When Linda Katz was learning how to make a website, she set up a tongue-in-cheek site to sell tumbleweed. Being a farmer in Texas, she had an over-abundance of the stuff growing wild.
And then a funny thing happened – people started buying it. A single tumbleweed sells for between $15 and $25 depending on size. Not bad for an unwanted weed.
I’m not suggesting you start selling tumbleweed, but I am suggesting you use this as a mental springboard. People will often pay good money for something which others regard as a waste product or a nuisance.
Do you have access to anything in your life or business which you are currently throwing away or destroying, but which others might be persuaded to buy?
Motivational Quote Of The Day
“Action is the foundational key to all success”
Pablo Picasso
Alternative Quote Of The Day
“I have been privileged to get to know Kenny Daglish and I would call him a friend – though his lawyer would call me a stalker (I don’t know why – just because I was in his garden!).”
John Bishop
Filling The Gaps
The internet has created a number of opportunities for individuals and businesses to make money by helping companies to profitably dispose of their spare capacity.
Companies like Lastminute.com were set up on that premise. The growth of mobile phone apps has created even more opportunities to do the same thing.
Yum Table is a mobile app which connects hungry diners with spare tables and special deals at a location near them. If a participating restaurant has either a spare table or cancellation they can have it listed on the app and find a paying customer quickly. In one sense, plane seats and empty tables are very similar.
They have to be filled within a short time frame or the opportunity to sell them is lost forever. Yum Table attempts to do for restaurant tables what Lastminute did for plane seats.
Might this be something you could emulate or copy? Is there some other product or service category crying out for someone to come in and deal with the spare capacity problem? Something to give some thought to.
Today’s National Day


Dear Streetwise Customer,
If you were to design a money-making strategy from scratch to take advantage of the circumstances we’re currently experiencing, here is exactly what you’d come up with – a business where…
. You can work exclusively from home and never have to leave
the house
. As long as you have a computer with internet access, you’re in
. The method behind it doesn’t just cope with turmoil and
uncertainty…it positively thrives on it.
. You can get started and be making money in days rather than
weeks or months.
. Start-up costs are virtually zero.
How do I know this is perfect for now?
Because the guy who developed it is something of a recluse. He started ‘self-isolating’ years ago before it became a thing, and has run this business from the top of a French mountain, from a remote Swedish farm and from the wilds of northern Scotland…
He didn’t have to self-isolate…he just chose to!
If you find yourself having to live and work a little more remotely in the coming weeks and months…or even if you just like the idea of doing that…then this is perfect for you.
Take a look now and respond today. In every crisis, there are opportunities. Even if you’ve looked at doing something like this before and decided against, think again. Now is the time.
Click HERE for more information
Kind Regards

John Harrison

P.S Uncertain and volatile times are precisely when this works best.
What other opportunity can you say that about?