Whenever I see an article online about everyday people making a lot of money I have to read it to see if it is something that either I can do or I can share with people like you.
I know that everyone is different and they don’t all want to do the same thing. It’s nice to find something that is different especially if it is something that other people can copy too.
The other day I was reading about a guy who was making over £800 a day selling items on Amazon using his ‘lazy side-hustle.’
He would research what other products were selling well, sourcing the same or similar products on the Chinese Alibaba website and then have stock sent directly to an Amazon fulfilment house so that they could ship out the products to customers.
He said that his ‘lazy side-hustle’ was a simple 3 step process.
- Find out what is selling well on Amazon.
- Source products from China and have them sent to Amazon.
- List the products on Amazon and let them do the payment processing and shipping of products.
It sounds simple enough in theory… and it also sounds relatively easy.
There is no heavy lifting to be done, no going to and from places sourcing materials or products and no processing of sales or dispatching products to customers.
The business model laid out in the article is known as dropshipping and is quite a popular and profitable business model, there are quite a few people making a lot of money dropshipping products using Amazon FBA (Fulfilment By Amazon).
But do you know what I found more interesting than the article itself?
The comments responding to the article by readers.
I think it is safe to say that those commenting are the type of people who are unlikely to be successful in most things because they were throwing all kinds of obstacles and hurdles in front of them before trying.
They were making objections where none were needed and they had doubts which were unfounded. They questioned the validity of the claims and made up all kinds of silly accusations.
This reinforced the idea that there really is a difference between the way successful and wealthy people think and those who are not successful.
One of the comments left was one that I hear all the time…
‘If it was that easy, everyone would be doing it.’
I love this saying because although it may make sense in the head of the person saying it… it completely ignores a whole range of other factors.
For a start, only a small amount of the population knows about ‘other ways’ to make money.
Most people know about ‘leaving school and getting a job’ because it’s the norm. We are taught about it at school, we are told by our parents and peers that we need to get a job, we see it around us every day. It is how society functions and we all know it.
But very few people actually know about the other ways to make money.
On top of that, a hell of a lot of people are suspicious. We have been told by our peers that…
‘If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is’.
Have you ever noticed that those who say it the most are far from wealthy or successful?
There are two big problems with that saying:
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1) If you know nothing about a specific subject, when you learn something that is incredibly impressive, by virtue of the fact you know nothing about it, it will sound too good to be true.
Go to the Amazon rainforest and find a lost tribe who have never seen a television then show them a chat show; they are going to be bold over by such ‘sorcery’.
They won’t believe their eyes and may even feel afraid. I bet you some of them will walk behind the television looking for the people on the screen. ‘People in a flat box? How is that possible? Where are they?’
2) The saying ‘if it’s too good to be true, it probably is’ might have its origins as a phrase used to keep the working masses down and to stop them going above their station.
The last thing industry and big businesses needed in the good old days was staff leaving to ‘go it alone’ and chase their dreams.
People now echo that saying without actually thinking about it. They certainly don’t question whether their use of it is correct and they never check to see if what they are saying it about deserves it or not. It’s a phrase that is so easy to say.
Don’t get me wrong, you do need to question some things in life and do your due diligence because there are many unscrupulous people out there who will try and scam vulnerable and naive people… but that doesn’t mean that if something sounds too good to be true to you, it is.
In most cases, it sounds too good to be true to you because you don’t really know what is possible.
And as I always say, people don’t know what they don’t know.
With a little bit of research, you’ll find that something isn’t as fanciful as first thought and is actually real.
Which leads me to the other main problem with people… a lot of them are lazy.
Not only are they too lazy to try things to see if they work or not, many are too lazy to even spend a few minutes researching or learning whether something is too good to be true or not.
It’s far easier to dismiss it and leave a negative comment than it is to actually spend any time looking to see if it works or not.
I know for a fact that you are not like that; you have an open and inquisitive mind. That is why you are reading this.
You know that there are other ways to make money and that a lot of those ways are far easier than actually working for a living.
Thanks to the technology and tools we have access to today; anyone can buy and sell products globally without any physical involvement.
Thanks to the technology and tools we have access to today; anyone can use their money to make money from the comfort of their own homes.
It’s not fanciful or too good to be true; it is a reality for many people.
One such person is Kate Davies.
Kate generates between £750 and £1,725 every month trading the markets using nothing more than her smartphone… while she works out!
Kate wanted to share her success with others and so she approached us here at Streetwise and asked if we could publish her manual which outlines in great detail everything she does each morning that bags her an extra £750 – £1,725 each month.
She makes that money in the morning before going to work.
That is £750 – £1,725 EXTRA money each and every month which is also TAX FREE!
I know that some people would claim that what Kate does ‘sounds too good to be true’, but that is their loss, not hers.
People can think and say what they want, but it means nothing to those who are actually making money without busting a gut.
If you would like Kate to show you everything she does leaving no stone unturned, click the link below:
Kate Davis’ Treadmill Trader
Kind regards
John Harrison
PS… This really is one of those ‘teaching a man to fish’ systems. Once you know what to do, you can pull money out of the markets each and every month for years to come.
And remember, it’s TAX FREE!
Here’s that link again: