Tag Archives: Business Ideas

No, It Wasn’t ‘Just Bad Luck’!

“It’s just bad luck.”

That is one of the things my friend was told this week after his cat disappeared.

Other things he was told from people trying to console him were “it’s what they do, they disappear from time to time,” “it’s one of those things,” and “it will be back, it’s just a cat.”

The thing is… it wasn’t ‘just bad luck’… far from it.

It was bad management.

You see, my friend never goes to bed until the cat was safe inside.

He would never leave it out overnight to prevent it being bullied by the other local cats and risk it running away.

His cat is a very timid female cat who never wandered far.

She mostly stayed in the garden. That was her territory and she was happy there.

If she ever wandered over the fence, which was rare, she was no more than a few feet away.

If anyone or anything came close, she would be back in the garden like greased lightning.

She really epitomised the saying ‘a real scaredy cat’.

Anyway, last week, my friend was away and had given the job of making sure the cat was inside to his daughter.

You may recall it was a wonderfully warm summer’s evening last Wednesday; well it was around our way.

When his daughter decided to go to bed, she made the decision to leave the back bedroom window open for the cat which had been sitting not far from it on the kitchen roof.

Except… it wasn’t there at that time, it must have been somewhere in the garden.

What would normally happen is that my friend would go outside, call her and rattle a tin of treats to get her attention.

Cats are simple creatures and a simple bribe of tasty cat treats is all that is required to get the cat in.

It would appear that the daughter decided that she ‘couldn’t be bothered’ to do that and decided go to bed and leave the window open for the cat so it could climb inside when it wanted to.

The daughter was normally very protective of her cat and hated the other cats bullying her.

During the day she would be the first out in the garden shooing the other cats off if she heard them.

Yet for some unknown reason, this night she decided to not bother and left the cat outside.

The cat has not been seen since.

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The last few days have not been fun for the family.

My friend is gutted because he knows that this could have been avoided.

It wasn’t ‘bad luck’; it was bad management.

It was a bad decision which has resulted in days of heartache and hassle the family do not need.

It would have taken five minutes, possibly ten to get the cat inside.

Even if it took half an hour or an hour to get the cat in, it would have prevented a lot of heartache and hassle.

My friend is a busy chap with a lot to do, but he has had to put a lot of what he does to the side and go searching for the cat.

In the last few days he has:

  • Had to design and print off a load of ‘missing cat’ posters.
  • Walk the streets posting flyers through doors.
  • Pin posters to lamp posts in the area.
  • Walked the area at midnight looking for the cat.
  • Walked the area at 4am after hearing the sounds of a distressed cat. Unfortunately he was not successful and did not find his cat.
  • Walked the area several times looking for any sign of the cat.
  • Climb into the garden of an empty property to search the outbuildings resulting in pulling a muscle in his groin.
  • Search other people’s gardens. With their permission of course.

The cat has not yet been found and he will now have to widen the search area.

As well as the anguish to the family, the lack of sleep, the suffering and trauma to the cat itself, it has also taken up a lot of time which could continue for some time.

This could have all been prevented by doing a few minutes easy ‘work’.

Unfortunately for the cat and the family, the daughter couldn’t be ‘bothered’ to do it.

Yes, there is a reason I am sharing this story with you…

Making money and becoming successful is exactly the same.

Systems and methods work… as long as you do everything that is required.

If you ‘decide’ to NOT do one thing just because you can’t be ‘bothered’, everything can go wrong.

Everything you have been doing successfully can all turn to mush if you decide to ‘not do’ one vital piece of the system… just as it has for my friend.

If a system is working, why skip a part?

In the eight years of having the cat, this is the first time that it has gone missing which so happens to be the one time the cat wasn’t secured inside at night time.


I think not.

There was always the possibility that the cat could be bullied during the day and run away, but there were always people around who could soon be out to scare off the other cats or the back door was open for an easy fast escape to safety.

At night time while people are sound asleep, no one was there to help out so it would appear that the cat bolted as it was getting bullied… or even worse, it may have been snatched.

People do steal pets and that is something my friend fears could have happened, which was another reason that he made sure that the cat was inside when he went to bed.

The daughter was given clear instruction to follow a system which has worked for eight years, but she failed to follow it… and now everything has gone ‘wrong’.

If you are following a system which has delivered successful results for other people, you should do everything they tell you… no matter how boring or mundane it feels.

It clearly works because they are proof of it.

If you are using a betting strategy and the person teaching you tells you to check the previous five games for each football team to see what the final scores were, check them!

If you feel that part of the system is pointless and boring and decide to skip it, you could be harming the success of the system.

If you fail to do ‘just one part’ of the system or method that you are using, you run the huge risk of undoing all of the good you have done so far.

You can turn success into distress.

That isn’t a case of ‘just bad luck’… that is a case of bad management.

It would be a bad decision on your part.

It would be bad action which could result in the one thing you want to avoid the most.

Success comes from repeatedly doing what you have to do and resisting the urge to ‘skip’ the parts you don’t like or don’t want to do.

Fortunately, not all systems have lots of parts.

Some are incredibly simple in their approach.

One of the simplest is the 903 System used by Roy, another friend of mine .

I’ve spoken about Roy before; he’s the guy who banked £47,000 within a year after developing a system which allowed him to pocket increasing amounts of money from horse racing.

Focusing on the safe wins instead of going after the big wins, he has built a system where he can now earn £903 a week giving him £47,000 a year in TAX FREE money.

If you would like to know more about Roy and the system which allows him to help himself to TAX FREE weekly amounts of £903, click the link below:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Please note; Roy instructed us to only print and sell 250 copies. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.

Here’s that link again:

System 903

Now Is The Time!

Over the last couple of years, you will have noticed that the emails I send out have contained a lot of things which I have seen on television or in real life, read in papers, magazines or on websites, and things which I have personal done or experienced.

The reason for that is that it makes for interesting reading.

Maybe not to everyone, but most people will find some of the things I write about interesting and entertaining.

What is really good about the stuff that I write about is that it is free.

Every day you are exposed to something which could become the main body of an email that earns you money.

It might be hard to believe… but it’s true.

These emails make me money.

And that is because I aim to entertain.

Think of a television drama series.

They are created to entertain people.

That’s it.

They don’t directly sell you anything.

But they make money from either advertising revenue shown in the ad breaks on channels like ITV or Ch4 or for networks such as Netflix, they make money by retaining subscribers and attracting new ones.

People love to be entertained… and entertainment makes money.

Millions of people read novels because they want to be entertained.

They want to escape from the world.

They want to enjoy the rollercoaster of emotions that books, films and television dramas put them through.

This is one of the reasons I and many others use stories in our emails.

We aim to entertain.

We also aim to inform.

There is a new word being thrown about by several people and that is ‘infotainment’.

People who make money by sending simple easy to write emails to people use infotainment as their secret weapon.

Those emails both entertain and inform.

They also ‘ask for the sale’.

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You may recall a previous article where I explained what was meant by asking for the sale.

Asking for the sale is where you subtly give the email reader the opportunity to purchase a product from you.

No hard sell… just let them know that they have the opportunity to learn more about a product which you believe they would be interested in.

Depending on what you write about, it takes very little time to write the average email which makes money.

Take this email for example; I’m sat with a large mug of tea in my office listening to some relaxing music while I write.

I could write this email from anywhere in the world. I don’t need to be in my office. I could quite easily write this while sat on a beach, a bus or a balcony.

It beats working for a living.

While food, fuel and energy prices are going up and people are struggling to live, writing and sending a few emails would be a great way to earn some much needed money.

Obviously, you’ll need to build an email list, but that is easy enough to set up.

Once set up you leave it to collect the email details of people who are interested in reading your emails.

As your list grows, you write and send simple emails such as this one.

Emails that inform and entertain which contain stories and anecdotes of things you see, read and do.

Emails which also promote a relevant product which people would find useful.

As an example of asking for the sale, here is a link to a relevant product which will show you EXACTLY how to make money by writing and sending simple emails like this one.

The Email Secret

There are thousands of people like you who are making thousands of pounds each month writing and sending simple emails.

Is it time that you became one too?

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS Sign up today and you will get these incredible free bonuses worth £226:95

How To Create Your Own Profitable Product In 7 Days Or Less where you will learn how to quickly create products of your own to sell.

The Email Secret Template Package. 4 page templates – built to look great on tablets and smartphones as well as computers – to help you set up your email freedom business fast.

PPS You have life time access to the training videos as well as email access to Andi, our email ‘guru’ who will answer any technical questions you may have.

PPPS If there was ever the perfect time to learn how to do this, it’s now. Download your copy today.

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret

Earn Bonus Money. Then Double It!

In a previous  article I told you about a woman who made £136.53 for one hours work writing an article and selling it via a website called Constant-Content.

I recently learned about a guy who earned just shy of £69 writing and publishing two short articles on the same website.

Those two articles were bought by people who will use them either on their websites, in their emails or as part of products. They bought the articles and the full rights to use them as they wish.

Both articles took no more than an hour and a half to write.

It’s possible that he could have earned more per article had he priced them higher.

The writers can set their own prices for their own content. He set his prices so that they were affordable without being cheap.

£69 isn’t bad for an hour and half’s work.

What’s more important is that these articles were quick rewrites of other articles which were published to a platform where he makes money when those articles are read.

So he is earning twice from the same content.

When he sat down to write an article to go onto the platform, he wrote a second version using the same information while it was all fresh in his head.

The new versions have different titles and they read differently so they are for all intents and purposes, two different articles… even though they contain the exact same information as the others.

£69 for two articles is pretty good, especially when you consider that they took less than an hour apiece to write.

If you were able to find one hour spare each day of the week, Monday through to Friday, and you wrote and uploaded one new article per day, by the end of the month you would have 20 articles available for people to buy.

Imagine how much 20 articles could earn you.

So why am I telling you this?…

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I’m telling you this because it is incredibly easy to do and is a great way to earn some extra money.

The extra money would be a big help during the current cost of living crisis, or it would be perfect for using in other money making projects.

I recently wrote about becoming a side hustle investor, that is where you earn money doing one thing, and then use that money to make more money by funding another side project.

For example; that £69 could be used to pay for someone to add ‘simple’ content to a website in order to grow it so that it can be sold for a profit.

You may ask, ‘why doesn’t he add the content himself?’

The answer is basic economics… it also has a lot to do with the type of content too.

The writer spends an hour writing one detailed article about a specific topic he knows well, a topic which people need, which he sells for £35 or more…

He can pay someone from Fiver.com £5 or £10 to write and add simple articles to his website.

At £5 per article, he can get 7 articles written and added to his website for the price of his one.

Over time, the content added to that website would grow that website to the point it can be sold for tens of thousands of pounds profit.

That was one example.

Another could be to use the £69 to buy crypto coins.

Or use it to cream money from Betfair.

The point is this… a side hustle which is easy can earn you money which you can then use to fund other projects.

By doing this, you are not risking any of your ‘own’ money from your own bank account.

This is all ‘bonus’ money earned to ‘play’ with.

The only thing you are losing out on is a bit of your time while earning that bonus money.

As with most things in life, success comes from planning and preparation.

Writing a few articles and earning a few extra pounds is great, but knowing that you are earning it specifically to fund a second project which could double that money is better.

Knowing that you have an end goal for that money will help you to earn more and use it better.

Ideally, you want to choose a side hustle which is quite easy to do and earns you more back for your efforts which is why I wanted to share the example of the guy who made £69 writing just two articles.

If you were to go and find a second job which paid minimum wage, I think they now call it the national living wage, which is £9.50 per hour; you would need to work over seven hours to earn £69.

This guy made it from working just an hour and a half.

He didn’t need to deal with any rude customers or bosses demanding their pound of flesh, he did it while listening to music and enjoying a big mug of steaming hot coffee.

Writing can be a fantastic way to make a decent amount of money.

Not just that, it is also what I call a freedom job, as a writer you can make money from anywhere in the world today.

All you need is a laptop or a tablet (even a smartphone will do) and an internet connection.

That’s it.

If you would like to learn more, go to:

5 Ways To Find Freedom As A Paid Writer

Kind Regards.

John Harrison

PS… One of the bonuses of writing is that if you write and publish content for yourself you can use it in many types of products such as books, emails and reports.

Here’s that link again:

5 Ways To Find Freedom As A Paid Writer

You Need To Ask Yourself… WWIGFTNH?

Do you know what the abbreviation WWIGFTNH in the article title means?

It’s a powerful question which I think people should ask themselves on the hour, every hour of every day.

The question helps motivate people to do more of the things they want, and need to do.

It helps them to do better in life.

It helps them to LIVE a better life.

If you are an avid reader of my articles, you’ll know that I regularly talk about how the results we want to achieve can only be realised by the actions we take.

Its basic cause and effect… the things you do will affect your life in specific ways, the more you do of a certain thing, the more it will affect your life.

So what is the question in question?

What Will I Gain From This Next Hour?

I was recently reminded of this method after reading an article where a woman was explaining how she would ask herself every hour, what am I going to gain from the next hour?

She would ask herself this question so that she was consciously aware of what she was doing and whether it would help her to achieve the things she wanted to do.

Her question is a little more longwinded than my version.

By asking yourself, ‘what will I gain from this next hour?’ you become aware of whether you need to change what you are doing or if you are okay to carry on.

For example; if your most pressing goal is to finish writing a book and right now you are alone in an empty house sat on the sofa drinking coffee reading the newspaper… asking yourself ‘what will I gain from this next hour?’ will force you to evaluate what you are doing… and what will be the result of your actions.

If you carried on relaxing on the sofa for an hour you may gain calmness and a moment of quiet pleasure, which is not necessarily a bad thing… but you may also gain nothing but annoyance at yourself for wasting the time and that you haven’t got any further with finishing your book.

You get more of what you do… if you spend a lot of time procrastinating instead of doing something which will take you towards achieving your goals, you’ll end up with more days of procrastination and goals still to be accomplished.

The problem with procrastination is that most people do not consciously realise that they are doing it. For many people, procrastination is a bad habit.

Asking yourself ‘what will I gain from this next hour?’ is a simple yet powerful system… as long as you remember to do it.

It might be a good idea to set a reminder on your phone to go off on the hour every hour so that you are forced to ask the question throughout the day.

This isn’t about time management; it is more about effort and attention management.

You cannot manage time; you can only manage what you do with the time you have.

You either use it in a good way, or a bad way…

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A good way will have a positive effect on your life; a bad way will affect your life negatively.

If you need to make an extra £20 a day and you have a spare hour available, popping out to the local Costa Coffee for a large latte will have a different result on your life than if you spent the hour working on something which would make you £20.

It’s obvious, I know.

It’s even more obvious when it is written down in front of you…

But when you are going about your day, it is easy to allow life to take over and you go with the flow of doing stuff without being aware of how it will affect your future.

Your future is determined by what you do today and so asking yourself throughout the day ‘what will I gain from this next hour?’ will help you to stay on track.

As I say, you cannot manage your time, only what you do with your time so choose what you do carefully.

By being aware of what you are doing and what you will gain from doing it, you begin to master making better decisions and better decisions lead to a better life.

It is through conscious awareness and making informed decisions that our friend Barry Tyler took £100 and turned it into £1.6 million.

He focused on doubling his money starting with £100.

He doubled £100 to £200… £200 to £400 so on and so forth.

It takes only 14 doublings to take £100 to £1.6 million.

What holds most people back is that they don’t know how to take £100 and double it up to £1.6 million.

It’s far easier when you have a plan and the right guidance.

And that is where our friend Barry comes in, he wants to show you how he doubled his way from £100 to £1.6 million.

He has laid out the exact ‘doubling method’ in an easy to follow plan which you can study from the comfort of your own home.

Following his advice, you too could turn £100 into £1.6 million.

If you would like Barry to show you click the link below:

Double Your Way To A Million

Kind Regards.

John Harrison

  1. Barry gives you both the GUIDANCE and the PLAN that you need to double your way from £100 to £1.6 million.

Here’s that link again

Double Your Way To A Million

Banking £17,880 Per Month Selling Other People’s Efforts

In the Financial Times today I read about 34 year old American Darius Gaynor who decided to set up a ‘drop service’ business so that he could escape his ‘cubicle’ job working at a casino resort in Pennsylvania.

Two years later, free from the cubicle job, he sold his drop service business for six figures.

Darius left Pennsylvania and moved to Florida to be closed to family where he runs another drop service business which is paying him a monthly net profit of $22,000 which at the time of writing is roughly £17,880.

I know what you are thinking, ‘what exactly is a drop service business John?’

Drop service is where you resell other people’s online digital services.

You become an online agency where you find clients for a specific service such as copywriting, website building, SEO and branding and you pass the work over to freelance workers.

The freelance worker deals with you and you deal with the client and make money on your mark up of the service.

Drop service is a play on the term ‘drop shipping’ where ecommerce websites sell items that they don’t stock.

They list and sell other people’s products for a higher price and when an order is placed they, or the system, orders it from the manufacturer or original retailer and has it sent to the customer directly.

It’s all very ‘hands off’.

The most they do once the website is up and running is marketing and administration such as processing orders and dealing with customers. Very often that is outsourced to someone else.

With drop service, you do something similar, you offer companies specific services then hand the work over to other people who you pay once you have been paid.

They do the work while you communicate with the client and process the order.

This is an ‘inbetweener’ or ‘middle person’ style business because you place yourself between client and freelancer.

Thanks to the shrinking world and the ease of access, the digital services market has exploded with people from all across the globe offering services.

The gig economy is booming.

It has allowed people in countries which some would consider underdeveloped or emerging to offer services and escape the poverty and hardship of their social and economic environment.

Those people can do quality work at a fraction of the cost freelancers in the UK can offer and so the people who offer drop services very often capitalise on that cheap overseas labour…

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There is a big love-hate relationship with some freelancers and those who run drop services because of the price differences.

Because the freelancer market is quite saturated, a lot of freelancers charge lower fees to land clients.

Those who are new and looking to get started will sell their services lower than seasoned freelancers. They charge less so that they find work.

The thought that they end up working for a few dollars when the drop service owners who hire them through websites like Fiverr and Upwork makes double or triple what they get paid doesn’t sit well with them.

They joined those platforms to find reliable first hand clients, not necessarily to be hired by an inbetweener.

Darius says that “the more you charge, the more your services are perceived to be premium value”, which I agree with, but the problem for many freelancers who are starting out, is that they are not being paid any more than the basic and they are not getting to make those important connections with the clients.

Freelancers rely on clients coming back and rehiring them. They need to nurture relationships with clients and eventually they can increase their fees.

Many freelancers feel that they are being ‘cheated’ by drop service providers.

This may be the case for a few drop service providers, but the fact remains, it is still a viable business model and you can make a lot of money doing it.

30 year old Moroccan Yassine Harouchi has run 10 drop services in the last four years and admits that he personally doesn’t find running drop service businesses fulfilling, it’s not what he ‘lives for’, he does it ‘for the money’.

The money can be incredibly good.

A drop service is basically an agency where you do work for paying clients but instead of having full time employees, you simply outsource the work to freelancers.

In the real world, this was known as sub-contracting.

When our techy guy Andi worked in the building trade, he dealt with many companies who hired trades people to do services which they had sold to clients.

He remembered once working at a joinery workshop where every now and then a guy would come in and order bespoke office furniture. He specialised in fitting out home offices yet he never did any of the actual fitting or design work.

He simply found clients through marketing and then ‘hired’ whichever sub-contractors he needed to do specific jobs. He hired designers, carpenters, painters, electricians etc.

When they had finished the work, he would pay them and then invoiced the client.

He was the ‘man in the middle’ and that is exactly what a drop service provider is except it is all done online.

It’s nothing new, it has been happening for years but now a lot of people are doing it online and making a lot of money.

Could becoming a drop service provider be the ideal business model for you?

If you are not one for managing numerous clients and freelancers and would rather make money offering a premium service where you work for one person at a time for a high fee then you should consider learning how to write sales letters.

Being able to write sales letters and sales material is one of those skills where you can charge the right clients thousands of pounds.

It is through the use of sales letters that we and many other businesses have made millions and so if you know how to write a profitable sales letter, your skills are going to be incredibly valuable to the right people.

If you would like to know how to write profitable sales letters which can have you earning thousands of pounds from the right clients go to:

One Letter From Retirement

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… Knowing how to write a profitable sales letter is one of those ‘in demand’ skills and demand is growing. With more and more businesses moving online, the need for quality written sales letters is huge. The market is growing.

Industries, business methods and money making strategies may come and go, but companies will always need quality sales letter writers.

Here’s that link again:

One Letter From Retirement

Make £1,500+ Per Month Using Twitter.

I see that Twitter is testing a new service called Twitter Circles. Circles is Twitter’s version of an exclusive group.

Facebook allows people to share posts with specific people and to build groups where content can only be seen by those in the groups.

Instagram allows users to have an exclusive group where they can post content which is only seen by those in the group.

And it now seems that twitter is doing something similar.

Circles allows a user to build a specific group of 150 people who they can share specific and exclusive content with.

Twitter also allows you to monetise your profile by connecting apps such as Cash App which allows people to send you money directly from their phone.

I see great potential with this…

If you have something to share with people which either entertains or educates, then you could quite easily charge people a fee to be a member of your Circle.

Inner Circles were always a great way to make money and now you have the opportunity to run your own inner circle from the palm of your hand.

Let me just repeat that so we are clear… you have the opportunity to run your own inner circle from the palm of your hand.

If you had the maximum 150 people in your circle and you charged them £10 a month to receive your Tweets, you would make £1,500.

If the content you share is valuable and can help people to either change their lives or make them large amounts of money, you could quite easily charge more.

Imagine that you were charging people £20 per month; you’d be making £3,000.

If you were charging £50 per month – and people do – you’d be banking a nice £7,500.

What kind of stuff can you charge for?

Well anything and everything really.

Tipping services are popular as are marketing and make money information which covers a whole range of topics.

Value and worth is subjective, some people will pay a lot of money to own or learn something specific while others wouldn’t give you a penny for it.

You shouldn’t be afraid to ask for what you want and target only those who are willing to pay for it.

You could have two people paying you £10, or 10 people paying £2. The former would be better as you have less people to deal with which makes your job a whole lot easier.

Answer questions from 150 for £300 a month could be a nightmare, but answering and interacting with just 15 for £300 a month is easier and more acceptable.

I don’t want to lower the tone but think about those high end escorts who target wealthy men; they earn more for doing less.

They are not afraid of asking for what they want because they know that there are people who are happy to pay what they ask.

They don’t fear not have any clients.

They would rather deal with fewer clients and earn more money for their efforts.

You should be the same…

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Ask for £20 per month for your information and content if you believe that it is worth it.

Supplying a large number of people with a cheap product can be hard work and can take up a lot of your time.

Using Twitter to supply digital content is relatively simple and easy so you may think that there is little hard work involved, and you are right with that, however, the hard work is when dealing with a large number of customers.

Believe me when I tell you that you will receive a lot of questions and messages. It’s often better if you charge more and have fewer customers to manage.

You can always lower the price if there are no takers.

There has never been a better time in human history where you can make money from the palm of your hand from anywhere and everywhere.

A system where you supply content via Twitter for money is a system that you can take virtually anywhere in the world.

You might not be able to do this in North Korea, but then again, North Korea probably won’t let you in in the first place so it doesn’t matter.

Twitter Circles is being trialled and tested currently and hopefully will soon be available to all users meaning that anyone who uses Twitter will have the opportunity to run their own Inner Circle group from the palm of their hand.

Another way to make between £1,250 and £1,500 per month from the palm of your hand using nothing more than your smartphone is trading the markets.

Our friend Kate, the treadmill tycoon, uses her phone to scalp profits from the markets each morning.

She doesn’t need to make any content and she doesn’t have to deal with customers asking questions either.

Kate trades for roughly half an hour most mornings while she works out in her home gym and earns between £1,250 and £1,500 per month.

As I said it before, we are living in the greatest time ever in human history to be able to make money from the palm of your hand.

Kate is living proof of that.

She makes between £1,250 and £1,500 per month using only her phone while she works out in her home gym.

To learn more about Kate and what she does to generate up to £1,500 per month, go to:


Kind Regards.

John Harrison

PS… Did I mention the £1,250 – £1,500 per month Kate earns is TAX FREE?

Here’s that link again:


A Millionaire In The Making?

This morning while taking my daily walk, I spotted a future millionaire in action.

Today looks like it is going to be a hot one with parts of the UK expected to hit 34C and one young entrepreneur was trying to capitalise on this.

As I walked past the gates of a local school, one young lad, aged between 12 and 13, was standing at the gates with a freezer bag at his feet stocked with ice lollies and choc ices.

As I approached I could hear him calling out “ice lollies £1, ice creams £1.50,” to all of the other students who were disembarking buses and walking towards the school gates.

I didn’t personally witness anyone buy anything from the young entrepreneur but that’s not surprising as I was walking past, and I wasn’t going to hang around to see because… well you know, a grown man watching teenagers by the school gates who isn’t dropping off his own children can lead to people getting the wrong impression.

I’m interested to see if he sells any ice lollies, but I’m not that interested that I am willing to risk talking to the local constabulary!

All that matters is that here was a young lad who was seizing the opportunity to make some money by selling a product students would enjoy on a hot day.

Who can fault him?

Some students would be embarrassed and others would be scared of getting into trouble… this lad was neither.

And it’s that attitude of caring less what other people think and focusing on making money is what I believe is going to take him to millionaire status.

He spent his own time sourcing ice creams and lollies to sell, he positioned himself early at the school gates, and like a real ‘Del Boy’ he called out to his fellow students as they approached… all of that takes a specific personality, the type who I believe can go far in life.

From the looks on the other student’s faces I get the feeling they were not surprised that it was him by the school gates selling ice creams.

I actually think many of his fellow students admired him for what he was doing. I suspect several wished they had had the same idea.

But they didn’t, he did and he acted on it.

Most people think of great ideas, but they do nothing with them.

Many of them wait for the right time to get started, but as Kevin Kelly, co-founder of Wired magazine, says… ‘about 99% of the time, the right time is right now’.

Obviously, sometimes there is a ‘wrong’ time, if this was winter it wouldn’t be a good idea to be stood outside the school gates selling ice creams…

But I wouldn’t be surprised if the boy who I observed selling ice lollies today had also considered selling mugs of hot soup or coffees in winter.

It’s easier to have a freezer bag of ice lollies than it is to supply hot drinks on a cold day so if he hasn’t actually done it, I’m sure he has thought about it.

People with the entrepreneur gene often spend a lot of time thinking about ways to make money, it’s in their nature.

Any money earned from selling ices at school is seed money which he may use to invest in more stock so that he makes more profit or invest in other products to sell or even other projects.

It is a starting point…

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All successful people had to start somewhere.

Richard Branson started by publishing his own student magazine in 1966 at the age of 16. He was gifted £100 from his mother which paid for the electricity and the postage costs for his magazine.

Without that seed money, the magazine would have folded and Virgin may never have happened.

Branson himself said “That £100 ended up paving the way for Virgin Galactic, Atlantic and all the other Virgin companies around the world today”.

Used wisely, who knows what the money earned from selling ice creams outside of the school gates could lead to for this young entrepreneur.

Once he has raised £100 selling ice creams and lollies, he could then focus his efforts on doubling it.

It takes only 14 doublings to take £100 to £1.6 million.

What holds most people back is that they don’t know how to take £100 and double it up to £1.6 million.

It’s far easier when you have a plan and guidance.

And that is where our friend Barry Tyler comes in.

He started with £100 and doubled it until he was a millionaire… and now he wants to show you how to do the very same.

Barry has laid out the exact plan he used to take £100 and double it to £1.6 million.

Following his plan and with his advice, ideas and guidance, you too could take £100 and turn it into £1.6 million focusing on the ‘doubling’ method.

If you would like Barry to teach you click the link below:

Double Your Way To A Million

Kind Regards.

John Harrison

  1. Barry gives you both the GUIDANCE and the PLAN that you need to double your way from £100 to £1.6 million.

Here’s that link again:

Double Your Way To A Million

Eating Salad Can Make You Wealthy As Well As Healthy

Well, yes okay, it is a bit of a stretch to believe that eating salad can make you wealthy… but hear me out; there is a valid point to today’s article.

Eating salad can make you wealthy because salad is good for your mind and body which in turn makes you more creative and productive which will give you better results in life.

So yes, in that sense, eating salad can help towards you becoming wealthy…

But it’s not the actual eating of salad that makesyou wealthy, it is the understanding of what happens when you eat it.

When you eat salad, you get quality nutrition without the excessive sugars which are found in a lot of modern processed foods and drink.

Sugar makes us fat and sluggish and is the cause of many damaging health conditions.

Putting excessive amounts of sugar into the human system is like pouring sugar into the fuel tank of a car, it will cause irreversible damage.

Fortunately – or maybe that should be unfortunately – the human body differs to a car because it can absorb the sugar putting it into storage slowing down the harm it does to the body.

A car will break down as soon as the sugar hits the engine, the human body is a little more forgiving in its mechanical system and so it can take the sugar hit… temporarily.

Unfortunately, the human body can take that sugar hit for many years but there will come a time when it can take no more and it manifests itself into one or several diseases and conditions such as diabetes and cancer.

The inspiration for this article today was after hearing about how a diabetic I know is now upping her ‘gout’ medication to counter act the increase in uric acid in her system.

She is now taking more medication on top of more medication to deal with issues caused by bad eating habits.

Gout and the increase production of uric acid are often associated with the food we eat and bad eating habits.

And from what I know of this person, the only time she comes close to a salad is when it comes as something to ignore at a restaurant.

It gets pushed further to the edge of the plate so that it doesn’t taint her chips or tomato sauce.

I’m sure you are wondering where I am going with this and asking yourself ‘how can salad make me wealthy?’

As I mentioned earlier, it is to do with understanding.

Most salad dodgers choose to actively not do what is right for them.

They ignore the experts who are armed with facts, information and experience which can help them to become better and healthier people… and this is the point I want to make today.

Many of those who want to become wealthy and make a lot of money do something similar…

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They too ignore what they need to do and opt to do what they want to do… which usually leads to losing money instead of making it.

Whereas a person who ignores the correct dietary advice becomes fat and sick, the person who ignores the correct money making advice becomes poor and frustrated.

Time and time again I see people who want to be wealthy and have more money do the exact opposite they were told by wealthy people because it’s either boring or appears too much like hard work.

Ordering a takeaway kebab and fries dripping in a spicy BBQ sauces is exciting and effortless…

Going to the supermarket and buying salad and nuts then plating them up is boring, long and tedious.

One will taste sensational for ten minutes followed by a slump with excessive farting, the other will taste okay but you’ll feel good for longer.

It’s the same when it comes to making money… people chose ease over effort even though ease very often leads down the wrong road.

When I use the word effort, I am not saying that you need to work hard for months or years with little return to start with… far from it.

There are ways to make money which are simple and easy to do, but they still need consistent effort otherwise they are useless.

I could show you how to make £100 a day doing something simple, but if you wanted £36,500, you’d need to make £100 a day every day for a year.

But if you worked no more than a week, the most you would earn would be £700.

This is where most people fail.

They want the £36,500… they are even happy with the £100 per day… but after a bit of time, laziness gets the better of them, they stop and go looking for the next solution.

They want the big win now… they want the tasty takeaway… they want the medication to solve their problem right now.

Future problems are resolved and solved in the here and now.

The past controls the future and you control the past here in the present.

When it comes to making money and becoming wealthy, decide to eat salad… do the things which will create the outcome you want.

You can’t eat a bag of sugar coated donuts washed down by several litre bottles of coke each day and expect to lose weight and have blemish free skin.

Nor can you expect to make money and become wealthy if you don’t follow the guidance of an expert and give something the time it requires to bear fruit.

I’ve spoken about our friend Roy before; he’s the guy who banked £47,000 within a year after developing a system which allowed him to pocket increasing amounts of money from horse racing.

Focusing on the safe wins instead of going after the big wins, he has built a system where he can now earn £903 a week giving him £47,000 a year in TAX FREE money.

If you would like to know more about Roy and the system which allows him to help himself to TAX FREE weekly amounts of £903, click the link below:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Please note; Roy instructed us to only print and sell 250 copies. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.

Here’s that link again:

System 903

How To Turn Old Magazines Into A Profitable Business Worth Thousands

This week I read about a woman who claims to make around £8,000 per month thanks to reading old magazines.

She buys old magazines such as Reader’s Digest and Time Magazine from charity shops and reviews the content.

She reviews the articles, tests the tips and creates commentary pieces about what she has read.

These commentary pieces go onto one or several of her websites which then earn her advertising revenue whenever they are read.

Here are a few examples of the kind of articles she creates based on those she reads in the magazines:

“I tried a vintage recipe from an Old Reader’s Digest Magazine, What Happened Next?”

“I tried shocking life hacks from Old British magazines — These hacks will shock you!”

“I read 5 stories from 1945 Newsweek, this is what I learned”

She focuses heavily on the click curious style headline made popular by the Viral Nova website which incidentally sold for $100 million a few years ago.

When she has finished with the magazines, she sells them on eBay. Apparently there is a good market for old magazines.

Currently she is building an entire website based on vintage recipes, and is planning to create a website about vintage cosmetics, cars and toys.

She says that she is building her 20th niche site, based on vintage topics and plans on building ten more in the next few years…

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What I like about this is that she is using old content sourced from old magazines, given them a new lease of life and published them online where she is making advertising revenue.

She is writing articles but you could easily create videos for TikTok and YouTube instead or as well.

The potential and possibilities with this is endless.

By creating a commentary piece on the old content and not just publishing it in full online, she is safe from copyright infringement.

I think this is a great idea.

Could this be something you would like to explore?

To see for yourself how easy it is to build your own website and add content to it, watch the video here:

How To Build A Website Fast

In the video, our techy guy Andi shows you how to build a simple website in 15 minutes… a website ideal for generating advertising revenue and selling digital products such as eBooks.

I also recently read about a woman who built a five figure a year passive income in a weekend by creating a simple eBook which she sold from her website.

The whole five figure income stream was built and switched on within one weekend.

In my humble opinion, there is no reason as to why you cannot do the same… especially if you are sourcing material from old magazines.

Watch the video now to see how easy it can be to build your own website.                                                                             

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Once you see how simple this is… you’ll understand how easy it is to make and sell digital products such as eBooks on autopilot and create your very own online five figure passive income stream.

Here’s that link again:

How To Build A Website Fast

How To Turn Coffee Waste Into Cash

We humans are incredibly clever and adaptive.

We are the only creature on the planet which can change the environment around it to suit us… not always for the better mind.

We can invent new materials and we can build vast civilisations.

As a species, we are ingenious and innovative… but we are best when we work with natures own creative systems.

Nature has created a world of potential around us which just needs a little human innovation to put two different things together to create something which is new – to us – but works brilliantly well just as nature intended.

Let me share with you the story of PermaFungi, a Belgium company who are growing oyster mushrooms in bags filled with coffee grounds and straw.

Coffee grounds is the waste left over from coffee beans when they have been ground down and made into fresh hot delicious coffee.

The problem with coffee grounds is that it is a waste material and waste material has to go somewhere. It is being dumped into landfill along with other waste material.

15,000 tons of coffee grounds is binned each year in Belgium. I imagine that figure is far higher here in the UK when you consider the size of our population and the amount of coffee people drink.

You are hard pushed to walk into any town or city centre in the UK and find a street without a coffee shop.

PermaFungi collect 5.5 tons of coffee grounds each month from partner coffee shops across the country and use it to grow oyster mushrooms which are sold in organic focused food shops.

It takes only 15 days for the mushrooms to grow until they are ready to be harvested.

When a bag of mushrooms is harvested, it is replaced with a new bag and so everyday there is a harvest of a profitable product.

The coffee grounds is perfect for growing oyster mushrooms, the straw which is added prevents the grounds becoming too compacted.

This is a perfect example of one natural waste product being used to create another natural product.

Its nature’s own perfect cycle of life.

The left over organic material from the coffee bean is used to grow new life sustaining organic material.

The waste product is growing food.

It doesn’t end there…

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There is a second environmentally friendly product which comes from the left over coffee grounds after they have been used to grow mushrooms.

Adding the straw coffee grounds mix to a mould along with mycelium – mycelium is part of the fungi kingdom and is the network of threads, called hyphae, from which mushrooms grow – a biodegradable insulation tile is formed.

PermaFungi say these tiles can replace modern insulations which are made from plastic and glass fibres which are not good for the environment or people’s health.

As Governments around the world look to prioritise the circular economy – reusing and recycling materials – to cut carbon emissions used in the manufacturing of new manmade materials, PermaFungi offer up a solution.

They are seeking investment to scale up production as they aim to produce 13 tons of the mycelium based insulation tile per month by 2025.

That is one company producing two natural products, one food and one insulating material, all from the waste product produced each and every day by popular coffee shops.

Sometimes the best solutions are the ones staring us in the face.

Every day we see nature do its stuff, and we see the waste which is created by using natural products such as coffee beans… it’s just a case of looking at them closely and figuring out another use for them instead of them being thrown into landfill.

Is there something similar that you can do?

Are there two separate things which you can put together to create a unique and profitable business?

If you are looking for a profitable business opportunity then I can help you… I have a book called The Stolen Files which has 133 different businesses ideas, systems and strategies to help you make money.

That is 133 different business ideas… you only need one from the book to work with.

To get your own copy go to:

The Stolen Files

Kind Regards

John Harrison