I See A Lot Of Potential Profits With This…

Following on from a previous article (Can You Earn Six Figures A Year Building Websites?) where I told you about a website that was for sale and the owner was looking for £22,000, well, today I was told about another website that also sold for £22,000.

This website had 1,200 articles which were mostly written by AI and then touched up by human hands.

This website was generating between £630 and £955 each month.

Whoever bought the website did so as an investment.

That website is generating a passive income each month.

At the lowest earning range of £630, it would take just under 3 years for the buyer to make his money back.

With a little planning and maintenance the website could earn over £955 each month meaning that the buyer could earn his investment back within 2 years.

After that, once the running costs are accounted for, it would be all profit.

£22,000 is a decent amount of money to make for a website.

I cannot say how much of that is straight profit as I don’t know what the running or build costs were, or how much the selling fees were, but it is safe to say that they have made a big chunk of profit from that sale.

The more I think about it… the more I believe that there is a lot of money to be made selling websites.

I was shown a series of emails from a company that specialises in selling websites, and in those emails were a few of the latest listings.

In one email, 3 of the 4 websites for sale were ‘starter websites’ which means that they have little or no visitors and are earning little or no income.

All 3 of the websites were priced at £800 or more.

One of the 3 websites has been bought and the asking price for that website was £1,400.

I don’t know what the buyer paid for it as there may have been more than one person bidding on it.

Potential buyers can submit offers and so it is possible that it went for less than the asking price… or it may have sold for a lot more if there were multiple people bidding on it.

The website was in the cat (pet) niche which is a very profitable industry.

Another website which focuses on lawn mowers and earning an average £220 a month was up for sale at £6,600.

This website is a couple of years old but if it sells for £6,600, that is still an incredible return.

There are people who build multiple websites to sell and they can be making far more money than most people do working hard in a day job.

The average annual UK salary is set to reach £29,588 in 2023; we have already seen people selling individual websites at £22,000… at that price it wouldn’t take many website sales to smash through that.

I think there is a lot of money to be made building and selling websites… but there can be a lot of work involved if you are looking to sell websites for prices above £20,000.

I believe that there is a huge market for ‘starter sites’ which sell for over £1,000 each.

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The starter sites that I used as examples had quite a lot of articles added to them and were built as a way to generate passive income from advertising revenue and affiliate sales.

I believe that there is an audience for websites that have just 3 or 4 pages and a couple of digital products.

These websites have:

  1. A simple landing page to build an email list with a free digital product (lead magnet) that is either delivered by email or a download page.
  2. A sales page with a ‘Buy Now’ button, and a paid digital product that is either delivered by email or a download page.
  3. 5 or 7 pre-written follow-up emails.

This starter site is built ready for people to start working with and I believe could be sold for up to £1,997possibly more.

People are not just buying a website; they are purchasing the exclusive resale rights to a digital product and the sales page that goes with it.

They are also purchasing the exclusive rights to the digital product that is given away to build an email list.

They are buying a ready-made online business where they can start sending people to as soon as they have paid for it.

Products don’t need to be anything big; they could be a simple eBook.

As long as the quality of the eBook is good and it covers a topic that a lot of people want to know more about, then you should have a product that people are willing to buy… and a product someone would be willing to buy from you to sell as their own.

I see a lot of profitable potential with this idea, but it gets better… as well as creating these product-loaded websites to sell as ready-made businesses to other people, you can create your own and earn a passive income from the sales of your own digital products.

Let’s say that you create a product-loaded website about the popular ‘keto’ diet to sell, you can take the same content you used to create the landing page, the sales page, and the products, and rebrand it all and use it as your own.

Basically, you create two versions of the same website and products and you keep one and sell the other.

And when you have made plenty of sales through your own website, you could sell it for more than the first one because it is an established business with a history of making money.

If this sounds like something you would like to do, Andi, our techy guy, shows you exactly how to create simple digital products along with their own sales pages…


He also shows you how to build the website and put everything together so that you have a fully finished automated passive income system (that could be sold for £1,997) of your own within 30 days or less.

Learn more here:


Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… If you follow everything in The 30 Day To £30K Challenge, you could quite easily have 12 of these websites made over the course of a year.

That’s 12 websites you can either sell, or have as your own fully automated passive income systems making sales 24/7.

Here’s that link again:

