Tag Archives: Business Ideas

Would You Pay Someone To Take You For A Silent Walk?

I’ve just seen a post in a ‘local’ Facebook group that was offering a special yoga and relaxation day.

For £50 they were offering a day where you take part in two yoga sessions (one in the morning and one in the afternoon), a silent walk in the woods with quiet meditation, lunch, and a welcome hug session.

OK, so I am going to unpack this because I find it interesting that people are actually paying for two yoga sessions… and to be surrounded by other people while they spend an hour or two having a ‘silent’ walk in the woods followed by sitting in ‘quiet’ meditation… also in the woods.

The lunch is a healthy dhal, which I am told by Andi, our resident dhal muncher, is one of the cheapest dishes you can make. It’s basically a pan of lentils.

The welcome hug and introduction session is nothing more than the group gathering in the morning before starting the first yoga session.

I am not criticising this offer at all, I think it is good that they have convinced people to part with extra money to spend a couple hours in complete silence and to hug strangers.

For £25 they could run two yoga sessions with lunch and that would be a good day, but they have managed to squeeze another £25 out of the customers by walking them into the woods where they will sit in silence without talking.

While the yoga sessions are ‘guided’, there was no mention that the walk or the meditation session would be guided, and so participants could quite easily be walked into the woods in complete silence and then expected to sit in silence.

You could save yourself £25 by hugging a family member when you leave in the morning, and then taking yourself for a long quiet walk in the woods after the yoga sessions.

Sitting in the woods in quiet contemplation costs you nothing.

But here’s the thing…

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People are not necessarily paying to be taken for a walk or to be sat in the woods in silence; they are paying to be with a group of like-minded people… even if they are not talking to them.

Group participation is something a lot of people crave.

And for a lot of people, it’s also a lot easier to ‘do’ something when they have purposely booked and paid for it.

Yes, technically it should be easier to take yourself off for a walk in the woods yourself, but for many people, it is actually easier when it is set to someone else’s timetable.

Don’t ask me why, it doesn’t make any sense, but that is how a lot of people are.

While you read this, you could think to yourself ‘I’ll go for a walk in the woods’ and simply get up and do it.

There is nothing and no one stopping you from doing it. It cannot be any easier… yet a lot of people NEED to have someone else involved.

They NEED a set time to do it.

They NEED a reason to go and do it, even though they could do it a lot easier and a lot cheaper if they were to do it by themselves.

Humans are social creatures; we work better as a team.

And that is probably why a lot of people find it easier to do something when there are others involved than trying to do it alone.

Being part of a group means that you can learn from others, you can get encouragement from others (it has been said that people need encouragement more than they need advice), and you can get the accountability you need.

Accountability is a strange beast.

For some odd reason, most humans need someone else to hold them accountable for the things they personally want to do and achieve.

You’d think the most important person to please in your life would be yourself. The most important boss or manager in your life should be you.

Yet people will rush to jobs they hate to avoid being sacked by people they don’t like…but when it comes to their own lives, a lot of people will not turn up or they will quit not long after starting something they actually WANT to do.

They basically ‘sack’ themselves from the life they actually want!

They can stay in a job they hate for years; they will turn up on time every day for years to prevent being sacked…

But they will sack themselves at the earliest moment while doing something they love!

It really makes no sense.

So, what I want you to think about today is this…

Is there a ‘group experience’ that you can sell to people?

The thing about a group experience is that as we have seen with the yoga day offer, you don’t actually need to give people more than being part of a group activity.

Think of those diet clubs where people pay to go and stand on scales and have a card stamped along with others.

There is nothing that happens in those clubs that each person cannot do themselves at home apart from… share the moment with others and chat with people who are in ‘the same boat’.

Even the talks that are given by the person running the group consist of information that can be found online or in books. None of it is new or unique.

The only difference between these clubs and doing it alone is:

  1. Group participation.
  2. Encouragement and support from other like minded people.

If you can offer that – and bear in mind that the encouragement and group participation is through ‘other’ customers – then you can be onto a winner.

Simply create a group that people can join to talk or do something specific. Just be there as the lead and allow others to enjoy being in the group.

Kind regards

John Harrison.

PS. If you found this article interesting, let me tell you this…

  • It wasn’t hard to write.
  • The idea came from seeing a post on Facebook.
  • Articles like this one are used as emails and used to sell products.
  • There are thousands of people making tens of thousands of pounds each month by writing and sending simple emails like this one.

Discover more here:

The Email Secret

How A Stay-At-Home Mother Makes £1,500 Per Day

I’ve just read an interesting article on the Sun website which shared the story of stay-at-home mother, Melanie Forsyth, who claims to be making £1,500 per day doing affiliate marketing.

For those who don’t know, affiliate marketing is where you send people to a specific webpage through a special link that is unique to you, and hope that the person buys a product or service when they land on that webpage resulting in you (the affiliate) being paid a sales commission.

She says that you don’t need a degree or any qualifications to make money as an affiliate marketer… this is true, you don’t.

She posted a video to TikTok explaining what it is that she does to make that £1,500 per day.

That video has been seen over 8.8 million times on TikTok.

In the video she explained that she would visit sites like Amazon, find big items such as patio equipment, get an affiliate link for that product, lift the product image and description from the Amazon listing, and then share it on Pinterest adding her affiliate link to the post.

I have talked about this method before. There are a lot of people doing it… and a lot of people talking about it.

I am not going to doubt her claims because it is doable. There are loads of people who are making a huge success out of the many different online businesses.

I noticed that she mentioned that she uses a Pinterest business account which I believe means she can run paid adverts which will land her posts in front of a lot of people.

Posting to a normal Pinterest account won’t get you far, not without a lot of work building up followers and ‘boards’.

It’s not necessarily a case of simply posting to Pinterest and you will make a tonne of money, not with a new Pinterest account, unless it is a business account where you can run paid for promotions of your posts.

I am seeing a lot of people sharing videos online showing people how to do this form of affiliate marketing as a way to ‘introduce’ people to the idea of affiliate marketing.

Once they have made people aware of what affiliate marketing is, they try and sell them on a course or a coaching program which teaches people how to do a different form of affiliate marketing… such as promote these courses and programs which pay larger commissions.

Again, I am not saying that Melanie isn’t successfully doing what she claims; she appears to be talking from experience.

A lot of those who don’t have any experience usually just show you what to do and talk about others who are doing well at it.

There’s nothing wrong with that either.

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If they are showing you something that you didn’t know, then they have taught you something useful whether or not they do it themselves.

That is the great thing about teaching online, you don’t necessarily have to do it successfully yourself. Just don’t claim to be successful if you aren’t.

Showing people what to do is OK if you are simply parting with information and knowledge.

Very few teachers and lecturers at schools, colleges and universities are successful in what they actually teach or talk about.

Yes, they are successful at ‘teaching’ those topics, but not successful in the topics themselves.

Think of journalists, they share information and teach people daily regarding specific news related subjects.

They don’t always do what they report on, but they do specific research which gives them the information they share.

To be able to teach others, you need only know more than they do.

Yes, it helps if you have experience, but you can know a subject inside out without actually having to do it.

For example, there are people who can tell you everything you need to know about stream locomotives, and those people are not engineers, they didn’t build the locomotives, and they have probably never actually driven one.

There are people who specialise in murderers, but I doubt they have ever killed anyone themselves.

There are different forms of specialisation and experience.

You can have experience within an industry and also specialise in that industry, but not have the same kind of success as someone else in that industry, but you can both share the same information and knowledge.

The only difference is the personal experience and the personal stories the two can share.

I once read that the best way to become a teacher is to immerse yourself in your chosen topic, learn as much as you can until you know it virtually inside out, and then share what you learned.

Some topics and industries you can learn within a weekend.

Some people say that you only need to know a little bit more than the people you intend to teach.

Ideally you need to know a bit more than just ‘a bit more’, but still… if what you share with people is more than they know and it helps them, then all is good.

And that is how a lot of people have made a lot of money online, they spent a weekend or a week or two immersing themselves within a specific topic, they look for problems within that subject, work out a solution, and then start sharing what they learned and teach their solution.

They simply look for a different angle and then position themselves as an expert.

And as we know, an expert is often nothing more than someone who knows more about a subject than the majority.

Is there something that you know more than most people?

If so, you could possibly make money teaching it.

Kind regards

John Harrison.

PS… If you found the information in this email useful and interesting, you will really love our popular Streetwise Confidential newsletter.

If you haven’t already claimed your two FREE copies; click the link below:

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Inside the two editions you will learn:

  • How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Business Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!Follow the step by step blueprint to building a six-figure-a-year online business.

  • The Incredibly Profitable Power Of Networking!Discover how networking and meeting people can put thousands of pounds into your pocket.

  • Will This Change The Way People Make Money Online?AI is here, and it’s changing the way we make money!

  • How One Woman Generated $120,000 In Passive Income In Just 9 Months Working Only 5 Hours Per Week! – Discover how one woman made $120,000 in passive income in nine months and now works only 5 hours per week!

  • How Tall Tales Of Tall Aliens Can Give You A Lifetime Of Cash!Read how one man is making a passive income from telling ‘tall tales’ of tall aliens he claims to have met while working for the US military.

  • How A Bagel Slicer Could Earn You Hundreds Of Thousands Of Pounds!Discover how one woman missed out making hundreds of thousands of pounds after the video of her using it went viral!

  • The Semi-Passive Income Book Club – £16,579 Per Month From Just One 20 Page BookRead how one man was making £16,597 each month publishing one new 20 page book.

  • It’s A Simple Case Of Sharing LinksDiscover how people are making tens of thousands of pounds each month sharing ‘other people’s links’!

Here’s that link again:

Two Free Copies Of Streetwise Confidential

This Is Bob… Don’t Be Like Bob… Be Like Kate Instead

It always amazes me how much time people waste doing things that do not help them in any shape or form.

A perfect example of this is Bob.

I was told about Bob this weekend.

Bob used to spend hours compiling lists and recording the things he did.

He would save every receipt from whenever he and his wife spent money and he would type up all the details in a spreadsheet.


Well, it wasn’t to keep an eye on his finances.

He did it because… he wanted to.

He actually spent time recording all of his spending just so that he could see what he was spending his money on.

He didn’t use the list to curb or change his spending habits, he just did it because he liked having it all down in a spreadsheet for him to look at.

He also kept records of the darts matches he used to play. He had books filled with the results of his games and the games of others.

I guess that was handy for those who wanted to keep a track on the league, but I don’t think it was Bob’s job to manage the league tables… he just did it because he wanted to.

He also spent a lot of time cataloguing his record collection.

He had spreadsheets with the artist’s names, the track listings, the labels they were released on, the date each record was released, and how much each record was worth at that time according to the Record Collector magazine.

He thought that when the time came to sell his record collection, he would be quids-in.

Sadly, that was not the case.

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He got a fraction of what he thought it was worth.

They were not worth what he thought they were.

The problem was that he spent so much time updating his lists; he didn’t actually sell the records at the time they were worth anything.

The value of each record changed weekly due to the demand… or lack of it.

As older people either died off, or decided that they no longer wanted to buy and own records opting instead to use digital downloads, the demand dropped for records resulting in the value of them dropping through the floor.

It’s not for me to say whether Bob ‘wasted’ his time, as it was his time to ‘waste’ and it might be something that he enjoyed doing, however, in my honest opinion, it was all very pointless and it achieved nothing.

Maybe it kept him happy and calm, and you cannot put a price on that… but as far as I can see, he didn’t benefit from it.

From what I am told, if hadn’t spent that time working on those lists he wouldn’t be any less happy than he is now.

But had he decided to use that time instead to learn something new, or master a specific set of skills, his life and financial situation would be different to what it is now.

I’m not going to say that it would be better as I don’t know what his current life and financial situation is right now, he may be incredibly happy.

But, if he is currently struggling due to the cost-of-living crises we are having to deal with today, his struggles could have been lessened had he spent time trying to make more money instead of creating lists of what he had spent.

You see, once money is spent… it is spent.

You cannot get it back, but you can replace it.

Focusing on replacing spent money and making more money to spend is, in my opinion, a far better use of your time than creating a record of your receipts and what you have spent.

There are numerous ways to make money from the comfort of your own home.

Take our good friend Kate Davis as a perfect example; she makes money trading the markets using just her smartphone while she works out in her home gym in the morning.

She does have a day job that she enjoys, but she doesn’t need to work because she makes between £750 and £1,725 every month doing this.

This is just a hobby to Kate, a hobby which can make her more money in half an hour than what most people earn working a full day.

She often banks more than a day’s wage before she leaves the house for work… which I believe is not a ‘walking distance’ from her house either.

Kate wanted to share her success with others and so she approached us here at Streetwise and asked if we could publish her manual which outlines in great detail everything she does each morning that bags her an extra £750£1,725 each month.

Remember, she makes that money in the morning before going to work!

That is £750£1,725 EXTRA each and every month which is also TAX FREE!

If you would like Kate to show you everything she does leaving no stone unturned, click the link below:

Kate Davis’ Treadmill Trader

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… This really is one of those ‘teaching a man to fish’ systems. Once you know what to do, you can pull money out of the markets each and every month for years to come.

And remember, it’s TAX FREE!

Here’s that link again:

Kate Davis’ Treadmill Trader

Not Another Price Increase! This Is Ridiculous!

I’ve just this moment read that the Thames Water company has put in a request to the regulator to be allowed to increase their consumer bills by a staggering 44%.

Thames Water plans to spend £1.1bn more on environmental measures with potential further spending.

The problem is… Thames Water, the largest water company in the UK with 16 million customers in London and the Thames Valley area, is currently in debt to the tune of £14.7bn!

There are fears that Thames Water could be taken over by the government.

Although I’m curious to see what will happen to Thames Water over the next few years, the state of the company is not what I want to talk to you about today.

What I do want to say is that a 44% increase is a lot to pass on to customers who are already struggling due to the current cost-of-living crisis.

If Thames get the go ahead from regulator Ofwat, the price increase may be implemented overnight.

I don’t know if there is a plan for a gradual increase or whether it will be an instant increase, but what I do know is this… most people are not in a position to pay more.

Here’s the worrying thing…

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What if the electricity company, the gas company, your mortgage provider or landlord were to also increase their costs at around the same time as Thames Water?

Your monthly living costs could rocket astronomically.

OK, so this is just Thames Water, it’s not across the whole of the UK, but it could happen with other companies across the country.

And several companies could increase their prices at the same time, which could be crippling if you don’t have enough money coming in to cover it.

With that in mind… do you have enough money coming in that could cover such drastic rises in costs?

An extra £250 a week would give you a decent £1,000 per month that would be a huge help for anyone with increasing bills.

£250 isn’t really that hard to make.

Anyone who thinks that it is are still living in the old economy and have not fully realised what opportunities there are today in this new online digital economy.

A perfect example of this would be those people who use Betfair to ‘pull’ small constant profits out of sporting events.

Before the days of the internet, punters had to either ‘go’ to the local bookmakers or call them on the phone to place a bet on a specific outcome.

They were restricted to what they could do.

They had to bet on whether a football team would win, lose, or draw.

They could bet on which player they thought would score the first goal, or which team would score first, or even which team would be rewarded the first corner.

What they could not do was ‘cash-out’ at any time of the event.

Today, people ‘cash-out’ after a certain amount of time has elapsed, or when something specific has happened during the event such as a goal being scored.

Some people even ‘cash-out’ when the odds have moved a few ticks in a desired direction giving them the profit they were looking for.

This can happen before a game or race has even started!

Thanks to Betfair and devices such as smartphones and tablets, people can make money from the comfort of their own homes, while sitting in their favourite arm chair, dunking biscuits into a hot brew.

As an example, Dan Edwards makes money by ‘cashing-out’ during football games.

He never sees a game through to the end.

Why doesn’t he wait until the final whistle?

He doesn’t need to.

He has a system that he follows to the letter:


Discover more here:


When it comes to making money, it is only made possible when you actually ‘know what to do’.

And that is why so many people struggle to make money; they simply do not know ‘what to do’.

They do not know that there are so many more opportunities available today.

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… Thanks to apps and mobile data, this can be done from wherever you are using a smartphone or a tablet.

It takes a few minutes to learn and a few minutes to implement. It is one of the simplest methods we have ever shared.

Here’s that link again:

The Z15 Profit System

Should You Invest In Digital Products As A Way To Make More Money?

I’ve recently been studying a Facebook group called Digital Products Buy & Sell.

This is a group where people buy and sell digital products, obviously.

What I find interesting about this group is how many people are creating their own digital products and are making a decent amount of money from them.

I’ve been saying it for a while now; digital products are a great way to make money.

You can sell them directly to people via your website and/or the many platforms available such as Gumroad, or you can sell them to sellers who can then sell them directly to other people.

Or both… sell them directly to customers and to other digital product sellers.

Selling products with Private Label Rights (PLR) and Master Resale Rights is nothing new; a lot of people have made a lot of money creating products to sell to sellers.

I have done it, as have many of our friends in the industry.

It is a great way to make money from a publisher’s point of view, and it is a great way for a seller to make money too.

Sellers love to buy the rights and licenses to products because it means that they have something to sell right away.

It means that they do not need to make products of their own which can be very time-consuming and costly.

When I say costly, a digital eBook may cost nothing to make if you do everything yourself, including the cover – which can be a costly mistake as a bad cover can prevent people from buying, but you can miss out on a lot of profit if you spend weeks or months creating it.

When you buy a digital product to sell, you can have it online ready to sell in a matter of minutes.

If you have a large enough following or email list, you could have sold several copies and had money rolling in by the end of the day.

If you have the rights to change the product, you can modify it so that it is your own unique product and still have the product online by the end of the day.

When you create a product of your own, it can take days, weeks, and even months depending on what the product is about.

Buying products to sell means that you have something to sell that can start earning money fast.

Think of your local supermarket where you pop for a tin of baked beans, pack of bacon, sausages, eggs, and bread whenever you fancy a full English for breakfast…

Do they make all the products they sell?

No, they don’t, they buy the products they sell onto their customers.

Yes, as the supermarkets grew they began to sell their own range of products, but they still bought those in from the producers and suppliers. They just paid to have them rebranded.

You could say that supermarket own brands are technically Master Resale Rights products that they have branded as their own.

They approached companies that produced baked beans and paid them to supply them with their own slightly different tasting variation.

Those beans are then put into tins and a supermarket label stuck to them.

What they don’t do is:

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  • Buy fields, plant and harvest a load of beans.
  • Hire people to work on the farm.
  • Buy a load of lorries to take the beans to a factory.
  • Hire a load of lorry drivers.
  • Build a large factory and equip it with bean baking machinery.
  • Hire a workforce to bake the beans.
  • Build a large cannery making tins for the beans.
  • Hire staff to work in the canning factory.
  • Build a smelting factory to make the metal that is then delivered to the canning factory.
  • Hire staff for the smelting factory.
  • Buy another set of lorries and hire more drivers to deliver the metal to the cannery.
  • Build a large factory and equip it with printing equipment to make labels.
  • Hire designers and staff to work in the printing factory.
  • Build a paper mill that….

That’s enough, now!

You know what I am saying here.

They themselves do not produce the products they sell.

Samsung and Apple don’t make the products themselves.

Yes, these products are their own products they have developed and designed them in-house, but they outsource the production to other companies and suppliers.

So, with that in mind… does it not make sense to actually buy digital products to sell instead of making your own?

I think it does.

Investing in digital products is no different to investing in any other product.

The only big difference between digital products and physical products is that you can easily modify digital products to be your own if you buy the right license.

You can change the cover, change the name, and add your name as the product creator.

That’s a win-win situation if you are concerned that the product you buy to sell is the same as what other people are selling.

You will have your own product to sell but you didn’t have to go through the hassle of making it.

Although, I do find it strange that some people are concerned that they are selling the same products as other people.

I mean, think about it, many different supermarkets sell the same products.

Different book shops would sell the same books.

Different music stores would sell the same CDs and records when they were popular.

You can even buy the same eBooks from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Google, and many other websites.

The point I am trying to make here is that for a fraction of the cost in both time and money it takes to create your own digital products, you can buy some to sell and have them online making sales by the end of the day.

Let’s say that you purchased an eBook for £97 that you can sell for £9.97.

You only need to sell 10 copies of that book to make your money back, and once you have made your investment back, everything else after that is pure profit.

Plus, you will have an eBook to sell for many years after.

Doesn’t that sound good to you?

If it does, then watch this space as I have some exciting news coming soon.

Kind Regards.

John Harrison.

  1. On the subject of digital products, I have just released this exclusive report about creating your own Packaged Coaching Course that you can sell for £500 or more.

Go and read that report here:

Create Your Own £500+ Online Coaching Course

Gary Barlow Did What Now? Really?

This week I was told about the ‘unbelievable’ story of the woman who was ‘almost’ scammed by Take That star, Gary Barlow.

Janet Smith, 62, from Colchester, was offered concert tickets and the chance to meet him after making friends with Gary on Facebook.

As the ‘friendship’ grew, Gary bombarded Janet with compliments and told her that he had recently split from his wife… and that he was ‘in love’ with her, Janet.

Yes, you are right… this wasn’t the real Gary Barlow.

Janet became suspicious and asked ‘Gary’ to reveal his true identity.

It turned out that Gary was actually a 24-year-old from Nigeria. No surprise there, then.

He apologised for lying to Janet, and then said that he really did love her… and then… asked her for money!

I kid you not!

It turned out OK in the end for Janet because the real Gary Barlow saw her story online and reached out to her apologising that she had been targeted by a scammer pretending to be him, and offered her the chance to go to one of his concerts and meet him in person.

I have to be honest; I was a little taken back when I was told that Janet genuinely believed she was actually talking to the Take That singer for about a week.

I mean… these people are usually incredibly busy and they tend to have people manage their social media accounts for them.

Those that don’t use social media managers are highly unlikely to be sitting around talking to complete strangers.

I imagine that famous stars such as Gary Barlow are incredibly picky and careful with whom they connect with online, and have private accounts that are for close friends and family only.

I cannot imagine for one minute that the real Gary Barlow would be reaching out to a 62-year-old woman in Colchester, let alone declare his love for her after one week.

So the question is…

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why did Janet think she was friends with the real Gary Barlow?

The truth is, scammers are incredibly convincing and they simply say the things ‘people want to hear’.

People love compliments and they love being made to feel good about themselves.

Even the most sceptical and suspicious of people can succumb to constant compliments over time.

After hearing about Janet’s story, I spent time talking to Andi who was telling me that his wife was often getting friend/follow requests on Instagram and Facebook from ‘doctors’.

She follows a lot of popular doctors – those who have their own television shows, podcasts, or have released several books in a specific field of research – and so it would seem that scammers scroll through people’s lists of friends and the people they follow to see who they are likely to follow or make friends with.

Scammers figure that because Andi’s wife follows a lot of specialised doctors, the way to connect with her is to try and pass themselves off as doctors.

Fortunately, she doesn’t make friends with people who she doesn’t personally know or know of.

Andi said that he often gets messages from people he is already friends with… but they aren’t actually those people.

Scammers clone Facebook accounts and then send messages so that when they land in the message inbox, they appear to be coming from people’s friends.

They steal all the videos and pictures from people’s profiles so that at first glance, their profile looks just like the people they are cloning.

Unless you look at their actual profile name at the top of the page you could easily be mistaken into thinking that it was your friend’s account.

Andi knows his friends well and so when he receives a message out of the blue from a ‘friend’ talking about buying crypto currencies through a dodgy looking link, he knows that they are not his actual friends.

He has spoken to most of his friends too, and so if there are no previous messages above the scammer’s message, he knows that it is a new message from an imposter trying to scam him.

Another type of friend request Andi gets are from profiles of young and attractive women.

Scammers know that people like young and attractive men and women and so when they reach out to people pretending to be a young and attractive person, they can be hooked in easily.

For a man in his 50s balding and with a potbelly, a young and attractive twenty-something women sending a friend request can be an exciting moment.

If the person the scammers are targeting is living a mundane life and wants a little more excitement, having an attractive young man or women send them a friend request and start talking to them can give them a ‘boost’.

Many fool themselves into believing that these young women are actually interested in them.

Truth is, they are not who they appear to be.

Scammers look for your weaknesses.

They look to see who are single, they look to see what it is that people like, and who they follow.

As in the case of Janet, the scammer must have seen something that gave him the indication that she was a big Gary Barlow fan. Once he knew that, he was able to make a play for her.

I sometimes wonder if these scammers are ‘pushing the envelopes’ purposely to see how far they can take it and who they can fool.

I still can’t believe that people actually believe that celebrities would connect with them out of the blue and declare their undying love for them.

I heard of another story where Keanu Reeves was used to lure older women in.

Imagine having Keanu Reeves message you and then ask for money because he is stuck at an airport without a wallet!!

It’s preposterous!

And yet amazingly, some people fall for it.

What I find sad is that there are so many scam artists out there that could actually make a decent amount of money if they were to do what they do but without pretending to be someone else.

They pray on the vulnerable… and dare I say it, the stupid, but they could quite easily spend their days talking to people offering them services and products that they actually need.

Good communication and conversation is key to selling.

Scammers spend a lot of time ‘conversing’ with victims. They know what to say and how to talk to people. They could easily become great sales people.

OK, they cannot tell potential customers that they ‘love them’ and ‘want to marry them’, but they certainly understand how people ‘tick’.

More importantly… they can make money without fear of being sent to prison for fraud.

As I say, good communication and conversation is key to selling, and that is what the people in the exclusive password protected report, $10K In 10 Days… Is It Possible?, are using to make thousands of dollars each month.

Click the link below to read the report.

$10K In 10 Days… Is It Possible?

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Type out the above password as you see it including all characters.

If you copy and paste the password, please ensure that you do not copy any whitespace at either end otherwise the system will read the whitespace as characters making the password incorrect.

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… Due to increasing interest, Andi, our Facebook chap, recorded a new video that has been added to this exclusive report and can be found at the bottom of the page.

If you haven’t yet seen this, you need to act fast as I’m considering turning this into a Micro-product, even more so now that we seem to keep adding to it, so act now before it’s hidden behind a ‘Buy Now’ button.

Here’s that link again:

$10K In 10 Days… Is It Possible?

Can You Make Money With A Free Public Facebook Group?

I’ve been looking at Facebook recently with fresh eyes.

Facebook is a social media platform that focuses on entertainment and social networks.

Meta, the owners of Facebook, claim that it isn’t a place for making business connections and selling business related products and services; that is more LinkedIn’s job.


It appears that a lot of people are actually making a lot of money from Facebook.

No matter how Meta describes what the platform is actually designed for… people are using Facebook to grow their businesses using Facebook adverts, Facebook Pages (although people don’t use them much these days), and Facebook Groups.

People are also using their profiles to run Stories and Reels which get seen by a lot of people.

These Stories and Reels are specifically designed to share their business message and details.

Facebook may want to be a social media platform dedicated to sharing fun and entertaining content between friends, but it is also a business building powerhouse.

And because of that, I got thinking more about Facebook groups.

Private groups are great because people who join them have to be approved and so when they are accepted it feels like they are part of an exclusive club.

All the content that is shared in a private group is only seen by those who are members of the group.

You can post and comment anything into a private group and none of your friends and family will see it… if it has been set that way, that is.

Private groups are very often set up by companies or business people to be used as ‘hunting grounds’ for new clients and customers.

The problem with a private group is that people often do not see them (they can be set to be visible to Facebook users, but generally are not), they have to be invited to join and so they can stay quite small compared to groups that are open to the public.

So… this had me thinking…

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Would it be a good idea to open up a public group which is then used as a feeder group to send people to a private group?

Public Facebook groups can attract a lot of… how do I put this without causing offence?… They attract a lot of ‘nob heads’, but that depends a lot on what the group is about.

They also attract a lot of good people and when there is a lot of good people commenting on your posts within that group, you can then invite them over to your exclusive group which is smaller and has far less ‘nob heads’ in it.

When you consider that some of the best advice to find potential clients and customers on Facebook is to spend hours trawling through the member’s lists in other groups, and then checking personal profiles and then sending ‘friend requests’ to people you think are a good fit… I can’t help but wonder if it is best for them to come to you and populate your own pool to fish from, instead.

Surely, that makes more sense?

If time is limited then starting a public group means that people can join and if there is an influx of people, Facebook will share it with other people on your behalf.

Your group can become a ‘suggested group’ that Facebook will show to people they believe will be interested in it.

As Facebook likes to keep things ‘in-house’ preferring not to send people off the platform, I believe any adverts that direct people to a specific page or group on Facebook will be cheaper than ads that send people to websites.

So with that in mind, you could possibly run a series of cheap Facebook ads that promote your group.

£1 a day for a month or two could help to kick start the group and swell its ranks.

Considering how much money could be made from customers and clients found on Facebook (depending on what you sell that is), £30 to £60 isn’t too much to invest.

You’ll need to have a Facebook business page to run adverts because you cannot run them from a Facebook profile, but they are easy enough to create.

What a lot of people sell on Facebook are mentoring and coaching programs and courses.

I have spoken about this before.

One of the easiest forms of mentoring and coaching you can do is to create what is a called a ‘packaged’ coaching and mentoring course.

That is where you create a series of simple easy-to-record videos where you talk about a specific topic, upload them to your website, and put them behind a simple Stripe Buy Now button.

If you would like to know how to create and publish your own ‘packaged’ mentoring and coaching course, click the image or link below:

Create Your Own ‘Packaged’ Mentoring & Coaching Course

Kind regards.

John Harrison

PS. A ‘Packaged’ mentoring and coaching course can be sold 24 hours of the day and night without you needing to do anything.

The payment and the delivery of the product are all done for you automatically.

You just have to enjoy the money dropping into your Stripe account. The money will then be dropped into your bank a few days later.

Here’s that link again:

Create Your Own ‘Packaged’ Mentoring & Coaching Course

Is This The Way Forward For You?

I’ve been studying a lot of the newer online marketing methods recently, and one that caught my eye which I found interesting was by an all-in-one marketing platform trying to find new users.

This all-in-one marketing platform allows you to build sales pages, landing pages, sales funnels, build an email list and send emails, run your own affiliate network, and a whole lot more.

There is a free version which is limited in what you can do, but the paid versions are $27 (£21.21 ATOW), $47 (£36.91 ATOW), and $97 (£76.19 ATOW) per month.

What I found interesting is that they (or someone else) have created several digital courses which teach you to build an online business and when you buy them, you get full 100% reseller rights to the products.

That means that once you have bought the products you can sell them to other people and keep all of the profits.

I don’t know if it is the company itself that created the products to sell as a way to get new users, or whether it was someone else that is using the platform and generating money from the initial sales and then earning affiliate commissions for finding the platform new customers.

Either way, it is quite genius.

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Licensing products with reseller rights is a great way to grow your business because the people who purchase those licenses have something to sell from day one.

It’s not like a course where they learn ‘what to do’ but have nothing to sell and have to go and start from scratch themselves.

People who purchase products with reseller rights licenses can earn money while they learn the ropes.

It’s a better way to learn when you have something that you can actually promote.

We may live in the age where it is relatively easy to create your own digital products, but it can still be a real pain to those who do not know what they are doing.

It can be a real ball ache, at times.

Buying the licenses to sell is great for someone who wants to get into selling digital products online.

Creating products to sell with reseller rights licenses is a great way to grow your business.

Perhaps that is the way forward, buy licensed products to sell to generate some money while getting to grips with online marketing, and then create your own products to sell with reseller rights to explode your business.

What do you think?

Kind regards.

John Harrison

PS… If you found the information in this email useful and interesting, you will really love our popular Streetwise Confidential newsletter.

If you haven’t already claimed your two FREE copies; click the link below:

Two Free Copies Of Streetwise Confidential

Inside the two editions you will learn:

  • How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Business Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!Follow the step by step blueprint to building a six-figure-a-year online business.


  • The Incredibly Profitable Power Of Networking!Discover how networking and meeting people can put thousands of pounds into your pocket.


  • Will This Change The Way People Make Money Online?AI is here, and it’s changing the way we make money!


  • How One Woman Generated $120,000 In Passive Income In Just 9 Months Working Only 5 Hours Per Week! – Discover how one woman made $120,000 in passive income in nine months and now works only 5 hours per week!


  • How Tall Tales Of Tall Aliens Can Give You A Lifetime Of Cash!Read how one man is making a passive income from telling ‘tall tales’ of tall aliens he claims to have met while working for the US military.


  • How A Bagel Slicer Could Earn You Hundreds Of Thousands Of Pounds!Discover how one woman missed out making hundreds of thousands of pounds after the video of her using it went viral!


  • The Semi-Passive Income Book Club – £16,579 Per Month From Just One 20 Page BookRead how one man was making £16,597 each month publishing one new 20 page book.


  • It’s A Simple Case Of Sharing LinksDiscover how people are making tens of thousands of pounds each month sharing ‘other people’s links’!

Here’s that link again:

Two Free Copies Of Streetwise Confidential

Why This Marketing Guru Is Wrong!

As a person who sells information products online and via email, I like to read other people’s emails and keep up to date with what other people are doing.

I want to share with you something that I read the other day… and why I think this guy’s rant was completely wrong.

I’m not going to name names, I am not into starting ‘beefs’ with other marketers, at least not over something as trivial as an opinion on liquid detergent.

So, in his email, he was criticising Tide Pods for stating in their commercial (shown on US television) the following…

Tide Pods only has 12% water, while other detergents have up to 78% water in them… and you shouldn’t be paying for water.  You should be “paying for clean.”

He then went on to have a rant about how he believed the commercial was insulting to people and that water has been used to clean clothes for years and that it is the main component for washing and that without water you cannot clean pots or clothes.

And yes, he is right, without water, you cannot wash or clean things very well.

However, his rant was completely wrong…

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The commercial was not insulting to people, in fact, I think it was smart marketing.

You shouldn’t be paying for water; you should be paying for clean only.


Because washing machines for clothes and pots are connected to mains water and they already use it as part of the washing process…everyone who uses a washing machine knows this… so why would you want to pay for water twice?

And why was he so surprised or confused by their marketing message?

His rant made no sense.

Before liquid washing tablets were invented, washing detergent was powder, and that wasn’t sold with a cup of water.

Cleaning has always needed water, he is right about that, but that was something YOU provided, the washing powder companies only provided the detergent.

And so when you look at it that way, selling mostly water to people who are already supplying water as part of the cleaning process, is in my view, more insulting to the customer than Tide Pods marketing slogan.

If you are supplying the water but need detergent, wouldn’t you be miffed if you were mostly paying out for water when buying their detergent?

Am I wrong here?

Would you want to pay for something only to get more of what you are already providing and paying for?

There’s an abundance of water on tap, it’s not like you need any more of it.

I’ve read this guys email several times and cannot understand how or why he is upset at Tide Pods marketing message.

Maybe it’s me, maybe I am missing his point, but I just think he is wrong.

Anyway… there is something he is right about, and I am doing the exact same thing here… and that is incorporating real life stories, opinions, and interesting facts in the emails he sends to people.

Another thing that he and many other email marketers do, which I am doing in this email, is to comment on other people’s opinions, fallacies, and inaccuracies.

As soon as I read this guy’s email I thought… that would make a good email.

Email ideas are around us daily.

Writing emails is not really that hard… but they can be incredibly profitable.

Discover how profitable by clicking the image below…

Kind regards.

John Harrison

PS… Email is still the best way to sell products and services because when a person opens an email, you have their full undivided attention.

There are no other distractions such as articles or posts competing for their attention.

An email is simply you and them.

Go click the image now.

Your First High Priced Sale Proves You Can Do What You Teach

I have recently shared with you a few examples of people selling high priced coaching programs which teach people how to…well… sell high priced coaching programs.

They use a combination of…

  1. Attraction Marketing.
  2. Conversation.
  3. An irresistible offer.

Attraction marketing is where you post content that ‘attracts’ people into your world.

For example; if I added a post to social media saying that I had ‘just made $1,000 (I am using dollars as that is what is used most with these programs) from a 30 minute conversation with someone that would ‘attract’ interest from a few people.

It would especially attract those who want to earn some extra money fast without having to do a lot of work.

Share a lot of content like that and quite a lot of people will be interested in what you do. It’s likely that a fair few of them would want to know what it is that you do and how you do it.

When people want to know what you do, you can then put a price on your knowledge and charge them a fee to show them your system.

The thing is…

Until you have actually made a sale of a high priced product yourself, you are going to have to borrow someone else’s proof, which is fine and is used a lot in marketing… but do it wrong, and it will lead to a whole lot of questions.

Whenever I see someone post something which says ‘my mentor made $1 million last year on Facebook without running any paid advertising, comment with #tellmehow, and I shall send you a link to a webinar’… I can’t help but thinkif they are mentoring you, how come you are not earning loads?

That is a method used by people who are promoting their mentors program for an affiliate commission. Whenever they make a sale they will be paid $1,000 or more.

Yes, it would be great to make sales and be paid $1,000 each time, but I feel that people will not necessarily believe you that his system works if you are not using any personal proof, or they will simply sidetrack you and go and follow your mentor instead.

To avoid questions, and remove any doubt, I believe that you need to use your own examples and avoid using the word mentor or coach unless it clearly states that it is someone who taught you to do what you are successfully doing, and not trying to do.

I think that you should work to make your first sale, and then use that successful sale as an example to pull more people in.

Obviously, your first $1,000 is not as attractive as someone who is saying that they are making $10,000 per month… but you have to start somewhere, and a personal win is proof that it works.

A personal win, no matter how small, is far better than theory or borrowed proof which can look a little ‘suspect’ and ‘doubtful’ if used wrong.

Plus, the people who you know on Facebook and those who choose to follow you, probably don’t follow the other high priced program promoters, or trust them.

They may only see what you post and they may trust you, so posting your wins, no matter how small they may be compared to other people’s, may be huge and appealing to them.

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As always, you should never compare yourself or your success with others and focus only on doing what you are doing and do it right.

That first win is powerful as it strengthens your confidence, and it shows other people that you can do what you say you can.

Obviously, getting that first sale is going to be the hardest especially when you do not yet have any ‘personal’ proof of your own, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be too hard.

You simply do what you intend to teach people and create content that will attract them to ask questions.

You will probably need to use some ‘borrowed’ proof until you make your first sale, but that can be done by sharing case studies and stories about people.

I like to call these 3rd party observations.

You can say that you are ‘studying’ these people and learning from what you ‘observe’ and then share the story of how they are making thousands of dollars each month.

You can share one or two of the things that you have learned which will show people that you do actually know what it is that they are doing to make thousands of dollars each month.

Once people realise that you do know more than them on that subject, they will see you as an expert and as an authority figure.

Put it this way… they will see that you know more than them, which is usually all you need.

People pay to learn from those who ‘know’ and ‘do’, and so by breaking down and sharing some of the steps these people use, you become someone that other people want to learn from.

It shouldn’t be long before you make your first sale… and then you can take that personal win and use it as proof that you can do what you say you can… and then you build on that win by landing a second and third sale.

As you will see in this exclusive password protected report: $10K In 10 Days… Is It Possible? (Password: $10Kin10daysReally?), Kat updated her content whenever she hit a new milestone in her journey.

At first she would have shared the story of her first sale, and then it would have been the first time she made $3,000 in one month, and then it would have been when she earned $5,000 in one month, right up to now where she hit her first $10,000 in one month.

As soon as she hits $20,000 in a month, I guarantee that will become the highlight of her personal story.

I believe that it’s always better to show your own personal wins than the wins of others, unless you are sharing those other wins in a report or case study at the beginning when you have little choice.

Discover for yourself how people are making thousands of dollars each month using Facebook here:

$10K In 10 Days… Is It Possible?

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If you copy and paste the password, please ensure that you do not copy any whitespace at either end otherwise the system will read the whitespace as characters making the password incorrect.

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… Due to increasing interest, Andi, our Facebook chap, recorded a new video that has been added to this exclusive report and can be found at the bottom of the page.

If you haven’t yet seen this, you need to act fast as I’m considering turning this into a Micro-product, even more so now that we seem to keep adding to it, so act now before it’s hidden behind a ‘Buy Now’ button.