Tag Archives: Streetwise Bulletins

How Long Could You Last Without An Income?

It has been reported that 60% of the UK households can only survive for two months without a wage and 40% of working households have practically no savings whatsoever.

That is shocking!

Although I am not surprised really.

I am fully aware that living costs are rocketing as I am also victim to those increasing costs, but that cannot be blamed fully for why people have no savings and cannot survive for more than two months without a wage.

The truth is… we live in a society where people choose to spend their money as soon as they get it.

Maybe not so much now… but when times were good, they did.

It is a bad habit formed over many years… generations even.

It’s not their fault either.

For years companies have been running adverts on television, on radio, in cinemas and online seducing people into ‘buying’ products, enjoyable experiences and lifestyles.

People buy stuff that they ‘want’ but can’t actually afford.

Or should that be ‘made to think they want’?

Very few people actually want something until they are exposed to the idea.

No one has gone on holiday to a place they didn’t know about until they saw it on television, in a film, in a brochure or on social media.

Credit card companies have pushed people into a habit of enjoying life now and paying for it later.

And they certainly are paying for it now!

Far too many people have spent the money they earn on enjoyment and ‘trinkets’ instead of using it for their future.

I am not talking about simply putting it in the bank and saving it. That might have helped a few people manage bills better today if they had, but other than it building up, it wouldn’t change your life for the better.

Money – and time – really needs to be used more productively if you want to change your life or circumstancies.

The more time and money you use in the early stages will result in you having more time and money spare later on. You will most definitely have more money and time than most people.

A prime example of this is Chris Martin from the band Coldplay.

In an interview he said that he was the geeky nerd who was learning to play the piano while the rest of the teenagers in his class were ‘hanging out’ and having fun in the evenings.

By spending time during his early years learning to play the piano, he is now a very wealthy man who doesn’t need to work a traditional ‘day job’.

It was the same for David Beckham who spent his weekends and evenings going to football practice while his friends spent their time doing the same thing as Chris Martin’s friends… ‘hanging out’ and having fun.

Sheridan Smith spent a lot of her evenings and weekends going to acting classes and performing in the clubs in and around North Lincolnshire. Today she is one of the highest rated and most popular British actresses who is constantly working.

The US hip hop legend Dr Dre, who is now a billionaire, is another prime example of someone spending their time productively and reaping the rewards of his efforts.

It helped that all four of those I have used as examples knew what they wanted from life and enjoyed doing what they were doing.

But so did many others who never found success and wealth.

The big noticeable difference is that unlike the four people I used as examples, a lot of people stop when it requires doing a lot of work which is not quickly rewarded.

When the fun stops… they stop.

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They become seduced by advertising and close friends and end up chasing an easier life of quick giggles and spending money.

Wealth and success is a combination of spending time and money doing something specific and sticking with it no matter how hard it can be at times.

While your neighbour is enjoying himself watching the big game, drinking a few beers and ordering a pizza to be delivered, you could be sat writing an eBook and spending money on having a cover made for it.

Once your eBook is finished and live online, people can buy it, and you could easily be earning ‘pizza money’ regularly without having to work for it.

That one eBook could have taken 50 hours to write, and cost £250 to get online (building the website* to sell it from and having a cover made for it) but it now has the potential to make you thousands of pounds.

*The cost of building a website diminishes for every eBook or product you add to it. One simple website can cost £80 for two years. For one eBook it will be an £80 expense, but for 10 eBooks it becomes an £8 expense.

That investment of 50 hours and £250 is going to give you back more than simply sitting and watching the big game, drinking beers and eating takeaway pizza.

That one eBook could be sold for many years if the information is forever relevant.

You only have to look at the popular book The Secret as an example. Since it was written in 2006, it has sold truck loads of copies each year.

I’m not saying that it is a good subject to write about, but people love it and the information inside it is ‘timeless’.

The ancient teachings revealed in the book, which were suppressed and kept secret for thousands of years, are just as relevant today as they were back then… so I am told.

That book will still be selling in another 20 years. It may not sell as many copies as it did in its first year or two, but it will still be earning the author and publisher a decent amount of money.

Not bad for something that was written once, 17 years ago!

Going back to the start of this article, the reason so many people here in the UK don’t have any savings and wouldn’t survive longer than two months without a wage is that they have set themselves up to be reliant on their wage only… or pension.

They haven’t put their time and money to work for them.

They haven’t put the work in to generate other income streams that can protect them when times are hard and pay for the little treats that make life more enjoyable.

All is not lost though, today is a new day.

Today is a new blank page and you can write a new story… a story which incorporates a passive income of your own.

Discover more here:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… EBooks are not hard to create and there are no limits to how many you can create (have created) and sell.

The more eBooks you have listed on your website means you have a greater opportunity to earn more.

Here’s that link again:


The Future Looks Bleak… But This Will Help YOU!

After reading how a 74 year old woman was forced to temporarily live with friends while she tries to find an affordable rental home…

How a 27 year-old who earns more than £30,000 per year and her partner (also earning) is being priced out of their one-bed flat and may have to go and live with her parents…

And how many renters are now searching for properties which ‘include bills’ as part of the rental agreement…

I can’t help but wonder where it is all going to end!

People are simply struggling to live.

I also read that the CEO of US retail giant Walmart, John David Rainey, recently told investors during an annual meeting that by 2026 approximately 65% of Walmart stores will be automated.

Walmart is the largest employer in the United States employing 1.6 million people with a further 700,000 employees outside of the US.

When they eventually automate 65% of their stores, it is safe to assume there will be a lot of people made redundant.

What is happening in Walmart is being mirrored here in UK supermarkets such as Tesco, M&S and Morrison’s.

UK supermarkets are also automating as much as possible and increasing the number of self-serve tills.

I’ve seen city centre stores that were all self-serve tills and only had a security guard and a couple of staff to restock shelves.

Whenever there was an issue with the self-serve tills one of the staff would intervene, other than that, they would focus on stocking shelves while customers served themselves.

Interestingly, the German giants Lidl and Aldi appear to be resisting the urge to use self-serve checkout machines for now.

I really don’t know what is going to happen in the next five years, but I predict that the world is going to be in a bit of a pickle soon if it carries on like this.

If people now are struggling to afford rent, mortgages and energy bills, and companies are pushing hard to automate their services putting more people out of work… there is soon going to be a huge number of people who are not going to be able to afford to live at all.

Are we facing the new ‘industrial revolution’ where ‘machines’ do all the work while we humans enjoy life?

It’s a great idea… but in a world where you need to pay for everything, you are not going to survive if you are not earning any money.

I am all for progress, but when more and more people become wage less and cannot afford to pay their rent and living costs, they are not going to be able to afford to buy much ‘stuff’ either and so automation could be harmful when it ultimate leaves society with less customers.

The world is becoming more expensive and I really don’t know where it will end, but… at the same time, more and more opportunities are opening up to us too.

We now have opportunities that we could have only dreamed of ten or twenty years ago.

We now have access to tools, people and services which when used in specific ways, can give us more than enough money.

Yesterday I saw someone in Pakistan offering their services as a writer (in good English) charging £1.60 per 100 words.

The first thing that came into my mind was that this person could write a 10,000 word eBook for just £160.

For just under £200, you could have an eBook written which you could then sell for the next 5… 10… 15 or more years.

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I’ve just quickly checked the word count of one of our newest products we have recently published and it has around 6,400 words in total.

It does also have quite a few screenshots and images but the point that I am trying to make is that this manual, had it been just text based, could have cost less than £105 to have written.

A bonus report that went with that product was only 2,300 words long. Together, both products could have cost under £150 to have been produced!

We generally sell our products as manuals because that is our business model, but you could create eBooks instead and sell them digitally from multiple platforms online including your own website.

A single basic website can cost less than £80 for two years…. TWO YEARS!

And a single website can sell multiple digital products such as eBooks and courses and process many thousands of pounds in sales during that time.

No matter how tough it gets, I believe that most people can find £80 for a website.

Even if it takes a couple of months to find, £80 could change the course of your financial career.

I also believe that people could find enough time to write an eBook.

In 2019 CNBC listed 9 ways to turn $100 (£80 ATOW) into $1 million (£805,509) according to 9 self-made millionaires and sitting at the No 5 position was:

‘Write an eBook.’

There have been times where one eBook has generated a million or more in sales for the writer/publisher, but I would say that it was more the exception than the rule.


Publishing multiple eBooks will give you a greater chance of making a million.

And as you have seen, it can cost very little to have an eBook written if you find the right people.

I cannot say how good the person is who offered to write 100 words for £1.60… but as long as it is clear, easy to read and easy to understand, that should be enough.

The other option is that you write your own eBooks.

Again, they don’t need to be long. As I mentioned earlier, one of our latest products had less than 7,000 words.

It doesn’t take much to write 7,000 words really.

I believe that most people can find the time to write a short eBook.

It doesn’t matter if it takes a couple of months.

What matters is that you have something to sell because when you do…

You can sell it for many years!

The most important part is to get your product finished and online. Until then, you cannot make any money…

But when it is online… it opens you up to a whole new world of opportunity and income.

If you would like to know how to write and publish your own eBook, go to:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… There are no limits to how many products you can create and sell. A portfolio of products means you have a greater opportunity to earn more. Sell premium priced products and you can make more money selling less.

Here’s that link again:


I Really Don’t Know Why People Do This…

In a previous article I talked about the fallacy of the wealthy foot soldier and how drug dealers and gangsters rarely get to enjoy the wealth that is associated with drugs and big crime.

I was reminded of this last night after watching a documentary about the drug gangs of Liverpool.

The documentary followed the trial of the man (I won’t name the scumbag) who was convicted of the murder of the innocent nine-year-old girl, Olivia Pratt-Korbel, who was shot in her home as part of a botched gangland killing.

Olivia is just one of a string of innocent people who have been caught in the cross fire of warring gangs trying to take control of the drugs business in the city.

For over 50 years, Liverpool has been the main drugs route into the UK which has sadly left its toll on the city.

At the height of the heroin problem in the 1980s, it is believed that there were 15,000 heroin addicts in the city.

Housing estates were ravaged by the drug and one housing estate was completely flattened just ten years after it was built due to it being reduced to a ghost town of rubble thanks to the effects of heroin.

As part of the documentary, two ex gangsters were interviewed about their past which they both deeply regretted.

Looking back now, they realised how much damage and harm they have caused to the community, friends, family and innocent people.

Greed had taken them over and they were fighting for what they thought was a lot of ‘easy money’.

Their enjoyment of the ‘easy money’ and flash cars was short lived with them both being convicted for their crimes and spending many years in prison.

One of them had been the target of a gangland ‘hit’ which resulted in the death of an innocent friend who moments earlier had accepted a lift to McDonalds.

That attempted hit and accidental killing resulted in a revenge killing which took the life of yet another innocent person.

This ‘easy money’ that they wanted is probably the hardest money because it has resulted in a loss of freedom, painful regret, years of grieving, loneliness and whatever money and cars they had was confiscated by the police so they had nothing to show for it all.

They both agreed that it was ‘all for nothing’.

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It was all completely pointless and did nothing more than devastate the communities they lived in and destroy their own lives.

I’ve never truly understood why people want to become ‘gangsters’ and ‘drug dealers’ because it very rarely ends well for the majority of them.

Yes, they want money fast and they love the notoriety – which usually attracts the attention of the police and those who want to kill them – and they like the idea of keeping all of the money instead of paying tax, but the lifestyle itself is more of a prison than one of freedom.

There are ways to make money where you don’t need to pay any tax allowing you to keep all of the money you make and still enjoy your freedom.

You don’t need to keep looking over your shoulder for the long arm of the law or the screaming slugs of hot lead heading your way from a rival gang assassin.

You also don’t need an army of smugglers, enforcers, getaway drivers, assassins, and dealers to make your money.

You can do it on your own from the comfort of your home using just a tablet or smartphone.

I know which I prefer.

Our good friend John Banks developed a system which doubles his bank roughly every 24 days.

Starting with just £100, he doubled it to £200 within 24 days.

If you double £100 to £200 in just 24 days using this new system, the following month you will double £200 to £400 and £400 to £800 the month after that and so on.

In 6 months you could easily see yourself with a nice £12,800 TAX FREE!

How’s that for easy money?

To discover more, go to:

Easy As 1-2-3

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

P.S Taking just £100 starting capital and doubling every 24 days, you could be sitting on a profit of between £50,000 and £100,000 in under a year… and that’s without introducing a single penny more in capital.

Here’s that link again:

Easy As 1-2-3

How To Make Money By Losing Money

Following on from the previous article where I talked about using a specific horse racing system and Betfair as a way to grow a nice tax free interest as opposed to putting £100 in a bank.

Obviously, before you ask, I’m not saying that you should transfer all of your money from your bank account to Betfair or any other trading platform…


There is an argument for it.

As I stated yesterday, a good friend to Streetwise, John Banks, put £100 into Betfair to test a new system he had developed and doubled his money in 24 days which gave him a return that simply cannot be matched by a bank.

At 5%, a UK bank would give you just £5 in interest for the whole year on a £100 deposit.

That wouldn’t even buy you an iced oat milk latte and a croissant from the new coffee shop that I have seen open up in the area.

Apparently the croissants were £2.95 each!!

£5 over a year is poor.

Makes you wonder why people actually bother using banks these days.

Ok, they are a good place to hold your money so that you can use debit cards when you go shopping, but they certainly are not a place to put your money to make money.

The other day I watched a video where a professional forex trader said that the risk reward for most people trading currencies could be 1-1 and that a strike rate just had to be over 50%.

He said a strike rate over 60% was a decent rate to make a profit.

In short, what he was saying is that if on average you lose £5 and on average you win £5, with a 60% strike rate you will always be in profit.

1,000 trades with a 60% strike rate would mean 600 wins and 400 losses which would look like this:

600 x £5 = £3,000

400 x £5 = £2,000

     Profit = £1,000

Losing £2,000 seems a lot and I know that you would prefer to win the full £3,000 but that is not realistic, there is not one system which can give you a 100% strike rate.

If anyone tells you otherwise, they are lying and I suggest that you stay clear of them.

Making £1,000 in profit with a strike rate which is just slightly over 50% isn’t too bad at all.

Why am I telling you this?

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I want people to know and understand that losing is part of the process and that even with a large number of losses; a decent sized profit can be made.

You can lose nearly 50% of trades and still make good money.

Far too many people are conditioned to fear losing money, which isn’t necessarily bad; it stops people from making bad decisions most of the time.

Protecting your money is important, but being too protective can prevent you from going forward and making a decent profit overtime.

Going back to our friend, John Banks, who had turned £100 into £200 in 24 days… he did that even with losses.

Fortunately, his strike rate is far greater than 60%, the last time I spoke to him, he said it was around 72% and he still doubled his money fast.

Doubling £100 into £200 in 24 days could give you £12,800 in under six months if you maintain the same strike rate.

It is a good way to make a decent tax free interest which as you know, you won’t get from any bank here in the UK.

So, the question remains…

Is it better to put your money into a bank or into trading platform like Betfair?

Obviously, you don’t put it all in, but if you have a spare £100… £200… £500… or more,  this could be the perfect system for you to bank thousands of tax free pounds.

To discover more, go to:

Easy As 1-2-3

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

P.S Taking just £100 starting capital and doubling every 24 days, you could be sitting on a profit of between £50,000 and £100,000 in under a year… and that’s without introducing a single penny more in capital.

Here’s that link again:

Easy As 1-2-3

Forget Banks… This Is How You Really Make TAX FREE Interest On Your Money!

Interest rates in British banks are currently between 5% and 5.25% which means that if you put £100 into a new bank account, you would earn around £5 over a year leaving you with £105 or £105.25.

It’s nothing to write home about is it?

It certainly won’t help to pay for the increase costs of your gas and electricity.

After 365 days you are left with enough to buy a pot of tea for one and possibly a biscuit.

It really isn’t much help to anyone.

Let’s not forget that interest money is also taxable. It is given to you with one hand, and then taken away with the other.

As a society we are persuaded to keep our money in banks because they are deemed safe.

Even today after several major banks have collapsed causing all kinds of trouble for their customers, we are expected to keep our money in banks.

I recall hearing a trader when asked about the safety of money in trading platforms say that he was ‘more than happy to keep a large amount of money in them because they were as secure, if not more secure, than a bank’ and that he made far more money trading than he would if he left it in a bank to collect interest.

In comparison to the money he was making from trading, interest money is like a thin layer of dust, no real use and easy to wipe away.

I was reminded of this the other week when I was contacted by my friend John Banks who had developed a new way to use horse racing to double his money.

Starting with just £100, he doubled it to £200 in just 24 days.

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If he carries on at that rate, he could be sitting on a nice TAX FREE lump sum of £12,800 in under six months.

This is a far better return than the £5.25 he could have earned in interest if he had put the money into a bank.

He is using this system as a bank generating interest for him.

Making £100 tax free profit in just 24 days is far better than the £5.25 he would have made in interest after 365 days.

Over the course of one year there are 15 x 24 day periods so even if you were to do no more than make £100 per period, you would earn £2,400 tax free money off of that initial £100.

Which form of ‘interest’ would you prefer?

A taxable £5.25?


Tax free £2,400?

Remember, this is the lowest earning scenario there is.

If you double £100 to £200 in just 24 days using this new system, there is absolutely no reason as to why you cannot double £200 to £400 in the following month and £400 to £800 the month after that and so on.

In 6 months you could easily see yourself with a nice £12,800 TAX FREE… but as we have established, anything over a £5 is decent.

To discover more, go to:

Easy As 1-2-3

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

P.S Taking just £100 starting capital and doubling every 24 days, you could be sitting on a profit of between £50,000 and £100,000 in under a year… and that’s without introducing a single penny more in capital.

Here’s that link again:

Easy As 1-2-3

The Power Of An Ideas and Project Folder

In a previous article I talked about how it can take just one idea to become wealthy and that everyone has at least one great idea.

People have loads of ideas but they fail to write them down and so they forget them and fail to act on them.

In that article I suggested that people should have a book with them at all times (or use a note app on a smartphone) and so whenever they have an idea, they jot it down so they have a record of it and can come back to it later to explore the idea more.

It is a powerful way of generating ideas which can ultimately make a lot of money.

As well as a notebook for writing down your ideas, I also suggest having a folder or scrapbook in which you put things that you have seen in papers, magazines and online that are inspiring and motivating.

It can be anything that you have seen which stimulates ideas and your creative juices. It could be articles (like this one), social media posts, emails, product adverts & reviews, and even news reports.

Anything that you see which makes you stop and think ‘that’s a great idea’ or ‘I could do something like that’ or even ‘that’s a good idea, but I’m sure I can make it better’.

The idea behind this is that you have a folder of information that you can refer back to when you want to generate ideas for a product or a business.

The folder of information is where you go to look at other people’s ideas and products that you like and see whether you can either improve them or create something similar or even completely different that will fill a hole in the market.

Ideas do pop into people’s heads without warning, but ideas are born from information and activities that the person has recently been involved in.

It is nigh on impossible to have a completely unique idea without first being exposed and immersed in similar and relevant information.

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I mentioned how the Black & Decker workmate was invented by Ron Hickman when he was struggling to cut wood on a pair of dining chairs. The invention was born out of necessity.

The idea came from what he was doing and experiencing. It was born from what he was doing at that time.

With a notebook full of your ideas and a folder full of other people’s ideas, motivations and products, ideas can be explored and expanded upon until new ideas are brought forth.

The articles and products in the folder are ‘seed ideas’.

Looking at them and thinking about them plants a seed in your subconscious which triggers creative processes that grow new ideas.

When you have any new ideas you should jot them down in your ideas notebook and expand on them until you have an idea that you believe is worth a lot of money.

Ideas don’t just appear, they are born from information already processed in the brain.


Ideas do disappear faster than they come.

So with that in mind, it is worth having a notebook to record any ideas you have and a folder where you can put anything that you see which sparks an idea so that you can refer back to it later for further exploration and expansion.

You never know, instead of having just one great idea that got away, you could end up with loads of great ideas in one book which could make you a small, large or even a huge fortune.

Kind regards

John Harrison

Would you like to make a six-figure-a-year income? If so, this article will show you how. Click the link below:

How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Income Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!

Once you have this up and running correctly, it can reward you with an automated passive income for many years.

Outsource Yourself Wealthy!

Some of the most successful people in the world are those who don’t do the work that actually makes them the money.

I don’t know if Alan Sugar knew anything about electronics but I do know he made a lot of money selling electronic items such as record players, televisions and computers as Amstrad many years ago.

He’s probably never soldered any electronic components together in his life… and why would he? He had other people do it for him.

The secret to many successful businesses and individuals is outsourcing.

Successful people outsource the hard work to other people.

I believe successful people have a different way of looking at money and business.

They use the money they have instead of protecting it like most people do.

Most people would rather have a £20 profit instead of a £2 profit but that is where they often get it so wrong.

To make £20 profit could require you to do all of the work yourself but a £2 profit could be the profit you make off the efforts of another person and if you have 20, 30 or more people or products all making you a £2 profit, you make a lot more than £20.

Another thing that successful and wealthy people are acutely aware of is the difference between time and money.

Time is something that you cannot get more of… but you can always get more money.

And with that in mind, they don’t use their time to do something that other people can do better or quicker.

Doing something they don’t know how to do will require them to learn and that can take up quite a bit of their time.

They’d rather pay someone to do the things they can’t do or would rather not do so that they can focus on doing the things they do best or would rather do.

Very often, successful and wealthy people would rather earn £100 doing something they find easy and then pay someone £50 to do a ‘specific task’ for them resulting in them having the specific task done and be £50 in pocket.

In the past I have talked about an electrician friend who was converting an old council building into apartments.

He could have had developed the property quickly by doing more paid electrical work for customers which paid him more per hour than what it would have cost him to hire other trades to do the carpentry, brickwork, plastering and painting… but he didn’t.

Instead, he tried to do most of the work himself and ultimately lost the property to the bank due to failing to pay back loans.

This electrician lost everything because he didn’t work smart and outsource the work he didn’t need to do.

He wanted to do it all himself.

He chose to do it as he enjoyed it, but it was a foolish ‘vanity project’ because it eventually cost him big.

Ultimately, what he wanted was an apartment block with paying tenants giving him a monthly passive income.

Instead he ended up with the bank taking it all away from him and he was left with nothing. Even his wife left him because she was fed up with being in debt and the development dragging on.

Had he bought in the other trades to do what they do best and he carry on doing more electrical work for his customers, he would have got the apartments finished earning him the money he needed to pay off the loans and have more money in his bank which could have also gone towards the loans.

He was in a perfect position to change his future but unfortunately, he chose to do it all himself and that became his anchor which eventually dragged him under.

It is the same in all business models.

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Take selling digital products such as eBooks and courses.

You can create your own digital products yourself which could take weeks or even months working evenings and weekends… or you can you focus on earning the money to pay someone else to create them for you and have them done quicker.

When you have a finished product, you can make money from it and so it is important that you get it to market as soon as possible.

It’s just good business sense.

If you are developing or creating something that you know or believe is going to make you money… why would you delay that by doing it all yourself?

If you have no other option, then I get it… but if you are one of those who do have options, surely it makes sense to capitalise on them.

Previously I talked about a guy in the US called Eric who was making more money offering concreting services to the public, than he was when working a day job.

Eric quit his job to focus on offering concreting services to people wishing to build homes, garages and extensions even though he knew nothing about concreting.

The actually work was outsourced to another company. They did all the hard dirty manual work.

He would place his adverts on social media, talk to any clients who contacted him and then go and measure up and take photos of any potential work.

Talking, measuring, taking pictures and adding $2,000 (£1,624 ATOW) on top of the price given to him by the concreting company was easy for Eric.

What he didn’t find easy was digging out the ground for the concrete, laying hardcore, fitting steel reinforcements, pouring and floating the concrete smooth… which is why he outsourced that bit to those who specialised in that kind of work.

Eric was earning $2,000 per job for less an hour’s work.

By choosing to simply ‘front’ the business and outsource the actual work, Eric was able to take on multiple clients and earn multiple $2,000 commissions.

I also recently read about a guy who was travelling the world and making six-figures-a-year as an agency owner offering online services.

All of the actually work was done by outsourcing it to freelancers.

The guy himself did nothing more than talk to clients and potential clients telling them about the services they offered and then farm out the work to specific individuals when payment was received.

It was all pretty simple.

For him, he just had to talk to people through Skype or zoom, maybe on the phone and send emails and messages.

It was a lot easier and more profitable to him than actually doing the work that his agency offered to clients.

Another example of outsourcing profits are those people who pay writers to write books which they publish to platforms like Amazon kindle.

They also pay people to convert those books to audio books which are then added to platforms like Audacity.

They pay out once to have the products created and once those products are online, they can be sold for many years generating a passive income.

If it cost £1,000 to have a short fiction book written and converted into an audio book, they could quite easily make that back in a month or two.

Even if it took a year to make that investment back, they have many more years to turn a profit.

Just think how popular certain books have been over the years, they keep selling many years after they were first published.

There are dead authors who are banking more money each year than most of the working population!

In this example, a person who spends £1,000 to have a book and audio book created, will create another once they have earned that investment back and they will repeat this until they have a decent amount of books bringing in a large passive income each month.

The power of outsourcing is to simply use other people’s skills and efforts to do the hard work leaving you with the easy work and more free time and you make a – very often substantial – profit from their efforts and hard work.

Running a profitably business that outsources the work has been made easier thanks to the internet and thousands of people needing online services and thousands more offering those services.

You just need to position yourself in between both groups of people and cream off a profit.

Does that sound like hard work to you?

Kind regards

John Harrison

Would you like to make a six-figure-a-year income? If so, this article will show you how. Click the link below:

How To Build A Six-Figure-A-Year Income Without Spending A Penny Of Your Own Money!

Once you have this up and running correctly, it can reward you with an automated passive income for many years.

The Hare, The Tortoise And Michelangelo’s David.

I assume you have heard the story of the hare and the tortoise.

The story basically explains how steady determination wins the race and how being erratic and easily distracted from what you are doing can result in losing… that and being too overly confident and arrogant!

One of the biggest problems of society, and possibly humans in general, is that most people are impatient.

It feels that everyone wants everything now.

There is nothing wrong with wanting and experiencing new things… but there is usually a period of time that sits between wanting something and receiving it.

When Michelangelo was asked to carve the statue of David, it didn’t just happen overnight. It took roughly three years to complete.

The statue is considered one of the finest examples of Renaissance art, and I can see why. It is basically flawless.

It is a thing of beauty… although the outraged parents in Florida may not agree with that. They would have preferred a fully dressed version apparently.

It is a success of pure human steady determination.

Day in day out, Michelangelo lightly chipped away at the marble and gently polished it until one day, the perfect figure of David was standing in front of him.

Three years is a long time to be working on something.

He may not have worked 8 hours of every day over those three years, but can you imagine commission something and then having to wait three years to get it.

The statue was commissioned by Opera del Duomo for the Cathedral of Florence in 1501 to be one of many statues to stand along its roofline.

In a world where people want everything right now, they not only miss the beauty and excitement of things unfolding, they keep reinforcing the misguided belief that good things should happen fast.

They can… but not always.

As the saying goes…

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Good things come to those who wait.

Opera del Duomo waited three years and got a work of art that is still celebrated and enjoyed over 500 years after its creation.

It is the same with steady accumulation of wealth.

The person who does something small each day for several years, like increase a small sum of money by 1% each day, will be more wealthy than someone who tries it for a few weeks expecting big results and then gives up.

A lot of people rush in, try to make a lot of money fast and crash out just as fast as they started.

Imagine if Michelangelo began by hastily knocking great big chunks of marble away so that he could get finished by 5pm Friday.

I dread to think what the statue of David would look like if he had rushed.

Slow and steady wins the race… maybe not a sprint race against Usain Bolt, but your own personal race.

In most things in life, the only person you are competing against is yourself.

The new you is trying to out-perform and beat the old you… the you which is in many cases, holding you back from success and wealth.

If you are impatient and want things to happen right this minute, spend some time looking at how things have worked out for you in the past.

It is possible that you may have missed out on a lot of good stuff because you quit too soon because things weren’t happening fast enough for you.

Don’t get me wrong, if something really isn’t working, then you don’t want to waste your time flogging a dead horse, but it seems that a lot of people mistake impatience for a dead horse.

Time is more of a friend than people realise.

Time is your friend, impatience is the enemy!

As much as I’m sure you would love to make an £20,000 in an afternoon, making it over a year is just as good when it is extra money and TAX FREE.

Isn’t it?

That is what Kate Davis does.

She is the tortoise who is beating a lot of hares.

Every day she spends a little time using just her phone to generate smallish but decent amounts of money which grow into a large amount of tax free cash.

You can do the same.

Starting with a relatively small amount of money, you can turn it into a large amount of tax free cash by doing steady and consistent trades in the same way as Kate.

Kate has put everything into a comprehensive manual which outlines what to look for, when to make your move and when to bank your profits.

Learn more here:

Kate Davis’ Treadmill Trader

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… I want you to think what you could achieve with this after three years.

Like Michelangelo who spent time most days working on the sculpture of David, you can spend a few minutes each day making smallish £50 – £150 amounts which will grow into larger substantial amounts which will have an incredibly positive effect on your life and finances.

Here’s that link again:

Kate Davis’ Treadmill Trader

Being Kind And Helpful Can Be Incredibly Profitable!

Many years ago I remember talking to an old friend who was building a new house in his garden.

He had been living in a house which had a large garden and after his wife moved out and filed for divorce, he decided to section off part of the garden, applied for planning permission to build a new house – which was approved – and then he sold his old house to pay off his wife’s divorce settlement.

While working on the new build he moved into a caravan in the garden for a year.

I hadn’t seen him for a few years and after bumping into him and asking how he was doing, the subject turned to his marriage break-up and his new house build.

I was surprised to hear that the house with the large garden that had been split into two was actually left to him by the old man who used to live there before he did.

It turned out that my friend used to regularly help the old man.

I can’t remember exactly how he came to help him, he might have been an old neighbour or an old friend of his dad’s, but my friend worked as a manager in a supermarket and so he would do his shopping for him and deliver it on his way home.

He would also pop round and help do small jobs when asked and drive him to appointments whenever he was available.

Either the old man had no family or they were estranged because when he died, he left his house to my friend in his will.

Let’s be clear, my friend wasn’t expecting it!

He was just being kind and helping out an old man who he knew well.

My friend was a first-aider and used to work as a first-responder in his evenings, he was one to help people whenever he could.

He was that kind of guy.

His kindness and his actions were rewarded by being left a large house with an even larger garden.

The point of this article is about ‘helping’ others.

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Now, before you go off at the deep end, I am not saying that you should go looking for old people who have no family and start helping them with the idea of being left a house worth hundreds of thousands of pounds…

I am simply talking about how helping other people can have its rewards.

There are many ways you can help people.

  • Chatting to people online for a few minutes can help people.
  • Writing a book can help people.
  • Recording videos and podcasts can help people.
  • Giving people email access to you where they can ask you questions can help people.
  • Creating an online course can help people.
  • Sending daily emails giving advice can help people.

The above can all be offered to people for free, or they can be offered for a fee.

Either or, when people consume one or more of the above and receive the help they need, a lot of them will come back and they will reward you with either buying your products, passing your name on to people who need you or simply ‘give’ you something back to say thank you.

Chances are you yourself have suggested ‘good’ people when asked if you knew someone who would be interested in XYZ.

It’s human nature to reward those people who have helped you and who you like.

It’s rare that people reward those who they dislike and have harmed them in anyway.

There is a saying…

“Kindness is its own reward.”

The idea behind that saying is that being kind increases joy and well-being to the giver which is true, but the act of kindness can have other incredible rewards, just as my friend found out when he helped his old friend regularly.

The late great Jim Rohn said…

“If you help enough people get what they want, you can have everything you want.”

Helping people means that you are rewarded back tenfold.

The best way to help people is to publish information which they can use to make positive changes in their lives.

Not only will they come back for more, you will soon be in the position of anexpert and that also brings its own rewards.

A daily email is a great way to publish information which can help a lot of people at the same time.

Helping a handful of people at once is manageable if you are giving them your physical time, but by publishing information and advice, you can help thousands of people at the same time… and that is where a lot of money can be found.

Imagine helping 5,000 people each month and each month you earned an average of £2 per person… that is £10,000 per month!

You cannot do that in person.

It would take up too much of your time and would leave you mentally and physically exhausted.

But you can help 5,000 per month if you publish information through an email.

  1. Create a short eBook report, or video to give away for free.
  2. Build an email list.
  3. Send an email daily (or several times a week)…
  4. And watch how helping people rewards you through the sales of products you promote in those emails.

To learn more, go to:

The Email Secret

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… Remember, because this is all done online, it can be done from anywhere in the world. You can take it with you wherever you travel and make money. That’s what I call freedom!

Here’s that link again:

The Email Secret

Want To Make A Lot Of Money? Become A ‘Spook’!

There’s a new police drama on BBC 1 called Blue Lights.

It is set in Belfast which is probably the hardest area within the UK to police.

Since partition in 1921, tensions in Northern Ireland have been constantly high and a minor incident can soon escalate into violence and full blown riots.

Even after two decades of peace, tensions and divisions are strong within the communities.

The police can soon find themselves at the receiving end of bricks and bottles and so they do not venture alone into certain areas without back-up close by.

It’s safe to say that I wouldn’t want to be a police officer in Belfast.

In the show, one young trainee officer working through her probation period was called into the office and told that there was a significant threat to her life.

Asking how they knew about this threat, her commanding officer said that the information had been passed to them from the intelligence services that had picked up the threat while monitoring ‘chatter’.

Monitoring chatter is an incredibly powerful method of detecting acts of terrorism and crime before they happen.

By monitoring electronic communications such as phone calls, text messages, messaging apps and email, intelligent services like MI5 and the CIA are able to learn about something terrible before it happens allowing them to take action and warn people.

Monitoring chatter can lead to a clear indication of something that is going to happen, both good and bad.

Ordinary people can do something similar to the CIA and monitor chatter which can help them to make a lot of money.

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When it comes to buying stocks and shares, it would help if people knew which were going to do well and double, treble and quadruple their investments.

Most people who invest in the stock market guess.

They simply guess at which stocks are going to do well. 

Guessing is a foolish thing to do because there is a way to determine which stocks are going to skyrocket… and that way is to monitor the chatter.

Our good friend Jim Hunt has spent 23 years investing in the stock market and over that time he has figured out a way to determine which stock is going to do better than others by simply monitoring the chatter.

He has devised a series of ‘filters’ with which he monitors the chatter and determines which are the best stocks to invest in.

By monitoring the chatter, Jim is able to increase his investments by more than ten times.

£1,000 can become £10,000.

£10,000 can become £100,000


£1000,000 can become £1,000,000.

He no longer needs to invest £1,000 and hope to double it and keep investing in new stock to make small amounts… he now only invests in the stock he knows has the best chance of delivering a HUGE return.

Monitoring the chatter is basically legal insider trading.

By using his filters when monitoring the chatter, he knows which stocks are going to do well.

It’s as if the company CEOs had given him the silent nod a couple of days before stock prices start to go up.

If you would like to learn how to monitor the chatter yourself and be given the silent nod as to which stock can give you a huge return, go to:

Stock Hype Filter Trading System

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… The power of stock market trading is from being a ‘spook’ spying on the ‘insiders’ and you do that by monitoring the chatter using Jim’s five filters.

Go check it out here:

Stock Hype Filter Trading System