I find people interesting, especially those who complain at the emails they receive… after requesting to receive those emails.
I can only assume that is what happens when someone complains about the emails I send which are completely non-offensive.
There are days when I write an email and I sit back in my chair and think ‘that may ruffle a few feathers; I bet someone will complain about it’.
The strange things is that those emails don’t generally get complained about… believe it or not, it’s the ones where I share something factual and useful that ends up with a complaint.
I noticed that I had one complaint about an email I sent recently which explained how we make a lot of money, and then I shared the fact that they could do it too.
There was nothing that anyone could complain about… unless it was a full on card carrying anti-capitalist who had infiltrated my email list.
I can only assume that they didn’t like receiving the email, although they had signed up for them… or they were not happy at what I had presented to them.
But it was all true, and it is something that anyone can get started with.
Yet, oddly, that one email received a complaint.
I guess they didn’t like the subject matter… or, as I keep stressing, that they don’t like getting emails from me which is crazy considering they had requested them by joining my email list.
Still, it happens… and it still amazes me which emails get complained about and which don’t.
I really thought that one was safe.
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But that is the nature of business, there will always be people who complain and moan about what you do even if you do absolutely nothing wrong.
People are individuals that work on emotion and opinions and if those emotions and opinions are based on faulty thinking or faulty conditioning in the past, you’ll never be able to convince them that they are wrong.
Once their mind is made up… it’s usually made up for good… well, for bad.
It can be soul destroying when you are being targeted by people who are wrong, or in some cases, simply out to destroy you.
Several celebrities have committed suicide because of self-obsessed and self-opinionated people who believed they had a right to hound those celebrities over something that didn’t actually concern them.
Businesses and business people are often the target of haters who have nothing better to do with their lives.
Part of being successful is to know that these people exists, and not allow yourself to be dragged into a slanging match with a pillock.
As the author, Mark Twain, famously once said:
“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”
It is true; these people could represent their countries at the Olympics because they have so much practice.
Sadly, a lot of them also complain that they don’t have enough money.
If only there was something they could do about that?
I mean, they never have the time to do anything, right?
But they do manage to find the time to constantly fall out with people online and send abusive messages.
That right there is the problem.
It is a personal decision that they fail to own.
They choose to waste their time complaining and arguing with other people online.
If they took a step back and took stock of what they were doing with their time, they would see that there was more than enough time and opportunity to change their lives – and the lives of the people around them – for the better… if they used that time differently.
Imagine that whenever one of these people felt the urge to hit social media to rant at someone or write an email to say something that doesn’t really need saying, they decided to do something more positive and beneficial in their lives instead.
How better would their lives be?
Imagine that they decided to write a page of content for a book every time they felt the urge to argue with people on social media, they could have something that they could sell and make extra money with.
You see a lot of people arguing on social media and they spend hours trying to prove other people wrong.
And at the end of it all, nothing changes for either party.
It’s comical at times.
Time is something that we don’t have a lot of in life and so why would you want to spend that time arguing with people when you could be using it to make life more enjoyable and more comfortable?
Instead of responding to people who are talking complete codswallop on social media (not that I’m saying that you do), why not read something that would give you ideas on how to make more money instead?
It makes more sense, right?
I have something that you could read should you ever get the urge to argue with wallies on Facebook and whatever Twitter is called these days… is it ‘X’ now, or something?
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John Harrison.
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