When is the best time to start growing your pension pot?
When you are young?
The week before you are about to retire?
I know what you are thinking; ‘it’s a bloody daft question, why are you asking this?’
It is a daft question because the answer is obvious, you should start to grow your pension pot when you are young and physically capable, and do not need the money.
Although that last statement might not be so accurate today.
Sadly, many youngsters are struggling to afford to live in the present and so they don’t have much money available to put aside for a pension.
However, the fact remains, to enjoy a decent sized pension pot in the future; you need to start growing it in the past.
And this rule applies to most things in life and not just pensions.
Anyone who decides to master a specific craft or skill set needs to start as early as possible so that they can enjoy the results of their skills later.
There is always a transitional period between the start of something new and being able to enjoy the results.
It is for this reason that I suggest that anyone who decides that they want to do something specific, even if it is just to try something new; they should get started as soon as possible.
Every day you put off starting, pushes the rewards a day further into the future.
Every year that passes and you have not started learning or doing the thing you want to do, means that you are going to have to wait another year to enjoy the spoils that comes from mastering that new skill or system.
Time waits for no one.
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Going back to the idea of growing a pension, do you know what the best pension is?
Being wealthy.
Obviously, the more money you have, the better the quality of life you can enjoy when you get older.
A pension is an income to help you when you retire, but if you amass more money than the average person then you already have a decent pension pot… unless you spend it, that is.
The next best pension is to have a passive income.
To be earning money from an investment of any kind while not actively working, is incredibly freeing and gives you a wonderful feeling of security and peace of mind.
Another great pension is to have a set of skills, know-how, or a system to make money that you can dip into at any time that makes money with very little effort.
A perfect example of that is The Z15 Profit System that Dan Edwards uses to make a substantial amount of ‘pocket money’ from trading football matches.
Unlike gamblers who spend their days betting on games and waiting (and hoping) for a specific team to win, Dan doesn’t care which team wins, all he cares out about is getting in and out fast and scalping a profit from the thousands of pounds that gamblers have put into the markets.
What Dan does is something that anyone of any age can do, and they can do it as much or as little as they want.
People looking for a little extra pocket money can drop onto this every now and then, and those who want to make a lot of money can do this as many times as they want each day and build up a big bank of profits.
Dan uses this like a pension; he trades often resulting in him growing his bank each and every day.
He started small, a bit like the first £5 paid into a pension plan, and as the winnings mounted up and his money pot grew, he was able to make bigger trades resulting in bigger wins
The more money he makes, the more he can trade, the more he trades, the more money he makes.
The actual system is so simple, it can take five minutes to understand and master… yet it will give you the edge over 90% of the people who place bets on football games.
Click the link below to discover more:
The Z15 Profit System
Kind regards.
John Harrison.
PS…Just like a pension, making smaller regular amounts will grow into larger amounts of money.
Far too many people want ‘the big fast win’ but soon become disappointed and despondent when they don’t get it.
And while they are bemoaning their luck and feeling sorry for themselves, those people who are constantly making regular small amounts of money are flying past them and growing their wealth.
To discover more, click the link below: