If You Do Nothing, Nothing Changes!

Sometimes, I just don’t know what to say.

People buy products and services which they believe (or hope) will make them a lot of money, but don’t actually do anything with what they have bought.

A perfect example of this is someone that I recently saw on Facebook share the fact that they had bought into a specific business opportunity that came with training on how to use social media to make sales…

And since then they have done nothing more than share funny pictures or make (factually incorrect) political and religious statements.

They even shared posts asking for suggestions as what to do on their days off from work.

I don’t know about you, but I would have thought spending time on the new business opportunity you had invested a considerable amount of money on would be the first thing on your mind when you had a spare day or two.

Surely, you would want to get your investment money back as quick as possible, wouldn’t you?

The only way to do that would be to get stuck in and work on your new business venture.

You can’t buy a bread making machine and expect to have fresh bread each morning if you don’t even take it out of the box.

Even then, you still need to do more than take it out of the box, stick on the shelf, and plug it in. That’s just setting it up ready to work with.

You still need to actively do some work to make the bread.

Still, what people do no longer surprises me.

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People will spend a lot of money on products and services which they think will solve their problem of not having enough money… but as soon as they need to do something, they don’t bother.

Why spend the money in the first place if you do not intend to do the work required?

The problem is that a lot of people want someone else to do the work for them or for it to all work on autopilot as soon as everything is plugged in.

Unfortunately, that is rarely going to happen.

The way to make things work is to consistently work at them and do what is required each and every day.

If you buy the resale license to a product along with the training on how to sell it, you should get right into the training and each day do what you are shown to do.

You simply cannot buy something and then carry on as before while expecting money to flood your bank account.

As the saying goes, if you do nothing, nothing changes.

You have to do something to make the changes you want and expect to see.

Just buying a product or service is simply not good enough.

You need to do something to make those products or services work for you.

Like the bread maker machine, you can have the best tools and services to hand, but if you don’t use them or work with them, you cannot enjoy what they can give you.

Kind regards

John Harrison

PS… Talking about having the best tools to hand, if you are looking for a simple way to make money using just your smartphone or a tablet, go and take a look at:

The Z15 Profit System