Tag Archives: Business Ideas

A ‘Grand’ Method For Making A Lot Of Money?

I’m sure you know that having just £1,000 in a bank account will earn you very little interest over the year.

Put that £1,000 into Betfair or a trading broker platform like IG Index, you could more than double that money within a few months.

The idea of putting £1,000 into a trading platform scares people. Maybe it’s the risk of losing the money (it can happen) that stops people from doing it.

Others don’t realise that they can take a £1,000 and use it to make several thousand more – sometimes tens of thousands more.

The truth is… £1,000 used the right way in the right place can make you a lot more money.

For some people, £1,000 is a lot of money and right now during the current cost of living crisis, that money could be used elsewhere.

What most people don’t realise is that £1,000 in a trading platform like IG Index would give you the opportunity to make between £50 and £100, possibly more, most weekdays.

If you use Betfair instead, you have the opportunity to make between £50 and £100 every day of the week.

Imagine that you made a £50 a day Monday to Friday. That would give you £1,000 every four weeks.

With 52 weeks in a year, you would have £13,000 at the end of a year if you made £1,000 every four weeks.

What bank is going to pay you that amount of money in interest?

None that I know of!

It’s a sad fact that if you have £1,000 sitting in a bog standard bank account, it’s likely to gather more dust than interest.

If you are in the UK, using Betfair and IG Index for trading certain markets also means that the money you make is TAX FREE.

Maybe people don’t try and turn £1,000 into £13,000 or more because they think it requires a lot of work.

That is not necessarily true.

Dave Houghton spends no more than ten minutes each morning checking his system which makes him £200+ each weekday.

He probably uses more than £1,000 to generate that amount each day, but… as you have seen, if you make just £50 a day, after four weeks you will have doubled your money and will have more to play with.

After four weeks you could be making £100 or more each weekday.

If you keep building on it, you could soon be making £200+ each weekday meaning that you could be withdrawing more than £1,000 each month.

All from starting with £1,000!

You could start with £500 if you prefer.

It will take longer to get to the point where you are comfortably withdrawing £1,000+ each month, but would you mind considering that £500 in a bank account would earn you bugger all?

So, the question is… do you have a spare £1,000 (or £500)?

If you have, would it not make sense to use it to make more money than have it sitting in a bank gathering dust?

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This isn’t just money; it is a tool… a tool for making more money… a tool for building wealth.

If you don’t have a spare £1,000 (or £500), maybe now’s the time to ‘find it’!

That £1,000 could make a huge change to your life.

If you don’t have it, you need to formulate a plan to make that money.

Without it you cannot make more money… it’s as simple as that.

If you have any items in your home that you no longer use, sell them.

What’s the point having things cluttering up your home and gathering dust if they are never used?

I have a friend who is currently selling his tent and camping equipment.

He hasn’t used it in the last five years, maybe longer, and so he is getting rid of it. He may only make £100 but that would be £100 towards that life changing £1,000.

It would be better to use that £100 to make money than have it gathering dust on a garage shelf.

Everything that you no longer need or use could be sold and the money earned put aside in a ‘wealth building’ pot.

Once you have your £1,000 (or £500) you put it into one of the platforms mentioned and use it to make more money.

Having to build up your bank first might be a bonus because it gives you time to ‘paper trade’ and test your chosen system so that when you have your £1,000 (or £500) you know what to do and what not do and are ready to hit the ground running.

Another bonus of ‘finding’ that £1,000 is that you are not using any of the money that you need for bills.

You are not taking the money out of your bank so you can afford to play with it as it is ‘extra’ money.

Let me make myself clear here… I don’t want you to use and risk money that you need and cannot afford to lose.

I once read about a guy who worked every evening for a month so that he could build up enough money to use ‘elsewhere’ which then returned far more than if he carried on working.

That was on top of working his day job.

He sacrificed one month to make some ‘extra’ money so that he could change his future finances for the better.

The extra money he worked for… worked for him and made him more money.

When you do nothing… nothing happens.

It’s a sad fact of life that most people spend more time watching television than focusing on their financial future. Don’t be one of them.

Spending just a few minutes each day can reward you greatly… as it does for Dave Houghton.

If you would like to know how Dave is leveraging his money to make £200+ each weekday, click the link below:

The A Minus B System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… One thing you should know is that this system will work for the next 10… 20… 30… 40+ years. It is not a here today and gone tomorrow system.

It takes as little as ten minutes in the morning to set up, then it is left to do what it needs to do.

Here’s that link again:

The A Minus B System

The Ten Minute Morning System

Summer is festival season.

As the weather is warmer and (sometimes) dryer there are many outdoor events and festivals for people to enjoy.

These range from the huge music festivals like Glastonbury which is attended by over 150,000 people to smaller local events which are attended by a few thousand people.

When there are a lot of people gathering in one place, there is a great opportunity for food and drink vendors to make a fair amount of money.

In a previous email I talked about how food stalls at festivals selling crêpes made a small fortune because the food they supplied was simple to make, required little in the way of ingredients and the ingredients could last quite a while when not used and stored in air tight containers.

Festivals can be quite a money spinner when it all goes well.

Unfortunately, they can be big a disaster too.

I recently read about a woman named Kianah who took her mobile food truck to a festival but for whatever reason – bad weather or bad marketing – hardly anyone turned up.

She shared a short video on social media showing a few people watching a performance on the main stage, it looked like it was a pre-festival sound check but it wasn’t, that was the actual crowd watching a live act.

The stage was huge, a proper festival stage so they must have been expecting a big turnout.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t.

It was an incredibly poor turnout and Kianah had paid out a small fortune for her pitch as well as lay out quite a lot of money buying all of the food and drinks.

She sells mostly bagels with fresh fillings and with very little people at the festival; she had virtually no customers which meant she had a lot of stock slowly going off.

Bread goes off quicker than flour and unlike the people who serve crêpes made from a freshly made batter; Kianah had to buy her bagels before the festival.

A crêpe stall can make as much or as little batter they need depending on the crowd, but people selling burgers, hotdogs and bagels need to buy in bulk before the event.

And if the event is a disappointing washout as in the case here, they are left with a lot of stock which is going hard and turning stale.

Unfortunately, a lot of it will be thrown into the bin.

Instead of making money, Kianah lost money and wasted the whole weekend. I believe she left early when it became abundantly clear that there wasn’t going to be any major influx of crowds.

She had to chalk it up to experience and move on.

It is a shame because she has a regular spot where she serves from when there are no events and she figured out that had she stayed there instead of going to the festival where she was expecting a lot more people, she would have made more money.

It can be quite demoralising when you experience a weekend like that.

People work hard in their businesses.

They spend a lot of time and energy getting things right and ready to start making money, but when things are slow to start or simply not working out as expected as Kianah found out at the festival, it can be absolutely soul destroying.

People need to really sit down and ask themselves ‘what is it that I really want?’ before they start a business.

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You need to know why you want to do a specific thing to make money.

Do you want to do it because you have a passion for it and want a fulfilled life as well as money or do you simple want to make money?

If all that you want is a decent steady flow of money so that you can enjoy more of life and live relatively stress free, starting a business that has many working components, requires a lot of financial outlay and gives you a small profit is probably not the best way to go.

Providing food and drink can be a profitable, you only have to look at the likes of Costa Coffee, Starbucks, McDonald’s, and Wagamamas to see that large empires can be built by supplying food.

But those companies started with a vision and focused on building working systems.

They didn’t simply open up a café and start serving food.

Not only does it take a lot of work and money to grow a food and drink empire, the profits are still minimal compared to other businesses.

Costa Coffee (now owned by a subsidiary of the Coca-Cola Company) was reported to have made £1.34 billion in 2019 yet they make an average 30 pence profit on a cup of coffee.

You need to sell a lot of food and drink to make that amount of money.

The Government make more money per cup of coffee than Costa do by taking roughly 43 pence in VAT per drink.

To sell that amount of food and drink Costa requires a lot of staffing (most staff are young students and staff turnover is huge), a lot of premises and a whole lot of marketing.

Again, if you only want to have a steady amount of money flowing into your bank so that you can enjoy more freedom and live a relatively stress free life, starting a business which serves food and drink is probably best avoided.

Ideally, if you want money and more freedom, you want something that you can do at the start of the day and be done after only a few minutes.

David Houghton starts his work at 8am and is finished by 8:10am.

He compares a couple of numbers, works out the difference and then fires up his system which allows him to pull money out of ‘thin air’ on autopilot.

He makes between £110 and £350 each weekday.

It takes him no more than ten minutes each day.

It’s a simple set and forget system which means that he earns money throughout the day while he is out and about doing other things.

There is no going to a place to work as he does it all from the comfort of his own home using a computer.

It can be done on a tablet or smartphone if you prefer.

As long as you can connect to the internet, you are good to go.

Dave no longer needs to work; he has a system which will feed him and his family no matter where in the world he is or what the world throws at him.

He spends a lot of his time in Thailand and yet he still makes money doing no more than ten minutes each day.

If you would like to know more about Dave and his ten minute morning system, click the link below:

The A Minus B System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… One thing you should know is that this system will work for the next 10… 20… 30… 40+ years. It is not a here today and gone tomorrow system.

It will give you between £110 and £350 most weekdays for as little as ten minutes work.

Here’s that link again:

The A Minus B System

“There’s Something A Little Dodgy About This”

Spotted at a local carboot market recently was a young man wearing a hoody and a baseball cap with a table outside of his car with a handful of DVDs and books.

And when I say a handful, I do mean a handful. There must have been no more than fifteen items. It all looked lost on a large picnic table.

Everyone else at the carboot had tables buried in items for sale. Some people had so much stuff it could put people off from looking through it all.

And yet here he was with a handful of DVDs and books.

Unless he was just seriously desperate to make money and was hoping that the small pile would earn him a decent amount of money, something more suspicious was afoot.

I know for certain that he hadn’t had a good day and hadn’t already sold a lot of stuff as this was an afternoon carboot market and the gates had only just been opened.

What he had on his stall was what he had started with.

The pitch for the carboot itself is £7.

I would be surprised that he would make that back from what he was selling. If he was lucky to find people who were willing to buy all of the books and DVDs he was selling for a £1 each, then he might have gone home with a profit, he might have even doubled his money.

But I’m a suspicious chap and I can’t help but think that the small pile of books and DVDs was a front for something else he was selling.

There was something a little dodgy about it.

Carboots can be notorious places for selling counterfeit cigarettes and bootlegged DVDs.

One big carboot market held every Sunday at the historical air base RAF Hemswell in Lincolnshire – Bomber Command ran bombing missions from RAF Hemswell during WWII and it doubled up as RAF Scampton (just up the road) in the 1954 film The Dambusters – was raided several times by police and customs to clamp down on piracy and counterfeit gangs.

Although the market is still popular today, it is tiny compared to how big it used to be during its ‘wild west’ period.

It attracted many wrong uns on both sides of the tables.

Gangs were selling knock off goods, dodgy cigarettes and drugs, and people were going there to buy them.

This is what I believe was happening at this local car boot with the dodgy looking hoodie and his handful of books and DVDs.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he was selling something more illicit from under the table… or actually out of the carboot at the carboot.

In many ways, it kind of makes sense.

If word gets around that you sell a specific product and that you will be at a specific place at a specific time, customers come and find you. It saves you the hassle of having to go to them.

Sometimes selling illicit goods in plain sight is actually a good hiding place… but it also means that the police know where to find you if you are discovered.

A large number of people were arrested during the raids on the Hemswell Sunday carboot market which lead to many homes being raided and a lot of stuff was confiscated. Many were charged and fined too.

I can’t say for definite whether this hoody guy was selling something dodgy or not.

He might just have decided to pay the £7 pitch price and hoped that he went home with £14 or more from selling a few old unwanted items.

Money is money and if he could sell all of those items there that day for a profit without the hassle of having to sell them online via eBay which means having to post each item separately, it might have been worth it to him.

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Okay, so today’s article is not about becoming a criminal selling dubious products from the back of your car under the guise of a carboot stall, no, today’s article is about making money without wasting your time or taking silly risks.

If that young man who I perceived as dodgy because of the clothing he was wearing and the fact that he had very little to sell was in fact genuine, you have to ask…

Why is he spending three or four hours stood in a field on a scorching hot day selling second hand items which would earn him no more than £20?

I think it’s because he doesn’t know what else to do.

Yes, he may want to get rid of a few things that he no longer needs and instead of throwing them away decided that he might as well make some money from them, which makes sense… a little.

But I would still argue that he doesn’t know what else to do otherwise he might have dumped those items at a charity shop and focused his efforts on something more profitable.

Had he spent those three hours writing an eBook or report, or writing articles for a client or for a website of his own, he could earn far more back for his efforts, and it could potentially keep earning money for many years.

Had he chosen to use Belfair and traded football matches and/or the horse racing, he could have earned more without having to leave the comfort of his own home.

There are good reasons to declutter your home and getting rid of unwanted stuff, and if you can make some extra money from it, mores the better… but only if it is not preventing you from making more money.

If you have a few hours spare and want to go and stand at a carboot market haggling the price with the bargain zombies who wish not to pay more than a £1 for anything… then fine, fill your boots, I won’t stop you.

Just don’t be surprised if you don’t find me standing at a stall next to you though.

My time has more value than what I would earn from selling old and unwanted items at a carboot market.

I believe… actually forget believe

I know for a fact that there are many better ways to make money than standing around trying to sell your old unwanted DVDs and books.

I’ve mentioned a couple already.

I doubt that you would find my friend John Lee selling old books and DVDs at a carboot market.

Firstly, he is approaching his 80s and secondly, he has a far better way to make money.

He has been using this system for 45 years and it has served him well.

Too well at times!

Some of the bookmakers closed his accounts down because they didn’t like handing large amounts of money over to him on a regular and ongoing basis.

They do that unfortunately.

Bookies are happy to keep taking your money when you lose, but if you start winning large amounts regularly, they will say enough’s enough and shut you down.

Fortunately, with Betfair being a betting exchange where they allow users to bet against each other, they are happy for people to make a lot or money because it means they make more money themselves.

John uses a simple system where he spends as little as ten minutes identifying which races will bank him a profit.

The system has not been changed in 45 years other than a tweak or two to make it easier to work with while using Betfair.

Had Betfair been around in the 80s, John says he would have packed up his electrical engineering business and focused solely on using it.

That’s how powerful the system is.

At one stage the Inland Revenue decided to investigate John to see how he could afford to drive an expensive car and live lavishly considering his business had been struggling prior to using the system.

The money he was enjoying all came from using the system, the same system which he wants to share with you today.

If you would like to learn more about John and his system, click the link below:

The Rainbow System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… Have you ever been offered a system before with a track record dating back over 45 years?


Well you have now.

John started using this system back in January 1977 when James Callaghan was Prime Minister of The UK, Elvis Presley was still alive and kicking and Red Rum was set to win his third Grand National.

Any system which can last 45 years, can weather the current cost of living crisis and give you plenty of extra money to play with.

Here’s that link again:

The Rainbow System

Ease The Squeeze With This Simple Betfair System

The cost of living crisis is getting worse with prices rising at their fastest rate for more than 40 years.

Inflation jumped to 9.4% in the 12 months to June from 9.1% in May.

Food and fuel costs are the most concerning for families with some people seeing their gas and electricity bills increasing fivefold.

British families feeling the squeeze are cutting back on spending.

Because people need to eat, food is prioritised over clothing and fuel which is where most people are cutting back.

In June, petrol and diesel sales dropped by 4.3% and clothing sales dropped by 4.7%.

Food is a necessity and unfortunately that is where a lot of the price increases are seen. Basic foods such as milk, eggs, flour and butter have seen some of the biggest price increases.

Here are a few examples of the food price increases between June 2021 and June 2022.

Low fat milk – 26.3%

Butter – 21.5%

Mineral or spring waters – 19.5%

Flour (all types) – 19.3%

Whole milk – 18.6%

Olive oil – 18.2%

Other food products (inc yeast, baking powder, stock) – 17.6%

Sauces, condiments, salt, herbs and spices – 17.1%

Ready-made meals – 16.7%

Pasta products and couscous – 15.9%

Jams, marmalades and honey – 15.1%

Lamb and goat – 14.9%

Poultry (inc chicken, turkey, duck) – 14.9%

Margarine and other vegetable fats (inc peanut butter) – 14.6%

Dried, preserved or processed vegetables (inc tinned vegetables, beans and pulses) – 14.6%

Fresh or chilled fish – 14.2%

Frozen vegetables (except potatoes) – 13.2%

Coffee – 13.2%

Other meat preparations (inc pate, canned meat, meat pies) – 13.1%

Cheese and curd – 12.4%

Other bakery products (inc biscuits, cakes, sweet pies) – 11.5%

Eggs – 11.5%

Other milk products (inc cream, soya milk) – 11.3%

Beef and veal (inc minced) – 11.0%

Crisps – 10.0%

Pork – 9.8%

Bread – 9.7%

Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS)

The cost of people’s weekly shop has jumped. I recently saw one woman on Twitter claim that her shop had jumped from £30 something to around £100. That is quite scary if you have a family to feed.

The increasing costs to food and fuel are stretching people to the maximum with many now struggling to make ends meet.

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Fortunately it is summer as I write this, but winter isn’t far away and people will once again be forced to make the painful decision whether to eat, or heat the home.

© 2022 Vuk Valcic / SOPA Images/Sipa via AP Images

I can’t imagine that there is much worse than having to make that kind of decision. Some parents have even skipped meals just so that their children could eat.

Times are pretty desperate for some people with many working second or third jobs.

But you don’t need to look for another job to make extra money each week. There are other ways.

Let me introduce you to John Lee.

John has been making extra money each month betting on a small manageable number of horses.

John has a specific 15 – 20 minute method of picking his horses which has resulted in him winning so much money that he has had his accounts closed down at several bookmakers.

He even had letters asking him to not bet at their shops due to the fact that he was winning more than they liked to pay out.

It takes just a few minutes to pick his selection.

John has been using the same system on and off for 45 years. The on and off nature was partly down to the fact his accounts were closed before he had the opportunity to use Betfair.

Once Betfair came along, all bets were back on.

Betfair is a betting exchange which allows users to bet against each other. There is no betting against the bookies and because Betfair makes their money through fees on all winning transactions, they make more money if you make more money.

It is a complete win-win situation.

I don’t know of anyone who has had a Betfair account closed down for winning too much money.

Closing down winning accounts is like killing the goose which lays the golden egg. You’d be a fool to do that.

If you would like to know more about John Lee and how he makes thousands in extra money each month, click the link below:

The Rainbow System

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… I don’t know what your financial position is, and I’m not going to presume. But whether you could just do with some extra cash to pay escalating fuel and energy bills, or have all that covered and want to take advantage of some of the more exciting things life has to offer… maybe a new car or home makeover, or being able to help out the family…The Rainbow System is going to enable you to do it.

Here’s that link again:

The Rainbow System

Make A Few Thousand Pounds Selling One Product To A Handful Of People

I’ve spoken many times about writing because it is a great way to make money. It is an easy way to make money compared to many other methods.

I’ve focused a lot on writing for yourself selling eBooks and articles or writing for clients, but I haven’t spoken much about creating products to sell with full resale licenses.

I have talked about PLR (private label rights) in the past where you sell a package of articles, slides and videos that other people can use or sell as their own, this is similar.

As part of the purchase price, buyers are given specific rights allowing them to modify the products and to sell them as their own.

For that, you can charge a lot more than if you were selling it as your own product to people.

Products that you sell with licenses need to be of the best quality possible, but that doesn’t mean that they need to be perfect because buyers need to modify the content and layout so that it appears that it is theirs.

Selling the license to a product means that you sell to less people for more money.

So for example, let’s say that you write an eBook focusing on how to make money as an affiliate marketer using only social media.

As an eBook, you could sell it for anything up to £97… possibly more if the information can actually make the reader a lot of money in a relatively short period of time without much hard work.

But to sell the license to the eBook which allows other people to make it their own and then sell it for anything up to £97, you could charge £497 or more.

You would need to sell five copies of the eBook at £97 to make £485 if you sold it as an eBook alone. If you sold it at a lower price, you would need to sell more.

Selling the resale license as part of the product means that you can sell one copy of the eBook and make the same amount of money as selling five or more copies of the eBook alone.

This time, the buyers are not buying it to learn how to make money as an affiliate marketer using social media; they are buying the eBook to sell and to make a profit.

Once they have made the necessary changes and added it to their website, they can sell that book for many years. They should make a lot of money back from their purchase.

If a buyer has a popular website and a large email list, selling the eBook shouldn’t be a problem. They could earn back their cost within a day or two.

Over the course of the year, they should earn back several thousand pounds.

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If you create an eBook and then sell it for £497 with full resale rights, you only need to sell 20 copies to make £9,900.

21 copies would put you over the £10,000 mark.

That’s not bad is it for what could be a week’s work?

Give yourself 30 days and you should easily have the whole product, sales page and download page set up ready to make sales.

To sell an eBook with its full resale rights license you need to supply it in an editable format such as MS Word.

Normally, an eBook would be sold as a PDF or some other format which is easily opened on tablets, phones, computers and Kindles but this is not for reading.

Part of the license agreement must be that the buyer changes it so that it appears to be a different product from the original as you don’t want loads of people all selling it with the same name and title.

As you wrote it, you want to be able to sell it yourself under your name and you want to protect your other buyers who bought the same license.

To make your offer more attractive to potential buyers, you can also sell the sales letter to go with it so that when a person buys the product, they also have a sales letter which they can change and add to their website.

Giving them the product and sales letter in editable formats means that they can have a product ready to put up for sale on their website within a couple of hours of buying.

That is incredibly appealing to a buyer.

Imagine that a buyer has an email list of 5,000 names and after purchasing the product they spend a few hours modifying the eBook and the sales letter, they add it to their website and then send an email directing people to the sales page where they can but the eBook at £97.

They only need six sales at £97 to make their money back along with a small profit.

If just 1% of the people on that email list bought the eBook, the person who licensed it from you would make £4,850.

Had they sold that product as an affiliate or joint venture partner, they would have made 50% of the sale price which would have paid them only £2,425.

Because they bought the license for the product, they have made more money.

Now you see why people are willing to pay more to license products from other people?

Instead of creating a load of eBooks to sell yourself, maybe you should consider creating eBooks to sell with full resale rights license because you can create less, sell less and earn more.

If you want to learn how to create your own products, write the sales pages and set them live online so that people can buy them on autopilot without you needing to do anything else, click the link below:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Points to consider:

  • There is no limit to how many licenses you can sell.
  • eBooks can be as little as a 10 pages long.
  • You can set whatever price you think is fair for the products you are selling… remember, people are buying to sell and make a profit not to read and learn.
  • Products can take only a few days to make, a whole fully automated system can be created within 30 days.
  • Product creation can be outsourced.

Here’s that link again:


BEEP BEEP! You’ve Received £47 From Mr Dinero!


That’s the sound of your phone informing you that you’ve made another sale and that you have money coming your way.

You didn’t have to do anything to process the sale and you don’t have to do anything now other than wait for the money to be deposited into your bank.

You could have been sat watching your favourite show on television, taking a walk with your nearest and dearest, sitting in a bar enjoying a cool beer on a hot summer’s day, or in a restaurant enjoying a nice meal with friends and family when the notification sound alerted you to the sale.

You also could have been laid in bed about to drop off to sleep. Or it might have woken you up in the morning… and wouldn’t it be nice to wake up to that kind of notification?

Sales and payment notifications happen at any time of the day.

This is a regular occurrence that I and many others enjoy… and you can too.

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Selling digital products that are sold using a fully automated system has allowed ordinary people to make money at any time of the day from anywhere in the world without having to process the sale itself.

Once a digital product has been added to your fully automated system it then does what it needs to do to give you a passive income.

Depending on how you position yourself online and how many people you show your fully automated passive income streams too, you will be receiving plenty of sales notifications throughout your day.

Digital products such as PDFs, online video courses and subscription based members areas can make you money at any time of the day or night and it has all been made easier by payment processing companies such as PayPal and Stripe.

When a person buys a digital product from your sales page, they are automatically sent to the product.

You do not need to do anything else other than carry on doing what you were doing.

It is all done for you.

To learn more, click the link below:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Points to consider:

  • There is no limit to how many digital products you can sell.
  • Products can be as little as a 10 page PDF or one video.
  • You can set whatever price you think is fair for the products you are selling.
  • Products can take only a few days to make, a whole fully automated passive income system can be created within 30 days.
  • Product creation can be outsourced.

Here’s that link again:


New Tricks For Old Dogs? How Youngsters Are Showing Us How To Make Money

The other day I read a Tweet on Twitter from a young 18 year old woman moaning that the older generation did not respect the views and opinions of the younger generations.

She said that she was going to stop posting on Twitter for a while and focus on finishing the book she was currently writing.

I agree that focusing on her book more than Twitter is a better use of her time and I commend her for that, but what she failed to mention is that she was trying to be a ‘political commentator’ with opinions and views which are quite toxic and leaning heavily to the far right.

The reason her posts on Twitter were receiving a constant battering from a large amount of people – of all ages may I add – is that she talked absolute tosh.

She wasn’t being dumped on because of her age; she was being dumped on because she was spitting venom and offending innocent people.

Age is irrelevant if you actually know what you are talking about and not causing any unnecessary and pointless offence.

Recently I told you about the youngsters who were making big money selling NFT images, one 12 year old boy from London called Benyamin Ahmed has generated over £4.1 million selling his collection of NFT images.

That’s not money he has earned, his share is over £700,000 and growing, the rest is from other ‘collectors’ reselling his NFT images to other collectors.

When Benyamin started selling his collection, each image had a starting price of £50, and by the end of the day, due to high demand, some pieces sold for £16,500 each!

Another youngster, Jaiden Stipp, paid off his parent’s mortgage and their cars selling a few of his NFT images and he was only 16 at the time.

I can tell you now, if I had the chance to sit and talk to either of them, I would let them talk.

It really is a case of… when they speak; you shut up and listen.

They know their stuff and they clearly know how to make money exploiting a specific industry.

Age means nothing here. I can learn a lot from them both.

Buying and selling NFTs can make a lot of money in a relatively short period of time.

£10 can soon become £2,500 in as little as a day as you will learn here:

Turn £10 In To £2,500+ Time And Time Again Selling Easy To Buy Collectables…

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Harry is another younger person who I think people should listen to.

He now works only one hour per day and is usually finished by 8:30am with all the profit he needs.

Since the age of 17 Harry has been out-earning all of his friends by focusing on ways to earn more money per hour so that he could work less.

After several years of experimenting with a new way to make money trading the forex markets, Harry now has a system which gives him a consistent 20% profit every calendar month… for just one hour of work each day!

Here is another person who hasn’t reached the ripe old age of 30 and he is making more money than more than 90% of the population and he is doing it in an hour each day.

He knows his stuff and he knows how to make money exploiting the forex market.

It’s fair to say… when Harry speaks; you shut up and listen.

If you would like Harry to show you how to turn £1,000 into £10,000 and then £10,000 into £1 million+ take a look at:

20% Per Calendar Month Profit – Consistently – Forever – Proven…

And For Just One Hour’s Work Per Day!

After reading the Tweet from that young woman I felt compelled to say something because I don’t think her opinion was correct, at least not in the way she was suggesting.

She wasn’t a victim of reverse ageism, she wasn’t being singled out or bullied for being young; she was a victim of her own making by sprouting factually inaccurate rubbish others didn’t want to hear.

There are young people who are being listened to for the right reasons. Some are making waves when it comes to politics, environmental issues and others as I have mentioned today are making small fortunes for themselves and for others.

While there is a cost of living crisis happening, I am more than happy to listen to anyone of any age when it comes to making money.

If they are successfully making money then it would be foolish to not listen.

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… Anyone of any age can change their lives and the lives of others for the better. Age is irrelevant, it is the information they share and what they do that counts.

The younger generations are making small fortunes using these two methods:

Turn £10 In To £2,500+ Time And Time Again Selling Easy To Buy Collectables…


20% Per Calendar Month Profit – Consistently – Forever – Proven…  And For Just One Hour’s Work Per Day!

Is it time you took a look?

The Secret To Making Money Using Email WITHOUT Having An Email List Of Your Own!

I recently downloaded a free eBook from a website and as expected, I had to give my name and email details to be sent it.

I received the eBook, read it and then thought nothing more about it until a week later when I realised that I had not received one single email since the initial ‘Thank you for signing up to our email list, here’s the eBook you request’ email.

After that, it went silent.

I received nothing at all which is foolish because they are missing out on earning money by not sending any emails.

After reading the eBook and enjoying it, I might have been interested in purchasing another eBook or product from them… but they never followed up with any emails promoting anything.

The money is in the list

Everyone should know that by now. I’m not the only one who harks on about it… it is a well known fact.

I don’t know why the owner of the eBook and website isn’t sending emails.

Maybe they don’t have the time to write them, maybe they cannot afford to pay a professional email writer to write them or maybe they are not good at writing and shy away from it.

I don’t know if this person has a lot of people on their list or whether it was so few that they decided that they couldn’t be bothered to write and send regular emails.

Whatever the reason, they are potentially losing money… potentially a lot of money if they have a large list.

As always, this had me thinking.

I see a possible money making venture here for the right person… or should that be… for the ‘write’ person.

That person could contact the website owner and offer to either write emails for a fee, or write them for free but promote relevant affiliate products and share any profits made.

This is a joint venture model where the person who has an email list but isn’t using it, joins forces with someone who doesn’t have an email list but is happy to write and send the emails.

To find people who you can offer this service to, I suggest doing a few searches in Google around specific niches you are good at writing about, join a few emails list by opting in to receive newsletters or a free eBook and see how many emails they send out.

If you join an email list and receive nothing within a week, send an email to the website owner asking why they don’t send regular emails and if you can do it for them.

You want to make it clear that if a person has an email list of X amount of people that they could be losing money by not sending regular emails.

You also want to make it clear that you will write emails only to lists of a specific size.

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If a website owner has an email list of only 30 and an average of one new subscriber is added every three weeks, I suggest passing on it and looking for someone with a bigger list.

500 people I think would be a good minimum number. You may be happy to work with a list with a minimum of 250.

One list of 500 is not a lot… but imagine that you reached out to other website owners with lists that they didn’t use and that you had five people with lists of 500 people take you up on your offer.

Five lists of 500 is a collective list size of 2,500 which is not a bad size to work with for someone who doesn’t have their own list. If those lists are all in the same or similar niche then that is even better.

Website owners can be very busy and very often the email list gets forgotten about, which is crazy considering it is the most profitable part for many online businesses.

By offering to write and send a regular or daily email, those people who have lists but don’t use them may take you up on the offer.

Who wouldn’t want a free service which benefits their business and is likely to make them some money?

I would also suggest that you take control of the email list and import it into your own email system like Aweber so that you know that the email you wrote with specific affiliate links is the one which is sent.

People are incredibly protective of their email lists, and rightly so as they are worth a lot of money, but a person who is not using theirs really has nothing to be protective about.

They may refuse to hand it over so you may need to write the emails and send them to the website owner and build up trust and grow a relationship with them first.

You can always test the links when an email is sent, you should be on the email list and so you should receive everything which is sent out.

Once they get to know you better and trust you, they may then pass the list to you or give you access to their email provider.

I can’t see many people refusing to allow you control of their unused email list if you are going to start making them money from it.

It’s a bit like having a trailer sitting unused in your garden for years, gathering dirt and buried under a growth of weeds, brambles and nettles, and then out of the blue your neighbour asks if he can use it for the next few months offering to pay £10 a week to use it.

Would you say no to someone cutting back the growth, freeing the trailer and paying you to use it?

I’d be surprised if you said no.

You’d be foolish to say no.

This is a service which is going to really benefit the list owner, and done correctly, it will benefit you too… in a big way.

This could suit someone who enjoys writing and has the time spare to write at least one new email a day.

You can manage as many email lists as you can handle. If you can write for five different lists and are happy doing so, do that.

The more people you email and build a rapport with, the more money you can make if you promote the right relevant products.

There is a similar service you could possibly offer to popular websites which don’t have an email list and that is to build one for them either for a fee or for free and share any profits made from affiliate sales.

Some websites make their money from advertising revenue and have huge amounts of daily visitors but they do not build an email list. Their visitors may be varied and not niche specific, but there are still ways to generate money from a large list.

You can offer to build the email list for the website by giving them the opt-in box code to add to their website and then start sending emails to the growing list.

Emails can be sponsored by other people or they can have affiliate links and adverts for products which are more general and appeal to more people such as facial hair removal gadgets for women or snazzy cases for smartphones.

Having an email list and sending simple emails on a regular or daily basis is an incredibly profitable business.

If you would like to learn more, click the link below:

The Email Secret

There are thousands of people like you who are making thousands of pounds each month writing and sending simple emails.

Maybe now’s the time to become one of them.

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS Sign up today and you will get these incredible free bonuses worth £226:95

How To Create Your Own Profitable Product In 7 Days Or Less where you will learn how to quickly create products of your own to sell.

The Email Secret Template Package. 4 page templates – built to look great on tablets and smartphones as well as computers – to help you set up your email freedom business fast.

PPS You have life time access to the training videos as well as email access to Andi, our email ‘guru’ who will answer any technical questions you may have.

PPPS If there was ever the perfect time to learn how to do this, it’s now. Download your copy today.

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret

Did You Just Buy Piping Hot Pizza From A Vending Machine?

I don’t know how, but somehow I ended up watching a video online of an overexcited guy buying a pizza from a giant unmanned pizza vending machine fitted inside what appeared to be a small shipping container.

The order was placed via a large touchscreen, payment was paid via a card and four minutes later, the pizza was delivered piping hot and in a box through a flap under the touchscreen.

The vending machine only serves pizza and the pizzas are pre-prepared, stored in a fridge and then cooked by a robot using a patented jet pulsed oven.

Although, after looking at their website, it looks like the pizza base is precooked.

The company is called Pizza Rebellion – apparently they are rebelling against the normal takeaway drivel, whatever that means – and they have at least six of these giant pizza vending machines with two situated at Brighton train station, one in Bognor Regis, one in Worthing and two in Chichester.

It seems the rebellion is growing in numbers.

Pizza Rebellion was born during lockdown out of the award winning restaurant The Richmond Arms in Chichester.

With lockdown closing many restaurants temporary – and in some cases permanently – and affecting business, the people at The Richmond Arms decided to use their experience to provide the convenience of freshly made and cooked pizzas using great healthy ingredients… without the need to interact with people.

This is brilliant idea as it means that while the vending machines are stocked, people can buy a pizza at any time of the day or night.

There is a downside because it effectively means there are six pizza shops which are not staffed and so it’s not good for the unemployment figures and it could also be detrimental to other pizza shops in the area.

However… as with most technological and sociological changes, job positions are not always lost, they very often change.

There may not be staff inside these vending machines serving customers directly, but there are staff preparing the pizzas and taking them in a van to restock each vending machine.

The more vending machines they create, the more pizzas they need to make and deliver which means taking on more staff.

Even though it may reduce staffing, it doesn’t do away with it completely.

Reduced staffing may not be good for people but the low staff costs is good for the business and by supplying a set number of varieties of pizza allows Pizza Rebellion to pre-prepare in bulk making the whole process streamlined and more cost effective.

There is no ‘can you please swap the sweet corn for olives, add fresh garlic, and go heavy with the cheddar please’ when ordering a pizza, you simply choose from one of the nine styles they currently offer.

It is simple and streamlined.

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I don’t know much about The Richmond Arms restaurant in Chichester but it seems that they have hit upon a real money spinner here, but looking at the quality and professionalism of the product, it wasn’t cheap to set up.

There is a lot of bespoke and expensive equipment gone into creating these pizza vending machines.

From the refrigerator, the jet pulse oven, the robot which removes the pizza from the rack and puts it in the oven, the conveyor which delivers the pizza, the smart touchscreen and ordering system and the shipping container itself… this has required quite a bit of upfront investment.

I believe they knew that they were onto a winner before they started because pizza is a very popular takeaway food and it is incredibly simple to make.

The whole concept of a pizza vending machine is exciting to a lot of people which is why I happened to find a video online of an overexcited manchild buying a pizza from one.

I can see the pizza vending machine concept growing and won’t be surprised if we see one in all of the bigger towns and cities across the UK very soon.

I can most certainly see it becoming a franchise business, an expensive one, but with a lot of people loving pizza, it could be a profitable franchise.

Having these vending machines situated at train stations and close to night clubs and arenas that host late night events means you have rich pickings at night time when other places have closed for the night.

It makes you wonder as to what else you can serve via a giant unmanned vending machine.

Could this be a business model for you to consider?

As I say, this business required a lot of upfront investment and though it will make Pizza Rebellion a lot of money over the coming years, there is a lot of expense which most people would rather avoid.

Unless you really wanted to run a business with multiple working parts and love the idea of being on top of an empire for the entire world to see, a business like this should be avoided if all you want is to make money.

There are many easier and cheaper ways to make money.

Selling digital and information products is an incredible way to make money which requires very little upfront investment and can have money dropping into your bank account at any time of the day.

Similar to these unmanned pizza vending machines, digital products can make money without you having to be there. You could be fast asleep and make money.

There is one big difference between digital products and these unmanned pizza vending machines though, and that is… you don’t need to constantly buy materials or restock any shelves.

Digital means that a new copy is created whenever a product is bought.

When an eBook is bought from your website, a copy is made from the original and then sent to the person who bought it. That new digital copy costs you NOTHING to make and send.

Selling digital products is a fantastic way to make hands-free money at any time of the day… and another great thing about digital products is that they take very little time to make.

It can take as little as 30 days, often less, to create the type of products we sell which make us at least £30,000.

If you would like to know more, go to:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Not only will you learn how to set up your own fully automated passive income system within 30 days, you also get these products as a bonus…

  1. How To Make £1,000 A Day Before BreakfastValue £97
  2. How To Make £3,000 A Day Writing Simple Sales LettersValue £77
  3. How To Make A Profitable Product In 7 Days Or LessValue £29.95
  4. Online Traffic Secrets Workshop – Finding Customers For Free [Video]Value £27


  1. The 30 Day To £30K Challenge Bonus Template Package which includes:

Template 1 – The System Money Page Template .

Template 2 – The System Delivery Page Template.

Here’s that link again:


Today’s Your Lucky Day… If You Want It To Be!

When it comes to success and making more money I often hear people saying that they ‘need a break’.

They are not talking about a fortnight in the sun; they are referring to the kind of ‘lucky break’ people have which catapults them towards their desired goal.

A ‘break’ can lead to the dream job, it can change a person’s life for the better, it can take a person from an unknown to a star.

Everyone deserves a ’lucky break’ every once in a while.

When you look at successful people and their history, you can often pinpoint their lucky break which changed their direction or catapulted them to success.

At a quick glance it looks like serendipity handed them the break they needed. Divine intervention stepped in and answered their prayers.

For all intents and purposes, they did have a ‘lucky break’.

But luck really has nothing to do with it.

I am a great believer in luck. The harder I work, the more of it I seem to have.

What most people don’t realise is that if you look closely, you will see that those people very often manufactured the lucky breaks they needed.

You only have to look at television shows like Before They Were Famous to see what celebrities were doing before they made it big.

The one thing which has always struck me with the entertainers that are featured on those shows is that they are all putting themselves in positions where they are most likely to be ‘discovered’.

They are already ‘entertaining’ people and turning up at the places where they need to be seen.

If they are not already performing in one way or another, they are reaching out and showing influential people their talents.

One example is the popular UK rave DJ and musician known as DJ Gammer – yes, I don’t know who he is either, I was recently told this story by someone in the office.

When he was only 14 years old, Gammer (not his real name fortunately) pestered his mother to hand a tape of a mix he had recorded to one of the women she cleaned for.

His mother was a cleaner and she cleaned the house for a woman who happened to be the mother of DJ Dougal (don’t ask me where they get these names from!), one of the UK’s top rave DJs and musicians at that time.

She passed the tape on to her client – Dougal’s mother – who then passed it onto her son.

That one action changed the teenager’s future and took him all around the world as one of the most in-demand DJs and musicians of the rave scene.

Dougal had his own studio and record label and because he liked what he had heard he took young Gammer under his wing and guided him to the big time.

Had the teenager not pestered his mother to pass on the mix tape, he would have probably spent the next few years mixing in his bedroom alone before having to go and find a ‘real’ job.

Yes, it was very fortunate for him that his mother happened to be a cleaner for the mother of one of the most influential DJs and musicians on the scene at that time, but he still reached out to him.

He spent ages crafting the best mix he could which he then put in front of the person who could help him get what he wanted.

It’s a similar story for many of the big songs and dance acts of the 1990s and 2000s.

DJ’s working the big clubs in Ibiza were often handed ‘white label’ (self pressed) records by strangers. If the DJ liked what they heard, they would play them at club nights and on radio shows catapulting the song and band into the charts.

‘Lucky break’s mostly occur when people ‘make them happen’ by taking specific actions.

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Popular political singer and activist Billy Bragg got his big break when he heard John Peel on the radio say that he’d kill for a curry. Billy quickly bought a mushroom biryani and took it to the radio studios.

While handing over the curry, Billy asked John to play his new record Life’s A Riot With Spy Vs Spy, which he did.

And the rest is history as they say.

Being completely ‘discovered’ without doing anything is incredibly rare and generally happens in the modelling world where an attractive woman or man just happens to walk past an agent out looking for the next big ‘natural’ superstar model.

Occasionally a musician is ‘discovered’ singing in a bar or online but even then, they are still ‘out there’ entertaining crowds. Those crowds then tell others about the singer and their audience grows and eventually someone in the industry spots them.

It’s the same in all other industries and businesses.

You only really have a chance of being spotted when you put yourself out there and put your content and information in front of the right people.

You create your own lucky breaks.

Writers have been discovered after publishing their stories online. The film The Martian starring Matt Damon was one such discovery. The author Andy Weir couldn’t be discovered without first putting his story ‘out there’.

Other writers reach out to the big people in their industry to help get discovered.

The saying being in the right place at the right time is true for many people, but what most people don’t realise is that a large number of those people purposely ‘put’ themselves in the right place at the right time.

Successful people do their homework and they find out where they need to be and when they need to be there.

It’s called giving yourself a fighting chance… or giving yourself a leg up.

They reach out to important people and start conversations. They make friends with the right people. They follow influential people and comment and compliment their work.

They make themselves ‘known’.

When you do that, the chance of being given the ‘break’ you need is far greater than if you don’t.

If you believe that you need to be ‘discovered’ or you need a life changing ‘lucky break’ but are not doing anything to be seen or become ‘known’ by those who can give you what you want… maybe now is the time to consider ‘manufacturing’ your ‘lucky break’.

Andy Weir who wrote The Martian which was later turned into a Hollywood movie earning over £531 million at the box office, first published his story online for free.

Unless you want to give away your content for free, I suggest that instead, you sell it as part of a fully automated passive income system.

It is far easier than most people realise to create a digital product which can be sold from your own website.

Once live it can sell itself. You do not need to do anything other than create more products and show people your system.

It can take as little as 30 days to create the kinds of products which have earned us at least £30,000.

If you would like to know more, go to:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… People can buy products from your fully automated passive income system at any time of the day. You do not need to do anything other than add more products to your system and offer them a subscription based membership product as soon as they have bought.

Here’s that link again:
