Giving a unique twist to an established product or service can often give a competitive advantage. That’s the thinking behind Toronto based film event Mise, which provides guests with an entire menu of dishes, inspired by meals eaten by the film characters themselves.
The company aims to give viewers an additional sensory aspect to their experience of films. The first event offered a four-course meal featuring dishes from the 1996 film Big Night, which follows the story of two Italian brothers running a falling restaurant in the USA.
As the characters on screen wash down a tomato consommé and antipasto sandwich, the audience gets to do the same. So far, Mise has created a menu for both Big Night and the Steve Martin film Planes, Trains and Automobiles, and more events are in the pipeline.
Is this an idea you could copy in your own location? Can you think of anything else that you could pair up with a film to make an enhanced experience for customers?
Quote Of The Day
“He who is not courageous enough to take risks, will accomplish nothing in life.”
Muhammad Ali
Money Statistics…
. Two-thirds of all US$100 bills are held outside the US.
. The first paper money was made in China over 1,000 years ago.
. The first coins were minted around 2500 years ago.
. In 2011, Americans spent around US$61.4 billion on their pets.
. More Monopoly money is printed each year than actual money.
. In 1920, credit cards were first used in the United States.
. The International Space Station is the world’s most expensive object
ever built at US$150 billion.
. The first Bitcoin transaction was to buy a pizza for 10,000 Bitcoins.
. McDonald’s makes about US$75 million per day.
. Pablo Escobar had enough cash that rats ate almost $1 billion of his
money each year.
. Apple earns US$300,000 per minute.
Today’s National Day
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Streetwise Publications