It never ceases to amaze me what you hear when you are in a close proximity to other people.
Only the other day in a coffee shop I overheard two young women discussing the current cost of living crisis with one of them saying how much she was concerned that her and her boyfriend might not be able to afford their energy bills.
Please know that I don’t purposely sit and eavesdrop other people’s conversations, it’s just that some people talk loudly and something catches my attention.
What caught my attention with this conversation was that one woman asked if the other was still going to the gym to which her reply was to tell her that she had stopped to hold onto some money in case it was needed the following month.
She was living in a rented house with pre-paid metres and she wasn’t sure how the energy price increases would affect her. She knew what £20 would pay for today, but not next month.
For all that she knew, £20 could probably pay for just one day, she had no way of knowing and the last thing she needed was the gas and electric to suddenly cut out late evening or early morning.
As part of her money management, she stopped going to the gym.
The next part of the conversation bowled me over.
Apparently, her boyfriend was still spending £150 a month on ‘weed’ even though she was stressing that they wouldn’t be able to afford the gas and electricity needed to live.
To me, this was cause for a big talk and if nothing was resolved, maybe a parting of the ways.
Smoking weed was apparently important because he needed it for his ‘mental wellbeing’! Apparently he suffered with stress and anxiety.
Not being able to afford gas and electricity is stressful.
Not being able to cook food, make a warm drink, wash pots or clothes and enjoy a warm house or shower is stressful.
Knowing that you are struggling financially while your partner wastes £150 a month on weed to ease stress and anxiety is stressful.
Every day after work he would go outside and have a ‘smoke’ while his girlfriend cooked the evening meal.
Not only does she work long hours herself, she was expected to do all of the cooking.
On top of that, she would get it in the neck if she failed to tell him when the food would be ready as he liked to go out and smoke his weed ten minutes before sitting down to eat.
I can’t help but think that this woman’s anxiety levels must be going through the roof. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was struggling to sleep due to not knowing what the next month may bring.
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The stress and anxiety she was feeling was compounded by her boyfriend’s lack of help and willingness to sacrifice his weed.
Maybe the weed does help him and is doing him some good mentally, I don’t know. But I do know that it isn’t doing his finances or his relationship any good.
In my humble opinion, her boyfriend doesn’t give a ‘stuff’ about her stress levels or anxiety… I’m not sure he gives a ‘stuff’ about her full stop.
It is clear that he doesn’t want to help and that he is using ‘stress and anxiety’ as an excuse because he isn’t even considering that she could be stressed or anxious about life.
He is simply adding to it… and it appears that he doesn’t care.
If I was actually involved in the conversation and not just a casual observer I would have told her to either kick him out or move out herself.
Not that would be easy considering the current cost of living issues and that they need both wages to survive.
It’s likely she is going to be trapped in that cycle of struggle to afford to pay the bills and him wasting much needed money on drugs.
I’m not going to say too much about their relationship or what I think she should do because in all honesty, I don’t know too much about it all. I’ve only heard a few minutes of a conversation.
But what I did hear was enough to question it from the outside looking in.
Now is not the time to be wasting money when you need it most.
£150 a month is £1,800 over a whole year.
That’s a lot of money to simply burn.
Instead of burning money and watching it go up in smoke, now is the time to be using it more positively.
You could do a lot with £1,800 over a year. You could make tens of thousands of pounds, possibly more over a year using just £150 per month.
With £150, a person can buy quite a lot of new and unique digital collectables which could then be sold to professional collectors for £2,500 or more… often within 24 hours.
A brand new unique digital collectable can cost as little as £10 but could give you thousands of pounds in profit.
That £150 each month could quite easily be turned into several thousands of pounds – possibly tens of thousands of pounds each month – which is more than enough money for the couple to ride out the cost of living crisis, for the woman to start going to the gym again and fund any bad habits her boyfriend insist he cannot give up.
It can all start with a simple £10 purchase.
To discover how, click the link below:
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Kind regards
John Harrison
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