Tag Archives: Streetwise Bulletins

The Bubble In Retro Video Games

For years, the Nintendo PlayStation existed only in the hushed whispers shared between geeks at comic-book conventions. Nintendo and Sony working together to bring out a games console?

It couldn’t possibly be real. It would be like Coke and Pepsi teaming up to make cola. But the rumours were true. Sony and Nintendo, today arch-rivals in the gaming sphere, had indeed collaborated to make a console in the early 1990s.

Two hundred prototype Nintendo PlayStations were created in around 1992 and 199 are said to have been destroyed when the partnership ended early. Just one model survived and it was kept by Olaf Olafsson, the first president of Sony Computer Entertainment. Olafsson went to work for the Advanta banking corporation and took the console with him. But it was left behind when Olafsson changed jobs again in 1999. When Advanta later went bust, the PlayStation was sold.

Now it has surfaced again – this time as part of an online sale with Dallas-based Heritage Auctions. The highest bid stands at $420,000, with fees. For sure, it is a strange beast, worthy of any 21st-century curiosity cabinet. Part Sony and part Nintendo, at first glance it resembles a Super Nintendo Entertainment System, or “SNES” to those of us who grew up with it (it hit the shelves in Britain in 1992).

The controller is almost identical. Except, look closely and the controller reads Sony PlayStation. Presumably, Nintendo chose to recycle parts of the design after the plug was pulled on the project. The console has been restored to full working order and it can play music CDs. Stranger still, it can apparently even play the games meant for the SNES. Incidentally, the video games themselves are fetching ever higher prices.

Heritage Auctions is also selling a rare copy of Stadium Events: Family Fun Fitness, which was made for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1987. It has been given a 9.2 A+ grade rating by video-game grading group WataGames, which means it’s in pretty good nick. The current bid is $54,000 – for a video game! Games for the NES are particularly collectable. Still, maybe Nintendo should have tried harder to hold the collaboration together. Sony went on to sell 103 million PlayStations.

The SNES “only” sold 49 million units. Nintendo would lag the market for years, while Sega, another big player in the 1990s, stopped making consoles in 2001 to concentrate on video games. That same year, Microsoft entered the fray with its popular Xbox – but not popular enough to worry Sony, as it turned out. The best-selling console of all time at 159 million units sold is the Sony PlayStation 2. With the release of PlayStation 5 slated for later this year that market dominance may continue.

The hottest investments in games, are the games for the Nintendo Entertainment System, which popularised characters such as Link, Mega Man and Mario in the 1980s. A collector who spent almost $1,500 on one game was able to resell it for $12,000. Nostalgia is one reason. Collectors who are now in their 30s and 40s are fond of the video games from their childhoods.

The market really took off in 2018, when WataGames began grading game boxes, cartridges and manuals according to its ten-point scale, much in the same way baseball cards and comic books are graded. That gave the market a certain respectability, leading to a rush among collectors to get in early, and prices have been rising ever since. Last February an unopened copy of Super Mario Bros, from 1985, set an auction record of $100,150 with Heritage Auctions. 

Some see a bubble. Some suspect companies with vested interests of stoking the market higher by creating hype. Still, there’s no reason why video games shouldn’t be considered collectable. Rarity and condition are crucial, so do your research.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“Example is not the main thing in influencing other people; it’s the only thing.”

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Abraham Lincoln

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“I knew a transsexual guy whose only ambition is to eat, drink, and be Mary.”

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George Carlin

Today’s National Day  




 Dear Streetwise Customer,

I want to inform you of a new Facebook group Andi, a member of our staff has set up for Streetwise customers.  This group is for Streetwise customers only. It is a private members only group and we would like to invite you to join it.  

Andi suggested that he would like to host a series of live online training sessions starting next week. These live sessions will cover a range of important topics from creating the right mind set for success – which will be very handy if you have to stay in isolation for weeks or months at a time! – to the many different ways to make money online from home.  

Including how one man made $30,000 a month sharing untruths. Seriously. 

The reason for doing these live sessions is that if you are going to be in isolation for a few weeks then that is a great time to think about your future, your future income and learn new valuable skills.  

It is our way of giving back to you during this strange time and it is also a way that we can interact with our customers better. We can let you know of future products and what we are doing as a business. 

Andi knows a lot about online business and making money online after making quite a bit of it through his websites and various projects. He is the perfect person to be holding live training sessions in the Facebook group… it also helps with him being the only one out of us all who actually knows how to do it! 

To access these training sessions you need to join the group so please click the link below or the image above and request to join The Streetwise Private Members Only Club. 


Being indoors for such a long time could have you climbing the walls and so you are going to need a healthy distraction. Something to take your mind off being imprisoned within your own four walls. 

This time will be a great opportunity to learn some new life changing skills and ways to earn an income. 

From what Andi has said to me, I believe the group is going to be invaluable to you. There is a lot of great stuff which he plans to share into the group. Stuff which I personally believe will make you see the internet and online businesses in a whole new light. 

To join the group click here: 


Kind Regards 

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John Harrison

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Something For The British

Sometimes the difference between a generic product and one targeted at a specific group can be the title. In non-fiction publishing, It’s pretty widely acceptable that the title is responsible for much of books success. Here’s an idea that capitalise on that. It’s a range of books…for the British.

Once you have that concept in your head, possible titles immediately present themselves. Baseball For The British, Bollywood For The British, Haggling for The British, New York for The British. The connecting factor is that each book is about something with which the British may not be familiar, or may have a unique take on. 

This is just one manifestation of the concept of course. It could Just as easily be for another nationality (For Americans) for people from a region (For Yorkshiremen) for people from an occupational group (For Teachers) or for a particular demographic (For Pensioners).

The key is that by focusing in on a particular group, you can turn general information into something which people in that group feel is specifically for them.

I’ll leave you to think how you might use this idea

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are asking what’s in it for me?”
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Brian Tracy

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“I remember when safe sex was a padded headboard.”
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Bob Monkhouse

Where do old footballers go?

In the days before footballers go paid £100,000+ a week, you always knew where you’d find an ex-player after retiring – behind the bar of his own pub. It was the career of choice for any player who hadn’t gambled away his wages. Did you ever wonder why? 

I think it’s because people naturally gravitate towards businesses they enjoy patronising themselves. If you enjoy spending you leisure time in a pub, why not get paid for it instead? It’s the same though process that has led people to open coffee shops, gyms, and myriad retail establishments. But does this make sense? 

Well, yes and no. If you’re an enthusiastic consumer of something, you should have a good feel for what the market wants. That’s bound to be an advantage. But at the same time, it would an extra-ordinary coincidence if the optimum business for you turned out to be the type of business you personally enjoy frequenting most as a consumer. And there’s always the chance that you metaphorically ‘’drink the profits’’. 

The lesson to take away from this is to thoroughly question your motives for following the business path you’ve chosen. If it’s nothing more than an extension of you consumption preferences, it could be worth a rethink. 

Today’s National Day  

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 Dear Streetwise Customer,

I want to inform you of a new Facebook group Andi, a member of our staff has set up for Streetwise customers.  This group is for Streetwise customers only. It is a private members only group and we would like to invite you to join it.  

Andi suggested that he would like to host a series of live online training sessions starting next week. These live sessions will cover a range of important topics from creating the right mind set for success – which will be very handy if you have to stay in isolation for weeks or months at a time! – to the many different ways to make money online from home.  

Including how one man made $30,000 a month sharing untruths. Seriously. 

The reason for doing these live sessions is that if you are going to be in isolation for a few weeks then that is a great time to think about your future, your future income and learn new valuable skills.  

It is our way of giving back to you during this strange time and it is also a way that we can interact with our customers better. We can let you know of future products and what we are doing as a business. 

Andi knows a lot about online business and making money online after making quite a bit of it through his websites and various projects. He is the perfect person to be holding live training sessions in the Facebook group… it also helps with him being the only one out of us all who actually knows how to do it! 

To access these training sessions you need to join the group so please click the link below or the image above and request to join The Streetwise Private Members Only Club. 


Being indoors for such a long time could have you climbing the walls and so you are going to need a healthy distraction. Something to take your mind off being imprisoned within your own four walls. 

This time will be a great opportunity to learn some new life changing skills and ways to earn an income. 

From what Andi has said to me, I believe the group is going to be invaluable to you. There is a lot of great stuff which he plans to share into the group. Stuff which I personally believe will make you see the internet and online businesses in a whole new light. 

To join the group click here: 


Kind Regards 

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John Harrison

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Knowing Your Numbers

I want to start by talking about Coronavirus. Don’t switch off! I know you’re sick of hearing about it. But there is a useful point which I’ll come on to. 

As I write this, there is still massive uncertainty about where the Coronavirus outbreak is going to take us. The greatest minds on the planet,  people who have made a life’s work of studying precisely this kind of virus – cannot come to a consensus on exactly how serious this is and how many people will ultimately succumb to the disease.

And the reason they can’t do that is quite simple – they are missing a key number without which no projections are possible.

We can see how many people are dying with the disease, (but not necessarily OF the disease – a seperate confounding issue which I’ll gloss over for our purpose here) and we have a figure for the number of cases. We also know the size of our population. So it should be simple shouldn’t it?

If there are a 65 million people in our UK population, a thousand cases and 50 deaths, then our mortality rate looks like 5% and we could lose over 3 million people if everyone got it.

But we know this isn’t right. Why? Well there are a few reasons but first and foremost is the key number I mentioned earlier. You see, we don’t actually know the number of cases. All we know is the number of serious cases presenting at hospital, added to randomly by various celebrities, footballers, royalty and rich folk who had the where with all to pay for their own test.

We know there are very many people with mild or zero symptoms infected with Coronavirus, but we don’t know how many. Without that number, any projections about the path and likely toll of the disease are worthless.

As I write this there have been 11,568 positive tests for Coronavirus in the UK and 578 deaths. But these tests weren’t taken randomly – most were taken on people already ill. A death rate of 5% looks terrifying. But what if that 11,568 is the tip on the iceberg, and it surely is? So how big is the iceberg? Without knowing we can’t say whether 578 deaths is indeed terrifying, reassuringly low or somewhere between the two.

To take this to an admittedly extreme example, if 20% of the UK population was already infected (with most asymptomatic or with mild symptoms) then those 578 deaths would be spread over 13 million people, so a one in 22,000 chance of dying after being infected. Nobody is suggesting that is right, but 11,568 cases isn’t right either. The truth lay somewhere between the two figures. 

Knowing your numbers is critical in projecting what will happen with a virus, and it’s also critical in projecting what will happen in your business. Just as the number of deaths is meaningless in isolation in assessing the destructive capability of a virus, so the number of sales is meaningless in assessing the potential profitability of a business project.

You need to know exactly the same things as the statistician trying to understand where a virus is headed…what is the size of your target market (population) how many people have been exposed to your marketing (infections) and how many people have purchased (deaths). It’s only then that you can determine potential. How you do this will depend on what you’re selling and how you’re selling it, but it can usually be done. Testing is the key.

So if you’ve made a 1,000 sales that might sound good to you. But that figure means something very different if only 5,000 from your target market have seen your offer than if 100,000 have seen it. 

I see a lot of people focussing on sales figures without giving these figures real context. It’s only by adding context in terms of the level of exposure to what you’re offering, and the size of the overall market in relation to that exposure, that you can assess what the sales figures mean for long term potential.

To do otherwise would lead you down the path of rejecting potential fortune makers, and persevering with seemingly ‘hot prospects’ which have already eaten into most of their potential.

Let’s hope Covid-19 is a case of the latter. 

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“The longer you’re not taking action the more money you’re losing.”

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Carrie Wilkerson

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“Fun is like life insurance; the older you get, the more it costs.”     

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Tim Vine

Today’s National Day  

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“No Gym, No Problem!”

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 Now Gyms Have Been Closed Temporarily You Might Be Wondering…

 What To Do Instead?

Well if you’re anything like me, the answer isn’t ‘nothing’!

Over a decade ago now we were introduced to an  intriguing  and  unique home exercise programme. We decided to  publish  it  in  limited  numbers and it created something of a sensation, with many of our customers saying it’s the most effective thing they’ve ever tried…

And It Takes Just 7 Minutes A Day!

This isn’t just a ‘make do’ programme because your  gym is closed. It’s a programme which you can use  for life, no  matter where you are without special equipment, and achieve  spectacular  results.

You can find out all about it and hear from some of the people using  it  to transform their fitness and their appearance HERE.

These are difficult times, but it doesn’t mean we have to give in.

With this programme, I believe it’s possible for  you  to  come  out  of  this fitter and healthier than you went in.

Take a look  CLICK HERE and see what you think.  

Kind Regards 

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John Harrison

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The Only Assets That Matter

Keeping it simple is usually a good principle in investing – and that’s definitely true when it comes to deciding what should make up the core of your portfolio. There are only a handful of established, transparent and proven asset classes that have distinctive properties.

Striking the right balance between them is the first decision in any investment strategy. Equities have historically been the best choice for growing your wealth: shares have outperformed bonds and cash in all major markets over the long run.

If you’re young and saving for a distant retirement, you might have almost all your portfolio in the stockmarket. But shares are volatile, so an older investor who wants their wealth to be more stable might choose to keep just half of their assets in shares.

Your property should mean far more than your house: it could include offices, shopping centres, factories or warehouses. History suggests commercial property returns will be lower than equities, but this asset brings steady income and useful diversification.

Most of us will invest in property through Reits, which make up 10%-20% of a balanced portfolio. Bonds have two main roles: as a steady source of income and as a safer asset that does well when shares swoon.

With yields as low as they are, the former now looks less compelling: investors may prefer to stick with equities for much of their income instead of switching entirely into bonds at retirement. But holding safe government bonds helps balance the volatility of stocks, so they could still make up around a quarter of a balanced portfolio even at today’s meagre yields. 

Cash provides a buffer for unexpected expenses, but also means that you are well placed to take advantage of any buying opportunities the market throws up. But too much cash will be a major drag on your returns. An allocation of 5%-10% is sensible in most circumstances. Finally, there’s gold.

Some investors suggest holding commodities in general, but the yellow metal is the only one with a strong case for being a core holding. Gold pays no dividends or interest; in fact, it usually costs you a small amount in storage or management fees to own it.

But it’s a highly liquid and trusted asset that consistently does well during crises. Keeping 5%-10% of your money in gold is a simple way of insuring against a major meltdown

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“Once you say you’re going to settle for second, that’s what happens to you in life.”     

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J F Kennedy

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“One-armed butlers – they can take it but they can’t dish it out.” 

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Tim Vine

The Fruit Box 

The Fruit Box is an Australian company that delivers fresh fruit to company break rooms as an alternative to the usual unhealthy stuff you find in such places.

Ten years ago, the company had two delivery vans. It has more than 50 vans and delivers 600,000 pieces of fruit each week.

Might this work in major cities in the UK? I can see no reason why not. Healthier eating is high on the agenda of a lot of office workers, but good quality fresh fruit isn’t always easy to source and transport when they’re on their way to work. 

Something for an ambitious entrepreneur with huge upside potential.

Today’s National Day  

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“No Gym, No Problem!”

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 Now Gyms Have Been Closed Temporarily You Might Be Wondering…

 What To Do Instead?

Well if you’re anything like me, the answer isn’t ‘nothing’!

Over a decade ago now we were introduced to an  intriguing  and  unique home exercise programme. We decided to  publish  it  in  limited  numbers and it created something of a sensation, with many of our customers saying it’s the most effective thing they’ve ever tried…

And It Takes Just 7 Minutes A Day!

This isn’t just a ‘make do’ programme because your  gym is closed. It’s a programme which you can use  for life, no  matter where you are without special equipment, and achieve  spectacular  results.

You can find out all about it and hear from some of the people using  it  to transform their fitness and their appearance HERE.

These are difficult times, but it doesn’t mean we have to give in.

With this programme, I believe it’s possible for  you  to  come  out  of  this fitter and healthier than you went in.

Take a look  CLICK HERE and see what you think.  

Kind Regards 

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John Harrison

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The £1 Coin Worth £1m

A rare 22-carat gold sovereign from 1937, with a face value of £1, has become the first British coin to sell for £1m. The coin bears the face of King Edward VIII, despite Edward having abdicated in favour of his brother, George VI, the previous year.

Edward had also broken with convention in being depicted facing left, as he preferred his left profile to his right. Since the reign of Charles II in the 17th century, monarchs had traditionally faced in the opposite direction to their immediate predecessors. But Edward VIII was quite a vain character.

Owing to Edward’s abdication, the trial coin, of which six were made, never went into mass production. Edward asked for a set of the coins, but his brother refused. Four of the coins ended up in museums, with the remaining ones held privately. The Royal Mint sourced one of the latter from the US, where it had gone after being sold for £516,000 in 2014. “When the opportunity came along, I felt I could not turn it down.

It was a once in a lifetime opportunity,” says the present anonymous buyer. “I’m aware that [£1m] is a lot of money for a coin, but if I did not secure it now, I’d not get the chance again.” The most expensive coin in the world remains the “flowing hair” silver dollar, which was the first coin to be struck by the US Mint in 1794. It sold for $10m in January 2013.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“The best way to predict  the future is to invent it.”

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Alan Kay

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“Fun is like life insurance; the older you get, the more it costs.”

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Kin Hubbard

3,000 lunches a day-and no kitchen!

A San Fransisco run by two Stanford business graduates provides lunches for over 3,000 office workers in the bay area each day, and they don’t cook or prepare a single one.

Eat Club’s secret is that they are middlemen – reaching deals with individual restaurants each day, negotiating discounts, and then delivering to their customers for a flat $7.50 a head. Nothing fancy – just three menu choices each day.

This seem like an excellent business model – let someone else invest in a restaurant, kitchens and everything else that’s needed, and then simply sell what they produce. If consumer tastes change, the company aren’t locked into one kind of food and can very quickly change supplier.

I can’t think of any reason why a business like this wouldn’t have a great chance of success in any major city – and with much lower risks and start up costs than a traditional catering operation.

Today’s National Day  




“No Gym, No Problem!”

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 Now Gyms Have Been Closed Temporarily You Might Be Wondering…

 What To Do Instead?

Well if you’re anything like me, the answer isn’t ‘nothing’!

Over a decade ago now we were introduced to an  intriguing  and  unique home exercise programme. We decided to  publish  it  in  limited  numbers and it created something of a sensation, with many of our customers saying it’s the most effective thing they’ve ever tried…

And It Takes Just 7 Minutes A Day!

This isn’t just a ‘make do’ programme because your  gym is closed. It’s a programme which you can use  for life, no  matter where you are without special equipment, and achieve  spectacular  results.

You can find out all about it and hear from some of the people using  it  to transform their fitness and their appearance HERE.

These are difficult times, but it doesn’t mean we have to give in.

With this programme, I believe it’s possible for  you  to  come  out  of  this fitter and healthier than you went in.

Take a look  CLICK HERE and see what you think.  

Kind Regards 

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John Harrison

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Making A Success Out Of Failure

There’s something grimly compelling about failure, and for that reason, I expect Simon Jameson’s book to be a big success.

Jameson has started and failed in 10 businesses, and has now decided to turn these failures into an asset. His new book, Badpreneur, chronicles the story of his business downfalls. It isn’t all bad news though. Some of his businesses did make some money, but he lost it all again on the next venture!

Although the book is about failure, the underlying message is a positive one – don’t give up. As Thomas Edison once famously said – “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

Wouldn’t it be the ultimate irony if the one way that really works for Simon Jameson, is a book about business failure!

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.”   



Alternative Quote Of The Day

 “I’m not saying my wife’s a bad cook, but she uses a smoke alarm as a timer.” 

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Bob Monkhouse

Dragons Slayed

Watch a few episodes of Dragons Den and it’s easy to become convinced that the Dragons are infallible. I’ve never held that view (I’ll tell you why in a moment) and the case of Jacqueline Williams seems to prove it.

Jacqueline went on the show to get investment for her Basket Geni invention, a device which prevents hanging baskets being stolen or blown off their hooks in the wind. Despite some encouraging comments, she failed to get any investment.

Undeterred, she pressed on alone and has signed a deal with one of the UK’s leading garden centre distributors, who supply the likes of Homebase and B&Q. The initial order is for 20,000 units with high hopes for massive expansion both in the UK and overseas.

So the Dragons were wrong not to invest? Perhaps. You see, there are many different types of business, and just because you know how to build and run a high street retail chain, or an international company, doesn’t mean you have what it takes to judge whether a new invention is likely to take off, or whether a start-up idea has potential.

This is always worth bearing in mind when receiving advice and opinions about your idea. The person advising you may be successful, but is he or she successful in your specific field? And is their definition of success the same as yours?

That’s the other thing with those Dragon’s you see; where a business bringing in £100,000 a year profit might be Nirvana for you, it’s probably not worth the bother for them. Maybe the Dragons were right not to invest in Jacqueline’s business after all. Their finite time and resources could be better spent elsewhere.

The lesson here I think, is to seek out investment, support advice and partnership from people who understand and are motivated by, the level at which you hope and expect to operate in your business. Aiming for the top isn’t always the best strategy.

Today’s National Day   

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“No Gym, No Problem!”

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 Now Gyms Have Been Closed Temporarily You Might Be Wondering…

 What To Do Instead?

Well if you’re anything like me, the answer isn’t ‘nothing’!

Over a decade ago now we were introduced to an  intriguing  and  unique home exercise programme. We decided to  publish  it  in  limited  numbers and it created something of a sensation, with many of our customers saying it’s the most effective thing they’ve ever tried…

And It Takes Just 7 Minutes A Day!

This isn’t just a ‘make do’ programme because your  gym is closed. It’s a programme which you can use  for life, no  matter where you are without special equipment, and achieve  spectacular  results.

You can find out all about it and hear from some of the people using  it  to transform their fitness and their appearance HERE.

These are difficult times, but it doesn’t mean we have to give in.

With this programme, I believe it’s possible for  you  to  come  out  of  this fitter and healthier than you went in.

Take a look  CLICK HERE and see what you think.  

Kind Regards 

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John Harrison

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The Crack Of Noon

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We often hear from people who are desperately trying to find a new unique business idea. Far better (and easier) to take an existing idea and modify it, or tailor it to a particular group of customers.

A perfect example of this is Executive Tours of California who run tours to Europe. Nothing unique about that, until you find out that these tours are called ‘Crack Of Noon Tours’, and the itinerary is designed specifically for people who don’t like getting up early in the mornings.

So all the excursions and activities are scheduled from noon onwards. Needless to say, there are no early morning flights.

So there you have it. Are there any other products or services that could be adapted for late risers? Or to turn it on its head, are there any products or services that can be adapted for the early to bed brigade?

Once you start thinking about any product or service, the number of potential niche markets you can create for a product or variation to service , is almost infinite.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“Don’t look down on anyone unless you are helping them up.” 

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Jesse Jackson

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“My wife said to me: “If you won the lottery, would you still love me?” “Of course I would. I’d miss you, but I’d still love you.”

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Frank Carson

DIY Food

I don’t know about you, but when I go to a hotel restaurant, I don’t even want to have to think about how the food got from its raw state onto my plate. I just want to eat. But not everyone feels the same way, and the Hotel Vitale in San Fracisco has  a service for those people.

The hotel is situated close to a farmers market, and as a guest you can accompany the chef to the market to select your ingredients for your evening meal. Then, he’ll either cook it for you, or assist you to prepare it yourself, depending on your preference.

This might not be your idea of a great day out, but the fact remains that the popularity of TV cooking programmes means there’s an awful lot of frustrated chefs out there who would love to get their hands dirty under the watchful eye of a top chef….even if it meant cooking their own food and then paying for the priviledge. Could this be a service you coud introduce to a hotel near you.

Today’s National Day   






Is your gym a safe place to be during the Coronavirus outbreak?

I’m really not qualified to answer that, but I know some people have taken the decision to stay away, and in the  coming  days  and weeks  it’s  possible the decision might be taken out of our hands.

So What To Do Instead?

Well if you’re anything like me, the answer isn’t ‘nothing’!

Over a decade ago now we were introduced to an  intriguing  and  unique home exercise programme. We decided to  publish  it  in  limited  numbers and it created something of a sensation, with many of our customers saying it’s the most effective thing they’ve ever tried…

 And It Takes Just 7 Minutes A Day!

   This isn’t just a ‘make do’ programme because your  gym is  either  closed or doesn’t feel safe. It’s a programme which you can use  for life, no  matter where you are without special equipment, and achieve  spectacular  results.

   You can find out all about it and hear from some of the people using  it  to transform their fitness and their appearance HERE.

   These are difficult times, but it doesn’t mean we have to give in.

   With this programme, I believe it’s possible for  you  to  come  out  of  this fitter and healthier than you went in.

   Take a look  CLICK HERE and see what you think.

Kind Regards 

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 John Harrison.

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Energy Ice Cream

Energy foods are big business. We’ve all seen Energy Bars and Energy Drinks of course, but there have to be other food categories where a product could be developed and marketed on the basis of its energy giving properties.

There are a wealth of options, but I don’t recall seeing an Energy Ice Cream. Adding the ‘Energy’ element to an Ice cream could be an interesting and lucrative point of difference.

If you’re interested in getting into a food or drink production business, this ‘energy’ niche could be a good place to start. The technicalities of it should be pretty easy to research, and if you can create something which has both great taste and energy-giving properties, it will have all the hallmarks of a winner.

This sort of opportunity isn’t for the faint -hearted or the uncommitted but it has millionaire-making profit potential.

I’ll have mine in a cone!

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big.”


Donald Trump

Alternative Quote Of The Day

“I want to die like my father, peacefully in his sleep, not screaming and terrified, like his passengers.”

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Bob Monkhouse

You’re Never The Wrong Age

I never like to miss the chance to nail the “I’m too young/old” excuse, and Nathan Clark has given me another chance. Eleven year old Nathan was doing his maths homework and needed to find a ruler.

He looked down at his pencil and that’s when the inspiration hit – why not combine a ruler with a pencil?

He went out and found a manufacturer, but their minimum order was 1,000  pencils. Not having the funds to proceed, Nathan made a video appeal and approuched a fund raising company called Kickstart to raise the $350 he needed.

Three days later over $2,500 had been pledged.

Will this make Nathan a millionaire? Probably not, but with the ambition and drive that he clerly has, Nathan will have a big success on his hands at some stage in the future.

Now consider this, if he can do all this at eleven, do you have any reason for not taking action with your own plans?

Today’s National Day   






Are you worried you’re going to have to “work until you drop”?

Are you tired of working all day, every day to make someone else rich when it’s YOU who should be the one becoming wealthy?

Ian once shared that grief, but now he never has to worry about money again…

Here’s a PROVEN way to make enough money to retire on as soon as you want, never work again and enjoy a fabulous income for life.

And it’s not like you even have to quit your job if you don’t want. You can keep your regular pay-cheque coming in if you’d like while you follow the specific steps of this blueprint in your spare time.

Let us show you everything about this when you click the website below: 


 Kind Regards 

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John Harrison 

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P.S This method works best in times of economic uncertainty and volatility. In other words, it’s absolutely perfect for what’s going on right now. 

Time for a Digital Detox?

Every strong trend experiences some kind of backlash sooner or later. Recent years have seen an exponential growth in the number of people seemingly hooked on the internet and mobile communication devices.

A recent worldwide experiment called World Unplugged found that 1,000 young people reported symptoms similar to drug withdrawal when they were forced to go without the internet and mobile devices for 24 hours.

I don’t think we can expect a mass exodus away from the internet and mobile communications, but there is likely to be a backlash of some kind. It will probably take the form of devices being banned from certain establishments – restaurants for example.

It’s also likely that bars, restaurants and hotels will boast that they have ‘no Wi-Fi’ to attract a particular group of customers who are either averse to the new technology, or simply want a break from it.

It also seems likely that parents, becoming increasingly worried by the level of their children’s mobile and internet use, will become open to more basic child-centred activities, with the focus on fresh air and exercise.

The difficult task for entrepreneurs is to get the timing right. I’m not sure that the UK is ready for Wi-Fi free zones yet, but the time will come soon. Definitely a situation to keep monitoring. As with any backlash, there will be a lot of money to be made when the time is right.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“Our business in life is not to get ahead of others, but to get ahead of ourselves.”  

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E Joseph Cossman

Quote Of The Day

“These are my principles. If you don’t like them, I have others.”

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Mitch Hedberg

A Cut Above 

It’s not unusual to get offered a cup of coffee and a chocolate digestive while you’re having your haircut, but London salon Percy & Reeds have taken the refreshments concept to a whole new level.

When you book a morning appointment online, you’re invited to order in advance from a breakfast menu that includes hot sandwiches, porridge, croissants and cereals. A choice of hot and cold beverages and newspaper completes the picture. Everything is outsourced and simply added to the client’s bill.

In a competitive environment, anything that gives you an edge over the competition can be extremely valuable. Is there an add-on service you can bolt on to your business which will differentiate you from all your me- to competitors?

Today’s National Day   

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Are you worried you’re going to have to “work until you drop”?

Are you tired of working all day, every day to make someone else rich when it’s YOU who should be the one becoming wealthy?

Ian once shared that grief, but now he never has to worry about money again…

Here’s a PROVEN way to make enough money to retire on as soon as you want, never work again and enjoy a fabulous income for life.

And it’s not like you even have to quit your job if you don’t want. You can keep your regular pay-cheque coming in if you’d like while you follow the specific steps of this blueprint in your spare time.

Let us show you everything about this when you click the website below: 


 Kind Regards 

john sig.png

John Harrison 

john harrison.jpg

P.S This method works best in times of economic uncertainty and volatility. In other words, it’s absolutely perfect for what’s going on right now. 

Make Money Scrapbooking

Anyone can put together a scrapbook documenting their life, children or an event, but a lot of people don’t have the time or inclination to do it. In the United States, people who don’t want to do the scrapbooking themselves are hiring other people to do the job for them.

Scrapbooking expert Sue Di Franco reckons it’s possible to earn between £30 and £100 an hour assembling scrapbooks for cash rich, time poor people. Di Franco says that anyone can do it and you don’t need to be particularly artistic. Her experience is that customers prefer simple layouts, and because they’re not scrap bookers themselves, they won’t be comparing your work with anyone else’s.

Just because we’re in difficult economic times, doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of people around with money to spend on things like this. There are. It’s a big mistake to think that everyone is on their uppers. They’re not. Even in the worst of economic times, some people are doing well and are happy to spend money on luxury products and services.

Motivational Quote Of The Day

“Business opportunities are like buses, there’s always another one coming.” 

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Richard Branson

Quote Of The Day

“These are my principles. If you don’t like them, I have others.” 

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Groucho Marx

Clothes Tour  

Here’s a strange thing …a company at the top end of a market, adapting an idea from the bottom end, and making it work.

I’m sure you’re familiar with the concept of the one day sale. A company hire a hall or empty shop unit and hold a one day sale of sports goods, leather goods, jewellery, furniture or something else. These sales almost always operate at the lower end of the market. The key selling point is that this stuff is dirt cheap and it won’t be here tomorrow.

Clemens en August do something remarkably similar, but at the other end of the market. They are a high end Munich based fashion retailer, but their clothes aren’t available in shops or online. Instead, each season they travel to international cities, selling their collections in contemporary art galleries for only three days at a time.

This tour system allows the company to cut out the retail margin, and the selling point is very similar-this is very attractively priced, and if you don’t buy today, it won’t be here tomorrow. Exclusivity is added into the mix.

The concept has been dubbed ‘clothes on tour’.

It’s an interesting concept isn’t it, and I’m sure it’s something that could be applied to other markets. Remember the key factors – a time-limited opportunity to buy an exclusive product at an attractive price. Here today, but gone tomorrow.

Today’s National Day   

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Visit: www.streetwisenews.com/simple