Tag Archives: Business Ideas

Is This The Dumbest Person In Britain?

Laziness is one of the fastest ways to becoming poor as this following example will highlight.

I don’t know if you have ever seen Fesshole on Twitter, but it is a great resource of funny real life confessions.

Some are a little farfetched and have possibly been made up, others I believe are genuine confessions from real people.

People submit their confessions to Fesshole who then share them on Twitter such as this little gem:

This isn’t ‘funny hilarious’ like some confessions; it’s funny in a sad and painful way.

This is a prime example of someone making a decision based on being lazy which has cost them a lot of money in the long run.

Because they were too lazy to go through a car load of junk, they have wasted a lot of money.

It’s a car, not a warehouse! How long would it take to go through a car sized pile of crap?

Not only has it cost them more than £5,000 in storage fees, it’s cost them a lot more money in potential income which would have come about from using that money better.

A bit of quick maths would indicate that this person was paying around £100 per month for the storage unit. Maybe a little less, maybe a little more, but roughly £100 each month for four years adds up to £5,000.

Once the direct debit was set up and the stuff was put in storage, it was clearly forgotten about.

As the saying goes, ‘out of sight, out of mind’… and that is exactly what happened.

Here’s the thing, had this been an investment where £100 was being added each month and forgotten about, over the four year period, instead of losing £5,000, this person could have made thousands of pounds… possibly tens of thousands.

Instead of being £5,000 out of pocket, they could quite easily have been £10,000 better off…or even more.

If they are willing to spend £100 per month on something to simply store junk which has a value of only £200, they should be willing to spend £100 per month on something which should give them back a profit.

They clearly weren’t missing that £100, so it would have been better for them if it was put to a better use.

The problem is that most people either don’t know what to do with their money and how… or they forget what they are paying out for… or worse…

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They don’t realise what they are paying out for and because of laziness or failure to manage their finances, they allow money to simply get wasted.

It happens with so many different things from magazine subscriptions to television channel subscriptions.

The worst one is usually gym and leisure centre memberships.

People join them with the good intention of going regularly to get fit and lose weight, but then life gets in the way and one day leads to another and before they know it, months have passed and they haven’t been even though they are still paying a membership fee.

Very often people decide not to cancel the payment ‘just yet’ because they still intend to go once the little blip which has prevented them going to the gym has come to an end.

But as we know, it’s often far easier to NOT do something and so NOT going to the gym quickly forms into a habit… a costly one at that.

The guy who confessed to paying out over £5,000 in storage fees fell into the easier habit of NOT sorting out his junk.

It might have taken no more than a couple of hours one Saturday afternoon… but for him… it was easier to NOT do it.

Ironically, it might have taken the same amount of time to sort through as it did for him to drive to the storage unit, unload the car, load the unit up then set up the payment instructions.

And it cost him £5,000 over a four year period.

So the questions you probably should be asking yourself are:

Is there something you are NOT doing which you should be doing?

Are you wasting money on something each month which you do NOT need or are NOT using?

Either way… it’s not just the money you are paying out each month that you are losing; there is a whole lot more because you are not using that money to its fullest potential.

Now compare the person who wasted £5,000 on storage costs with our friend Roy who took a small amount of money and turned it into a £47,000 year income during evenings and weekends.

When Roy turned 60, he wanted to earn a modest £10 extra a day.

£10 isn’t a huge amount but it adds up to £70 a week which is £300 a month.

A small amount like £300 can still do a lot for most people.

It was enough to help Roy.

An extra £300 per month over a year can really help people out when they need it the most… like now during the current cost of living crisis.

If there was ever a need for extra money, now is it.

Roy started using a system which he developed after watching Superman III starring Christopher Reeve and Richard Pryor… I kid you not!

Focusing on making just small amounts, Roy accidentally created a system which doubled itself every three months.

Putting it bluntly, the person who wasted £5,000 on unnecessary storage fees, could have turned that £5,000 into £10,000 in a relatively short period of time.

Over the course of a year, that £5,000 could have generated a lot more.

Thanks to his system, Roy – who wanted to make just £70 a week – now makes on average £903 a week… which is £47,000 a year.

Waste £5,000… or make £47,000… which would you choose?

When Roy started, he didn’t have £5,000 to play with, he only had £500.

That initial £500 lead him to make £47,000 in a year… and all because he wasn’t lazy and chose to manage his money better.

If you are wasting money on something then now is the time to put a stop to it and use that money more wisely.

If you follow Roy’s lead, you could be on your way to doubling your money every three months instead of losing it.

If you would like to see for yourself how Roy took £500 and grew it into a £47,000 a year income… one which takes as little as one hour a day to manage, click the link below:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Roy wanted to share his system with others and so he wrote it all out in a step-by-step manual and instructed us to publish it on his behalf.

He also instructed us to sell only 250 copies, so if you want your own copy of the system which makes him £903 each week in TAX FREE profits. Please be aware that no more copies will be printed after the last one has been sold. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.

Here’s that link again:

System 903

Know Thyself… Act Accordingly And Succeed

The idea for this article comes from a conversation I had recently with a friend of mine about his daughter and her dog.

The dog was still a puppy and was approaching the doggy equivalent of ‘the terrible twos’.

Basically it’s full of beans, does whatever it wants and is not paying attention to the commands it is given.

The dog was becoming a bit of a handful.

Fortunately my friend’s daughter worked from home four days of the week meaning that she is at home and can tend to the puppy’s needs most of the time.

However, she has to go and work at the main office for one day of the week which means that someone has to pop and feed the dog and let it out to…er… how do I put this nicely… empty itself.

Basically, on the day the daughter is at the main office for the day, someone has to go and dog sit for a few hours… and the person who offered to look after the dog for those few hours was my friend’s wife.

There’s nothing wrong with that… apart from that his wife likes to bring the dog home to their house so that it can run around in their garden for a couple of hours.

Their daughter lives in a small terraced house which has a small slabbed yard which is not ideal for a dog.

The problem is not that she takes the dog home, it’s the fact that my friend sometimes gets roped in to helping out.

You see, my friend is very protective of his time. He hates having his time taken up and wasted by ‘other’ people or situations not of his making, which is why he never wanted a dog of his own.

It’s not that he is miserable or selfish, he is far from it, it’s just that he likes to use his time as he chooses.

He is in fact a big animal lover but has always said that he didn’t want a pet because they need proper care and attention. They need time.

Being a huge cat lover he still said no to having a cat because he didn’t want the hassles which come with owning a pet.

He was overruled by his wife, and ended up with a cat which visits him in the office and meows at him to go and do stuff… which he does.

The cat has trained her human well.

He doesn’t like people who get animals and cannot or won’t care for them properly.

Animals come with a responsibility. And he simply cannot ignore that. He is a compassionate and empathic person.

Animals may be a lot of fun and give their owners a lot of pleasure, but they are also a lot of hard work.

The other day while trying to work, his wife bought the dog home but because of a family birthday the following day, he offered to spend some time in the garden with the dog so that she could bake a cake and prepare for the day.

He could not not offer as he knew what his wife needed to do and that the dog would be under her feet the whole time.

It would be a nightmare.

Left unsupervised, the dog would have run riot throughout the house and destroyed the garden.

He thought that he could keep it entertained and allow his wife to do what she needed to do without tripping over the dog.

So he half happily and half begrudgingly offered to help out.

While supervising the dog all he could think about was about the time he was wasting.

He was itching to get back to the office and get on with what he was originally doing.

This wasn’t just an isolated incident, it has happened a few times and each time he moaned to his wife ‘this is why I don’t want a dog.’

Because of a recent spate of attempted dog snatches in the area, he goes with his wife when she takes the dog for a quick walk.

He simply cannot say no because he genuinely is a good guy. He could not say no to helping out when it is needed.

He knows that he is like this and this is why he chooses not to have a dog himself because he also knows that there are things he wants to do and that doing them would be adversely affected if there were animals about.

He made a decision to not put himself in a position where he would be forced to make decisions which would ultimately waste his precious time.

These types of decisions can be made when you ‘know thyself’

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When you know what you want, what you don’t want and what makes you tick, you can make better decisions for your life.

These are the decisions which help you to succeed.

If you want to spend more time doing something specific, it doesn’t make sense putting yourself in positions which is going to rob you of that time.

If you want to do more of A, but doing B prevents that, then you need to avoid doing B altogether.

If you wanted to concentrate and trade the Forex markets, it wouldn’t make sense taking your laptop to the local pub where your friends are gathered to watch the big match.

Not if you are a big beer and footy fan who loves a boozy sing song and plenty of banter with ‘the lads’.

You have to decide, one thing or the other. You can’t do both.

Yes, you can trade the Forex markets for a few hours and then go to the pub, but I am trying to use it as an example to show that you cannot successfully do both together.

My friend knows that he is a big animal lover and that if he had pets, he would have to adapt to a way of living which he really didn’t want to and so he made the decision to not have any pets… other than the cat his wife decided to get… a cat which now rules him.

At least a cat requires less work than a dog. They often look after themselves.

He just knew that for him, having pets would be incredibly distracting and time consuming.

I am not suggesting that you should not have a pet if you want to be successful, if you love animals and having them is not going to be detrimental to your success then that is all good.

This is about knowing who you are, what it is that you want, what you don’t want and what drives you so that you can make the best decisions for you.

You may enjoy drinking ten pints of lager every day, but that will be detrimental to your dream of flying for the Red Arrows.

Know thyself… act accordingly…. and succeed.

If you are one of those people who is happy to spend your days playing in the garden with your pets, children or grandchildren, or perhaps prefer to simply relax in the garden with a drink or two enjoying the weather, then you might be looking for a way to make money where you work just a couple of hours.

Our friend Roy now earns on average £903 each week using a system which takes no more than a couple of hours a day.

£903 a week works out at £129 per day.

That’s a fabulous return for a couple of hours work.

£903 a week is £47,000 a year.

Again, that is incredibly impressive for what amounts to a couple of hours work each day.

The tools he uses are a pen and a simple piece of paper.

He works out how much he wants to earn for the day and sets about making it.

Since starting to use the system he developed after watching Superman III – I kid you not – he quit his job and now does this in his leisure.

If you would like to know what Roy does to make £903 TAX FREE money each week, click the link below:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Roy wanted to share his system with others and so he wrote it all out in a step-by-step manual and instructed us to publish it on his behalf.

He also instructed us to sell only 250 copies, so if you want your own copy of the system which makes him £903 each week in TAX FREE profits. Please be aware that no more copies will be printed after the last one has been sold. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.

Here’s that link again:

System 903

Your Own Personal Gold Mine

You may not have realised it, but your computer hard drive is your own personal gold mine.

You can include your bookshelf too. With your computer hard drive and your book shelf, you have two decent gold mines waiting to be mined.

I imagine that over the years, just like me, you have bought a lot of books, eBooks and courses crammed with information on how to do certain things.

Not only is that library worth a lot of money if you were to implement the information within it, but that information is worth a lot of money if you were to recreate it and sell it yourself.

Every time you read something you learn something new and when you read something you are basically ‘doing research’.

The more you read about a specific subject, the more you are researching it.

When you take in that information and you learn something new, it becomes part of you… which means that you can also put it back down on paper and sell it as your own information product.

Let’s take crypto currencies as an example.

If you bought several books from Amazon on the subject and read them from cover to cover, you now have a lot of the information locked in your head.

The same amount of information the authors know.

Whenever you read something new, you learn it and when you learn something, you become a learned person… which is a person with specific knowledge.

If you could sit for an hour and talk to people about crypto currencies explaining what they are, how they work and how to make money from them, then you have expertise which other people do not.

There is no reason as to why you cannot create your own product about crypto currencies using the knowledge that you now have.

You can always go back to those products for ‘research’ if you are struggling to remember a few points.

It would be a good idea to acknowledge some sources of your information such as naming the book and the author where certain ‘ideas’ came from.

As long as you are fair and not trying to pass someone else’s work off as your own, you should be fine.

Obviously you cannot simply recreate someone else’s trading system, especially those where you have signed a non-disclosure form, but you can use publicly known works as inspiration for your own product.

You have paid to learn new skills, you have read the information, and you have done the research.

You now have the knowledge…

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If you implemented any of the information that was in any of the books or courses you bought and enjoyed some success then you are in a great position to show people what you do.

You are no longer just a ‘reporter’ reporting the information; you have the skills and a story of success to share.

You have proof and you are sharing your real story.

Proof is powerful when it comes to selling information products.

You don’t always have to use your own proof though. You can borrow other people’s and use that as evidence.

For example, if you wanted to write about people making stacks of money buying and selling new crypto coins, you could use the names of numerous people who appear in newspapers or on news websites.

There are loads of interviews with people who have made small fortunes making money buying new crypto coins when they are released to the public then selling them when their value sky rockets.

We know one such person ourselves.

His name is Carl Wilkins and he has made himself a nice little fortune investing in new and emerging crypto currencies which very few people know about.

He sits on them while they grow in popularity and then sells them for a nice profit.

He has gained the nickname ‘The Crypto Sniper’.

He has seen some currencies exploded overnight earning him thousands of pounds in a few hours.

As more and more people jump on the new growing currencies, a £50 investment can quickly grow into several thousand pounds in a matter of weeks, days… sometimes in just hours.

New crypto currencies are being created and introduced to the world on a near daily basis.

These coins are known as Altcoins and are newer alternatives to the older well known coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and XRP.

When these new coins go live, just a small £5 investment can be all that is required to generate a nice profit.

Not all new coins do well, but those that do… do incredibly well.

If you would like to know more about Carl and how he makes thousands of pounds investing in new crypto currencies, click the link below:

The Crypto Sniper

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… You don’t need any prior knowledge…   

Carl will teach you absolutely everything you need to know starting from the absolute basics in a clear and concise way. You’ll be left in absolutely no doubts what to do and when to do it.

Plus, you don’t need much in the way of capital to do this… 

If you’ve got £100-£200 kicking around you can easily get started with that. It’s very easy to take a small sum like this, spread it across lots of different opportunities, and multiply it up over and over again. Before you know it, you can be sitting on a small fortune.

If you don’t have any spare money available to get started with, then as outlined above, start a side hustle and become a side hustle investor by taking the money you earn and investing it in new and potentially profitable altcoins.

To learn more go to:

The Crypto Sniper

How Putting Two Completely Different Things Together Can Be A Real Money Spinner

Have you ever heard of the Treehouse in Sheffield?

It is one of several café bars which are popping up across the country which are dedicated to the people who love playing board games.

In the past, people who wanted to play games such as Warhammer and Dungeons and Dragons would gather in pokey back rooms above shops or clubs.

There would often be too many people to do it at someone’s house and so they had to look elsewhere to host their game nights.

I don’t know a lot about board games, but I do know that some such as Dungeons and Dragons can drag on for hours.

And what do people do when they spend hours together?

They eat and drink.

A game night is a social event after all.

Think of a group of guys meeting up for a poker night like the ones you see in the movies.

You can imagine it clearly, all huddled around a table sharing jokes, drinking bottles of beer, downing glasses of whisky, chewing down on nuts and crisps, and possibly waiting for a takeaway pizza or two to arrive.

I imagine that people who meet to play games such as Dungeons and Dragons would take bags of snacks and drinks to enjoy while they played.

The food and drink issue is easy to sort with a trip to the local supermarket but the problem of finding somewhere to host your nights other than using small dingy rooms is not so easy to remedy.

Gamers may meet once a week or maybe just once a month, they don’t want to have to pay a monthly rent for premises where they only meet up every now and then.

So what is the alternative?

If you can’t gather comfortable at a person’s home, you don’t want to or can’t pay a monthly rent to use a decent room now and then, and don’t relish using a pokey and dingy back room above a shop, what can you do instead?

Go to the board game bar and café.

The people behind café bars like Treehouse have realised that there is a need for places where gamers can go and enjoy playing their games in a nicer environment with a better ambience.

Not only that, because people like to eat and drink while they play, places like Treehouse can supply gamers with a steady flow of food and drinks.

Places like Treehouse are appealing because there is no cost to actually going to them and there is food and drink on tap.

Treehouse also doubles up as a co-working space on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays during school term time between 9am and 3.45pm giving students and remote workers who need somewhere to work an office for the day where they can use the Wi-Fi, toilets and the added bonus of being able to order food and drinks.

Treehouse say that they have over 800 board games for people to play with and they also have their own shop dedicated to selling board games.

What I like about this is that it has a similar concept to the sports bar made popular by Wayne Lineker (brother of ex-professional footballer and television pundit Gary Lineker) who opened up the chain Lineker’s.

It is niche specific.

Lineker’s combined watching sports with drinking beer and eating food.

Sports fans across the world love to eat and drink when watching large sporting events.

It made sense to put the two together…

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A bar is a place to drink beer and eat snacks and so why not have a bar dedicated to sports and show all of the major sporting events?

The two go hand in hand… well for the viewers that is, not necessarily the sportsmen and women who train hard and consume a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Lineker’s bars are not just pubs which show football, they are bars which celebrate and focus on all sports.

They are a place for sports fans to gather to watch the big games, drink beer, eat food and be merry… or should that be rowdy as hell?

For some people, bars like Lineker’s are heaven, they love it. For others they are hell. They appeal to a specific set of customers.

Treehouse have done something similar, they have taken another poplar hobby and given it a new home.

They have given a venue to a group of people to which they can sell food and drink to.

They have created a niche specific venue.

Treehouse is not just a café bar with a few board games; this is a café bar which celebrates gaming and board games.

This is a place for board game lovers.

This is their Lineker’s.

You don’t have to be a gamer to visit Treehouse, I very much doubt they will turn you away if you just want a quiet pint, but with hundreds of board games available, people can go and have a few drinks and have a fun evening with friends.

A board game is an ice-breaker and could be a great way to meet new people and to communicate and connect with others.

Activities such as quizzes, watching sports, and in this case playing board games gives people a reason to visit and stay.

I love the idea that people can go and play a game of Trivial Pursuit with their friends and enjoy a beer or a coffee with a slice of cake.

It is a cool concept. You can learn more about Treehouse here: Treehouse Sheffield.

Putting two different things together can be very lucrative.

Focusing on a specific niche such as playing board games and giving those who love to play games a cool and relaxed place to go then serving them food and drink is a fantastic concept.

Is there something similar that you can do?

Are there two separate things which you can put together to create a unique and profitable business?

If you are looking for a profitable business opportunity then I can help you… I have a book called The Stolen Files which has 133 different businesses ideas, systems and strategies to help you make money.

That is 133 different business ideas… you only need one from the book to work with.

The ideas in the book may be the inspiration for your own Lineker’s and Treehouse style business where you combine two popular pastimes to create a unique and profitable business.

To get your own copy go to:

The Stolen Files

Kind Regards

John Harrison

More Computing Power Than The Space Ship That Took Men To The Moon!

Following on from the previous article where I talked about how we are living in a Star Trek world but without the space ships… today I am going to share with you a true story which reinforces what I was saying about the technology we have at our disposal.

We really are living in a wonderful time… technology wise at least.

One of our team (Andi) is relocating to Portugal in the not too distant future and as part of the visa application process, he needs to secure a place to live for a year.

Thanks to the internet, he and his good lady are able to search Portuguese properties on Portuguese estate agents websites.

And thanks to Wi-Fi, email and messaging apps, they were able to send property details to each other no matter wherever they were.

Andi’s good lady would receive an email from a Portuguese estate agent and she would either forward the email to him or send him the direct link to certain properties through WhatsApp.

She was often out of the house at the time either visiting family or at a supermarket. At other times she was in another part of the house.

There was no need to wait until they saw each other later in the day to tell each other about what they had found.

After quite a bit of time trawling through properties and being beaten to the post a few times, they found one which suited their needs and was still available.

In fact, the one they are going for is a property they tried to secure previously but were beaten at the post by someone else… but fortunately, that person pulled out which resulted in the property being relisted.

In what can only be described as a series of ‘spooky’ synchronicities (which is a story for another day), Andi checked that website and found that the property had been relisted.

Wanting to secure the property, Andi quickly opened up conversation by chatting to an agent using the ‘live chat box’ on the website and by sending an email directly to the agent dealing with that specific property… and he did it all in Portuguese.

Here’s the important thing…

Andi cannot speak a word of Portuguese.

He and his good lady have started learning a few words and phrases, but he doesn’t know enough to converse with a Portuguese estate agent.

He couldn’t write a sentence in Portuguese if he tried.

But that wasn’t a problem because he used a powerful free tool.

Similar to the Universal Translator as seen in Star Trek, Andi used a translator to convert written English into written Portuguese.

And it seems to have done the trick!

Google Translate has been an incredible tool as it has meant that Andi has been able to talk to many people in Portugal in their own language.

How accurate it is I cannot say. Portuguese uses masculine and feminine which means that certain words and sentences are said slightly different depending on who is saying it… something we English speakers don’t need to worry about.

Google translate didn’t take the masculine or feminine into consideration but it has allowed Andi to chat to people in their own tongue well enough for them to understand him.

Google’s email system Gmail also has a ‘Translate’ option and so Andi could simply translate the email content so that he could read it.

He says that the translations were good enough for him to understand clearly what was been said.

Sending emails in Portuguese shows willing and saves any confusion or annoyance which might have resulted if he sent an email written in English to a Portuguese person who cannot speak English.

It’s possible that an estate agent may not realise that they too can translate the email into Portuguese with ease.

As part of the process of securing the property, Andi needed to send proof of identification and residence and this is where it gets interesting…

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With the extended bank holiday for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, Andi and his good lady went away on a short city break…

So when the email came through asking for the proof of identification, they were sat in a coffee shop around 45 miles away from his laptop and not expected to be home for a couple of days.

Desperate to secure the property and nowhere near his laptop, Andi could have been concerned that he could possibly lose the property to someone else if he wasn’t able to act fast.

But he wasn’t concerned because he knew that he had everything he needed to hand.

Using his smartphone, he took a photograph of both drivers’ licences and emailed that picture to the estate agents in Portugal.

He also had a folder in his Google Drive – a cloud based folder which can be accessed by multiple devices – with scanned copies of notarised documents needed as proof for the Portuguese government; he decided to attach a couple of those to an email and sent them as further proof.

He did it all while sitting in a coffee shop scoffing a breakfast burrito (an egg, beans, mushrooms, one hash brown and tomato chutney in a wrap) and drinking coffee miles from home.

The email he received and the emails he sent were all translated so that he and the estate agent understood each other.

All of this was done using just his smartphone.

It’s mind blowing when you consider that the simplest of smartphones has more computer power than the Apollo spacecrafts which took Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to the moon.

Andi used his mobile data but he could have easily used the free Wi-Fi that the coffee shop offered.

The hotel that he stayed at also provided free Wi-Fi as did many of the places they visited that weekend.

He had multiple opportunities to connect to the internet and he had the tools to complete tasks which in the past would have had to be done through the post possibly by several people in offices.

It’s fair to say, the smartphone has revolutionised our world.

Not only has it made it possible to manage administration a whole lot easier and communicate with people from anywhere and everywhere…

It has given us the freedom and tools to make money from wherever we are in the world too… mostly.

If you find yourself stranded on a desert island in the pacific or hibernating in an igloo in northern Canada then you may not get decent mobile coverage, but most places today will give you a decent internet connection.

An internet connection and a smartphone is all that you need to make money when buying and selling cheap digital assets.

To make money buying and selling cheap digital assets you only need to be able to make a purchase and write and send emails… that is it.

And that can all be done on a smartphone or tablet.

You can get started today buying your first digital asset.

Digital assets cost as little as £7.50 yet they can be sold for £75 or more.

What’s even better is that the actual buying and selling process is managed by other people online.

You personally do not touch anything.

You simply buy… then sell.

There is nothing to be delivered; it is all done online.

If you would like to know more click the link below.


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… This can be done from the comfort of your own home and you could easily do all of this on nothing more than your smartphone.

And you can get started today for as little as £7.50!

Here’s that link again.                 


Living In A Star Trek World But Without The Space Ships…  

This weekend while out and about I spotted a woman talking to her lapel as she walked and another woman paying for trainers using a handheld mobile payment machine while being nowhere near the check out.

We really have hit the technology as predicted in shows like Star Trek… apart from the space ships.

It seems that we are using Star Trek technology… but a few hundred years early.

The woman who was walking and talking to her lapel was talking to someone via her phone but she didn’t have a phone in her hand, nor were there any wires.

She had a microphone attached to her lapel which she spoke into and she had a mini ear piece in her ear allowing her to hear what was being said at the other end.

The microphone and ear piece were connected to the phone via a Wi-Fi connection, possibly Bluetooth.

It reminded me of the badges that are attached to the Starfleet uniforms in Star Trek which are communication devices allowing individuals to talk with other people and communicate with their ships.

Smartphones are more than communication devices; they are small hand held computers.

In Star Trek, people are seen carrying hand held computers which are used in the same way we use tablets and smartphones today.

The woman who I observed buying trainers paid by tapping a small card reader which was attached to a small touchscreen tablet or phone.

With apps, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technology, we are free to buy and sell while we roam.

At a recent food festival in Sheffield, all the stores were taking card payments using mobile card readers which connect to an app on a smartphone.

Transactions were done over the mobile network. As long as you have a connection and decent signal, you can take payments.

It doesn’t end there…

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Bank cards are now slowly being replaced by banking apps on smartphones.

Using apps like Apple and Google pay, people tap their phones on card readers and pay money direct from their account.

Wrist watchers can now be connected to smartphones and I often see people in the middle of a conversation taking a quick look at their watches to see what new message or email they have only that second received.

The Samsung Galaxy wrist watch connects to a compatible Samsung phone using Bluetooth and allows you to talk directly through your wrist watch… all very James T. Kirk.

Just like Star Trek, we can now ‘talk’ to our computers and devices and ask for information, entertainment, order shopping and even do tasks such as open and close curtains, turn the heating up or down and turn lights on and off.

Alexa by Amazon is a perfect example of this.

Thanks to a combination of Wi-Fi, mobile data and your smartphone, you can see and talk through your doorbell to any strangers who are standing outside your door while you are several thousand miles away sunning yourself up around a pool with a cold beer.

We really are living in the future

We just don’t yet have the space ships or the strange looking aliens with huge foreheads or pointy ears.

What we do have… is the opportunity to make money from virtually any corner of the country thanks to that little computer we have in our pockets.

Most people now have a strong and reliable connection to the internet wherever they are.

Some places may be a little more remote than others but if you were wandering through the heart of the Australian bush, I imagine making money is the last thing on your mind.

I’d be more bothered about the lack of water, lack of food – I don’t care how nutritious they are, I’m not eating any witchetty grubs ever – and all of the venomous snakes and spiders that could kill me.

You’d be better off saving your battery power and any network connection you may have for emergencies and keeping in contact with the outside world rather than trying to make a few pounds.

Fortunately, you are not wandering around the Australian bush or any other inhospitable place on Earth.

You are probably reading this from the comfort of your own home, or possibly in a café or bar, which means that you are in the perfect place to make money using your smartphone or tablet.

It wouldn’t surprise me if you were actually reading this on a smartphone or tablet… if that is the case; you understand exactly what I am saying here.

A perfect example of using a smartphone or tablet to make money is to trade the markets

If you are a regular reader of my emails, you will know that our good friend Kate Davis regularly makes between £50 and £185 most mornings while working out in her gym before starting work using nothing more than her smartphone.… which is why we call her the treadmill trader.

She generally makes between £750 and £1,725 TAX FREE money each month.

Kate uses an app which connects to a popular trading platform. It’s all incredibly simple and Kate will show you exactly what to do and how.

If you would like Kate to show you how she makes between £50 and £185 most mornings using just her smartphone, go to:


Kind Regards.

John Harrison

PS… Because this is TAX FREE money, it means you get to KEEP EVERY PENNY you earn!

Here’s that link again:


Bludgeoned To Death With Her Own Typewriter!

I happened to stumble across one of those cheesy period detective dramas the other day, well, the wife was watching it when I walked in to the room.

“It’s your fault I was fired from my job!” One woman screamed manically at a crowd of people in a marquee.

“Well you shouldn’t have published trashy articles about us.” Replied one of the people the woman had been spitting venom at.

‘What on earth is going on?’ I thought to myself.

After watching for a few minutes it all came clear.

The woman was a journalist who was forced to write sensationalist articles about the wealthy socialites of the 1950s.

It wasn’t a job that she particularly enjoyed, but she needed to put food on the table.

Her husband had been killed in the war and she was left holding the baby and so to earn much needed money, she wrote about people who were easy targets, the people society were obsessed about… the wealthy upper classes.

People love to read about scandal, just look at the recent coverage of the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard court case. It doesn’t interest me, but a lot of people love that stuff.

Back in the 1950s where class was everything and people had to be seen doing ‘the correct and proper thing’, scandalous behaviour was big news.

This journalist would follow the socialites and the elite to clubs and parties recording everything remotely scandalous she observed which was then published in one of the big national papers.

And as we know, papers don’t always print the truth. They sensationally imply things that are not actually real.

A man and a woman walking into a room together at a party simply chatting and laughing could be published in the papers the next day as a ‘scandalous affair’.

The problem with attacking the socialites is that the people who own newspapers are also part of the elite group and they very often know each other or move in the same circles.

It turned out that one of the people she wrote about had an uncle who had powerful connections with the paper who then applied a little pressure resulting with the woman being fired.

The scene that I walked into was several months later where she was working as a struggling unemployed journalist trying to sell stories to whichever paper would buy them.

She had followed the crowd to a fashion show they were putting on and start hurling abuse at them.

While raging at the people she asked certain individuals questions which hinted at her knowing secrets they didn’t want made public.

As I’m sure you can imagine it wasn’t long after her tirade that she was found dead.

She had been bludgeoned to death with her own typewriter.

There’s poetical justice for you!

What interested me was the fact that she ‘blamed’ others for the fact that she got sacked when really it was all her own doing.

I appreciate that she needed to earn money to put food on the table and that the 1950s didn’t have the same opportunities that we do today, but she actively published stories about people which were factually incorrect.

Stories which had damaging consequences to the lives of those people.

Stories which forced people to respond.

Okay, murder might be a bit of an extreme response… but she caused her own demise by constantly attacking people who had no original grievance with her.

She published their secrets which they didn’t want making public. These were personal secrets which the public had no need knowing.

A wealthy landowner with huge debts who was about to be declared bankrupt is of no concern to Mable at no 47, Chichester Walk, Rampton.

Gladys at 23, Lincoln Walk, Wragby doesn’t need to know whether Lady Felicia had a drunken fling with her gardener on New Year’s Eve.

When you do something which targets other people and brings attention to them that they do not need and hadn’t personally asked for, there will always be repercussions.

Okay… you might be wondering why I am telling you all of this…

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I guess the motivation for this email is from the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker which I am currently re-reading.

It talks a lot about personal responsibility and how we all are responsible for what happens in our lives.

He made a great point when he said that you never see a rich victim.

The reason for that is that wealthy and rich people don’t have a victim mindset. They never play the victim whereas poor people do.

Poor people complain, blame and justify their issues on external forces such as other people.

In the same way the female journalist blamed her losing her job on the socialites and not because she constantly stalked and unnecessarily publicly ‘outed’ their secrets… or in many cases non-secrets as there were no truth to many of her stories.

There is a big difference between how wealthy people think and how poor people think.

The good news is that the difference is not hereditary.

People are not necessarily born with a millionaire mindset or a poverty mindset – some people may be more biologically inclined than others – it is mostly programming from what you experienced and heard around you in your formative years.

You learn what you think.

Your thinking patterns and behaviour is down to the information you have stored in your brain.

To change your thinking from one of poverty to one of prosperity and wealth, all you need to do is remove old information and replace it with new.

The other day I shared with you the story how one of our team thought that people who gambled only ever lost money in the long run… that was until he met people who were making thousands of pounds each month trading sports like football and horseracing.

His original thinking was learned from what he had been repeatedly told by his peers.

He has since changed that old thinking pattern for one which suits him better.

Gambling is just one of many ways that people can make money today.

Unlike the female journalist forced to ruin people’s lives writing sensationalised stories, we can make money from the comfort of our own homes without having to deal with anyone… or upset people.

Our good friend Roy earned more money in one year, £47,000 in fact, using a gambling system than he did from full time employment.

His system – which he got the idea for after watching Superman III, I kid you not – takes no more than an hour to work.

Six hours using his gambling system each week resulted in more money than working 40 hours a week.

Roy makes around £903 each week which is why he named his system System 903.

The money Roy makes is completely TAX FREE too.

Roy wanted to share his system with others and so he wrote it all out in a step-by-step manual and instructed us to publish it on his behalf.

He also instructed us to sell only 250 copies, so if you want your own copy of the system which makes him £903 each week in TAX FREE profits click the link below:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Please note; no more copies will be printed after the last one has been sold. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.

Here’s that link again:

System 903

The £5 or £10 per day challenge

More often than not, making money is about following a plan or a system.

Without an idea as to what you want to earn and how you intend to do it, you are highly likely to fail.

Most people ‘want money’.

They want ‘a lot of money’.

But very few can tell you exactly how much they want or need and how they plan to get it.

Those are the type of people who will not make the money they want because they don’t have a definitive idea as to how much and how and so they will start something, give it a week or two before quitting and then move onto something else.

They will do this multiple times.

Forever jumping from one shiny new object to another.

Over and over again.

This week it’ll be an Amazon FBA store, next week they will try network marketing selling over priced face cream, the week previous they were trying affiliate marketing posting links for high ticket ‘internet marketing’ products in to Facebook groups dedicated to holidays, property and golf!

There is no plan or consistency.

Always chasing the big money… wanting it today… but ending up with nothing.

Time and time again… the same old story.

Always ending up with nothing.

Here’s the thing… you know that you would like more money and that ideally you would like a lot of money… but what would an extra £1,825 do in your life?

What could you do with an extra £1,825?

Perhaps you could use it as the starting point to making more money.

You see, if you focus on making just £5 extra each day for a full year, you will have £1,825 to play with.

£5 a day extra is not a lot of money… and here’s where it gets better…

If you commit to making just £5 a day for a year, you may make more money by the time the year is up.

Once you have started to consistently make £5 each day, you could quite easily increase that to £10, £20 or £50 a day.

The reason to start with a small daily amount is that you get used to making that amount of money consistently.

You get into the swing of the system as it where. Your confidence and knowledge grows meaning that you will soon be at a point where you are ready to increase your efforts and earn more.

Not only that, every £5 you earn is £5 you never had so it can be leveraged to make more money.

If you found a way to make £5 a day selling pre loved shoes for example, every £5 profit you make allows you to buy more shoes to sell which increases your profits at a faster rate… as long as you can sell them faster that is.

The other important thing to consider when making a small daily amount like £5 is that it isn’t as daunting as trying to earn £500 a day.

It is easier to make £5 than it is to make £500 if you do not have an existing business or plenty of spare funds available.

Most people can make an extra £5 if they put their mind to it. £5 really isn’t a lot of money; it might actually be easier to make £10 than £5.

Here are a few ideas that could earn you an extra £5 or more per day…

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  • Collect and deliver items locally for people using your car.
  • Labouring such as giving people a hand to lift and carry heavy items.
  • Writing articles for people online. A 500 word article taking half an hour will make you £5 or more.
  • Selling pre loved items on eBay and Vinted.
  • Create simple social media posts for business owners who are too busy to do it themselves.
  • Go shopping for people who cannot manage it themselves.
  • Clean windows.
  • Give cars a quick wash.
  • Clean fascias and guttering.
  • Mow lawns.
  • Tidy up a garden.
  • Tidy up sheds and garages.
  • Making something to sell on eBay.
  • Make cakes, pastries and sweet treats to sell locally.

I know I know… it reminds you of ‘bob a job week’ when you were in the boy scouts, but let’s be real here, you are not going to pull up any trees here or offer a lot for £5.

You may even get a boiled egg for your efforts!

Which is the point… £5 is not a lot of money and so people will not expect to get a lot for their £5.

Half an hour each day should be all that you need to make £5 or more doing simple tasks.

I’m not going to suggest that you mow lawns, tidy up gardens, clean windows or wash cars; I just wanted to highlight how easy it could be to make a simple £5.

What is important here is that you decide on a daily figure you would like to earn, figure out what you are going to do to make that amount and focus all of your efforts on it.

Once you know what you are doing and your confidence grows, you will then be able to increase your fees and efforts and make more money.

Start small, end every day on a high… and grow.

That is what our good friend Roy did when he discovered a way to make money with horse racing.

Giving himself around an hour each day to hit a small profit target, he was able to grow his bank to the point that he now earns £903 a week.

£903 a week earns him a respectful £46,956 per year… and this is from focusing on small amounts only instead of chasing big wins.

Roy set himself a small daily target and as soon as he hit it, he would stop ending the day on a high.

Nothing destroys motivation and success than failing regularly and ending the day on a low. That is the one thing Roy ensured wouldn’t happen to him.

He ends each day on a high and starts again the next day. That has allowed him to grow his system to the point it makes him just under £47,000 each year… oh and it’s TAX FREE!

If you would like to know more about Roy and his system which earns him £903 each week, click the link below.

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Please note; there are only 250 copies available. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.

Here’s that link again:

System 903

Are You Listening To The Right People?

I am sure you have heard of the book Rich Dad, Poor Day by Robert Kiyosaki.

It is a book which talks about the difference between parents and how they pass on information regarding money and investments to the next generation.

Robert’s own father was the poor dad, whereas his best friend’s dad was the rich dad. In the book he compares the lessons he learned from both men.

What a lot of people do not realise is that their relationship to money and their ability to succeed and become wealthy has a lot to do with the information which has been passed down to them from their close peers.

Take our techy guy Andi for example; he spent years hearing from his family that gambling was a ‘mugs game’.

His mother would tell him the same story that her father told her about when he served in North Africa during the Second World War and how he watched many of his fellow soldiers lose their wages through gambling.

I don’t know if these were soldiers who didn’t have wives and children back home, but Andi’s grandfather was appalled at how they would fritter their money away each week.

I understand that if they had family back in Blighty who relied on the money being sent back by their husbands at the front, gambling it away was not a good idea.

But those men were on the frontline of a major conflict with death just around the corner, I can also understand why they would want some light relief.

It’s not like they had access to social media or YouTube like we do today.

Playing cards was one of the only things they could do on the front line.

This negative view of gambling was something which was being pushed on Andi at every turn.

He was once asked to go on a close friend’s stag do which including going to Market Rasen for the races. All week his mother kept telling him about the dangers of gambling.

Andi had no intention of wasting his money, but he had intended to use the free bet which came as part of the stag do party package. It was one day and he was out to have some fun and so of course he would

Andi placed two bets that day, the only two bets he has ever placed in person at a betting establishment… and both bets won.

He went home that night with more money than he started with and was, according to his suffering good lady, in a complete mess. He was well and truly ‘trollied’ as those funny Lincolnshire folk call it.

When he told his mother, he got the same lecture about the evils of gambling.

What was interesting is that Andi had no intention of gambling regularly, it just wasn’t his thing. He didn’t need to hear all of the anti-gambling rhetoric as he had no desire to make it a regular thing.

Because of years of conditioning and hearing the same old story, he too believed that no good could come of long term gambling…

That was until…

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He met several people who were making thousands of pounds each month using Betfair.

Because Andi wasn’t interested in having a flutter and believed that gambling was bad, he hadn’t actively look into it or pay any attention to that industry… which meant that he had no knowledge or understanding on how betting exchanges or systems worked.

Thanks to a previous work position, Andi attended several seminars where he met several people who used Betfair regularly to make thousands in TAX FREE money.

Meeting those people completely flipped his opinion of gambling on its head.

He soon realised that these people were not actually gambling in the same sense he originally believed, but instead they were making calculated trades which resulted in them winning more overall.

They won more than they lost which meant one thing…

These people were making profits each month… thousands of pounds in profits.

Andi has never forgotten the time when he asked one of the guys what was the most he had won in a month and his reply was £12,000.

His jaw nearly hit the floor.

This guy was working at the time and his sports trading was done at weekends and evenings but during that particular month he took a couple of weeks holiday from work and while the wife was at work, he spent his days trading on Betfair.

Normally, while working the day job, he was making between £5,000 and £8,000 per month.

But on this particular month, he banked £12,000… which as you know, here in the UK is TAX FREE!

This is when Andi’s view on gambling and what was actually possible changed for good.

He realised one vitally import thing that day…

You should only listen to those who actually know more about a specific subject and that you should question the advice which is given by those who don’t have any involvement in the thing they are telling you to avoid.

The people Andi met do something completely different to what those soldiers were doing in North Africa during the Second World War.

You simply couldn’t compare the two… and you most certainly cannot say that what happened to those soldiers will happen to everyone who partakes in a bit of gambling today.

I myself have met several people who make thousands of pounds gambling… or should I say… use gambling systems.

Those who make money trading specific sports do not strictly gamble.

Yes, they use online betting websites and exchanges and they place bets, but they don’t simply choose their bet on a whim or by studying ‘form’ which is often the worst thing you can do.

Every sporting event is independent from previous events with too many variables to successfully predict an outcome.

Whether we like to admit it, just because ‘A’ happened yesterday, it doesn’t mean that it will happen again today. Today is a new day and today’s sporting event is a new event.

The only time you can really predict a successful outcome is if you have extremes such as a race between ‘The Stig’ driving a Lamborghini and a five year old on a tricycle.

Even then there is the risk that the Lamborghini may not start and the child could still cross the finish line before it is repaired.

Gambling on outcomes can be dangerous…


Using a system which takes into consideration other factors which most people ignore is how people like our good friend Roy makes TAX FREE lump sums of £47,000 or more each year.

Roy banked £47,000 within a year after developing a system which takes into account the law of averages and probabilty instead of focusing on ‘outcomes’.

If you would like to know more about Roy and the system which allows him to help himself to TAX FREE weekly amounts of £903, click the link below:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Please note; there are only 250 copies available. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.

Here’s that link again:

System 903

How Superman III Helped One Man Bank £47,000

Making £10 a day doesn’t seem like a lot at first… but when that £10 per day is the bottom rung of a money ladder… it soon adds up.

As our good friend Roy found out when he took making a small £10 a day to a £47,000 a year jackpot.

Roy earned more using a system he developed after watching Superman III than he did in his day job.

In fact, he was able to leave his day job because of the system he used to make £47,000 in the space of a year.

In the film the late comedy legend Richard Prior played a computer programmer who figured out how to cream off small insignificant amounts of money and grew it into a big bank of money.

Roy did something similar… without being caught out and without having to feel the wrath of Superman.

Roy was particularly interested in earning money through horse racing. He knew that there had to be a way.

Realising that most people focus on trying to win big amounts of money but end up losing instead, he chose to focus on winning small amounts each day and every day.

Taking a piece of paper and a pen, he works out how much he needs to make and doesn’t stop until he has made his daily target.

That daily target grows and grows until he is left with a huge bank of tax free money.

Roy’s system has the phenomenal ability to double his bank every three months.

A £500 starting bank would grow to…

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£1,000 after three months.

£2,000 after six months.

£4,000 after nine months.

And so on and so forth.

Roy started using his system in his spare time which at the time was evenings and weekends.

It wasn’t long before Roy was making a weekly TAX FREE lump sum of £903!

Roy can often hit his daily money target of £128 within an hour, leaving him the rest of the day to do whatever he pleases.

As well as money, Roy’s system has given him freedom and security.

He has the freedom to be able to do what he wants, when he wants, and he has the security of knowing that he can earn money whenever he wants.

Roy is in a position most people would love to be in… especially with the current cost of living crisis and talks of recession.

Who wouldn’t want to earn an extra £128 a day?

Roy has found a way to make TAX FREE money on tap, and he wants to share that knowledge with others.

Roy has outlined the whole system into an easy-to-follow manual and instructed us to make only 250 copies available.

So if you would like to know more and get your copy before they are gone, click the link below:

System 903

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Don’t forget there are just 250 copies available… ever. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.

Here’s that link again:

System 903