Successful businesses fill a need and are often born from people being kind and helping others.
A perfect example of this is Spark Tutoring which is an online tutoring platform for primary and secondary school children here in the UK.
Spark Tutoring was set up by two teenagers, Tim and Emy, who while in six form at school, began to help the pupils below them with their GCSEs.
Tim and Emy gained straight 9s in their exams which I am told is the equivalent to A stars in the old A Levels.
Because of their age, students were able to relate with Tim and Emy in a way that they couldn’t with the usual teachers who were much older.
I learned about this after watching a video on Instagram of a woman whose daughter was being helped with her maths exams through Spark Tutoring.
The woman herself worked in a school and had been a teacher for 20 years and said that she was impressed at the way her daughter was learning.
This was down to her tutor being 19 and having just been through what her daughter was doing. There is a connection that exists between people of a similar age that cannot be replicated by people with a large age gap between them.
She said that her daughter’s tutor spent an hour tutoring her while she (the tutor) was on a boat on holiday.
This is what is great about teaching online, you can do it from anywhere at any time.
Lessons are an hour long with a free 15 minute ‘check-in’ call on a Sunday.
The tutor sets up a task board that the student can access at any time of the week.
The lessons are done via Google Teams.
It’s great to see two young teens running an operation like this. This came from them helping other students at their school who needed help with their exams.
It is a brilliant example of a need being fulfilled.
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I don’t know how much it costs for an hour’s lesson, although I did see a similar company online (oddly using the same business name) charging £35 for an offline lesson and £25 for an online lesson.
Incidentally, I saw a dog trainer offering training services at £30 an hour and so it seems that the going rate for most training and tutoring is between £25 and £35 per hour.
That’s not bad if you can find the work, and with people of all ages wanting to learn new skills and pass exams… every year… there is a lot of potential money to be made.
The average full-time employee here in the UK earns £13 an hour for working 40 hours a week. That gives a daily wage of £104 working 8 hours.
At £30 an hour, you can work 4 hours and still earn more money.
If you charge £35 or more an hour you work just 3 hours and still earn a full day’s pay.
If you can find enough clients, you can work as many hours as you can manage and make a decent amount of money.
The other option is that you charge as little as £5 an hour and tutor a group of people at the same time.
20 people paying you £5 is £100, which is not bad for an hour’s talk.
I know of a copywriter, named Colin, who regularly gives live tutorial talks and charges between £5 and £10 if people sign up fast and use a discount code otherwise they will pay over £50 to join his talks.
He records the tutorials he gives and so he recommends that the people who would like to join but can’t because they are busy, to pay the £5 or £10 because they will be sent the recording of the tutorial.
If Colin gets 100 people paying to join the talk or get sent the recording, he has made himself a nice £500 – £1,000 extra… all from giving one hour-long talk.
He does this regularly.
I am sure there is something similar that you can do too.
We have access to the tools and services we need.
Remember I said that the tutor was giving a lesson from a boat on holiday, she flipped open her laptop, logged into the software service they used and gave her tutorial.
The population here in the UK is over 67 million, out of that I am sure you can find plenty of people who you can teach… or at least purchase a teaching that is delivered as a newsletter.
Instead of selling an hour of your time at £30 to each individual person, you could spend an hour creating a newsletter which you sell for £5 per month and sell it to multiple people in a similar way to Colin when he did his hour-long talks.
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Kind regards.
John Harrison.
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