it from the outside looking in.

Now is not the time to be wasting money when you need it most.

£150 a month is £1,800 over a whole year.

That’s a lot of money to simply burn.

Instead of burning money and watching it go up in smoke, now is the time to be using it more positively.

You could do a lot with £1,800 over a year. You could make tens of thousands of pounds, possibly more over a year using just £150 per month.

With £150, a person can buy quite a lot of new and unique digital collectables which could then be sold to professional collectors for £2,500 or more… often within 24 hours.

A brand new unique digital collectable can cost as little as £10 but could give you thousands of pounds in profit.

That £150 each month could quite easily be turned into several thousands of pounds – possibly tens of thousands of pounds each month – which is more than enough money for the couple to ride out the cost of living crisis, for the woman to start going to the gym again and fund any bad habits her boyfriend insist he cannot give up.

It can all start with a simple £10 purchase.

To discover how, click the link below:

Turn £10 In To £2,500+ Time And Time Again Selling Easy To Buy Collectables…

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… You will discover how easy it really is to turn £10 into £2,500 or more…

  • You don’t need any special skills other than the ability to buy and sell by clicking a few buttons.
  • You don’t need to know anything about these specific new collectables themselves. You don’t need to understand what they are – I don’t think I fully understand – or what they do to be able to make thousands of pounds from flipping.
  • You don’t even have to like them. You only need to be excited about the large profits these collectables can generate for you.
  • Everything you need to know to turn £10 into £2,500 or more is laid bare in one easy to follow manual.

Here’s that link again:

Turn £10 In To £2,500+ Time And Time Again Selling Easy To Buy Collectables…

I’m Sorry To Have To Inform You Of This, But…

I’m sorry to have to inform you of this, but…

It appears that your energy bills are not going to go down…

But there will be a price hike freeze while the government, currently headed by an ex-employee of Shell Oil, hands energy companies billions of pounds that you are going to have to pay for through your taxes over the next ten years or more.

I can’t even use the word ‘bailout’ because unlike the banking collapse of 2008, the energy companies have enjoyed unexpected windfall profits of billions… but instead of helping you out, the government is helping them out.

How does that make you feel?

I’m the first person to say that the world isn’t fair and that people should stop expecting it to be… but even I struggle with what is being proposed.

I’m a business man and I like ‘profits’, but thousands of small businesses are going to be paying for this too. It’s not just workers who will suffer here. Many businesses are being forced to close, many already have.

Everyone but the energy companies are going to suffer.

It kind of feels like the victim of a mugging is being forced to pay the mugger’s fine and court costs… while he still enjoys the £50 he took from their wallet.

You are still paying extortionate costs, but you are now doing it over a longer period of time while they – the government headed by a close friend of the energy companies – normalise higher energy bills.

And the concerning thing is that a lot of people may misunderstand what is really happening here and will praise the government for stepping in and offering up a solution.

Is it a solution? Or are they simply training you to get used to the new prices?

The companies made huge profits on low monthly bills, they upped them and made even more profits, they were going to go up even more but that has now been stopped with a price freeze… meaning what exactly?

The public are now relieved that their bills are not going up any more and will now happily (ish) accept and pay the new levelled off (higher) price.

It reminds me of the old three wristwatch trick where a seller has three different wristwatches laid out on a table…

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One is incredibly cheap and looks it, one is incredibly expensive but looks no more impressive than the third wristwatch which sits between the other two and is also priced between the two.

People don’t realise that the middle wristwatch is actually no more expensive to buy than the cheap one and that the seller has ‘overpriced’ it.

But because it is sat between the other two it seems reasonable priced and the best buy of the three watches.

The seller has set this up on purpose to make the buyer come to the decision that the middle wristwatch is the best option.

The seller may have a handful of the cheap and expensive wristwatches in case any buyers chose them, but he will have a whole bag full of the middle priced wristwatches as he knows that is the one most people will happily pay for.

Most people settle for the middle option.

I’m not saying that this is what is happening here with the energy companies, but it certainly feels it.

The consumer is being forced to accept the newer middle ‘overpriced’ option… and all the while paying the money that has been given to the companies – who have already made huge profits – to keep it set at that middle ‘overpriced’ price.

Something smells a bit fishy here if you ask me.

But what do I know?

I may be wrong…

But I can tell you what I do know and that is if you are like me and not a fan of having to hand over TAX money to the government who then hands it over to companies who are making billions while good decent hard working people struggle…

You need to find a way to make some extra money which will help you out during this hard time WITHOUT giving the government another penny in TAX.

I might just have the perfect solution for you.

It’s called The Perfect Strategy and its creator, Colin Ford, uses it to extract hundreds of TAX FREE pounds out of Betfair each week.

The Perfect Strategy is simple to do, simple to understand and doesn’t require you to sit and monitor Betfair all day.

You only need to trade a few races a day… very often no more than just one or two a day.

If you would like to know more about Colin’s Perfect Strategy which allows him to extract hundreds of TAX FREE pounds a week from Betfair betting on just one or two horses a day… click the link below:

The Perfect Strategy

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… The benefits of the Perfect Strategy are…

  • No prior knowledge needed. Anyone can do it.
  • Only takes a few minutes a day, so doesn’t interfere with whatever else you’re doing
  • Consistent profits every month. No gut wrenching highs and lows.
  • No live video feed required. Live odds on Betfair is all you need.
  • Can be run easily from any PC or laptop.
  • High strike rates of 80%-85% achieved on a regular basis.
  • Start with as little as you like – No minimum bank required.
  • Consistent profits from Day One. Very short learning curve.
  • No handing over TAX to the government who will only give it away to the companies who don’t need it!

Here’s that link again:

The Perfect Strategy

This Obnoxious Woman Made £870,000 In Just Six Hours

I sometimes wonder whether there is any justice in the world. The idea that good things only happen to good people is often questionable.

Take American rapper Bhad Bhabie (Bad Baby with a touch of ‘street’ emphases to make it cool) as a perfect example.

Bhad Bhabie, aka Danielle Bregoli, made a whopping £42.5 million in one year using OnlyFans, according to Forbes.

Bregoli, 19, rose to fame after appearing on an episode of the Dr Phil show, where she was joined by mother Barbara Ann for the ‘I Want to Give Up My Car-Stealing, Knife-Wielding, Twerking 13-Year-Old Daughter Who Tried to Frame Me for a Crime’ segment

That’s right, at the age of 13 Danielle was stealing cars, carrying knives and she tried to frame her mother for a crime she did not commit.  

She was doing all sorts of bad things, many of which were illegal.

A clip from that show went viral, reinventing Bregoli as the ‘Cash Me Ousside Girl’ which became her iconic catchphrase: “Cash me ousside, how bout dah?”

No, I’ve no idea what it means either!

Apparently she shouted out to the audience when they booed her when her antics were revealed.

It might be a young American version of requesting a polite fisticuffs in the car park, probably meaning ‘would you care to take this outside, sir?’

After that clip went viral, Bregoli forged a career as a rapper and created the persona Bhad Bhabie. She is currently signed to Atlantic Records.

She also decided to open up an OnlyFans account.

OnlyFans is a platform which allows people to share content with paying subscribers without having to create their own membership website.

I’ve talked about OnlyFans before, it offers a quick an easy way to start a subscription business without the technical headaches that can come with building your own website.

In 2021, Forbes listed Bregoli number 16 in the top earners on OnlyFans earning an estimated $51 million that year (£44.4 million) with $49 million (£42.5 million) of that from OnlyFans income alone.

For just $24 per month, fans can access lingerie and bathing suits-clad photos of Bregoli – who encourages her subscribers to pay tips to receive more explicit content privately.

It is said that she earned $1 million – roughly £870,000 – in the first six hours of opening her account.

Bregoli has a troubled past and might still be quite an obnoxious person, but everyone deserves a second chance and this might be hers.

It’s not entirely wholesome but hopefully this means that she is no longer stealing cars or carrying dangerous weapons around. She doesn’t need to, now that she is a multi-millionaire.

I’m sorry to say but when it comes to making a lot of money, it’s largely irrelevant whether a person is good or bad…

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Yes, it helps if you don’t care what other people think of you but both good and bad people have that quality.

What matters here is ‘numbers’.

We could argue that ‘popularity’ is important and it is to a degree, but it is the ‘amount’ of people who know of you that counts.

Mass popularity is a result of being seen which is exactly what happened to Bregoli when she appeared on the Dr Phil show.

Because of her mass exposure on television and the fact that she was an ‘unbelievable’ character with a serious attitude problem, people searched for her online and her clip went viral bringing her to the attention of millions of people.

She became a household name and she capitalised on that popularity by firstly becoming a rapper, followed by opening up an OnlyFans account.

Her success has come about from one word: ‘FANS’… and a lot of them.

She has built a large following of fans, often referred to online as a ‘tribe’. Her Bhad Babie YouTube channel has 7.58 million subscribers and her music videos have had millions of views. One video has had 189 million views alone.

Being extremely bad and obnoxious was her springboard. Had she been a good daughter, she wouldn’t have been taken on the Dr Phil show by her mother.

That one specific day was her ‘big break’ in life. It changed the direction of her life for the better.

I’ve talked about it many times before, building a fan base, a tribe, a list of people, call it what you like, is the single most powerful thing a person can do.

Love him or loathe him, Nigel Farage put himself squarely in the public’s eye as often as he could to spread his message which has earned him a nice wage from television interviews and landed him his own radio and television shows.

He built a following and popularity first, then the work and money followed… for this part of his career at least.

You don’t necessarily need to become a celebrity of sorts for this to work; you can quite easily build a following which can lead to making a ton of money by giving away specific information in exchange for a name and email address.

The information that you give away doesn’t need to be your personal message, it can be about a topic that you know a lot about or are interested in.

I recently told you about Michelle Schroeder-Gardner who in the last five years has grossed an average of £628,000 per year helping people to manage their finances as well as teaching others how to start their own profitable blog.

She created two ‘blogging’ courses which she sells from her own blog website that have earned her over £825,000 alone.

She did that without being hauled on television for being obnoxious or trying to become a celebrity or ‘thought leader’ like some do.

She did it by simply sharing helpful and useful information that people needed.

It’s a simple enough process which anyone can do…

  • Build a simple website.
  • Share simple but useful content to draw people to your website.
  • Give away a small report in exchange for an email name.
  • Make money promoting relevant products to the people on your email list.

I cannot guarantee that you will make £870,000 in the first six hours of starting to build an email list, but you can most certainly build a six figure a year freedom business using one website and an email list.

I know this to be true because it is what we do. We make thousands of pounds each and every month sending out emails

If you would like us to show you how to do the same, click the link below:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Writing emails can take as little as five minutes to do yet they can make thousands of pounds a month.

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret

The Sweet Smell Of Success This Is Not!

Recently a friend of mine decided that she would try a different person to do her ‘lashes’ instead of her usual woman.

I’m not sure as to why she wanted to have a change but this new person was recommended to her and so she decided to try him.

This new person was just starting out and so he was working from a room at his home.

The service that he and the other woman provide doesn’t require a lot of room and as people are willing to travel to them, it seems foolish to pay high rents to have a place on the high street.

Working from home means that there is no rent to pay and it also means that there is adequate free parking outside which is often lacking in town centres.

Working from home is ideal for certain industries such as hairdressers, nail technicians and beauticians.


There does need to be a level of professionalism required and that means there needs to be a dedicated work space that is clean and free from clutter… which is not what my friend got when she tried out the new chap.

The experience was not quite as enjoyable as she hoped for or expected.

Firstly the place stank of cigarette smoke.

He, or someone else living at the property, may enjoy smoking, but clients don’t want to be breathing in foul smelling air while they are having ‘beauty work’ done.

The room was a little cramped, the work surfaces were covered in paper and boxes of cigarettes and the dog was running around barking.

Let’s just say that the ‘ambiance’ left a lot to be desired.

My friend didn’t feel relaxed.

She should have been enjoying a ‘pampering’ experience but instead all of her senses were heightened and she felt a little anxious and uncomfortable.

The experience was a lot different from what she normally enjoyed with her usual woman who had a dedicated space which was clean, free from foul smells, and noisy pets.

She too has a dog apparently but it is well behaved and out of the way whenever anyone is in the treatment room.

You might be wondering why I am telling you this…

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Well, if you haven’t guessed by now, my friend has decided to stick with her usual woman and not go back to the new chap.

He was highly recommended for his services, but his environment failed to impress.

The environment plays a big part in the overall customer experience.

The visual, the service and the customer care are all important when it comes to keeping clients and customers happy.

This chap might have been brilliant at what he does, but he failed miserably because he hadn’t delivered on the other aspects of the business.

It’s a shame because there is a lot of money to be made in the beauty industry and if you can do it from your home then that’s even better.

I’ve seen a string of women visit a nail technician at her home not far from me.

She had the garage converted into her workspace and she charges a decent amount of money to simply polish, shape and stick on false nails.

Looking at the amount of women who visit during the day there is a lot of money going through that door each day I can tell you.

It’s safe to assume she didn’t stink of fags and have a dog barking every few minutes.

As I say, there is a lot of money to be made in that industry but the downside is that you have to deal with people and you need to purchase products to use as part of your service.

There are better ways to make money from the comfort of your own home and it doesn’t matter one jot if it smells, is messy and has a noisy animal or two.

I can’t think of anything worse than having a line of people trailing through my house each and every day.

I’d rather make my money doing something which is simple, I can do on my phone or tablet and I can do in any room of the house… that also includes sitting on the throne if you so wish.

If I can take it with me and make money while I am out having a coffee that’s even better.

One way to make money from home or anywhere in the UK is to use the popular System 903.

To work System 903 you only need a smartphone or a tablet, a pen and a piece of paper.

The pen and paper is optional as you could use an app on your phone for keeping notes and making calculations instead.

It’s an incredibly simple system which requires little learning. You just need to be able to add a couple of numbers together and then place bets on Betfair.

Roy, the man who developed System 903 made £47,000 in one year using it, which incidentally, is around £903 a week TAX FREE, hence the name.

To discover how you too could make £47,000 in one year using Roy’s system, click the link below:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Please note; there are only 250 copies of System 903 available and numbers are dwindling. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.

Here’s that link again:

System 903

The Cost-Of-Living Crisis Daily 2% Compound Challenge

I’ve said it before and I will say it again, making money is far easier and more achievable if you have a workable plan to follow.

Plans differ from person to person, business to business and what the desired result is.

As the UK (and other parts of the world) is currently having a cost-of-living crisis leaving a lot of people struggling to pay their bills, I want to help in the best way that I can.

I’m a big believer in the analogy which is often thrown about at times like this:

“If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.”

I understand that it isn’t easy to learn ‘how to fish’ when a person is in a desperate situation where short term solutions are needed fast… but those short term solutions won’t sort out the long term problems.

For that you need to do something and very often the best way to start is to start small.

Desperation has people wanting ‘the big bucks’ fast and they overlook and ignore the smaller simpler methods which can become incredible big winners in the long run.

For example: if you were to start today and decided that you wanted to earn just £10 and that for each and every day after you were going to earn the previous daily amount plus just two percent, at the end of the year you would have £13,764.08.

Day 1 Target: £10

Day 2 Target: £10.20

Day 3 Target: £10.40

Day 4 Target: £10.61

Day 5 Target: £10.82

Day 6 Target: £11.04

Day 7 Target: £11.26

Carry on like that and on day 365 your earning target would be £270.80.

Over the whole year you would have generated £13,764.08.

Okay, depending on what you do to make money, it may get harder as you go along and you will need to either plateau off or possibly change your method of making money.

But at the beginning, it won’t be hard to make just £10 a day and increase that by a few pence each day as you go along.

£10 is a small target but it will grow as you stick to your plan.

£10 today may not help you much.

£10.20 may not help you tomorrow… but in a year’s time £13,764.08 could have a huge impact on your life!

Starting small helps you to build confidence as well as grow your money.

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It’s not going to be easy to follow the daily 2% compound plan with buying and selling items as you will need either more customers each day or keep increasing your prices.

Ideally, you need to do something which has no limit to how much you can make each day, something where you can leverage your money and not have to deal with people or products.

The method of making money that I think is ideal for this is trading the markets.

You decide what your target is for day one and then after that you increase it by just 2% every day.

You may decide that £10 is too little and choose to make £25 on the first day. Whatever you decide, stick with the plan and increase the daily target by 2% each day.

Our friend Kate Davies generates between £750 and £1,725 every month trading the markets.

She started by setting herself a small achievable amount for the day which grew as she earned more money and became more confident in her ability to make money.

Kate has wanted to share her success with others and so she approached us here at Streetwise and asked if we could publish her manual which outlines in great detail everything she does each morning that bags her an extra £750£1,725 each month.

She makes that money in the morning before going to work.

That is £750£1,725 EXTRA money each and every month which is also TAX FREE!

Start small and grow your money with The Daily 2% Compounding Plan using Kate’s trading system.

If you would like Kate to show you everything she does leaving no stone unturned, click the link below:

Kate Davis’ Treadmill Trader

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… This really is one of those ‘teaching a man to fish’ systems. Once you know what to do, you can pull money out of the markets each and every month for years to come.

And remember, it’s TAX FREE!

Here’s that link again:

Kate Davis’ Treadmill Trader

Why Would Anyone Want A £284.80 Teddy Bear?

I happened to see the back page of one of this Sunday’s pull-out magazines and what I saw caught my eye.

On this page was a full page advert for a limited edition Freddie Mercury teddy bear by popular German stuffed toy makers Steiff.

I don’t know much about the company other than they have been around for over 100 years and still hand make their teddies in a factory in Giegen, Germany.

As a direct response marketer and copywriter, I was drawn to the advert to see what they were selling, how the advert was written and presented and the actual price of the product.

I know that a full page advertisement placed in one of those Sunday supplements is not cheap.

This is not the first time for this kind of advert and so I can only assume that they are making money selling these teddy bears.

I can’t imagine that there are many buyers and so for them to be making a decent return on the ad spend; the bear must have been priced quite high.

At closer inspection I found that the price of the bear was £275 with a £9.80 post and handling charge.

That’s a teddy bear costing in total… £284.80!


Okay… now I know that on occasion, a rare teddy bear has sold for quite a lot of money and I know that there are people who buy limited edition bears as investments, but I am not seeing any signs that a newly bought Steiff bear is going to make you much money.

Apparently a Steiff bear made in 1909 was listed at Christie’s Auction House in London with an estimated value between £450 and £695.

A 1990 Alfonzo Steiff bear sold in 2004 for £574.

So it would seem that a teddy bear could possibly double your money, maybe triple it at the most after quite some time.

Let’s just say, I didn’t rush to get my credit card and order my own limited edition Freddie Mercury teddy bear.

Other than buying for an investment – which is not really worth it in my opinion – I don’t understand why anyone would actually want to own a teddy bear resembling a dead singer… no matter how iconic the singer was.

Being a limited edition would help keep the bears value and possibly increase it, but 5,000 is quite a large number.

From what I can see, Steiff generally produce a limited edition number of 2,000 for most bears so this Freddie Mercury bear is not as limited as many others.

As far as I’m concerned, when there are 2,000 or more of the same thing available, its value isn’t going to increase much.

It’s not like it’s the T206 Honus Wagner card which is the most valuable cigarette card ever.

Honus ‘Hans The Flying Dutchman’ Wagner is said to be the greatest baseball player of all time in the United States.

Wagner, a player for the Pittsburgh Pirates, was a non-smoker and he wasn’t at all happy that an American tobacco company had used his photograph on a cigarette card.

He complained and ordered them to stop. They agreed and stopped printing the card. It is believed that only 60 of these cards ever existed.

In 2016, two of these ‘Jumbo’ Wagner cards were sold in the US, one for £2.35 million and the other for £2.62 million.

In 2010, a group of nuns in Baltimore US sold a similar card making them a cool £219,908.

In 2021, another T206 Honus Wagner card sold at auction for a massive £4.6 million. Well, £5.5 million once the auction house added its fees!

That’s what I call a collectable.

Rare and limited edition items are valuable and can be sold on to other people for a lot of money, but ultimately, the price is going to be more when ‘rare’ and ‘limited edition’ actually means just that.

It should mean no more than a handful.

5,000 of the same bear is not that rare and it isn’t much of a limited edition, but if there were 5,000 different bears, each one different to the other, then that would be a different story.

Okay, you may be wondering why I am telling you this.

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There are a couple of reasons really.

Firstly: Anyone who isn’t willing to spend a few hundred pounds on an information product that could teach them how to constantly make large amounts of money for life but is willing to spend £284.80 on a teddy bear, needs to re-evaluate their thinking.

Secondly: Spending £284.80 on a teddy bear which may double in value in ten or twenty years is madness when you could spend £10 buying a completely unique and rare collectable and earn £2,500 or more within 24 hours selling it to someone else.

It’s hard to believe, but there are people who will spend largish amounts of money on something which will give them nothing back in actual value but will not spend money on things which have the potential to make them a lot of money.

A lot of things people buy do nothing more for them than collect dust.

People like to collect and own things and because of that, they are willing to spend a lot of money acquiring them.

It’s even better if the thing they want to collect is unique and can also make them money when they time is right for them to sell it on.

And that is something you can do right now.

You can buy brand new unique collectables for as little as £10 each and sell them on for £2,500 or more often within 24 hours.

Click the link below to discover how:

Turn £10 In To £2,500+ Time And Time Again Selling Easy To Buy Collectables…

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… You will discover how easy it really is to turn £10 into £2,500 or more…

  • You don’t need any special skills other than the ability to buy and sell by clicking a few buttons.
  • You don’t need to know anything about these specific new collectables themselves. You don’t need to understand what they are – I don’t think I fully understand – or what they do to be able to make thousands of pounds from flipping.
  • You don’t even have to like them. You only need to be excited about the large profits these collectables can generate for you.
  • Everything you need to know to turn £10 into £2,500 or more is laid bare in one easy to follow manual.

Here’s that link again:

Turn £10 In To £2,500+ Time And Time Again Selling Easy To Buy Collectables…

Probably The Worst Ever Money Saving Advice Is…?

I’ve heard some interesting financial advice over the years, but yesterday was full of advice which had me wondering if I had woken up in a sit-com.

Firstly, the online side of The Sun newspaper was sharing money saving tips to help people during this current cost of living crisis.

Offering up advice which helps people during a crisis is never a bad thing, but the advice which was being offered isn’t going to help those who need to find an extra £200-£300 a month.

Take this great piece of advice….

The Sun is suggesting that you turn down your washing machine and do only 30 degree washes as this will save you a bill busting £12 a year!

One word… WOW!

Or should that be…

One word… USELESS!

The next piece of advice was to boil your kettle just once a day. I think that is what they are saying here…

If I understand it right, if you boil the kettle only once a day, you save a massive £15 a year! They say that boiling the kettle just once a day will cost you 8 pence which over a year will cost you £29.20.

I’m not sure where the £15 saving is coming from. If a person boils the kettle twice during the day and then drops down to only once a day, shouldn’t they save £29.20?

Unless they are using off-peak hours to calculate the saving but I don’t know many people who get up at 3 AM just to have a cheap brew.

Those like our techy guy Andi who drink bucket loads of tea each day, using the kettle just once a day would probably save them several thousand pounds.

But they’ll probably be miserable buggers.

Struggling to pay the bills is bad enough, but not being able to regularly enjoy a coffee or a tea during this tough time is simply going to make you more miserable.

Drinking cold water straight from the tap is fine, we need water and it’s cheap, but I don’t fancy doing it all day every day. Do you?

Thanks to The Sun, people can save £12 a year by doing a cooler wash and they can save £15 a year by using the kettle less.

So that is a grand total of £27.

That is really going to keep the wolf from the door, isn’t it?

Maybe I am being a bit harsh here, when you combine all of those savings together as seen in the picture above, you can probably save a few hundred pounds a year… but it’s not going to touch anything when your actual bills have trebled or even increased fivefold a month.

The last piece of advice that made me question my sanity was to buy a new kettle to save £10 a year on your electricity costs. I suppose if you use that new kettle only once a day then you’ll be rolling in money!

Or at least £25 better off.

Okay, there are people debating whether Boris Johnson (the British Prime Minister) actually meant that as a real suggestion or was using it as an analogy for people to make smarter decisions which lead to savings.

Maybe he could have said it better. There is a logic to it.

One guy worked out that his big American style fridge was costing £800 a year to run and so he intends to sell it and replace it with a small fridge which will cost far less.

When times are hard and your income is stretched to the maximum, trying to cut back and save money on things that you don’t need to use or need to do is a good way to help… but it’s not the only way… or even the best way.

If washing your clothes at 30 degrees Celsius is going to save you just £12 a year and using your kettle less is only going to save you £15, wouldn’t it be better to actually find a way to make more money instead?

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I think so yes, even if at the very least you earn enough to allow you to enjoy more than one hot brew a day.

Time and money may be a factor for many people, but there are ways to make money which don’t require a lot of hard work or upfront financial outlay.

Success at doing something requires doing the right things at the right time and more importantly… doing it consistently. That means that you need to use a system or follow a strategy.

When you use a system or follow a strategy consistently you will make money.

You can’t do something now and then and expect to make decent money. You need to be consistent in your approach.

Fortunately, being consistent only means doing what is needed to be done which, depending on which system or strategy you use, could be as little as a half an hour’s work each day.

It doesn’t mean having to work a gruelling ten hour shift every day.

Systems and strategies vary but whichever you use, you need to use it consistently to get the best from it.

£5 today… £7 tomorrow… nothing on Sunday… £3 on Monday… £10 on Tuesday… may not sound like a lot of money, but those daily dribs and drabs add up to a lot more than the yearly savings that The Sun were offering up yesterday.

Never underestimate those small daily dribs and drabs.

Start small if you need to then grow those small amounts into larger daily earnings.

That is what John Lee did with his horse racing strategy.

Betting only on the races which qualified and compounding the winnings, John is now able to milk thousands of pounds each month from Betfair.

John uses the same system he developed 45 years ago, the same system that had him banned by several bookies for winning too much too often.

Fortunately times have changed and thanks to changes in how people gamble online, John is now able to make thousands in TAX FREE  money each month without fear of being banned or shut down.

He has been using this system for 45 years, and now it’s time to share it with people at a time they most need it.

To learn more about John and his system, click the link below.

The Rainbow System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… As I write this, today’s qualifying race (14:35 Ascot – horse City Of Kings – odds at time or research 1.86) has just won.

A £5 stake would have won £4.30.

A £10 stake would have won £8.60.

A £20 stake would have won £17:20…more than enough to pay for a few hot coffees!

Making small daily amounts which add up to several hundred pounds or more… is going to be a lot better than saving £15 a year only using your kettle once!

Here’s that link again:

The Rainbow System

The Simple YouTube Videos Generating Thousands Of Pounds In Passive Income

I’m sure you heard that the last Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, died this week at the grand old age of 91.

Since the announcement of his death, an advert from 1998 for Pizza Hut featuring Gorbachev resurfaced and went viral.

This reminded me of something that I had read recently where people were making a decent amount of money on YouTube uploading old television adverts like the Pizza Hut one featuring Gorbachev.

In a previous article I mentioned how one woman was making a small fortune from buying up old magazines and reusing the old content inside as blog posts and articles on websites.

She was making a small fortune from buying those magazines from carboot markets and charity shops.

Apparently, there are people who are doing something similar by buying old video tapes from carboot markets and charity shops.

They search the markets buying up old video tapes – not official releases but those which people have recorded shows and films off the television – and they then trawl through them to find old television adverts.

The adverts are converted to digital media and then uploaded to YouTube.

Why? You might ask.

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Well, people love nostalgia and many search for old television adverts that they loved when they were children. They are often fun talking points. People still sing the songs from old adverts or quote lines from adverts which they haven’t seen in years.

People love to watch old adverts.

Unlike old films which can often still be copyrighted and sold, adverts are not.

Take the film Grease for example, it was originally released in 1978 yet today it is still being sold. To buy or rent it on Amazon Prime you are looking at paying around £5 and so the owners would not want people uploading the whole film to YouTube for others to watch for free.

Adverts and old news clips are different.

They aren’t sold like films, they are created to sell products and services and so there is no real commercial loss. In fact, for some companies, there may be an indirect financial gain.

After seeing the Pizza Hut advert with Mikhail Gorbachev, I got an urge to eat pizza and so I imagine other people were the same and that some of them took themselves off to The Hut for their lunch.

Money is generated by being part of the YouTube partner program where you earn money anytime an advert is watched. Many adverts get watched thousands of times.

Adverts are shown on and around your uploads. When those adverts are shown and clicked on, you earn money.

As I write this, the Gorbachev Pizza Hut video has been watched over 2.6 million times!

If the owner of that specific upload is in the YouTube Partner Program and earned just 1 pence per view, he would have earned over £26,000!

The classic 80s ‘We hope it’s chips it’s chips’ advert for Birds Eye Steakhouse Grills has been seen 128,346 times as I write this.

You can upload the adverts as is, or you can do reviews of the adverts or compile several together. Giving your uploads a different spin to the other uploads will set you apart.

