Tag Archives: Streetwise Bulletins

A Quick And Easy Way Make Money

Recently I shared the story of Paul and Gareth who were both really struggling financially due to a combination of increased living costs and being unable to work due to injuries and ill health.

Both men were interviewed by a reporter for Channel 4 news, and after watching the report, I came to the conclusion that they were struggling more than they needed to because they didn’t know what other opportunities to make money were available to them.

You cannot know everything, I understand that, but I think people owe it to themselves to learn what other opportunities are out there.

There are plenty of ways for them to make money that they could do from home with little or no cost to them.

A prime example of this would be the One-Time Small Group Masterminds.

I watched a short video the other day of a guy called Jeff, who was talking about how he could make anywhere between £250 and £1,000 running one-time small group masterminds.

A one-time small group mastermind is where you hold an online video call with a group of people, no more than ten people, and you teach or help them with something specific.

Jeff started a few years ago giving advice and troubleshooting problems people had with their websites.

He personally preferred to host small groups of no more than five people.

He would then be able to spend 20 minutes on each person, talking through his thoughts on their website and giving them personalised advice.

20 minutes per person would mean that he was hosting a call that was an hour and forty minutes long, and for that, each person would pay him $97.

That would make him a rather decent $485.

$485 for an hour and forty minutes talking isn’t bad, is it?

You could do something similar.

You could charge people £97 to sit on a call with you.

You could start at a lower price until you get used to doing live calls.

Jeff already had a following and an email list that were interested in the things he taught and talked about.

But like he said in the video I watched, every Facebook group, Facebook page, Twitter (X) profile, and email list that has thousands of people on it, started with just one.

You may not have an interested following yet, but neither did he when he started all those years back.

It costs nothing to start a Facebook group focusing specifically on a subject that you can talk a lot about.

Once that group swells with people, you can make your offer to host a one-time small group mastermind where you talk about that subject in more detail, or help paying individuals.

It is one of the simplest ways to make money.

Yes, you may need a little confidence to be able to talk to several people online, but confidence usually grows AFTER the event and rarely before, so you will need to get started to build your confidence.

Yes, you are going to need to build up a small following first. You cannot just offer a one-time small group mastermind today if you have no followers because there is no one to take you up on the offer.

There will be a delay between starting and making money, but the delay depends on many variables including how fast you grow your following.

How fast you grow your following depends on things like what your chosen subject is, and what you share in your group, etc.

It is possible that by the end of a week, you could have grown a social media or group to be large enough to offer your calls. I’m not saying that you will for definite, but it is possible.

Remember, you don’t need a lot of people for this.

Two one-time small group mastermind calls per month will require only ten or twenty people and it could be possible to find them in a small following of people who are incredibly interested in your chosen subject.

You don’t even need a website for this money making idea.

You can make your offer, have those who are interested send you an email, and then you send them a payment link or bank details for them to make a bank transfer.

They pay you before you do the call. The money is in your bank account before you talk to anyone.

The call is then done using a free-to-use tool such as Skype.

Once you have done a few one-time small group mastermind calls, you may decide to set up a website with a dedicated page to take payments so that you don’t need to keep emailing links to people.

There are hundreds, if not thousands of topics you can talk about as part of a one-time small group mastermind call.

A few examples could be:

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  • Offline marketing techniques.
  • Online traffic generation / how to get more customers online.
  • Search Engine Optimisation.
  • Optimising your sales pages and sales funnels.
  • How to make money writing.
  • Get the most from your emails. Email marketing best practices.
  • Business auditing and business advice – think Alex ‘The Hotel Inspector’
  • How to get the best out of your employees.
  • How to start an online business.
  • How to start an online agency using freelancer workers only.
  • How to take one piece of content and turn it into multiple traffic sources.
  • Optimise your sales messages to make more sales.
  • How to find the perfect partner.
  • How to make money hosting one-time small group mastermind calls.

That is just a few ideas off the top of my head. The list is endless.

I can’t say exactly what Paul and Gareth could talk about, I’m not sure if car mechanics and welding can be discussed within an online one-time small group mastermind, but I am sure there are other things they could talk about.

If not, they could soon learn something that is in demand which they could talk about.

The point of this article is not to say that Paul or Gareth must or could do this as a way to make money, it is to say that it is just one of many ways to make money that people could do relatively easy from home should they need money.

It is easy to do, it can be free to do, you don’t particularly need a lot of people to make this work, and you can charge a decent amount for your time and help.

In that Channel 4 news report, it was reported that Paul was left with £30 on average to live on once rent and bills were paid.

That £30 was to last the month and included his food and drink. It wasn’t just a one-off, this was every month.

He was in a pretty desperate situation.

It will be eased a little when the government finally gives him the money they said he was entitled to as a person with ill health, but until that money comes; he has to live on £30.

That’s a ridiculously low amount of money to survive on.

If he was to hit Facebook and start making connections through a shared interest of a specific topic and then offered a one-time small group mastermind, he could probably soon find enough people to pay him to join a call.

If he charged just £5 per person, six people would mean that he would double his monthly available spends within a couple of hours.

If he charged more, he would give himself a lot more financial breathing space for the month.

As with anything, what you talk about during a one-time small group mastermind call has to be helpful, useful, and transformational.

It has to be worth the money to those who pay. If they pay you £97 to join a call, the call has to deliver something that will give them a result that is ten times the price.

You need to show them how to either make at least £997, save £997, do something fast and/or easy that will indirectly make or save them £997.

Basically, what you teach or help them with has to transform their lives for the better.

An example of this would be paying £97 to someone to show you how to find a remote working position that paid £3,000+ per month allowing you to work from anywhere in the world, doing just 20 hours per week.

If the help and advice landed you a job that did exactly that, it was £97 well spent.

In fact, that call would be worth more than £97 to the person who now has a different life to the one they had pre call.

The Bonus Product

You should record any talks that you do, and then either give them away as a freebie lead magnet to grow an email list, or to sell it as a product.

Remember, people have paid you to help them, and if you have helped them, the information that you shared would also help other people.

The calls could be sold separately (if they are about different topics) similar to the Pay-Per-View Micro Products I have talked about previously, or bundled together and sold as a premium product.

If what you shared in the calls helped people, you can be certain that there will be others who will be willing to pay to access that content.

You could be earning extra money selling access to those recordings for £47, £97, or more.

I’m not going to say that you can be up and running with people paying to join a call within a day, although I’m sure some people could do it, but it is relatively easy as in the fact that you do not need to spend a lot of money setting this up.

To get started for free you will need.

  1. One or two social media profiles to build a following and/or group of interested and like minded people.
  2. An online video system like Skype, Zoom, and Google Meet.
  3. A way to take payment. Easy enough with PayPal, Stripe, or bank transfer.

This is something that can be worked on from home as long as you have an internet connection.

This is something that you can do when you are desperate to make some extra money, but it is also something that you could do over and over again as a business.

If you can find a steady stream of people who are willing to pay you for your help and advice, you could do two calls a month, or maybe even one a week.

The One-To-One Offer

Another variation of this business is to do one-on-one calls with people for 20 to 30 minutes which you charge a premium fee.

In the screenshot above, you can see copywriter and business consultant, Colin Theriot, has been doing a special offer where he was consulting people for 30 minutes for the price of $100.

Normally he charges $300 for a one hour call.

In the month of October he made $3,000 doing these calls, which at time of writing is roughly £2,456.

That’s not bad is it?

Colin earned £2,456 sharing his knowledge with other people and outlined actions to implement in their businesses.

He was paid to talk, and as the screenshot shows, he did that while out walking.

Colin has a large following; he purposely built one so that he could sell these kinds of services and sell his knowledge in products, so it was easy for him to find people willing to pay him.

But that shows you what is possible.

People like Paul and Gareth may not have an online following to sell consultations to and host one-time small group mastermind calls… yet… but they soon could.

One month of posting to social media profiles and groups multiple times a day, every day, could find you enough people to get started with.

Another thing that people in Paul and Gareth’s position could do is to start an online newsletter.

Newsletters can be incredible profitable.

Only yesterday, I read about a woman who makes around £123,840 a year publishing a newsletter about witchcraft.

That is a story to share with you another day, but for now, if you would like to learn more about how easy it is to start a newsletter that can make you a lot of money, click the link below:

The EASIEST Way To Start A PROFITABLE Newsletter!

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… Have a quick look back through this article and see what is involved in creating it. There are a couple of real life examples and stories of people, it outlines a way to make money, and it includes an image.

This article is a newsletter!

Let’s say that it took a couple of hours to create, if you had 200 people paying you just £5 to access your newsletters, this one piece of writing would earn you £1,000.

That’s not bad, don’t you agree?

Here’s that link again:

The EASIEST Way To Start A PROFITABLE Newsletter!

Could George Orwell’s ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ Make You Money?

I recently read about an artist here in the UK who spent thousands of pounds collecting 6,000 copies of Dan Brown’s bestselling book The Da Vinci Code and turning them into copies of George Orwell’s 1949 classic, Nineteen Eighty-Four.

David Shrigley, 55, first had the idea for the project he calls ‘Pulped Fiction’, after seeing charity shops requesting people to stop donating Dan Brown’s popular book due to them being inundated with them.

The Da Vinci Code was so popular, that once people had finished reading it, many decided to donate their copy at charity shops which meant that for several months, the bestseller was being dropped off in large numbers.

He originally had the idea in 2017 and when he had amassed 6,000 copies of The Da Vinci Code, he had them pulped and then had Orwell’s book reprinted on the new paper that was produced.

Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four fell out of copyright in 2021 which means that it is now in the public domain, which means that anyone can take that book and published it as their own product and keep all 100% of the profits.

Due to the large costs involved with pulping the 6,000 Dan Brown books and reprinting Orwell’s book on the new paper, his new version of Nineteen Eighty-Four have a price tag of £495.

That comes with a 40 minute documentary and the books are numbered and signed by Shrigley himself. The Swansea Oxfam store is selling the books which I believe will raise money for Oxfam.

Shrigley has gone to a lot of effort and hassle to reprint the new versions of Nineteen Eighty-Four. It was part of an art project and a way to bring some attention to the fact charity shops were often inundated with the same books that they struggle to sell, as well as raise money for charity.

You, on the other hand, you can publish books that are in the public domain incredibly fast and cheaply.

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In a previous article I talked about how a guy called Matt Kirkland had built an email list of over 200,000 people by releasing Bram Stoker’s Dracula book as a newsletter.

Dracula, just like Nineteen Eighty-Four, is in the public domain and is free to use as you wish.

Obviously, you wouldn’t pass it off as your own work, far too many people know the book, but you are free to reproduce the book and sell it without paying any licensing fees or royalties.

I dare say that you could give Nineteen Eighty-Four away for free as an eBook and grow an email list focusing on conspiracies. The book is loved by those who think they are being controlled by a group of elites.

You could use Nineteen Eighty-Four and possible create a product around it somehow. I’m not sure as to what kind of product, but taking Matt Kirkland as an example, there could be a newsletter there at least.

The public domain is a huge resource of content that people can use to make money.

Discover more here:

Public Domain Profits – How To Make Money Using Other People’s Work!

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS…  Click the link above and you will learn how people like Rhonda Byrne and Bob Proctor have made millions of pounds by using books that are in the public domain.

How A Lack Of Awareness Keeps People Struggling

I happened to come across a video on X (Twitter as it was/is better known as) taken from a Channel 4 News report about the current cost of living crisis.

The report was dated the 24th of this month so it is very recent.

In the clip, the reporter spoke to two guys, Paul, 57, and Gareth, 55.

Both were forced to use the local food bank in Weston-super Mare due to not being able to afford to buy food.

Paul is a qualified vehicle repair technician and mechanic but sadly had to prematurely give up work due to ill health.

He currently receives £843 per month on Universal Credit, but is due to get more because of his health issues. He has yet to receive that extra money.

He is struggling due to a recent hike in rent which now costs him £620 per month.

After paying rent, bills and insurances, Paul is left with an average of £30 per month to spend on anything else, and that included his food and drink.

He lives alone in a small flat consisting of a small kitchen, a small bathroom, and a room that is both his bedroom and sitting room.

As a way to save money, Paul keeps the lights off as much as possible.

Paul admits that he is very lucky to have a good neighbour who helps him by buying things such as milk so that he can enjoy a warm cup of tea.

He is forced to ration his money and now only eats one meal a day to preserve food.

When asked what he had eaten the day before, he told the reporter that he had eaten fish fingers and beans as his only meal.

Gareth was in a similar position to Paul. A welder fabricator by trade, he too was forced to give up work after a spinal injury affected his hands leaving him unable to hold things steady.

Gareth told the reporter that on occasions he had been forced to share a tin of tuna with the cat due to the fact he couldn’t afford to buy much food.

OK, I have to be very careful what I say here and how I say it.

There are a lot of people struggling at the moment and there are a lot of impoverished areas in Britain. I cannot deny that…

But what I do find frustrating is that there are a lot of people who simply do not know of ‘other ways’ to make much needed money.

I am not going to say that they are all easy and that they will make tens of thousands of pounds in the first month, but there are ways for people who are struggling to make money which could give them the room to breathe a little more easily.

Most of what I suggest is online and so they will require electric and access to the internet to make them work, but that isn’t such a hurdle either.

I have previously reported about a guy called Mike who was homeless and living in a tent in a park in Portland, Oregon, who went on to build several 7-figure business thanks to using the computers at the local library.

The big difference between Mike, Paul and Gareth is that Mike knew that he could make money writing articles for other people. He also knew that he could access the laptops for free at the local library to get online.

There are many ways to make money from home using the internet, but when money is tight and people are rationing their use of electricity and possibly cancelling their internet service, they could be making it harder on themselves.

But, there are many places they can go which they could use until they are in a better position.

Many coffee shops and cafes now offer free access to the internet and allow people to plug their devices in.

Libraries and other public places offer free internet access and allow you to use their lights and electric.

When using a coffee shop you will need to buy a drink and possibly some food which is not going to be easy if you really are strapped for cash, and over the long term, it doesn’t work out any cheaper than working from home…


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It is a great alternative to help you get started.

Working from a coffee shop or public space that is accepting of remote workers is good because it means that you can enjoy their lights and heating while saving money by not using yours.

As for people like Paul and Gareth who are basically at rock bottom and can’t afford to buy drinks, going to coffee shops may not be a viable option, but they could go to libraries and do some research and learn a new skill.

I have talked numerous times about how people make money writing articles for other people, writing and sending emails, creating digital products such as eBooks, newsletters, and video courses.

They could be a fantastic way for people like Paul and Gareth to make extra money.

Even if Paul made just £10 a month from one of the above, he has basically increased his available spending money from £30 to £40 which may not sound a lot, but percentage wise, it is a huge 33% increase.

There is no reason as to why he couldn’t earn more.

Yes, it can take time to build an online empire like Noah Smith who is reported to earn a staggering £800,000 a year from his paid newsletter about economics.

But… and I have to be careful how I say this… Paul and Gareth are not working so they have quite a bit of time available to work on an online business.

The point of this article is not to bash people who are down and struggling; it is to point out that most people don’t actually know what opportunities are available to them.

Sadly, people don’t know what they don’t know.

They are kept in the cycle of struggle because of a lack of knowledge and awareness.

There are many opportunities available today that could really help people out of a hole.

They may not be right for everyone, but for the short term, they could be a real life saver.

They could really help get people back into some kind of normality where they are not forced to sit in the dark eating only once a day and sharing their food with the cat.

In the video here: The EASIEST Way To Start A PROFITABLE Newsletter! you will discover how to start a paid-for newsletter for free.

It is incredibly easy to start a subscription based daily/weekly/monthly newsletter.

There are platforms which you can use that don’t charge you a penny until you are making money.

This makes it incredibly affordable for anyone to get started with. Plus, a lot of the content can be created offline meaning that you only need to connect to the internet when you have something to upload.

For now, don’t think about the potential thousands of pounds that you could earn, think of making your first extra £100 and then grow it.

Get started… make some money… then ramp up your efforts.

If you would like to know more, go to:

The EASIEST Way To Start A PROFITABLE Newsletter!

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… If you watch the video, you will see how easy it can be to create your own video newsletter and paid-for content.

Everyone has something other people are interested in learning or hearing about. There are more than enough people in this world that will willingly and happily pay to see, read, or hear what you have to say.

The more important, controversial, useful, or exciting it is the larger the number of people who will happily pay to access it.

It’s Really Not About The Hustle And Grind!

Over the last few years there has been a lot of talk about the need to hustle and grind constantly if you want to be successful.

An industry has grown around the constant hustle and grind.

Online ‘gurus’ and marketers have been encouraging people want to be successful and wealthy to hustle and grind every available hour.

They push this idea that if you are not asleep, you should be hustling. Otherwise you won’t be successful.

This is… how do I put it… a load of old bullshit!

Firstly, the hustle philosophy is similar to the law-of-attraction philosophy in that it is something simple that everyone can do. Hustle basically means ‘doing’ and everyone can ‘do’ something.

And if a ‘hustler’ fails, it can be explained away by blaming the person insisting that they hadn’t ‘hustled’ hard enough.

It is an industry which the encourager cannot be blamed and sued as there is nothing to sue for.

Hustle = effort.

And so if someone doesn’t succeed, it’s simply passed off that they didn’t put enough effort in.

The truth is that the people you see encouraging other people to hustle hustle hustle, have teams of people who do most of the hustle for them, and… it isn’t necessarily the hustling that gets them their results.

Financial success is not always about how hard you work; it is very often about what you deliver, at what price, and how many people pay for it.

You can work very hard digging ditches but it is unlikely to make you wealthy. One person will pay you for your efforts, that’s it.

Moving soil from one place to another takes a lot of effort, but it won’t reward you with a lot of money.

However, sitting on your sofa in your slippers, wearing your ‘comfies’ writing a weekly newsletter, while sipping on a mug of tea and nibbling biscuits can change your financial situation in ways working hard digging ditches cannot.

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You see, financial success doesn’t come from hard work; it comes from supplying a lot of people with a product they want at a price most people are willing to pay.

That product can be incredibly simple and easy to create and deliver.

What matters is that the product is needed by a large number of people.

Yes, you need to get it in front of people, and yes, that isn’t necessarily a five minute job that you do just once.

You will need to get people to buy your product… but you don’t need to hustle and grind every hour of every day.

An 8 to 12 page PDF newsletter (access to a webpage or short video) needs doing just once each month and can be sold for a price between £5 and £97 (depending on the subject matter and its ability to transform a person’s life).

One person paying you £5 for your newsletter (access to a webpage or short video) is £5.

But 200 people paying you £5 for the same newsletter is £1,000.

2,000 people paying you £5 for the same newsletter is a cool £10,000!

2,000 people paying £5 per month for your newsletter is a rather decent £120,000!

With over 5 billion people globally using the internet each day, it shouldn’t be hard to find a couple of thousand newsletter subscribers.

The money is not the result of the constant hustle and grind, but the amount of people who are buying your newsletter or products.

Hustle and grind is useful, but it doesn’t need to be constant. If anything, constantly hustling will probably take you away from success.

Hustling is often nothing more than being ‘busy’ and being busy is often mistaken for being productive.

Being busy and being productive are two very different things.

A lot of people spend their time being busy and have nothing to show for their efforts.

That is because they are busy with the wrong things and they don’t give themselves time to sit down and reflect on what they are actually doing.

People often spend their time over working and making things complicated.

Instead, they should be creating and publishing simple content which they get paid for multiple times.

If that sounds like something you need in your life right now, click the link below to discover more:

The EASIEST Way To Start A PROFITABLE Newsletter!

Newsletters are one of the easiest ways to make money online today.

People love to read and they love to learn, and newsletters deliver great content directly to people’s phones.

The best thing about online digital newsletters is that they are super easy to do and you can publish one from wherever you are in the world.

It is an easy way to make money that you can take with you on your travels.

To learn more, go and watch the video now.

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… If you watch the video, you will see how easy it can be to create your own video newsletter and paid-for content.

Here’s that link again:

The EASIEST Way To Start A PROFITABLE Newsletter!

Controlling The Vice President With A Dummy Thermostat

The other day I read that the US President, Lyndon B. Johnson, was so obsessed with room temperature, that when he was Vice President, he developed an annoying habit of haranguing the flight crew about lowering or raising the temperature in the cabin.

Apparently the flight crew were so fed up of him pestering them about the temperature; they had a ‘dummy’ thermostat fitted in the conference room.

Johnson would be up and down happily fiddling with the thermostat changing the temperature to suit his needs… completely unaware that the thermostat wasn’t wired into the heating and did absolutely nothing.

It was reported that Vice President Johnson never pestered the flight crew again after the thermostat was fitted and was ‘happy’ that he could control the temperature as and when he wanted to.

I don’t know how true that story is, but if it is true, it is a great example of people being bluffed by their perception of reality.

It reminds me a little of the people who appear on television shows such as Eat Well For Less, who are convinced that they can tell the difference between the expensive brands of food they buy and a cheaper alternative.

8 times out of 10, they can’t.

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When the alternative is revealed to them, they are shocked and surprised that they were wrong.

Unless something tastes completely different, very few people can actually tell the difference between brands.

They think they can, but when all of the wrapping and branding is removed, people struggle to tell the difference.

Some people surprise themselves with the fact they often prefer the cheaper alternatives to the expensive brands they have been buying.

Very few people realise that what they like and enjoy is often influenced by:

  • The price of a product.
  • What they see other people enjoying.
  • Advertising
  • Branding

If people believe that they will enjoy something because they have seen other people enjoying it, that they are paying for a superior quality product, and because the advertising shows people having a great experience consuming that specific product… people will buy into it and enjoy those products.

It’s not always the case, there are certain foods and drinks that I cannot stand and no amount of advertising or influence will make me enjoy them, but on the whole for a lot of people who don’t have strong dislikes of a specific product, it can.

Vice President Johnson believed that he could control the temperature, and it seems that he didn’t question it. He enjoyed the control even though he didn’t actually have any.

The perception of control – the belief that he had control over the heating – was enough to keep him happy.

If anything, the flight crew were controlling Johnson’s behaviour.

They had far more control over him than he had control over the temperature in the room.

You’d think that he would notice that the temperature in the room didn’t actually change and that he wasn’t really controlling it, but the perception of control was so strong, it obviously overrode the ability.

Maybe his own body temperature was in a constant state of flux and so whenever he moved the thermostat, it felt like he was controlling the temperature because his body temperature changed not long after.

The truth is, not everything is as it seems.

The question is… are you being influenced without realising?

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… If you haven’t already, click the link below to discover the easiest and fastest way to build an online business:

Your First £1,000 Online

Act Now! … Or Lose Money!

Strike while the iron’s hot is a well known expression meaning ACT NOW.

It is sound advice.

If you don’t strike while the iron’s hot, and instead allow things to cool off, you will not get the results you desire.

A prime example of this is someone on my team who wrote a children’s book six years ago which has still not yet been published.

He wanted the book to have an illustration at the end of each chapter but instead of paying someone on Fiverr to do them for him, he accepted the offer of a close family member to do the illustrations.

Apparently they wanted to be an illustrator but were still in the learning phase.

On top of that, they suffered an ongoing health condition which heavily hindered their learning.

Wanting to support this family member, he waited patiently for them to recover and learn in their own time.

He could have gone to Fiverr and hired someone to do the work, but he wanted to support them and not make them feel any worse than they already did.

Sadly, six years have passed and there are no illustrations and the book has still not been published.

OK, this is slightly different to simply not getting illustrations made as he was trying to support a close family member and help them to develop specific career skills that unfortunately didn’t happen as planned, but… it is the same outcome… six years on and he has not been able to enjoy any rewards from his efforts.

The point is this…

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Far too many people have a product or project that is 70%+ complete that just needs finishing, but they never get around to it and so they don’t get to enjoy any results or benefits that would have come from that product or project.

Had he decided to get illustrations done by someone on Fiverr who is already working as an illustrator, he would have had six years of sales to enjoy.

We can’t know for sure how many sales he would have enjoyed over the six years, but what we do know is that by not getting the book published he has not had one sale.

You cannot enjoy sales if you don’t get anything out to market. It’s as simple as that.

If you don’t do something at the time it needs doing, or at the time you had the idea, you will not benefit from it.

Time will pass and before you know it, six years have flown by and your idea or finished product/project is still sitting in the corner gathering dust.

Whatever ideas you have, or whatever you are currently working on, make sure that you complete it so that you can enjoy the benefits of it being finished.

If you are not in a position to complete something right away due to time or money constraints, plan a way to ensure that the project/product gets completed, and actively work on that plan.

If money is the issue, find a way to make more to help bankroll the project, or put a specific amount aside each week.

If time is your issue, look at where you are wasting time so that you can reclaim some back so that you can work more on your project. Or pay someone to do the work that you are struggling to get done due to a lack of time.

The most important thing is to get the project/product finished so that you can enjoy the fruits of your labour.

Yes, there are no guarantees that what you create will be successful, but a finished project/product has a greater chance of success than an unfinished one.

Plus, a finished product that isn’t as successful as you first hoped, can still be used in other ways to help increase your chances of success.

An eBook that doesn’t sell as many copies as you would have liked can become a series of emails or newsletters, a free giveaway to grow an email list, or even a series of videos on YouTube.

A finished product can do so much good for you and your life.

Now… if you are someone who is not interested in creating products or working on projects and would prefer a simpler less involved way to make money, you should take a look at Dan Edwards Z15 Profit System

There is nothing for Dan to finish or complete. He makes a couple of checks and decides on what football games he wants to trade.

He doesn’t wait until the end of the game either, he is like the SAS, he gets in and out as fast as possible.

There’s no sitting around waiting for the final whistle. He takes his profit and runs before the game starts warming up.

If you would like to know exactly what it is that Dan does, click the link below:

The Z15 Profit System

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… This is something that can be done from wherever you are using a smartphone or a tablet. It takes a few minutes to learn and a few minutes to implement. It is one of the simplest methods we have ever shared.

Here’s that link again:

The Z15 Profit System

Pay No Tax… And Enjoy The Benefits Of Big Profits!

I was talking to a guy recently who told me that he had made a nice £15,000 extra with a side business he was working on in his evenings.

He loved the fact that he had fattened out his bank account with that extra money, but he wasn’t so happy that a large chunk of it will be taken by the taxman.

The problem here is that by allowing that money to build up in his bank as profits, he had given himself a large tax bill.

One of the problems is that he wasn’t using that money for ‘business’ purchases or to grow his business.

This is the secret to setting up a business…

A business allows you to purchase items for the business that you can use yourself which reduces the tax bill… and also adds an extra level of protection to your possessions.

I remember watching a clip from one of those television shows that followed debt collectors and bailiffs around.

In this clip a team of bailiffs called on a guy who had failed to make payments on a car he had bought on HP (I believe) and the bailiffs came to seize items as a way to recover the lost payments.

The problem for the bailiffs was that they could not take many of his personal items to make up for the lost money due to the fact they weren’t actually his… they had been bought by his company.

He, the individual person, was struggling financially and was in debt, but the company he owned and ran wasn’t in such a bad way and he had bought a lot of equipment and furniture through the business.

The car was in his name; his other items were in the name of the company.

He had kept all of the receipts to prove what he had bought through the business meaning that the bailiffs could not remove those items.

Obviously, I am not saying that you should be buying everything through a business as an accountant can only hide so much before the tax office becomes a little suspicious, but you should certainly use as much of the money as you can to ‘grow’ the business and purchase business related products.

For example, if you use a laptop and a mobile phone to make money online, buy them through the business.

Not only does that reduce the amount of tax to pay because those purchases are ‘expenses’ which lower the profit figure, it also means that the laptop is owned by the company… that you can use.

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Starting your own business is a great way to make money… and it is also a great way to pay for ‘toys’ that you may not necessarily be able to afford normally.

I know of a writer who needed a new laptop but his personal financial situation meant that he was never out of his bank overdraft, yet his business bank account was full of money and he was able to buy a new laptop.

With the laptop being a tool of his trade, he was able to purchase it and offset it against tax reducing his tax bill while being able to enjoy new tools.

Usually, people who work for an employee, they can only buy toys such as laptops and mobile phones with the money that is left after tax has been paid.

People with their own companies, can purchase those items with their profits and lower the amount of tax they need to pay.

I remember a few years ago, a politician was given an important position of being the Secretary of State for Business and Trade (or something similar), yet the running joke was that his family business had been running at a loss for many years.

Truth is, that is probably a good business because the ‘profits’ were being invested back into the business, buying new equipment (and toys), lowering the tax bill to the point they were deemed as making a ‘loss’.

The fact that the family business was still running for many years, even though it was technically making a loss, tells me that it wasn’t actually making a loss; it was funding the family well in one way or another.

I imagine that they had a good accountant who was reducing the tax liability to zero using one or several loop holes and methods.

The point of this article is to show you how having your own business can actually benefit you in different ways and that a business that is not making a ‘tonne of profits’ is not necessarily a bad thing.

It can be good.

For example:

Let’s say that you start an online business where you sell information products such as eBooks and eCourses giving you a decent £1,000 per month.

Instead of banking that money each month and giving yourself a tax bill to pay, use it to drive more people to your website, build your email list, and create more products.

While you invest every penny that you make for the first year or two, you will pay nothing in tax.

While you earn £12,000 you are also spending £12,000 to grow the business, meaning that you will not pay any tax as you are not technically making a profit.

What you are doing though, is spending £12,000 of other people’s money on building a business that is going to pay you a lot more in the future.

Eventually, you will grow your business to the point that you will be making a lot of sales and a lot of money.

Yes, eventually you will be forced to pay tax on your future profits, but while you use today’s profits to grow the business and buy equipment, you are benefiting greatly without having to pay tax.

Reducing your tax bill takes a lot of ‘ducking and diving’. It’s about knowing how to best use your money, what to buy, and when. It’s a little like hiding your money in plain sight.

It can be quite a bit of work.

There is an easier way.

And that is to use a system to make money where the profits are completely TAX-FREE!

For those that are not yet aware, gambling in the UK is tax free due to the fact that most people lose more money than they actually make.


There are people who make consistent profits using simple easy-to-do systems.

Take The Easy As 1-2-3 Betfair System by John Banks for example, John makes a couple of simple checks to see which horses qualify and then he places his bets.

It’s as easy as that.

There is nothing complex to learn, or any complicated working-out to be done, simply check that a specific criterion is met, and you are good to go.

You could be doubling your money every 3 to 4 weeks with this system.

Learn more here:

Easy As 1-2-3

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

P.S… You can started right away with just £100 and after 6 months, you could be sitting on a decent tax free £12,800!

Here’s that link again:

Easy As 1-2-3

Turn A Small £125 Investment Into £5,000

During a planning session this morning, I was mulling over an idea on how to turn a small £125 investment into £5,000… or more.

I don’t know about you, but I think £5,000 is a fantastic return for an investment of only £125.

I know that this is more than doable. It happens a lot, more than you realise.

The £125 investment that I have in mind is the cost of a website for two years.

That is two full years of an online property that can be accessed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, for two years, by people from all over the world.

There is nothing that can compare to having a platform that can be accessed 24 hours, 730 days, by potentially millions of people, for the price of just £125.

Go and take a quick look at your local newspaper or property websites for rental retail units in your area and see how much the rental costs are each month.

£125 probably won’t cover the weekly rent for a tent in an empty park, and yet here you have a website online for a full two years.

That is an incredible price.

Now, to make £5,000 or more, you will need to monetise that website by either selling a product, services, or advertising space.

Over two years, £5,000 works out at just £208.33 per month.

Obviously, each month will be different and the first few months may earn nothing and the income figure will grow, but on the whole, to make £5,000 over two years, you need to make around £208.33 each month.

Let’s quickly round that up to £209.

£209 is not a lot of money.

It breaks down to £48.07 a week, or £6.84 a day.

That is not a lot of money to ask for, is it?

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With there being over 5.47 billion unique daily internet users – approximately 67% of the entire global population which currently stands somewhere around 8 billion people, it shouldn’t be hard to find people who are willing to buy digital products from you each month.

You will need to create some content to fill out the website, but it doesn’t always need to be a lot.

It depends on what subject your website is going to be about.

I remember reading about an Australian guy who created a website about ‘positive affirmations’ which was (at that time) generating over £800 a month promoting an affiliate product he found on Clickbank.

The content on that website was something like five articles written around a few specific keyword phrases, and one YouTube video which was embedded on the website.

The content he created was shown to people who searched Google for those specific keyword phrases.

He was getting a lot of free site visitors each month from Google and earning over £800 a month.

£800 a month over two years would give him a decent passive income of £19,200!

Obviously, the first month or two might not have earned him £800, and later months may have earned more… but we can safely assume that he made over £10,000 at least, possibly £15,000, from that one website.

And it would have cost him no more than £125 to get up and running.

He may have paid someone to create the content for the website, I cannot remember, but even so, I doubt the overall cost was more than £500.

He has made a lot of money back from that small investment.

You do need people to visit your website if you want people to buy products or generate advertising income, and that means that you will need to figure out how to drive people to it.

But even if you don’t actively send people to your website, you would be incredibly unfortunate to not make a profit on your investment.

You only need two sales of a £97 product to make back your investment with a profit.

You only need 13 sales of a £9.99 product to make back your investment with a small profit.

Over a two year period, it is highly likely that you will make those sales anyway.

Random sales happen all the time.

People randomly land on websites and occasionally sales do happen.

If you have set your website up to have a decent set of online signposts pointing back to it, you should get a lot more than just a handful of sales.

Another option would be to rent premium spots on the most visited pages of your website.

Imagine that your website was getting 5,000 visitors each month and that they viewed five pages, you could rent advertising space to one or two companies for £100 or £200 a month who are looking for more exposure.

The advertising has to be congruent with the content on your web pages and relevant to what the site visitors are looking for.

Let’s say that you created a website around the niche of moving to a specific country, a company that specialises in helping people relocate to that country may be happy to pay you for every new customer that they get from your website.

You can either charge a monthly fee to promote their services or get paid a commission whenever someone hires them.

There are many ways to monetise a website, the point is this… a website can cost as little as £125 for TWO years!

It’s a ridiculously low price and everyone should be able to at the very least double their investment over that two year period.

But they should make a lot more… A WHOLE LOT MORE!

If you would like to really see how easy it can be to build a website that will make you money, click the link below:

How To Build A Profitable Website Fast WITHOUT Knowing Anything About Building Websites!

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… A website can make money by…

  • Selling digital products such as eBooks and PPV Micro-Products.
  • Revenue from showing adverts.
  • Renting advertising space to one or several companies.
  • Promoting affiliate products.
  • Building an email list to sell affiliate and digital products.
  • Selling online courses.
  • Selling a daily/weekly/monthly newsletter.
  • Selling the website to investors looking for starter websites or profitable online businesses.

Here’s that link again:

How To Build A Profitable Website Fast WITHOUT Knowing Anything About Building Websites!

How To 12 Times Your Profit From 1 Book

I have talked a few times about how profitable it can be writing and publishing a book.

A non-fiction book that teaches people something specific can be incredibly profitable.

Even a book priced at just £9.99 can make a person a lot of money if enough people buy it.

5,000 people buying a £9.99 book will generate £49,950.

Some books sell millions of copies.

If you self-publish the book yourself and sell it as a digital download, then you get to keep most of that money.

There is little cost to selling eBooks from your own website.

If you sell it via a publishing house, then you will earn a percentage after their costs are taken out.

Whichever way you publish a book, you can make a decent amount of money from them.

I want to share with you a way to make more money from a book than just the price you sell it for.

In fact, you can make 12 times more… possibly more than that.

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Books have chapters and if your book has 12 or more, you can create a yearlong course/newsletter that has 12 (or more) modules which you release each month.

Let’s say that you have written a book that you sell for £9.99 that teaches people how to build an online business focusing on using free social media platforms only.

You could take each chapter and turn it into a monthly module where you expand on it more by showing examples or case studies.

This module could be released as a simple PDF that is delivered via an email or added to a specific member’s area where people subscribing to your course can access all of the modules.

You can even read the chapter out into a video and expand on a few points by sharing a few examples and stories. This is an incredibly simple way of turning a book into another larger product.

You could charge somewhere between £5 and £25 per month to access this ‘extra’ content. Obviously, price depends on what you teach and what you deliver.

If one person subscribes at £5 per month for the full 12 months, you have made £60 for basically the same content that you were selling in a book for £9.99.

Remember, price is determined by the transformation it can have on a person or their life.

For information that entertains or simply informs, you can only really charge £5 or £10, but if you what you share can change people’s lives in ways they thought not possible, then it is worth a lot more.

If you show people how to earn an extra £50,000 a year in passive income, then £97 a month isn’t too much to ask, but if what you teach can only make them an extra £1,000 a year, then a £97 per month is a little excessive.

What you deliver has to give at least 10 times in value what people pay you for it.

Whether they actually do what you show them, or make it work is irrelevant, that is on them.

Price accordingly and you should be able to find a decent amount of people who are willing to pay you for your information.

There are over 5.47 billion unique daily internet users. That is approximately 67% of the entire global population which currently stands somewhere around 8 billion people.

I’d be surprised if you were unable find a few thousand people who are willing to pay you each month to learn something new out of that amount of people.

So, if you have written a book, or are planning on writing a book that has 12 or more chapters, you should also consider creating a monthly/yearlong course with each chapter being a monthly module for which you can charge more for.

There is no reason as to why you cannot do both.

If you do publish your work as a book and as a monthly course/newsletter, add a little extra content to the monthly version so that it is slightly different and no one is going to accuse you of overcharging for your book.

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… if you haven’t already claimed your two FREE copies of our popular newsletter, Streetwise Confidential, click the link below:

Two Free Copies Of Streetwise Confidential

Make £2,500+ Each Month Sharing Stuff Already ‘Out There’!

What you are reading now has been inspired by reading someone else’s article online.

A lot of what I write about is inspired and influenced by what I see and read online.

Reading and watching short videos online is a great way to get ideas to write about.

In a previous article I shared with you a great idea for creating videos and podcast by reading other people’s content and recording yourself talking about what you had read.

It is a super simple way to create online content that you can profit from.

People love information, and they love opinion. If you share information and opinions on specific topics, you can make money.

Another fantastic way of making money is to share information via a newsletter.

I have talked several times about this recently, and the reason for this is that newsletters are probably one of the easiest ways to make money online.

They are one of the easiest online businesses you can start.

There are numerous platforms you can use for your newsletter:

  • Gumroad
  • Patreon
  • Payhip
  • Substack
  • Email

To name a few…

A newsletter can be as easy as curating content from other websites and sharing it with your readers.

Here’s the thing that I want to expand on today…

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Your newsletter can be about anything!

People think that the best earning newsletters are those in the ‘make money’ niche, but that is not necessarily true.

Yes, there are people who are making a lot of money with them, and that is because they can generally charge more money per month for them.

Some people charge £97 per month for newsletters that teach people how to make money.

But on the whole, the newsletters that are really doing well are those with thousands of subscribers who are only paying £5 or £10 a month.

You don’t need to charge a lot of money per month and you don’t have to write about making money.

If you find 500 people willing to pay you £5 per month, you are making a decent £2,500 per month!

Find 1,000 or more and you are making over £5,000 per month!

How does that sound?

Finding 500 subscribers in a global population of over 8 billion with nearly 67% of those accessing the internet each day, shouldn’t be too difficult.

Finding subscribers is probably the hardest part of publishing your own newsletter, but with so many people online and gathering on free-to-use social media platforms each day, it isn’t as hard as you may think.

Let’s take football as an example.

Football is a popular worldwide sport with millions of fans globally.

There are plenty of teams, players, and leagues to write and talk about, with most of the information already online for you to ‘borrow’.

You could potentially create a newsletter that focuses on football and your opinions of teams, players, and individual games.

You should be able to find at least 500 paying subscribers, but if you don’t, there are other ways to monetise your newsletter such as signing up to be an affiliate for the numerous bookmakers and betting exchanges and earn commissions promoting those websites and services within your newsletter.

That would be a fantastic way to generate money as a lot of football fans love to have a ‘cheeky punt’ on their team.

Bookmakers and betting exchanges pay good commissions. Affiliates generally earn more than 90%+ of the people who use their services.

Most people who have a ‘cheeky punt’ don’t use any system or plan; they just place a bet on a ‘hunch’ or a ‘hope’.

Dan Edwards isn’t one of those people; he only places money on games where specific research shows that he has the best chance of making money.

He doesn’t wait until the end of the game either, he is like the SAS, he gets in and out as fast as possible.

There’s no sitting around waiting for the final whistle. He takes his profit and runs before the game starts warming up.

If you would like to know exactly what it is that Dan does, click the link below:

The Z15 Profit System

Kind regards.

John Harrison.

PS… This is something that can be done from wherever you are using a smartphone or a tablet. It takes a few minutes to learn and a few minutes to implement. It is one of the simplest methods we have ever shared.

Here’s that link again:

The Z15 Profit System