The other day I overhear an elderly couple bemoaning the prices of travel insurances for the year. They were looking at going on a cruise and then hopefully popping to visit family somewhere in Europe.
Getting insurance for the year works out better than for a week or two, but the price for the couple, who are in their late 70s, was £700 for the year.
Well, there were two packages apparently, the gold package was £700 and the silver package was £500.
I don’t know what the difference is with those two packages.
Maybe with the gold package they ship you back to the UK if there is a problem, the silver one probably sends you to a local hospital then leave you there to rot.
The couple were not a fan of insurances, it sounds like they have had issues in the past where insurances have not paid out… a familiar story to many.
Unfortunately, life is governed by insurances; you cannot travel abroad, drive a car or have a mortgage without having insurances in place.
They are a necessary evil… or a legal evil as some will say.
While you may not be able to change the fact that you need insurances for everything or control the costs of them… you do control the money you use to pay for them.
£700 to a couple in their late 70s may be a lot of money, but it equates to roughly £1.92 a day.
Obviously, I am not going to interrupt the couple and suggest that they ‘make that money’ somehow… but I was thinking it.
I know that most elderly retirees do not want to work or spend their time making money…
But I can’t help but think that those who are clearly healthy and active with a lot of time on their hands, why don’t they find a way to pay for those extra treats and luxuries?
I know this couple quite well and they are active and they are relatively healthy.
They have even complained at times that they needed a hobby as they were often bored.
If that is the case, finding a hobby that makes the money to pay for those costly extras would be a good idea… wouldn’t it?
Especially if they are active and looking for a hobby to keep them busy.
If they don’t find a way to make that money, they are simply using up their pension and savings.
The better option is to ‘use other people’s money’ to pay for the things you dislike such as insurances.
And to do that, you need a way for people to hand their money over to you.
You can either sell them a product or a service… there is a third option which I will share shortly.
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£1.92 is such a small amount; there are many ways to make that kind of money.
If the couple in question set themselves a target of just £10 a day Monday to Friday, they would make an extra £2,600 which would go nicely towards holidays, dreaded insurances and other expenses.
If they aimed to make £100 a week, that would be a nice £5,200 extra for the year.
There are a lot of ways to make just £100 a week. Many of them can be done from home online.
I know that this couple are not overly technically minded, well the husband likes to dabble but the wife avoids modern technology at all costs.
She prefers to moan about it and use the excuse that they are in the ‘70s’ and so people should accept that they are not good with modern technology.
I have a problem with that attitude due to the fact that a lot of our customers are of a similar age and they haven’t let age stop them.
Many of them have embraced modern technology and the internet. They have chosen to thrown themselves into learning as much of it as they can.
They happily do it.
Age most certainly does not stop a lot of our customers, and so it annoys me a little when I hear others saying that it does.
It says more about that person individually rather than a whole generation… but that is a discussion for another day.
Ok, so let’s say that you want to make £100 a week, which is just £25 a day.
You can sell items that add up to £25, or you can sell one item which gives you £25 profit, or you can sell one item which is higher priced and covers the full £100 or even the monthly £400 in one fell swoop.
One example I can give, which I know isn’t going to be for everyone, and that is the live online training session.
Today there is a copywriter who is giving a live training session on how to ‘critique’ other people’s copy and create an extra income stream from their copywriting skills.
The price of the session is £100 or £50 if you are on his email list and use the discount code he emails out.
He only needs four people to pay him £100 or eight paying him £50 to make the monthly goal of £400.
He regularly holds live sessions. I’m sure he makes several thousand pounds a month from them.
Now that may not be for everyone, but live training sessions can be about anything and everything really.
I’ve seen artists giving paid lessons on how to paint with water colours; it doesn’t just have to be about online marketing or copywriting.
Another way to make extra money is through writing.
There are people who get paid to write articles, emails and reports for clients online.
They write using Google Docs or Microsoft Word and when they are finished they either email them a link to the document, email the document itself, or upload it to a shared folder like Dropbox.
They do this from the comfort of their own homes at a time that suits them, and depending on who they are writing for, one or two articles could earn them £400 or more.
Usually an article or email can earn around £30 to £50, but like I say, it depends on who you write for.
Another way to earn £100 a week is to use a horse racing system.
One that has proven overtime to win more than it loses giving a decent profit.
One such system is System 903.
Instead of people buying from you, with a horse racing system you ‘win’ the money from them.
Basically, they willingly give it to you without you giving them anything for it.
The reason this system is named System 903 is because it can generate around £903 a week in tax free profits… more than enough to cover those dreaded travel insurance costs and other annoying bills.
It is simple enough to do, can be done from the comfort of your sofa on your smartphone, and there is very little to learn.
The only other thing you may need is a notepad and a pen to do some basic arithmetic, but you could do that on your smartphone too if you wish.
To discover how you too could make £903 a week, click the link below:
System 903
Kind Regards
John Harrison
PS… Please note; there are only 250 copies of System 903 available and numbers are dwindling. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. No more will be printed after the last one has been sold.
Here’s that link again: