I See Huge Potential With This

While reading a few articles online this morning I was struck with a business idea which I think could be implemented quite quickly.

This business would grow by leveraging other people’s work and ‘egos’.

As with everything in life, there will be some investment required, but I believe that done right, this will start to see a return quite quickly.

As we know, people love to make extra money and they prefer if it wasn’t hard work either.

They also like to be seen by other people as being ‘good’, ‘important’, ‘special’, ‘clever’, ‘right’ and many other ‘ego boosting’ opinions.

This business model leverages those two points.

The focus of this business idea is ‘other people’.

Other people will benefit from this business.

Other people will provide the product of this business.

Other people will share and grow this business.

So what am I thinking about here?

I am suggesting that you start a website where you pay people £5 (or more) to write articles for you.

The website could focus on a specific niche or it could simply be about anything and everything.

As I sat reading the articles online this morning, it dawned on me that several of these writers were being paid by the website which made money from showing adverts and charging people a monthly subscription fee.

One of the articles I read explained how one guy was making £80+ each day through his website from advertising revenue using the Google Adsense network.

In that article he said that you needed a steady flow of content and that the money he was making was due to the fact that he had several hundred articles on his website.

As always, this got me thinking.

If you were to pay people £5 to write and publish one short article per day to your website, you will have 365 articles after one year.

The cost of that would be £1,825.

That is not an upfront cost, that is the cost after one year and if you have set things up correctly, you would be earning money back from the website itself before then.

There is an upfront cost of roughly £150 for the website which is for two years. That is a cracking price when you consider what you can earn from it.

You should request – stipulate – that the people who write for you share the articles they write across their own social media platforms.

Most people will anyway because of ‘ego’. They want to be seen and noticed for their work. It’s basic human nature.

If you have seven different articles written in one week by seven different writers, you have seven people who are sharing their articles which are on your website.

In a nut shell, you have seven people sharing your website with other people.

According to Google, the average American has 634 connections online across several social media platforms. That number will be echoed around the world.

That means that the seven writers who published content on your website would have a potential 4,438 connections that could be exposed to your website.

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I’m not saying that this is 100% accurate and exactly how it will play out but you can see where I am going with this.

The people who you pay to write articles on your website are adding content and sharing the content with their friends and family.

Imagine that over the course of a year you have 100 different writers contributing to your website. Those 100 writers could have a potential pool of 63,400 connections that they can send to your website.

£5 is not a lot so you may not get the best writers in the world, but you may get some decent writers who simply want to make some extra cash without a lot of hassle.

This could be ideal for young writers wishing to get some exposure and experience at writing for other people.

You could always pay more if you wished.

Now, the object of this is to start making money back from your website as soon as you can.

Once you have a steady stream of content going onto your website and a growing stream of website visitors, you should apply for one of the many advertising networks – Google AdSense, MediaVine, Outbrain, Taboola – so that you can monetise the content.

At first you may make a few pennies a day. Then you’ll make a pound or two which will then lower your content cost from £5 to £4 or £3.

Income will grow until the website is paying for itself and then after that, it will be making more money than what you are paying out for content.

Once it gets to that stage you can then either pay writers more to get better content or increase the content from one article a day to several so that there is more content to be shared and read.

The more content you have on your website means more page views which means more advertising revenue generated.

Don’t forget, there are other ways to generate money from a website too. You could charge people to access specific content or sell digital products such as eBooks.

Some websites charge a monthly subscription to access all the content without having adverts flashing at them.

When it comes to running a successful website, publishing content regularly and having it shared by other people across the free social networks like Twitter and Facebook is very often the key.

A website is nothing without content or readers.

This idea addresses both. You have content being published each day and those writers – and you – are sharing that content across social media.

Some writers may not want to share the content they write, if they don’t, don’t use them again… unless their content was great.

To avoid that problem, it may be a good idea to focus the content of the website on a specific topic which people love. The type of people who will happily write about it and share what they write.

To be paid to write about something they love to talk about is a big bonus for some people.

As you will know by now, I always recommend building an email list, that and sell a digital product or two.

You can do both when you have your own website. And as I said early, a website can cost as little as £150 for two years. It’s not much compared to what you can earn back.

So there you have it… a complete business idea which I know will make someone a lot of money… could that somebody be you?

Kind Regards

John Harrison

PS… To learn how to build a website fast ideal for the above business model and grow an email list alongside it; go to:

The Email Secret

PPS… If you think writing emails is hard, if you use the business idea laid out above, you will have a whole website full of content that you can use in your emails making the whole process a lot easier!