Home brewing equipment can take up a lot of space. Not much good when you live in a tiny flat or apartment. It was this fact that led New York based, The Brooklyn Brewery Shop to develop a range of miniature brewing kits which fit the needs of it’s main apartment-based client base.
I’m not suggesting you copy the idea but rather, that you consider the thinking behind it. Is there some way you could provide a smaller version of your product (or even someone else’s product), which would open it up to a whole new market of space-challenged consumers?
It’s this sort of thinking that probably led to the development of Endless Pools, in which you swim against a current and don’t actually travel anywhere. There have to be scores of other products which would benefit from a bit of positive downsizing.
Quote Of The Day
“Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.”
Zig Ziglar
Jeans Rental
I love the idea of rental businesses for a very simple reason people pay you to use something, but you get to keep it. It’s like selling the same thing over and over again but only having to buy it once. How far can you go with the rental model? Well how about renting jeans?
I just heard about a company in The Netherlands, Mud Jeans, which for around 6 Euro a month will rent you a pair of high end jeans for a year. At the end of the rental period the customer can then either return the jeans, buy them outright or replace them with a new pair.
To be perfectly honest, I’m not sure why you’d want to do this, but I’m the sort of person who thinks you should be able to buy a decent pair of jeans outright for less than £50. The market isn’t for old folk like me, that’s for sure.
I’m telling you about this because it opens up all sorts of possibilities. If you can make money renting like jeans, what other seemingly ‘un-rentable’ products could form the basis of a business?
Today’s National Day