Tag Archives: Business Ideas

Something Special Is Coming!

Here at Streetwise HQ we are busy putting the finishing touches to a product we are about to release.

I’m not going to say too much about the product itself as you’ll soon hear all about it once it is released.

What I will tell you is that I was recently approached by a guy with a short report highlighting how he makes an easy extra £1,500 per month.

The original report he sent to me was only 24 pages long.

It needed a few tweaks and tidying up a little so I’m not sure how many pages the final report will have, but it won’t be a long read.

I’m thinking of selling that product for at least £97, possibly more. I’ve not yet decided.

It’s not the length of the product which sets the price; a 300 page novel cannot sell for more than £20 unless it is an extremely rare copy.

A 24 page report can sell for a couple of hundred pounds.

This product is worth the £97+ asking price because it shows the buyer how to easily make £1,500 extra each month.

A consistent £1,500 per month will give you £18,000 a year… a 300 page novel is not going to do that.

Who wouldn’t want to pay £97 or more if it could make you £18,000 per year?

It really is a simple system and anyone who acts on the information and makes it work, could make quite a lot of money.

Not only does this guy make a decent amount of money each month using this system… he is now set to make a fair bit of money from selling this short report.

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It doesn’t take long to write a short report, especially if a lot of the pages include screenshots and photos to show people exactly what to do.

Once a report or eBook is finished, you can sell it for as many years as the content is relevant.

And because they are digital they can be sold online on autopilot.

Selling these digital reports automatically frees you up a lot of time and allows you to carry on with your day to day activities.

As I say, it takes very little time to write a short report.

You can write a report AND have it online primed and ready to make sales on your own fully automated passive income system within 30 days!

It can be done.

Andi our techy guy did exactly that as a case study to prove that it is possible to build a fully automated passive income system selling a digital ebook/report within 30 days.

That short 38 page ebook Andi wrote and published to his own fully automated passive income system still makes sales today.

He doesn’t need to do anything because the whole payment and delivery process is automated.

All of our reports have made at least £30K… and you can have your own report online within 30 days.

You can have as many fully automated passive income systems online as you like.

Each one of them making you money on autopilot while you are busy doing other things.

If you would like to know how to build your own fully automated passive income system click the link below:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… People can buy digital products from your fully automated passive income system at any time of the day. While you are sleeping, shopping, travelling, or working, people can buy your reports without you needing to do anything.

Here’s that link again:


Just Because It Is There, Doesn’t Mean It’s Right For You

This morning I watched as a woman wearing gym gear jumped into her car and drove off.

And before you say it, no, I wasn’t watching her like some weird stalker with a fetish for women wearing gym gear.

I assumed she was off to one of the gyms in town.

What I found interesting is that at the top of her road, less than 0.2 miles away and only a three minute walk, is the leisure centre with a large well equipped gym.

Basically, she had a decent gym only a stone’s throw away.

She had everything she needed on her doorstep.

Gym, swimming pool, yoga and stretch classes, spin classes, aerobics classes, squash courts and a sauna.

Everything a person who enjoys sports and keeping fit can be found at the leisure centre… yet this woman drove to a different gym in another part of the town.

I imagine she would be one of those people who will drive miles to a gym to spend half an hour running on a stationary tread mill…

…and pay a small fortune for the privilege too.

Why do people do that when they can go for a run in the country or through the streets for free?

Maybe it’s the weather; we don’t have reliable weather to run regularly outside.

A lot of gym bunnies baffle me, they work hard yet whenever they need to do something real… like walk for a few metres, they avoid it like the plague.

The worst example of this was the guy I once saw parking his flash sports car in the disabled parking spot at Tesco.

This guy was HUGE with muscles. He looked like someone had stuffed footballs into a tight T-shirt.

He clearly was a fan of going to the gym and spending hours engaged in hard physical exercise. This man liked to push it to the max until he was drenched in sweat…

… yet at Tesco he had to park as close to the shop doors to avoid walking a few extra feet through the car park.

To save himself the walk he parked in a spot set aside for vulnerable people who need to be close to the doors the most.

Why do that?

It’s not like the walk would kill him. This ‘alpha male’ (or ‘clown’ as I like to call him) probably spends hours running on a treadmill as part of his ‘beefing up’ regime.

Anyway, I digress… sorry.

The point that I am trying to get across here is that people are different.

Each and every one of us sees and experiences things differently.

We have different likes and dislikes.

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The woman I saw driving off to go to another gym had her reasons to go elsewhere even though everything she needed to exercise and keep fit was on her doorstep.

Her needs and wants are different to other people, she may have wanted:

  • A cheaper gym
  • A better equipped gym
  • A quieter gym with less people
  • A more exclusive gym
  • A gym which has better personal trainers
  • A smaller gym

There could be any number of reasons as to why she went to a different place even though they both essentially offer the same thing.

Why am I telling you this?

I am telling you this because when it comes to starting a business, writing a book, creating a product, building a website or one of numerous other ventures, a lot of people stop and doubt what they are doing because…

‘It’s already been done’


Somebody is already doing it’.

Very often people are afraid to give something a go because they fear they will fail because someone else is already doing it.

Usually, the fact that someone else is doing something successfully is a good reason as to why someone else should do it too.

A large Tesco supplying a small area for many years may seem like enough, but that doesn’t stop Aldi or Lidl plonking a large store right around the corner.

They know that people like different products, they also like ‘new’ stuff and they like change.

Obviously, you wouldn’t want fifteen supermarkets all on the same road in a small village, that would be a saturated market, but one, two or even five competitors shouldn’t be a problem.

Everyone must have heard of Star Wars by now, it is an incredibly popular film, book and now television franchise where good people fight bad people in a galaxy far, far away.

With the huge popularity of Star Wars, you would wonder why hundreds, maybe thousands of other authors and television companies bother making science fiction series where good people battle bad people in space… but they do.



  1. It’s an incredibly popular niche.
  2. People like different things. Not everyone likes Star Wars, some prefer Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica or Stargate.
  3. People can enjoy multiple variations of the same thing. I know people who enjoy all of the above shows.

So, if you want to start something new but fear that you are going to fail because there are already people doing what you want to do… I say, forget that and get started.

Inaction has caused more money problems and failures than action.

Not getting started has destroyed more dreams and ambitions than getting started.

Even if after getting started you don’t succeed as you hoped, you will be in a far better position than if you had never started.

You make new connections, you learn new skills, you gain experience and new opportunities reveal themselves to you.

Of course, that all depends on what you do.

Some methods of making money are a lot simpler compared to others.

One of the simplest ways to make money is to buy and sell digital assets for a huge profit.

You can get started today and buy your first digital asset for £7.50 which you will sell on for a £75+ profit.

The actual buying and selling process is managed by other people online.

You personally do not touch anything.

There is nothing to be delivered; it is all done online.

If you would like to know more click the link below.


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… This simple method can be done from the comfort of your own home. This is so simple you could easily do all of this on nothing more than your smartphone.

And you can get started today for as little as £7.50!

Here’s that link again.                 


Putting Pounds In The Bank With Mass Exposure

Don’t You Want Me?

Don’t You Want Me by British dance musician Felix reached #6 in the UK charts in July 1992.

It was a huge club hit across the world and went on to reach #1 in Finland, Spain, Switzerland and the US Billboard Hot Dance Club Play chart.

Despite it being a well crafted piece of music and a huge hit in the clubs across the UK, it probably wouldn’t have been so successful had the band Pet Shop Boys not been sitting in for Radio One’s Simon Bates for a week.

The popular duo were asked to take over Simon’s mid day show while he was away on holiday.

As part of Simon’s show, he would pick a ‘song of the week’ which would be played every day for the week.

During their shift as radio presenters, the Pet Shop Boys chose Felix’s Don’t You Want Me as their song of the week taking the song from the clubs to daytime audiences of millions.

That exposure catapulted the song up the charts as more and more people heard it and rushed out to get their own copy.

Funky Town!

In 1986, Australian rock band Pseudo Echo’s cover of Lipps Inc’s Funky Town reached #8 in the UK charts.

This was their only UK hit.

The UK success of the song was thanks to Simon Bates after he heard it being played everywhere while on a trip downunder.

He brought it back to the UK and played it on his show exposing it to millions of new music fans resulting in it being released here and becoming a top ten success.

This is how powerful celebrity mass recommendations can be.

Oprah’s Book Club

Oprah Winfrey could single-handedly make a book a success.

By reviewing a book on her television talk show and splapping a Oprah’s Book Club sticker on its cover, enough of Oprah’s millions of loyal viewers would rush out and buy a copy making the book a bestseller.

Oprah’s positive endorsements of books helped turn authors into overnight successes and possibly into millionaires.

You are probably wondering why I am telling you these fascinating facts while pointing out the obvious.

You know that statistically, if one person who has millions of viewers, listeners and/or followers positively recommends a product or service, it will result in quite a lot of sales.

It’s a given.

But getting that kind of exposure today is easier than you may think.

Sort of…

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I’m not saying that you can or will have your products or services recommended by big A-list celebrity presenters, there is a HUGE amount of competition and trying to get your product or service into their hands is likely to be pointless task… but there are other ways to make this work.

We live in a world of ‘micro-celebrities’.

The World Of The Micro-Celebrity!

What I mean when I say ‘micro-celebrities’ is this… for every one incredibly popular person – known as an influencer –  on social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter, there are tens and possibly hundreds of ‘less popular’ influencers who still have very respectable large followings.

These influencers may not be A-list celebs, but to the people who follow them regularly, they are celebrities.

These are the micro-celebrities.

The popular television presenter and bestselling author (they all seem to be bestselling authors these days!) Ben Fogle has 456,000 followers on Instagram. He is now an A-list celebrity.

If he was to post about your product or service a few times over a week or two, it would send a few people your way.

Exposure like that would result in you having a few sales and gaining a few new followers. You could end up with thousands of new followers and thousands of pounds in the bank.


With Ben being an A-list celeb, he is incredibly busy. He is in big demand and has reputation to protect so he is unlikely to promote products by people he doesn’t know or is not aligned with his principles.

So instead of trying to get someone like Ben Fogle to promote your product or service, you find the other ‘Ben Fogles’ who are on social media with followings below 100,000.

Influencers who have around 10,000 followers are often the most approachable. Instead of trying to go for the one BIG ONE, you go for ten or twenty of the smaller influencers.

Ten people who each have 10,000 followers gives you an audience of 100,000.

By making friends with the smaller influencers and their communities, you give yourself the opportunity to grow to the point where you are no longer a ‘new name’ in the industry.

Once you are gaining traction within the industry and have a handful of micro-celebrities talking with you and about you, sharing your information and products to their audience, you start to grow in popularity yourself and become ‘known’ in the right circles.

Everyone loves the idea of landing that one big celebrity endorsement which is life changing like the ones mentioned at the start of this article, but they are often quite rare.

For most people, the most logical and common sense approach is to start small and work your way up.

Fortunately with social media, everyday people have access to thousands of micro-celebrities and influencers who can help them to grow.

You also have access to many A-list celebrities which means that it is possible – I say ‘possible’ and not that you ‘will’ – make friends with them by regularly chatting to them by commenting on their posts.

It is possible that you may get noticed and ‘discovered’.

But, as I say, the most logical and common sense approach would be to create a list of micro-celebrities and influencers who have 10,000 or more followers and start to talk to them via their posts on social media.

Remember the article about the six degrees of separation?

You just never know where you can end up if you chat to the right people.

One micro-influencer may introduce you to someone who gives you and/or your business the kick it needs.

Exposure is incredibly powerful when you get it and today you can manage a lot of your exposure yourself and believe me when I say that there is a lot of exposure to be had today.

With social media platforms such as YouTube, Tiktok, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, you can grow your own audience and ‘hijack’ other people’s.

There is work involved and so if you are looking for a way to make money which requires little work and allows you to make money WITHOUT exposure and the need to be known, check out:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… This is one of the simplest methods we have seen in recent years where you buy a simple digital asset and then sell it to someone else for a huge £75+ profit.

And you remain completely anonymous. No need to go searching for mass celebrity exposure.

What’s more… you can get started today for as little as £7.50!

Here’s that link again.                 


Liberating Money From Greedy Online Bookmakers

If you were to bet £50 using even odds that Liverpool were to win a football match, and then also bet £50 using even odds that Liverpool were to lose, you will break even.

Basically you will hand over £50 only to have it handed back.

It would be a waste of your time right?


Not if you got paid by the bookmakers for doing just that.

There is a little ‘loophole’ which allows people to make money every time they – or rather someone else – ‘breaks even.

Very few people know about this loophole, even less know how to make it pay.

But I do…

I was shown it by a close and trusted friend who had learned it from an Austrian chap who had been visiting the country for a seminar.

Apparently, there is a small select group of people who are making a fortune ‘liberating’ large amounts of money from greedy online bookmakers by using this ‘cheeky’ little loophole.

Let’s just say… it is quite spectacular when you see what they do!

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There are very few money making systems where everyone is a winner… but this is one of them.. and I really do mean everyone is a winner.

Even though you are liberating money from the bookies, they win as well as you.

This is special and I can’t wait to share it with you.

To learn more, go to:

The Croesus Code

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS…  A little bit more about this system:

  • This is a loophole created by the rules, regulations and practices of the gambling industry.
  • You will make £30 profit – or more – for every £100 invested.
  • Anyone can do it.
  • A Facebook or Twitter account is all you’ll need to start exploiting the loophole.
  • You don’t need any friends or followers.
  • An ordinary bookmaker account and Betfair account complete the picture.
  • There is no minimum capital requirement.
  • Work on this when you want.
  • Takes just a few minutes a day.
  • ‘Work’ from a phone, tablet or laptop anywhere in the world.
  • Unlimited profits. The more you bet the more you make.
  • No chance of being closed down. The bookmakers will love you.

Here’s that link again:

The Croesus Code

Would You Say No To £2,000 For Just  10 Hours Work?

In a previous article I mentioned that I had been reading about a guy who built websites which he sold for £200 each.

He was building and selling around ten a month and earning an extra £2,000.

He was doing this in his spare time.

What I find interesting is that he is not selling websites that are making money. If they were, he could sell them for a lot more.

He was selling basic websites with little content.

But he was happy to build them and sell them for £200 because:

  1. People were happy to buy them at that price without them earning money.
  2. It saved him a lot of time and effort growing the websites to the point they were making a consistent income each month.

His philosophy was ‘why make more work for yourself when you can sell them quick for a profit’.

Which makes perfect sense; profit in the bank fast is never a bad thing.

I don’t know a huge amount about building websites myself; I leave that kind of thing to Andi our techy guy…

But I do wonder… if this chap can build a website within an hour which people will happily pay £200 for, how hard could it be to build a website which makes just £100 or more a month?

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If he can build ten websites in as little as ten hours, imagine if he spent the time required to turn them into websites which each earned £100 or more per month.

Ten websites making £100 is £1,000.

Those ten websites could earn £1,000 (or more) each month in passive income.

He could then build ten more which each also earn £100 per month.

As I say, I don’t know a lot about websites personally, but I know that we have used websites to make millions of pounds.

We use them differently to how most websites work, but the guy who builds them and sells them for £200 clearly knows enough to build himself a little portfolio of passive income producing websites.

Similar to how a landlord earns a monthly income from rental property, this guy could be earning a passive income from online property.

That’s basically what a website is… it is a property online.

I think that would be my focus.

I think it would make sense to build ten websites to sell each month while also building and growing ten or more of my own.

Not only can websites which are earning money sell for more than £200, he will be earning a passive income which will give him the security and finances to grow.

Building a simple website to sell really isn’t that hard to do. Even with my limited understanding I can see from this video (below) that anyone can do it.

If you would like to see how easy it is to build a website fast without actually knowing anything about building websites… click the link below.

How To Build A Profitable Website Fast WITHOUT Knowing Anything About Building Websites!

I know you’ll be amazed at how simple it can be.

Kind Regards

John Harrison

If You Want To Buy Things Without Looking At The Price Tag…

 “If you want to buy things without looking at the price tag, don’t work looking at the clock.”

That was a quote I read on Instagram the other day.

There is a great truth in that quote.

I’m not saying that it is 100% correct; there are ways to make a lot of money without working every hour of the day, but…most people who have made fortunes, did so by not working to a regular time and put more hours in than most.

Time is incredibly precious, unlike money, you cannot earn time back so I completely understand why people are protective of their time, but most people are protective of it in the wrong way.

I’ve noticed that a lot of the people who complain that they do not have enough money are the ones who will not spend any more time at work than is required.

As soon as the clock hits 4:30PM or 5:00PM, they bounce out of their seats or leap from their machines and run straight for the door.

Even in their homes, when they need to do something necessary, they often do the least amount they can get away with, using phrases like ‘that’ll do’ when the job appears done.

There is nothing wrong with avoiding wasting a lot of your own precious time doing things you dislike; it makes sense especially if you are wanting to get finished so you can start something you really enjoy.

But a lot of people don’t, they curl up on the sofa, watch mind-numbing television and eat the evening away.

Their time is their time… that is absolutely fine, but they need to know and understand that themselves when they moan that they cannot afford to do XYZ.

They probably cannot afford to do XYZ because they spend most of their time engaged in activities which doesn’t earn them any extra money and/or costs them money.

I have to be a little careful here with what I say because of the current state of the country with rising fuel costs, increases in tax and contributions, rising inflation and no increase in wages, a lot of people are struggle more than they previously were because of external decisions imposed on them.

But that does mean that more and more people now need to find a second way to make money.

And that will require some of their time.

Very few wealthy or successful people achieved their goals by working between the hours of 9AM and 5PM only.

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When Arnold Schwarzenegger wanted to become an actor, he took evening classes to learn acting and that was on top of getting up early to spend hours in the gym pushing weights and doing a day’s work.

He put the time and effort in and reaped the rewards both financially and in lifestyle.

The only clock watching he did was to make sure that he was at the right place at the right time.

He wasn’t rushing to leave work so that he could crash on the sofa with a plate of pizza and several hours of Coronation Street and Emmerdale.

The quote I started this article with is great, I like it, and as I say, there is a great truth to it.

The wealthiest people on the planet who haven’t inherited their money, made it by doing more than the average person.

But they didn’t do it all by rolling up their sleeves and doing everything themselves. There are other factors at play here.

They leveraged other people’s skills and knowledge and they leveraged what money they had.

So as well as working longer hours than most people, they actually paid people to do specific work for them and/or they invested their money to generate more money.

The good news is that you can do that too… and you don’t necessarily need to spend a lot of extra hours doing it either.

Most people want or need more money; they don’t necessarily want to be billionaire.

Some might, but it is out of reach for most people. Usually it takes a lot of time, effort and money to become one.

Becoming wealthy and making ‘more’ money is relative. Everyone has their own ideas as to what ‘being wealthy’ is and how much they would like to make.

A person who has no money… being given £100 is a lot of money and can help ease their burden.

A person who has £100… being given £1,000 is a lot of money and can help to ease their burden.

A person who has £1,000… being given £10,000 is a lot of money and can help to ease their burden.

How much do you want or need?




£100,000 might sound like a lot of money and unreachable to some people at the moment, but it is doable. If it wasn’t, other people wouldn’t be making it.

For others, generating just £1,000 a month extra sounds impossible, but it can be done.

Very often, earning larger amounts of money with ease is more about finding systems or selling products which give you a higher return on your time or the money you invest.

Only yesterday I was reading about a guy who makes an extra £2,000 a month building and selling websites which take as little as ten hours of his spare time.

That’s total time.

Each website takes an hour to build and he sells them for £200 each.

He builds and sells ten websites a month.

That’s just ten hours of work each month… ten hours of his spare time generating £2,000.

Who wouldn’t want to make £2,000 for ten hours work?

If website building isn’t for you, there is another simpler way to make money selling digital assets which you buy for £7.50 and sell on for a £75+ profit.

The actually buying and selling process is managed by other people online.

You do not touch anything.

There is nothing to be delivered; it is all done online.

If you would like to know more click the link below.


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… This is one of the simplest methods we have seen in recent years where you buy a simple digital asset and then sell it to someone else for a huge £75+ profit.

And you can get started today for as little as £7.50!

Here’s that link again.                 


What The Plight Of The Ukrainian Refugees Forced Me To Think About!

If there is one thing which the Russian invasion of Ukraine has reminded me is that at a moment’s notice, you can lose everything.

Thanks to the ego of the psychotic megalomaniac next door, millions of innocent Ukrainians have had to flee their homes and their country.

It was forced upon them… they had no choice.

Women and children have been forced to focus on survival while the men have been forced to stay behind to fight and defend their homeland.

The lives they once enjoyed is no more. Nothing will ever be the same again.

It’s an absolute disgraceful affair.

You’d have thought that by now we had grown out of that old tribal and archaic mentality. Fussing over borders and national identities is so last century.

But it seems that over the last few years, mankind is being dragged backwards by the regressive opinions of a few selfish individuals clinging to power that they either stole or never actually experienced.

Wetherspoon’s day drinkers banging on about the blitz and the British Empire springs to mind.

Anyway, I don’t want to talk too much about the state of the world or the regressive politics that decent people are currently forced to deal with.

This email is to talk about a couple of the things the crisis in Ukraine has forced me think a lot about… things which I think people here in the UK really need to consider.

Although I highly doubt that the UK is going to experience events that Ukraine is currently dealing with… there is always the possibility.

But it’s not just war that can cause instant changes to a person’s life.

The World Can Be A Dangerous Place!

The Covid pandemic of the last couple of years has also been devastating and destructive to many families.

Changes to climate have caused weather which has resulted in flooding and landslides which too have destroyed people’s homes, families and livelihoods.

What the war in Ukraine and the Covid pandemic have taught me is this…

People need a second income stream which is online… and they need a second online bank account like PayPal or Monzo.

Before you say… ‘What’s the point? Without power both are useless!’

I am fully aware that the power has been cut off in parts of Ukraine and that online and global platforms can also be closed to specific countries as we have seen with the global response to Russia’s actions and the sanctions imposed on the country.

The point is this…

There are over 2 million Ukrainian refugees who are now in foreign countries; many without a way to earn money.

If they have their bank cards with them they could maybe withdraw the money from their accounts as long as the global banking network keeps connected to the Ukrainian banks, but without a way to earn money, those bank accounts will soon empty.

Without a way to replace their income, the money will run dry.

People were forced to flee with very little so I doubt a salon owner with children took the contents of her salon with her.

These refugees are forced to use whatever money they have and rely on the handouts and kind donations of the people and governments of the countries they were forced to seek safety in.

As I watched the people of Europe rush to help the Ukrainians by opening their homes to them and donating food and clothing, another form of ‘donating’ emerged… one which is inspiring!

Helping Ukrainians Through Their Online Businesses

There has been a call to help Ukrainians who have ‘online’ business by buying from them.

People have gone to platforms like Etsy, searched out Ukrainian sellers and ordered digital download products which they don’t need as a way to pass money onto those individuals who need it.

People have gone to Fiverr and ordered gigs from Ukrainians to pass work to them so that they can earn money while they are displaced.

Some people have even gone to websites like Airbnb and booked Ukrainian holiday homes that they have no intention of going to… homes which are likely to have been destroyed.

People from all around the world have been able to pass money directly to the people who need it most.

With many of these platforms being linked to banks such as PayPal, Ukrainians have access to money which they can use to buy items or even pay their way a little when living in the homes of kind locals who have taken them in.

Thanks to the changes to the border controls because of Brexit, supplies and donations from kind Brits are taking ages to get to where they are needed.

Brits who want to drive to Poland and offer a home to families, like many of our European friends have, can’t because of the government’s decision to not open the doors to them.

So the best and quickest way to offer help and support is to send them money directly through these online platforms.

Because people are buying their items or passing work to them online, many Ukrainians are able to buy food, clothing, medicines and pay for shelter for their families.

And it is this that has made me aware of why I think people need to have at least one way to make money online.

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This is no longer about the benefits of having a second income and how ‘nice’ it is to have extra money coming in on autopilot while you sleep… this is now a necessity.

When the Covid pandemic hit the UK and lockdowns were imposed, we were able to make money because we made several of our popular products digital.

While the office was unmanned people were able to buy products from us, and they were able to access and download those products from anywhere in the world.

Payments were processed automatically and products were delivered without human hands touching them.

We made money without actually working.

I’m not saying that this is a failsafe solution.

It wouldn’t be any good in a complete global economic collapse or the collapse of infrastructure or society, but it is a fantastic back-up system when things do go wrong.

Having an online income stream is great when times are good because you are making extra money but when times are hard and desperate, it can be a life saver… literally.

People Need Money

Society has been built that way over hundreds of years, it won’t change overnight and so it is imperative that you find a way to earn money when life really slaps you hard.

In the blink of an eye you can…

  • Lose your job.
  • Become poorly.
  • Lose your home.
  • Lose a loved one.
  • Forced to care for a sick relative.

You could easily find yourself in a position where you are struggling financially.

I sincerely hope that you are never in the same position that so many people around the world find themselves in today due to war.

Britain is a stable nation despite the huge social and political divide, so for us the fear of being bombed out of our homes and being forced to flee is quite slim.

But as we have seen in Ukraine, it’s not always your own people you need to worry about.

You only need one nightmare neighbour and your life can be turned upside down.

Is it time that you gave yourself a back-up safety net in the form of an online income stream?

It is possible to have a fully automated passive income system online within 30 days.

A system which processes payments for you, delivers the product for you and deposits the money into your bank for you.

You need not do anything ‘physical’ once the system is set up… other than share it with people.

To learn how to build your own fully automated passive income system; go to:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… People can buy digital products from your fully automated passive income system at any time of the day. When you have one digital product live online, add another to your system… and another.

Here’s that link again:


Forced To Sing On The City Streets To Supplement His Pension

One Sunday while enjoying a quiet wander through the city centre of Wakefield with my wife, our ears were suddenly assaulted by the sound of loud screaming and wailing.

Concerned that someone was being mugged, we quickly spun round to see if we could offer assistance only to be greeted by the sight of a pensioner using a karaoke microphone and speaker system belting out ‘Hit Me Baby One More Time’ by Britney Spears.

This was a male pensioner I may add.

Fortunately for the people of Wakefield, he was not wearing a school girl’s uniform like Britney does in the music video.

It Was Terrible

If you have ever seen Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer’s Club Singer sketch from Shooting Stars, it was like that… but worse.

To refresh your memory or if you have never seen it before, here’s a video of the Club Singer sketch:

Imagine the Club Singer trying to sing while being beaten by a gang of youths with bricks.

It Was THAT Bad!

At one point the wife turned to me and said ‘Go give him a few pounds.’

I said ‘I’m not paying for that, he’s rubbish!’

She replied with, ‘It’s to shut him up! Give him a few pounds and ask him to stop.’

As we stood there cringing to the off key wailing our ears were being forced to listen to, I couldn’t help but wonder why he was stood in the city centre crooning songs by bands like Madness and Britney Spears.

I’m sure there were many more artists he was covering but either I couldn’t work out what he was singing, or my mind has buried the memories to protect my sanity.

It might be that he enjoys singing and wants to share his ‘gift’ with the world…

It might be that he has an ego issue and craves attention and admiration…

But the fact that he had a hat laid out to collect donations tells me otherwise.

Here is a man who is in his late 60s, possibly early 70s, stood in a city centre on a Sunday trying to earn some extra money to supplement his pension.

Uncertain Times Ahead!

With rising energy costs and council tax hikes, many people are facing uncertain times, especially many of the older generations.

I am not going to knock him for trying. I admire the fact that he decided not to simply ‘beg’ for money and instead wanted to ‘exchange’ money for something which he was doing.

He chose to entertain people – if you can call it that – and earn his money.

That itself has to be applauded.

It is a very courageous thing he was doing… I just hope that he didn’t actually mind doing it.

For many people, having to stand up in front of complete strangers and do something which they are not comfortable doing or not good at, can be painful as well as undignified.

Putting aside that this old guy was bad at singing and was inflicting more pain than pleasure on the poor people of Wakefield, I believe life has forced him to stand on the streets singing for money just so that he can make life a little more bearable.

That Is Not Good

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To be living your twilight years in fear of not being able to afford to simply exist is no fun at all. It is something to be avoided at all costs.

It Can Be Prevented…

Or at the very worse, there are ways where you can supplement your pension without having to stand out in the cold and rain for several hours being ridiculed by teenagers for a few pounds.

I can’t imagine he went home with more than enough to buy a coffee or two. He certainly wasn’t going home with a pocket full of notes.

I imagine that this old guy doesn’t know what is possible today and decided to try and make some extra money the only way he knew how… standing in the street shouting.

There Is No Need To Suffer The Indignity

Had he known what was possible today, he could have been making money from the comfort of his own home without suffering the cold or embarrassment.

As an example, he could use a website like Fiverr and get paid £4 (£5 minus £1 fee) for writing simple 300 – 500 word articles.

Many writers charge more.

I don’t know how good he is as a writer or whether he has a decent laptop, tablet or smartphone, but the people who are paying £5 for an article are not looking for the best quality.

I personally believe that most people could earn more in a day writing for Fiverr clients than they can belting out karaoke versions of cheesy pop songs in city centres.

If offering a service such as writing and proofreading is not for you, then there are plenty of ways to make money using just your phone.

One such way is to scalp money from sporting events or the financial markets.

Our friend Kate, the treadmill tycoon, is a scalper. She uses her phone to scalp profits from the markets each morning.

Kate trades for roughly half an hour most mornings while she works out in her home gym and earns between £1,250 and £1,500 per month.

That’s got to be a lot better than being forced to sing for your super on a cold street each Sunday hasn’t it?

I thinks so anyway.

To learn more about Kate and what she does to generate up to £1,500 per month, go to


Kind Regards.

John Harrison

PS… Did I mention the £1,250 – £1,500 per month Kate earns is TAX FREE?

Here’s that link again:


Hot Dogs, Sausage Rolls And Dirty Jumpers

Photo by Thirdman from Pexels

A couple of weeks ago while walking through the town centre, I saw several people carrying armfuls of stuff from a large van into a shop. From what I could see, they had taken over the lease and were preparing to open up the shop as a café-come-shop.

You know the type, the ones which are mostly a café but have shelves of tat for sale dotted around the sides.

The hand scrawled cardboard sign in the window informed the passersby of the name and open date for the new café-come-shop.

It looked a mess.

But with them carrying stuff into the shop and setting up, that’s forgivable… I mean, they are setting up, it’s not open day… it will look a lot better on open day, won’t it?


My wife walked past the other day and the café-come-shop is now open… and it looks just as bad as the day they were setting up.

Even the hand scrawled sign was still in the window.

I get the feeling that this was a business set up by chancers with no funds, chancers who had the ‘good’ idea to open up a café and a shop.

They couldn’t decide which to do, so they went with both.

It works for IKEA, so why couldn’t it work for them?

But unlike IKEA who spend millions on their stores, these guys spent no time or money on new signs, furniture or shelving.

Basically, it looked like a charity shop which sold a few sandwiches.

Actually, that is rather unfair on charity shops today, they spend a lot of money on their branding and shop frontage… and so they should.

If something doesn’t look ‘the part’ or doesn’t look ‘right’ in anyway, it will kill off your chances of success right from the get go.

Another example of this would be when Andi went to the local Sunday car boot market which is held on a former World War Two airbase. It used to be one of the biggest in the country and so every Sunday it would attract thousands of people.

As you know, people get hungry and they like to eat and drink so the car boot would also attract several food vendors.

Chips, burgers, jacket potatoes, fish and chips, you name it, there was a van selling it.

Andi recalls that the day he went, there was a battered old red transit van there with three ‘dirty dodgy’ looking guys – his words not mine – trying to sell hot dogs cooked on a camping stove set up on a rickety camping table.

They too had a hand scrawled cardboard sign saying something along the lines of “Hot dogs, £1.00”.

They were selling hot dogs far cheaper than any of the other stalls.

The reason Andi said they were dirty is that they were dirty.

Their attire was muddy wellies, jeans covered in mud and oil and they were wearing jumpers or jackets which too needed a good wash.

As soon as Andi and his good lady clapped eyes on the makeshift food stall, their reaction was more of repulsion than attraction.

They did not rush over to buy the bargain hot dogs… well Andi wouldn’t anyway, he doesn’t eat meat like us normal people.

I cannot fault their entrepreneurial spirit. They went and set up a stall selling something that people wanted at a price which was better than the competition.


People were put off at the fact that they didn’t look like they were:

  1. Clean – Hygiene is incredibly important for people when they are buying food.
  2. Legally compliant – They can undercut prices if they are not paying for insurances and certificates. And if they aren’t prepared to do what’s ‘correct and legal’ what else are they prepared to NOT do? Like wash hands and equipment taking us back to point 1.

The way their makeshift stall appeared to the people at the car boot raised more questions than ‘Mavis, do you want a hot dog?’

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Very few people looked at the stall and just thought ‘Ohhhh, hot dogs, they look good’.

They looked at it and promptly walked past it as fast as they could preferring to pay an extra pound or two at the other food vans which looked… well, like actual food vans.

The same thing will happen to this new café-come-shop.

They simply do not look the part.

Yes, they may appeal to a few people. Those who have very little spare money and can only afford £0.50 for a cup of tea and need a natter to lift their spirits.

The kind of people who want to buy a pair of shoes for fifty pence from Oxfam and moaned when Mary ‘Queen of Shops’ Portas insisted that charity shops should increase their prices so that they can raise more money for good causes.

Those are not the type of people which keeps a business running.

Most people will walk right past that café-come-shop and pop into Costa Coffee and pay £2.50 – £3 for a coffee and possibly £4.80 for a sausage roll.

Yes, you read that right… Costa Coffee are – at time of writing – trialling the sale of food from Marks and Spencer’s and currently an M&S sausage roll costs £4 to take out or £4.80 to eat in.

That might be a price too far when you can walk a few metres further up the street (or across the street) and buy a sausage roll from Greggs for a pound or so.

Anyway I digress, that is a discussion for another day…

But the point stands, if your company or business doesn’t look the part in any shape or form, people will take their money elsewhere.

It’s called professionalism… or in this case, the lack of.

Looking scruffy and having a messy workplace doesn’t mean that you personally cannot deliver a decent service or supply properly cooked tasty food, but it will minimise the amount of people who will give you a chance to prove it.

Fortunately, when it comes to making money from home, your appearance and professionalism is unimportant.

You can sit on your sofa in your pyjamas with toast crumbs around your chops and still make money.

There are many ways to make money today from home where you are completely anonymous. No one needs to know who you are or what you look like.

You only need to focus on making money. All of the other problems and concerns offline businesses have to deal with do not matter to you in the slightest.

Take Roger Blake for instance, he turns £7.50 into a huge £75+ profit without ever leaving his home and without anyone actually knowing who he is.

No one speaks to him directly online or offline.

Yet they spend over £75 to buy from him something they need which he paid only £7.50 for.

And he does that from home at a time that suits him because the actually buying and selling process is managed by other people.

If you would like to know more click the link below.


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… This is one of the simplest methods we have see in recent years where you buy a simple digital asset and then sell it to someone else for a huge £75+ profit.

And you can get started today for as little as £7.50!

Here’s that link again.                 


I See Huge Potential With This

While reading a few articles online this morning I was struck with a business idea which I think could be implemented quite quickly.

This business would grow by leveraging other people’s work and ‘egos’.

As with everything in life, there will be some investment required, but I believe that done right, this will start to see a return quite quickly.

As we know, people love to make extra money and they prefer if it wasn’t hard work either.

They also like to be seen by other people as being ‘good’, ‘important’, ‘special’, ‘clever’, ‘right’ and many other ‘ego boosting’ opinions.

This business model leverages those two points.

The focus of this business idea is ‘other people’.

Other people will benefit from this business.

Other people will provide the product of this business.

Other people will share and grow this business.

So what am I thinking about here?

I am suggesting that you start a website where you pay people £5 (or more) to write articles for you.

The website could focus on a specific niche or it could simply be about anything and everything.

As I sat reading the articles online this morning, it dawned on me that several of these writers were being paid by the website which made money from showing adverts and charging people a monthly subscription fee.

One of the articles I read explained how one guy was making £80+ each day through his website from advertising revenue using the Google Adsense network.

In that article he said that you needed a steady flow of content and that the money he was making was due to the fact that he had several hundred articles on his website.

As always, this got me thinking.

If you were to pay people £5 to write and publish one short article per day to your website, you will have 365 articles after one year.

The cost of that would be £1,825.

That is not an upfront cost, that is the cost after one year and if you have set things up correctly, you would be earning money back from the website itself before then.

There is an upfront cost of roughly £150 for the website which is for two years. That is a cracking price when you consider what you can earn from it.

You should request – stipulate – that the people who write for you share the articles they write across their own social media platforms.

Most people will anyway because of ‘ego’. They want to be seen and noticed for their work. It’s basic human nature.

If you have seven different articles written in one week by seven different writers, you have seven people who are sharing their articles which are on your website.

In a nut shell, you have seven people sharing your website with other people.

According to Google, the average American has 634 connections online across several social media platforms. That number will be echoed around the world.

That means that the seven writers who published content on your website would have a potential 4,438 connections that could be exposed to your website.

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I’m not saying that this is 100% accurate and exactly how it will play out but you can see where I am going with this.

The people who you pay to write articles on your website are adding content and sharing the content with their friends and family.

Imagine that over the course of a year you have 100 different writers contributing to your website. Those 100 writers could have a potential pool of 63,400 connections that they can send to your website.

£5 is not a lot so you may not get the best writers in the world, but you may get some decent writers who simply want to make some extra cash without a lot of hassle.

This could be ideal for young writers wishing to get some exposure and experience at writing for other people.

You could always pay more if you wished.

Now, the object of this is to start making money back from your website as soon as you can.

Once you have a steady stream of content going onto your website and a growing stream of website visitors, you should apply for one of the many advertising networks – Google AdSense, MediaVine, Outbrain, Taboola – so that you can monetise the content.

At first you may make a few pennies a day. Then you’ll make a pound or two which will then lower your content cost from £5 to £4 or £3.

Income will grow until the website is paying for itself and then after that, it will be making more money than what you are paying out for content.

Once it gets to that stage you can then either pay writers more to get better content or increase the content from one article a day to several so that there is more content to be shared and read.

The more content you have on your website means more page views which means more advertising revenue generated.

Don’t forget, there are other ways to generate money from a website too. You could charge people to access specific content or sell digital products such as eBooks.

Some websites charge a monthly subscription to access all the content without having adverts flashing at them.

When it comes to running a successful website, publishing content regularly and having it shared by other people across the free social networks like Twitter and Facebook is very often the key.

A website is nothing without content or readers.

This idea addresses both. You have content being published each day and those writers – and you – are sharing that content across social media.

Some writers may not want to share the content they write, if they don’t, don’t use them again… unless their content was great.

To avoid that problem, it may be a good idea to focus the content of the website on a specific topic which people love. The type of people who will happily write about it and share what they write.

To be paid to write about something they love to talk about is a big bonus for some people.

As you will know by now, I always recommend building an email list, that and sell a digital product or two.

You can do both when you have your own website. And as I said early, a website can cost as little as £150 for two years. It’s not much compared to what you can earn back.

So there you have it… a complete business idea which I know will make someone a lot of money… could that somebody be you?

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… To learn how to build a website fast ideal for the above business model and grow an email list alongside it; go to:

The Email Secret

PPS… If you think writing emails is hard, if you use the business idea laid out above, you will have a whole website full of content that you can use in your emails making the whole process a lot easier!