Do you know what people are more interested in than anything else?
That probably explains the success of a whole raft of businesses which have as their basis, immortalising or representing the customer in some way.
One of the latest things we’ve seen is Voice-Prints, a Toronto based company who will create a visual work of art from a recording of a voice or voices.
The possibilities are many and varied – a babies first words, a couples wedding vows, a crowds cheer for example. All of these and countless others can be immortalised in something you can hang on your wall.
Consumers have a perennial interest in seeing themselves represented visually on just about everything from mugs and coasters to miniature dolls. So it’s hardly surprising that they’re interested in seeing their voices represented too.
What other aspects of consumers persona might they be interested in having represented or immortalised…their brain waves perhaps? I’ll leave you to give it some thought.
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“Laughter is timeless, Imagination has no age and dreams are forever.”
Walt Disney
Alternative Quote Of The Day
“I love restaurants, and that’s the thing now, they always boast about restaurants being ‘home made cooking’… I don’t want home made cooking, that’s why I’m here! ‘cos I don’t like the rubbish at home.”
Lee Evans

Don’t Break The Chain
Here’s an idea Jerry Seinfield used to get better at writing jokes, but you can use it to improve at just about anything.
All you need is a wall planner which has a full year on show. Hang it in a prominent place and then every day that you work on what you’re hoping to improve (writing, copywriting, playing a musical instrument, developing a business…whatever) you get to put a big red cross on the wall planner.
Every day under your belt will add to your chain of crosses, and your only task is this – Don’t break the chain!
So you don’t think about your day to day results – only not breaking the chain. This kind of persistence practice will ensure that you continue to improve.
Today’s National Day

URGENT – Partners Wanted!
Over the last few weeks, I’ve putting the finishing touches to a unique opportunity, the like of which we’ve never been able to offer before. It’s the opportunity for a small number of customers to partner with Streetwise Publications and take the helm of a micro-business we’ve created which has already pulled in £1,642,742 as I write this.
Well now it’s ready, and you are one of the very first people I’m alerting to this today.
You can find full details online here:
The recent Coronavirus lockdown and an announcement at the last budget which went unnoticed by most people, has turbocharged what was already a highly profitable business. What happened in lockdown and a loophole created by the budget announcement are real game changers. It’s an unprecedented opportunity.
Who is this perfect for? Anyone who wants to make a great deal of moneyworking in their spare time from home and has access to a PC or laptop.
Anyway, take a look now. As you’ll see, places on this are very limited (for obvious reasons) so don’t delay taking a look.
Very Best Wishes,
John Harrison
PS When you join us in this, we will be on hand to provide full back up and support to ensure you succeed.