Tag Archives: Business Ideas

Can You Tell Which Is Real And Which Is Fake?

Picture courtesy of CBC Radio-Canada

People love to think that they are observant and that they can tell the difference between what is real and what is fake… but people are not always as observant or clever as they like to think.

Here are a few examples to show you what I mean.

Dolly Parton once entered a Dolly Parton look-a-like contest and lost to a drag queen.

Charlie Chaplin once entered a Charlie Chaplin look-a-like competition and failed to even place in the top three.

Hugh Jackman went to a comic con as Wolverine (the character he plays in several big Hollywood films) and only two people noticed him, only to be told by one of them that he was ‘too tall’.

During filming of Superman, Christopher Reeve used to go to a restaurant in costume and would be mobbed by people when in the Superman outfit, yet when he went dressed up as Clark Kent, no one recognised him.

Robert Downey JR who plays Tony Stark in the Iron Man films entered a Tony Stark look-a-like competition and came second.

What you should realise with the above is that they were mostly contests held by fans at places attended by fans and yet these fans who idolise the characters and the people who play those characters couldn’t tell them apart from other people… even though they watch them closely on television all of the time.

Christopher Reeve dressed as Superman would have stood out like a sore thumb, but as Clark Kent, he would have looked no different to other restaurant customers so it is possible that is the reason no one gave ‘Clarke’ a second look.

The other reason for people not being able to tell the ‘real’ actor from the ‘look-a-likes’ is ‘placement’, people are not expecting a big Hollywood actor to be at that event.

Hugh Jackman at comic con would have been mobbed if his name was down on the list of special guests and he was ‘introduced’ to the crowd.

Even if his fans knew that he was attending, they probably wouldn’t have expected him to dress up in character and sneak in and walk around the crowds unannounced.

Those people were not ‘expecting’ to see the real stars there at that time and so they weren’t actively looking for them.

To believe that you could spot a celebrity in a crowd is not as easy as you may think. The mind plays all kinds of tricks and will often ignore obvious signs.

Very often when a celebrity is spotted, doubts can arise due to the actually location.

Celebrities are real people and if you spot any at an event without an entourage of security you are left doubting what you have seen.

Our techy guy once saw popular actor Martin Freeman at a music festival. Martin had just put something into the bin Andi was walking towards, they nodded at each other and smiled as Andi stepped back to let Martin go past.

Andi was face-to-face with him, and knowing that Martin was a fan of music he is certain that it was him, but every now and then he wonders ‘was that really him or just someone who looked like him?’

Because Martin was on his own in a park full of non-celebrities, Andi’s mind tries to doubt what he saw with his own eyes.

Why wouldn’t an actor want to go to a festival?

Not all celebrities want to be sipping champagne in the VIP areas, some want to be in the thick of it with the crowds enjoying the show as they are meant to be.

So, yes, it is highly likely that Andi did share a bin with Martin Freeman that day. It’s just interesting that his mind tries to doubt it.

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Another interesting example of how the mind actual works is the time Andi and his good lady spotted a guy stealing from a garden centre.

He was throwing items over the fence into bushes so that he could slip them into the back of his car later.

Andi spotted one of the staff and alerted them to what was going on. The police were call and the guy was arrested.

A few weeks later, both Andi and his good lady were asked to go to the police station and do an official identification where they were shown a video of several people and asked to pick out the guy they had seen.

After a few weeks, their memories were a bit patchy and neither of them could positively identify the guy. They thought they could, but when the time came, they couldn’t remember his face good enough to be 100% sure.

When it comes to memory and observation skills people generally believe they are better than what they really are.

It doesn’t take long for the mind to forget details. So much so that ‘super fans’ pick a drag queen instead of Dolly Parton, a complete stranger over Robert Downey JR, and fail to recognise one of the most popular actors of his time, Charlie Chaplin.

The reason I am sharing this today is that in our industry, we have always known that people who read something but do not take action right away will soon forget what they have learned.

People who attend seminars forget most of what they have learned within a few days.

If they do not take notes and don’t make a start as soon as they get home, not only are they more likely to ‘never get started’ they are likely to forget most of what they learned.

If you forget what you have learned and don’t get started, then you have wasted your money.

I’m a big believer in reading books, courses and manuals more than once. You’ll be surprised at how much you do actually forget.

To remember something you need to saturate your memory with the information and do what needs doing so that it becomes ‘second nature’.

Second nature is the ultimate aim because you are able to do something without having to keep checking that you are doing it correctly.

For something to become second nature to you, you need to work with the repetition rule which is: repetition, repetition, repetition.

Basically, the more you do, the better you will become and the better your results will be.

There is one skill which you can master easily through the repetition rule and that is making money using email.

That is because the art of making money using email is to send an email daily – or at least every other day – and that means writing a new email each day.

It’s not hard to write a new email, it is in fact an incredibly simple thing to do; today’s email was motivated thanks to something I saw on Facebook.

But the best thing about it is that the more emails you write, the better and faster you become.

Repetition, repetition, repetition.

I send at least one email every day… and the reason for that is that those emails make me money… and there is no reason as to why you cannot do it too.

If you would like to learn more, click the link below:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS Sign up today and you will get these incredible free bonuses worth £226:95

How To Create Your Own Profitable Product In 7 Days Or Less where you will learn how to quickly create products of your own to sell.

The Email Secret Template Package. 4 page templates – built to look great on tablets and smartphones as well as computers – to help you set up your email freedom business fast.

PPS You have life time access to the training videos as well as email access to Andi, our email ‘guru’ who will answer any technical questions you may have.

PPPS If there was ever the perfect time to learn how to do this, it’s now. Download your copy today.

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret

How Much Would You Pay To Learn How To Make A Cup Of Coffee?

Would you pay £75 to learn how to make a decent cup of coffee?

Whether you personally would or wouldn’t… many people do.

People have completely different ideas as to whether something is worth what it is priced at.

The thing that most people forget is that pricing is subjective and relative.

Their opinions are often based on personal experience, their likes, dislikes and other prices.

Comparison with other products is often a very big factor and the products do not have to be similar either.

For example, a serious coffee lover would probably love to pay £75 to spend three hours learning how to make a decent coffee at a 200 Degrees Coffee Shop barista school…

But they may tell their friend who has spent £77 on a course teaching how to make money on Betfair that the Betfair course was too expensive.

I’m inclined to think that if paying £75 for three hours of coffee making is considered a good price, then £77 for something which could earn you thousands of pounds back, is too low.

200 Degrees do an Intermediate Barista course costing £85 and their Advanced Latte Art course – learning how to make pretty patterns on top of a milky frothy coffee – is £95.

All courses are three hours long.

There are a lot of coffee lovers who would happily pay those amounts to learn how to make decent coffee.

Some people may pay to learn to make coffee professionally as a way to find work as a barista or open their own coffee shop. Investing in yourself for the future is a good thing to do.

A person who loves coffee but has a strong dislike to gambling would see the price of the coffee course as acceptable but the price of any product regarding gambling as a total waste of money.

A person who only drinks tea and wishes to make TAX free money trading sporting events could have the complete opposite opinion.

They may not understand why anyone in their right mind would pay £95 to learn how to make pretty patterns on top of a milky frothy coffee, especially if they are not planning on doing it as a career.

How much money a person has is also a big factor.

A person who has several million pounds is likely to see the prices of specific products differently to someone who is on a low income and has been living in their overdraft for several years.

A lack of money can often cloud a person’s view of prices because they may be consumed with desperation and the ‘it’s unfair’ mentality which a lack of money can breed.

People who want and need to get out of a financial hole may see prices of things they need but cannot afford and feel a little depressed.

They’ll think that ‘it’s unfair’ that they cannot afford it or that they are not being given the ‘breaks’ to escape their current situation.

To them, those much needed products are ‘too expensive’ mainly because they cannot afford them at that time.

A person who is financially secure may look at the same products, see the opportunity and potential that they offer and think that the product creator is stupid for pricing it ‘too low’.

For me, the point of pricing is that you charge for what something can do and not what it is.

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It’s the reason why a thousand sheets of printer paper is far cheaper than a 24 page step-by-step guide showing you how to make a lot of money or build a successful business.

It’s not what it is; it is what it can do for the person who buys it.

You are free to price your products and services at whatever price you want but you could quite easily be selling yourself short if you are setting your prices at what a few people believe is ‘a fair price’.

As we know, pricing is subjective and relative so setting your prices to other people’s opinion of what is fair is not good practice.

200 Degrees know that those who love coffee are happy to spend up to £95 to learn how to make a decent cup of coffee. They are selling to coffee lovers.

All that really matters is that you sell your products and services to the right people.

When you find the right people, they will happily pay the price you ask… whether or not someone else – who isn’t in the slightest interested in your product – thinks it’s too expensive.

I’ve compared prices of a coffee course and a gambling product to highlight how different groups of people see prices differently, but comparisons of similar products can be good too… especially if yours is better value for money.

As another example, I have seen several courses teaching how to make money sending simple emails that are priced – in my opinion – way more than they should be.

As a person who makes a lot of money writing and sending simple emails, I believe that I am in a position to say that those prices are over inflated. One such course was priced over £550.

Their followers and fans are happy to pay those prices because of the ‘celebrity’ status of the product owners. It’s a mix of ‘idol worship’ and trust.

They are seen as the ‘big guys’ of online marketing, and they might be… but their courses are no better or have more information in them than many other courses available.

People are paying more because of name and reputation only.

People do it all the time.

You only have to look at television shows like Eat Well For Less and see how many people buy big brand products over lesser known products yet when it comes to the blind taste test, most of them can’t tell the difference.

Many are surprised to find that they prefer the taste of the cheaper alternatives once they have been exposed to them.

The name and reputation of a person or a company can add pounds to a product.

Before I bring this to a close, let me take the time to mention our own product which shows you exactly how to make money writing and sending simple emails.

Unlike the other over inflated courses I have seen, this one is affordable and at a price which I believe is more than ‘fair’.

To learn more, click the link below:

The Email Secret


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS Sign up today and you will get these incredible free bonuses worth £226:95

How To Create Your Own Profitable Product In 7 Days Or Less where you will learn how to quickly create products of your own to sell.

The Email Secret Template Package. 4 page templates – built to look great on tablets and smartphones as well as computers – to help you set up your email freedom business fast.

PPS You have life time access to the training videos as well as email access to Andi, our email ‘guru’ who will answer any technical questions you may have.

PPPS If there was ever the perfect time to learn how to do this, it’s now. Download your copy today.

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret

When Is A Sales Letter Not A Sales Letter? When It’s A…

I don’t know if you have heard of Jeff Walker – if you read my emails religiously, you should have as I have mentioned him before – he is the guy who wrote the book ‘Launch’.

He is a respected internet marketer who coined the term ‘the sideways sales letter’.

The term refers to the concept of breaking the traditional long form sales letter into a series of shorter pieces of sales content which people would find useful that is delivered over a week or two.

As you know, I write my own sales letters and I prefer to use the more traditional long form sales letter but that doesn’t mean that I don’t do something similar to the sideways sales letter.

I use the ‘extended sales letter’ system which is what you are reading now.

In the article title I asked…

‘When is a sales letter not a sales letter?’

The answer is… when it is an ‘extended sales letter’… or more commonly known as, an ‘email newsletter’.

I don’t think people realise how powerful an email newsletter can be if use correctly.

An email newsletter is an extension of your sales letters because it gives you the opportunity to talk more about the ideas in your sales letter or include facts, stories and case studies that you didn’t use in the main sales letter.

An email newsletter allows you to deliver more information and expand on points which help to increase sales.

The great thing about an email newsletter is that the people who read them don’t necessarily realise that what they are reading is carefully crafted sales material.

That’s not to say that they are being duped or misled, it simply means that because they are receiving valuable information from the newsletter which they can use, they don’t realise that it was shared to ‘warm’ them up and make them more susceptible to a specific offer.

Very often they are written to include specific words and phrases which lead a person’s mind down a specific path. They include facts and stories which are relevant to the product that is going to be promoted later.

Several email newsletter may be sent over a week or two without any mention of a specific offer or promotion, but they all set the scene in the readers mind so when the offer or promotion lands, they know exactly what it is about and what to do.

An email newsletter is very much like an NLP script, crafted to make a person think more of a specific subject so that they make a decision.

For example, if you wanted to go to the seaside for the day and needed to ‘put the idea’ into your other half’s mind, you would say something like…

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‘It’s a gorgeous day to be walking along the promenade, taking in the fresh salty sea air, enjoying the cool sea breeze on our warm skin. Sitting down with an ice cream watching the waves roll in. We could go and get fish and chips at your favourite chippy which overlooks the bay. Maybe grab a coffee at the little café near the harbour. Do you fancy that?’

You wouldn’t talk about going to an overcrowded and claustrophobic grey and drab city centre if you wanted to go to the coast and were trying to convince others to go with you.

It makes no sense to talk about something which is the complete opposite to the thing you want because it sets up a different picture in a person’s mind.

But it is incredibly powerful to talk about something which echoes it and is in complete alignment with the thing you want to do… or in the case of business, sell.

This is why email newsletters are incredibly powerful.

Just like physical newspapers which have been shown to persuade large swathes of the population to vote one way or another, email newsletters can subtly point people down a specific path forcing them to think about the thing you want them to think about.

Email is powerful because it also amplifies your efforts. If it takes an hour to write an email which is read by thousands of people, that one hour is the equivalent of spending weeks talking to each person.

If a handful of people buy a product from you because of that one email, you have made a substantial return on your efforts.

And substantial profits can be made by using email as a way to communicate with people and to ‘extend’ the sales information of any products and services that you wish to sell.

I myself make thousands of pounds each month using email as do many other people. Many of them are like you, regular decent people. You don’t need to be a big corporation or business to make a lot of money using email.

Anyone can publish an email newsletter.

And they can be published from anywhere in the world at a time that suits you.

If you would like to know more about using email to make thousands of pounds each month, click the link below:

The Email Secret

Going back to the previous article where I talked about running a subscription business, email is one of the ways to deliver that paid-for content.

Email is still the number one online marketing method favoured by all companies both big and small.

So one question remains…

Should you join the club and use email to make money each month?

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS Sign up today and you will get these incredible free bonuses worth £226:95

How To Create Your Own Profitable Product In 7 Days Or Less where you will learn how to quickly create products of your own to sell.

The Email Secret Template Package. 4 page templates – built to look great on tablets and smartphones as well as computers – to help you set up your email freedom business fast.

PPS You have life time access to the training videos as well as email access to Andi, our email ‘guru’ who will answer any technical questions you may have.

PPPS If there was ever the perfect time to learn how to do this, it’s now. Download your copy today.

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret

Get Paid Each And Every Month And Let Others Do The Work

I’ve just finished watching a short video about running subscription based membership products.

A subscription membership product is where you publish content each month and the subscriber pays a monthly fee to access it… a bit like Sky, Netflix and Britbox.

I’ve talked about subscription based businesses before because they can be incredibly profitable and they are pretty easy to run.

I suggest you have a read of this article to refresh your memory How To Cash In With A Subscription Based Business.

In that article I talk about people running successful subscription businesses using Patreon.

Patreon is a platform which allows you to start a subscription business today for free.

There are several other platforms which allow you to set up a monthly subscription business today without needing any technical skills but I don’t want to focus on them now.

Today I want to discuss how to create a monthly subscription business and have it running without you needing to do anything.

Once you remove yourself from the daily running of the subscription business, you can sell it for a lot of money.

This requires planning from the start because your main focus is to not be the person creating or publishing the content.

You shouldn’t be writing articles and PDFs, unless you want to that is, you should be sitting back and allowing the system to run itself while receiving money from it.

To do this, you identify a popular market, fishing, gardening, football etc, and create a short cheap PDF or video which you sell online through a fully automated passive income system.

That one product is the ‘warmer’ warming up the customer ready for the follow up product which is a monthly subscription.

As soon as a person has bought the initial product, you offer them access to your monthly subscription product either via email or at time of purchase.

All of that process will be set up and automated.

What isn’t automated is the creation of the monthly content, but there is a way to make it hands-off for you.

You pay someone to create the content and publish it to the membership platform for you each month.

This is where you need to get your planning tight.

To make this work, you need to be earning more than what you are paying out to have the content made.

Finding a decent freelance worker from overseas who can write just as good as a native English speaker shouldn’t cost the earth.

Let’s say that for your monthly membership you publish one 2,000 word newsletter or PDF each week. That’s four pieces of content each month.

If it cost you £50 to have each 2,000 word newsletters made, that is a monthly cost of £200.

Let’s say that you think £25 a month is a fair price for the content you plan to publish, you will need eight customers to break even.

Now here’s the important thing to remember…

You only pay once for each piece of content, yet you can have many people paying you to see it.

If you had 200 people paying you £25 each month you would be earning £5,000 yet your content creation cost would still be £200.

If you had 500 people paying you £25 you would be earning £12,500 per month, your content costs would still be £200.

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If you were making £5,000 per month and your content costs were £1,000, you’d still be making £4,000 without actually having to make the content yourself.

Getting the content creator or someone else to add the content to your website would give you complete freedom to step away from the business.

Once the business is up and running and earning an income, you now have a decent asset to sell should you choose to.

Obviously, you have to get the business up and running and unless you already have an established following or email list, you will need to send people to your cheap product to get them into you funnel where you expose them to your subscription business.

That will require some work initially and quite possibly some funding. But it doesn’t have to be a lot of work or a lot of money though.

If you choose to do most of the initial work yourself, you could easily have your very own fully automated passive income system in place within 30 days.

One that is fully set up, it is set up for the duration and any sales are all processed automatically. You do not need to do anything other than show people your fully automated passive income system.

That process can also be outsourced and automated. By selling a cheap front end product, the money made can be reused on paid traffic sending people to that product.

So for example:

Cheap eBook sells for £4.99 >

Every £4.99 earned is then spent on paid traffic (advertising) >

More £4.99 sales are generated >

More money is spent on paid traffic >

A growing number of customers are shown the membership product and those who buy become your paying subscribers.

It is a brilliant business model which can be incredibly profitable.

Before you can sell a subscription to a membership product, you need to get the first product in place. The fully automated passive income system is the top of the funnel. It is the entrance to your own cave of riches.

You need that first product live online ready to make sales.

To learn more about creating your own fully automated passive income system within 30 days or less, click the link below:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… People can buy products from your fully automated passive income system at any time of the day. You do not need to do anything other than add more products to your system and offer them a subscription based membership product as soon as they have bought.

Here’s that link again:


Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey

One of the most powerful sayings is…

Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey

It may not seem like much at first glance but it explains that the best results come from being patient and taking slow and steady action.

Monkeys are fast, and if you go rushing in trying to catch one, they will be off like a shot and be up in the trees in no time. You’ll have no chance of catching one if you go in fast.

However, it you sit quietly and don’t move, they will come to you because they are curious creatures and they want to know who or what you are.

Or they want to pinch your sandwich…

If you have ever been on the rock in Gibraltar, you’ll know what I mean.

When that monkey quietly creeps up on you, you are in a fantastic position to grab it by the arm or leg to prevent it from running away.

You now have your prize and you did it by being slow and steady.

Obviously, I am not saying that you should in fact try and catch a monkey. There is no reason to. I’m sure that you understand that I was using this as a simple analogy.

The reason for the analogy is that I want to share with you how starting small and being steady can in fact give you the result you want… and potentially faster than if you first rushed in.

I was thinking today about the power of compounding and how a small percentage increase could soon add up to a lot of money.

I wondered what would happen if you tried to earn just 5% each day starting with only £100.

On day one, you would need to earn £5.

Doesn’t sound a lot, does it?

It’s not going to buy much, maybe a coffee and a cake or a fish and chip supper. It certainly won’t buy both.

On day two, you would earn £5.25 turning your initial £100 balance into £110.25.

Again, this is not a lot of money.

On day three, you would need to earn £5.51 which would now give you a balance of £115.76.

In three days you have earned £15.76.

People forget that when the balance grows, the 5% has more to work with. So after three days of earning 5% on an initial £100 balance, you are left with £15.76 and not just £15.

You are not earning 5% on £100 each day… that is just the starting point, and this is where it gets interesting.

Do you know how much money you would have after one full year if you earned 5%  each day from a starting balance of £100?

On the 365th day you would have £5,421,184,157.78.

(Check the figures here: Daily Compounding Computer)

That is a HUGE amount of money… and one I suspect is not going to happen due to too many real life variables such as TAX etc.

Let’s think about time for a minute…

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A year is nothing really. It flies by fast and for most people a year is over way too soon.

And that means time is our friend… if we remember to see it like that.

A year is not long at all and if we can keep doing what we need to do each day, by the end of the year life will be so much different.

So on day one we have a disappointing and piffling £5 which will hardly buy anything other than one meal… but on the 365th day…

You’ll have enough money to buy a small country.

Why am I telling you this?

Well, I don’t expect you to make £5,421,184,157.78 starting today with £100 and trying to earn just 5% each day… but I do believe that it is a fantastic approach to growing wealth.

You see, most people look at small numbers with disgust. They think that a piffling £5 is nothing and a small 5% is not worth their time.

But that is because they are:

  1. Looking at it from day one and only day one.
  2. Focused (or desperate) with trying to make a stack of money right away.

They are trying to catch a monkey by storming in at full speed.

If they were to approach making money in a steadier and more systematic approach, they’d have a greater chance of achieving the amount they want… and they’ll probably get there quicker too.

Imagine that you have £100 – the amount doesn’t really matter as it is just an arbitrary figure to be used as a starting point – decide what percentage you want to earn each day, then figure out a way to earn that money.

If you choose 5% then you want to earn £5 on day one.

If you choose 10% then you need to make £10 on day one.

Every day after that, work out how much you need to make based on your chosen percentage and the amount you have at the start of each new day.

Here are the first 15 days of earning 5% of an initial £100 balance.

Day    Earnings    Total Earnings    Balance

Day 1 –   £5.00            £5.00              £105.00

Day 2 –   £5.25            £10.25            £110.25

Day 3 –   £5.51            £15.76            £115.76

Day 4 –   £5.79            £21.55            £121.55

Day 5 –   £6.08            £27.63            £127.63

Day 6 –   £6.38            £34.01            £134.01

Day 7 –   £6.70            £40.71            £140.71

Day 8 –   £7.04            £47.75            £147.75

Day 9 –   £7.39            £55.13            £155.13

Day 10 –  £7.76            £62.89            £162.89

Day 11 –  £8.14            £71.03            £171.03

Day 12 –  £8.55            £79.59            £179.59

Day 13 –  £8.98            £88.56            £188.56

Day 14 –  £9.43            £97.99            £197.99

Day 15 –  £9.90            £107.89          £207.89

As you can see from the table above, on day 15, instead of earning £5, you now need to earn £9.90.

You’ll also see that on day 15, you now have £207.89. That is more than double your initial starting balance. After 30 days you will have £432.19.

If you make money offering a service or sell products with a fixed price, it will be hard to earn pennies.

If what you sell pays £1 profit, £5 on day one requires you to sell five items, but on day two, you cannot sell a quarter of a product so you may need to adapt the approach to suit what you do.

Horse racing is probably the best way to grow a bank daily because you can set your daily win target and stake accordingly.

There are no products to sell and there are no services to offer which means that you can be more accurate in your daily approach.

System 903 does exactly this.

Using the system, you work out what your daily win target is for each day and grow your balance.

Roy, the guy who developed the system did just this at the beginning until he had a balance big enough to allow him to earn £903 each and every week.

Because of the nature of horse racing and the amount of money involved per race, there is a ceiling to how far you can go with your daily 5% increase.

You won’t earn £5,421,184,157.78 after 365 days…

But you could earn £47,000 or more, which isn’t too bad really.

Roy now earns £903 each week using his system.

That is more than enough for him, and I suspect it is more than enough for most people, especially when you consider what little is involved in making that money.

To learn more click the link below:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Please note; there are only 250 copies available. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.

Here’s that link again:

System 903

How To Make Money Selling Items You Don’t Need To Buy

This morning I read an article by a guy in Denmark called Ben who believes that he has found the perfect side hustle – as he called it – for making extra money.

It’s perfect because it costs nothing to get started with and is relatively easy.

This is nothing new as I recall seeing something similar in the film The 40 Year Virgin, but it’s not something you see being talked about often.

So what is this perfect side hustle?

Selling other people’s unwanted items and sharing the profits 50-50.

Basically, this is selling unwanted items online using platforms such as eBay and Vinted.

In the film The 40 Year Old Virgin, the female lead ran a similar business where people who wanted to sell their unused stuff but didn’t have the time or know how, would take it all to her and she would sell it online for a percentage of the profits.

Ben hit upon a similar idea after talking with his 83 year old neighbour Kurt.

Kurt was regularly offering Ben stuff that he no longer used. Ben would decline as he had no use for any of the items. He asked Kurt why he didn’t simply sell them online.

Being 83, Kurt didn’t know how to sell online and said that he would rather give the items away for free than try to figure out how to use a smartphone and platforms like eBay.

Ben thought nothing more about it until Kurt offered him a coffee machine and he thought to himself ‘what if I accepted this and sold it online?’

He realised that if people gave him stuff, he could make some extra money without having to lay out any money like a traditional product flipper.

Flipping products online is where you buy something cheap from a car boot or a charity shop and sell it to someone else for a profit. Flipping requires you to source and buy items to sell.

You have to lay out money before you can make a profit.

Ben realised that there was a whole treasure trove of products he could sell next door.

Before you start to panic, Ben wasn’t planning on ripping Kurt off.

Being a decent person and a good friend he approached Kurt and suggested that he would sell his items for him and share the profits with him.

After all, Kurt would have given it all away for free so getting 50% is far better than nothing especially when he had to do nothing.

Ben did all the work. He cleaned the items, photographed them, listed them online and arranged the collection and delivery when they sold.

I don’t know whereabouts in Denmark Ben lives, but it appears that he lives in an apartment block.

Copenhagen and many other Danish towns and cities, much like many other European cities, are made up of a lot of large apartment buildings.

Ben decided to go door to door throughout the whole building offering his service.

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He was a little concerned that people might have thought that he was taking advantage of the elderly but if anything, they were taking advantage of his skills.

He was offering a legitimate way for them to declutter and make some extra money without them having the hassle of doing the work.

Plus, it wasn’t just the elderly who took him up on his offer. A single mother jumped at the chance to sell a few items which she hadn’t got around to listing online.

Several of the older people told him to keep all of the money but Ben would only ever take a 50% share and gave them the other 50%.

Apparently the angry old woman who always scowled at him took him up on the offer and was ‘very happy’ with the money she made. She now says hello and smiles at him whenever she sees him.

This is a great idea as a way to make extra money because it means that you can start today without having to lay out any money up front and you do not need go out sourcing items at charity shops and car boot sales.

I cannot say how well you will do and how many people will take you up on your offer, it also depends on where you live and who you have access to.

Ben was surrounded by a lot of older people who had a lot of unused stuff they wanted rid of which was ideal.

We have to remember, while you and I know how to find our way around the internet, websites such as eBay and use a smartphone proficiently; there are many elderly people who don’t.

There is a treasure trove of stuff gathering dust in people’s homes which could free up much needed money.

One of the biggest problems with people is that they collect and hoard stuff which they do not need. They hold onto things for years which very often just gets skipped or sold off cheaply when they die.

Unless they purposely hold onto things to pass onto family so that they benefit from them financially when they have gone, they themselves miss out on the financial benefits of the stuff they have cluttering up their homes, which is a big shame.

Some miss out on the benefits of living in a clutter free home too.

Sometimes people need someone else to help them and I think this is a great service that anyone can offer.

Like I say, I cannot say how well you will do with this or how much money you could make, but it is something which you can start today.

If this interests you, I’d suggest that you start by telling close family and friends what you plan to do and then ask them if there is anything they no longer need or want which they would like selling.

Ask them to tell other people too.

I would also recommend looking online for a printing company like VistaPrint and have some free cards and flyers printed up which you can hand out to people, put through doors and put up on local notice boards.

This is a great service but it may not be for everyone because even though you do not need to personally go buying items to sell online, you do need to keep a tab on who gave you what, how much you owe them and you’ll probably have to go and collect a lot of the stuff you have been asked to sell.

So it’s not without work.

If you prefer to do something a little less involved where you don’t need to deal with people, fetch items to sell, photograph and list items online, package and post them out, and then divvy up the earnings, you should take a look at: System 903

System 903 is possibly the simplest and easiest gambling system I have ever seen.

There is no ‘form’ to study and no ‘tables’ to check.

All you need is a piece of paper and a pen to do a few simple calculations and that’s it.

To learn more click the link below:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Please note; there are only 250 copies available. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.

Here’s that link again:

System 903

The 12 Year Old London Boy Who Has Generated £4.1 Million

Photo sourced from the Oxford Mail

Benyamin Ahmed is no ordinary school boy; he’s a 12 year old who is sitting on a crypto currency fortune after selling his self created collection of art NFTs.

If that sounds like gobbledegook to you, you’re not alone.

I wasn’t really sure what NFTs were at first, but there are a lot of people making a lot of money from them and so I am currently studying the NFT industry with a large magnifying glass.

Benyamin started to learn computer coding at the age of 5. To further his education in the computer coding sciences, he sets himself two challenges each day.

One of those challenges was to learn how to create simple digital images and turn them into NFTs – Non Fungible Tokens.

Non Fungible Tokens means that each piece of art is unique and that it is a sellable asset.

For whatever reason, and I’m still a little unsure as to why people do this – people buy and collect these simple pieces of artwork.

Think cigarette cards for the new generation.

Where cigarette card collectors kept their most prized and most valuable cards safe in a protective book, NFT collectors keep their collections in secure online wallets.

Collectors and investors spend a lot of money acquiring NFTs. They build collections, and when those pieces of art go up in value, they sell them for a substantial profit.

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As part of his learning, Benyamin has created several collections of artwork. His first collection featured 3,350 computer generated images of whales wearing different items of clothing or accessories… I know! I never said it made any sense!

The collection, called Weird Whales, was snapped up fast by collectors and investors for around £110,000.

Initially selling at $60 (£49.56 at time of writing) a piece, when demand rose, so did the price with some images selling for $20,000 – £16,521 each.

Another of Benyamin’s collections which had 8,888 images sold out within minutes.

Benyamin’s artwork has been resold and has generated somewhere in the field of £4.1 million in sales for investors and collectors. He gets a commission every time his artwork is resold.

As well as a creator of NFTs, he is an NFT trader buying and selling other people’s art.

Because of the digital nature of NFTs, they are bought and sold using crypto currencies.

So far Benyamin hasn’t cashed out any of his personal fortune which is now believed to be over £750,000.

There is a risk that his £750,000 fortune could plummet and end up with zero worth, but he and many other crypto analysts believe that won’t happen as it is largely held in blue chip cryptos, Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Because of his success and knowledge, Benyamin has given lectures about the world of NFTs at esteemed places such as Oxford University.

There is an incredibly bright future ahead for Benyamin.

Not only has he got the skills to create profitable NFTs as well as know how to buy and sell them, he is also sitting on a crypto pot which could potentially be worth millions by the time he hits 18 years of age.

I get the feeling that this isn’t the last we will see of Benyamin.

One thing I have learned about NFTs is that anyone can buy new pieces of art when they are released which then can be sold on for a lot of money.

For example; when Benyamin released his first collection, people were paying £50 for them, the price increased to £16,500.

Had you bought one or several at the start for £50 each… you probably could have resold them for several thousands on that very same day.

If you bought one or two and sat on them for a few days, weeks or months, you could have sold them for thousands. Benyamin’s work is popular and has since generated over £4.1 million in sales.

Benyamin is not the only person to create and release NFT artwork; there are loads of new NFTs entering the market. It is a growing market worth a lot of money.

Last year, one NFT market platform saw $3 billion in transactions in the month of August alone.

Trading NFTs has become big business; and it has made fortunes, big and small, for many ordinary people.

I shall be looking deeper into NFT trading and I shall bring your more information about it in the not too distant future.

If you are interested in the new digital age and all things NFT and crypto, let me remind you that our Crypto Sniper product is similar to what I have talked about today but instead of buying and selling NFT artwork, you buy and sell newly released crypto coins.

Our friend Carl Wilkins has made himself a respectful amount of money buying and selling newly released crypto coins.

A £50 investment can soon become £5,000 if you know which coins to buy.

If you would like to know how to invest in new crypto coins and makes thousands of pounds in return, click the link below:

The Crypto Sniper

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… You don’t need any prior knowledge…   

Carl will teach you absolutely everything you need to know starting from the absolute basics in a clear and concise way. You’ll be left in absolutely no doubts what to do and when to do it.

Plus, you don’t need much in the way of capital to do this… 

If you’ve got £100-£200 kicking around you can easily get started with that. It’s very easy to take a small sum like this, spread it across lots of different opportunities, and multiply it up over and over again. Before you know it, you can be sitting on a small fortune.

To learn more go to:

The Crypto Sniper

It’s ‘Flipping’ Madness!

As you know, I am all in favour of people who take action to make extra money when they need it.

It’s even better if people earn extra money when they don’t need it as it can be used to reduce the possibility of those times from happening.

People who actively earn extra money are taking control over their situations and financial problems.

With so many different ways to make money, it’s hard to decide what to do.

The other day I heard about a woman selling pre-loved items on eBay and Vinted.

Selling pre-loved items which have been bought from charity shops or car boot markets is known as ‘flipping’.

As well as sourcing items to sell from local charity shops, she had been given a stack of clothing and shoes which were no longer used by close family.

She sold a collection of her grandad’s novelty Christmas ties for £3.50.

The buyer snapped her hand off when she was told that the £3.50 price was for them all and not an individual item price.

£3.50 is not a lot for the effort which was involved.

It’s ‘flipping’ madness!

Those ties needed to be wrapped, a postage label needed to be printed and the parcel had to be taken to a collection point.

As much as I believe that people should do whatever they can to earn money; that amount was ridiculously low.

If she was selling multiple items and she wrapped them all at the same time and took them to the collection point in bulk then it wouldn’t be so bad as the sales would all add up to more making it a more worthwhile use of her time.

For some people, selling second hand and pre-loved items is something they enjoy doing and it is something they can do with ease, it is also something they can start today with little upfront funds, but I believe that the money earned is very often poor for the effort involved.

Selling pre-loved items on eBay and apps like Vinted can be a great way to generate ‘seed’ money to be used in other money making ventures.

I think it would be a great idea to do that if you need £100 or more and can’t get your hands on it easily; selling a few items on eBay would be a great way to raise that capital.

Once you have that money, I would recommend stepping up a gear and use it to fund other ways to make money which have a greater return for less effort and time.

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I personally wouldn’t focus on selling second hand items on eBay full time due to what is involved.

To sell on eBay, you need to have stuff to sell and unless you have a home full of unused and unwanted items which you can sell, you will need to go and source them which can often mean spending hours trawling through charity shops and car boots.

That takes up a lot of time.

Add to that the time needed to clean items, photograph them, list them, answer any questions, wrap them and take them to the post office or collection point and you can lose a lot of time for just a few pounds.

If you love the idea of finding gems in charity shops and flipping them for a profit, then go for it. Don’t let my opinion stop you. It’s good when you enjoy what you do and if that’s for you, do it.

Just be aware that it can be quite time consuming and there is a lot involved.

If you’d rather make money from the comfort of your own home doing something which doesn’t require you to go out sourcing products to sell, listing them for sale, wrapping sold items and then taking them to the post office, you should take a look at System 903.

System 903 can be managed from the comfort of your sofa or favourite chair using only your smartphone, a pen and a piece of paper.

Nothing more, nothing less… well, you could probably replace the pen and paper with an app on your phone which allows you to make notes.

You just need to make a few simple calculations. You don’t need to do anything more than add, subtract and divide. It’s that simple.

There is no ‘insider knowledge’ required, nothing to study each day to help make an informed decision.

The only thing you need to learn is the system itself which takes very little time to learn due to its simplicity.

This is the system, which makes Roy, the system creator, £47,000 TAX FREE profits or more per year… using nothing more than a pen and a paper and a few simple calculations.

Take a look here:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Please note; there are only 250 copies available. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.

Here’s that link again:

System 903

When It’s All Going To The Dogs, You Should Turn To…

Yesterday, I overheard a conversation where the woman was telling her daughter how much her electricity and gas bill had increased.

For the three months of January, February and March, the cost of energy was somewhere around £179.

For April, May and June, the bill they were expected to pay, was £600.

I don’t know if that is an estimate or an accurate price, but she did tell her daughter that she had spent an hour studying her smart meter and going through her online account to determine if it was right or not.

From what I can gather, it’s more right than not.

Before the increase, £600 would have paid for at least nine months gas and electricity. Now it is the cost for only three months energy with little to no increase in consumption.

That’s insane!

That is an increase of 235.2% according to an online percentage calculator.

The woman said that they were in a good position and were able to weather the storm but they still intended to make some changes.

She and her husband were planning on ‘switching off’ anything that wasn’t a necessity at night and when it wasn’t being used.

Basically, the fridge, freezer, boiler, and alarm would be the only things left on overnight.

The boiler has been turned right down and is working at minimum capacity.

This is all good apart from the fact they will save only a few pounds.

I cannot see this saving them a lot of money.

Don’t get me wrong, it is a wise move to try and become more efficient and not waste money, to echo Tesco, every little helps… but it will be little.

I believe that as well as saving a few pounds each month, they should look for a way to make some extra money each month to help cover the increased costs.

This woman and her husband are both retired and are not looking to go back into the world of work. I can’t imagine that they want to be employees again.

They have worked hard and now is the time for them to enjoy their retirement. This is what they worked for, they don’t want to be getting up and going to a job they don’t actually want to simply earn money to cover their living costs.

As I say, they are in a good position and don’t need to take drastic action… yet. Others may not be so fortunate.

Fortunately, while the world around us seems to be collapsing around our ears, rocketing living costs, workers going on strike and Covid running wild again, we do live in the best period of human history ever for individuals to make money from the comfort of their own homes.

Recently I mentioned how people were making extra money by simply writing articles and selling them online using a specific website.

I’ve talked about people who are making TAX FREE profits each and every month trading sports such as football and horse racing.

I’ve mentioned both of them again because no matter how bad life gets for the majority of the public, sporting events will continue and online companies will still be looking for new content.

That’s two ways to make money which anyone can start with today.

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When times are hard, people often turn to gambling as a way to ‘win’ extra money, but if all you are doing is having a punt on who you think is going to win without a systematic approach, you will lose.

Those who do gamble without a system become the rich pickings of those who do.

‘Punting’ is where you place a bet on a horse or a team you think will win… or in many cases, would like to see win.

Punters place a largish sum of money on that one specific outcome and when it loses, they either have nothing left to use or they go looking for another ‘perfect’ game to place another large amount of money on.

When they lose that large amount, they generally have nothing left.

A system is the opposite of punting.

A system is a ‘systematic’ approach which is emotionless and uses your money to get larger results over time while protecting your money at the same time.

Instead of hoping to win £250 from one or two events using £20 bets, a reliable system generates £250 using smaller bets over several events.

This means that you can start small and grow your bank until you are in a position where you can place larger stakes and win more and trade fewer games to make a substantial profit.

Roy is one such person.

When his life was going to the dogs, he turned to the horses.

He started small and grew his bank as he went along to the point that he was able to generate £47,000 in a year.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t know any ‘punters’ who make anything close to that a year, but I do know traders who use systems that make thousands of pounds a month from sporting events.

That is the difference.

A trader who uses a system is not the same as a punter.

If you would like to know more about Roy and how he is able to generate £903 TAX FREE each week, click the link below:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Please note; there are only 250 copies available. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.

Here’s that link again:

System 903

Sometimes The Best Advice Is To Ignore The Advice Giver

I don’t usually suggest that you ignore the advice of the person who is an ‘expert’ in their specific field.

If you recall, in yesterday’s article I mentioned that if someone who is successful is teaching you and they say you should do a specific thing as part of a system or process, you should do it.

You’d be a fool to not follow their advice.

However… not all advice is equal.

Sometimes, the experts in a specific field can become so focussed on what they know and see as important, they struggle to see the bigger and better picture.

I was reminded of that recently while watching the documentary Glastonbury: 50 Years And Counting.

Unless you live under a rock or you are reading this email overseas, you cannot have missed the fact that the Glastonbury Festival happened again this weekend.

It is usually held on the last weekend of June.

The BBC became the GBC for the weekend with hours of live Glastonbury performances and related shows on their iPlayer app.

For those who don’t know anything about the Glastonbury Festival, it is a huge music festival held in Somerset here in the UK.

Started in 1970, it is now classed as a Performing Arts Festival because it has so much more going on than just music performances.

It has grown to become one of the world’s biggest and most popular festivals with around 138,000 people attending each year.

In the documentary Glastonbury: 50 Years And Counting, the festival owner Michael Eavis, 86, was interviewed about the history of the festival where he talked about certain events during the festivals history.

At one point he talked about how in the early years of the festival, a disappointing turn out had his bank manager advise him to quit before it cost him a lot of money and broke him.

Looking at the footage of the festival this year and all of the years since he was given that advice, I can only assume that he ignored his bank manager.

A very wise decision indeed!

Michael had a big vision.

He wanted to put on a festival which had a purpose.

That purpose was to raise money for specific causes such as CND, Greenpeace and Water Aid.

He wanted to use entertainment and music to raise money to help other people.

The Glastonbury Festival raises around £2 million each year for humanitarian and environmental charities.

It is safe to say that the world would be a far different – and a lot duller – place had Michael Eavis followed the advice of his bank manager.

Ignoring it was probably the best decision he has ever made.

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The Glastonbury Festival is now a part of modern British culture in the same way as Wimbledon.

The biggest names in music have performed there in front of thousands of festival goers and millions of viewers tuning in from around the world.

It is a huge success despite being told that he should have quit many years ago.

If there was ever an example which gives you a solid reason as to why you should be careful as to what advice you take, this is it.

It’s up there with The Beatles ignoring Decca’s A&R man who said that they would amount to nothing insisting their sound was outdated and ‘on its way out’, and JK Rowling who carried on despite her Harry Potter story being rejected twelve times.

I’m sure Michael Eavis’ bank manager was great at what he did which was looking at the figures in front of him at that time…

But that is where he becomes the problem. He is looking at the figures which are in front of him on that day.

Those figures are based on what happened in the past.

He can look at past events and look at what the results were from those events and project a possible outcome that would follow if things didn’t change… but things can and do change.

And we humans can work damn hard to create those changes which a bank manager cannot see or use in their sums.

Michael did right to ignore his bank manager due to the fact that there is a year between each festival and a lot can happen in a year… if you chose to make it happen.

A bank account is very often a reflection of your past actions and so if you spend a year working hard at something, what could be classed as a disaster the previous year, could become a huge success the following year thanks to your hard work and persistence… making your bank account look a lot different to the previous year.

Just because the finances looked bad after one festival, it doesn’t mean that it would be twice as bad the following year.

You cannot necessarily predict what would happen if you do things differently.

Yes, if you do the same thing as before with the same amount of effort and try nothing new, then you could quite easily predict the right outcome… but only a fool would do the same thing again which originally lead to failure.

You don’t need to be a bank manager or an accountant to know that if you lost a lot of money doing something and the same thing happened again, you will lose more money.

That is obvious.

It is your job to ensure that the same thing doesn’t happen again.

As an example:

In the 1990’s, tens of thousands of people scaled the security fence gaining free entry to the festival causing overcrowding and safety fears as well as annoying those who had paid a large fee for their tickets.

To prevent it happening again and to prevent a possible tragedy happening with large fines, lawsuits, and risking being shut down, Michael Eavis changed the fencing system and improved security.

This put a stop to the problem and prevented the festival being closed for good.

To prevent the same problem from reoccurring, he made changes to how they did things.

This is where those who just look at figures often fail because they cannot, and don’t account for changes and increases in human effort and efficiency which can change how a project finishes.

Just a small increase in effort can amplify the results considerably.

Spending half an hour each day working on a project is going to reap more financial rewards than not doing anything, that is obvious… yet half an hour is nothing when you stop and think about it.

Looking out of my window the other day I saw two dog walkers stood chatting and they were there talking for half an hour at least.

30 minutes flies by, yet if you had used that amount of time working on a product building a fully automated passive income system, you could have a system in place ready to make money in as little as 30 days… maybe less.

30 minutes per day over a 30 day month will result in 15 hours of work… people have created products which have earned them thousands of pounds in less time.

Spend an hour or more each day working on your project and you will either have your product finished faster, or a far superior product which can command a higher price.

It is all about getting started and being consistent.

If you would like to know how to build your own fully automated passive income system in 30 days or less; click the link below:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Not only will you learn how to set up your own fully automated passive income system within 30 days, you also get these products as a bonus…

  1. How To Make £1,000 A Day Before BreakfastValue £97
  2. How To Make £3,000 A Day Writing Simple Sales LettersValue £77
  3. How To Make A Profitable Product In 7 Days Or LessValue £29.95
  4. Online Traffic Secrets Workshop – Finding Customers For Free [Video]Value £27


  1. The 30 Day To £30K Challenge Bonus Template Package which includes:

Template 1 – The System Money Page Template .

Template 2 – The System Delivery Page Template.

Here’s that link again:
