When you have large bills to pay, any extra money is a godsend.
The biggest problem is that when you have bills to pay now, you want the money now which is why most people want to make hundreds or thousands of pounds in as little time as possible.
I get it, no one likes the pain of being unable to pay their bills.
There are ways to make a lot of money fast, but they generally require money to either be leveraged or to buy tools, services or training to learn a specific skill set.
They also require you to spend some time learning relevant skills.
For most people it’s often far easier to earn £5 or £10 a day than it is to go out and make £500.
You don’t need to do a lot or offer much to make £5 or £10. Plus it isn’t a lot of money and most people can afford to pay it.
The problem is that most people don’t want to make just £5 or £10, they want hundreds or even thousands and so they don’t chase it.
But here are two reasons why you should try and make a small amount of money like £5 or £10 each day if you really need money:
- That money will eventually grow into a bigger amount. £5 a day over a year will give you £1,825. £10 over a year will give you £3,650.
- There are always bill to pay and one day in the future when you have a big bill that needs paying, that £1,825 or £3,650 (or more) would be a life saver.
People forget that and they overlook how powerful regular small amounts of money can become when you consistently work at making them.
Yes, that money won’t help you today, but that is no reason why you shouldn’t focus your attention on making small amounts right now.
Small amounts build into bigger amounts if you allow it and those bigger amounts can then also be used to make even bigger amounts of money.
For example; let’s say that you offer a simple service where people pay you £10 to proofread articles or reports they write before publishing them online (this is a real in-demand service by the way).
When you have done ten jobs at £10, you now have £100.
With that £100, you could buy 50 items at £2 each which you intend to sell for £5 each.
£1 of that covers any fees for selling them online using eBay or one of the other online selling platforms. The other £2 is profit.
That £100 now becomes £200.
You can buy another 50 items to sell to make a further £100, have £100 in your pocket, AND you could still carry on proofreading earning £10 per job.
This is called time and money management.
You could say it would be better to call it task and money management as you change tasks as you earn more money which eventually frees up more time.
Whether you decide to use the money for other things when it reaches a certain figure like £100 is up to you, the point I want you to consider is that sometimes making only £5 a day is far better than nothing which is what most people would rather do when they realise that they can’t make £100 or more a day.
£5 a day would give you £100 in 20 days and that isn’t bad when you are short of funds.
Here are 10 possible ways to make £5 or £10 a day without busting a gut. (or £35 to £70 a week)
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- Write articles for people online via sites such as Fiverr.com and UpWork.com
- Proofreading content for people before it is published also via sites like Fiverr.com.
- Buy items from carboot markets and charity shops to ‘flip’ online for a profit using eBay or other online selling platforms.
- Transcription service. Transcribe audio recordings for people using websites like Fiver.com and UpWork.com.
- Small local collection and delivery service for people short on time or unable to do it themselves.
- Research. People will pay others to research a variety of topics for them. Some people pay others to compile a list of business contact emails that they can reach out to for business purposes.
- Dog walking and animal/house sitting.
- Bob-a-job stuff like grass cutting, cleaning windows, cleaning cars, tip runs, gardening and ironing etc.
- Teaching, Tuition and Training. Whatever it is that you know or can do, you could always teach other people both offline and online. Maths, exercise, yoga, English, writing, personal trainer, guitar, or drums, you could charge people to learn from you.
- Trade horse racing using Betfair.
The above can be a daily earning of £5 or £10 or a weekly equivalent. So for example; you could do one thing each day for £5, or have one class a week of seven people all paying you £5 or do something where two people pay you £35 for your services.
You get the idea?
As long as you are making the equivalent to £5 or £10 a day, it doesn’t really matter what you do.
Obviously, all of the above are not without effort. You will need to do something in order to get paid. But some of the ideas listed are easier than others.
Cutting grass isn’t difficult, but you need to be physically capable, have a vehicle to get to places and also have access to a lawnmower. Plus, cutting grass is a seasonal job and only needs doing every couple of weeks.
Compare that to writing for website owners. You can sit at home on your sofa and write for people all year round. It is a far easier way to make money… if you are good at and enjoy writing that is.
Writing still requires effort and depending on what you are asked to write, you will need to do some research too.
One of the simplest ways to make £5, £10, £15, £20 or more a day is trading horse racing. It requires you to do nothing other than place bets using the Betfair website or phone app.
This can be done from anywhere, requires no specific skills other than being able to place a bet and maybe do a little bit of research depending on which system you decide to use.
Research is simple enough, you are not researching quantum physics and the effects it has on the physical world, you are simply figuring out which horse has the best chance of winning over the others… or which one has the greater chance of odds movement.
Streetwise friend Colin Ford uses what he calls ‘The Perfect Strategy’ because he makes money betting on specific horses whether they win or not.
He uses his money to make money.
There is no going anywhere specific to do anything.
There’s no need to do anything specific for other people.
There is nothing to buy or sell.
There is no getting the word out and having to talk and deal with people.
He simply makes money from the comfort of his home using his Perfect Strategy.
If you would like to know more about Colin’s Perfect Strategy which allows him to extract hundreds of TAX FREE pounds a week from Betfair betting on just one or two horses a day… click the link below:
The Perfect Strategy
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Colin only trades one or two horses a day. There’s no need to sit at your computer or phone all day.
Here’s that link again: