Laziness is one of the fastest ways to becoming poor as this following example will highlight.
I don’t know if you have ever seen Fesshole on Twitter, but it is a great resource of funny real life confessions.
Some are a little farfetched and have possibly been made up, others I believe are genuine confessions from real people.
People submit their confessions to Fesshole who then share them on Twitter such as this little gem:
This isn’t ‘funny hilarious’ like some confessions; it’s funny in a sad and painful way.
This is a prime example of someone making a decision based on being lazy which has cost them a lot of money in the long run.
Because they were too lazy to go through a car load of junk, they have wasted a lot of money.
It’s a car, not a warehouse! How long would it take to go through a car sized pile of crap?
Not only has it cost them more than £5,000 in storage fees, it’s cost them a lot more money in potential income which would have come about from using that money better.
A bit of quick maths would indicate that this person was paying around £100 per month for the storage unit. Maybe a little less, maybe a little more, but roughly £100 each month for four years adds up to £5,000.
Once the direct debit was set up and the stuff was put in storage, it was clearly forgotten about.
As the saying goes, ‘out of sight, out of mind’… and that is exactly what happened.
Here’s the thing, had this been an investment where £100 was being added each month and forgotten about, over the four year period, instead of losing £5,000, this person could have made thousands of pounds… possibly tens of thousands.
Instead of being £5,000 out of pocket, they could quite easily have been £10,000 better off…or even more.
If they are willing to spend £100 per month on something to simply store junk which has a value of only £200, they should be willing to spend £100 per month on something which should give them back a profit.
They clearly weren’t missing that £100, so it would have been better for them if it was put to a better use.
The problem is that most people either don’t know what to do with their money and how… or they forget what they are paying out for… or worse…
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They don’t realise what they are paying out for and because of laziness or failure to manage their finances, they allow money to simply get wasted.
It happens with so many different things from magazine subscriptions to television channel subscriptions.
The worst one is usually gym and leisure centre memberships.
People join them with the good intention of going regularly to get fit and lose weight, but then life gets in the way and one day leads to another and before they know it, months have passed and they haven’t been even though they are still paying a membership fee.
Very often people decide not to cancel the payment ‘just yet’ because they still intend to go once the little blip which has prevented them going to the gym has come to an end.
But as we know, it’s often far easier to NOT do something and so NOT going to the gym quickly forms into a habit… a costly one at that.
The guy who confessed to paying out over £5,000 in storage fees fell into the easier habit of NOT sorting out his junk.
It might have taken no more than a couple of hours one Saturday afternoon… but for him… it was easier to NOT do it.
Ironically, it might have taken the same amount of time to sort through as it did for him to drive to the storage unit, unload the car, load the unit up then set up the payment instructions.
And it cost him £5,000 over a four year period.
So the questions you probably should be asking yourself are:
Is there something you are NOT doing which you should be doing?
Are you wasting money on something each month which you do NOT need or are NOT using?
Either way… it’s not just the money you are paying out each month that you are losing; there is a whole lot more because you are not using that money to its fullest potential.
Now compare the person who wasted £5,000 on storage costs with our friend Roy who took a small amount of money and turned it into a £47,000 year income during evenings and weekends.
When Roy turned 60, he wanted to earn a modest £10 extra a day.
£10 isn’t a huge amount but it adds up to £70 a week which is £300 a month.
A small amount like £300 can still do a lot for most people.
It was enough to help Roy.
An extra £300 per month over a year can really help people out when they need it the most… like now during the current cost of living crisis.
If there was ever a need for extra money, now is it.
Roy started using a system which he developed after watching Superman III starring Christopher Reeve and Richard Pryor… I kid you not!
Focusing on making just small amounts, Roy accidentally created a system which doubled itself every three months.
Putting it bluntly, the person who wasted £5,000 on unnecessary storage fees, could have turned that £5,000 into £10,000 in a relatively short period of time.
Over the course of a year, that £5,000 could have generated a lot more.
Thanks to his system, Roy – who wanted to make just £70 a week – now makes on average £903 a week… which is £47,000 a year.
Waste £5,000… or make £47,000… which would you choose?
When Roy started, he didn’t have £5,000 to play with, he only had £500.
That initial £500 lead him to make £47,000 in a year… and all because he wasn’t lazy and chose to manage his money better.
If you are wasting money on something then now is the time to put a stop to it and use that money more wisely.
If you follow Roy’s lead, you could be on your way to doubling your money every three months instead of losing it.
If you would like to see for yourself how Roy took £500 and grew it into a £47,000 a year income… one which takes as little as one hour a day to manage, click the link below:
System 903
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Roy wanted to share his system with others and so he wrote it all out in a step-by-step manual and instructed us to publish it on his behalf.
He also instructed us to sell only 250 copies, so if you want your own copy of the system which makes him £903 each week in TAX FREE profits. Please be aware that no more copies will be printed after the last one has been sold. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.
Here’s that link again: