A while ago, I wrote about ‘F**k it!’ being the two most damaging words in the English language.
I’m going to follow that up with four more words which are incredibly damaging.
The four words are a saying which I am sure you have heard many times… you may have said it yourself a few times.
I heard it recently in the street while being overtaken by a young couple pushing a pram.
I might be wrong saying this and accused of being a little ‘judgmental’, but they looked like the type of people who said it a lot.
And that phrase is… ‘I can’t be arsed!’
Truth is… a lot of people can’t be arsed to do things which would be incredibly beneficial to them.
A large number of people are simply lazy and choose pleasure and entertainment over doing something which requires a little bit of work.
Many people take the easy route and avoid anything which means they may experience a little bit of pain and discomfort.
Not a lot of pain and discomfort mind… just a little.
Don’t get me wrong… I don’t believe people should spend a lot of time doing things they don’t enjoy if there is nothing of benefit for them.
When it comes to business and making money knowing when to stop when something isn’t working is essential. You don’t want to be flogging a dead horse.
But for many people, that would never be the case, they simply ‘give up’ as soon as the going gets tough or when something doesn’t seem to give them what they want with ease.
Generally, the ‘can’t be arsed-ers’ usually give up before they start.
When they learn that something is required of them, something that is a little painful, they give up and walk away.
But that usually leads to further extended moments of pain and discomfort!
A prime example of this would be waiting in a queue to order food…
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I remember once watching a couple who spotted a fairly large queue of people waiting to order food and realising that they may need to stand and wait for five minutes, the wife uttered the words ‘I can’t be arsed’ and left.
They couldn’t be arsed to stand and wait for a few minutes. They didn’t want the five or ten minutes of discomfort of standing around.
Maybe standing and waiting patiently for a few minutes was too boring and painful for them.
This is the funny bit… well I think so anyway…
I saw them an hour later wandering around still looking for somewhere to eat. By that time, they were more hungry and irritable and squabbling like children.
I think the term is ‘hangry’.
When you are hungry and that hunger has made you angry and irritable, you are ‘hangry’ apparently.
This couple must have been pretty hangry from the way they were snapping at each other.
If they had only waited five or ten minutes in that queue, they could have been sitting down and eating food quite quickly.
But they chose to avoid the small amount of discomfort of queuing and wander aimlessly for the next hour or two instead.
Maybe they went and did a few other things and weren’t personally bothered about their decision, I don’t really know.
All I do know is what I saw and they were still hungry when I saw them later and they were close to brawling in the street.
That is the point of today’s article… very often, avoiding the smaller amounts of pain and discomfort leads to bigger amounts of longer lasting pain.
A bit like life regrets.
A person who wanted a better life for themselves but decided that they couldn’t be arsed to do XYZ because it meant they would experience a little discomfort, pain and effort, later on in life are affected by the painful reminder of what they wanted to do and the pain of regret for not doing it.
That type of pain and discomfort lasts a lot longer than a few minutes… for many, it is ongoing until the day they die.
Giving up too soon because you can’t be arsed is future destroying.
Everything we do has a knock-on effect on something else.
When we don’t do something, we do something different instead and that will give us different results.
All I ask is that whenever you feel the urge to say I can’t be arsed….know that choosing to avoid small amounts of discomfort can lead to larger amounts of discomfort.
Ask yourself… what is the reason that you can’t be arsed and what would happen when you don’t do the thing you can’t be arsed to do?
For example…
If you are struggling to spend ten minutes at 8 AM checking a specific financial market and are thinking of giving up because you can’t be arsed, know that the little amount of discomfort felt each morning is nothing compared to the pain which comes from not having plenty of spare money that trading can give you.
Dave Houghton doesn’t experience the pain and discomfort of not having any spare money because of the fact that he spends ten minutes each weekday morning watching one financial market.
It takes him just ten minutes and makes him between £110 and £350 a day.
When Dave sees what he needs to see he sets up his system which then goes to work and makes money for him while he goes and does other stuff.
Setting up is incredibly simple because it relies on looking at two specific numbers and then subtracting one from the other.
If the answer is the one you want, you set the system up and go on with the rest of your day.
That’s it…. All incredibly simple.
Watching a market and waiting ten minutes at 8 AM really is not a great hardship and is far less painful than struggling financially… wouldn’t you say?
If you would like to know how you too can make between £110 and £350 most weekdays, click the link below
The A Minus B System
Kind regards
John Harrison
PS… One thing you should know is that this system is not a here today and gone tomorrow system .It will work for the next 10… 20… 30… 40+ years.
It takes as little as ten minutes in the morning to set up, and then it is left to do what it needs to do.
Here’s that link again: