Tag Archives: Streetwise Bulletins

Need More Money? Don’t Delay, Start Today!

When is the best time to start growing your pension pot?

When you are young?


The week before you are about to retire?

I know what you are thinking; ‘it’s a bloody daft question, why are you asking this?’

It is a daft question because the answer is obvious, you should start to grow your pension pot when you are young and physically capable, and do not need the money.

Although that last statement might not be so accurate today.

Sadly, many youngsters are struggling to afford to live in the present and so they don’t have much money available to put aside for a pension.

However, the fact remains, to enjoy a decent sized pension pot in the future; you need to start growing it in the past.

And this rule applies to most things in life and not just pensions.

Anyone who decides to master a specific craft or skill set needs to start as early as possible so that they can enjoy the results of their skills later.

There is always a transitional period between the start of something new and being able to enjoy the results.

It is for this reason that I suggest that anyone who decides that they want to do something specific, even if it is just to try something new; they should get started as soon as possible.

Every day you put off starting, pushes the rewards a day further into the future.

Every year that passes and you have not started learning or doing the thing you want to do, means that you are going to have to wait another year to enjoy the spoils that comes from mastering that new skill or system.

Time waits for no one.

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Going back to the idea of growing a pension, do you know what the best pension is?

Being wealthy.

Obviously, the more money you have, the better the quality of life you can enjoy when you get older.

A pension is an income to help you when you retire, but if you amass more money than the average person then you already have a decent pension pot… unless you spend it, that is.

The next best pension is to have a passive income.

To be earning money from an investment of any kind while not actively working, is incredibly freeing and gives you a wonderful feeling of security and peace of mind.

Another great pension is to have a set of skills, know-how, or a system to make money that you can dip into at any time that makes money with very little effort.

A perfect example of that is The Z15 Profit System that Dan Edwards uses to make a substantial amount of ‘pocket money’ from trading football matches.

Unlike gamblers who spend their days betting on games and waiting (and hoping) for a specific team to win, Dan doesn’t care which team wins, all he cares out about is getting in and out fast and scalping a profit from the thousands of pounds that gamblers have put into the markets.

What Dan does is something that anyone of any age can do, and they can do it as much or as little as they want.

People looking for a little extra pocket money can drop onto this every now and then, and those who want to make a lot of money can do this as many times as they want each day and build up a big bank of profits.

Dan uses this like a pension; he trades often resulting in him growing his bank each and every day.

He started small, a bit like the first £5 paid into a pension plan, and as the winnings mounted up and his money pot grew, he was able to make bigger trades resulting in bigger wins

The more money he makes, the more he can trade, the more he trades, the more money he makes.

The actual system is so simple, it can take five minutes to understand and master… yet it will give you the edge over 90% of the people who place bets on football games.

Click the link below to discover more:

The Z15 Profit System

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS…Just like a pension, making smaller regular amounts will grow into larger amounts of money.

Far too many people want ‘the big fast win’ but soon become disappointed and despondent when they don’t get it.

And while they are bemoaning their luck and feeling sorry for themselves, those people who are constantly making regular small amounts of money are flying past them and growing their wealth.

To discover more, click the link below:

The Z15 Profit System

Delivering Takeaway Food For Money Is Losing You Thousands Of Pounds!

Yesterday, I was told that the daughter of a close friend had started a second job delivering Indian food in the evening to earn some extra money.

She was paid £45 and given a free meal.

Apparently she enjoyed the job, she enjoyed the extra pocket money, and being a huge fan of Indian food, she enjoyed her free meal.

I am told that she is going to carry on doing it.

I have to praise her work ethic… to a point.

It is good to see that she is willing to work for her money.

She isn’t sitting around and expecting others to pay her way through life.

She is a willing grafter, which is good.


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She is working long days which can be incredibly tiring.

She works a 9 to 5 job and hardly gets much time to herself before starting her evening delivery shift at 6pm.

In that hour, she needs to take her dog for a walk too.

It’s going to be hard to keep up for a long period of time.

Still, she will enjoy the money each week.

She is doing two nights which means that she is earning an extra £90 a week which is a rather decent £360 a month on top of her quite decent monthly wage from her 9 to 5 job.

I believe she spent around £7 in fuel that night, but she was given a free meal which is worth around £10 so even if you take the fuel costs out of her earnings for the night, she has saved money by reducing her food costs.

Her free meal was taken to work the following day.

As I say, I cannot criticise her for doing the delivery job, it will pay for treats and holidays, but it is quite sad that there are younger people who still turn to these kinds of jobs because they do not see the opportunities of the online world.

My friend’s daughter spends most of her spare time scrolling through social media, and watching videos on Tik Tok.

Apparently, she is really enjoying Pinterest at the moment.

Before starting to write this article, I quickly scanned through an article from a woman who claims to be making around £22,035 per month creating ‘viral’ content for Pinterest.

I also saw an article from another woman who was sharing the fact that she had sold over 300 copies of her new eBook which showed people how she was making thousands of pounds on TikTok, and included a detailed case study showing how she had made £58,762 in one year using the platform.

The eBook was priced at £18 and so 300 copies would mean that she has made £5,400… but she has sold over 300 and could be well on her way to hitting 400 copies sold.

When she hits 400 copies sold, she will have generated a rather decent £7,200. That is on top of the money she makes from TikTok too.

The reason I am telling you this is that here are two women who are making money from the comfort of their own homes, creating content that they are either sharing or selling online.

And they are not making just a few pounds here and there; they are making tens of thousands of pounds from their online digital empires.

The question remains; why isn’t my friend’s daughter doing the same?

The answer to that is a combination of…

  1. She is a habitual consumer of entertainment.
  2. She doesn’t really know anything about these opportunities (probably because what she consumes is entertainment and not information).
  3. She doesn’t really know how to start something and stick with it until it is earning.
  4. She doesn’t understand the concept of doing something once and profiting from it multiple times over a long period of time.

Sadly, my friend’s daughter is a person who seems to think that to make money you have to exchange an hour of your time doing something specific for it.

On the surface, she may know that people make money doing things which are not paid for by the hour, but she doesn’t understand it fully.

She may also have acted on impulse.

She may have seen the Indian restaurant advertising for a delivery driver and knowing that she could do with the money, thought to herself ‘I could do that!’ and so decided to give it a go.

I mean… it’s not difficult. You carry a bag to the car, drive a short distance, carry the bag to a door and hand it over and take payment. It’s easy as far as ‘work’ goes.

But there is so much more money that could be made from that time spent delivering food.

I just hope that my friend can convince her to at least stop and look at what opportunities there are for her online.

There are many stories of people who have replaced their day jobs because they were earning more money selling digital products online.

People from all walks of life and from all corners of the world have created incredibly lives for themselves because they decided to build an online income.

Money comes from selling multiple copies of (or access to) a single product.

Sell multiple products and you can be making a lot of money each month.

Instead of driving around for four to five hours for just £45, you could spend four to five hours crafting content which will generate several thousand pounds… which is a far better use of your time, don’t you agree?

Here’s a brilliant online opportunity that you can start today for FREE and do from virtually anywhere in the world (North Korea might be a problem, though).

You create and publish simple content which you get paid for multiple times.

Click the link below to discover more:

The EASIEST Way To Start A PROFITABLE Newsletter!

Newsletters are one of the easiest ways to make money online today.

People love to read and they love to learn, and newsletters deliver great content directly to people’s phones.

The best thing about online digital newsletters is that you can publish one from wherever you are in the world. It is an easy way to make money that you can take with you on your travels.

To learn more, go and watch the video now.

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… If you watch the video, you will see how easy it can be to create your own video newsletter and paid-for content.

Here’s that link again:

The EASIEST Way To Start A PROFITABLE Newsletter!

Why You Need To Pace Yourself If You Want Big Profits!

I recently read about a woman, named Joanna, who has the condition M.E. which prevents her from enjoying a ‘normal’ life.

Being wracked with pain and constantly being tired and fatigued, she struggles to do in a day what most people can do in a couple of hours.

M.E. robs people of their lives and leaves them with very little energy.

The Scottish doctor, Darrel Ho-Yen, first coined the concept that if energy was money, healthy people would have $100 to spend each day, and those with M.E. would have only $10.

M.E. affects people differently.

People who have it bad may only have $10 worth of energy per day, less severe sufferers may have a few dollars more to spend, but they will still have a lot less than a normal healthy person.

To this day, specialists do not know what actually causes M.E. although it has long been thought that it was a condition left over after a viral infection.

Long Covid is similar to M.E. and with it being a condition born from having the Coronavirus, it is adding credibility to the idea that M.E. is a hangover after a virus.

The reason I am telling you this is that Joanna manages her day by using a system called ‘pacing’.

Pacing is a way sufferers get the most out of their days by doing a little bit, then resting before their M.E. symptoms get too bad and take over.

They use the symptoms as a warning sign letting them know when it is time to stop and rest. If they don’t stop and rest, they can wipe themselves out and become laid up for days.

In the article she spoke about how it took four days to wash and scrub clean the balcony at her home.

Anyone without M.E. might have come home from a day’s work and done it in a couple of hours before sitting down for their evening meal.

The balcony floor was six tiles wide and quite long.

Because of her aches, pains and energy levels, she was unable to do the whole balcony in one go and so she focused on cleaning the floor in two tile strips which took her three days to complete.

She started by spending one day cleaning the low balcony wall, before moving onto the floor.

It took her four days to clean the whole balcony.

Getting it cleaned was a fantastic achievement for her and left her feeling good about herself for getting it done.

She’d rather not have M.E. and would prefer to be able to do the job in a couple of hours like other people, however, it is what it is and she has to manage the condition as best as she can.

What is important here, and the reason why I am sharing this story with you today, is that she gets things done by breaking them down into easier manageable tasks.

She doesn’t throw herself into a task and try to do it all at once, and then hit burn-out resulting in it not being finished.

She paces herself and takes necessary breaks to ensure that she has the mental and physical energy to complete the job, even if it takes days to do.

This is something that we can all learn from, even those of us who are healthy and have an abundance of energy, stamina, and mental clarity.

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Recently, we have published several new products which will make several thousand pounds in sales, possibly tens of thousands of pounds.

Those products are pretty simple to create and can change the financial situations of those who created them, but… very few people who start to create similar products actually finish them.

The reason for that is most people jump in and fail to pace themselves accordingly.

They start off strong with a fast sprint, but then they start to wane and eventually hit burn-out.

People start with a good intention of creating a product they can sell which could make them a lot of money, but because they have been at work, or busy with family or other commitments, they fail to consider that they need to have a plan to follow which will allow them to rest when necessary.

When people become tired and don’t get the necessary rest, they crash and then… they quit.

We all love to hear stories of people who worked a long 14 hour shift at work, then hit the gym for an hour, went home and had meal time with the family before reading a bedtime story to their children… and then… work until 2am writing a book or creating a product that eventually gives them financial freedom.

Those are powerful stories.

They are very inspirational and motivational.


They are also exceptionally rare.

They are more the exception than the rule.

The rule is that most people start something and then stop because they tried to do too much too soon.

There are loads of unfinished products and projects that could have been life changing, but because a plan was not followed, people hit burn-out and stopped.

Had they followed a plan and ‘paced’ themselves like Joanna, they would have finished their products.

If you have a product idea, break it down into easy-to-manage chunks, such as chapters in a book, and plan to work on those chunks or chapters over a set period of time.

I recall talking to a guy who had an idea for a product which he thought would require a small PDF guide, and around ten short videos.

Several years later, he still hadn’t finished it because he threw himself into it; he tried to do too much at once, hit burn-out, stopped, and never went back to it.

Had he made a plan that he would write a page or two of the PDF guide a day until it was finished, and then record one video per day/every other day until the whole project was finished, he could have enjoyed a lot of extra money over the last few years.

But he didn’t…

He had the idea, created a list of what the product needed, and then threw himself all in hoping to ‘knock it all out’ within a few days.

Had he not tried to ‘knock it all out’ fast, and instead decided to do it at a more of a dawdle pace, he would have completed it and banked the money he was hoping for.

Sometimes it pays to pace yourself and not rush.

As the saying goes, less haste, more speed.

This is a perfect example of the tortoise and the hare.

With there being 365 days in each year and it being at least three years since he had the product idea, he has had around 1,095 days to get the product finished.

But instead he wanted it done in five days or less which resulted in it not being done and him not earning a penny extra.

It’s ridiculous.

I often talk to people who tell me that they have had a great idea for a product or a project and then years later I ask if they ever finished it only to be told that they haven’t.

Either I am told that they didn’t have enough time, of that they started it but got distracted somehow.

When you take into consideration how many years have passed, they have had more than enough time to get it finished.

Pacing yourself by using a realistic plan will ensure that you get things done.

It’s better to take three months to do something even though you’d rather do it within a week, than look back several years later and wonder why you didn’t finish it.

If you cannot achieve things fast, be like Joanna, achieve them slowly. It’s better to achieve what you want than to not achieve it and be left with feelings of regret and frustration.

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS. Pacing yourself is vital when it comes to making money. Making smaller regular amounts will grow into larger amounts.

Far too many people want ‘the big fast win’ but soon become disappointed and despondent when they don’t get it.

And while they are bemoaning their luck and feeling sorry for themselves, those people who are constantly making regular small amounts of money are flying past them and growing their wealth.

And they do it by pacing themselves, and that is exactly what Dan Edwards does with his Z15 Profit System.

To discover more, click the link below:

The Z15 Profit System

Make Thousands Of Pounds Each Month As An Online Landlord

I’ve been mulling through an idea that I believe could work nicely as a way to make money.

That idea is… renting out websites.

I’ve been looking at a couple of market places dedicated to selling websites and there are a lot of websites listed which are already earning money each month.

One website I looked at was a website about starting a new life in Canada and it is earning on average $1,385 (£1,130 ATOW) per month. The price to buy this website is $38,780 (£31,720).

If you have the money spare, it would be a good buy… as long as you know how to maintain and manage a website like this.

Very often, websites like these are bought by people who are looking for an investment but don’t know what is actually required to keep the website profitable.

When a person doesn’t know what they are doing the website can die and lose its ability to earn, meaning that they can sometimes lose their investment money.

I was wondering if there was another way… a safer way that can actually be a winner for both parties.

The person who has built the website and grew it to the point that it was earning money, could potentially rent it out to people who are looking for a way to make money without the need of a large upfront investment.

Imagine that the owner of the Canadian website decided to rent it out to a person for £400 a month.

They make a steady £400 each month and keep ownership of the website so should the income dip, and the other person decides to stop renting, they can work on it again to get it back to earning money.

They could possibly rent it out again to someone new, pocket the income from the website themselves, or sell it for a profit.

The fact that the website is earning means that they clearly know how to make it earn money and so they should be able to do it again.

The person renting the website will also be making a decent £730 per month profit which is just shy of trebling their money.

That is a pretty good profit and that is pretty much guaranteed from day one.

Unlike starting a completely new business where you need to grow it from scratch, you are making a profit on your investment as soon as you start.

The great thing about renting a website is that you have the owner keeping an eye on it. They can give advice when it is needed and they can step in and help whenever there are problems.

I know what you are thinking… ‘why doesn’t the website owner just keep all of the £1,130 income the website makes each month?’

They could, but by having someone rent if from them who continues to add content to the website and promote the content on social media, means that they can work on other websites and still earn an income from that website.

Similar to owning real property like houses and retail units, the website owner can build a portfolio of properties to rent out.

They will earn money from their property, still keep ownership so that it can be rented again or even sold later.

If they build 10 rental websites all earning £400 per month in rent, they are earning a decent £4,000 a month.

They still own those websites and so should they want to take back full control, they can, and should they want to sell them for a large profit they can.

A person renting a website which is earning them an income may decide to buy the website later should the owner decide to sell.

For the owner, renting out websites means that they can cut back on the work required to run it and still make an income allowing them to focus on growing their portfolio.

A person who owns ten retail units could use them to make more money by opening up stores and selling items, or they can simply rent them to other people and leave them to do the work of trying to sell items for a profit.

With this, the website owner grows the website to a point where it is making a profit already and then rents it out to other people who basically pay to run it on their behalf.

I think this is a great idea.

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It is a great way of making money, and still having something that you can sell later or take back control of at a later date.

For the potential renter, the idea that they can rent a website that is already earning meaning that they can make a profit from the start is very appealing.

I chose £400 as a rental price out of the air. I think it is a fair price to pay for a website that is already making £1,130 per month which has the potential to make a lot more.

The fact that the website is already earning is appealing and that a renter will nearly triple their investment is surely going to find people who are interested in renting it.

There are variations to this idea which I think could work too.

A website that is not earning money could possibly be rented out in a similar way to an empty shop unit.

A website that is around a specific niche that already has content published with more content going on each month could be rented out to someone who wants to make money from that niche.

The content published could be seen as the fixtures and fittings such as shelves and display units in a retail unit.

The person renting will add their own products or services to the website as a way to make the money, the pre-published content helps draw people to the website.

£47 to £97 per month would not be too much to ask for a website like this.

Not when you consider that people used to pay – and probably still do – similar amounts to Network Marketing and Multi Level Marketing programs and have nothing of their own to show for it when they eventually cancel.

At least with a website that has unique content and its own branding, you are not trying to compete with the other hundreds of websites that are all trying to add people to the same network.

For the person renting, the £47 to £97 per month rent pays for the hosting fees, the position of the website in the search results, for the ongoing content that is being written and published (optional), and the opportunity to have a place to sell products from or earn an income from advertising.

For the website owner, the £47 to £97 earned is for the previous work of creating and publishing content, and for any further content you may provide.

But, as with all services and products, you need to give the customer more in the way of value than what they pay you in money.

A person can build their own website at a cost of £125 for two years, so why would they want to pay you between £47 and £97 a month to rent one of your websites?

Unless your website is making money like the one in the first example, you have to deliver something that the person renting the website needs.

That could be supplying content each month or delivering a specific amount of monthly website visitors.

Let’s use content as an example:

Imagine for one minute that you had ten websites that you each rented out for £97 per month, you would be earning £970 and for that, you are creating new content to go onto each website.

The content could be 4 x 500 word articles per month which should take you no more than a couple of hours to create. You could pay someone on Fiverr.com to write it for you or even use ChatGPT to create the content for you.

This version requires you to create something for your money each month, but it doesn’t have to be a lot of content.

I know of one person who charges over £60 to write one 800-1,000 word email, with that in mind, a person paying you £97 for a website cannot expect too much in the way of new content each month.

When a person starts their own website from scratch, they will have no one visiting their website so if you had a website that had 5,000 or more unique monthly visitors, then you would have something that a person needs and would consider renting.

Without site visitors a website cannot make any money, and so if your website solves that problem, you have something people will happily pay for.

If a person with a series of eBooks and digital products pays you £97 per month to rent your website and make £194 in sales, they have doubled their money at least.

It may not sound like a lot, but from an investment point of view, that is a fantastic return.

Everyone says that if they could find a way to spend one pound and make two back, they would do it. This is pretty much a machine like that.

£97 in a bank will earn you virtually nothing, but if you were to pay £97 to rent a website that had 5,000 visitors looking for specific content, you should be able to at least double your money with sales of specific products.

A cosmetic surgeon, who charges thousands of pounds per procedure, would happily pay £97 or more to rent a website that has a lot of visitors each month looking for advice and information on cosmetic surgery.

They only need one or two new clients per month to make it worthwhile for them.

I believe that there is a lot of potential with this idea. Find the right people and provide them with the right online environment, and you could be on to a real winner.

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… If that sounds to you like too much hard work, maybe you should check out Dan Edwards’…

The Z15 Profit System

Dan doesn’t do hard work, he chooses simplicity… or rather it chose him.

He does a couple of quick checks to determine whether there is an opportunity for him to make money, and if there is, he takes it.

He is in and out fast. He doesn’t like to stick around for too long.

This is something that you can start today and can get started with just £100 and every penny that you make is 100% TAX FREE meaning that you get to keep every penny you make.

Here’s that link again:

The Z15 Profit System

An Online Income That You Can Start Within 1 Hour

Recently I shared with you an online business which was incredibly simple and fast to get started with.

It could take as little as 20 minutes to put together… an hour tops.

Well, today I am going to share with you another online business that can be created fast and is simple to run and manage.

It cost nothing to start, you can start today, you don’t need any special skills, and there is a huge amount of potential to scale it into a big profitable business.

The mechanics of this include those that were seen in the video here: Your First £1,000 Online.

The big difference here is that instead of promoting an affiliate product sourced from Clickbank, you are going to build a ‘monetised’ newsletter.

Before you start to panic, there is not going to be a lot of writing involved with this because you are going to be providing…

Curated Evergreen Content

What this means is that you are going to gather up interesting content (articles, videos, podcasts) on a specific ‘evergreen’ subject from other online sources, and share it with people who are interested in that subject.

For those of you who are not sure what evergreen means, it means a subject which does not go out of date fast.

For example, a few years ago I could have shown you how to make money by placing adverts in the back on newspapers, but today that method is all but dead for home based publishers.

Online pay-per-click adverts have replaced newspaper ads as a way to promote products to a larger audience.

Making money with newspaper adverts is not an evergreen subject.

Whereas losing weight is an evergreen subject as it is a biological process that happens to all humans… well, most humans. Some humans seem to be happy to override that function by constantly stuffing their faces with garbage.

Exercise is another evergreen subject.

Yes, techniques change, and new research may show that something that was once considered a good exercise or a good way to lose weight is not actually that good, but the subject itself is evergreen.

The good thing about new research and advancements in a subject is that it means you have plenty of new information to share with people.

The idea for this is that you build a list of people who are interested in a specific subject, and send them a newsletter with ‘curated’ content for them to read.

The information that you share is nothing more than a link to the source, with a small description of what the content is about (usually taken from the content itself) and the newsletter will be top and tailed with a few words from you.

The newsletter can be a daily, weekly, fortnightly, or monthly newsletter. You decide on how many newsletters you want to send.

The newsletter will be delivered as an email from Aweber (you can use other email services but Aweber is the one shown in the video).

You can set this online business up in just 5 simple steps and it can take as little as an hour to get up and running.

Here are the 5 steps:

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  1. Choose your evergreen subject.
  2. Open up an Aweber account and build the landing page.
  3. Source content and write a few emails.
  4. Promote your newsletter.
  5. Monetise your newsletter.

1 – Choose Your Evergreen Subject.

What subject and content would you like to provide and write about? (Remember, you don’t have to do a lot of writing unless you choose to.)

Popular subjects include business, finance, health & wellbeing, fitness & exercise, and sports.

There are many more too choose from. Your online newsletter can have a global readership and so even the smallest niche can have a decent amount of fans globally.

I dare say that a newsletter about model trains could have a large enough audience globally. It’s just a case of finding the right people.

2 – Open Up An Aweber Account And Build The Landing Page.

I recommend that you use Aweber as it is free to use for the first 501 subscribers (this includes unsubscribes if you do not delete them from the system) and allows you to build landing pages which they will host for you.

In the video here you will see how to build a simple and basic landing page in Aweber: Your First £1,000 Online.

Please Note: If you want to invest in your own website (which you should eventually as it allows you to do more and have more control) it can cost as little as £125 for 2 years if you use Siteground.

You can build a landing page with an Aweber opt-in form as part of a sales funnel on your website giving you more options to sell products and make more money.

With a website you can create a download page where people can access a PDF version of your newsletter. This download page can have extra product adverts promoting other products too.

3 – Source Content And Write A Few Emails.

Look online for content that your newsletter subscribers would enjoy and appreciate and add it to your email newsletter. Add the links and a little bit of a summary to explain what the specific content is about. You can usually copy a line or two from the original content for this.

The first email – the welcome email – will be received as soon as anyone signs up for your newsletter. You should introduce yourself and/or the newsletter in this email, thank them for joining, and tell them what kind of content they should expect to see in the newsletter.

Prepare several newsletters so that you are a month in hand allowing you to focus more on promoting the newsletter and building up the list of subscribers.

4 – Promote Your Newsletter

You need subscribers for your newsletter and so you need to promote your newsletter to those who are likely to subscribe.

As much as we would all love to have hundreds of people ‘find’ and sign up to our newsletter each day, it rarely happens without you having to ‘put it out there’.

There are billions of people worldwide using the internet each day, but very few will happen across your newsletter landing page without first being pointed towards it.

That is your job; you need to tell people about your newsletter, and to do that you need to go to those places where the people who would be interested in your newsletter hang out.

Go to Facebook and look for groups that are dedicated to your subject, join them and share you newsletter details. Each group will have different rules and so to avoid being banned, follow the rules of each group and promote your newsletter within their rules.

Use other free social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, and maybe even YouTube.

You could also look for similar newsletters and pay to have an advert placed in them.

5 – Monetise Your Newsletter.

There are two different types of newsletters; free and paid-for.

A paid-for newsletter is great as you get paid to send people information regarding a specific subject. The problem with a paid newsletter is that it is harder to get subscribers.

A free version will get more subscribers. The good news is that you can monetise your free newsletter doing one or more of the following:

  1. Promoting affiliate products.
  2. Including sponsored content.
  3. Paid-for banner adverts in the newsletter.
  4. Subscription for exclusive newsletter content.

Number 4 on the list is a trick that is used by a lot of newsletter owners to turn their free newsletter into a paid-for subscription newsletter.

The free newsletter gets people into the system and they are then offered either a better newsletter or a version without adverts that they pay to access.

Think of it like the free TV catch-up apps such as ITVX (formerly ITV Hub).

ITVX has a free version where you can watch all of the usual television shows and films but with a lot of advert breaks, or you can pay £50 a year to remove all adverts and get access to exclusive shows and films not available on the free version.

And guess what… a lot of people happily pay that £50 charge to access advert-free shows and exclusive shows.

People pay for what they like and they like a pain-free experience and a lot of people find adverts to be a pain in the rear.

To see how easy and simple it is to set up a landing page for a newsletter using Aweber, click the link below:

Your First £1,000 Online

Kind regards.

John Harrison

PS. Watch the free video and follow Andi as he creates a new online business in as little as 20 minutes.

That’s right, it can be as quick as that.

Here’s that link again:

Your First £1,000 Online

The Secret To Making A Lot Of Money Is…

When it comes to making money, people very often overcomplicate matters.

They go looking for the big flashy methods that they believe will give them a huge return fast and completely overlook the simpler methods that require very little effort.

People believe that if it is too easy to do or just too simple, then it won’t earn them a lot of money, which is quite interesting when you consider they spend a lot of time and effort trying to find a simple way to make a lot of money fast.

Maybe it has a lot to do with the saying ‘if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is’.

They want something simple, yet when it is shown to them they don’t believe it.

And so they go looking for something a little more complicated because making money is hard work, right?

It’s a behaviour which contradicts itself at every turn.

Look for something simple and easy to do that makes money fast… don’t believe it when it comes, go looking for something more difficult and complicated… hoping that it is simple and easy to do and will make money fast.

The truth is…

There are simple easy ways to make money.

Making money doesn’t have to be hard work.

A good example of this would be a guy who was at a business networking event and was asked if he knew someone who could supply written content for a website.

He did know a writer who could do the work, he could have passed on this person’s details, but he didn’t, instead he said that he could supply the written content.

A price was agree (after checking the ‘rates’ page on the writer’s website and then adding £100 on top), he then contacted the writer and asked him to produce the work.

The writer created the work and then sent it to his client who paid the writer and then forwarded it onto his client – the guy who he met at the business networking event – who then paid him.

£100 was made without having to do any writing.

All he did was take the order, pass it on to someone else to do the work, pass the finished work on and receive payment.

If that isn’t simple and easy, then I don’t know what is.

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That is the agency model, also known as the middleman business model.

It is simple in its approach.

Sometimes the simplest ways of making money are shunned because they don’t make as much per action as the person wants.

The guy who made £100 by hiring a writer to write content for his client made a fraction of what the writer earned, but he made it without having to do any work.

He simply took a fee for giving two people what they needed. One person needed written work produced, the other needed writing work.

£100 isn’t a huge amount of money… but if he does that five times each day, he will make £500 per day, £3,500 per week, and £14,000 per month (4 weeks).

That’s not bad is it?

It’s the smaller regular wins that usually build up to make the most money.

£10… £20… £30… they all add up to a larger amount. And the more regular wins you have, the more money you will make.

It’s more likely that a person who finds a way to make small £10 profits regularly, will make more money over the course of a year than a person who regularly spends £10 on lottery scratch cards and tickets.

Yes, there will be one or two who may get ‘lucky’, but on the whole, most people who spend money looking for the ‘big win’ will not be as successful as those who make small amounts regularly.

Take Dan Edwards for example, he makes small regular wins using Betfair and a simple football statistic that is overlooked by most people.

Dan keeps it simple.

He doesn’t like complicated.

He does a couple of quick checks to determine whether there is an opportunity for him to make money, and if there is, he takes it.

This is similar to making a small fee on someone else’s work… but without having to deal with people, which makes it even easier.

You are in and out fast.

To learn more about Dan and how he regularly makes money ‘stealing’ small fees from Betfair, click the link below:

The Z15 Profit System

Kind regards.

John Harrison

PS… You can get started with just £100 and every penny that you make is 100% TAX FREE meaning that you get to keep every penny you make.

Here’s that link again:

The Z15 Profit System

How To Build A Profitable Publishing Empire Using Just Your Smartphone

What I am going to share with you is perhaps one of the quickest and easiest ways to create profitable online content.

Publishing content online is a great way to make money… and when I say ‘content’, I am referring to anything that another person either reads, looks at, listens to, or watches.

So that means written articles, eBooks, videos, pictures, podcasts, lives streams etc.

This content can be anything.

It doesn’t have to be just information, it can be fiction, it can be interviews, or it can be pictures of something strange such as ‘feet’.

The point is… publishing content online can be incredibly profitable.

There are many ways to publish content online with numerous platforms to which you can publish different forms of content.

This is perhaps one of the easiest and fastest ways to create content which can be published to several different platforms such as YouTube, and Anchor.FM.

This method of creating content has you discussing specific topics of your choice by simply reading through other people’s content.

You create an audio/video recording which can be uploaded and added to several platforms. The main focus of this is YouTube where you can earn money from advertising revenue.

There are two ways of doing this:

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  1. Record yourself talking into a camera about a specific topic and upload it video to YouTube and then take the audio from the video and add it to podcast platforms as audio only.
  2. Record yourself talking into a microphone and add that audio recording to podcast platforms, then create a video by adding a few relevant images to the audio file using a video editing tool and upload the video to YouTube.

It can take a while to build a profitable YouTube channel and grow a following, but this is a fantastic way to create a lot of content with ease and speed.

Audio recordings can also then be split into a lot of short sound bites and made into videos that can be shared as ‘Reels’ and ‘Stories’ on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram to help grow the channel and following.

Audio can also be quickly transcribed into written text and turned into eBooks and articles as a way to create more profitable content.

The idea for this came after reading how one woman makes tens of thousands of pounds from watching YouTube videos.

She watches one or two popular videos a day, takes notes about what is talked about, and then creates a series of articles around that topic.

She also turns those articles into videos too which she shares on YouTube and other platforms.

What I am talking about here is doing something similar… but potentially easier and faster.

For this you will quickly read through one or two articles around the same subject creating a list of bullet points to talk about, then record yourself talking about those points for 20 or 30 minutes.

You could easily squeeze out several of these videos per day which you publish online over a week or two.

A new YouTube channel requires 4,000 hours of watch time and 1,000 subscribers before you can apply to join their partner program and make money from adverts shown on and around your videos.