I’m not saying that you will become incredibly wealthy doing this, but you could make a decent semi-passive income by uploading these old clips online and make money whenever they are watched.

As well as YouTube, the adverts can be uploaded to other platforms such as Twitch and TikTok.

It’s possible that some companies may not want their old adverts showing and you may be asked to remove them. Remove them; it’s easy enough to do.

No one’s going to get into any major trouble sharing old adverts unless they were incredibly defamatory about the company itself.

A simple ‘cease and desist’ notice is the most you are going to get as law suits are costly. As long as you comply you will be fine.

If you fail to take down any old clips you have been asked to remove, it is likely YouTube would be informed and your account closed down, that’s the worst thing that will happen. But I doubt that it would come to that.

It’s a simple idea, and easy to execute. You will need a video player and a decent source of videos to find those classic adverts other people haven’t yet uploaded.

I’m not sure how many ‘personal’ videos are available to buy these days though. I imagine most people throw them in the bin and don’t consider selling them. But there maybe a few gems out there at carboot markets or even house clearance shops.

If that sounds like too much work and you would rather make money that doesn’t require you to trawl through carboot markets, charity shops and watch hours of video, then you may want to try The Perfect Strategy.

Using The Perfect Strategy Colin Ford extracts hundreds of TAX FREE pounds out of Betfair each week.

The Perfect Strategy is simple to do, simple to understand and doesn’t require you to sit and monitor Betfair all day.

You only need to trade a few races a day… very often no more than just one or two a day.

If you would like to know more about Colin’s Perfect Strategy which allows him to extract hundreds of TAX FREE pounds a week from Betfair betting on just one or two horses a day… click the link below:

The Perfect Strategy

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… The benefits of the Perfect Strategy are…

  • No prior knowledge needed. Anyone can do it.
  • Only takes a few minutes a day, so doesn’t interfere with whatever else you’re doing
  • Consistent profits every month. No gut wrenching highs and lows.
  • No live video feed required. Live odds on Betfair is all you need.
  • Can be run easily from any PC or laptop.
  • High strike rates of 80%-85% achieved on a regular basis.
  • Start with as little as you like – No minimum bank required.
  • Consistent profits from Day One. Very short learning curve.

Here’s that link again:

The Perfect Strategy

Don’t Let FOMO Make You Miss Out On The Life You Deserve!

I was saddened to see my bins being emptied this week by a guy who I recognised. He had previously came to look at the Ferrari I had several years ago when he was ten years old.

He was a big fan of Ferraris and he said to me “I want one of these one day”. Wanting to encourage him to go and get what he wanted in life, I gave him some advice.

I told him that if he worked hard at school (along with a few other pieces of vital life advice) that it was possible that he could have his own Ferrari when he was older.

He listen intently, even appeared to nod sagely as I shared my worldly wisdom.

Unfortunately, it would seem that as he grew older he either chose to ignore or he had forgotten that advice and fell into the trap of working for a living and spending his hard earned money on wine, women and song.

I might be wrong; it might all be part of his master plan.

Perhaps he did listen to my advice and is busy building up a pot of seed money to start his empire. One can only hope.

Either way, the story isn’t as profound as one that Tony Robbins would share… but then again, I doubt he would share how many times his advice has been ignored.

The moral of the story is… ignore the advice from the person who has the thing you want at your peril.

He wanted a Ferrari, I had a Ferrari, and I told him how to go about acquiring one. I don’t believe he followed my advice.

The boy was ten at the time and so I imagine that a lot of what I said was soon forgotten. Children are easily distracted by all things shiny, flashy and exciting.

That’s fine, that’s what children do. It’s quite natural. They are too busy enjoying a life without responsibilities.

The problem is when children don’t grow out of that behaviour and turn into adults who are still easily distracted by all things shiny, flashy and exciting.

There’s nothing wrong with getting excited and liking new and flashy things, its human nature. Humans are pleasure seekers and without seeking pleasure and excitement, we as a species may never have evolved into who we are.


It’s a problem when people are unable to control those impulses which have them flitting from one exciting new thing to another.

In the film Star Wars, the Jedi Master Yoda told Luke Skywalker in an attempt to inform him of the seriousness of the journey and the importance of his study:

“Adventure. Excitement. A Jedi craves not these things.”

People who struggle to focus on the one thing they need to do and end up going to the pub with friends, trawling through YouTube watching entertaining but pointless videos or doing anything other than the thing they should be doing… are going to struggle to achieve the things they really want and need.

Chasing after the exciting shiny new object is a recipe for failure.

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There will always be a shiny new object to replace the last shiny new object which quickly replaced the previous shiny new object.

Shiny new objects grab people’s attentions and they distract them from doing what they need to do.

It can be incredibly destructive to success.

You can be working towards a goal and just when you are within reaching distance of it, you stop and go and do something else instead.

That something else may be temporarily chasing gratification and excitement which leads to the slowing down of reaching the goal or even completely forgetting to go back to what you were originally doing.

Or worse, it could be to completely stop what you are doing and start something new putting you back to the beginning at square one.

Either way, it prevents you from achieving the results you want now.

People are terrible for the fear of missing out on something fun or new. It has become a widely used term lately; FOMO.

The fear of missing out and the inability to stop yourself being distracted are preventing people from become the successes they could and should be.

Fun, entertainment, comfort and ease seduce people away from the work required to achieve a goal.

And the truth is… there is no fun, entertainment, comfort or ease in being poor and unsuccessful when you could and should have been both.

Fun, entertainment, comfort and ease will soon be replaced with feelings of regret and depression when you realise what you actually missed out on when you weren’t missing out on things.

Missing out on a few things in life can be very good for you and can result in you enjoying more of the really important things in life.

Okay, I am not saying that you should not do anything fun and that you need to miss out, what I am saying is that you there should be a balance and an understanding as to what you can actually miss out on if you are constantly being distracted by those fun and exciting shiny new objects or events.

Two hours of solid distraction free work will always out trump six or even eight hours of disrupted work.

The more undisrupted work you do, the more your efforts will be amplified and the better your life will become.

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… I’d like to remind you that my book Why Didn’t They Tell Me – 99 Shameless Success Secrets You Won’t Learn At Eton Harrow Or Even The Classiest Comprehensive is still available but please know, stocks are depleting fast.

As the title suggests, it reveals 99 success secrets which the general public are unaware of.

  • They don’t teach any of this in schools…no matter how much you pay to go there… 
  • They don’t teach it in college or University either… 
  • In fact they don’t teach these secrets and shortcuts anywhere.
  • But you’ll find them all in this book.

Give yourself and your children an unfair advantage by arming yourselves with these secrets which are not taught in schools, colleges or Universities. To learn more go here:


Is This The End To The Good Old British Pub?

The BBC website reported that many pubs here in Britain could soon be forced to close due to the rising costs of energy.

One pub in Great Chesterford, Essex, has seen its £13,000 per year gas and electricity bill increase to £35,000 per year. The owner said that he needs to earn £1,800 a week extra to cover the costs.

To make the extra money, they will need more people to come in and to buy more food and drink, but that won’t be an easy task with food and drink prices increasing and the number of people visiting pubs falling as they too try and save money to pay for their own increasing bills.

One pub owner said that as well as electricity and gas bills growing, cooking oil had trebled in price and food costs were “massively starting to climb”.

At the start of 2022, inflation was eating into pub’s profits, now they have to deal with rising energy costs, rising costs to food and drink and falling numbers of customers.

The boss of Admiral Taverns, Chris Jowsey, who have a chain of 1,600 pubs said that his tenanted pubs now pay more in energy bills than they do in rent.

One of his tenants wrote to him saying that after 20 years as a pub landlord, he was leaving due to his electricity bill going up 450% – an increase so large he couldn’t pass it on to his customers.

In a previous email, I mentioned the Chinese takeaway in Aberdeen that stated that if they tried to pass on the rising costs to their declining numbers of customers, a chicken curry would be roughly £28… I dread to think how much a pint would cost at the end of the year.

Their energy costs had increased from £4,000 per quarter to £14,000.

We are currently living in a time which is both interesting and concerning. I’m not sure what to make of it all really.

I’ve heard rumours that Putin has reduced the supply of gas to Europe which can’t be good.

However, I have seen that sales of solar panels have increased due to the increases in energy prices. People are trying to become a little more self-sufficient and reliant, which is not a bad move.

So the news is up and down… but that is nothing new.

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Every generation has experienced moments of doom and gloom, they have also experienced moments of growth and good times.

Let’s just hope that the next episode of growth and good times is not too far around the corner, because… let’s face it… it’s been a strange old couple of years and we are certainly ready for some good times.

But until those good times return, you need to ensure that you can comfortably ride out these tough times.

And the best way to do that is to make some extra money to help pay those increasing costs.

The price increases are not your fault, but paying them as best as you can is your responsibility.

Unfortunately I cannot see the government helping you to pay them. They certainly are not putting a stop to the increases which means that you have no other option but to pay them.

Fortunately, there are several ways to make money which are TAX FREE – let’s not give any more money to a government which won’t help – and easy to do… as long as you use the right system or strategy.

Our friend Colin Ford extracts hundreds of TAX FREE pounds out of Betfair each week using what he calls ‘The Perfect Strategy’.

The Perfect Strategy is simple to do, simple to understand and doesn’t require you to sit and monitor Betfair all day.

You only need to trade a few races a day… very often no more than just one or two a day.

If you would like to know more about Colin’s Perfect Strategy which allows him to extract hundreds of TAX FREE pounds a week from Betfair betting on just one or two horses a day… click the link below:

The Perfect Strategy

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Even if you make a modest £20 a day doing this, that is £140 a week, £520 a month… that is surely going to be a big help for most people. This strategy can deliver a lot more!

Here’s that link again:

The Perfect Strategy