Tag Archives: Business Ideas

“Did You Really Pay Someone To Do That To You?”

I’m going to start this article with a kind of disclaimer.

You are free to spend your money on the things you want. It’s your money. I understand that and do not wish to tell you how to spend your money…


The other day while enjoying a coffee in the city centre I watched as a young woman stepped off a tram. I think she was in her late teens and early twenties.

Because it was a beautiful summer’s day, people were wearing next to nothing. People were wearing shorts, T-Shirts and short summery dresses etc.

This young woman was wearing a short summery dress which showed off a lot of her legs… and this is what caught my attention.

Not her legs exactly… but what they were covered in.

She had numerous tattoos that looked… well, rubbish really.

I know that tattoos are a personal choice and that for most people, they mean something, they tell a story apparently, but these were childish and meaningless looking pictures.

It looked like she had allowed a classroom of seven year olds to doodle on her legs with Sharpie pens.

Seriously, they made no sense. I really cannot understand why she would want to pay someone to tattoo them onto her legs.

These things were terrible… and they are permanent.

That was it… I now had tattoos in my head and after leaving the coffee shop all I could see were tattoos everywhere.

There were some really impressive pieces of art on a few people, but on the whole, a lot of the youngsters had a lot of what can really be described as crappy scribbles and doodles.

I don’t know how much they paid for those tattoos, I know that prices vary based on how much work and colour is involved, but I do know that they cannot get back the money they spent on them.

This may not be a big issue to them, but looking at a lot of the people with multiple tattoos, I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if they regularly complained that they couldn’t afford to do things or that they were always ‘short on funds’.

As I looked at people’s tattoos, I figured that they were walking around with thousands of pounds in value on their bodies… even if they only paid out a few hundred pounds actually having the tattoos done.

Every one of those scribbles and doodles cost money… money which could have be used to make more money.

Whenever money is spent on a tattoo, it is lost forever.

It cannot be sold later on for a profit or to get some of the money back.

It has gone forever.

As I have often said…

People don’t know what they don’t know.

This means that a lot of those people with tattoos probably do not know that they could use the money they spend having those crappy tattoos done to make more money.

They could have used that money to make the amounts of money which would change their future for the better… and ultimately give them more money to spend on better tattoos later if they really need to get ‘inked’.

I know people are different.

Some people love tattoos and will spend an absolute fortune on them which is fine if they can afford them and are not bothered that they lose that money.

But I see a lot of people who complain that they cannot afford to do stuff, spending money on things such as tattoos which gives them nothing back at all.

Had some of those people put £500 into a trading account and learned how to trade specific markets instead of having a load of dodgy tattoos, their lives would be so much different by now.

They would struggle less and have more available funds to play with.

As I say, I don’t mind if people want to have tattoos, it’s their money and they are free to choose how they spend it, but I do want to help people to see what they could do with their money instead which would benefit them better.

This is why I write these articles and share information about people like Dave Houghton…

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David makes between £110 and £350 each weekday doing no more than 10 minutes work in the morning.

He is a trader who trades one market and one market only using a simple set and forget system.

He compares a couple of numbers, works out the difference and then fires up his system which allows him to pull money out of ‘thin air’ on autopilot.

The system allows him to earn money throughout the day while he is out and about doing other things.

Setting up the system in the morning is all done from the comfort of his home using a computer.

It can be done on a tablet or smartphone if that’s what you prefer. You don’t need a lot of expensive equipment for this.

As long as you have a good connection to the internet, you are good to go.

Dave no longer needs to work a traditional job; he has a system which will feed him and his family no matter where in the world he is or what life throws at him.

He spends a lot of his time in Thailand and yet he still makes money doing no more than ten minutes each day.

I don’t know if Dave has any tattoos… but he can certainly afford to have them now without it causing any financial problems to his future because he has already laid the foundations.

He took a relatively small amount of money like £500 and turned it into a system which now generates between £110 and £350 each weekday.

If you would like to know more about Dave and his ten minute morning system, click the link below:

The A Minus B System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… As far as effort is concerned, this is one of the easiest systems for making money that I’ve seen.

You don’t need to know a lot and you only need to work ten minutes in the morning and for that it will give you between £110 and £350 most weekdays.

Here’s that link again:

The A Minus B System

Gas Mark… NONE!

I often start the day reading a few articles on a few specific websites including the BBC news.

I was shocked to read that a Chinese takeaway in Aberdeen which has been serving the locals since the 1980s is set to close because it can’t afford to pay its rocketing energy costs.

Normally, the gas bill for the Royal Crown is around £1,000 per quarter and the electricity bill was also around £1,000 per quarter.

The bills for this quarter came in at £10,000 for the gas and £4,000 for the electricity.

That is a huge increase and one which the takeaway cannot afford.

There is no way they can find an extra £12,000… not by cooking and selling food anyway.

Every time they turn on the gas ring to cook, they are losing money.

If they were to pass the price increases onto the customer, a chicken curry could cost in the region of £28, and no one is going to pay those prices.

The Royal Crown has already seen a decline in customers as more and more people feeling the squeeze of increasing living costs are starting to cut back on unnecessary spending.

I dread to think how many small cafés, restaurants and takeaways could be forced to close due to energy price increases similar to the one Royal Crown has seen.

It’s not going to be an easy few months for them.

These types of businesses are really going to struggle because they are seeing:

  • Food price increases.
  • Gas and electricity price increases.
  • Petrol and diesel price increases (affecting delivery).
  • Dwindling customer numbers.
  • Rent and or mortgage increases.

If they manage to survive to winter, I doubt many will be around to see spring after hearing that there could be further price increases throughout winter.

I don’t know what the answer is for small businesses that rely heavily on gas and electric like takeaways and restaurants, but for individuals who are facing similar issues, there are ways to make extra money which could help ease the squeeze.

I never thought I would have my own catchphrase, but I hear myself saying ease the squeeze a lot lately.

I don’t particularly like the saying, but unfortunately that is what people need to do.

To ease the squeeze they have very few options left other than find ways to make extra money!

Currently, the best way to make money is to do something which does not require…

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  • A place to rent like an office or retail unit.
  • Heavy consumption of gas or electricity.
  • You to travel to a place of work using a car or public transport.
  • You to supply or use food as your product.

To make money today, you really need to reduce your outgoing costs so that you have a fighting chance.

Fortunately, we live in the digital age where we are in a fantastic position to make money without having to spend a fortune upfront or have expensive ongoing monthly costs.

We can publish and sell digital products or we can simply tap into the digital realm and use our money as leverage to make more money using online platforms… and it can all be done from home and the most you will need is a laptop.

Many ways to make money today can be done using nothing more than a cheap tablet or a decent smartphone.

It depends on what you decide to do.

A good connection to the internet is the one thing they all need, what you use after that differs.

Just know that there are many ways to make some extra money to help ease the squeeze which you can do from the comfort of your own home.

Take our good friend Kate Davis as an example of someone who makes money from home using only her smartphone.

Kate is a busy mother who made the decision to make her money work for her.

She generally makes between £750 and £1,725 each month trading the markets before going to work using just her smartphone while working out… hence why she is known as the Treadmill Trader.

I won’t baffle you with too much information and technical jargon, but financial markets go up and down.

Always have done, always will.

Kate makes her money by getting in when a market appears to turn one way or another… and gets out before it turns back.

Rest assured… you don’t need to be a genius to do this.

All that is required is that you look at what is happening in the world and what the markets are doing so that you can make an informed decision which can result in a substantial amount of profit.

That is basically what Kate does and you can do the same with her guidance.

She has written everything into a clear and easy-to-follow manual showing you step-by-step how to do exactly what she does.

If you would like to learn how to make between £750 and £1,725 each month, click the link below.


Kind Regards.

John Harrison

PS… Did I mention the £750 – £1,725 per month Kate earns is TAX FREE?

Here’s that link again:


“I Can’t Be Arsed!”

A while ago, I wrote about ‘F**k it!’ being the two most damaging words in the English language.

I’m going to follow that up with four more words which are incredibly damaging.

The four words are a saying which I am sure you have heard many times… you may have said it yourself a few times.

I heard it recently in the street while being overtaken by a young couple pushing a pram.

I might be wrong saying this and accused of being a little ‘judgmental’, but they looked like the type of people who said it a lot.

And that phrase is… ‘I can’t be arsed!’

Truth is… a lot of people can’t be arsed to do things which would be incredibly beneficial to them.

A large number of people are simply lazy and choose pleasure and entertainment over doing something which requires a little bit of work.

Many people take the easy route and avoid anything which means they may experience a little bit of pain and discomfort.

Not a lot of pain and discomfort mind… just a little.

Don’t get me wrong… I don’t believe people should spend a lot of time doing things they don’t enjoy if there is nothing of benefit for them.

When it comes to business and making money knowing when to stop when something isn’t working is essential. You don’t want to be flogging a dead horse.

But for many people, that would never be the case, they simply ‘give up’ as soon as the going gets tough or when something doesn’t seem to give them what they want with ease.

Generally, the ‘can’t be arsed-ers’ usually give up before they start.

When they learn that something is required of them, something that is a little painful, they give up and walk away.

But that usually leads to further extended moments of pain and discomfort!

A prime example of this would be waiting in a queue to order food…

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I remember once watching a couple who spotted a fairly large queue of people waiting to order food and realising that they may need to stand and wait for five minutes, the wife uttered the words ‘I can’t be arsed’ and left.

They couldn’t be arsed to stand and wait for a few minutes. They didn’t want the five or ten minutes of discomfort of standing around.

Maybe standing and waiting patiently for a few minutes was too boring and painful for them.

This is the funny bit… well I think so anyway

I saw them an hour later wandering around still looking for somewhere to eat. By that time, they were more hungry and irritable and squabbling like children.

I think the term is ‘hangry’.

When you are hungry and that hunger has made you angry and irritable, you are ‘hangry’ apparently.

This couple must have been pretty hangry from the way they were snapping at each other.

If they had only waited five or ten minutes in that queue, they could have been sitting down and eating food quite quickly.

But they chose to avoid the small amount of discomfort of queuing and wander aimlessly for the next hour or two instead.

Maybe they went and did a few other things and weren’t personally bothered about their decision, I don’t really know.

All I do know is what I saw and they were still hungry when I saw them later and they were close to brawling in the street.

That is the point of today’s article… very often, avoiding the smaller amounts of pain and discomfort leads to bigger amounts of longer lasting pain.

A bit like life regrets.

A person who wanted a better life for themselves but decided that they couldn’t be arsed to do XYZ because it meant they would experience a little discomfort, pain and effort, later on in life are affected by the painful reminder of what they wanted to do and the pain of regret for not doing it.

That type of pain and discomfort lasts a lot longer than a few minutes… for many, it is ongoing until the day they die.

Giving up too soon because you can’t be arsed is future destroying.

Everything we do has a knock-on effect on something else.

When we don’t do something, we do something different instead and that will give us different results.

All I ask is that whenever you feel the urge to say I can’t be arsed….know that choosing to avoid small amounts of discomfort can lead to larger amounts of discomfort.

Ask yourself… what is the reason that you can’t be arsed and what would happen when you don’t do the thing you can’t be arsed to do?

For example…

If you are struggling to spend ten minutes at 8 AM checking a specific financial market and are thinking of giving up because you can’t be arsed, know that the little amount of discomfort felt each morning is nothing compared to the pain which comes from not having plenty of spare money that trading can give you.

Dave Houghton doesn’t experience the pain and discomfort of not having any spare money because of the fact that he spends ten minutes each weekday morning watching one financial market.

It takes him just ten minutes and makes him between £110 and £350 a day.

When Dave sees what he needs to see he sets up his system which then goes to work and makes money for him while he goes and does other stuff.

Setting up is incredibly simple because it relies on looking at two specific numbers and then subtracting one from the other.

If the answer is the one you want, you set the system up and go on with the rest of your day.

That’s it…. All incredibly simple.

Watching a market and waiting ten minutes at 8 AM really is not a great hardship and is far less painful than struggling financially… wouldn’t you say?

If you would like to know how you too can make between £110 and £350 most weekdays, click the link below

The A Minus B System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… One thing you should know is that this system is not a here today and gone tomorrow system .It will work for the next 10… 20… 30… 40+ years.

It takes as little as ten minutes in the morning to set up, and then it is left to do what it needs to do.

Here’s that link again:

The A Minus B System

Recession Is Coming… Now’s The Time To Act!

As I read the news today on the BBC website, I see more doom and gloom about the looming recession.

The Bank of England are increasing interest rates to help ease the problem of inflation which is good news for savers, but not so good news for those with loans and mortgages.

I read about one man whose mortgage had already gone up £100 a month and he was a little concerned that it was set to go up again.

He works for a large supermarket chain and they had recently moved him to a new store an hour’s drive away from where he lived.

He was worried that the increased mortgage costs would hinder his commuting costs as he was already paying out £200 a month fuelling his car to simply get to work to earn money.

With fuel and food costs going up too, it has become ‘a never-ending cycle of trying to make ends meet’ he said to the BBC.

Fortunately he gets staff discount on the food he buys in-store which will help ease the squeeze a little.

There are a lot of hard working people struggling currently and it appears that it is only going to get worse.

I can only echo what I have said in previous articles which is… the best way to ride out a tough financial period is to find a way to make more money.

I feel I should say here ‘but that’s easier said than done’ but that is only applicable to those who don’t know much about making money.

Truth is, there are many ways to make money, and quite a large number of those are relatively simple and easy.

Yes, during times of crisis, some opportunities are made more difficult with people cutting back on spending.

For example: a person who makes money ironing clothes for clients should do well in a growing local population but when times become hard and people start to save money to ease the pressure, they stop spending on services which they themselves can do and that will have a negative impact on the ironing business.

Ironing clothes is quite easy and can be done in an evening or weekend while watching the television.

Paying someone to do that is either a luxury people give themselves or they do it to free up time so that they can focus on other more important stuff.

Those who fall into the latter category may carry on paying to have their ironing done, the others are more likely to cancel and do it themselves to save the money.

So yes, when times are hard some types of money making will be affected.

But the opposite also happens, during times of financial uncertainty some industries thrive. Fast food takeaways and betting shops do really well during recessions.

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I’m not suggesting that you start a business selling takeaway food or open up a betting shop as a way to make money, but you might want to consider providing a product or service which people really need at a time like this.

Ideally, if you were thinking of starting a business where you sell products or services, you really should consider doing something which you can start today, doesn’t require a lot of upfront financial investment, doesn’t need a lot of expensive equipment and doesn’t need you to spend much time learning.

If you are in need of money, the last thing you need is to put hurdles in your way and make things more difficult for yourself.

You need to find something easy to do and that you can do today (or within a few days).

Ideally, you want something where you are done and finished within a day or a few hours so that you can get paid right away.

One such business is consulting or online teaching.

If you know or can do something other people want to know or do, you can always teach people online via a face-to-face chat and charge for the time spent talking to them.

I know this isn’t for everyone and finding people willing to pay you to learn from you is going to take a little more than posting an advert on social media, but it’s a great way to get paid anywhere up to a couple of hundred pounds for an hour.

If starting your own business sounds like a lot of work and you prefer to look for something simpler, then the other option available is to leverage whatever spare money you have.

Even with the increase in interest rates, £500 in a bank account will not earn you as much as using it to either trade the financial markets or specific sports.

£500 can be doubled in as little as a couple of months, possibly less depending on what staking plan and system you use.

Kate Davis is a busy mother who made the decision to make her money work for her.

She generally makes between £750 and £1,725 each month trading the markets before going to work using just her smartphone while working out.

The current cost-of-living crisis may affect the markets, but it doesn’t stop them nor does it stop people making money from them.

Markets go up and down all the time.

People like Kate make money by getting in when a market appears to turn one way or another.

It’s not rocket science, you look at what is happening in the world and what the market is doing and make an informed decision which results in people like Kate making a substantial amount of profit.

You can do the same with Kate’s guidance.

If you would like to discover how to make between £750 and £1,725 each month, click the link below.


Kind Regards.

John Harrison

PS… Did I mention the £750 – £1,725 per month Kate earns is TAX FREE?

Here’s that link again:


Make Between £110 And £350 Doing Just 10 Minutes Work!

I read today that the full amount of the new Sate Pension is £185.15 per week for 2022/2023.

£185.15 a week for a year is £9,627.80.

I also read that the energy prices are forecasted to hit £3,600 a year this winter.

The cost of energy for the year is more than a third of the pension payout.

£69.23 a week of that £185.15 will be spent on gas and electricity which leaves you with very little to live on for the rest of the week.

With the increasing costs to food, it won’t take long for the remaining £115.95 to be eroded to nothing.

I hate to say it; the future is looking a little bleak for many.

Some people are going to be doing nothing more than simply existing.

That’s no life at all.

Life is meant to be enjoyed… and you can get very little enjoyment when you have to constantly count the pennies.

To make life that little easier, you really only have one option, and that is to make more money.

Trying to cut back and save money is painful when you have little to save in the first place.

You could choose to live on crisp sandwiches for the next six months, but your mind and body might not thank you.

When people are forced to cut back, food is often the first and quickest area to act on.

Changes to food choices are very often bad with cheap unhealthy food replacing good nutritious food.

To prevent being forced to make bad food choices and cut back on doing the things you enjoy, you only need a little extra each day.

Just £20 a day can make a huge difference to a person’s life. It doesn’t sound much but £20 a day is £140 per week and £560 per month.

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£560 per month extra should nicely cover the gas and electricity bills plus one or two others.

£560 per month extra gives you breathing space.

£560 per month extra can be peace of mind for many people.

£560 extra each month is more than doable.

Dave Houghton makes between £110 and £350 most weekdays doing something which takes as little as ten minutes to set up at the start of the day.

Once set up, it goes to work and makes money for you.

Setting up is incredibly simple because it relies on you looking at two specific numbers and then subtracting one from the other.

If the answer is the one you want, you set the system up and go on with the rest of your day.

If you would like to know how you too can make between £110 and £350 most weekdays, click the link below

The A Minus B System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… One thing you should know is that this system is not a here today and gone tomorrow system .It will work for the next 10… 20… 30… 40+ years. It will work through whatever cost-of-living crises are thrown at you.

It takes as little as ten minutes in the morning to set up, and then it is left to do what it needs to do.

Here’s that link again:

The A Minus B System

Why Being ‘Proud To Be Plump’ Is As Stupid As It Gets!

Overheard in a ladies hairdressers ‘I’m not losing weight just because a doctor told me to, I am happy with how I am, I’ve told my husband that I am happy as I am too.’

You might be fist pumping the air and shouting something like ‘go on girl, good for you’ after reading that.

I’m all for confidence in body image and I admire a person who is happy with who they are and won’t let other people dictate who or how they should be…


This wasn’t a simple case of empowering against body shaming, it was factual biological advice given as part of a fertility treatment consultation.

This young woman was having problems conceiving and she desperately wanted a baby so much so she was considering IVF treatment.

The treatment isn’t cheap and there are no guarantees that it will work.

But the chances of it working can be helped or hindered by several biological and physiological factors which can be controlled.

Weight being one of those factors.

Studies have shown that fertility can be adversely affected if a person is carrying excess weight.

Other studies have shown that eating too much processed foods and carbohydrates also negatively affect fertility.

Processed foods and carbohydrates also lead to weight gain and obesity.

When this larger than average young woman, who desperately wants a baby and is considering an expensive treatment, was told by her doctor to lose weight… she was told from a point of factual expertise to help her get the one thing she wanted… a baby.

Whether people like to accept it or not, the human body does what the human body does, and excess weight and eating a lot of crap food can adversely affect fertility.

If you really wanted a baby, wouldn’t you listen to the advice of the doctor – the person who spends their days working in that specific field?

We are not talking about a GP here who has to know a little about a lot and gets to hear of new research months or even years after the specialists, we are talking about a doctor on the frontline of that specific science.

This is someone who eats and breathes that branch of medical study.

I may be wrong in saying this, but… if you were so desperate to have a baby, wouldn’t you shed a few pounds if it increased your chances?

I would say that it was a no-brainer personally.

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You’d have thought that she would do whatever was necessary to shed a few pounds if it would help her to conceive.

It’s not like they are asking you to give your soul to the devil for eternity.

How hard is it to spend a few months eating less crap and reducing food consumption?

A few months eating fewer McDonalds for a lifetime with a family doesn’t seem much of a trade-off if you ask me.

If this woman cannot change her diet and reduce her food intake for a few months so that she can have the baby she is so desperate to have, what kind of parent would she be?

I imagine that if she did have a baby it may be fed a diet of crap food which many experts are insisting should be considered as a form of child abuse.

As we know, bad food equals bad health and a parent’s job is to protect and nurture a child and help them to grown into healthy adults.

Anyway, I digress.

Putting aside any other biological reasons that could be preventing her from having children, what happens in her future is partly in her hands.

The point of this article was to highlight that some people:

  1. Are quick to be offended when they are told to do something.
  2. Refuse to take responsibility for themselves and expect other people to give them a ‘magic pill’ to sort out their own problems which are often self inflicted.
  3. Refuse to listen to those experts who clearly know better because… well you know, they are experts. They have expertise and experience in a specific industry or field of study.

Experts immerse themselves in whatever field and area of study they work in.

They spend their time researching, studying, practicing and running tests and experiments to learn more about the one thing they are doing.

They have records of results to back up what they say. They can show you evidence that what they do works.

That is why they are called ‘experts’.

John Lee is an expert when it comes to making money on the horses.

He has 45 years of success to prove that his system works along with several letters from bookmakers notifying him that his accounts were being closed down because he was winning too much money far too often for their liking.

After years of study and testing, he has come up with a way to identify which horses are most likely to win.

In a recent email he sent me, he told me that between the 1st and 28th of July he had placed 36 bets with 23 of them winning.

From the last 19 bets, 15 were winners.

The last 7 bets ALL won including all five on the 28th July.

John has devised two staking plans to choose from when using the Rainbow System. One is low risk and the other is a high reward staking plan.

The Low-Risk Plan has won £659.77 in 28 days

But more impressively…

The High Reward Plan has won £4323.02 in 28 days.

Now, if you want a simple way to make money which doesn’t require a lot of hard work, you could listen to John the expert and follow his lead…


You could be like the ‘proud to be plump’ girl who was overheard in the hairdressers the other day and dismiss the expert advice given and miss out on enjoying the one thing you desperately crave.

It’s your choice.

If you would like to know how you can make easy money identifying horses which are more likely to win click the link below.

The Rainbow System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… Remember, John has been using this successfully for 45 years. Now is the time for him to share his winning system with others.

Here’s that link again:

The Rainbow System

Why Do That When You Can Do This?

I was shocked to hear about a vicious attack that happened locally which left a guy in hospital with serious injuries.

As he walked along the street alone minding his own business, he was attacked by two men with at least one of them carrying a crowbar.

I don’t know what motivated the two men to attack this man with a crowbar and put him in hospital… but I can only hope for their sakes that he was a serial mass murder on his way to kill and their quick thinking actions prevented the deaths of more innocent people…

Otherwise it was a completely stupid, pointless and self damaging thing to do.

Both of the attackers were picked up by the police within hours of the attack and charged.

They are both looking at a long stay at one of Her Majesty’s finest hotels.

You have to ask yourself, what was the point of the attack?

I know that there are murders and attacks which go unsolved or some of the victims are scared into keeping quiet so some cases are hard to prove… but on the whole, every time I hear of a vicious assault, murder or robbery, those responsible are caught and sent to prison.

Which again, begs the questions, was it worth it?

A large percentage of these kinds of crimes are associated to other crimes such as drug dealing and gang disputes, but they rarely end well for the perpetrator.

It amazes me that these ‘hard’ criminal types fail to see this.

Not only do they get sent down regularly, they meet others inside who get sent down regularly, and the people they hang around with are often sent down regularly or know others who get sent down… regularly.

I see a pattern here… how come they can’t see it?

Surely there must be days when they look around and think to themselves ‘that’s another one sent down, it’s happening a bit too often. Maybe crime isn’t as easy and fruitful as I first thought’.

I once wrote about a gang of thieves who robbed a post office at knife point in a small Nottinghamshire village, who then drove the two miles back to their home in Lincolnshire crossing the border at the river Trent using the only bridge for 20 miles, only to find a welcome party of police cars waiting for them.

Not only did they not get to enjoy the money they stole, if you divided that money by the length of their sentences… the prison time they had to serve amounted to less than 50 pence per day.

I mean the whole day, not an 8 hour work day, the full 24 hours.

Seriously, would you risk losing your freedom and being locked up with some of the nastiest dregs of society for 50 pence per day?

I appreciate that people in real desperate situations can turn to crime to escape those situations… but on the whole, most of the street crime which happens is by people who are… dare I say it… clueless and lazy.

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People act on what they know.

That is why one homeless man can build a multi-million pound online business starting from using the computers at a local library… and another homeless man spends his time wandering the streets digging food and fag ends out of bins.

If they don’t know any better, they can’t do any better.

It seems that a lot of street criminals either do not know that there are many easier ways to make money or they simply don’t want to. Some of them probably prefer the manic stressful life of being a ‘gangster’.

Some thrive on the status that they are seen as a ‘gangster’, but it seems like way too much hassle and stress to me.

I prefer to make money without having to look over my shoulder for the police or other criminals wishing to do me harm.

I’m quite happy to make money using the tools which virtually all of us have to hand… criminals too.

Thanks to mobile technology, most of us are connected to the internet wherever we go.

Smartphones allow us to visit websites or use dedicated apps where we can do simple tasks such as research potential winning horses and place bets on them… all from the comfort of your favourite chair… or bar… or restaurant… or beach front café.

Very often, that is all you need to do.

You may need a pen and a piece of paper to scribble on from time to time, but even then, that can all be done on your smartphone too.

If you use Google Docs and Google Sheets, you can take notes and keep records of whatever system you use, with your phone.

You don’t need anything else.

Our friend Roy uses a system which can all be managed using a smartphone. He sets himself a daily win target and trades the horses until he wins that amount.

He always finishes the day on a win and has grown his pot so that he makes around £903 each week… that is TAX FREE money.

Roy’s system can make him a nice £47,000 in a year… and it all can be done from the palm of your hand using a smartphone without risking being nabbed by the old bill or battered by crowbar wielding gangsters.

To discover how you too can earn £903 in TAX FREE money trading the horses with your smartphone, tablet or even laptop, click the link below:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Please note; there are only 250 copies of System 903 available and numbers are dwindling. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.

Here’s that link again:

System 903

The No1 Secret To Getting What You Want

‘For centuries ugly men have used honeyed words to attract beautiful women.’

That was a sentence I was greeted with when I turned the television on recently.

I couldn’t tell you what the programme was because I turned over fairly quickly.

All I do remember is that there were two or three people in an office talking and that the line which I had just heard caused me to pause and think.

It’s true… there are many ugly men who have managed to attract what society would deem as a stunningly beautiful woman.

People – not me you understand – would look at these men and say that they were ‘punching above their weight’ and that they had ‘done alright for someone with a face for radio’.

There can be many reasons why some ugly men have beautiful wives and girlfriends; wealth, power and status are big factors.

I’m not saying that beautiful women are shallow, they are no more shallow than men, but there are biological drives which have women look for a partner which will give them safety and security for any future children they may have.

Biology can influence women to seek an alpha-male, and alpha-males are deemed to be powerful.

But power in the 21st century no longer means big muscles and being able to protect a village from a tribe of marauding Vikings.

Wealth and status equals power today.

Personality is also a big reason why some people find others attractive. Making someone laugh is a powerful aphrodisiac as is making someone feel special.

Now, making people laugh and feel special is often done through verbal communication.

Yes, you can behave a certain way and make people laugh and you can throw a coat around someone who is cold or to protect them from rain without saying a word.

Actions are also powerful.

But I would argue that 85% or more of what makes people laugh and makes them feel special is done through verbal communication.

Mime artists are clever and they can make people laugh, but could you spend an hour or two at a comedy club watching several mime acts perform after each other without getting bored?

I doubt it.

Stand up comedians can have crowds of thousands of people in tears because of the things they say.

Dodgy American evangelical preachers through the use of verbal communication can have crowds of thousands of people throwing their arms into the air shouting AMEN before handing over the contents of their wallets.

I don’t believe a beautiful woman would stick around with an ugly man if he talked to her constantly in a negative way.

Yes, some women in established relationships are scared to leave if the guy is a violent sleazebag or they choose to stay with someone who has turned nasty in the hope that they change back to the nicer person they once were.

But on the whole, a woman starting a new relationship would not stay with a man if he talked down to her all the time.

Remember that line at the start of this article?

‘For centuries ugly men have used honeyed words to attract beautiful women.’

‘Honeyed words’ is the key.

‘Honeyed words’ are ‘sweet words’.

In other words, they say the things which the woman wants or needs to hear.

The words you use, and the way you use them can win over people and that is the secret that has been getting ugly men beautiful wives for centuries.

They say the right thing at the right time to the right people.


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Words. Are. Powerful.

Not only do they give ugly men a fighting chance with the ladies… they can also motivate people to do the most heinous and evil acts imaginable.

The repetition of a few key sentences and phrases has sent nations to war.

Look at the war in Ukraine as an example.

Russia has the backing of a large portion of its population because the Russian authorities repeatedly said that they were ‘mounting a special operation to remove Nazis and save Ukraine’.

That is a complete lie.

But the people of Russia still remember the Second World War and what the Nazis did and so by focusing on that memory and the fear it produces, the Russian authorities have hoodwinked its citizens into thinking that they are doing a good thing.

Thousands of innocent people are being killed and tortured by the Russians with the blessing of the Russian people.

All they had to do was keep repeating specific sentences and stories.

The German Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels said ‘repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it’.

And he would know.

He along with Adolf Hitler did a big number on the people of Germany during the 1930s and look what happened there.

Both Putin and Hitler wanted war, and they got it.

Words. Are. Powerful.

But the good news is… words can also do a lot of good for people.

Individually or as a whole, people can have wonderful lives if they use their words carefully.

Words are the keys to unlocking the vault of life!

The right words can make a lot of money.

Used correctly, words can help people to see a specific outcome and they can help them to make the right buying decisions.

It’s through the use of words that fortunes have been made.

Putting the right words together in the right way on paper or on a screen can motivate people to give you large amounts of money.

Most people do not know how to put the right words together in the right way, which is crazy considering how easy it is to learn and do.

You do not need to be a rocket scientist – or a master of propaganda – to know which words influence people or not.

You just simply need to know which words are best to use, where to use them and when… and as I say, that is all easy to learn.

To learn how I and many others have made millions of pounds using the right words, go to:

One Letter From Retirement

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… If politicians can convince whole nations to go to war through the use of words, how much money do you think you could make by simply using the right words?

Here’s that link again:

One Letter From Retirement

The Stakes Are Too High To NOT Do This!

I’m not going to make any comments about the current state of the country other than it’s not nice to see that good hard working people are struggling financially through no fault of their own.

I am a big believer that people make their own luck and must take responsibility for their own future and finances…but even the most careful and conscientious people didn’t expect the cost of food and fuel to increase to the levels it has recently in such a short period of time.

I wanted to write a quick article with a few tips to help survive the current cost of living crisis but I feel a lot of the usual tips are pretty useless at best.

Yeah sure, they’ll help, but when monthly gas and electricity costs have trebled and in some cases, quintupled (yes, that is a real word, I Googled it), turning lights off when you leave a room for a couple of minutes is hardly going to dig you out of a financial hole.

Yes, obviously, turning off all electrical items when you are not using them will reduce consumption and will cut the cost down fractionally… but that’s all it will be… fractionally.

Other tips I’ve heard recently which can help include eat more cold food like sandwiches and salads so that you are not using gas and electricity for cooking, drink more water and cold drinks to avoid using the kettle, and walk more and use the car less.

As good as they are for reducing your outgoings a little; they can also make life a little more difficult and less enjoyable.

There’s logic to eating more salads and sandwiches so that you avoid cooking if you need to reduce your energy costs in the short term… but for how long?

What are you going to do if the energy prices do not go down in the short term or even worse… go up more?

What if this becomes an ongoing long term issue?

Can you keep eating cold foods and drinking cold water to simply save a few pounds?

While it is summer and the days are long, not using lights or heating is not a problem. Sitting outside while the weather is warm is a nice way to enjoy your cold drink and salad.

But winter is coming and as one day passes to the next, it will be here quicker than you realise.

As much as you try, eating cold food and drinking cold drinks is no fun in the long run. Even the biggest sandwich and salad lovers will end up craving something hot.

Walking is fine when it is warm and dry. It is not much fun when it is freezing cold, tipping it down with rain and the pavements are icy or covered in frost.

Cold showers and baths may be invigorating on a scorching hot day like those during the mini heat wave we have just experienced, but try washing in cold water in deep December for the umpteenth time and remain positive.

Reducing consumption will help a bit and it is something most people can start to do today.

Televisions, radios, laptops and lights can all be switched off right this minute… but do you relish the idea of living like a Zen Buddhist monk sitting in a quiet room from dawn to dusk?

Where’s the fun in that?

Sitting in quiet contemplation is great for coming up with money making ideas, solutions to problems, and it is very good for your mental health… but not every hour of every day for weeks on end.

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I am not a fortune teller and so I cannot say how long this current cost of living crisis will go on for.

Global issues such as the ongoing war in Ukraine are affecting food and energy prices.

Ukraine was a big supplier of grains exporting more than the whole of the European Union combined. They also supplied half of the world’s oilseeds but since Russia invaded, exports from Ukraine have dropped.

I imagine a lot of farm land is currently not being used and are littered with the spoils of war.

Russia was – and still is – supplying many European countries with gas. That could all change in a heartbeat. If Russia turned off the gas supply I dread to think what the knock-on effect could be.

No one knows exactly how long the war will go on for, and when it does come to an end and peace is restored, it could take years to rebuild those supply lines.

Trust and confidence in Russia could be a lot harder to rebuild.

Even though the Bank of England has not technically predicted a recession, the word has been thrown around a lot recently.

The economy is showing signs of stalling as high inflation hits orders and businesses express levels of concern that normally precede a recession.

A recession may be on the cards.

It’s safe to say that things are a little turbulent at the moment and I believe that it’s going to take a little more than turning off a few light switches and eating more sandwiches (or less food in general) to ease the pressure.

As I say, cutting back has its place, but the best way to ride out a financial storm is to make more money.

You can cancel that £5.99 per month magazine subscription and swap Heinz baked beans for the 50 pence cheaper store brand, but it won’t do diddlysquat other than make you more miserable.

I know someone who decided to try out a cheaper store brand version of a coffee they loved… she didn’t get through one cup before the bag of coffee went into the bin.

For people who are currently working a job and have family, time might be an issue.

They may not have much spare time or they simply don’t want to work more hours to earn more money. They may already be knackered and there is nothing harder than trying to make money when your body is at breaking point.

People who have retired and were planning on enjoying their time may not relish the idea of having to find work to earn more money either.

Fortunately, there are many ways to make money and they don’t all require you to exchange your hours for a wage. Many don’t need you to work hard either.

Leveraging the money you have is more often than not, the best use of your money and time.

Using £10 to buy a product which you then sell onto someone else for £20 gives you a £10 profit. If you did that while using your laptop or smartphone, you have not done much in the way of ‘physical’ work.

That is what I think people should be looking for, something which does not require you to do a lot or hard physical work and will give you more money back for your efforts.

You can do something similar online without actually having to ‘buy’ a product. You leverage your money to make more money by ‘buying’ into a possible ‘outcome’.

Obviously you make sure that you are as ‘clued-up’ as possible.

It would be foolish to simply put money on something you ‘think’ is going to happen without actually having done any research whatsoever.

I’ve mentioned my friend John Lee several times before; he’s the guy who developed the Rainbow System which he has been successfully using for 45 years.

John has developed a unique way to research potential winners and his system has been so accurate, he has had letters from bookmakers informing him that they were closing his accounts down because he was winning far too often and winning way too much money.

John never buys an outcome unless he is as sure as he can be that it will happen.

He has an uncanny knack of buying the right outcomes.

Yesterday he sent me an email to tell me that so far for the month of July, he has placed 36 bets with 23 of them winning.

From the last 19 bets, 15 were winners.

The last 7 bets have ALL won including all five yesterday (28th July 2022).

John has devised two staking plans to choose from when using the Rainbow System. One is low risk and the other is a high reward staking plan.

The Low-Risk Plan has won £659.77 in 28 days

But more impressively…

The High Reward Plan has won £4323.02 in 28 days.

I don’t know about you, but I favour the idea of winning either £659 or £4323 a month to cancelling magazine subscriptions, turning lights off every five minutes and eating more salads and sandwiches to save a few pounds.

Don’t you?

Whatever the bad news is telling you – and there is plenty of it and I can understand why people are panicking – there are still plenty of great ways to make much needed extra money without having to find a second (or third job), or bust a gut working hard.

John Lee is nearing 80 and is leveraging his money to make more money… at a time when it is needed most!

If you would like to learn more about John and his winning Rainbow System, click the link below:

The Rainbow System

Kind regards

John Harrison


PS… John started using this system back in January 1977 and has successfully used it for 45 years. Now is the time for him to share his winning system with others.

Here’s that link again:

The Rainbow System

16 Selections… 10 Winners… PROFIT!

Last week I instructed one of my staff to test the selection process of one of our best horse racing products.

So far, they have only done four days; one last weekend and three this week.

They have identified around nine potential winners for today but as they have yet to run we don’t have any results for those yet.

But we do have the results from the other four days.

Last weekend there were five selections on one day with three of those winning giving a £21.45 profit using one of the staking plans suggested as part of the system.

The initial starting stake was only £5.

This week there were a total of 11 selections over three days with seven of those winning giving a combined profit of £30.95

In total, 16 horses were identified as potential winners.

Ten of them won giving a combined win total of £52.40

That’s not bad is it?

I want to say that the data needs to be collected over a longer period of time to get a better look at the system but I don’t need to…

You see, John Lee who came up with this system has been using it successfully for 45 years!

As you probably know, if something doesn’t work, it is soon scrapped, but when you carry on using the same system for 45 years, you know you are onto a winner.

That is exactly what the Rainbow System is… a winning system.

For 45 years John has been using his winning system to the annoyance of bookmakers across the country resulting in his accounts being closed down.

Click here to see a couple of account closure letters John has received.

They simply didn’t like handing over the large chunks of money he was winning.

Bookmakers need to make money so when one person keeps coming in and ‘cleaning up’, they need to take action and protect their business… which means shutting down those winners.

Fortunately… that no longer needs to happen thanks to Betfair.

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Betfair is a different beast altogether.

As long as you use the exchange, you should never have your account closed down due to the fact that you bet against other users and not Betfair itself.

Betfair then takes a percentage of all winning transactions.

Basically, whenever a bet is placed, they make money.

So as you can see, Betfair never lose money, they are set up to always make money no matter what the outcome is.

Betfair wants you to make money.

Betfair has allowed John, who is now nearing his 80s, to supplement his pension by plundering it of stacks of TAX FREE money.

He is now free to make as much money as he likes.

Betfair has become his own personal cash machine.

It’s an overused cliché but it’s true… as you have seen with our simple four day test, we were £52.40 in profit for a few minutes work.

You have to ask yourself…

How much could you make if you used bigger stakes?

How much would you make if you were to do this every week for a year?

If you are struggling with the current cost of living crisis like so many other people today, then something like this could quite easily take the pressure off.

If you would like to know more about John Lee’s Rainbow System click the link below:

The Rainbow System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… Have you ever been offered a system before with a track record dating back over 45 years?


Well you have now.

John started using this system back in January 1977 when James Callaghan was Prime Minister of The UK, Elvis Presley was still alive and kicking and Red Rum was set to win his third Grand National.

Any system which can last 45 years, can weather the current cost of living crisis and give you plenty of extra money to play with.

Here’s that link again:

The Rainbow System