This could take time to happen and so you do need a plan of action, but one of the best forms of action a person can take is to publish good quality and interesting content regularly and consistently.

The more content that you share, the greater opportunity there is for people to watch or listen to your videos.

It is easier to generate 4,000 hours of video views when you have 30 half hour videos published than if you just had 1 video.

Subject matter is important too. What you talk about can attract or repel viewers and listeners.

For example, talking about low-carb diets and why counting calories is a bad way to lose weight is going to attract more people than talking about brass rubbings.

Some subjects will appeal to more people than others.

Once you have 1,000 channel subscribers and your videos have 4,000 hours of watch time, you can apply to be a YouTube partner and earn money by having adverts shown on and around your videos.

Once you are a partner, every video you upload becomes a source of income.

Some may only make pennies; others could make thousands of pounds… maybe even tens of thousands of pounds.

The reason why I like this idea is that you are creating a simple information publishing business which will earn money through advertising revenue by simply talking about content that is right in front or your nose.

People have spent a lot of time writing articles and creating videos which you simply study for a few minutes and then talk about for 20 – 30 minutes.

You can have those articles open and scan through them as you talk.

What you shouldn’t do is read them out in full and try and pass it off as your own unique content.

If you want to read large swathes of someone else’s work or quote what they have said, at least name them and give them credit such as:

‘In his controversial article over on [website name], [name], said…’ and then read out what they published. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

However, when it comes to a subject, unless it is a new scientific theory or something that is so unique that it is associated to one person particularly, you can talk about it in your own words and not worry about it too much.

Talking into a microphone or a video camera is probably the easiest thing anyone can do because virtually all mobile phones today come with them as standard.

It’s just a case of opening up your camera on your phone and hitting record then talking about something specific.

You can do this in a quiet corner of your home or while relaxing in your garden.

It’s all incredibly simple.

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… Another incredibly simple way to build an online business is this:

Your First £1,000 Online

Watch the free video and follow Andi as he creates a new online business in as little as 20 minutes, yes, it can be as quick as that.

Combine that with what I have shared with you in this article and you could have a really profitable business.

When The Majority ZIG… You Should ZAG!

I’ll never forget the time when England lost on Penalties to Portugal in the EURO quarter final back in 2004.

Why shall I never forget it?

Because when Portugal scored a penalty, an unhappy England fan behind me threw his table into the air along with several pints of beer which resulted in those sitting in front of him, myself included, being drenched in cheap lager.

It’s safe to say… he wasn’t happy.

He was in an emotional state.

Emotions are what make us human.

They separate us from other animals… that, and the ability to make a conscious decision.

Ironically, emotions also prevent humans from thinking clearly and making good conscious decisions… such as realising that throwing tables and beers around in a bar is not a good idea…. I believe the table thrower was removed from the premises.

What really separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom is the ability to focus on what is happening right in front of our eyes and not allow ourselves to become ‘emotional’.

We have the ability to ‘see’ without reacting…but sadly, very few humans use that ability properly.

In fact, I’m sure that many people fail to realise that they can do it.

You only have to watch people to see how angry and wound up they get over situations and other people’s behaviour although it doesn’t affect them in the slightest.

That England supporter is a perfect example of that.

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England winning or losing that game would not have any bearing on his actual life whatsoever other than him deciding to feel good or bad about the result.

Far too many people get wrapped up in how they feel about a situation.

They don’t understand the correlation between what they think and how they feel and how what they feel can also affect what they think.

Hormones and chemicals also play a big part in how people ‘feel’ regularly, but that is a discussion for another day.

The saying know they self’ is a powerful saying, one which I think everyone should be told to think about more often.

People should really learn about how their bodies and minds work, and understand what really makes them ‘tick’ as individuals. It would certainly make their lives a lot calmer if they did.

This is what makes us human.

‘I think, therefore, I am.’

Enjoying pleasures and being happy makes for a great life, but people allow themselves to easily flip from good to bad too fast and far too often.

Football is a perfect example.

Every weekend millions of adult men and women become totally emotionally tied to a team’s performance for 90 minutes.

Those millions of fans win or achieve nothing personally, yet you would think that they did when you see how they react when ‘their’ team wins.

It gets worse when their team loses.

People have smashed up property, got into fights with others, and drenched me in beer, just because their team was losing or lost.

It’s madness!

The point is… when people become emotional, they don’t think clearly, and when they lose the ability to think rationally, they do silly things… like make daft bets dramatically pushing odds up and down to levels they shouldn’t be.

But this is good for the non-emotional smart trader.

When emotional fans start reacting to the game they are watching and start placing silly bets, the non-emotional trader reacts to what they see happening in the Betfair markets and they place smart bets which then lead to profits.

A non-emotional trader walks away with profits while the emotionally driven football fan loses money on bets they shouldn’t have made.

This is how Andy Peterson makes money… he watches the markets, he observes the fans behaviour, he sees what is happening with the games and he knows that he can walk away with a profit ‘stolen’ from fans who are that little bit emotionally un-stable.

Discover for yourself exactly what it is that Andy Peterson does by clicking the link below:

The Peterson Protocol

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… This is a perfect example of when the majority ZIG, you should ZAG and earn an easy £20,000+ a year in TAX FREE profits ‘stolen’ from emotional fans.

Here’s that link again:

The Peterson Protocol

Is This The Simplest Way To Make Money Online?

I remember a couple of guys promoting a way to make money online using Twitter (now called ‘X’) back in 2009 which was incredibly simple.

I wrote about a similar method not so long ago that uses Instagram.

I believe it to be the simplest way to make money online, but I am not going to say that it is the fastest… but it could be, it just depends on when you land the first sale.

It’s certainly the fastest and easiest way to start an online business… that is for sure.

So, let me explain exactly what this method is and what you need to do.

You are going to use one (or two) social media platforms to build a following (and an email list) around a specific subject, and then you promote related affiliate products to those people.

It’s incredibly simple to do.

  1. Go to Clickbank.com and look for products related to a specific niche such as ‘campervan conversions’, ‘tiny homes’, ‘Weight loss’, or ‘writing’.
  2. Open up a X (formerly Twitter) profile (and maybe Instagram) based around your chosen niche, and build a community around that subject by sharing pictures and information.
  3. Set up a free landing page using Aweber (personally I recommend having one on your own website) to collect email addresses.
  4. Set the opt-in form on the landing page to redirect those who have signed up to the sales page of an affiliate product.
  5. Promote more affiliate products to the people on the email list.

As you can see, once the system is set up, it really isn’t hard work to maintain… and setting the system up is easy too.

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All you will need to do is share ‘fun’ and ‘interesting’ content on social media and write a few emails each week.

Aweber allows you to build a simple landing page for free and you can do it by taking the headline from the sales page of the affiliate product that you redirect people to.

It keeps it all congruent.

You can create your own landing page with your own information saying something like… ‘Sign Up For Your Free Weekly Newsletter About XXXX’ etc.

I personally would suggest that you do that and then send an email to your growing list with extra information based on the niche you have picked.

That way people know they are getting extra information and not just being sent affiliate promotions.

I wouldn’t promote affiliate products on X or Instagram directly, I would do the promoting in the emails.

Use the social media platforms to build up a large following and funnel them through to your landing page where they sign up for your newsletter.

If you would like to learn more about this way of making affiliate sales using free social media platforms, click the link below:

Your First £1,000 Online

Kind regards.

John Harrison

PS. Watch the free video and follow Andi as he creates a new online business in as little as 20 minutes.

That’s right, it can be as quick as that.

Here’s that link again:

Your First £1,000 Online

Is Giving It All Away For Free The Answer?

Over the last couple of weeks there has been a big buzz about a webinar where a popular marketer gave away a lot of information AND then gave away his new book completely free.

I’m assuming that people paid the postage costs for the book, but I don’t know as I didn’t watch the webinar.

I’ve been watching the fallout online from that webinar.

People are saying that this has changed and revolutionised online marketing forever.

I am now seeing a lot of people talking about how they should be giving away ALL of their best information, such as knowledge and advice, for free.

I disagree with this.

And the reason why I disagree with this is that those who are saying that you should give everything away for free are missing the most glaringly obvious points which are:

1 – It is easy to give away everything when you have millions of pounds in the bank already like the chap who hosted the webinar.

When you don’t know where your next pound is coming from and you need the money, giving everything away for free is foolish.

2 – You can give all of the information away for free only when you have a follow up service or product which is where you will make money.

You will not make any money as an information publisher if you give it all away for free, but you will make money if you are agency that does specific work for clients.

For example, if you build websites for a living, you could give away videos and eBooks that teach people everything about building websites.

Some people may take that information and build a website themselves; others on the other hand, will take a look, think that it is too much like hard work and decide to hire you to build the website for them.

From what I can see, the guy who gave his book away along with a stack of business information during the webinar mostly buys up businesses that are making £1 million and grows them to make £10 million. That is how he now makes his money.

I don’t know for sure, but he may hire his team out to do that for clients. If he does, that is a premium done-for-you service that will cost tens of thousands of pounds.

He doesn’t need to make his money selling books.

It has been said that this is part of his master plan.

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By giving his book away for free which teaches people everything they need to know to grow a million pound business and have those people on his email list, he is cultivating a crop of businesses that he can buy in the future or sell his premium done-for-you services to.

So to be absolutely clear, you can only give EVERYTHING away for free (information wise) when you have a premium done-for-you service to sell… otherwise you will not make any money.

Unless you are selling a specific premium done-for-you service or have all the money you need in your bank, giving everything away for free simply means that you won’t make any money.

Yes, it is possible that you could give away everything for free and position yourself as an expert or become a popular influencer and get invited onto podcasts, radio & television shows, and be written about in magazines and newspapers which could result in paid media work… but that’s a long shot.

And if you don’t already have enough money to pay your living costs and put food on your table, you’ll end up broke real fast.

I absolutely agree that people should give useful and valuable information away for free

But it should be done as part of a plan to bring people into the business where they are offered products to buy.

Giving stuff away for free is a powerful way to grow a business… but if there are no paid-for products or services to follow it up, there is no business.

You are just a very generous person who gives stuff away for free. People will love you for it… but you will starve.

I suggest that you don’t give everything away for free, give some of it away and sell the rest.

I can assure you now, the guy who created a big buzz in the marketing world giving everything away for free didn’t actually give everything away for free.

He gave what he needed to give away as a way to grow his business even more, which is different for every business.

Start small and grow… and you can only grow when you are making money.

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… if you haven’t already claimed your two FREE copies of our popular newsletter, Streetwise Confidential, click the link below:

Two Free Copies Of Streetwise Confidential