Tag Archives: Streetwise Bulletins


Despite being a million times thinner than a human hair, graphene is 200 times stronger than steel. It is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity, making it suitable for electronic circuits; it is also extremely flexible, transparent, and can be made water resistant.

The EU has a specialised graphene project, which aims to bring graphene into the market from the laboratory. It is one of Europe’s biggest ever research initiatives, coordinating over 150 academic and industrial research groups in more than 20 countries, with over 31 partnering projects. The project has estimated the market is worth €100m a year at least, and that figure could climb to €550m by 2025.

From computer chips to aerospace applications to military capabilities to new super-powerful batteries, graphene is the perfect and transformative material of the future.

However, it is proving incredibly difficult to produce graphene in industrial quantities, with researchers making a maximum of a few grams of the stuff, and quality control being poor.

So is it all just a flighty wish, and nothing real or practical? Will it ever be possible to make graphene of good enough quality in commercial quantities, or is the technology just going to stay a fairy-tale? We can perhaps draw comfort from the story of silicon, which was first isolated in 1824 by Jacob Berzelius, a Swedish chemist. The very first silicon transistor wasn’t made until 1954. And the first  personal computers powered by circuits containing silicon chips weren’t seen until around 1977.

Despite graphene’s many excellent qualities, the graphene industry (which resembles a fevered worldwide gold-rush in its current state) currently does nothing for the investor’s pocked. Note, too, that the Financial Conduct Authority, the City regulator, maintains a ‘Graphene investment Scams’ warning page.

Quote Of The Day

“If you carry your childhood with you, you never become older.”

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Tom Stoppard

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?.”       


George Carlin 

The companies to keep an eye on.

Graphene makers don’t seem to be the best bets currently, but over the next decade or with a breakthrough things could shift.

Applied Graphene Materials specialises in producing anti-corrosion coatings, along with composites and inks. It is still lossmaking, however. Indeed, its operating losses increased in the year to the end of July, and revenue fell by a third. But it has a new CEO, which may improve matters. Other tips for promising companies include Hexcel, and Japan’s Toray Industries, both of which at least make money.

For a similar speculative punt, you could do worse than try Aixtron, a profitable German company in the same sub-sector. Aixtron came out of Aachen University in 1983 and has been investigating the use of graphene in semiconductors in association with the EU’s Graphene Partnership. Its latest machines enable it to produce single-layer graphene coatings on metal foils and wafers. It has no debt and made a pre-tax profit of €74.7m in the first three-quarters of 2019 on revenues of €184.6m.

Today’s National Day

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“How To Beat This Crisis!”

Dear Streetwise Customer,

By any measure, the last few months have been traumatic.

I’m not going to dwell on the details – you’re already being bombarded with the negative news from all angles and it feels like there’s no escape.

You know what’s happening…but maybe you don’t know what to do about it.

The scale and duration of the   health risk remains uncertain, but the economic impact is likely to be felt much more widely and be much longer lasting. Anyone running a pub, restaurant, café, bar or any other kind of hospitality or events business faces an uncertain future – as does anyone whose business relies on face to face interaction with their fellow humans. In fact this is likely to have a knock-on impact on businesses we haven’t even thought about yet.

And  yet  those  people – just  like  everyone  else –  needs  to  continue making money.

They need to keep a roof over their head, food on the table and be in position to go again when all this ends and we get back to normal.

What if there was a way to make as   much  money as  you  need (and  a great  deal  more) without leaving home – one which can not only  survive the crisis we’re currently experiencing, but actually thrives from it?

If you were to design a money  making  strategy  from  scratch  to  take
advantage of   the  circumstances  we’re  currently  experiencing,  this  is exactly what you’d come up with – a business where…


How do I know this is perfect for now? 

Because the guy who developed it is something of a recluse.

He started self-isolating years ago before it became a thing, and has run this business from the top of a French mountain, from a remote Swedish farm and from the wilds of northern Scotland.

If you’re looking for an insurance  policy  that  will  enable  you  to  make money without leaving home to steer you through this crisis and beyond, I can genuinely think of nothing which fits the bill more closely.

Take a look now and respond today.  In every crisis, there are opportunities.

Even if you’ve looked at doing something like this before and decided against, think again. Now is the time.

Click HERE for more information

Kind Regards,

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John Harrison

  P.S Uncertain and volatile times are precisely when this works best. 
         What other opportunity can you say that about? 


What’s The Price

In pre-internet days life was a lot simpler – or so it seemed. You asked the price of something and that was the price you’d pay. Once a year, companies would have a price hike, and then in January, they’d have a sale. What went up only came down in annual sale, and what came down in the sale – stayed down.

The travel and hotels companies were the first to lead the way with more flexible pricing. Through complex computer algorithms, they are able to constantly adjust their prices up and down in response to seasonality, timing and fluctuating demand. Now companies in other fields are following suit. For example, according to consumer price research firm Decide.Inc, a GE microwave ovens price was changed nine times in just one day by it’s seller last month in response to market forces. Prices ranged from $744 to $871.

Now we don’t all have access to the technology that makes this kind of thing automatic (I know that I don’t) but it certainly gives food for thought. How could you introduce a little mutually beneficial price flexibility into your business?

Quote Of The Day

“The best revenge is massive success.”

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Frank Sinatra

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“The second day of a diet is always easierthan the first. By the second day you’re off it.”       

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Buddy Hackett

Old Guys(and Gal’s) Rule!  

Judging by the correspondence I receive, the age spread of our customers is definitely skewed towards the middle and upper end. This has always surprised me because it’s supposed to be the young who are entrepreneurial and ambitious. But a piece of research I just read suggests I shouldn’t be surprised at all.

According to a survey by the Kauffman Foundation, Americans aged 55 to 64 start new business ventures at a higher rate than any other age group, including twenty-somethings. Twenty three percent of new entrepreneurs are now aged 55 to 64. That’s up from 14% fifteen years ago.

I still hear from people in their forties and fifties who feel like they’ve missed the boat. The truth is that it’s never too late, and an increasing number of people are discovering that.

Today’s National Day

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“How To Beat This Crisis!”

Dear Streetwise Customer,

By any measure, the last few months have been traumatic.

I’m not going to dwell on the details – you’re already being bombarded with the negative news from all angles and it feels like there’s no escape.

You know what’s happening…but maybe you don’t know what to do about it.

The scale and duration of the   health risk remains uncertain, but the economic impact is likely to be felt much more widely and be much longer lasting. Anyone running a pub, restaurant, café, bar or any other kind of hospitality or events business faces an uncertain future – as does anyone whose business relies on face to face interaction with their fellow humans. In fact this is likely to have a knock-on impact on businesses we haven’t even thought about yet.

And  yet  those  people – just  like  everyone  else –  needs  to  continue making money.

They need to keep a roof over their head, food on the table and be in position to go again when all this ends and we get back to normal.

What if there was a way to make as   much  money as  you  need (and  a great  deal  more) without leaving home – one which can not only  survive the crisis we’re currently experiencing, but actually thrives from it?

If you were to design a money  making  strategy  from  scratch  to  take
advantage of   the  circumstances  we’re  currently  experiencing,  this  is exactly what you’d come up with – a business where…


How do I know this is perfect for now? 

Because the guy who developed it is something of a recluse.

He started self-isolating years ago before it became a thing, and has run this business from the top of a French mountain, from a remote Swedish farm and from the wilds of northern Scotland.

If you’re looking for an insurance  policy  that  will  enable  you  to  make money without leaving home to steer you through this crisis and beyond, I can genuinely think of nothing which fits the bill more closely.

Take a look now and respond today.  In every crisis, there are opportunities.

Even if you’ve looked at doing something like this before and decided against, think again. Now is the time.

Click HERE for more information

Kind Regards,

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John Harrison

  P.S Uncertain and volatile times are precisely when this works best. 
         What other opportunity can you say that about? 


Killing Goliath

It’s natural to be wary of bigger, stronger competition in business, but being small has its advantages. It usually means that you can be more nimble, responsive, and change direction and focus much quicker when the world changes.

A new book by Stephen Denny – ‘Killing Giants: 10 Strategies to Topple Goliath In Your Industry’, focus’s on some of these advantages. Two pieces of advice which most of us can adapt or relate to are:

Win the last three feet. What this means is that you should position yourself to pocket customers money after the larger competitor has done all the hard work. In practical terms, that might mean approaching potential customers directly, right after your competitor has softened them up with expensive marketing.

Create Thin Ice Arguments. By shifting the emphasis to areas where your larger competitors can’t go, you can gain an edge. Those areas may involve the environmental impact of the business, detrimental social effects, or other unethical practices. Large businesses are rarely without skeletons in cupboards.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“We all keep dreaming, and luckily, dreams really do come true.”

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Katie Holmes

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“So,have you heard about the oyster who went to a disco and pulled a mussel?.”
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Billy Connolly

People’s Pops

There’s nothing new about iced lollies, and yet start-up Brooklyn based company ‘People’s Pops’ are selling over 1,200 a week. They have a simple angle. The lollies they make use fresh fruit, and include unusual flavours like Watermelon-Basil and sweet Rhubarb.

With the growing trend towards healthy eating ( or at least a growing trend towards people trying to eat more healthily) there’s huge demand for healthier versions of popular treats. What previously frowned-upon food could be next for a healthy makeover?

Today’s National Day 




                      Dear Streetwise Customer, 

  Imagine sitting down this afternoon and tapping out a simple letter. It takes you perhaps a couple of hours to get it right… 

  And Then Over The Next Few Years It Brings In Over £5 Million.

Pure fantasy? 

  Not at all. I’ve done it. I’ll even show you the letter. And I’ve written lots of others just like it, although they weren’t all quite as successful as that one. 

  But Even So, Many Of  Them Landed Thousands Of Pounds In My Bank Account Within Days, and Hundreds of Thousands Within Weeks. 

Like to learn how to do the same? 

Well there has really Never Been A Better Time for three reasons… 

1. These letters bring in serious money when times are tough – and they don’t come much tougher than they are right now. 

 2. These letters are even more powerful when the world is relying on the internet for its requirements, just like it is right now.

 3. You probably have some free time available to learn how to do this at the moment. 

   Allow me to show you, for more details CLICK HERE

   This is an exciting and realistic alternative to the gloom which is all around us today – an escape route.  It’s an alternative that can  quickly see you banking more than enough money to see yourself and your family right through this current crisis and then into  uncharted financial success when all this is over. 

   This comes with a 100% cast iron 90 day money back guarantee.     
 There is absolutely no risk to you to take a look.

  Very Best Wishes,

john sig.png
    John Harrison
  Streetwise Publications 


Life Capture Profits

Do you know what people are interested in more than anything else? Themselves! This simple fact goes a long way to explain the popularity of what might be called ‘life capture’ products. They’re products that enable the individual to record or document some aspect of their life, whether that be via the written word, audio, video or something else.

The latest product we’ve spotted is the Looxcie – a Bluetooth style video camera, which fits over the ear and points where the wearer is looking and therefore records everything he or she sees.

If something interesting happens, they simply press a button to save it, so that it can be later uploaded to Mac or PC – and even emailed to a pre – set list of contacts. Otherwise, the Looxcie records in a continuous loop, purging the earlier footage.

I mention this for three reasons: 

1.  There seems no end to the life capture phenomenon at the moment. Is there some aspect of your product or offering that would enable you to cash in on it?

2.  If the device took off, just imagine the amount of footage that would become available, and the potential creative opportunities that would bring. Could you make the first Looxcie film? 

3.  You might just want one, and if you do (and have a lot of female friends with a penchant for low cut tops or short skirts) I’ll be happy to check out the quality of your footage for free.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.”

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John F. Kennedy

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“I heard a rumour that Cadbury is bringing out an oriental chocolate bar…Could be a Chinese Wispa.”
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Rob Auton 

Make It An Event 

According to Forbes magazine, there’s an easy way to find out about your customers – hold an event. Events can be used to sell and build rapport, and if they’re well attended they can help to build social proof and popularity.

The article goes on to say that energy levels and mood are often high at an event as well, because attendees are excited to get away from the daily grind. This makes them more receptive to offers of new products and services.

 So, could you invite your customers to an event pertaining to your business? What reason or ‘excuse’ could you have? This will mean different things to different people, but there’s no doubt that many businesses could benefit from holding an event of some kind.

Today’s National Day 

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                      Dear Streetwise Customer, 

  Imagine sitting down this afternoon and tapping out a simple letter. It takes you perhaps a couple of hours to get it right… 

  And Then Over The Next Few Years It Brings In Over £5 Million.

Pure fantasy? 

  Not at all. I’ve done it. I’ll even show you the letter. And I’ve written lots of others just like it, although they weren’t all quite as successful as that one. 

  But Even So, Many Of  Them Landed Thousands Of Pounds In My Bank Account Within Days, and Hundreds of Thousands Within Weeks. 

Like to learn how to do the same? 

Well there has really Never Been A Better Time for three reasons… 

1. These letters bring in serious money when times are tough – and they don’t come much tougher than they are right now. 

 2. These letters are even more powerful when the world is relying on the internet for its requirements, just like it is right now.

 3. You probably have some free time available to learn how to do this at the moment. 

   Allow me to show you, for more details CLICK HERE

   This is an exciting and realistic alternative to the gloom which is all around us today – an escape route.  It’s an alternative that can  quickly see you banking more than enough money to see yourself and your family right through this current crisis and then into  uncharted financial success when all this is over. 

   This comes with a 100% cast iron 90 day money back guarantee.     
 There is absolutely no risk to you to take a look.

  Very Best Wishes,

john sig.png
    John Harrison
  Streetwise Publications 


Write Your Book… Now!

I couldn’t write a novel, but I’ve written several business related books, and I suspect you could do it too. Over 11,000 business books are published each year, all from a slightly different angle or perspective. Hidden within your knowledge and experience is the basis of a useful and informative book. However, you can’t expect to make a fortune from sales, but that isn’t the point.

The vast majority of books published sell less than a couple of thousand copies – and many sell significantly less than that – so why go to the trouble? Well being a published author sets you apart from the crowd in your market or arena.

It puts you forward as an expert in your field and can lead to all manner of opportunities – invitations to write in trade journals, invitations to public speaking engagements, and invitations to participate in radio and TV shows. Your book also becomes your calling card, and one that won’t be hastily thrown in a drawer. It helps build your personal brand.

So give some thought to what kind of book you could write. It doesn’t have to be a 500 page epic, and printing technology is such these days that you can print in very low numbers until you’re sure how well it’s going to sell. You can even enlist the help of a ghost writer if you really don’t have the time or inclination

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“I think you should take your job seriously, but not yourself – that is the best combination”

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 Judi Dench

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kickboxing.”
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Emo Philips 

Hawaiian Energy

We’ve talked here before about turning waste into profits. Here’s another example. 

Hawaiian energy drink company, KonaRed uses a bi-product of coffee production as a key ingredient in its energy drinks. In order to use coffee beans, you first need to strip away the skin. An estimated 40 million pounds of the stuff gets dumped every year in Hawaii alone, and it costs the companies to do it.

The fact that there is a company willing to pay for the skins is a double bonus. This is a great win-win situation. The coffee companies get to make money from something they previously had to pay to dispose of, and the energy drink company have a cheap and ready supply of key raw materials.

So is there a waste product from your business which you could sell for profit? Do you know of a waste product from someone else’s business that you could utilise in a profitable way?

Today’s National Day 

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                      Dear Streetwise Customer, 

  Imagine sitting down this afternoon and tapping out a simple letter. It takes you perhaps a couple of hours to get it right… 

  And Then Over The Next Few Years It Brings In Over £5 Million.

Pure fantasy? 

  Not at all. I’ve done it. I’ll even show you the letter. And I’ve written lots of others just like it, although they weren’t all quite as successful as that one. 

  But Even So, Many Of  Them Landed Thousands Of Pounds In My Bank Account Within Days, and Hundreds of Thousands Within Weeks. 

Like to learn how to do the same? 

Well there has really Never Been A Better Time for three reasons… 

1. These letters bring in serious money when times are tough – and they don’t come much tougher than they are right now. 

 2. These letters are even more powerful when the world is relying on the internet for its requirements, just like it is right now.

 3. You probably have some free time available to learn how to do this at the moment. 

   Allow me to show you, for more details CLICK HERE

   This is an exciting and realistic alternative to the gloom which is all around us today – an escape route.  It’s an alternative that can  quickly see you banking more than enough money to see yourself and your family right through this current crisis and then into  uncharted financial success when all this is over. 

   This comes with a 100% cast iron 90 day money back guarantee.     
 There is absolutely no risk to you to take a look.

  Very Best Wishes,

john sig.png
    John Harrison
  Streetwise Publications 


Life Organiser

There seem to be two types of people – those whose lives are organised and orderly, and those whose lives are in permanent state of disarray. If you are part of the first group, there may be a business to be built by helping those in the second.

Professional organising is the perfect business for people with a flair for neatness and developing systems. Not all disorganisation is the same of course, so it’s probably a good idea to choose an area of specialisation, such as cleaning out garages, helping people plan for moving or downsizing, or assisting professional men and woman with their busy lives.

Professional organiser Debbie Lillard has written a book on the subject – Absolutely Organised, and wanted to work part time after years as a stay-at-home mother. She launched her business by contacting old friends who were stressed by the disorganisation in their lives and created business cards and flyers and distributed them in shops in affluent neighbourhoods.

That’s where the first customers came from, and word of mouth took over from there.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“I think you should take your job seriously, but not yourself – that is the best combination”

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 Judi Dench

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kickboxing.”
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Emo Philips 

Hardly Chicken Feed

 Just had an interesting conversation with our printer who has a friend who’s a chicken farmer. He supplies the big supermarkets, and I’ve often wondered how the farmers make any money given that you can often buy a chicken in Tesco and their competitors for just a few pounds.

Well it turns out margins on chickens are indeed tight, and the farmer makes most of his money from a surprising source – chicken manure. Apparently, chicken poo is a rich source of nitrogen and he’s able to sell both the solid manure and (sorry to be so graphic here) the liquid remnants that are left when the sheds are hosed down.

I’ve asked this question before, but it’s worth thinking about again. Is there some waste product associated with your business which could be sold at a profit? Most people would see chicken poo as something which needs to be disposed of, and there may be a waste product in your business which isn’t getting the attention it deserves.

Don’t think too literally here. For example, in our own business a ‘waste product’ might be enquiries who don’t ever buy from use. But perhaps they could be valuable to someone else. Think about what you have.

Today’s National Day 

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                      Dear Streetwise Customer, 

  Imagine sitting down this afternoon and tapping out a simple letter. It takes you perhaps a couple of hours to get it right… 

  And Then Over The Next Few Years It Brings In Over £5 Million.

Pure fantasy? 

  Not at all. I’ve done it. I’ll even show you the letter. And I’ve written lots of others just like it, although they weren’t all quite as successful as that one. 

  But Even So, Many Of  Them Landed Thousands Of Pounds In My Bank Account Within Days, and Hundreds of Thousands Within Weeks. 

Like to learn how to do the same? 

Well there has really Never Been A Better Time for three reasons… 

1. These letters bring in serious money when times are tough – and they 
    don’t come much tougher than they are right now. 

 2. These letters are even more powerful when the world is relying on the
internet for its requirements, just like it is right now.

 3. You probably have some free time available to learn how to do this at        the moment. 

   Allow me to show you, for more details CLICK HERE

   This is an exciting and realistic alternative to the gloom which is all around us today – an escape route.  It’s an alternative that can  quickly see you banking more than enough money to see yourself and your family right through this current crisis and then into  uncharted financial success when all this is over. 

   This comes with a 100% cast iron 90 day money back guarantee.     
 There is absolutely no risk to you to take a look.

  Very Best Wishes,

john sig.png
    John Harrison
  Streetwise Publications 


Exterminating Ex’s

It doesn’t seem so long ago that when a personal relationship broke up – and assuming it had not resulted in marriage or children – you each went your separate ways and never need darken each others horizon again. The internet, and social networking in particular, has changed that, with each failed relationship leaving an online trail for all the world to see for ever. 

That’s the problem which precipitated the launch of Block Your Ex, a tool designed to erase broken relationships from your online existence. More than 7,800 exes are currently being blocked thanks to the tool.

Why do I mention this? Because I think this is just the tip of a growing iceberg – part of a field that’s set to become very lucrative over the next few years. An increasing number of people have information about themselves or their activities online which they’d like to see removed.

Anyone with the wherewithal to ‘clean up’ an individuals (or companies) online persona, will find a ready market.

Not a field which anyone can enter, but I’m convinced that multi-millionaires will be created from this in the not too distant future.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.”

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Maya Angelou

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“I’m really worried about my girlfriend’s morals…she has NEXT written on her knickers.”
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Frank Carson

Don’t Look For Business Opportunities

It sounds counter-intuitive, but looking for business opportunities is rarely a good way to find …a business opportunity! So what should you do instead? 

Well the very best way to find a viable business opportunity is to look for problems that require a solution. And the easiest way to do that? Look at problems that you have which don’t have a solution at the moment. When you approach it that way, you can be sure that the problem is genuine.

The big mistake a lot of people make is coming up with a perfect solution to a problem which doesn’t really exist. That’s what tends to happen when you look for opportunity which doesn’t have an unsolved problem at its core.

Today’s National Day  

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You have been hand-picked to receive this letter for a special reason. You’ll find out exactly why you were chosen when you take a look at the on line link below.

Here’s what it’s all about……

A few months ago, we sent a guy called Graham Carter, what he called a ‘crummy disc’ (the cheek of it!) in a plain brown envelope. On the disc were the words ‘Project X’, hand-written in red felt tip.

Why did we send it to him?

Because he was broke and we wanted him to try something out. We needed someone who was down on his luck…someone with none of the advantages which a lot of people set out with on a new project. Someone whose position was pretty hopeless really. Here’s what we figured…

     If Graham could make this work, anyone could. 

For the full story visit: 


Very Best Wishes,


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John Harrison    

  PS.  This could turn the way you live (and make a living) on its head. If you’re looking for more freedom, more money and to have your computer doing all the hard work for you while you get on with your day, you really should get on this right away.

  PPS  I’m only looking for five people to come in on this today. There will be other opportunities later, but just five today. We’re not going to rush this. It’s special.



 This comes with a full 90 day test drive money back guarantee. Take a look today.

Getting Banned

Two US entrepreneurs, Adam and Ryan Goldston thought they’d hit the jackpot when they invented a Basketball shoe which would help players improve their vertical jump by over three inches.

That was until the National Basketball Association banned their shoe. But then events turned in their favour. The story of the banned shoes went viral on the internet. Suddenly everyone wanted the $300 shoes and orders flooded in from all around the world.

 This is a very familiar story. In the past I’ve heard stories about banned records, books, sports equipment, food, drinks, drugs and lots of other stuff.

And the same thing happens time and again…demand goes through the roof once people hear about the ban. People are naturally drawn towards things they’re not supposed to have – things that ‘they’ don’t want them to have.

Is this a fact you could use in your marketing? Have any of your products or services been banned – or even been under threat of a ban. If they have, it could be something you could turn to your advantage.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“If you act like you know what you’re doing, you can do anything you want.”

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Sharon Stone

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“You know, boys, a nuclear reactor is a lot like a woman. You just read the manual and press the right buttons.”
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Homer Simpson 

Calculated Profits

It’s not unusual for groups of consumers to have quite transient needs, and when this happens, a business opportunity often opens up. Students are one such group. They often study a subject for a short period, and are required to source quite expensive resources, which they will only need for a short period of time.

Previously, we’ve talked about services set up to rent books to students, thereby negating the need for them to make an expensive purchase.

A Canadian company has spotted another need they can satisfy in a similar way – by renting out expensive graphic and financial calculators. Students often need these for just a couple of classes and can save 70% by renting rather than buying. When the rental period is complete, they simply mail them back to the company.

I don’t think this is a fortune-maker, but it could certainly be a solid business. As far as I know, nobody is doing this in the UK yet, so perhaps something to copy?

Today’s National Day  

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You have been hand-picked to receive this letter for a special reason. You’ll find out exactly why you were chosen when you take a look at the on line link below.

Here’s what it’s all about……

A few months ago, we sent a guy called Graham Carter, what he called a ‘crummy disc’ (the cheek of it!) in a plain brown envelope. On the disc were the words ‘Project X’, hand-written in red felt tip.

Why did we send it to him?

Because he was broke and we wanted him to try something out. We needed someone who was down on his luck…someone with none of the advantages which a lot of people set out with on a new project. Someone whose position was pretty hopeless really. Here’s what we figured…

     If Graham could make this work, anyone could. 

For the full story visit: 


Very Best Wishes,


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John Harrison    

  PS.  This could turn the way you live (and make a living) on its head. If you’re looking for more freedom, more money and to have your computer doing all the hard work for you while you get on with your day, you really should get on this right away.

  PPS  I’m only looking for five people to come in on this today. There will be other opportunities later, but just five today. We’re not going to rush this. It’s special.



 This comes with a full 90 day test drive money back guarantee. Take a look today.

Norwegian Nappies

Imagine travelling several hundred miles, with a ferry journey thrown in for good measure…just to buy nappies. Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it, and yet that’s just what entrepreneurial Poles and Lithuanians are doing, who see half-priced diapers are too good a business opportunity to pass up.

As I’m sure you know, supermarkets often use loss-leaders to entice customers into their stores. For reasons I don’t fully understand, (perhaps young parents are a big target market) cut-price nappies have become the preferred lure in parts of Norway.

It’s set off something of a price war, which would be great news for Norwegian parents if they could actually find nappies in stock, but they can’t. Prices are so low that Poles and Lithuanians, have started trekking to Norway for the sole purpose of buying up every last nappy they can find. I’m assuming they then take them back home and sell them at a profit.

I’m sure opportunities come up like this all the time – and not just across International borders. Local shops and Supermarket have cut price, time –sensitive offers to bring in customers, which aren’t available in other areas. Every time that happens, there’s a profit opportunity. Buy the product in one area, and resell it in another for less money than it’s available for in that area. Simple, but not that easy.

The trick is to be on the spot to take up the offers, and you’ll not always be able to do that. This probably isn’t something for a regular income then, but something to keep in the back of your mind for when the opportunity presents itself. And once you’re alert to the possibility, the opportunities will present themselves all the more regularly.

For more comprehensive details on this visit :


Motivational Quote Of The Day

“What do you want a meaning for? Life is a desire, not a meaning.”

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Charlie Chaplin

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“So I was in Tesco’s and I saw this man and woman wrapped in a barcode. I said “Are you two an item?.”
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Tommy Cooper 

Cupcakes Collapse

You don’t have to go back too many years to arrive at a time where nobody was talking about cupcakes. The past few years have seen an explosion in the market, with specialist chains being set up and most mainstream confectionary bakers jumping on the bandwagon.

A great deal of money has been made, but it really feels like we’re at, or beyond, market saturation. So I wouldn’t recommend you go into the cupcake business at this moment, but I would recommend that you ask yourself a simple question.. What’s next?

There are always trends and fads in the food and drink business, and spotting them early and riding the crest of the wave can pay massive dividends. Where should you focus your efforts? Well anyone who can combine great taste with genuine healthy properties stands to make a killing in any sector of the food and drink market.

Today’s National Day  

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You have been hand-picked to receive this letter for a special reason. You’ll find out exactly why you were chosen when you take a look at the on line link below.

Here’s what it’s all about……

A few months ago, we sent a guy called Graham Carter, what he called a ‘crummy disc’ (the cheek of it!) in a plain brown envelope. On the disc were the words ‘Project X’, hand-written in red felt tip.

Why did we send it to him?

Because he was broke and we wanted him to try something out. We needed someone who was down on his luck…someone with none of the advantages which a lot of people set out with on a new project. Someone whose position was pretty hopeless really. Here’s what we figured…

     If Graham could make this work, anyone could. 

For the full story visit: 


Very Best Wishes,


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John Harrison    

  PS.  This could turn the way you live (and make a living) on its head. If you’re looking for more freedom, more money and to have your computer doing all the hard work for you while you get on with your day, you really should get on this right away.

  PPS  I’m only looking for five people to come in on this today. There will be other opportunities later, but just five today. We’re not going to rush this. It’s special.



 This comes with a full 90 day test drive money back guarantee. Take a look today.

The Green Hotel Guide

People choose the hotels they stay in for all sorts of reasons, and an increasing number are interested in the ‘green credentials’ of the place they’ll be laying their head for the night. It’s with this in mind that Green Hotels was set up in Greece. 

To be included in the Green Hotels network, hotels must pass a whole range of tests with regard to their approach to environmental issues. They are then graded on a scale of A through to C, dependant on the level of their adherence to green principles.

Speaking as someone with far more interest in the temperature of the water in the shower than how fuel efficient it is, this isn’t a service I’ll be using any time soon. But the point is that there is a market niche here to be exploited, and if there’s a demand for this in Greece, I’m sure there’s demand in the UK.

Looking at this purely from a business point of view, creating such a network is no different than a network of hotels with swimming pools, fine cuisine, sea views or anything else. Perhaps something for you to consider introducing to the UK then?

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“Not everybody needs to go to university; they can get out and start working straight away.”

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Sir Alan Sugar

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“Being wealthy when no one else is, is like being the only one at the party with a drink.”
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Tim Allen 

Dorm In A Box

When a teenager is going off to University for the first time, they need a whole pile of stuff, and that’s the premise behind Dorm-In-A-Box. The US based service promises to put together everything you might need in one simple package. Because of bulk buying they claim to supply $1,200 of value for $349.

I’m not sure whether anyone is doing anything similar in the UK, but it could be worth investigating. Thinking more widely, are there any other life events or activities which lend themselves to this ‘In a box’ approach?

In the past, for example, we’ve featured a company supplying everything you need to camp at a festival, in one package. There have to be other opportunities to help people save time, money and thinking time by packaging up everything they might need in a particular circumstance.

Today’s National Day  




URGENT – Partners Wanted!    


Over the last few weeks, I’ve putting the finishing touches to a unique opportunity, the like of which we’ve never been able to offer before. It’s the opportunity for a small number of customers to partner with Streetwise Publications and take the helm of a micro-business we’ve created which has already pulled in £1,642,742 as I write this.  

Well now it’s ready, and you are one of the very first people I’m alerting to this today.  

You can find full details online here:


The recent Coronavirus lockdown and an announcement at the last budget which went unnoticed by most people, has turbocharged what was already a highly profitable business. What happened in lockdown and a loophole created by the budget announcement are real game changers. It’s an unprecedented opportunity.   

Who is this perfect for? Anyone who wants to make a great deal of moneyworking in their spare time from home and has access to a PC or laptop.  

Anyway, take a look now. As you’ll see, places on this are very limited (for obvious reasons) so don’t delay taking a look. 

    Very Best Wishes,

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John Harrison    

PS When you join us in this, we will be on hand to provide full back up and support to ensure you succeed.