Tag Archives: Business Ideas

The Ideal Solution To The Cost Of Living Crisis Could Be ‘The Perfect Strategy’

When you have large bills to pay, any extra money is a godsend.

The biggest problem is that when you have bills to pay now, you want the money now which is why most people want to make hundreds or thousands of pounds in as little time as possible.

I get it, no one likes the pain of being unable to pay their bills.

There are ways to make a lot of money fast, but they generally require money to either be leveraged or to buy tools, services or training to learn a specific skill set.

They also require you to spend some time learning relevant skills.

For most people it’s often far easier to earn £5 or £10 a day than it is to go out and make £500.

You don’t need to do a lot or offer much to make £5 or £10. Plus it isn’t a lot of money and most people can afford to pay it.

The problem is that most people don’t want to make just £5 or £10, they want hundreds or even thousands and so they don’t chase it.

But here are two reasons why you should try and make a small amount of money like £5 or £10 each day if you really need money:

  1. That money will eventually grow into a bigger amount. £5 a day over a year will give you £1,825. £10 over a year will give you £3,650.
  2. There are always bill to pay and one day in the future when you have a big bill that needs paying, that £1,825 or £3,650 (or more) would be a life saver.

People forget that and they overlook how powerful regular small amounts of money can become when you consistently work at making them.

Yes, that money won’t help you today, but that is no reason why you shouldn’t focus your attention on making small amounts right now.

Small amounts build into bigger amounts if you allow it and those bigger amounts can then also be used to make even bigger amounts of money.

For example; let’s say that you offer a simple service where people pay you £10 to proofread articles or reports they write before publishing them online (this is a real in-demand service by the way).

When you have done ten jobs at £10, you now have £100.

With that £100, you could buy 50 items at £2 each which you intend to sell for £5 each.

£1 of that covers any fees for selling them online using eBay or one of the other online selling platforms. The other £2 is profit.

That £100 now becomes £200.

You can buy another 50 items to sell to make a further £100, have £100 in your pocket, AND you could still carry on proofreading earning £10 per job.

This is called time and money management.

You could say it would be better to call it task and money management as you change tasks as you earn more money which eventually frees up more time.

Whether you decide to use the money for other things when it reaches a certain figure like £100 is up to you, the point I want you to consider is that sometimes making only £5 a day is far better than nothing which is what most people would rather do when they realise that they can’t make £100 or more a day.

£5 a day would give you £100 in 20 days and that isn’t bad when you are short of funds.

Here are 10 possible ways to make £5 or £10 a day without busting a gut. (or £35 to £70 a week)

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  1. Write articles for people online via sites such as Fiverr.com and UpWork.com
  2. Proofreading content for people before it is published also via sites like Fiverr.com.
  3. Buy items from carboot markets and charity shops to ‘flip’ online for a profit using eBay or other online selling platforms.
  4. Transcription service. Transcribe audio recordings for people using websites like Fiver.com and UpWork.com.
  5. Small local collection and delivery service for people short on time or unable to do it themselves.
  6. Research. People will pay others to research a variety of topics for them. Some people pay others to compile a list of business contact emails that they can reach out to for business purposes.
  7. Dog walking and animal/house sitting.
  8. Bob-a-job stuff like grass cutting, cleaning windows, cleaning cars, tip runs, gardening and ironing etc.
  9. Teaching, Tuition and Training. Whatever it is that you know or can do, you could always teach other people both offline and online. Maths, exercise, yoga, English, writing, personal trainer, guitar, or drums, you could charge people to learn from you.
  10. Trade horse racing using Betfair.

The above can be a daily earning of £5 or £10 or a weekly equivalent. So for example; you could do one thing each day for £5, or have one class a week of seven people all paying you £5 or do something where two people pay you £35 for your services.

You get the idea?

As long as you are making the equivalent to £5 or £10 a day, it doesn’t really matter what you do.

Obviously, all of the above are not without effort. You will need to do something in order to get paid. But some of the ideas listed are easier than others.

Cutting grass isn’t difficult, but you need to be physically capable, have a vehicle to get to places and also have access to a lawnmower. Plus, cutting grass is a seasonal job and only needs doing every couple of weeks.

Compare that to writing for website owners. You can sit at home on your sofa and write for people all year round. It is a far easier way to make money… if you are good at and enjoy writing that is.

Writing still requires effort and depending on what you are asked to write, you will need to do some research too.

One of the simplest ways to make £5, £10, £15, £20 or more a day is trading horse racing. It requires you to do nothing other than place bets using the Betfair website or phone app.

This can be done from anywhere, requires no specific skills other than being able to place a bet and maybe do a little bit of research depending on which system you decide to use.

Research is simple enough, you are not researching quantum physics and the effects it has on the physical world, you are simply figuring out which horse has the best chance of winning over the others… or which one has the greater chance of odds movement.

Streetwise friend Colin Ford uses what he calls ‘The Perfect Strategy’ because he makes money betting on specific horses whether they win or not.

He uses his money to make money.

There is no going anywhere specific to do anything.

There’s no need to do anything specific for other people.

There is nothing to buy or sell.

There is no getting the word out and having to talk and deal with people.

He simply makes money from the comfort of his home using his Perfect Strategy.

If you would like to know more about Colin’s Perfect Strategy which allows him to extract hundreds of TAX FREE pounds a week from Betfair betting on just one or two horses a day… click the link below:

The Perfect Strategy

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Colin only trades one or two horses a day. There’s no need to sit at your computer or phone all day.

Here’s that link again:

The Perfect Strategy

CONFIRMED: You’ve Gained Access To…

‘CONFIRMED: You’ve gained access to our HOTTEST deals’ was the title of the email from Woucher.

It’s an interesting email title, especially when checking emails on a smartphone because all you can see is…

‘CONFIRMED: You’ve gained access to…’ which creates quite a bit of curiosity.

Curiosity forces people to open emails to see what they are about.

People are curious in nature, plus they hate to miss out and so if they believe that there is something good happening, they want to find out what it is.

Occasionally I write email titles with curiosity in mind to see if I can get people to open them, but I do hold back considerably compared to some email marketers.

There’s a line between using curiosity to get people to open emails and deceiving them’ that I won’t cross.

Sadly, some people don’t have an issue with deceiving people.

The Nigerian prince who promises to share millions of pounds with the person willing to send him the £1,000 needed to release it from customs… springs to mind here.

But then again, the Nigerian Prince isn’t just trying to get you to open the email; they are simply trying to scam you of your money using your desire for money against you.

They aren’t email marketers, they are scammers and fraudsters.

The love scammers are the same.

They work hard on identifying vulnerable people and then use emotion to dupe them into sending them money so that they can fly out ‘to be with them’ and then never turn up.

They are using your desire to be loved and the fear of being lonely against you.

Both emotion and curiosity are incredibly powerful drivers as you can see. Some people have handed over tens of thousands of pounds to scammers to avoid being lonely or to become super wealthy.

A lot of these scams have been done online and mostly through email.

Email gets a bad reputation because of people like these scammers, which is a shame because email is a fantastic way to legitimately make money.

Email connects you with people in a way that social media has still to compete with.

People love to spend hours on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, but email still has the best record for making sales.

Email is the original social media and what’s even better is that you own and control it better.

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can de-platform you and close your account down without warning, with email it is unlikely to happen unless you are running the Nigerian Prince scam.

The reason scammers love to use email is that it is more personal than social media and because… it works!

It is through the use of email that I and many thousands of other people make a lot of money each and every month.

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I’ve already mentioned Woucher; it was their email title which motivated this email. Woucher are a huge company and like most companies, they too use email to promote their offers because… email works.

People generally check their emails at least 12 times each day.

And now that we have smartphones, we receive notifications when emails land in our inboxes which means that we can get people’s attention a lot easier than before.

Beep Beep! Checks phone… Email received: CONFIRMED: You’ve gained access to… ‘Ohhhhhh, what have I gained access to? I better take a look at that!’

Email is the online equivalent of receiving a letter.

A message on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter is seen as an intrusion to a person’s privacy if they come from someone out of the blue. Messages sent over social media is considered by many as spam and a possible scam.

With email, people are more likely to see them as digital letters… although people are a little more aware these days, and rightly so.

You do need to be careful because there are still plenty of ‘wealthy princes and hunky but lonely men looking for love’ who may try and reach out to you.

Email is a numbers game because you can spend a few minutes writing an email, which you send to several thousand people and when a handful of people buy a product you promote, you can earn a day’s wagea week’s wageeven a month’s wage, from that one email.

An email business can be managed from virtually anywhere in the world. North Korea may not be the easiest place to run one from, but I doubt you would be going there for your holiday anyway.

You can write and send emails from your hotel room or balcony using nothing more than a tablet and make money.

Making money while on holiday is one of the best feelings a person can have, I can assure you.

If you would like to discover how to make money when on holiday sending emails which can take just a few minutes to write, click the link below:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS Sign up for The Email Secret today and you will get these incredible free bonuses worth £226:95

How To Create Your Own Profitable Product In 7 Days Or Less where you will learn how to quickly create products of your own to sell.

The Email Secret Template Package. 4 page templates – built to look great on tablets and smartphones as well as computers – to help you set up your email freedom business fast.

PPS You have life time access to the training videos as well as email access to Andi, our email ‘guru’ who will answer any technical questions you may have.

PPPS If there was ever the perfect time to learn how to do this, it’s now. Download your copy today.

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret

Why Does A Self Storage Unit Have A Free Gym?

We live in a changing world, that’s for sure.

Back in the 80s, a self storage unit was basically a ‘lock up’ where you rented a garage or small unused workspace.

Often they were in old disused factories, warehouse and in railway arches under train lines.

Today storage units come with kitchens and gyms.

I kid you not… more on that shortly.

Self storage is big business today with around 2,050 self storage facilities across the UK offering a total of 52 million square feet of storage space. That is the equivalent to roughly 61 Buckingham Palace’s.

In 2016 the UK had the greatest number of new storage units than any other country in Europe. In 2017, the UK accounted for a massive 47% of the total European storage market.

The concept of multiple self storage units under one roof first appeared in the US in the 1960s. It wasn’t until the early 1980s when the first multi-use self storage units began to appear here in the UK with the first being somewhere in London.

Storage space is vital for businesses but many people use them to store personal items because they either have too much stuff, or no room at home to keep it, which is not surprising considering how small a lot of new build homes are today.

There are many reasons why people use storage units.

Andi our techy guy has used one recently when he moved home and he may use one again when he moves overseas.

Because he won’t be able to take all his personal belongings for a few months, he may need to put them into storage again. He was checking out the local storage companies when he came across one which had a kitchen, a meeting room and a gym for customers to use.

The reason for this is that this particular storage space understands that businesses need storage and with a lot of businesses now working entirely online, they don’t require a retail space which usually comes with storage.

They need somewhere to store their products and occasionally work from, hence why this storage company are now providing meeting rooms, kitchens and a gym.

Meeting rooms for meeting clients to show off products – obviously.

The kitchen is for making drinks and food at lunch and breaks – also obvious.

The gym…? Well I guess anyone who is working in their unit all day may want to have a break and do some exercise.

The gym is a great selling point really, it means that anyone who needs storage but also likes to works out, can save money on an official gym membership and can work out when they finish working saving time out of their day as well.

Some storage units offer larger units with a desk, electrical sockets and access to WiFi so that people can go to their storage unit and work. Units vary in size and the bigger ones have facilities for packing products to send out.

These storage units are now offering customers a place to work from which is perfect for those running online retail businesses who don’t need a retail premises and also want to keep it separate to their home life.

I’ve mentioned it many times before, the best business ideas can come from joining two different ideas or products together.

You could argue that this is an old business idea but reversed 180 degrees. In the past, people had retail units and workspace with additional storage; this is storage with additional workspace.

I’m not saying that you should start a self storage business.

I imagine they can be incredibly profitable but I can’t say that you are just offering ‘space’ so the overheads are low similar to the carboot market idea suggested in the previous article.

Because people want their belongings in a secure unit within a secure building there will be quite a lot of upfront investment required.

Plus, a lot of people are already doing it so you are going to need to offer something unique or that is great value for money.

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The motivation for this article was really to show you that those companies which are ‘winning’ are the ones who go that one step further than the rest and they offer solutions to the problems customers are experiencing.

For example; a person who has an online retail business and stores their products in a self storage unit, would need to go and fetch products from the unit and take them home to be processed.

But now thanks to those storage providers who offer work space with their storage, business owners can go and process the products at the unit and then go home when the job’s done.

The same storage unit also offers customers the free use of a van if they rent a unit for a set period of months. Getting stuff to and from the unit is a problem for most people but by offering them the use of a van, they have provided another solution.

If you are looking to start up a business, then look at what other people are doing and see if you can improve on it. Look at what problems their customers are experiencing and see if you can offer a solution to them.

Try and find what people NEED then offer it to them. Offering people what they want and need when the competition isn’t, puts you firmly in position of ‘first choice’ amongst customers.

There may be a lot of money to be made offering self storage units, but there is also a lot of investment required upfront and a lot of preparation work. Even if all you are supplying is a dozen shipping containers on a gated hard standing.

If you are looking for an easy way to make money without a lot of hard work or upfront investment… at least not in the amounts needed to start a business such as self storage units… then this may be more to your liking: System 903.

System 903 is a simplified approach to making money trading horse races.

Unlike gamblers who use a small amount of money to try and win a big lump sum, with System 903 you use a larger amount to win a smaller amount… many times over.

You use your larger bank to win smaller amounts over and over and over again.

All of those smaller amounts then grow into bigger amounts, even more so when you use compounding when staking.

A gambler may stake £20 in the hope to win £250. A trader will use £250 to win £20 over and over again.

Think of it like this; offer someone £1,000 now or £5,000 in £10 notes each day for 500 days, most people will take the £1,000.

That’s fine if they reuse that £1,000 wisely, but most people don’t, they want it all now so that they can enjoy it.

People are prepared to give up a larger amount of money for a smaller amount because they are simply impatient.

Now, if you took £10 every day and used that £10 to make more money, slowly growing the amount each day, you will make even more.

Making small amounts consecutively and constantly is a sure fire way to grow your wealth.

And that is what you can do with System 903.

Roy, the man who developed System 903 made £47,000 in one year using his system, which incidentally, is around £903 a week TAX FREE!

You can do this from the comfort of your own home and you can do it on your smartphone.

To discover how you too could make £47,000 in one year using Roy’s system, click the link below:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Please note; there are only 250 copies of System 903 available and numbers are dwindling. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.

Here’s that link again:

System 903

Which Of These Two Is Right For You?

Following up from the article where I told you that my friend once did a carboot stall and earned just £2 profit for all of her efforts, you may recall that I said that she was doing another one with her daughter this weekend gone.

Well I am happy to say that this time they managed to sell quite a few items and made just shy of £80.

Well… they would have if they hadn’t spent around £30 on bacon butties and cakes.

£30 sounds like a lot on food for two people, and it would be but they bought cakes for the rest of the family so it’s not too bad, but it still brings their daily profit down to around £50.

The food they bought came out of that money so it’s kind of free when you think about it.

All in all, it was an okay day apparently.

They got rid of some stuff they no longer needed, they got some tasty treats for free and also went home £50 up.

£50 is £50, it’s better than nothing.

As I always say, it’s better in your pocket than someone else’s.

I don’t believe that my friend intends to do another carboot market anytime soon.

The stuff which was not sold was taken to a charity shop on the way home.

So whatever remained will be sold and the money put to some good use, which is good.

As you know, I’m not a huge fan of doing carboot markets to make some extra money… not unless you are running it, then they can be a real money spinner.

The farmer who owned the land charged £6 per pitch (£5 if you paid upfront online) and there were 100 cars at the market. At £5 that is a nice £500 for simply letting people park in your field for a few hours.

The price to enter the market as a customer was £1 and so if you had 200 people visit – usually these places can attract a lot more than that figure – you have another £200 for very little.

With so many people paying cash, I dare say that for every five pounds that went into the official bucket, one went into the ‘back pocket’.

I’m not saying that that is what I would do… but you know… I imagine it happens.

“Oh, no, the turnout this week was really poor Mr Taxman, we expected 700 people, but sadly only 500 came.

“I know, it LOOKS like there are more and you might be right, it’s a field and we get a lot of non-payers jumping though the hedge. It’s so hard to stop them and keep track of them as I’m sure you appreciate Mr Taxman. ”

There’s a business idea for you there… if you own a decent amount of land you might want to consider a carboot market.

I don’t know what the legal requirements are for running one, but all you supply is a place for people to gather and you get paid for it.

You could also capitalise on it more by selling food and drink to the public, or at least allow someone else to serve food and you charge a premium day rent or take a cut of the profits.

Going back to my friend who made £50 selling her parents unwanted items (£80 if you ignore the fact they bought food out of what they made), there was a lot of time and effort spent making that money whereas in the screenshot below, you can see that in the space of 2 hours and 10 minutes, £43.20 was made trading the Germany 40 market.

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That money was made from the comfort of an armchair and took very little effort to do.

It’s also TAX FREE!

Unlike making money at a carboot, there was no need to sort through, collect and clean items to sell beforehand.

There was no need to find trestle tables to sell the items from and there was no need to load and unload the car or spend three to four hours standing in a field haggling with Eastern Europeans who want everything as cheap as possible.

There’s also no need to keep an eye out for the undesirables who frequently wander around the market trying to steal anything they believed was valuable and could make them a few quid.

Never mind the poor buggers who were trying to make a few quid selling their OWN items.

When entering the market to set up, my friend was warned that the market attracted large ‘packs’ of ‘certain’ people who would swarm on a stall and distract the stall owner with a lot of loud questions and group gibberish.

If you’ve ever seen the film ‘Snatch’, you’ll understand what I mean when I say group gibberish.

While being completely blindsided, the stall owner wouldn’t spot one or two of the pack grabbing what they wanted and quickly walking away.

Carboot markets sound like a lot of fun, don’t you think?

I can’t say that I am a big fan of them, and I ‘m sure you can tell.

I’d rather make money with ease from the comfort of my home or office.

Kate Davis is one of many thousands of people who can make more than £50 most mornings trading markets like the Germany 40 (DAX) as seen in the screenshot above.

Very often, she makes that before going to work.

Kate makes between £750 and £1,725 per month TAX FREE!

She generally makes her money while working out at the gym which is why she has been nicknamed The Treadmill Trader, but others do it while relaxing with a cuppa reading the paper.

What you do while you make your money is entirely up to you, but I can tell you now… you don’t need to spend hours standing in a field trying to sell off a load of unwanted tat while dealing with undesirables.

This is one of the easiest and simplest ways to make money from the comfort of your own home… or a hotel… or wherever you happen to be.

If you would like Kate to show you EXACTLY what it is that she does to make £750 and £1,725 per month TAX FREE … click the link below:


Kind Regards.

John Harrison

PS… Unlike a carboot market which is generally only one day a week, you can trade the markets day and night Monday to Friday.

Here’s that link again:


You Did All That For Just £2! Are You Mad?

You may remember the article that I wrote a week or two back about the ‘dodgy’ looking guy at a carboot market selling just a handful of books and DVDs.

I was convinced that he was selling something a little more illegal from under the counter because he would be lucky if he made more than the cost of the pitch selling those few items.

Pitches at carboot markets are not overly expensive, but I do know a woman who has been to a couple of carboot markers with the intention to sell her unwanted stuff and make some extra pennies and came home with just a few pounds in her pocket.

I was told this the other day when the woman in question told me that she was doing another carboot market this weekend to try and get rid of a lot of stuff from her parents house who are having a clear out due to them moving.

There is a lot of stuff and so she is doing it with her daughter.

There will be two cars so there will be two pitches which is costing her £10. It would have been £12 but because she booked and paid online before the event she saved herself £2.

Looking at the amount of stuff they have, I am sure that they will make back more than the £10 she has paid out… but there is the risk that they could waste a lot of their time.

As I say, she admitted to me that there have been a couple of times many years ago where she did a carboot market and came home with just a few pounds for her efforts.

Once she only made £2 profit!

That’s £2 for spending four to six hours stood in a field bartering with people who basically want everything for free.

It’s not just the time spent at the market either.

There is the time spent gathering stuff up to sell, possibly giving it a clean and then loading and unloading it into the car.

It’s possible that she could have spent more than eight hours getting ready for that carboot market only to come home with a bank busting £2 profit.

Is it worth it?

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I think not.

Some people can make decent money at carboots (usually those who buy items cheaply then resell them on eBay for a large profit) and some enjoy the day out haggling and ‘bantering’ with like minded folk.

Some people love the hustle and bustle of a market and so for people like that, carboot markets are great.

For me… and anyone who is serious about making money, I would give them a wide berth.

There are so many better ways to make money; I think they are not worth the time and effort.

In my opinion, it would be best if all of the stuff collected to be sold was dropped off at a charity shop giving you back the time to focus on other ways to make money.

If you really want to make a few pounds selling it, you could post it on Facebook Marketplace from the comfort of your own home when you have a spare few minutes without having to pay out for a pitch at a market.

Even better, people come to your house to collect what they buy. There’s no need to stand around in a field for hours on end.

The time spent getting stuff ready for a carboot and the time spent being there could be used a lot more efficiently in my opinion.

I’ve previously mentioned David Houghton and his money making routine which takes no more than ten minutes each morning.

He leverages money to make more money leaving him with more time to enjoy his life.

He isn’t spending hours trying to make a few pounds selling old tat.

Now don’t get me wrong, I have said numerous times that if you don’t have any money to leverage then you must find it and if that means having a stall at a carboot market to sell unwanted stuff, then so be it.

It is part of your long term wealth building plan.

But if you are doing it simply to make a few extra quid and you don’t desperately need it, I would recommend doing something that is going to give you more back for your efforts.

Ideally you need to be doing something which pays the most for doing the least amount of work.

Not because you are lazy or greedy, but because your time is precious and you should be enjoying life.

Other people are doing it, why shouldn’t you?

David Houghton spends no more than ten minutes checking one financial market to see if there is a trade. If there is, he sets up his system and then goes about his day.

This system makes him between £110 and £350 most weekdays… which is a lot better than the £2 my friend made trying to sell her unwanted items.

There is little to know and it is incredibly simple to do… and you can make more money than you would standing around at a carboot market selling cheap tat.

If you would like to know more about David and his ten minute morning system, click the link below:

The A Minus B System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… As far as effort is concerned, this is one of the easiest systems for making money that I’ve seen.

You don’t need to know a lot and you only need to work ten minutes in the morning and for that it will give you between £110 and £350 most weekdays.

Here’s that link again:

The A Minus B System

How A 33 Year-Old Made £830,800 In 92 Days Starting With Only £170

Screenshot taken from BBC Newsround Short

Yesterday I shared the story about Michelle Schroeder-Gardner who quit her £33,000 a year financial analyst job in 2013 to focus on her blog which pays her a nice £628,000 a year in passive income while travelling the world in a yacht with her family working only 10 hours a week.

Today I want to tell you about American Trevor Chapman who in 2016, at the age of 33, swapped his solar-panel installation business for a multi-million pound e-commerce business that cost roughly £170 to start.

The £170 start up costs included a website domain name for a year, a trial of Shopify and a handful of Facebook adverts.

His website was launched in November 2016 and it took just 92 days for his website to hit $1 million (around £830,800) in sales

His website LDSman.com (no longer online) sold various items sourced from China including Kevlar pants, charcoal toothpaste, inflatable lounge chairs and fidget spinners.

He arranged for the manufacturers in China to send the items direct to the customers known as ‘drop shipping’. It was far cheaper than having the products sent to him in bulk then posted to customers throughout the US.

Eventually he invested in a warehouse and staff to manage the stock after one of his suppliers in China swapped one of the products for a less superior one resulting in many complaints.

Chapman originally turned down an offer of $3 million for his business in 2016 as he was happy to carry on running his business which was bringing in $350,000 in sales per month.

He had outsourced virtually all of the work and he himself spent no more than an hour working on his website updating inventory and Facebook ads.

It was a big change from working 12 hour days running a solar panel installation company.

It’s possible that he has since sold his e-commerce business which has been absorbed into a larger portfolio and given a new website address.

Chapman had also started another business the same year with his brother-in-law which was expected to make $10 million in the first year.

That business was a shipping logistics company which specialised in using free space on commuter flights, mainly Delta Airlines, to ship stock from Asia to the US cheaper than using bulk shippers.

Amazon was one of its customers.

He may have moved on from his e-commerce business to focus his attention on that business.

What I really want you to think about though is the fact that Trevor Chapman started a multi-million pound online business for less than £200.

That is the BIG point here…

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Even today, while we are forced to pay through the nose for food and fuel, most people could raise at least £200 if they put their minds to it.

I’m in no way belittling the current situation and people’s struggles, but most people’s houses are ‘chock-a-block’ with stuff they hardly ever use that could be sold to raise the funds required.

A profitable online business is one of the cheapest businesses anyone can start.

Obviously, not all online businesses are the same.

I sell information products online which have a high profit margin whereas e-commerce businesses can sell products for a few pounds where profits are small.

The big difference is that e-commerce businesses can often sell tens of thousands of products earning just a few pounds at a time – a bit like Costa Coffee selling tens of thousands cups of coffee each week – which adds up to big money whereas I sell a lot less, but make more money per sale.

More people are likely to buy something like charcoal toothpaste than they are a manual showing you how to make money selling NFT art, but that is the industry I prefer to be in.

Whichever style of business a person chooses, the start up costs for both can be incredibly cheap.

Yes, they can vary from business to business, but they are nothing compared to the astronomical expense of setting up a traditional offline business like a shop, bar or restaurant.

In a previous article I mentioned a chap who worked every evening for a month to raise the extra money needed to start his wealth building project.

In fact, working those evenings were part of his wealth building plan.

That is where most people fail, they have ideas and desires, but they don’t form a workable plan which they can follow.

It’s easy to say ‘I can’t afford to start an online business because I don’t have a spare £200’, and then do nothing about it.

That’s what most people do unfortunately.

They know that they don’t have the money available at this current time and then do nothing.

Not having the money means to them ‘that’s that then, I can’t do anything, so I won’t’.

When the truth is, they can do something; they can find a way to start making that money which they need to start their online business or wealth building project.

The one thing ALL successful people used was courage.

They had the courage to get started and do what was necessary to make something happen.

I’m not suggesting that you sell your grandma, your children or a kidney to get started, but if you don’t get started, you’ll never know what could have been.

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner and Trevor Chapman wouldn’t have known what was possible if they hadn’t made a start, and I’m sure they are both incredibly happy that they did.

They earn more money than they probably dreamt possible and they have more free time to spend with their families.

Starting your own online business really isn’t that difficult.

To learn how you can start your own profitable information publish business online check out:

Start Your Own Profitable Online Business

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… An online business can be run from anywhere in the world. Remember, Michelle Schroeder-Gardner ran hers from a yacht while travelling the world. That’s a little extreme but it shows what can be done today.

Here’s that link again:

Start Your Own Profitable Online Business

A Food Bank Voucher And A Passive Income – A Tale Of Two People

Screenshot taken from BBC Newsround Short

I want to share with you the stories of two different women that I have read and heard about this week.

Starting with the not so nice story of a nurse here in the UK.

I have it on good authority that a nurse who works fulltime recently called the Citizens Advice helpline to ask for a food bank voucher.

I don’t fully know how it works but the people at Citizens Advice working with The Trussell Trust give individuals a voucher for a registered food bank when they are desperate.

They can only hand out a few per person and I think it is something like one a month.

Once you have had your allowed number of vouchers, that’s it. You cannot have any more. Well, not from the Citizens Advice anyway.

It’s sad to hear that a nurse working full time needs to ask for a food bank voucher to feed her family.

It’s sad to hear that anyone who is working should need to ask for help like this. The fact that they are earning a wage should mean that they are self reliant.

Normally, when I hear a case like this, I would question the person’s previous spending habits and relationship with money.

To be working full time and need charitable help would very often have been the result of some previous bad financial decisions and bad habits associated with money and spending.

But with the recent astronomical increases in energy bills and food prices, that’s no longer the case for many.

The nurse requesting help is probably struggling due to current circumstances as are many others.

Now going to the other end of the spectrum, I was reading about a 33 yr old America woman who earns around £628,000 a year in passive income while travelling the world in a yacht with her husband and young daughter working only 10 hours a week.

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner quit her £33,000 a year financial analyst job in 2013 to focus on a blog which she started two years before as a way to track and share the progress of her financial goals…. which at that time was to get out of debt.

When she started her blog, MakingSenseOfCents.com, Michelle was 22 yrs old and struggling to pay off her student debts.

Eleven years later and her life has changed beyond her wildest dreams all thanks to starting that one blog.

It really all started when a company knowing that she had 50,000 monthly blog visitors paid her £80 to write and publish a sponsored post to her blog.

After that she reached out to other companies and continued writing sponsored posts.

She also added display advertising to her blog where she gets paid when adverts are shown and clicked on and she also added affiliate links to other products in her content.

Within two years, she was earning between £4,000 and £9,000 per month which was more than she was earning through her day job.

In the last five years, she has grossed an average of £628,000 per year helping people to manage their finances as well as teaching others how to start their own profitable blog.

Her income comes from three main sources…

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50% comes from affiliate marketing commissions.

20% comes from sales of her two courses. (Michelle has earned over £825,000 selling those two courses alone.)

The rest comes from display advertising revenue.

Michelle’s income is semi-passive as she still needs to produce and publish new content, but she only works 10 hours a week.

She now spends a lot of her time snorkelling, exploring and hiking.

Her life of living on a boat travelling the world and that of the nurse who is asking for help to feed her family are miles apart.

I know nothing more about the nurse other than that she called for help, that I know to be true.

She may be an incredibly busy woman who has a family and is probably strapped for time as well as money.

But the notable difference here is that Michelle started a side business – albeit by accident – which has out paid her job and given her more money and freedom she thought was possible.

Starting a blog today is probably not the best advice for the nurse as she needs financial help right now and as I say, she may simply not have the time to work on it.


When is the right time?

Is there ever a right time?

Michelle started her blog when she was in debt and struggling to pay it off.

She may not have been struggling to eat and pay bills, but when it came to paying back her student loans, she was spinning her wheels.

Had she not started her blog when she did, she wouldn’t be where she is today.

If she had decided that she didn’t have the time or money to start a side business like so many people do, she wouldn’t be out of debt and sailing the world with her family now.

Sometimes, the best thing a person can do is to make the courageous decision to do something and start today.

Once Michelle had been paid £80 to write a sponsored post, she started studying other successful bloggers. She realised that she could make money through her blog.

That first £80 was extra income which went towards easing the pressure and paying off some of the debt.

Once she realised that she could make money online through her blog things began to change.

She sells two courses from her website which have both generated over £825,000 for her over the years.

You too can sell digital products online… products which will make you money at any time of the day and night on autopilot.

The biggest fear for most people is that creating digital products is both time consuming and expensive.

That is simply not true.

You can create a digital product for free… and it can take very little time to do.

You can have your own fully automated passive income system up and running within 30 days.

You could even have one up and running in a weekend if you put your mind to it.

Imagine that you had your own blog website like Michelle selling your own digital products.

Price them at £97 or more and you only need to sell a handful each week to make a decent second income.

Put it this way, selling a handful of products priced at £97 or more each week will prevent you from having to ring the Citizens Advice and ask for a food voucher.

Obviously, there is more to it than simply creating a product and putting it online to sell, you will need to show people your fully automated passive income system but that is also easier than you think.

In The 30 Day To 30K Challenge, you will discover:

  • How to create your own digital products which have the potential to earn you £30,000 or more each.
  • How to write the perfect sales page to sell the product.
  • How to build a website to sell your products from.
  • How to fully automate the sales process.

You will also get the two page templates we use when building these fully automated passive income systems.

You can find all of that here:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Points to consider:

  • There is no limit to how many digital products you can sell.
  • eBooks can be as little as a 10 pages long.
  • You can set whatever price you think is fair for the products you are selling.
  • Products can take only a few days to make, a whole fully automated system can be created within 30 days.
  • Product creation can be outsourced.

Here’s that link again:


The Conflict Between Winning Strike Rates And Sod’s Law.

Sods law is an interesting law.

It is often talked about alongside luck.

The person who forgets to buy a lottery ticket one weekend will probably lament ‘it’ll be sod’s law that the week I don’t have a ticket, my numbers will be picked.’

I can’t really speak about chance or luck, but when it comes to using a system which has a specific success strike rate, every time you don’t do something when you should; you are evoking sod’s law.

You could easily miss an important day throwing the whole strike rate out of the window.

Every successful trading or gambling system has a strike rate which means that overtime you win more money than you lose.

Let’s say that you win 7 times out of 10 and that those winnings make more money than you lose.

Over a year those winnings will add up to a nice chunk of money, especially if you increased your stakes every time you hit a specific target like adding £250 to your trading bank.

When using a system, you need to be doing it religiously each and every day where there is the opportunity to trade.

If you dip in every now and then, the days you do trade could be losing days and the days you miss could be vital winning days.

By missing days and not having a disciplined businesslike approach to your system, you are in fact changing the strike rate.

You could easily be reducing it to the point that if you take too many days off, you lose money instead of make money.

It’s Sod’s Law!

A strike rate is determined by historical data.

All the trades placed over a year are counted and then separated into those which won and those that lost. Then a simple calculation is done to work out an average strike rate.

For example; if you traded 1,000 horse races and 700 won, you would have a strike rate of 7 out of ten.

Here’s the important thing you MUST remember…

That doesn’t mean that out of every 10 consecutive horse races there will be 7 winners.

In the real world it simply doesn’t work like that.

Each horse race, football game and sporting event is not dependant on what happened to the previous one.

They are completely unique.

This means that you could experience 14 losing horse races in a row before having 3 winning races in a row.

Statistically over a year the strike rate would be 7 out of 10, but that could be different each week.

This week it could be 4 out of 10, the following week it could be 7 out of 10 and the next it could even be a successful 10 out of 10.

One week you may lose money, one week you may only break even and another you may make more than enough money to cover the losses from the other two weeks and have a healthy profit.

What this means is:

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  1. You cannot try a system for a few days and determine whether it works or not because you simply haven’t given it long enough to prove itself.
  2. You cannot miss days because you ‘can’t be bothered to do it today’ because that will simply mess up your strike rate and completely screw up any chance of success.

A system is a system… and like all systems, to perform effectively it needs to work as it was designed.

Once you start missing out days it will cease to work as it should.

Okay, life can get in the way and sometimes you cannot avoid missing a day here and there, but that is acceptable… it is life.

Missing a few horse races to take a close family member to A&E at a time of emergency is the right thing to do.

But missing a day trading because you fancied watching Midsomer Murders on ITV 3 with a sandwich and a cuppa is not the way to get the best results out of a system.

Sod’s law is that the day you sit to watch DCI Barnaby solve the murder of the quiet and timid librarian who everyone loved, is the day when you would have had 10 out of 10 winners.

Sod’s law is avoidable because it is mainly attributed to when you do not do something that you should.

A system must be used with discipline.

The best way to get the best out of a system is to track everything you do on a spreadsheet.

Getting into the habit of recording all of the trades you do is a great way to develop a businesslike discipline needed to make a system successful.

Whether it is horse racing, football, or forex, keeping a record of what you do and when allows you to track your success and get into the right mindset for making it a success.

If you don’t approach a system with the right mindset, you are more likely to become distracted and only ‘play’ around with it.

You should never play around with a system otherwise you will suffer at the hands of sod’s law.

I’ve told you before about David Houghton and his system which makes him between £110 and £350 each weekday doing no more than 10 minutes work in the morning.

He is a trader who has developed a system focusing on one market only simplifying the whole process.

He never misses a morning unless it is an emergency.

He understands clearly that the days that are missed are vitally important to the success of the system and so without fail, every morning he checks the market to see if there is a trade.

He compares a couple of numbers, works out the difference and if there is a trade for the taking, he sets up his system and walks away from the computer.

It takes no more than 10 minutes and allows him to pull money out of ‘thin air’ on autopilot.

The system allows him to earn money throughout the day while he is out and about doing other things.

It can all be done from the comfort of your own home using a computer, tablet or smartphone if that’s what you prefer.

You don’t need a lot of expensive equipment for this.

As long as you have a good connection to the internet, you are good to go… oh and the intention to approach it with the right businesslike attitude and desire to make it work.

Avoid becoming a victim of sod’s law and you will have a system with a proven winning strike rate.

David no longer needs to work a traditional job; he has a system which will feed him and his family no matter where in the world he is or what life throws at him.

He spends a lot of his time in Thailand and yet he still makes money doing no more than ten minutes work each morning.

He took a relatively small amount of money like £500 and turned it into a system which now generates between £110 and £350 each weekday

If you would like to know more about David and his ten minute morning system, click the link below:

The A Minus B System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… As far as effort is concerned, this is one of the easiest systems for making money that I’ve seen.

You don’t need to know a lot and you only need to work ten minutes in the morning and for that it will give you between £110 and £350 most weekdays… just make sure you keep sod’s law at arms length.

Here’s that link again:

The A Minus B System

“No One Tells Me What To Do!”

“No one tells me what to do!” … Says the man buying a dinghy he doesn’t need from Aldi.

I find it interesting that most people do not realise how easily influenced they are.

It is a fact of life that we humans are very easily influenced.

Most people believe that they always make up their own minds and come to their own decisions but the truth is they are unaware at how susceptible to manipulation they really are.

I was reminded of this only this week when Andi – a guy who works for us – told us how his good lady realised that the food she fancied changed depending on what programme they were watching.

They like to watch crime dramas and they usually watch an episode or two most evenings.

They have recently been watching New Tricks and before that they were enjoying Father Brown.

Two shows they never expected they would enjoy but apparently they did… quite a lot.

In the last series of New Tricks, the main characters were seen eating donuts in most episodes which had Andi’s good lady craving donuts… even when they weren’t actually watching the show.

When they were watching Father Brown which had the main characters regularly eating – or mentioning – traditional English scones with cream and jam, she was craving those.

Last week she turned to Andi and said that she had realised that she was being heavily influenced by what she was seeing on each show.

Her food choices were motivated by what she was repeatedly seeing on those television shows.

Andi has admitted that in the past he has ordered an Indian takeaway when he wasn’t even hungry after seeing people eating one on a television programme.

It was subtle… but incredibly powerful.

This is why you see food and drink advertising everywhere.

Okay, so this is nothing to worry about too much as it is only food, but it does clearly show us that we are influenced by what we see and hear regularly… more than people realise.

I have talked about this in a previous article where Andi and his good lady had seen so many crime dramas which involved ‘bent coppers’ that their perception of the police force was being manipulated by what they were seeing on those shows.

Because they were basically ‘drenching’ their minds with crime dramas focusing on ‘bent coppers’, their opinions of the police were slowly being reshaped into thinking that the police force was basically ‘corrupt’.

Fortunately they both know quite a bit about psychology and are aware at how this works and were able to prevent their opinions being completely hijacked.

But for those (a large portion of the population) who know little about how the mind actually works, they aren’t aware at how much their opinions and perceptions are influenced by external forces.

Recent studies have shown that the average voter can be swayed into voting and thinking a specific way by being exposed to the repetition of the same point seven times.

Repeat the same point seven times in different formats and guises and you can start to shape a person’s opinion without them realising.

Repeat it more and more, you can start to control a person’s thinking process and behaviour.

State run television in Russia, China and North Korea springs to mind here…

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When people become trapped in an echo-chamber of their own making, they are constantly reinforcing their opinions and beliefs through the repletion of the same few points which can be incredibly harmful if their opinions and beliefs are factually incorrect in the first place.

The other week I published an article quoting a line from a television show which said:

‘For centuries ugly men have used honeyed words to attract beautiful women.’

In that article I was talking about the art of persuasion using language especially the written word.

Those men who used ‘honeyed words’ to attract beautiful women wouldn’t have said them just once…

They would have repeatedly said what those women wanted or needed to hear.

Whether it is through subtly imagery, the written word, or speaking, repeat the same point over and over again and you can influence and persuade people to do things you want them to do.

Emotion is a powerful driving force and through the repetition of a point you can stimulate a person’s emotional response.

These are trigger points.

And when you know a person’s trigger point you can light the fuse and watch them explode.

If you know anyone who regularly watches a specific television show, carefully listen to what they say.

Using ‘Can’t Pay, We’ll Take It Away’ as an example, if they say one thing negative about tenants not paying their rent, you know that you only need to tell them one bad tenant story and they are highly likely to go off on a passionate rant.

They may never have experienced bad tenants personally but would have seen and heard enough bad stories to have developed an emotional response to the trigger.

Studies show that those who easily react passionately and emotionally to triggers make good customers because they can be impulsive which means they buy things quickly without thinking too much.

One of the best ways to communicate with people and subtly repeat the points you want them to think about is through the use of email.

Writing and sending regular emails to people means that you can share with them the points, facts and stories which can bring them round to your way of thinking… a the way of thinking which will benefit them better.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not talking about persuading and influencing people to do illegal and nefarious stuff here.

I’m not talking about radicalising people so that they go out and hurt others… although that does happen.

Another recent crime drama saw a man arrested for the murder of his wife after the woman she bullied for years started an affair with her husband and subtly kept suggesting that ‘they could never be together while she (the bullying wife) was around in the way’ and that she needed ‘to be gone’.

Through using the emotions of love and fear and repeatedly painting the picture he wanted to see – the two of them together forever – and constantly informing him of what was preventing that from happening, she manipulated him to commit murder… and he hadn’t realised it until after he was arrested and questioned by the police.

The bullying wife was dead and the woman who had been the victim had gotten her out of her life for good without being arrested for her murder.

She didn’t kill anyone, the man she was having the affair with – the dead woman’s husband – did.

She couldn’t be charged for conspiracy to murder either because she didn’t actually tell him to kill her.

She could easily deny it by simply saying, ‘when I said we needed her gone, I meant out of the way and out of our lives, I didn’t mean for him to kill her’.

No, I’m not talking about manipulating people in a bad way or to do bad things.

I’m talking about showing people how bad life can be if they don’t do specific thing and how good life can be if they do.

But that should all come from a place of knowing that you are actually helping them to improve their currently lifestyle.

I know how powerful the written word can be and how easily email can be used to make a lot of money and so I share the information in this article so that you can use it to make your life, and those of your family, better.

I want you to take on board what I share and use it to your advantage.

Even if you do nothing more than use more ‘honeyed words’ with the people who serve you in shops, restaurants and bars, your life will become more pleasant and enjoyable for doing so.

And that is a good thing.

Knowing how to get the best from others is a powerful skill to have.

Sometimes all it takes is something subtle such as seeing other people eat donuts or talk about scones to get a person craving for more.

Repetition… Repetition… Repetition

The repetition of the right ‘honeyed’ – or even ‘salted’ – words and points can motivate people to put money in your pockets.

And do you know what the best thing is?

None of it is actually that hard to do.

There are thousands of people like you who are making thousands of pounds each month writing and sending simple emails which motivate and influence people to do the right thing.

Sometimes the only thing they need motivating to do is to do the one thing they want to do.

People want to do certain things in life but fear and doubt holds many of them back.

All you need to do is give them a nudge in the right direction – a direction they already want to go – and help them live the life they want to enjoy.

Help people become who they are meant to be and live the life they truly want to experience by nudging them the right way with the ‘honeyed’ words they want and need to hear by sending them simple easy-to-write emails… and they will pay you for your help.

To discover more, click the link below:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS Sign up today and you will get these incredible free bonuses worth £226:95

How To Create Your Own Profitable Product In 7 Days Or Less where you will learn how to quickly create products of your own to sell.

The Email Secret Template Package. 4 page templates – built to look great on tablets and smartphones as well as computers – to help you set up your email freedom business fast.

PPS You have life time access to the training videos as well as email access to Andi, our email ‘guru’ who will answer any technical questions you may have.

PPPS If there was ever the perfect time to learn how to do this, it’s now. Download your copy today.

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret

The One Thing All Wealthy And Successful People Do Is….

One of the best things you can do if you want to become successful and make a lot of money is to watch the world around you and make notes.

All wealthy and successful people do it.

Obviously, you need to do more than just ‘take notes’, but it is an important starting point because when you observe what is going on around you and take notes on what you see, you can use those notes to create products, come up with profitable business ideas or simply write about them.

The last suggestion of ‘writing about them’ means that you have an archive of ideas which can become social media posts, emails and even books.

In a world where building a tribe of loyal followers is often more important than the products you sell, you need to be putting stuff ‘out there’ constantly so that you are being seen.

In the past I have written about how telling stories is a great way to grow a following and sell products and services, watching what is happening around you and taking notes is a great way to build up a library of useable stories.

Take yesterday’s article where I wrote about a young tattooed woman I had seen stepping off a tram as an example.

As soon as I saw her, I whipped out my phone and made a note about what I had seen and what I could use the story for.

I thought up the angle about how better her future could be if she used the money she had spent on tattoos and invested it instead.

That may not have been the best email I have ever written, but it was written, it was sent, it was read by people and it sent people to specific destination of my choice.

Job done!

It’s far better than sitting down at a blank screen and trying to think up something to write about.

Recently I wrote about a woman who had been overheard in a hairdressers insisting that she wasn’t going to lose weight even if it helped her to have the baby she desperately wanted.

That was another true story which allowed me to talk with my loyal tribe of followers and keep my name at the front of their minds.

It must have been a good email as one person complained about it!

I guess they confused my criticism of their lack of personal responsibility with body shaming.

I mean, if you are fed up of having headaches and a doctor tells you to stop banging your head against a wall, wouldn’t you follow his advice and stop?

It’s the same thing with weight but some people get a little tetchy and think that you are attacking overweight people just because you criticise them for not ‘taking responsibility’ more.

Either you want something… or you don’t.

If you want it, you do what you need to do to achieve it, right?

Anyway, I digress…

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Taking notes is incredibly powerful because not only can you share what you see with the world as written content which will make you money either directly or indirectly, it helps you to come up with possibly profitable product and business ideas.

Some of the wealthiest product designers and creators develop solutions to problems they observe around them.

They actively take notes of what they see and they think up ideas around them to see if there is a way they can improve on them.

Where there is a problem, there are people waiting for a solution and as we know, the money is in solutions.

If one million people are doing something and you figure out a way they can do it better and faster, do you think some of them would want to purchase that solution from you?

Solutions are found by actively thinking through processes.

Having a whole notebook of observations to look at gives you a greater chance of coming up with one or several profitable solutions.

Taking notes is pretty easy too.

You can use a traditional note pad and pen which you keep with you at all times, or you can use one of many apps or tools that are available for your phone.

Google Keep Notes is a good tool as it is part of a users Google account and so it can be accessed by all devices.

If you are sitting in a coffee shop in the city centre – like I was when I spotted the girl with the strange tattoos on her legs – and make a note in Google Keep Note, it will be sat waiting for you when you get to your laptop later.

Try it today, take notes of anything interesting you see or hear and then at the end of the day take a look at them and see what ideas they stimulate.

Ideas lead to money and ideas come from actively thinking through notes, observations and processes.

Taking notes and generating ideas is a great habit to develop.

It would greatly help anyone who wants to turn £100 into £1.6 million.

Why £1.6 million you might ask?

Well that is what you will end up with if you double your money starting with just £100.

It takes only 14 doublings to make £1.6 million starting with only £100.

The reason a lot of people don’t try to turn £100 into £1.6 million is that they don’t know that it is possible or how to actually do it.

It is a simple process… but without a plan or the correct guidance, most people don’t know where to start or how to go about it right.

But… it is doable.

People can take £100 and turn it into £1.6 million.

Obviously, each person’s time frame will be different.

Some people may choose to stop doubling when they hit £409,600.

For others, it may be less. It depends on what people are happy with.

What results you achieve will be down to your efforts, choices and circumstance… but the plan is still the same and workable for everyone.

Start with £100 and keep doubling it until you hit £1.6 million… or whatever figure you are happy with.

We know it works because several people have done it including our good friend Barry Tyler.

To help others do the same, Barry wrote a comprehensive course outlining everything a person needs to do to take £100 and turn it into £1.6 million.

Barry supplies you with both the PLAN and the GUIDANCE you need to double your way to a million.

Click the link below to learn more here:

Double Your Way To A Million

Kind Regards.

John Harrison

PS… Taking notes and generating ideas would be incredibly advantageous when turning £100 into £1.6 million.

Double Your Way To A Million